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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9798757 No.9798757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A good /mu/ friend of mine (who also posts here) recently told me that you guys have a quite refined musical taste. So, I'm gonna go ahead and ask you guys:

What are you people listening to as we speak?

>> No.9798767


>> No.9798771


>> No.9798772


>> No.9798773

Alternating between Touhouand Ar Tonelico OSTs.

>> No.9798774

u're mothers moans ;)

>> No.9798775


>> No.9798776


holy shit, I was just about to post this.

>> No.9798777


>> No.9798780

Popper, Elfentanz

>> No.9798781


Holy shit, your tastes suck even more than some of extreme hipster assholes I know.

>> No.9798788


I have serious problems finding people with similar taste.

>> No.9798786
File: 483 KB, 1925x800, mu meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave and never return.

>> No.9798787

look at this queerlord

>> No.9798789

If you don't like, get out.

>> No.9798790


>> No.9798791

>My banjo... Its playing on its own!


>> No.9798794


I am reasonably positive no more than two other /jp/ posters have heard this song before, and it's possible neither have heard this version.

>> No.9798792


>> No.9798793

You gay, son?

>> No.9798795

Required /jp/ listening. You have failed the first test; leave and never return.

>> No.9798799

Of course I don't fucking like it! It is bastardized tune of already bastardized western movie! And tune already bastardized from... Who knows where. You should just die from just having so bad taste. First rotting your tongue then your brain.

>> No.9798798

yeah Queen is sooooooo underground and obscure.


>> No.9798800
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Plebe detected.

>> No.9798801
File: 2.65 MB, 4000x3000, autism_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how everybody on 4chan falls under most of these categories regarding music:
• listens exclusively to OSTs
• listens exclusively to soulless bleep bloops
• listens exclusively to metal or other forms of aimless noise
• listens to fucking awful borecore /mu/ groups (Of Montreal, GY!BE, Mogwai, Kanye West, etc.)
• obsessed with Fisher-Price dadrock (Queen, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc.)
• "I'm a jazz man myself. Miles, Coltrane, the list goes on..."
• "I'm a fan of electronic music. Aphex Twin, Daft Punk, the list goes on... Wait, what do you mean they had synthesizers before the '80s?"
• "My tastes are pretty eclectic. I listen to classic rock, alternative rock, progressive rock, psychedelic rock, punk rock, hard rock, glam rock, and pop rock. Did I mention roll?"
• "I don't like pop music because the lyrics are always vapid and dull, totally unlike myself."
• "No, I don't bother listening to anything recorded before 1965. Is there something wrong with that?"

These are the most prominent stereotypes that pop in my head. If you fall into any of them, I hate you.

>> No.9798805

You just described everyone that listens to music, ever.

>> No.9798803


They're certainly not underground, but they're not exactly in the expected musical scope of the denizens of an imageboard that routinely contains threads about NEETs, onaholes and Idolmaster.

And the album that song came from is probably the least heralded Mercury Queen album ever.

>> No.9798806

Is there anybody left?

>> No.9798814
File: 86 KB, 387x415, 1347380660704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you belong here.
Kindly go back to your hipster threads at /mu/, please.

>> No.9798818


I am new to music. I only seriously listened to music about 2 years ago. My taste is rapidly changing because I am more conscious of quality in music.

Don't make fun of me please!

>> No.9798825


Patrician as fuq

>> No.9798831
File: 69 KB, 500x498, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to everything from No Limit Records to obscure bossa nova crap. Basically anything but shitty bleep bloop like 2hu remixes and doujin music.

>> No.9798833

Hey, I might not be hipster. Or sophisticated.

But at least I am much more wiser than you by far. Compared to me you should have fucked off 2 years ago. I am sorry. It's just the rules.

>> No.9798841
File: 10 KB, 280x280, iroha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9798839


>> No.9798842

I only listen to Japanese ero-voice CDs.
They're both erotic and educational.

>> No.9798843


>> No.9798850

I really can't figure out if you're meta-trolling or just a really stupid third-worlder; you certainly type like one. In any case, I suggest going back to your native shithole of >>>/mu/.

>> No.9798847


>> No.9798855

Get the fuck out of here, /mu/. Nobody likes your pretentious hipster bullshit; in fact, I doubt even you like it.

>> No.9798856 [DELETED] 

meido del this shit

>> No.9798884
File: 107 KB, 320x200, Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18885220 this on loop

The last proper thing I listened to though was the new fushitsusha record (the newer new one)[it was good]

>> No.9798937

How can anything with shit in its name possibly be good? It's probably just some weeb shit noises, isn't it?

>> No.9799043

Mostly ambient or down-tempo. I like trip-hop and instrumental hip-hop.
Secede, Manual, Syntaks, Ulrich Schnauss, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Mux Mool, and Nomak are very good. Mickey Mouse Operation by Little People is an excellent album.

>> No.9799547

Crossboard scum please leave.
