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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 102 KB, 723x954, welcome to a..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9799694 No.9799694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What other boards do /jp/ visit? /g/ has its share of touhou wallpapers in desktop threads.

>> No.9799700

Touhou is internet culture now, everyone knows about it.

>> No.9799718
File: 1.82 MB, 2093x3005, tumblr_masdfgv1r5pvhjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vg/ for the Diablo 3 and Katawa Shoujo general

>> No.9799719

Only /jp/ and some off-board threads that get linked.

>> No.9799723

/v/, /q/, /b/


>> No.9799725
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1342362591742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. I'm not a dirty crossboarder.

>> No.9799726

You can't hide your shitty style script with that crop.

>> No.9799728

I visit /jp/ and /jp/. I would like to visit /tg/ but I know it will never again be what it was.

>> No.9799729

>Anime and Manga

Crossboard scum, please leave.

>> No.9799737

A few /g/ people like Touhou and use Touhou wallpapers and styles, but I doubt they're regulars here or they would have grown out of it by now. Being a Touhou fan does not a /jp/er make.

That said, I visit /prog/ and occasionally /dqn/.

>> No.9799739

That is almost five hours from now, what the fuck.

>> No.9799751


>> No.9799754

/adv/, /mlp/, /vp/, /hm/, /y/, reddit, /mai/

>> No.9799755

So OP cannot even browse the site properly? What a faggot.

>> No.9799760

oh, and /soc/, of course

>> No.9799764

mainly /a/ and /c/ and the other japanese culture boards
sometimes some other boards.

>> No.9799773



>> No.9799775

You probably think only ‘newfags’ don't use the scripts you use, but you'll grow out of it. A lot of /jp/ers are perfectly aware these scripts exist (and capable of using them) but we choose not to. Mull over that on a rainy day.

>> No.9799784
File: 100 KB, 540x720, USA USA USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did timezones make someone a faggot?

>> No.9799782

Only /jp/ and /r9k/.

>> No.9799790


More people should be crossboarding faggots. Stop posting all your shit in /jp/.

>> No.9799786

Just saying that if he has to change the site to adapt to his shitty time zones, maybe he should move to a better one.

>> No.9799787

/an/ and only /an/

>> No.9799798

Please do not misuse spoilers and fuck off back to your board.

>> No.9799793

It's a normal site function now. Just click settings.

>> No.9799795

I used to frequent /g/, then it became absolute
>le implying when those desktop feels
shit and I left.

I visit /prog/ and /jp/.

>> No.9799797

And why should you even fucking care? You need to stop trying too hard

>> No.9799804

e/b/in post murrika/b/ro

>> No.9799805

Look at this autistic child

>> No.9799807

/tg/ used to be big into Touhou, at least before the crazy draconian mod crackdown a year and a half or so ago. I've started maining /tg/ again recently, but it was goddamn unvisitable for a while because of how arbitrary and insane the mods were.

Anyway, I visit /tg/, /v/, /a/, /vg/, /u/, /d/, and /jp/. /tg/ and /jp/ are the only ones worth a damn, though.

>> No.9799810

He cares because the use of such crutches says a lot about that poster's quality.

>> No.9799812

Stop spamming, shitstain.

>> No.9799820

Sometimes I visit /vg/, /a/, /sci/. Used to visit nsfw boards too until found sadpanda.

>> No.9799816

/jp/ and old /tg/ are the only ones that a sane man could possibly visit.

>> No.9799823

It's not spam. It's a lot of people that really don't like you or your contributions to this board.

You should take the hint and leave instead of taking refuge behind lame excuses.

>> No.9799824
File: 308 KB, 600x780, fcc00f3a833b2862e022faa2a7f312dac98a0e67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why many /jpers dislike /a or /c or the /jpish boards.

>> No.9799826

How did you end up to that conclusion. Fascinating.

>> No.9799835

>It's not spam.
You're trying to force something retarded onto /jp/. Fuck off.

>It's a lot of people that really don't like you or your contributions to this board.
You can't even identify a single post of mine outside this thread. Fuck off.

>> No.9799830

/c/ is harmless, /a/ steals every other board's content and have a faux-elitist attitude despite being the 3rd fastest board on the site.

>> No.9799831
File: 895 KB, 1000x1100, 21144113414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9799833

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.9799834

New /tg/ is tolerable now, at least. Well, the half that aren't shitty /a/ quests that got shunted over to /tg/ when the /a/ mods decided that CYOA games weren't /a/ related any more and forced them over.

I mean, it'll never be great again, but it's still decent.

>> No.9799840

There is no other board on 4chan like /jp/.

>> No.9799839

i only go to /jp/ and /g/
i don't even know why i'm still here

>> No.9799842
File: 900 KB, 500x282, American lifting woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too much AMERICA here

>> No.9799843

Is it still full of outsiders? I remember that some time after the mod came, it was full of outsiders and children.

>> No.9799845

Why are you so angry? Spoiler abuse is obnoxious. But then again, we're dealing with an /r9k/er here.

>> No.9799848

Thank you for dodging the question and still being a try-hard elitist jerk.

>> No.9799851

Spoiler abuse was already defined for you by the staff, and it's not what you think it is.

Sorry Timmy.

>> No.9799855

>Why are you so angry?
Because you are a retarded newfag trying to force something onto /jp/ and pretending that it's always been this way.

>But then again, we're dealing with an /r9k/er here.
At least he doesn't use /jp/ as his shit blog dumping ground like you probably do.

>> No.9799856

They can't help being obnoxious, but at least they should have the decency of being obnoxious amongst themselves instead of spreading shit everywhere.

I didn't dodge anything. If you had half a brain you'd notice your post makes absolutely no sense and my reply was pointing that out in a suble manner.

>> No.9799858

Spoiler abuse is the use of spoilers to hide content that is not a spoiler. If the mods disagree they can take it up with me in person.

>> No.9799859


Actually it's the 4th.

>> No.9799864

>use /jp/ as his shit blog dumping ground

That's the definition of /r9k/ crossboarding scum.

>> No.9799868

/a/ is a board with le memes+/v/ that happens to ``discuss'' anime

>> No.9799871


Stop using that word

>> No.9799871,1 [INTERNAL] 

No, not really. The non-crossboarders are the retards who insist on posting their garbage here because they're terrified of becoming "offboarding scum" and they'd lose their /jp/ cred.

The actual "/r9k/ crossboarding scum" are better posters because they have the decency to leave their awful blog shit outside.

A moderator already made a statement. Staff doesn't have to answer every question personally, especially if that question is one that has already been answered.

>> No.9799871,2 [INTERNAL] 

get a load of this nerd

>> No.9799871,3 [INTERNAL] 

Does the spoiler idiot still insist his posts aren't spam even when they constantly get deleted?

>> No.9799871,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why is weekend /jp/ filled with idiots?

>> No.9799871,5 [INTERNAL] 

Because a large population of /jp/ers are still in high school.

>> No.9799871,6 [INTERNAL] 

Not me. I just got into college this summer.

>> No.9799871,7 [INTERNAL] 

one day /jp/ will be covered in black and you will have wished people fucked off with their spoilers

>> No.9799871,8 [INTERNAL] 

That day already came, though.

>> No.9799871,9 [INTERNAL] 

spoiler misuse guy just confirmed for newfag

>> No.9799871,10 [INTERNAL] 

If only Bunbunmaru wasn't so painfully slow and had a name field

>> No.9799871,11 [INTERNAL] 

AoC pls go

>> No.9799871,12 [INTERNAL] 

I've always been a strong supporter of forced anonymous in /bun/. Have you considered that maybe I'm not the only one that feels that it could be a good board if it wasn't so dreadfully slow?

>> No.9799871,13 [INTERNAL] 

Things like forced anon are part of what makes it so slow. People like to feel like they're part of a community. The overbearing moderation doesn't help either.

>> No.9799871,14 [INTERNAL] 

And quickly reduce into a neat little circlejerk of the same few active tripcodes while alienating anyone trying to join in. With low user numbers it only helps to fudge the number of posts made by the same people. Gives the illusion of a more diverse group.

Wouldn't know about how hard they delete stuff there since I never notice it, but I don't see any cocks/bawson/spurdo so whatever.
