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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9783048 No.9783048[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What MMOs are we playing or planning to play?


Pic related.

>> No.9783084

Looks interesting, I think I'll try it (if I get a beta key that is...)

>> No.9783101
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Playing Mabi
Plan to, fuck I dunno, blade and soul?

After not checking my email forever, I remembered to several days ago and realized I should have been playing Mechwarrior Online, but my motivation is entirely gone.

Fucking nothing looks interesting anymore.


>> No.9783117

As a rule I stay away from Fotm shit these days, but your link looks like a good one OP.
I might actually give it a go, after it's done with beta.

>> No.9783156

But beta is the best time to play an MMO.

>> No.9783166

I'll only be playing a week at most, the bother of making an email account just for a key and dealing with bugs just isn't worth it.

>> No.9783190

Pandaria came out yesterday.

>> No.9783196

The fact that they throw around the word anime makes me want to stay away.

>> No.9783218
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I'm kinda looking forward to 06scape but I have my doubts of it succeeding. The server capacity needed to run a game like that is massive.

>> No.9783210

It's just SOE.

What did you expect, they come out with shit like this all the time. It's actually a neat game that plays a bit like Dark Souls.

>> No.9783235

Oh, it's actually coming out, neat.

I was pretty stoked when I found out it existed a couple years ago, but then it was a retail game rather than free-to-play in Japan or something, so I never got to try it. Then later on I heard it was pretty bad too.

I want to try it nonetheless.

>> No.9783283

is that goatman's penis shining?

>> No.9783301
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Nothing interesting lately.

Mechwarrior Online is too much of a bother to play at this stage. The finished product might be fun but I'll stick to MW4 for now.
Also, what's that site?

>> No.9783304

FFXIV 2.0 is the only hope for a Japanese game to play for years to come I think.

>> No.9783309

I hate playing MMOs.

>> No.9783317

Do they have any dates for the 2.0 stuff yet? Hopefully they're still planning the free month of 2.0 for everyone who owns it FF14.

All I see is on the site is:

>We would like to remind players that certain procedures and bonuses pertaining to the current version of FINAL FANTASY XIV will become unavailable as of September 29, 2012 (Saturday), at 23:59 (PDT).

Billing procedures
Account registration
Item code registration
FFXI & FFXIV simultaneous subscription bonuses

>> No.9783318

What? There's nothing anime about this game.

>> No.9783320

The current game is being shut down in November. 2.0 beta will start shortly after, so I'm guessing it'll be released around January. There will be a free month for people who own it.

>> No.9783325
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Steparu writes and makes videos about most every free MMO.

>> No.9783341
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Oh hey, I've been looking forward to this.
and all of my interest has vanished.

>> No.9783342
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I don't know who Steparu is but cute site.

>> No.9783345

Believe it or not, that's the cutting animation of the sword.

He's a fucking gaia tier homo who has KSSNs and plays every MMO, but he sucks balls.

>> No.9783350
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Has anyone played PlaneShift? I like the setting and the idea of proper role playing--it reminds me of a MUD.

I think I played it a few years ago, but I don't remember if it's any fun.

>> No.9783353
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I thought his video and summaries were pretty harmless when I watched them, and I'm very prone to cringing over anything that doesn't fit in my 4chan world view.

>> No.9783359

Been playing quite a bit of single player games. A lot of the MMOs that came out this year are stale and fail to deliver something different.

>> No.9783367

He's a lolikon who searches Korea for loli MMOs and puts reviews of them up.

>> No.9783373 [DELETED] 
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Thanks for the tip. Paging my fellow goons now.

>> No.9783383
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I doubt I will play anything else, unless Sega will drop updating it for more than a year.

>> No.9783381

Real Americans do not visit shit sites like SA.

>> No.9783387 [DELETED] 
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If you hate Lowtax, you hate freedom. If you hate freedom, you hate America.

Why do you hate America? Terrorist.

>> No.9783390

Who said I hate America? Bi-polar self-important shitposters - that is how you define America?

>> No.9783398

I once played an MMO where his girlfriend was guild leader. Woman was full on crazy with a massive ego. Also would only accept the best of the best, even though she was complete garbage at the game herself.

>> No.9783410

Planning on playing Blade & Soul until Black Desert comes out. Been playing the Korean version of B&S, so I know it will keep me entertain for at least a year when it comes out here.

>> No.9783413

Sounds like a pretty average day in an MMO.

I think there's only two general kinds of women who play MMOs, crazy girls who failed at building their real-life friendcircle and over-extend online to compensate, and the totally awesome ones who never even tell you they're girls unless you find out by accident a couple years later.

>btw I'm a girl

>> No.9783414

I absolutely refuse to play with girls with any position of power in a guild. Shit always turns to fucking needless drama.

>> No.9783420

Wurmonline is the only one I've played regularly in a long time.

>> No.9783421

You really think shitposting even exists on SA? You get banned for the smallest things.

>> No.9783422


This is all I care about.

>> No.9783429
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>> No.9783430

Yes, the mods are the biggest shitposters I have ever seen, banning people for everything and nothing.

>> No.9783432

You care about reskinned Continent of the Ninth that doesn't even try to be something really new.

>> No.9783444

I want to try GW2, but there's no demo or anything and i'm really afraid is going to run like crap on my laptop.

>> No.9783448

Aside from the sieges, mounted combat, player and guild homes and farms, player cannons, improved gameplay, seamless open world, and better graphics?

Yeah, I do.

>> No.9783451

That's like saying FFXI and FFXIV has nothing animesque.

But honestly, I don't know where they got the "anime monsters" part from. They're pretty western and faithful to the originals.

>> No.9783458

Looks interesting. Wonder if I would have priority for beta since I played DCUO?

>> No.9783465

Japanese side of wizardries had animation style sprites and all that. Nothing of it really slipped into mmo version, unless you count local gnomes as a anime style.

>> No.9783466

Every game since Ragnarok Online and that one UO event.

>mounted combat
Mortal Online, many other games.

>guild homes
That's like every MMO since forever.

>player cannons
Mortal Online.

>improved gameplay and better graphics
I'm not going to argue about improved gameplay because we haven't even tried it, but it totally recycled models and shit from C9, it's not that amazing.

You're better off waiting for ArcheAge which might come internationally to GPotato.

>> No.9783474

Didn't Mists of Pandaria come out recently?

>> No.9783475

>because a game has done it before, not other game should or will be able to improve on it ever

This is what you sound like.

>recommends ArcheAge

Oh, you're one of those faggots.

>> No.9783499

No one's stealing the name "Steparu" in mmos anymore?

>> No.9783495


ArcheAge is a god damn beautiful and playable game that twists around many other game's mechanics to make something original and less frustrating, whether you like it or not.

You have to be really high to not like it.

>> No.9783497
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I only got some 15-20 odd fps with my aging computer in GW2, and with nearly everything set to mimimum. This old heap is a Core 2 Duo 1.8 OC'd to 2.4 with a HD4890 and 4gb ram.

Guild castle battles huh. I want to take over the world with /jp/ again, but the one I'm really looking forward to / trying not to get too excited about is ArcheAge. I wonder if that one has cool guild stuff too. I haven't really followed any newer information about it since I watched videos almost 2 years ago, other than knowing it's not out in English to try yet.

>> No.9783500

Hey /jp/
I haven't played an mmo in forever
What mmo should i play first?
I want to play with /jp/

>> No.9783503

It's just a reskinned Vanguard bro. Nothing that hasn't been done before.

>> No.9783504

>Every game since Ragnarok Online
Hahah, I wish. Most of them don't even have that. I mean, there aren't much games that have enough contents compared to UO or RO. Might as well keeping playing those two. I'm not defending black oasis, its probably all the same, but come on.

>mounted combat
never ever done right

Instead of Archeage you should have advised Path of Exile, it would be funnier.

>> No.9783511


The only thing close to what's it trying to be is EverQuest and maybe Pirates of the Burning Sea, one which sucked and other which is ancient by now.

Vanguard is a stinker and I don't know why would you even mention it over those two, maybe it's true that you like stinky games.

>> No.9783512
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>> No.9783516

I kind of agree, but I don't know where PoE fits in this whole affair, Black Desert isn't even semi-isometric.

Mortal Online might have been a stinker but it did mounted combat perfectly, kind of like Mount & Blade.

>> No.9783522

>he never played Vanguard

If you had played it, then you would realize what ArcheAge is going to be, and thus not be excited for it. So in fact, it is YOU who likes the stinky games.

>> No.9783524

>Mortal Online

Confirmed for not knowing shit about anything.

>> No.9783536

What's the big deal about mounted combat anyway?
It's always convoluted and just one more big ticket item to grind for, and usually ripe for exploitation on an item shop.

If the world is a hassle to travel around without a fucking horse, that's a fault of the designers.

>> No.9783544
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That's a pretty surprising claim to make. What's similar about ArcheAge and Vanguard?

I played Vanguard at launch back in 2007 or whatnot. This was the one with the unfinished high-level dungeons, the hilariously overpowered AE-ing mages, and the strangely separated combat / trade / social mini-game whatever thing?

I had heard ArcheAge was going for a UO (world) + WoW (questing) + Lineage (PVP) setup.

>> No.9783542

>he thinks Vanguard is in any way relevant

Vanguard was SOE's first inhouse full failure that tried to blend in EverQuest with World of Warcraft.

I don't know what are you on about because most of what was featured in that game was straight self-ripped off EverQuest as much as WoW did.

>> No.9783548

And I'm saying ArcheAge is going to be the same thin you dingle berry.

>> No.9783550

No I don't know why are you so buttangered.

You sound so frustrated that people don't like your reskinned C9, you have to make shitty claims for no apparent reason.

>> No.9783555

I wonder if Maple Japan is any good.

>> No.9783552

I really don't know what kind of argument is that.

So far, the game has been very promising and in all ways, surprisingly, playable. At least, compared to crap like Vanguard.

>> No.9783553
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I play danmaku

>> No.9783558
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>> No.9783567

Are there any shitty mmos out taking place in traditionally Japanese middleage settings? I want to cut through oni and shit with my honorable katana.

Preferably one without magic, but one can only ask so much. Anti gaijin measures matter not.

>> No.9783583

There was Blade Chronicle, which was one of the primary inspirations for many MMOs lately due to their complex weapon repertory.

Never came out of Japan, just tried it once, was fun.

>> No.9783589

There's also Nobunaga's Ambition Online, exclusive to Japan in Windows and PS3 system, used to be a PS2 game.

Another game that never came out of Japan.

>> No.9783590

I always had a feeling that when people think "mounted combat" they automatically imagine huge battlegrounds, infantry rank soldiers and high ranked mounted champions, lots of strategical stuff and epic battles. No idea why, I can't see any other appeal.

>> No.9783599

Mortal Online.

>> No.9783607

Is that Aika? That game always cracked me up.

>> No.9783626

OP's game is probably the closest thing we'll get besides PSO2 to a good Japanese MMO overseas.

Seeing how it plays makes me really eager to try it.

>> No.9783631

Llooks like I can pray to onions and create swords through only frustration at a pile of blocks. I might just give that a shot. Thanks.

The same old western castles and elves shit gets old afterawhile.
Jesus, mum's the word on this one isn't it? I'll actually have to put in a small bit of effort to read up on it.

>> No.9783632

It's as good as american version

>> No.9783643

Which means it's shit.

>> No.9783648

There wasn't any big patch over there that MS global didn't get yet or anything like that?

>> No.9783660

Japan has two exclusive classes, Kana and some samurai dude. Global has shitty Jet.

>> No.9783668

Jet is a global exclusive?
Well, I haven't played Global in a long time either.

>> No.9783669

Why hasn't any one sued this pedo.

>> No.9783671

I was considering it again when I found out they put out magical girl classes on the corean servers, but then I remembered it was a steaming pile of pay2win horseshit that dug a hole in my wallet, and it only got worse over time.

>> No.9783674
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>> No.9783675

Why do you keep referring to it as Global, did you forget the IP blocks.

>> No.9783680

Well you can always make a girl character and whore yourself for money by getting some kid steal money for you from his mom's credit card.

>> No.9783684

I have a surprising amount of pride for a truNEET, and more to the point I do not much enjoy MMOs.

>> No.9783688

>Magical girl class
Are you serious? Is it on the corean servers but not on the Japanese?

Is it supposed to be this ? >>9783674

>> No.9783690

It's a 2hu class


>> No.9783694

No, it's a different one that looks like generic shoujo bitch.

Google helps. I don't know what people see in that game.

>> No.9783696

Transformation scene:


>> No.9783705
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>> No.9783706


>> No.9783711

Looks good but I can't into corean so I'll pass.

>> No.9783716

Why do many dislikes?
Do Coreans hate magical girls?

>> No.9783720

Actually yes, they love mecha more instead. (See CosmicBreak, Coreans hate moe in there too)

>> No.9783721

The default damage cap is 100k or 1mil, I forgot, and they have attacks with drastically higher caps, like 10mil and 100mil. Basically they assrape every other class and faggots got mad.

>> No.9783730

It always surprises me that people actually play MapleStory.

I can't help but remember how through most of 4chan's life it was put on the same level of personal insult as being from Gaia, and later to WoW players, and at the same time it seems odd that younger users would play such an old game.

>> No.9783736

People are pretty proud to still play WoW on other boards by this point, I hear Naruto and similar shit threads are becoming more popular on /a/, Gaia is all but forgotten by this point. Site is getting shittier, really.

>> No.9783737

I always come back to maplestory, must be because of cute graphics

>> No.9783743
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i'm still playing tera, even torchlight 2 couldn't pull me away from it, though it is getting a little tedious sometimes. i just lack people to play with, i'm leveling far too fast for most people, the curse of having too much spare time

>> No.9783757

Still playing TERA.

>> No.9783761

Maplestory is a trap, you always come back to it eventually.
I've first played when it came out and even though my highest level is 70 I had a LOT of characters.

>> No.9783777
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Forgot image.

>> No.9783778

F2P when ?

>> No.9783782

I picked up haven and hearth again.
Surprisingly the /jp/ village is still there, though I didn't see anybody or any reason to think the people who lived there still play.

The sheer amount of abandoned property means I will be able to loot myself to a decent level of infrastructure in only a couple of days. It's a shame the persistent lag is far worse than the old lags spikes got, having to wait for five minutes for every click to register seems to explain to me why there are so few people around in the first place.

>> No.9783792

I don't understand the fun of hopping between flavour of the month MMOs all the time. I can only really enjoy them if I commit myself entirely, for years. But it's so hard to make that commitment for new MMOs nowadays.

>> No.9783793

After B&S beta, maybe.

>> No.9783801

Dunno, after my first month I bought a Chronoscroll (time extension for gold) for me and my friend without extra farming on my part so I don't really want it to go F2P. F2P generally brings a lot of silly baggage with it.

>> No.9783806

Because games are for kids.

>> No.9783831

Sure but that doesn't mean you're the only one interested in MMOs. MMOs come, they get served, people try them and then we decide on which ones to stay.

Wizardry Online has a lot of content and challenge planned to keep us playing even after we quit.

>> No.9783826
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are there any /jp/ guilds on EU servers that aren't dead?

>> No.9783834

Back when I was really into MMORPGs I used to switch one every two days.
As a result I played a LOT of games but a lot of them died too.

>> No.9783837

There are a couple of EVE corps with people awake during EU hours if your autism is strong enough for it.

>> No.9783839

fuck EVE, i'd rather get a real job

>> No.9783860

I think I hop around between all recent MMOs precisely because they're hard to commit to, or lack the content for long-term play.

Although in my case, I've acted like this since I first play Ultima Online back in 1997. I played Ultima Online and Everquest for what felt like eternities, but I'm sure it was only a few months for each (I played the 2nd through 4th CBTs of Everquest and I was a breaker in one of the first Fear raids in EQ) then repeating the process once-or-twice for each some while later when expansions came about.

The EQ beta was so long ago that they physically mailed the disks to the participants.

>> No.9783874

I actually really enjoy mining, which is literally the definition of your complaint. However, just floating in space with relaxing music on is absolutely fantastic. So yeah for some it might seem like work, but for me its just so relaxed. Thats just me though, I'm also in between games right now so that probably lends itself to the effect.

>> No.9783891

I'm the same way, luckily most mining corps take it very easy, when you can stomach dealing with people long enough for it. If not, it's not like soloing in lowsec is terribly hard or dangerous if you know how to find a little hidey hole system.

>> No.9783914
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>loli halfling race


>> No.9783929

I've never played anything that could match early UO's PvP. I inevitably compare every mmo I play against that feel from 12+ years ago and find it doesn't measure up.

>> No.9783940

People may call nostalgia but I honestly believe somewhere along the line MMOs took a wrong turn.

>> No.9783944

More like Dark Souls prepare to turn into ash/stone and cry to nearby priest edition.

>> No.9783964

Is Hotglue playing this???

I can't imagine good things out of a game with PK like this...they will probably kill us...

>> No.9783965

Wow that scenery is beautiful. If I could download the client if/when it becomes F2P I would.

Too bad 5GB monthly cap.

>> No.9783978

I have that same nostalgia about UO. I liked the feel of actually having to legitimately build yourself up. No gear through questing, hand-holding.

>> No.9783981

>the same level of personal insult as being from Gaia,

I never understood this. I used Gaia before 4chan even existed. 4chan is the newfag site I came to like half a year later. The same kids that flooded Gaia are the same that flooded 4chan, that is both sites were ruined at the same time. 4chan didn't sell out to them yet, so I still bother to browse this trainwreck.

Maplestory was always shit to me though. In my RO days, I saw it as a RO 2D knockoff and I also remember WoW being immensely hated. It is still mind boggling to me to see people being nostalgic over it.

>> No.9783983
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Did anyone from the other PvP servers stay after the merge? Always looking for more friends to play with.

I enjoy looking around a lot too, the areas look so nice.

>> No.9783989

It baffles me that I live in a third world country and have 10mb internet without any monthly cap while people in better places in the world have caps.

>> No.9783988

I do too. I've played SWTOR and WoW recently and the mentality of the player base astounds and aggravates me. Most of them would have never survived in the early days of UO or EQ.

>> No.9783997

>Wizardry Online has a lot of content and challenge planned to keep us playing even after we quit.

Does this content involve things to do that don't involve fighting or preparing to fight?

>> No.9783999
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I'm playing Dofus currently.

>> No.9784006

Most of mmos have neither gameplay nor actual massive online mechanic. Most of them are also static, linear and story driven.
To some extent most of them are just virtual shows with a social feature.
I don't think its nostalgia.

>> No.9784008

Wait wait wait.

There's a wizardry online?

Is there an English version? Is it like the old Sir Tech games?

>> No.9784009

Yeah, there's new professions and stuff they keep adding, for example, a Felyne race is coming.

>> No.9784012

Its wizardry only in name. Its not even similar to japanese wizardries.

>> No.9784015

i play league

gw2 was too casual and too easy to level in

tera sucks

wow sucks

why are there no good games

>> No.9784016

I'm a big fan of player justice. That's why I loved UO. If you acted like a dick to the wrong people retribution would come sooner or later from other players.

>> No.9784019

I don't live in a "better place", that's why.

>> No.9784020

I actually liked swtor for the first couple months but it became clear EA's taint was too much for Bioware to overcome and they were taking the game in the wrong direction.

>> No.9784021

Yes and no.

You know Dark Souls? It's that.

>> No.9784023

I don't like MMO's.

>> No.9784025

Does /jp/ play Dragon Nest? I saw a person the other day with a strange IGN and it reminded me of /jp/.

>> No.9784027

I wasn't talking specifically about you, but sorry for making assumptions I guess.

>> No.9784028

We used to but it kind of got old.

>> No.9784029

I just checked out the websites. 1 of the 3 great reasons to play is "avoid permadeath"

Thats not a freakin wizardry game then

>> No.9784030

im sure someone palys dragon nest

i mean like

its not like there are more than 10 people here right

>> No.9784032

In what sense its dark souls? Just because it has PK? Not funny.

>> No.9784036

I only value of the opinion of like ten people here.
So it's as though there were only ten total frequenting the board.

>> No.9784037
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Does anyone here play MUDs?

>> No.9784040

Everything plays the same except for average MMO stuff like skill trees and actual menu navigation to get to areas.

You actually can do backstabs and penetrate enemies with it like Dark Souls.

You can turn into ashes, stone, die to falling damage, get raped, vomited at...I'd say it's the closest they could get because you'll constantly die and suffer to many things.

>> No.9784043

This is not 80s anymore. Or you could be that, pathetic?

>> No.9784044


I used to love those games.

>> No.9784045

Its no fun if your low level adventurer can't run into surprise attack by a vorpal bunny and get decapitated on the first hit.

>> No.9784047

Everything plays the same as in the average MMO. Including pvp, where people just ambush others at the entrance and rob their bodies.

>> No.9784052

I used to, but I lost interest very quickly.

>> No.9784056

I suppose. I'd love to see dungeon crawler MMO but the closest thing we ever got is Dragon Quest X, and that's not exactly Wizardry.

You will actually find random traps that kill you instantly and random nasty encounters, but that's as far as surprises goes, apparently.

I don't remember instanced PK games other than Demon's/Dark Souls and maybe Ultima Online.

>> No.9784071
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I actually liked the one on PS3

>> No.9784073

I don't remember Wizardry online being even remotely interesting or challenging to play outside of said PK events. Which are still based on camping instead of invasions.

>> No.9784092
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That game was so visually dark that my eyes were tired after playing it.

Really curious how this Wizardry Online will turn out. I've been on the mailing list since I first found out the JP version, but I have not played it.

>> No.9784097

I wish they would bring over the sequel.

>> No.9784102
File: 49 KB, 331x331, 1332459345410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing guildwars2 and waiting for /jp/ to come play with me.

>> No.9784111

I wait till it gets f2p, oh wait...

dead game

>> No.9784116

You were a fool for thinking they would in the first place.
But what's a few dollars wasted to someone wealthy enough to live freely as a NEET?

Live and learn.

>> No.9784121

I'm sorry but you should have seen this coming anon.
It isn't cute enough for /jp/.

>> No.9784144

Why not Salem instead? H&H is pretty much dead, the devs don't give a shit about it until Salem's released and at a stable point.

>> No.9784154

I want to play a cute mmo. A CUTE one. Not a "loli" one that has big breasted chibi midgets and a horrible color scheme. Not a shitty asian-idea-of-beauty psuedo realistic one. Not some ugly and overly cartoony one. Not some outdated one from 2003. Not one where you can only customize eye and hair style/color and nothing else. I want to play a new and cute MMORPG. Ragnarok type cute, but 3D and customizable. There are tons and tons of nice looking 3D anime style games on computer and console, but they can't do it on MMOs without making everything super SD or having gigantic hands or looking like low quality shit.

And I want it to have more than 4 classes.

>> No.9784168

Lime Odyssey has fairly nice and cute graphics, except the game is horrible.

>> No.9784213

Becuase I'd have to suck dick for an invite to it, and then it's going to cost money to stick with. This way costs me nothing, and doesn't incline me to invest unnecessary time into a game.

This way I'm free to do more important things like organize my doujinshi folders.

>> No.9784216

Salem is still alive?

>> No.9784266

Waiting for 2006scape.
Stability test in 4 days, anyone want to gang up on some nerds in castle wars?
It's a spawn your own items/levels event so you can just log on and wreck shit.

>> No.9784286

Everything is just ego-pandering trash. CoD:MW with RNG

>> No.9784289
File: 212 KB, 614x345, derekskinectmals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9784291



>> No.9784296

Hey bro, is that the new rescue cat card.

>> No.9784292

>MMOs are MMOs

>> No.9784304

>I've never played RO

>> No.9784309

Not cute, not anime, huge hands, and "realism"

Also I mean "I want someone to make an MMO like that and there are currently none"

>> No.9784310

Is Aika any good later on? I remember playing it only because you got a little girl for a companion but stopped because the gameplay seemed stiff.

>> No.9784312
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, 2011-12-19_22-51-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see the potential of that game.

If it weren't so buggy that you can get stuck if you touch a signpost or fence. Missing textures. Retarded AI.

>> No.9784322


>> No.9784323

>These minerals will bring us respect.

>> No.9784326

It's pretty mediocre, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

>> No.9784330

http://www.tentonhammer.com/giveaways/salem/cbt all you have to do is make an account. The only thing buyable with $ is in game currency and the price is extremely high for what you get. It'll stay f2p.

250-300 people on pretty much constantly.

>> No.9784335

Why don't you guys just play the SMT mmo and make an Alice

>> No.9784340

But we already did that.

Besides, you can't really be THE Alice. You can be a little halfling Alice in Wizardry Online.

>> No.9784347

Still, this would take upwards of entire minutes for me to shit out a throw away email for it. If I can't just download a client and get to it, I'm not interested. And I've yet to see a game worth playing with a cashshop in it.

It might be neat and fun and all that, but I'm just not sold.

>> No.9784351

What mmo is this? GW2? It seems like I have played it but I never played GW2.

>> No.9784353


>> No.9784361

You can be alice in any game.

>> No.9784372

I just remembered that it's Aika Online. It was a fun game.
Implying your dot have a meaning.

>> No.9784377

Holy shit, you can't be serious.

>> No.9784379

you forgot me-me arrow

>> No.9784387

It's pretty much the same as HnH, except with improvements to a lot of core systems, and differences in others.

You can earn what would be 50$ of silver by just keeping one ore smelter going for a day. J&L wouldn't allow anything giving a huge advantage to cashers, more stuff will most likely just be bonuses for lazy people.

But don't mind me, enjoy your 2 minute lags and eventually getting one shot by a random bored guy with 800ua. W6 has gone on long enough for there to be brickbashers, it's quite idiotic.

>> No.9784400

Every race in Wizardry look awful

Why can't there be an MMO with cuter lolis

>> No.9784408
File: 297 KB, 270x708, you've switched off the targeting computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planetside 2: Return of the Tsunderer

>> No.9784417
File: 314 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9784416

So it doesn't have the same lag problem, yet you claim it's made by the very same people.
Does it use that ridiculous curiosity system?

If not, I guess you'll have sold me. Has anyone made a reasonably accurate review of it so far?

>> No.9784421

My pran probably died from starvation

>> No.9784420


well fuck, redownloading.

>> No.9784426 [DELETED] 

All this samefagging...

>> No.9784430

That girl ain't right

>> No.9784433

Why is she naked in the 2d picture?

>> No.9784434

All this samefagging...

>> No.9784435

Remember: Prans grow up.

>> No.9784443

You can't tell what she's wearing off screen.

Also because the heads will change to match what you made her look like in 3D, but it's a bit beyond them to make the clothes match too.

>> No.9784444

Speaking of which, did they implement adolescence stage yet? I saw their promises on korean website around the end of 2010.

>> No.9784448

I think it's because Japan can't really into MMOs. That's why most of the memorable MMOs are corean. I really liked PSO2 though. But i still prefer RO.

>> No.9784454

Its because the only mmo maker in Japan is Gamepot, and that one can't into MMOs.

>> No.9784452

>Japan can't really into MMO

They can, but they stay hidden and Japanese Onry.

>> No.9784460
File: 9 KB, 170x236, skeleton_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just one more year...

>> No.9784462

is that bones from rattle me bones

>> No.9784465

Nobunaga's Ambition Online is really popular in Japan.

Gamepot has hosted really decent games. I can't say the same thing about Korea and overseas companies.

Just look at Mebius.

>> No.9784476

DOMO the revenge.

>> No.9784487

If it's anything like DOMO it's worth at least a try.

>> No.9784488


It's got a different learning system altogether. Skills don't directly affect your prowess except for a couple of them, only notable one giving you a higher random plenty bonus while farming. Instead you have to raise your skills to buy all your abilities. Inspirationals (curiosities) are studied extremely fast, and drain your black bile.

Instead, the game pretty much revolves around food to raise your biles.

The only real problem it has is lack of content, but it's being actively updated, and it is of course a beta.

>> No.9784500

That one looks quite cool, but it's as this guy said, right? >>9784452

>> No.9784501

I think all the stages are implemented. Adult ones seem to have wings. Might be an outfit though.

>> No.9784507


Both Mebius and Nobuna are completely off-limits so far, I'd like to see a global version of Mebius, seriously, it's a really wonderful game.

>> No.9784508
File: 347 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every game needs Prans.

>> No.9784513

Speaking of bones, did Blizz ever say what project titan mmo was?

I think Mabinogi 2 is going into beta soon too.

>> No.9784537

It's not really going into beta that soon, Mabinogi 2 has been delayed lately.

>> No.9784553

Mebius is awful. Just like all other gamepot games.
Were we talking about good games or about popular ones?

>> No.9784595
File: 20 KB, 290x246, no dfc for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Trek Online is still pretty fun for me. Hitting max level and getting high-end PvE gear is ridiculously easy. There's the obligatory cash shop, but the p2w factor is only really noticeable in PvP that's hardly played.
It has superb character customization (even though you stay mostly on your ship). Sadly there's no way of creating a flat-chested character.

>> No.9784600

Too bad Prius Online was shut down, they had cute loli daughterus too.

>> No.9784608

Is there anyones cock I can suck of a month of runescape subscription?

>> No.9784614

Just wait for 2006scape, dude.

>> No.9784610

What a fat lie to come out from such a young person.

>> No.9784618

It will fail within a month.

>> No.9784619

Why do you think that?

>> No.9784622

I've reported it to Jagex and I am awaiting them to take legal action

>> No.9784627

I doubt they have the resources to support the servers.

>> No.9784633

Jagex won't do anything
They have nothing to gain from suing, and there are servers with almost 3x the amount of registered players and that have lasted 2-3+ years and still going strong

>> No.9784629

I've reported youre mom to Jagex.

>> No.9784644
File: 444 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, man. Every time she was happy, I was too.

This went free to play, huh. Is it less disappointing than Star Wars games? And by less disappointing I mean I've never actually played one but people generally trashed both Galaxies and TOR.

>> No.9784642

They're making some serious bank with donations so I think they do have the resources

>> No.9784646

They already said the server costs like 4000 USD a month to run. The donations won't last forever especially since most people interested in it are kids.

>> No.9784648

>Sadly there's no way of creating a flat-chested character.

What is up with this and MMORPGs?

>> No.9784649

Anyone feel like some Jedi Academy?
I'll wreck all of your nerd asses

>> No.9784652

Where's the Amerikkuh poster when you need him.

>> No.9784656

Where did they say that?

>> No.9784661 [DELETED] 

I feel really happy looking up to new MMOs but not as much when playing them

What is wrong with me /jp/?

>> No.9784662

Most people are into big tits and it's too much work making multiple armor models

>> No.9784664

I feel really happy looking up to new MMOs. But I don't feel so happy when playing them.

What is wrong with me /jp/?

>> No.9784670

expectations, look it up.

>> No.9784673

Like masturbation?

>> No.9784674


upvote pls

>> No.9784677

I always interpreted the Pran Play Palace as that place you send them when you want to switch to your other Pran. I imagine it being similar to the Child Broiler, although I couldn't put it into words at the time I played the game.

>> No.9784782

They wanted to make sure that all characters appear adult. It should be still possible to create a petite character by modifying body and face proportions (the required minimum height of 5'6'' is quite misleading since it doesn't consider torso/leg length and world scaling seems to accommodate 7 footers, you can create an unknown alien with human look if you want a really short character, though).
dunno, played neither. The game surely doesn't have the production values of TOR, though.

>> No.9784846

Is TERA going to go free to play?

>> No.9784866

>They wanted to make sure that all characters appear adult
But there was kids in star trek...

>> No.9784878
File: 78 KB, 694x530, Wesley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment this kid appeared was the moment Star Trek was ruined forever.

>> No.9784900

I was dead in the middle of the wrong age crowd to understand why he was hated. Young enough to not see the problem while it aired, but not so young to be watching the show years after it aired at an older age and understand it.

He was a Mary Sue, was it? And wasn't the origin of term Mary Sue also from Star Trek?

>> No.9784909

Mary Sue, I forgot her last name, was a horrible self-insert in a Star Trek fanfiction that handwaved, I think literally, away any and all problems and everybody loved her and so forth.

>> No.9784993
File: 348 KB, 797x480, 6c20fa3a60bdb0ac6108563f61aaafd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish RO private server population would rise again. I miss 1000+ pop servers. The only one that still has 1000+ is talon and that server is a full on retarded piece of shit, I have no idea why people actually play it.

>> No.9785009

Probably because it has a high player base.

Why not just play freeserver RO?

>> No.9785074
File: 40 KB, 630x524, killall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wesley and Diana, sittin in a tree, eff you see kay eye enn gee xD

Of course this is Riker's sloppy seconds after which Worf buttfucks Data's evil brother.

>> No.9785143

what server?

>> No.9785151

i'm a 98 panda on rushu, can't wait till 1 ap 100

>> No.9785152

That image

>> No.9785161

downloading right now

>> No.9785281

I've started playing again since the merge (on MT), but decided to start a priest. I'm only 33 at the moment.

>> No.9785318

Yeah, lol, did you like the watermark? Actually I forgot I left the fagged version in my postables folder. I meant to move/rename it back, I guess I forgot, and I didn't notice the shit on the thumbnail.

Just adds to what I was going for with my post, tho, I guess.


>> No.9785375
File: 29 KB, 379x356, 1346206705592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, now I want:
Wizardry Online
Black Desert Online

>> No.9785394
File: 139 KB, 640x480, All of my money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorcerer that actually fights, and doesn't just sit back throw fireballs all day


>> No.9785399

Yeah, that seems orgasmic.

Nice pic btw.

>> No.9785400


thanks, got it from reddit.

>> No.9785465
File: 1.82 MB, 400x225, 1323662961116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I play as a cute little girl in black desert online? This is a dealbreaker.

>> No.9785468
File: 282 KB, 1024x768, 1341165333758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can only hope.

>> No.9785485

I'm playing Vindictus. Anyone on /jp/ playing it?

>> No.9785487

What is the story behind that picture ? I'm not used to meme, and I've seen it quite often these days on /jp/.

>> No.9785490

Do you guys think Black Desert will have it's first tests in Korea, or Japan?

>> No.9785499


>> No.9785507


I just have a really short attention span. I think the main reason is because my brother always wants to party with me and I avoid playing with other players as much as I can.

>> No.9785509

I think Japan.
And I hope so.

>> No.9785516

Planning on buying Final Fantasy 14 in a week or two.

>> No.9785521

Speaking of which why the hell is so expensive

>> No.9785537

How can you NEETs afford computers that can handle such good looking games?

>> No.9785540

FFXIV billing is going to be suspended in a few days until FFXIV 2.0 is released


Scroll all the way down.

>> No.9785545

Would have been best to purchase it for $3 half a year ago, before they announced 2.0.

I played for an hour the other day but I didn't get resettled in and haven't logged back in again.

>> No.9785548

I charged mine and make minimum payments.

Probably not the best idea, but whatever.

>> No.9785549
File: 178 KB, 1464x1350, 1346640398912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you een autismbuckx

>> No.9785594

because i had to wait several months for oppointments for my autismbucks application and because i'm on good terms with the doctor and got him to add a couple of months on the sicknote i ended up with about £700 backpay, that paid for most of it and got the graphics card the next payment. anytime i need to upgrade it i'll just do it piece by piece

>> No.9785603
File: 120 KB, 1280x768, 2011-05-07 17-44-23 [Built at 2011-04-22 20-46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9785614

Prepare your anus for all the bullying, Hotglue is playing.

>> No.9785648

Mmm, I'm going to say probably not judging from the preview. Seems to be going for a realism theme, rather than the typical anime style.

>> No.9785655

Probably Japan. I'm pretty sure they've put more money into it than the Korean pro.

>> No.9785657

It's just C9 recycle. What do you expect.

>> No.9785661


They're koreans, of course they'll do tests in Korea first?

>> No.9785665

>Pearl Abyss and GameOn Japan signed a publishing contract agreement for this game already. It is still undecided whether or not this game will have it's first test in South Korea or Japan


>> No.9785685

Stop being neet and get student loans. You're going to kill yourself anyway.

>> No.9785699

If you're going to samefag to desperately shit on a game, at least do some research on it before acting like a autistic child.

>> No.9785725

It doesn't even prove anything officially. See, C9 started beta in Korea and quickly became popular in Japan even though it started in Korea, it's not going to start out in Japan.

If you're going to be whiny just to be whiny I heard there's lots of people like you in /v/, you'll fit right in.

I don't even know where you got the "samefag" part from.

>> No.9785786
File: 372 KB, 800x600, 1293195422579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to bully people from /jp/.

I want to get together with other /jp/ers and PK / bully everyone else.

>> No.9785812

But I want to bully /jp/sies!

>> No.9785816

You play CBEN? what rank are you? What is your IGN?

Also I play Cosmic Break and PSO: BB

>> No.9785842

But that's mean. You should be nice to your board-mates, even if you hate some of them.

I don't mind if you try to kill me though.

I haven't played in ages. I miss my swimberyl.

>> No.9785866

I'm a certain magical highrank mechfag.

>> No.9785883

I want to keep playing GW2 and PSO2 but my comp keeps shutting off randomly while gaming. I know it ain't over heating, so it's probably the PSU.

I'm also kind of looking forward to the FFXIV relaunch.

>> No.9785897

>High ranking
>using only Mechs

No one comes to mind except for Bibusuta.

>> No.9785905


I remember playing the game when it first came out in closed beta. I actually got "Link" as my username (cause of my brain making connections with the factions).

But then I got a shit computer. Now I have a not-so-shit computer. I have no idea how to play or who to play with, but I'd be willing to learn.

>> No.9785909

Bippu only uses two types of air mehchs though. If it's not gimmick air numbah wan, it's dumb autoaim assist air number two.

>> No.9785919
File: 124 KB, 1680x1050, 2012-09-24_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i play the secret world

>> No.9785926

Yeah I noticed him using the flapjack arms a lot and those vegle heads.

Well the only other mech user would be Nodo but I have only seen him use mechs every once and awhile. Like that Alba head bot he uses. Other than that nothing else.

>> No.9785941

Nodo's just scum. Autoplay builds all around.

>> No.9785945

Welp, I don't usually do this but I need a new MMO.
Tera looks good. So does Wizardry. Which one are you guys referring to when you speak of all the horrible PK that's going to go on?

and what the hell MMO is this?

>> No.9785953

Yeah he is a real faggot.

Then WHO could you possibly BE?!

what is your rank exactly? spikeball?

>> No.9785954

Probably Wizardry, considering it has permadeath and you can loot people's bodies and everything

>> No.9785962


Wizardry. PKing in TERA was so dumb though. Just camp-a-bridge with a few friends and you're set.

>> No.9785979
File: 66 KB, 650x195, title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't know what a true game is.

>> No.9785974

What the hell is supposed to happen to all that cash shop shit you can find at least in JP version of Wizardry Online when you permadie. And more importantly...would it be lootable?

We need to research on this!

>> No.9785980

Senior Grey? Alpherior? wait I dont think one of them were crowns yet.

I have only been away from CB for a week and I am already losing my touch.

Well I am Aldemotte on WIZ. You probably dont know me because I was never in a clan and I dont make a huge presence in CB

>> No.9785989



>> No.9785993

Is this an MMO? what the hell is it?
its adorable

>> No.9785994

I know you.

Stop siccing your Lios on my arts, kiddo.

>> No.9785997

I rarely use Lios

>> No.9786001

Cosmic Break. Adorable, but pricey.

No go away Lios ;_;

>> No.9786011

Are you new.

>> No.9786013

You are probably thinking of another player that has a similar looking name as me. I have seen him around sometimes. I am a spikeball rank. I think the last time I ever used Lios was like after initium gara or something.

My Lios is in my second garage.

>> No.9786021
File: 584 KB, 1024x768, yeah boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What up bro

>> No.9786024
File: 896 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110122_1714_40_877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like there will some pretty wild PKing in Wizardry.

Luckily, /jp/ is probably the most cohesive when we have lots of other people to worry about bullying and killing and asserting our dominance over, thus leaving no time to worry about tearing each other apart. And we have to protect all the cute and defenseless /jp/ers who might not want to PK or be PKed.

Anyone have any actual experience with the game? I haven't seen anything other than the newsletters and some videos.

>> No.9786029

I love you.

>> No.9786032

Core 1 was so awesome.

>> No.9786033
File: 718 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110819_1816_22_189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I recognize you Namae.

Are you >>9785842

>> No.9786037
File: 382 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100625_0214_45_812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9786041


oh man that takes me back

>> No.9786045
File: 164 KB, 793x598, 1926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for Destructor? ;_;

>> No.9786048

I'm gonna start playing again.

Any tips for poor people?

>> No.9786059
File: 822 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20120526_1644_43_809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that build. I am pretty sure I have seen that on the CB forums one day.

start investing in getting a Seraph HD. Other than that you are going to need a shit ton of UC and tunes if you want to be competent with just uc bots.

>> No.9786064

Accel Saber, Seraph Crim, and possibly Destructor can get you by. When you get your first 50 RT from rankup or UC>RT, save it up for a rainy day.

If you're going to make a new account, you might get various signup goodies.

And, don't hesitate to ask in-game.

>> No.9786069

It's just parts swaps, mostly. No builds done, just improving it as I go.

>> No.9786071

Also dont join DOS. There is no one in that place anymore and who ever is left are just spicks and indos.

Go to either BRD or WIZ

>> No.9786073
File: 621 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110109_0126_12_504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how much I miss flying around lighting people on fire with my silly wand. I also miss chasing around circle crimroses and not attacking them.

