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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 154 KB, 595x710, E1325A78-7F2E-44A0-8D63-6BBC459C9930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
979076 No.979076 [Reply] [Original]

woo hoo! sales starts today! how long before torrents?

>> No.979152

never! because of the DRM aids

>> No.979154

I don't know. I don't want to know. I have never understood the appeal of these dating games, I only come for the touhou.

>> No.979165

1 on 1 straight scenes are boring. Tell me if there are rape, yuri or harem scenes.

>> No.979192

Aside from the grammar, what game/s are coming out?

>> No.979193

well I don't know if there are any but there are titles like "Suck my dick or die"

>> No.979199

Liquid games = rape

>> No.979230
File: 195 KB, 640x540, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they get around to release the newer ones

>> No.979254
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>> No.979292
File: 272 KB, 640x368, shirou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to need to wash those clothes now that you've spilled ice cream on them.

>> No.979302

you just lost me

>> No.979306

I don't get what you're saying

>> No.979309

And you've just lost me, Anon.

>> No.979315

I'm still confused as to why they randomly changed names for some of the games. Not that "Suck my dick or die!" isn't an amusing title.

>> No.979342

I think they were allowed to. They probably thought it could appeal more to casual fags.
I don't care about the title anyway as long as the shit is understandable

>> No.979455

because all the amerikkans understand is stuff like suck my dick or fuck me harder

>> No.979477

Yeah, what games are coming out?

>> No.979484


No I haven't.

>> No.979569

2 games out now
more games coming up

>> No.979807

just bought Edelweiss and downloading it atm

1.5 GB... this is gonna take a while with my crappy Internet connection

>> No.981006

Would you kindly tell us of the writing quality?

>> No.981013

And while you're at it, crack the DRM and torrent it please?

>> No.981020

do torrent so some other anon can crack the DRM

>> No.981040

Do want Hinataboko!

>> No.982124

Wish I could access that site, but it just complains on referers, sigh. And I know for certain firefox isn't blocking it (so it is either noscript or the firewall)

>> No.982128

touhoufag gb2gaia.

>> No.982146


>> No.982174

Noscript doesn't do shit with the httpreferer. I tried to set my referer extension to block everything and the site still works for me...

>> No.982200


>Well, I went ahead and bought Edelweiss at the lower price. Frankly, I think the quality of the translation is phenomenally unprofessional, and not to the level where a retail product should be. I'm not talking about subtle flaws where some Japanese may have been mistranslated, I'm talking about massive numbers of spelling errors and mistranslations, that hamper gameplay.

>For example, the line (during locker-room talk about the girls in an all-girl's school): "
There were only two options they had until we arrive. Either they mustervate or they become lilly."

>I redownloaded HinataBokko, and the only file that was changed is .exe, with different icon (and maybe the title was changed, I didn't want to waste activation to get further), all other files have the exact same size (in bytes), so all that translation-tuning they talked about doesn't seem to have taken place.

>> No.982202


>Well, I went ahead and bought Edelweiss at the lower price. Frankly, I think the quality of the translation is phenomenally unprofessional, and not to the level where a retail product should be. I'm not talking about subtle flaws where some Japanese may have been mistranslated, I'm talking about massive numbers of spelling errors and mistranslations, that hamper gameplay.

>For example, the line (during locker-room talk about the girls in an all-girl's school): "There were only two options they had until we arrive. Either they mustervate or they become lilly."

>I redownloaded HinataBokko, and the only file that was changed is .exe, with different icon (and maybe the title was changed, I didn't want to waste activation to get further), all other files have the exact same size (in bytes), so all that translation-tuning they talked about doesn't seem to have taken place.

>> No.982205


The original title is Guerrilla Rape. Much better imo.

>> No.982242

> or they become lilly.
I see, they really had a professional translate this.

>> No.982253

>They mustervate or they become lilly.

>> No.982258

>They mustervate or they become lilly.
What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.982264

"Either they masturbate or they turn lesbian."

>> No.982272

>Either they masturbate or get the scissors working.
Probably something like that.

>> No.982273

>They mustervate or they become lilly.

....... man, that's expert grade.

>> No.982397

They had no time for translation, too busy working on their copy protection.

>> No.982434

>copy protection
Ehrm, things like this is usually outsourced to other companies. I agree with you they rushed the translations of course, but who am I to complain? I'm just waiting for the torrents...

>> No.982554

If Anon can crack this shit, he can also fix the typos.

>> No.982575

>fix the typos
Why would someone actually want to bother with this?

>> No.982718


Yea I always suspected the error message to be incorrect since I have not set any blocks anywhere manually. I do wonder what causes the problem. I had similar errors at 4chan actually which I bypassed by blocking cookies instead of working with the so called referer problem it complained on.

Maybe I'll just block cookies from them too.

>> No.983203

I now want to play this just to see typos

>> No.983285

Well, damn. Was sort of wanting to buy. Because... Anon said it wasn't completely shit, unlike all the other games save one. The synopsis on the site indicated nothing of quality.

The demo for My Sex Slave Is A Classmate left me with the impression that the development process for some of these titles must be to first get a load of porn drawn, then cobble together a story around the pictures.

>> No.983315


Machine translations?

Or was this translated by real, full-blooded Japanese people who don't even speak english (like FF7 and FFT)?

>> No.983325

Dutchmen, probably.

>> No.983364

I thought dutch people were good in English.

>> No.983370

Off course!

>> No.983374

Well, apparently they don't.

>> No.983563

Anyone know about Suika A.S+? Seems it is also from Circus, so maybe it isn't a pornfest. Or at least something like Da Capo.

>> No.983596



Apparently it also has a 7X rating on Erogamescape with 800 something people that played it I think. I'll want to try it out.

>> No.983605

Played it meaning rated it.

>> No.983684

80 dollars for a poorly translated game from 6 years ago (Da Capo)? Lol I think not. Torrents plz.

>> No.983709

>80 dollars
Oh ho, that's why they're targeting Europe.
Needs more German dubbing.

>> No.983824

We just have to hope manga screener won't go hirameki before they release it.

>> No.984600

have you finished downloading yet?

>> No.985205

torrents plox

>> No.985231

where are my links? i wanna crack this shit.

>> No.985276

Do not torrent this. Buy it.

>> No.985287

I'll buy the Circus games as long as the translation isn't shit

>> No.985326



>> No.985431

You only have two choices: mustervate or become lilies.

>> No.985434

Five times, actually.
And you can e-mail for more.

>> No.985477

That's what they said with g-collection games and it still got cracked I think Pahn was the guy who cracked it

>> No.985771

They probably don't understand English.

>> No.985786

3 weeks later...


>> No.985953

if it was for a normal video game it would be cracked with in hours. but since its a visual novel it probably won't get to much attention so yea three weeks.

>> No.986249

why won't the guy who bought it give an update?

>> No.986268

because he didn't really buy it

>> No.986579

does anyone have those games yet!?!

>> No.986611

Hahaha, oh wow.

They aren't getting my European money with that.
By the way, the website is, in fact, illegal according to German law, since there is no effective youth protection.

>> No.986609

Hahaha, oh wow.

They aren't getting my European money with that.
By the way, the website is, in fact, illegal according to German law, since there is no effective youth protection, and they send pornographic content by mail order.

>> No.986646

fuck german law they had a guy frying another guys penis and eating him

>> No.986686

Just downloaded the trial for suck my dick or die! and I get to choose who I 'pley'

>> No.986992

care to give a review?

>> No.987168

It delivered upon its name

>> No.987177

gee that was an awesome review! it totally blew my mind away!

>> No.987182

Wow EA licensed sim dates?!

>> No.987314

why pay for a poorly translated game when you can support titles like Family Project instead of the shit they are releasing. SHARE SHARE SHARE.

>> No.987318

Suck My Sims or DIE

>> No.987337

because with more cash in their pockets they can bring in better titles

>> No.987352

I agree that this isn't the place to support the industry. I own legitimate copies of a few games - Discipline, Bible Black, X-Change 2, Ever17 - so maybe one purchase for every ten I pirate, but at least what I bought was decent.

Heck, Ever17 is twenty bucks now. It's almost worth paying that for the box.

>> No.987871

So the translation quality sucks. Not surprising.

But do any of these games have uncensored art?

>> No.987900


Mind telling me where? Kinda interested in buying now.

>> No.988572



>> No.990576


Searched J-list, didn't find.

>> No.990672

Bible Black was overrated, Discipline was shit (literally). If you're gonna buy, at least save the cash for better games.

>> No.990700

torrent plox bump!
is this just a demo??

>> No.990717

Leave now.

>> No.991108
File: 106 KB, 620x579, bb67744e104744ba2e7c6fcb83d16602 dokkoida edelweiss sakurazaki kosuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.991266

Okay, installing the trial of "Suck my dick or die". This can only be awesome.

>> No.991375

Looks like I lied.

>> No.991381

I lol'd.

>> No.991387


Did any dicks actually get sucked, or was it all just a clever ruse?

>> No.991558
File: 506 KB, 803x622, edelweiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it and downloaded it, but haven't had time to actually play it much. I also downloaded japanese version from share and tried if they use same archive files for game data... well, the archive format seems to be same, but the files weren't compatible between versions (not a surprize, but it was worth a try)

I can't say much about the translation quality, because I'm not native English speaker, so I probably won't notice the flaws in the script, but I extracted some script from the beginning:

"Wake up!! Kazushi!"
"Are you all right?"
what is it you want?
"It's comming!!"
what's comming?
"A guy throwing up"
"Don't throw up here!
Hey Kazushi!!"
"What-?......why are you so noisy?"
Appo- "Throwing up"
The very first thing I saw this day was Appo- throwing up.
Pierre "Here, use this bag!!"
Daigo "You always carry that bag for this kind of emergency?"
"No. This is actually Appo-'s"
This is not what you wanna see right when you wake up.
There is beautiful sky and endless view of blue sky above us.
I feel strong sunlight giving me a good tan.
Yes, we are on a ship cruising.
Mother ocean makes me feel so relaxed.
"This is so soothing. I love being out here."
"Stop ignoring what's going on!!
Help me out here!!"
"Hey Kazushi!
Why are you having hard on?
Still throwing up"
"Why are you having hard on?"
"It's just because I just woke up!"
"Kazushi always have hard on for some reason."
"Why were you sleeping to begin with?"
"I was so excited, I didn't sleep for last three days."
I only slept about 5 hours total for last week.
That's how much I was looking forward to this trip.

>> No.991566
File: 357 KB, 685x642, games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.991708

Someone should upload those demos.

>> No.991736

You got two of 'em too?

>> No.991738

i hate it already

>> No.991742

... who the fuck translated this? Babelfish?

>> No.991748

>Why are you having hard on?


>> No.991759

Jesus Christ, I mean, I don't even care if the translation is a little weak. But they could at least have checked it for typos, run it through a checker, anything.

>> No.991858

Shit, this doesnt look good.

August is still far away though - they still have time before screwing up completly

>> No.992036

Isn't that the original Da Capo? This is bad news if it means that the guys translating Plus Communication drops it because of this...

>> No.992360

Fuck it`s true, I feel so ashamed right now.

I can only hope they hired a bunch of drunk monkeys to translate the games for them.

>> No.992377

Yeah, it's the original, but what with these bullshit translations, let's hope that's enough incentive not to stop translating PS.

>> No.992399

Upcoming Releases:

My sex slave is a classmate
Sandwiched by my wife and her sister
Shera, My Witch
Suck my dick or die!
Tasty Shafts
Da Capo
The Queen and Princess as your rewards
Suika A.S+

>> No.992405
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1196135001371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suck my dick or die!
>Tasty Shafts

>> No.992429

>My sex slave is a classmate
This title is actually the same in Japanese.

>> No.992442

Boxes for software have negative value. They take up space for no benefit. Even plain DVDs are too big, only hard discs have high enough information density.

>> No.992463

>Sandwiched by my wife and her sister

>> No.992572

can you download the full version even if you're not logged in?

>> No.992592

Where are these discs from?

>> No.992597

I'd say the title is pretty misleading. Some girl gets killed despite the fact that she sucked dick.

>> No.992638

>"Why are you having hard on?"

>> No.992693


>> No.992774

>Suck my dick or die!
Sounds awesome
>Tasty shafts

>> No.992813

Hadron. H-A-D-R-O-N.

Know your touhoues.

>> No.992884

When you support shit, you'll get shit. Buy good games only.

>> No.993874

Key shit cost a lot, same with other good stuff. People have to start somewhere.

>> No.993961
File: 260 KB, 700x525, circusp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got them from Anime Expo. One from the Circus booth and the other from the Circus panel.

>> No.994528

never said KEY is good.
I'm gonna download everything they bring and BUY Family Kazoku.

>> No.994534

>Family Kazoku
Family Family? What?

>> No.994588

Isn't that from the fucked-up prerelease version? Maybe they forgot to put up the right files?

>> No.994801

Well it is.

>> No.994848

Family Keikaku

>> No.994870

And you wouldn't upload or torrent the demo (at least of DC), would you?

>> No.997280

what ever happened to they guy who bought Edelweiss ?

>> No.997502

He's probably fapping about somewhere.

And fuck Edelweiss I was really looking forward to the title:
"suck my chan or die"

>> No.997573


>> No.997794

your chan?

does not compute

>> No.997820

this entire thread made me lol. and not at you guys' expense, either - just at the situation.

Futari no Koibito. Was that also a dating sim? 'Cause I saw some translated scenes on fakku.net and it was pretty arousing. Anyway, best of luck in your future faps.

>> No.997841

>Cause I saw some translated scenes on fakku.net
>on fakku.net

>> No.998116

what the fuck? fakku's already reaping things for it's own benefit?

>> No.999178
File: 250 KB, 800x1200, 83233d8bbcb0c9157690540bda57a66d - asakura nemu blush brown hair da capo dressing game cg ribbons thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.999496

as long as you have the actual full game data on your computer, I really doubt there will ever be any way to stop people from cracking it open and playing it. Unless the company turns faggot and gives you only chunks of the game and somehow "leases" the rest of the game to you when you play, which would cause an uproar.

>> No.999519


>> No.999524

Way to give them ideas.

>> No.999534

The thing on Fakku is one of the School Days endings

>> No.999555

They might release a patch to fix the... uh... typos.
Still not sure whether to put my money down. They probably won't accept my debit card anyway.

>> No.999560

Even then, you could rip it from memory; the game data has to be in memory at some point, at which point you can take it. The question is whether hacking it is easy enough and it's popular enough that anyone will bother.

>> No.999570

It's already being done. With browser-based MMOs.

Hm... wonder if browser-based VNs exist... and are being monetised. Seems a reasonable delivery mechanism for just text, pictures and sound.

>> No.999572

Fakku blows, no loli at all.

>> No.1001474

Bumping this until a torrent appears

>> No.1002320

aging for torrent

>> No.1002928

tripfags are not allowed. GTFO.

>> No.1002977

You'd still be able to grab the entire game and make a single packaged release of it. It'd just take more work, but it's been done -- there's a mostly-working and reasonably complete rom of Zelda BS flying around, for example, which was pretty similar to what you're describing.

>> No.1004312

Woah thread is heading to hell right now

>> No.1004504

Was there ever any translation mistakes back in the good old days with 3 sisters story etc? Can't remember any.

>> No.1004525

Now that you mention it... nope.

>> No.1004557


I like to think that we were just a lot less stuck up about these things back then...

>> No.1004616

There's a difference between being "stuck up" and thinking that "Either they mustervate or they become lilly" is a SHIT translation.

>> No.1004631


I'm not disputing that fact that that is shit, just saying that we used to notice those things less back then...

>> No.1004657

you must also take notice of the fact the games are much much longer now

>> No.1006373

does ANYONE have this yet?

>> No.1006982

it's doomed! no one has this!

>> No.1007316
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tsunami Channel has something kinda like that. And it's been around for years.

>> No.1007407


The what?

>> No.1007856


>> No.1008017

someone torrent!

>> No.1008026

Browser-based anything is always shit.

>> No.1008044

yep the browser based internet is shit

>> No.1008050

My point exactly.

>> No.1008053


>> No.1008065

it will be here until torrents are found

>> No.1008066

This thread will live on!

>> No.1008070

hive mind

>> No.1008421

no really?

>> No.1008667

torrent over at

>> No.1009461

OK so that's one of what 2? a great start!

>> No.1012020

someone found a cure for aids yet?

>> No.1013526

no I think anyone who has aids is a goner

>> No.1013556
File: 77 KB, 350x303, 1215997295790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1013567

we like to take it easy

>> No.1013818

Don't make it too easy for them.

>> No.1013863

soon we'll have this pirated all your asses mothefucking moralfags.

>> No.1014029

I think the moralfags managed to get this thread deleted.
There was also a link to a hongfire page and a datorrents page, they got the hongfire page deleted as well as the datorrent page

>> No.1014036
File: 18 KB, 1024x743, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a funny page we get instaed of a 404 page.
I knew that jlist used to be sponsor and likely used to have some influence. But I never thought mods/janitors where on boat with the moralfags...

>> No.1014050

Hello OeWei - I had hoped you were banned.

>> No.1014056

I'm not the guy who posted the torrent, just a lurker, why would I get banned?

>> No.1014063

I keep wishing that the mods will step in and ban people like you. Your entire person is an affront to anything with the slightest intelligence. You're like a black hole of stupidity, wiping out anything remotely sane and smart in a person. Merely by having acknowledged you have I lost the little IQ I still had.

>> No.1014078


>> No.1014165

I hope they ban you for being a fucktard
this is 4chan
now fuck off and go back to church

>> No.1014214

Well if your IQ is measured by your penis then I don't think you need to worry about others since 1" wouldn't amount amount to much of an IQ!

>> No.1014220


>> No.1014227


That was embarrassing to read. I hope someday when you grow up you remember you made that post and the shame alone kills you.

>> No.1014311

>I hope someday when you grow up

Don't concern yourself! I'm probably more mature and stable than you are (what a disgusting thought, me being your elder! you'd better address me as sensei from now on).

Look why do you insist trolling here! Or is it you dying for the crack for your own pathetic reasons?

>> No.1014396

These games are going to be cracked in the end, if not by someone from here then by someone else from other places. Why are the moralfags so butthurt? ;_;

>> No.1014401

those trackers don't allow licensed materials unfortunately that's why the torrents got deleted. the safe way would be to use trackers from sites that don't give a fuck, ie thepiratebay and such

>> No.1014438

Thread is back. I guess it was just a 4chan error.

>> No.1014985

Amorous Professor Cherry is now in stock.

>> No.1014991

Still haven't seen a torrent for it posted yet though..

>> No.1016142

we'll see one soon don't worry

>> No.1016991

where's my professor Cherry?

>> No.1017238

what's that?

>> No.1018217

it's another fap game from XyZ

>> No.1018234


>> No.1018318

Just finished this game. Pure shit, don't bother with it

>> No.1018422

ITT: Trolls pretending to be moralfags frustating all the other trolls.


>> No.1018444


>> No.1019310

what about that other game also released?
and there is also Professor cherry from g-collections

>> No.1019733


>> No.1019842

yes it's still ALIVE!

>> No.1021316


>> No.1021329
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>> No.1021331

posting to engage autosage

>> No.1021332
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>> No.1021337
File: 33 KB, 290x310, 1216336382055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1021350


>> No.1021550


>> No.1023512

