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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9791923 No.9791923 [Reply] [Original]

Is your health declining from the sedentary nature of the NEET lifestyle?

Have you noticed any signs of your impending death?

>> No.9791925
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im getting fat

>> No.9791927

can someone create a new NEET lifestyle thread? Please.

>> No.9791929

that chair when you're a karate/muay thai instructor and have fought full mma matches.

>> No.9791931
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I was peeing a few months ago and then I started feeling woozy and light headed.

I don't remember what happened after that point, but my mom said that I stumbled out of the bathroom with my pants down at my ankles, held on to the walls like I was very dizzy, said something like, "Lord have mercy.. It looks like everybody's here." and then I collapsed.

I woke up a little while later and my mom, as well as several visitors who were apparently at the house, were concerned. I don't know what caused it.

>> No.9791936

My vision has been getting strange lately. From time to time I will look at the floor, my desk, or at any object and it seems like it's vibrating or moving very slowly. Sometimes the room looks like it's swaying slightly, like I'm on a ship.

My vision only seems to be normal when I'm at the computer.

Do I have eye cancer?

>> No.9791939
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My mum asked me to give her a massage. She noticed my arms and hands were shaking and I couldn't push or grip hard enough without straining myself. She said I was really skinny and wasn't strong "any more".

I remember when she used to call me young and strong.

>> No.9791941 [DELETED] 

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>> No.9791942

Is this ironic?

>> No.9791945

Are you a girl? Why would you have your pants around your ankles if you were just pissing?

Will you be my cute girlfriend?

>> No.9791946

>Why would you have your pants around your ankles if you were just pissing?
feels good man

>> No.9791949

Ironic spam is the new thing. Unlike image macros, it can't be commercialized because it already is.

>> No.9791953

I knew I should not have slept all day yesterday.

>> No.9791954

You are beginning to only see the truth.

>> No.9791961

I think my medicine made me go crazy or bipolar.

During the day I get so happy that I begin to behave in peculiar ways. I emerged from my room a few days ago and did a poor attempt at copying one of the dances from Saturday Night Fever while I listened to disco music in my headphones and I didn't even care that there were a bunch of people in the living room that saw me. Normally I don't even leave my bedroom if I'm not home alone, but I needed to dance so much that I didn't care.

In the evenings though I become crazy and paranoid. Random inanimate objects in my room can terrify me so I have to hide them in the closet and I become convinced that the world is ending and I panic.

>> No.9791969
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What you nerds really need is a baseball bat to the teeth, nerd.

>> No.9791971
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I've put on some weight and I feel very tired every now and then, but that's about it. Hopefully I'll develop narcolepsy so I can get sleepbux.

>> No.9791973

I wish Sayaka would beat me up with a baseball bat for being so worthless.

>> No.9791975

I notice my joints feel a bit stiffer and slightly sore if I dont go out and walk for a while or try and stretch them.

My right wrist and hand in my tendons are beginning to take it's tole since I use it to masturbate with every day and use the computer 24/7. I am probably developing carpel tunnel. I am trying to counteract this by learning how to fap with my left hand but it is harder than you think. At least in my case it is.

I have been thinking about getting a wrist brace or something. But I dont want my mom to find out I am getting it. Otherwise she might get suspicious or something.

>> No.9791977

Did you sex?

>> No.9791980

Did you smell her butthole?

>> No.9791987

I go to the gym twice a week with my local tou-bros, i think I'm in good shape for the time being. Not worried about death by natural causes anyway.

>> No.9791991

Why couldn't that have been a shota? The remembering the past was very cute and would have been a better setting.

>> No.9791992 [DELETED] 

bennis in bagina :---DDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.9791998

This happens to me

>> No.9792008

Use both hands if you're big enough. You could also use one hand on your cock and the other for your anus.

>> No.9792037

When I woke up this morning it was my third day in a row without drinking, I felt quite 元気. I'm back on the bottle now but I still feel kind of proud.

>> No.9792059

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.9792085
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>Is your health declining from the sedentary nature of the NEET lifestyle

I'd be surprised if I live to see 30.

A few years ago I got lucky, or unlucky depending on how you look at it, and I found out that my doctor happened to love throwing out the good stuff. He's basically a dealer with a stethoscope.

Anyway though, the end result is that I'm hopelessly addicted to speed and opium and I have been for a couple years now. It's probably going to kill me, but for now I'm feeling pretty good.

>> No.9792087
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As a former heroin addict and frequent user of other drugs, I think I'm doing sort of OK these days. I just have to trust in Lady Rika.

>> No.9792089

I've noticed a lot of things happening to my body that I'm guessing are the result of being NEET.

A few months ago I would temporarily become nearsighted but it would correct itself within a few minutes. Now more often than not it does not correct itself. I can see my monitor fine, but if I'm in bed I cannot use both my laptop and watch the TV (which is about 9-11 feet away) at the same time. In just the past few weeks my asthma has been getting worse, my eczema has been getting worse, I've been steadily losing weight, and I feel tired a lot of the time. I woke up less than 12 hours ago and I know I'm going to fall asleep in a couple hours. At least my dreams are always incredibly entertaining, so I don't really mind.

About a year ago I discovered that I couldn't whip cream with a handheld mixer because my hands would tremble and stop holding the mixer by themselves. Today when I tried mixing cookie dough with a fork my arm quickly became tired and I had to use the stand mixer.

Speaking of hands, I can see reach tendon running from my fingers down the top of my wrist (which looks most like two large tubes on either side of a smaller one in the middle) and into my arm. Doing a thumbs up is uncomfortable because of the tightness of the skin against the tendons to the thumb, which form a V shape with a pretty deep depression. Holding a mouse or camera is very comfortable, however.

Thankfully I'm mentally sound and happier than ever.

>> No.9792091

/jp/ - Dead People Posting

>> No.9792092

When you say opium you don't actually mean opium in particular right? That's a mixture of drugs, not something that actually gets prescribed.

>> No.9792093

It's "dead men" goddamnit! Dead men!

>> No.9792094
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Lost so much weight it hurts. Other than that I'm ok.

>> No.9792095


>> No.9792099
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my back pains have gotten worse. it's possible rheumatism, since it runs in the family. I haven't gotten it checked out yet.

my vision has become worse. I can barely make out anything with my left eye anymore. and strangely if I keep only my left eye open for a short while, it seems to get this layer of noise which is distracting.

I've also become more tired. I feel like I'm tired all the time. then again, I haven't slept very well in a long while.

and I'm cold all the time. even when my radiator is probably warmer than Okuus nuclear bosom I still feel like I'm freezing.

then I also became a smoker.

I don't know. maybe I'll die soon.

>> No.9792107


>> No.9792108
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Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?

>> No.9792117


>When you say opium you don't actually mean opium in particular right?

Yeah, I'm just talking about painkillers. It's easier to just say opium though, it's more recognizable than names of specific drugs and they're all opiates anyway.

>> No.9792122 [DELETED] 

I would like this image if it wasn't for her feet. Those heels...

>> No.9792129

Well, I'm quite fit because I use a treadmill and go for walks at night, but something horrible has happened.
Prozac has killed my libido. Nothing turns me on anymore, not even really lewd stuff. It SUCKS. Won't my balls explode? I need to fap!

>> No.9792137

Is it bad that I can't stop imagining them being sliced with a razor?

>> No.9792139

Speedballing is bad for your heart. It's a waste of a buzz too, why interrupt a good nod?

Prozac is bad news, in my experience at least. It increases suicidal urges and generally makes you feel worse, although it may give a temporary numbness. Please examine the reasons why you're taking it in the first place.

>> No.9792136

Apart from getting recently pneumonia and not having insurance to cover it, its not so bad.

Honestly, i'm one of those kinds of people who would be perfectly happy as a brain in a jar, as long as it had internet connection. If my legs atrophy and fall off, that just means i'd probably end up qualifying for financial support. I wonder how many people on /jp/ believe in transhumanism?

>> No.9792140

I think everybody on /jp/ is a transhumanist. The question is essentially human advancement or death really; if you do not support it, you are the enemy.

>> No.9792141

What is your age?

>> No.9792146


>> No.9792148

>a brain in a jar, as long as it had internet connection
Oh baby, you're making me salivate.

>> No.9792150


>> No.9792151

I'm taking Prozac for (bad) social anxiety.

I don't feel more suicidal, probably because it's not for depression and I wasn't very suicidal anyway. But m-maybe I'll do something crazy! Like cut my peepee off or something!

>> No.9792152


>> No.9792157

Stop misusing buzzwords.

>> No.9792159

I'm currently sick with tonsillitis after having a fever for a week - it's very painful! I never got sick when I wasn't NEET but at least now I have an excuse to do nothing all day and still get sympathy.

Also, all the weakening NEETs in this thread start a simple calisthenics routine before it's too late! Youkai prefer strong men.

>> No.9792158

I have low blood pressure and anemia, how will I die and how soon?

>> No.9792161

How old are you?

>> No.9792163

19. Why?

>> No.9792166

Being a NEET doesn't stop me from being healthy, I run and shit too.
Inb4 normal, I found a place to run where there are no people otherwise I wouldn't.

>> No.9792174

Is the prozac helping? How bad exactly is your social anxiety? Legitimate questions, not trying to be insulting.

>> No.9792186
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My physical health is fine, but my mental health is a whole different story.

I've been taking psychedelics for awhile now, specifically mushrooms since it was easy to grow them, and I think it's kind of bled through a bit. The difference between how I feel when I'm normal and how I feel when I'm tripping is becoming increasingly smaller and it's getting a little tricky to determine if this is real. I always feel like I'm not here or that this is not entirely real. I don't feel awake, but I'm not tired, I just don't feel like I am currently in the waking world.

I honestly have no idea if I'm even awake right now. This could be a dream, it definitely doesn't feel like reality and I'm getting that dream vibe where things just seem different, the carpet does not look right, the corner of the room seems abnormally far away, and there's a lot of little things which don't feel right when I look at them.

>> No.9792189

I dunno, I've only been on it for maybe 4 weeks, and the psychiatrist said it can take up to twelve weeks to fully kick in. I guess it's helping, because my social anxiety is usually so bad that I don't leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and since I started taking it I've been out quite a bit. Apparently I need to get out 'as often as possible'.

It's also completely eradicated my non-social anxiety. Feels good.

>> No.9792190
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Not him but I used to take prozac for similar reasons except it didn't do SHIT for me. Absolutely nothing changed. Not my sex drive, not my mood, not my appetite, nothing. I was taking a pretty moderate dose as well. But that's just me. It's different other people.

I'm currently taking citalopram and it made me ill for the first week but now I'm back to my usual self like as if I never took the drug, the only difference is if I miss a dose I start feeling ill again so I guess it made me addicted to absolutely nothing and I'm suffering withdrawals already. These drugs fucking suck dude.

>> No.9792207


>It's a waste of a buzz too, why interrupt a good nod?

It's the other way around for me. I prefer the speed, but I need something to stop me from feeling crazy on the comedown and to get rid of the insomnia. Works great for both, especially getting rid of that awful dysphoria. I tried to mix them before, but it slows me down too much and I lose the bouncing off the walls tweaker feeling that I love.

>> No.9792210

No anti-depressant I've been on has helped me at all, and I've been on a bunch (Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, Wellbutrin XR, Lexapro, etc.). I'm going to see a new psychiatrist on Monday after not having been in any sort of therapy for 10 months or so, I don't have high expectations though. The last one I went to I could only meet with for 15 minutes or so bi-monthly, and he'd just ask if the pills helped and up the dosage when I said no. The therapist I had been seeing weekly didn't help, either. I have Xanax for my anxiety but it doesn't really help unless I take 2-3, and even then I still only go out for appointments or if we need something at the store.

>> No.9792212 [DELETED] 

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9792214
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Ever since I started taking anti depressants my mind is filled with thoughts of death, suicide and murder.

>> No.9792234

At what point do you know that you don't have social anxiety?

I think I've taken every single drug that's out there for social anxiety and I'm not even slightly different. I've been diagnosed with severe social anxiety so many times since I have a habit of staying inside for years and never going out.

I'm starting to wonder if I even have social anxiety though. I've been on the strongest shit they can give me, huge doses of benzos which made it impossible to feel any inhibitions at all, and yet nothing changed. I don't think my body is even capable of feeling even slight anxiety anymore, but I still stay inside every day, I enjoy staying in and I have for nearly eight years now, but every doctor that sees me says that I have severe social anxiety and I need to fix my head.

What is wrong with me? If it's not social anxiety then what disorder could it be?

>> No.9792243

>taking anti depressants

stop it. No seriously. Treating depression with pills (with side effects like suicidal thoughts/attempts, bad mood etc) is like treating burnt wounds with a flame thrower.

>> No.9792244

I'm actually dying right now from illness. It was nice knowing you /jp/, see you in gensokyo.

>> No.9792251

Have you tried stimulants yet?

>> No.9792261

Any SSRI (including prozac and citalopram) are bad news.

It sounds cheesy but it's you rather than the drug giving you the confidence to go out. Speaking as someone who has had experience with such drugs, please don't use them for longer than you really need them to get beyond whatever it is that troubles you. You give me the impression of someone who can get over this nonsense.

Maybe your personality is simply strongly introverted? I could happily go for months without human interaction too. This sort of thing is usually looked on in a negative sense but if you're happy(-ish) then what's wrong with it?

>> No.9792271

>You give me the impression of someone who can get over this nonsense.
Thanks, anon. I'll keep your advice in mind.

>> No.9792273

Yeah. My health has been rapidly declining for..well, several years now. I'm only 21.

I'm nearly blind in my left eye, my hearing has started to go bad as well. My arms ache a lot, but I'm still fairly strong. Every morning I spit up blood, and I am sometimes very short of breath while doing nothing. I have splitting headaches that last for the entire day occasionally. And sometimes I feel so tired I could just go to sleep for a week.

I haven't told the doctors about any of this. The only thing I've had them check is the disease in my legs I got eight years ago. Incurable, can only do things to "lessen" it. Threatens my life if I don't have my legs cut off. I refused, of course. I haven't gone outside for.. at least five years now, with the disease hindering my movement more and more every year. Everything I need, I pay my sister to buy for me with the money I get for disability.

So, yeah. I've noticed plenty of signs of my impending death. I do not fear dying though. Just about every doctor that has talked to me are surprised I've managed to live this long. I guess it's because of my superb mental health, as despite all of this, I consider myself to be a incredibly fortunate person. I do not have any worries, I can just enjoy every day to it's fullest.

>> No.9792291


Social anxiety is just used as a catch-all term for anyone who is introverted. They think that they can treat every introverted person with sedatives and magically they're going to turn into some social butterfly. This only applies to people who are extroverted and they have social anxiety which repressed their extroversion. Won't work for anyone else.

There is only one way to change your personality with drugs and it's not legal and it's not even remotely sustainable. You're going to need some MDMA or enough amphetamines to get you high. It will work for a little bit and you will want to go out and talk to people, couple weeks if you're lucky, maybe longer for the amphetamines. Eventually you will become tolerant though and then you're back at square 1 or maybe square -1 if you managed to cause some brain damage during the process.

You can't change the core properties of your personality. You have to accept who you are.

>> No.9792300

What if you did it the other way? Tried to treat depression with a flamethrower?

>> No.9792363
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You have my condolences.

I hope you have a supply of opiates.

>> No.9792374

fuck off with your shitposting.

>> No.9792381

Do you know guys? If you have those piss bottles laying around you could drink them. Like in some survival scenario.

>> No.9792390

You're correct. If you're anything like me you'll be regretting and constantly analyzing/cursing yourself over your actions when amped. Better to just be yourself.

>> No.9792396

I've found that my arms and legs (specially my knees, must be because I sit indian style all day) are very weak, since all I do is use the computer and occasionally play PS3. I can't even lift something that weights more than 5 kilo without my arms aching like hell for 2 or 3 days after. It doesn't help that I weight less than 55 kilo, and I've been trying to gain more weight by eating lots, but it doesn't work at all. This is only after 6 months or so of being a NEET, I can't imagine what will happen if I keep this up for a couple of years. The only thing to do is try and find out.

>> No.9792400

For the longest time I had a permanent sick/nauseus feeling. Not for a couple of days/weeks, but for months Shit was terrible, didn't even feel like reading or playing vidya. It culminated into some kind of stomach virus in which I went to the hospital and got some kind of IV. Feel fine to this day, wonder what the fuck that was?

>> No.9792404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9792419


Oh fucking this. Anyone else share the same thing?

>> No.9792429

I can't relate exactly, but when I hug my mum she discretely feels my ribs to check how thin I've become.

>> No.9792438

I don't know. You'd need to tell me where your mom lives so I can give her a massage.

>> No.9792439

Yeah, I understand this feeling. I still see Escher's 'Lizards' (a recurring hallucination in my LSD trips) when I get stressed or stare at a blank surface for too long.

Do you ever regret doing them? I kinda do since I think my last trip (which was very bad) pushed me over the edge some and although I think they've helped me mature I'm worried that I've done serious damage to my already broken psyche.

I wonder how these LSD-muching hippies view the world after so many doses.

>> No.9792441

I gave you're mom a massage and she told me I'm srtong.

>> No.9792456

Maybe she's just feeling you up.

>> No.9792460

I'm not the guy you're responding to but I've taken between 100-150 trips over the course of my life. I also get psychedelic patterns when looking at blank surfaces, this is usually referred to as HPPD. It's been a year or so since my last trip and these symptoms have dimmed somewhat.

If you're worried about your mental facilities, don't be, I'm currently doing an honors degree and it's going well. I haven't had a 'bad trip' though, so I don't know how such a thing would affect you. In what way do you think your psyche is messed up?

>> No.9792463


>Do you ever regret doing them?

I never regret it. My mind might be strange now and I might not think normally anymore, but psychedelics gave me a lot of insight into myself and they allowed me to experience things that I never could have imagined. I'm in too deep to go back and I don't want to anyway, so I'll keep taking mushrooms for as long as I'm able to and see where this road leads me.

>> No.9792466

how did you find it was a virus? i think i might have something similar, though it's not exactly constant, and it mostly happens when the temperature's high.

also makes me feel hot in the chest/stomach area, even while rest of my body's cold, and when i apply any heat to that (blanket, heater etc), i start feeling very shitty almost instantly.

>> No.9792473

/jp/ what's it called when any part of your body shakes and trembles like when balancing or doing an angle/pose you haven't done in years?

>> No.9792476

My knees. Whenever I stand up for a period of time, they start burning and get extremely stiff, especially my right knee.

>> No.9792495

I say my psyche is a little 'messed up' because I often experience intrusive paranoid thoughts, awful depression, incredibly nonsensical and violent/sexual dreams and I've started experiencing mild hallucinations (i.e. figures moving in my peripheral vision). I'm also sure that if a psychiatrist used his trusty copy of DSM-IV on me, I would probably get a diagnosed with Aspergers - none of this has been brought on by psychedelics though in my opinion.

Well your post has eased my worry a little bit, thanks. Also 100-150 trips is very impressive.

>> No.9792500


>> No.9792508

I am an autist and I can confirm this.

>> No.9792509

sasuga /jp/

>> No.9792511


Good luck anon. Just keep eating in great amounts, as doubling your food consumes in a consistent manner. Surely, you will succeed. I was completely exactly the same as you do so don't lose hope.

>> No.9792516

You guys are so weak and cute. I'd really like to date one of you.

>> No.9792520

R-really? oh gosh

>> No.9792530 [DELETED] 
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Whats going on here GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9792534

Nope. If anything my health is the only thing I have going for me.

>> No.9792533

We're slowly dying, stop making our suffering worse.

>> No.9792536 [DELETED] 
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lol what?

>> No.9792537

You heard me.

Or at least read me.


>> No.9792538

my scalp is itchy, oily and hair is falling out a good bit. I go weeks without washing sometimes so that might be why.

Might be my thyroid I don't know since I don't exercise or get fresh air or anything.

Also I have an aversion to sunlight, I have to look at the ground when walking outside. Only feel comfortable outside when it gets dark.

>> No.9792540

King of /jp/? More like QUEEN of /jp/!

>> No.9792544 [DELETED] 

I also struggle with depression although it predates my drug use by quite a bit. Don't worry about your dreams, eveyone's are fucked up. It's not unusual to get weird thoughts popping into your head unbidden, just learn to disregard them.
I can't relate to your peripheral visual stuff but if you're seeing Lizards then I envy your class.

Basically, don't worry fool, life will be pretty OK.

>> No.9792552


You basically described my hair status right now. I know the feel.

>> No.9792556

Not tried it, but that'd work. If not in one way (survival instincts, the happiness when you actually not die, the happiness when you finally get cures), then in the another (one way ticket to hell)

>> No.9792561

Anyone here have hemorrhoids? How do you deal with it?

>> No.9792569
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>> No.9792613


I wish I had your doctor. I would really like some opiates.

>> No.9792646

>He's basically a dealer with a stethoscope.
Doctors like that are cool. They provide a certain kindness to their patients that no other medical professional could give.

If it wasn't for med school, I'd become a doctor and switch my name to Phil Good.

>> No.9792657

Every day, another piece of my mind seems to fade. I am not as quick as I was before, and verbalizing is difficult. My memory has become weak, as has my ability to concentrate.
To think I was an intelligent man only a few years ago... Now I am no more than a common idiot, destroyed by negligence and a complacent lifestyle.

>> No.9792669

>If it wasn't for med school,

Pretty much this. The entire experience of medschool and becoming a doctor in general is hellish, and very very expensive.

>> No.9792685
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Oh god, I'm not the only one

I usually get prep-h wipes and endure it until it goes away for a good while. Doing my daily jogs also helps. At the moment, I painfully realized I will need to improve my diet in order to stop it.

I've also discovered fapping temporally
eases the pain in my case

Save me from this rectum trauma, as I write this on my iPod on the floor

>> No.9792715

I don't understand. As a NEET you have a lot of free time, taking a jog once in a while can do wonders for your body, why don't you do at least that?

>> No.9792719

Outside is scary, and it's time I could spend chilling out on /jp/.

>> No.9792720

I'll start doing it tomorrow.

>> No.9792722

People shouted at me when I tried running.

>> No.9792728

But anon excercise is so bothersome.

>> No.9792739

I did for a while. Jogging gets old fast though so I stopped.

>> No.9792767

get out avatarfag shitposter

>> No.9792778

Get weird cyclical bipolar shit every 4 or 5 years. Suicidal as fuck on the front end, followed by the most delightful mania ever. Makes me somewhat unstable, but this time I interfaced with the mania so smoothly there was barely any depression. Nice internal moe hallucinations. Imoutos cheering me on. Also lots of combat/mecha/military imagery. Physical manifestations pretty intense this time. Feels like rushes of energy that start in my shoulders then coarse down my arms. Kind of feels like pleasant injections. This time I think I might be able to take out my depression with it once and for all. Problem is I'm worried the depression operates as some kind of failsafe so the mania doesn't full on cook me off into psychosis.

>> No.9792804

/jp/ you:
work that ass

>> No.9792805

No bully!

>> No.9792815

yes bully. we bully here.

>> No.9792818

please no bully

>> No.9792820

This has got to be the most annoying shitposting of 2012.

>> No.9792841

add the word bully to your filter. suddenly shitposting's gone.

also report them.

>> No.9792847

Someone needs to make a browser extension that detects and converts all bully posts into motivational messages with pictures of flowers!

>> No.9792848

Just filter the faggot.

>> No.9792854

i did, but unless everyone else does he'll still appear in backlinks when people reply to him.

>> No.9792871

Physically, I dare say I'm in pretty decent shape. Mentally, I don't know. While I don't have any mental illnesses that I know of, I have a feeling I'm probably lacking a few IQ points that most other people have. I'm basing this entirely on the fact that I've never been able to do a level of math above pre algebra. They say it's not so much about the numbers as it is about your ability to think and if I'm shitty at math then that must mean that I'm shitty at thinking in general.

>> No.9792877

What kind of queermo would get an idea like that...

>> No.9792881

A crippling deficiency in math is a symptom of autism.

>> No.9792899

Really? I always assumed that those guys were fucking awesome at math with their obsessive mind sets.

>> No.9792904

You might have a learning disability. it doesn't necessarily means you are dumb.

>> No.9792913

I bet you can solve math story problems very easily. I suck dicks at pure math, but if you put a context on the problem I can write a formula up in an instant to the amazement of all the people that can add/subtract/multiply much better than me in their head. I don't know how I got through calculus even though I can't add two-digit numbers in my head.

>> No.9792931 [DELETED] 

I'm a bit overweight, nowhere near obese it's just I have some fat on my stomach and thighs. I also have problems with depression, it comes and goes every few weeks. Sometimes I'll just be really happy for days with not a care in the world, then suddenly out of nowhere I get into these suicidal depressions which can last maybe a couple days to weeks sometimes. Right now I'm pretty happy though

>> No.9792974

Yeah it's somewhat easier to me in word form but not by much. I just don't have the mental fortitude needed to press on with trying to get something. A lifetime of avoiding mentally stressful situations has probably made my brain weak to these kinds of things. I'd much rather throw in the towel and take a D than actually work and get a C or above.

>> No.9792980

You are certainly well spoken and thoughtful anon. I am sure that you are above average intelligence.

>> No.9793038

a couple months ago my brother invited me to the library. i got so tired after 20 minutes of walking that i collapsed. after that day i know im not making it past 40

>> No.9793047

I wrote a really long reply and then janitor delete the thread before I could post it.

>> No.9793097 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 240x320, p939072596f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys whats going on here again?

>> No.9793196

It's not hard to get into shape. Taking walks is pleasant and relaxing. You can take it at your own pace and stop to smell the flowers if you're tired mid way. If you don't want to be near people then you can go walking around 2-3am.

>> No.9793381
File: 10 KB, 160x200, 1333578444229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studies have shown that only some people find walks enjoyable, others don't. remember that one guy who keeps whining on the hiking trip despite being just as fit as anybody else in his group?

>> No.9793390

You could post it anyway.

>> No.9793398

My teeth are slowly decaying and rotting.

>> No.9793417
File: 312 KB, 687x1000, 1322548981946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My teeth is rotting into my jaw which is rotting into my brain dude

I'll be dead in a few years. #yolo #swag #sick

>> No.9793419
File: 91 KB, 554x439, 172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is your health declining from the sedentary nature of the NEET lifestyle

Slightly... I try to ignore it by keeping my nose in books.

>> No.9793465

I'd like to go walking around 2-3 am but I don't want to get stopped by the cops for being a weirdo.

>> No.9793501

im sad

>> No.9793528
File: 37 KB, 237x224, Sin títbvchbcvulo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I am a healthy neet.

>> No.9793535

Well stop it.

>> No.9793536
File: 92 KB, 433x551, 1347824087031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Save me from this rectum trauma, as I write this on my iPod on the floor

>> No.9793548

Cute image dude.

>> No.9793555

My best friend is a NEET, and his appendix just burst. He's in the hospital because he didn't recover from the appendectomy. He might die.

>> No.9793561 [DELETED] 

that sucks... epic trips tho

>> No.9793575

Guys, quick question:
Hypothetically, if you had a loli in your basement, how would you get her to suck your todger without biting on it?

>> No.9793579
File: 464 KB, 380x289, 1348544335411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my chest hurt after I eat pizza?

>> No.9793581

Pull out all her teeth with pliers.

>> No.9793582

They make these ring gags, those would work well. Unless you wanted something more long-term.

>> No.9793583

Actually, to clarify, they got it out before it burst - he'd really be dead if that happened - and he was doing okay before they took him back in because of persistent fever (possibly an abcess).

I'm honestly kinda worried about him because I'm almost a NEET, too. I don't think I can find someone else to put up with me like he can.

>NEETs having best friends
>NEETs having friends at all

>> No.9793585

Your body is rejecting the pizza.

>> No.9793590

Tell him to get the fuck over it. My appendix blew up and it took them half a week to talk me into going to a clinic, and I walked out of the hospital after a week.

>> No.9793594

He should have brushed and flossed his appendix every day. Now he's paying the price.

>> No.9793609

I drink over 64 oz of water a day and I still wake up with headaches and feel dehydrated.

>> No.9793614

Pace yourself, you're probably pissing it back out as quickly as you consume it.

>> No.9793620

Do you smoke by any chance?

>> No.9793625

I do but I've been smoking for years and never had this problem before becoming a NEET.

>> No.9793647

You are probably a loli. That's REALLY cute.

>> No.9793649

That's because eating pizza is almost like eating plastic.

>> No.9794127

Smoking is pointless, and tastes bad.

You are probably a filthy plebeian commoner who smokes cigarrettes without even rolling them on your own, and you have never had a pipe before.

Cigars are ok every once in a while though.

>> No.9794142
File: 334 KB, 409x353, 1348463690844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9794149

I roll my own because it's cheaper. Don't make assumptions fool. I also own a pipe but I hardly smoke it because pipe tobacco is more expensive. You can call smoking pointless all you want but you won't convince me, I'm going to kill myself in 20 years anyway so smoking will do nothing to effect me.

>> No.9794165
File: 40 KB, 518x623, 1346645299083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm going to kill myself in 20 years anyway

50 bucks says you change your mind.

>> No.9794172

I lay down on my stomach all the time to use my PC because I have no desk so I worry about my internal organs. I don't know, I might mess something up just laying on my stomach all day.

Whenever i go outside my calves start to hurt terribly after maybe a minute of walking. Only when I'm outside though. I think it's my mind playing tricks on me and making me walk in a weird way because I feel people looking at me.

That's about it. Nothing that bad.

>> No.9794171

50 bucks says you suck my cock, dude.

>> No.9794189

I'm the guy that asked you if you were smoking, I smoke too for about six years now and recently my throat started to become hoarse and I constantly feel thirsty no matter how much I drink.

I looked more into it and this is sometimes one of the early symptoms of throat cancer.

Haven't been to the doctor yet though, my fear of making an appointment overrides the fear of dying from cancer

>> No.9794192

Try not to cut yourself on the edgyness of your post, nerd.

>> No.9794201

Well I wish you the best of luck. I barely smoke really though even though I've been smoking for about 4 years. I typically smoke one pack a week if that and I mainly smoke if I need something to calm the anxiety. Though once my disability clears I'll probably get started on an anti depressant that will removed the need to smoke.

>> No.9794206

I'll fight you, kid.

>> No.9794213

Well what I wanted to say ultimately is that you should maybe just check with a doctor about that dehydration thing

>> No.9794232

Same here. Despite being a NEET I still make an effort to exercise quite a bit (cycling 6 days a week and lifting 3 days a week) as it helps to keep me happy and maintain my physical health.

>> No.9794236

> I mainly smoke if I need something to calm the anxiety
Then look into meditation you fartdominator.

>> No.9794313

I don't get happy and energetic when I drink anymore. Now I just get headaches. feels like someone trying to drill into my brain.

>> No.9794494

meditation is for queers.

>> No.9794512

I'll fug ur ass with shaolin kung fu YOU queer.

>> No.9794525
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1313668187669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9794917

>I mainly smoke if I need something to calm the anxiety.
the anxiety is caused by withdrawal symptoms from lack of nicotine in your system.

>> No.9794974
File: 1.08 MB, 1377x1080, f93ba323ffdfa63c830f89d4760a2757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm young, healthy, and 18 years old and I have a good future ahead of me if I give an attempt at it. But I waste my time hanging around /jp/ everyday.

>> No.9794977

No wonder /jp/ is shit.

>> No.9794990
File: 187 KB, 408x343, 1348657221777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Save me from this rectum trauma, as I write this on my iPod on the floor

Don't look at me like that!

I had passed out for a few years, so my roid seems to have calmed down a bit after shoving a Perpetration H wipe up my ass and laying down for a few hours.

I am now thankfully back on my loving desktop and can contiune to browse /jp/ in the best way possible.

But take it from me, /jp/ises...



>> No.9795064

To add onto this anons's post,

If you need to poop, just go do it. Trying to hold it so you can read one more thread or only not wanting to use somebody else's toilet just makes it worse. I would never use any other toilet except my own and would be able to hold it until i could feasibly get home but it made things very painful and apparently helped cause some roids.

They are not fun. No. You like sitting down? Too bad, the roids don't!

>> No.9795083

I get these spasms in my leg, near my knee. I think it's a circulation problem because it feels like a major vein or artery bulging. I don't have a desk so my entire day on the internet is spent on my bed, I'm just asking for a deadly blood clot

>> No.9795091

I get those too, not just in my legs though. It happens in my arms and forehead pretty often. I can see my vein pump, it's pretty freaky.

>> No.9795095

I've developed a heart condition, but it is hereditary and I have medicine for it that works. Other than that I've gotten fat and lazy. I don't know how I could bring myself to have a job. I'm mentally attached to my room. I can't be away from it for too long.

>> No.9795099

I have Scoliosis and my back often gets fairly painful which thankfully i have a nice orthopedic chair my family bought me as well as prescription pain medication.

Ever since i left home I've also had Migraines which have something to do with me either not eating or drinking enough or often enough. I usually only eat 1 main meal each day and I never eat breakfast because i always feel sick if i eat in the morning.

Worst of all is entirely my fault and i have no excuse. I can't seem to get a decent routine or habit to brush or floss my teeth and i'm getting so worried that i keep having dreams where my teeth rot and fall out. Despite all this i always end up forgetting when i make new efforts to start again.

>> No.9795106
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x923, 30097417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted to exercise earlier and now my legs are all wobbly.

Did I do something wrong?

>> No.9795112

No, your muscles just aren't used to being exerted. Rest up and do it again tomorrow. Eventually your legs will get stronger.

>> No.9795114

No, that's normal. Start up again once that feeling goes away.

>> No.9795126

that feeling is literally the only good part about working out.

>> No.9795130

OK. I will do my best to keep at it.

>> No.9795136

The first week or two is always the worst and you will probably be sore, but if you can push through that it will get easier.

>> No.9796934

Mind my is degrading more than my body.

I get uncontrollably angry at the slightest of things now. I frequently hallucinate, too.

My social skills have degraded to the point where even my family comment on it - I've never been social ept, but now it's reached a whole new level and I don't even know what I'm doing differently. Maybe I am exactly the same, but they have decided it's been long enough and I should have "grown out of it" by now.

I also get chest pains, my digestive system barely works and I have all three types of insomnia worse than ever before in my life.

At least I'm not fat.

>> No.9796948

I am a sick man.... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. However, I know nothing at all about my disease, and do not know for certain what ails me. I don't consult a doctor for it, and never have, though I have a respect for medicine and doctors. Besides, I am extremely superstitious, sufficiently so to respect medicine, anyway (I am well-educated enough not to be superstitious, but I am superstitious). No, I refuse to consult a doctor from spite. That you probably will not understand. Well, I understand it, though. Of course, I can't explain who it is precisely that I am mortifying in this case by my spite: I am perfectly well aware that I cannot "pay out" the doctors by not consulting them; I know better than anyone that by all this I am only injuring myself and no one else. But still, if I don't consult a doctor it is from spite. My liver is bad, well--let it get worse!

>> No.9797014
File: 135 KB, 1872x227, pissbleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heed my warning brothers

Also, sitting too much has given me a pilonidal cyst. Look them up. They suck.

I'm trying to treat it by rubbing a mixture of dollar-store neosporin, bag balm, and desitin on it several times a day

God I love the smell of Desitin

>> No.9797259

Wow, that scared me. I hope my soap doesn't have bleach.

>> No.9797431

It's 8AM and I haven't slept yet. Yesterday I woke up around 5PM. I think might have a circadian rhythm disorder because it seems like I go to sleep at a later time each week. I'm always tired even though I don't do much all day.

Sometimes I have a sharp pain in my chest. It feels like I have a needle lodged in my ribcage. Breathing becomes really painful, but sometimes the only thing that can dispel this feeling is a deep breath.

Aside from that sharp feeling, sometimes my entire body will feel... heavier than usual, with my chest heavier than the rest of my body. I can feel my heart beating harder, my whole body pulses, and I feel lethargic.

I also experience sharp pains on the left side of my stomach. These pains usually occur when I engage in some kind of vigorous activity.

Sometimes my eyes cross on their own and everything becomes blurry, but I can still see. Sometimes when I sit up/stand up my vision goes completely black and I have to hold on to something to prevent myself from falling over.

I have tarsal coalition, which is a fancy way of say "flat feet", but it really causes me discomfort. You know that feeling you get in your fingers when you want to crack your knuckles? My left foot feels like that all the time.

I'm underweight because I don't get as hungry a most people. I can and often go 24 hours on one small meal or no meal at all.

My teeth are yellow as fuck because I keep forgetting to brush my teeth. Also one of my molars chipped a few years ago.

>> No.9797455
File: 640 KB, 850x531, sample_6a57d7b58127d38d6155cac40476fc989b2deff4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TruNEET here. I get excercise. I would totaly fall apart if I didnt. But my nervous system is a piece of crap so my health is not super.

>> No.9798044

What a retard. Your piss is basically ammonia if left sitting for that long. He essentially mixed bleach and ammonia and created chlorine gas, as the image said.

>> No.9799442
File: 118 KB, 353x465, RinNakai3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9799451

I've spent the last two days on 1 hour of sleep.

I feel fantastic.

>> No.9799458

My health is OK, but my sight went real bad.

>> No.9799476
File: 156 KB, 690x1024, ShidaMirai_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9799484

That was.. ungraceful, KING OF /jp/. You should be ashamed of your reply.

>> No.9799496
File: 33 KB, 800x450, 9943640f83cda9c036d122ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me cry T_T
I go watch now movie "In Time"

"In a future where people stop aging at 25, but are engineered to live only one more year, having the means to buy your way out of the situation is a shot at immortal youth."

I hope its a good movie

>> No.9799499

This. Far stuff are all blury and shit.

>> No.9799521

Aw shit, now I want to want to watch it. Tell me how it is.

>> No.9799542
File: 54 KB, 435x290, 6a00e398d193e80003011016289cb8860c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am watching it in exactly 17 minutes.
Preparing some pop corn and juice.


The movie sounds very interesting a world where people need to pay every minute to live after they reach 25 years.The rich live forever and the poor die young

>> No.9799598

How new are you?

king of jp is just another shit posting tripfagot.

Thats all it ever was and thats all it will contiue to be.

Just filter it and move one and keep reporting his posts.

>> No.9799612

''please`` don't bully

>> No.9799621

I am not bullying though. I am filtering and reporting shitposters

>> No.9799623

Sometimes my vision gets blurry as fuck when I look at my keyboard and I cant even see which key is which

>> No.9799626

Why the HELL Are you looking at your keyboard you fucking dork?!?!

>> No.9799633

There's a groove on "f" and a groove on "j", both are the index finger on the home row.

Thank me later.

>> No.9799636

My room kinda smells like pee because I like wetting the bed, so I've been burning incense to mask to scent. Inhaling all that smoke probably isn't too good for my health...

>> No.9799702

Im not saying I look at the keyboard to type you nerds, just when I look down stuff becomes blurry, that was an example. I try to sometimes look away from my computer screen because it hurts my eyes after a while

>> No.9800026
File: 81 KB, 852x919, 1348292178221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you FUCKING talk back to me young man! you think you can just get away with giving me lip? how DARE you raise your tone against me! don't you have any sense of respect you savage ogre?! if you talk back to me again so rudely heaven help me i will not show you any mercy!!

>> No.9800052

OK for the anon who wanted to know if " In Time" is worth to watch
Yes it is, the movie was dam good and the acting too but the story is just too awesome.
Makes you think what would you do if you had 1 million years to live and others live day by day.Would you share your time with others?

The movie is a easy 10/10

>> No.9800075

I saw it with my sister in the theaters. It was enjoyable but not worth a 10 out of 10, in our opinion.

>> No.9800077

Retard mama

>> No.9800116 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1100x1617, eri-wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think it was.
But Everyone has a opinion.
I mean its 1 of this few movies that makes you think about the them even after they credits are over and the movie did end.

Makes you somehow feel happy that you don't know when you will die, I cant even imagine how it is just to wake up 1 day and to know how many hours you have left to live.

>> No.9800698


Why's there a faggot hollywood movie with the same ass title? Can you pinpoint me to a highres quality release of the movie since it's a hassle to find when there are co-existing titles.

>> No.9800768

Pretty sure he is talking about the hollywood movie.

>> No.9800785

Hmmm.... At least your taste in movies is good, unlike everything else you like.

>> No.9800811

