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9766850 No.9766850 [Reply] [Original]

An incredibly in-depth Touhou RPG.
Previous thread: >>9733852

The translation for the Weekend version(same game, new changes) has been released.
Prepatched game with the expansion and translation can be found here:
Make sure to extract in Japanese locale or alternatively if you're having trouble running the game, try removing moonrunes from the folder names.

Weekend version introduces a rebalancing of learning and drop rates, most "1% or less" rates are now 10-15%. In addition most synthesis recipes now require slightly less materials and the Kusanagi sword requiring 25 less iron. You can actually build stuff pretty often now.

There's also a minimap, hit Select (Default D on keyboard) to toggle transparency!

You can also turn on easy mode at any time for non-boss battles where the damage is halved for you and you gain minor offensive bonuses. (Such as increased chance to land status effects).
No one ever does, however, not unless you're in elementary school.

The game also happens to run at 1/4th of the processing power it used to demand. Save games are compatible with 2.07 and up, but a save game converter should be able to help you out.

The death penalty of losing your gathered, but not yet claimed items, has been removed. You no longer need to exit the dungeon to claim your items, and death only means you get kicked out of the dungeon.

Make sure to read the manual, and the "gameplay" section on the wiki, it covers basic systems.
Have you had some trouble fighting a boss? Trying to make sense of stage design? Finding out that you need to split your party too late? Discuss it here in this thread!

Wiki at http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/The_Genius_of_Sappheiros.. Walkthrough contains spoilers for boss fights, be wary.

>> No.9766859

Whats wrong Patchouli?

>> No.9767514
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Has anyone had difficulty transferring saves to Weekend? I did it once just fine, but now for some bizarre reason it now always reverts to a state of game about a month old.

>> No.9767691

Did you transfer all the backups? Those might be interfering.

>> No.9770021

...yes I did actually. But I also tried transferring the most recent bottom file independently and got the same result. Guess I'll just try random shit and see if I can't see a pattern. It's confusing because my 2.09 (or whatever) folder doesn't have the typical TDS000 (or whatever) file so I don't know what the fuck is going on.

This post deserves a sage but this game deserves a bump.

>> No.9770275

So, I was finally able to get to the phase 3 of the last boss. After that hell that was the phase 1, phase 2 was surprising easy, I almost did it with satori (who was spamming mad thunder) dead, but because of that, I was forced to switch to the second party after the second chant. Everything ended when the boss killed everyone except Alice with 777 damage on the second round. That spell will be casted every time that the boss "consumes" the land power?What else that will not going the get a warning in this phase I should fear? Oh and my second party is Alice, Youmu, Sakuya, Byakuren, Reimu and Nitori as commander.

>> No.9770282
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>> No.9770284

Yeah. If a land gauge ever reaches max, the boss'll eat it, healing itself and wrecking your party. That's why Patchy is usually part of the second group, because of how well she can manipulate land.

>> No.9770302
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Hrm. Every stage 21 mini-boss besides The Lightning Baron killed at least once, and only three of them dropped anything.
Marisa Madura is probably the hardest one, not counting The Baron, although he looks really damn powerful and doesn't seem like a one-trick pony like the rest of them.

>> No.9770316

I can nullify that damage with Nitori 3 points commander spell/Reimu Magic Barrier/ Little Legion?

>> No.9770332

I think so. That won't prevent the huge heal, though.

>> No.9770355

Just like pretty much everything else, Alice + Private Square makes short work of it.
The only miniboss I've found that I couldn't beat was the two-headed dragon, and that was only because of how my party was set up. I'm pretty sure you need to have Alice baiting attacks and using her 90% physical damage reduction skill every turn, and preferably more than a few dragon slayers or magic users.
Lightning Baron is probably best dealt with light spam and Kusanagi/Doujigiri abuse.

>> No.9770382

Why is it LIGHTNING Baron anyway? He doesn't do any thunder or light stuff at all.
I also like how there's apparently a demon army just chilling out in Gensokyo.

>> No.9770775
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>>9770302 here.

...how long has easy mode been on?

>> No.9771528

Easy mode is the default

>> No.9771588
File: 1 KB, 96x96, 134_ダウン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any place where large groups of enemies are common? trying to farm for the 15000 Youkai slain Recipes.

>> No.9771634

Go into Forest of Magic 2 OR Divine Temple. Run into battle with Harpy or Galbangor. Kill everything else, leave 1 Harpy/Galbangor. They cry for help. Repeat ad nauseum. Be careful not to get overwhelmed though, it's really easy to die if you don't pay attention or take too much damage from D-Net.

>> No.9772649

So, if I were to want to do this before going into Genbu's swamp, would a good party be:
Poison Shield
Sakuya (bird slayer weapon)
Youmu (Human stance)
The way I see it, I could stay in the fight until Alice ran out of mp, which could be a while, as she's only spending 2 mp per turn.
If I stick Byakuren as Commander, I can extend it even longer with her mp regain commander spell.

>> No.9772874

I know, I know. It hasn't been turned on for the whole run or anything; I just switched it on for something, probably when I thought farming a Mambele and Turtlesmasher would take hours...and didn't take it off for the minibosses, thus it's like I didn't kill any of them at all.

>> No.9772923

Why is Cirno so terrible? She only does passable damage with the 2 accessories that increase water, the staff that increases water, and an aqua robe.

>> No.9772939

Almost all of her attacks have Instant Death on them, don't they?

>> No.9773043

Instant death and freezing is what she does. Damage is secondary, unless you're fighting something weak to water.

...and yeah, she kinda sucks. Definitely the worst expansion character. Although, considering half the expansion characters are broken as fuck...

>> No.9773063

shit, I really need to plow through this so I can get the the expansion; I want to check out those characters. Still on stage 14....

>> No.9773069

Nope, most have freeze, I think only two of them have instant death, and they deal no damage

>> No.9773106

I'm only going to DL this to play as Remi and maybe patchy, what am I in for?

>> No.9773146

An entire game, considering Remilia is an expansion character

>> No.9773149

Remi isn't until the post-game expansion and isn't that great, though Patchy joins up early and is great throughout the game.

>> No.9773170
File: 569 KB, 800x880, Patchouli Knowledge in Genius of Sappheiros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can expect pic related from Patchouli in the early to mid game.

>> No.9773185

I've been using machouli in the expansion and I can't say she's bad. She has a whooping base 73 STR at lv78

>> No.9773244

If the boss charges for a bomb, it'll drop Minus on your entire party at once.

>> No.9773447

The fourth part of the download is deleted on mediafire.

Can someone reupload it?

>> No.9773488

Are Sanae's non-heal/buff skills ever useful outside of the Alice fight? The fact that they operate off of her PAtk makes them seem even worse than her normal attacks.

>> No.9773495

That's because you're trying to use them for damage. What you should be using them for is aoe mp regen via her snake growth skill.

>> No.9773499

I used them and against enemies weak to electric/earth, they actually did decent damage.
But during my playthrough, I mostly used her for knives' effects

>> No.9773502


I get the AoE part, but the damage is so poor that I don't think I could get any noticeable MP regen.

>> No.9773505


Game is reuploaded now,prepatched was updated.
Here is the latest img.pak and game.pak for those who already have the game.

>> No.9773511

If there's more than one enemy, you will pretty much always get at least as much as you spent on the attack back.
Also, I've heard that there's some way to give her an axe and still get mp drain, but I haven't tried it yet. If that's true, you can definitely give her some pretty good mp regain. I haven't ever had any issues with her running out since I started using Rainbow Serpent during turns she doesn't need to do anything else.

>> No.9773519


I see, so far her damage is really bad even when she hits multiple targets so I haven't been using anything but healing and buffs. Maybe I just need to wait until I get further on in the game.

>> No.9773528

How far in are you? Aoe mp drain became a viable build for me during Eientei, when she could put enough points into Snake for 3% mp drain and still have enough left over to put into better buff effects.

>> No.9773535


Right now? I'm at the Palace of the Earth Spirits, but I've gotten further before and her damage was still very poor, I don't remember any instances where she hit for over 100 damage and that was on Youkai Mountain. I always put most of her points into healing though so that may explain the awful damage.

>> No.9773536

Her endgame morning star/snake has quite a nice attack stat. Currently, my Sanae does almost as much damage as my durandal Sakuya who doesn't land a slayer.

The best part of offensive Sanae is that she can launch aoe physical moves every turn without regard for mana. Coupled with the fact that only her Earth attacks require bombs, she can last for an entire dungeon easy.

>> No.9773625

Is there a formula for how stage 21 minibosses appear? I checked one particular spawn for a good 10 minutes of reseting and only found lots of Bash, but once I started checked a different enemy I found Marisa Mudara within a minute. I've seen this a lot with other ones too.

>> No.9773669

Is there a quick progressive guide for Satori's learnable skills? I would like to start using her but I have no idea what skills are actually worth getting and I don't want to keep a Satori in my party forever in hopes of getting some skills that might be useless.

I'm only at Genbu's Swamp, which is why I asked for a progressive guide

>> No.9773692

Don't keep her around just so she might get hit by something learnable; go seek the spells out.
What level is she?

>> No.9773740


Yea that's the thing. I'm asking what spells are worth seeking out? Wiki does not help me because there's a bazillion spells and I don't know whether a skill like Thunder Breath is worth getting or maybe she has a better elec spell that she can learn.

Does level matter with Satori? Besides not dying obviously.

>> No.9773747

Yeah. Lots of spells can't be learned until she's a certain level.

>> No.9773751

Mad Thunder's probably the electric spell you're gonna want her to learn. Most of her breath spells are pretty useless, as they are Patk based. Status breath spells like Petrify Breath are worth getting, though. I think once she gets to thirty she's able to learn anything. Not positive, though.

>> No.9773799

I really want to use Satori because of how everybody says she's amazing post-game and stuff but I feel like I should really wait until post game. She's only level 30 ish for now due to occasional Commander spot. Currently fighting Genji. I appreciate the battle strategy spoiler tags, this game is so much more fun when you are figuring shit out on your own. (I got lucky as fuck vs Kanako though, because I just happen to use Konpaku Flash that randomly came up while I was getting demolished on my first try vs her and just happens to be a boss that gets affected by it, holy shit. Beat her on my second try.)

>> No.9773856
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All right.
For learnables...

Get the single-target elemental spells from SDM fairy mages, energy drain from zombie fairies, and one or two of the AoE magic spells if you want. Flame is easiest because like everything in hell casts it.
Also get mind blast from mind flayers, petro breath from cockatrices (use that with a cockatrice crest!), acid storm from the fish in outer Eientei left-side, and area heal from those guys in early Youkai Mountain.
Mad thunder is an excellent attacking spell, but if you didn't get it from Iku, you won't have an opportunity to get it until the stage 20 boss.

If you care to get Satori up to the 40s the rest of your party is at, you can get Wail from those little plant guys in inner eientei; it's a cheap, multi-target instant death spell with no cooldown. Very good, even if it isn't supported by any of Satori's trees. Also at 40 is leaf shield. It's very useful, but a pain in the ass to get...you need to go to the late garden of the sun, find this specific enemy formation (with a cockatrice in that empty spot,) charm the sword fairy before it casts it (you'll need Aya or sonic stream for this) and hope it uses it on Satori (but her in the tank spot of skydance or poison shield)

>> No.9773985


Thanks. Gonna do all of this after Genji, I think using Satori will be fun and worth the trouble, even at this point in the game.

>> No.9774353

I mind controlled the monster in the Youkai mountian. It doesn't have area heal as a skill when I mind control it.

How do you get it?

>> No.9774423

Like with most support skills, you need to catch it with control/charm on a turn it's going to use it. It's a little tricky.

>> No.9774441


>> No.9774794

Is it worth getting the miniboss drops before beating the final boss? I won't have the opportunity to do so for quite a while afterwards.

>> No.9774855

>if you didn't get it from Iku, you won't have an opportunity to get it until the stage 20 boss


she didn't use it once when I fought her

>> No.9774861

I THINK she replaces it with thunderclap at low health.

>> No.9774938


Thunderclap would have been an ok spell to learn if tornado didn't exist. :/

>> No.9775071

Oh god, Bodhi Tree and Capricorn are incredibly annoying to farm. The first encounter in their room is a sphinx 90% of the time, and you can't run from it.

>> No.9775141

How do you reset all the mobs in a dungeon?

>> No.9775180

Until the expansion, there is no quick way. Kill things in other dungeons, I think.

>> No.9775383

What does Lindin/Bodhi Tree drop anyway? I can't find it on the wiki.

>> No.9775568

Are there some characters where it's better to not to use their special weapons? Satori's eye and Alice's boots don't seem good. Also Youmu's katanas don't seem worth it if the Death effect and higher crit chance is the only thing going for it

>> No.9775576

They do pretty good damage against things weak to elec or earth, though. Getting 4k+ Suwa Wars on the giants in stage 20 isn't hard, for example.
The problem with those iron balls is that they completely destroy her speed, so much that her buffs with almost never go before anyone.
Those items are helpful, but not required. Also, you most likely won't see all minibosses in your first run anyway because of their rarity, so some farming would be required even if you abused the soft reset technique.
Go to the Hakurei shrine, heal at the circle, then leave. Repeat this five times an most monsters will be back.
Reimu's item and パラシュニルマーナ, whatever that is.

>> No.9775612

If I do something like apply Sanae's PATK buff, Byakuren's PATK buff and even something like Sakuya's World or Sanae's Last Word buff, do they all stack?

>> No.9775632

>Those items are helpful, but not required. Also, you most likely won't see all minibosses in your first run anyway because of their rarity, so some farming would be required even if you abused the soft reset technique.
Well, of course.
I think I've smacked them around enough by now. 7/12 is good enough. Maybe I'll get the Excalibur if I can get fucking Pendragon to appear, and MAYBE the thing off the Yukkuri King if I decide I hate myself, but the tree just drops another dumb axe, and the lightning baron and two-headed dragon are stuck in that room furthest from the save point...so fuck that.
Although, I haven't killed the lightning baron at all yet, so I should probably off him before steamrolling the final boss with my overleveled high-60s/low-70s team.

>> No.9775707

you do have to pick and chose; some are better than others. With Alice though her rainbow greaves are worth checking out. Some resistance to all magic is neat

>> No.9775732

Get Satori's green eye, and Alice's rainbow boots. That's it.
Youmu's katanas are pretty good, especially because of how boss the katana skill tree is. Get the one with slayers and 10 crit; it wrecks face with masurawhatever stance.

>> No.9775747


For special weapons I usually just give them to physical attackers. I don't usually see a reason to use them on magical attackers since they use their magic way more than physical attacks.

>> No.9775800

Ahaha oh man, Sanae is wonderful. She demolished Yuyuko on her own. That was too perfect right there.

>> No.9775816

In terms of general usefulness, I'd say it's something like this:

Sakuya, Nitori, Marisa, Mokou
Reimu, Sanae, Youmu, Byakuren
Aya, Patchouli, Alice, Satori

Sakuya's weapon have strong slayer effects, and they should be able to kill everything in two hits maximum even in the end-game if they hit a slayer. Nitori becomes an amazing humanoid/squid killer with her guns, Marisa really loves those extra bombs and 6 MP/turn regen she gets with her brooms, and Mokou's fists are amazing at causing status effects (and her Trapezohedron one deals a ton of damage).
Reimu's gohei only start getting good at the +20% light damage one; Sanae's snakes are only good if you need the MP recovery, and even then only against enemies weak to her attacks; Youmu's katanas are good for their growth tree alone; and Byakuren's +25 IND scroll is a must (and pretty much all you'll ever need).
Lastly, Aya's fans don't deal enough damage and only help her with evasion tanking, both Patchouli and Satori deal much more magical damage with staves than with their weapons (but considerably more physical damage with those), and Alice shouldn't be used for damage anyway.

>> No.9775891

Youmu higher, Byakuren lower.

>> No.9776430
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>Aya's fans don't deal enough damage and only help her with evasion
Indeed, when Aya is called whore they always try to derail the thread.

>> No.9776441

>try removing moonrunes from the folder names.


>> No.9776527

>both Patchouli and Satori deal much more magical damage with staves than with their weapons

Not true for Satori, as she gets a good self buff with 13 points into Eye.

>> No.9776850

That's just a way to say "Japanese letters".

>> No.9776861

Ii thought they were "Chinese letters".

>> No.9776883

That's what I do. I guess Marisa's brooms are nice for never running out of MP in dungeons but that's not really necessary. I think the best of them would be reimu's exorcism and byakuren's +ind scroll. Her scroll's divine barriers are p cool too. For patchy some of her armor is way better than her weapons.

>> No.9776886

wait, how the hell did this work?

>> No.9777248


I had everyone beat up Youmu before I went to Yuyu, by the time Youmu was dead I only had Marisa, Reimu and Sanae. Yuyu was still doing pretty well, she kills off Marisa and Reimu with insta-death and Sanae is immune because of her specific armor. Attack boosted Sky Serpent was doing 400-500 damage each time and Yuyu couldn't outdamage her healing.

>> No.9777355

Patk-only buffs will not stack, but Sakuya's World and Yasaka's Divine Wind will stack with anything else because they affect more than one stat at once.
Same goes for debuffs. You can use Mokou's Face Punch and Byakuren's Misfire together to really devastate an enemy's IND because Misfire doesn't only effect IND, but RES as well. With both of those on her, Komachi was a joke.

>> No.9777621

Got a few questions:
1. Would it be possible to beat Chihiro with only 1 or 2 party members? I want to see if the victory message changes to match that sort of outcome.

2. One of Lithos' growth abilities increases the damage of Fire/Ice/Earth/Lightning abilities, but as far as I know, the only elemental ability of that kind she has is Canyon Clap. Am I missing something here?

>> No.9777863

1. Considering how easy it is to damage her with Nitori alone, I don't think it's too hard, as long as Alice is around to protect her from all the bullshit.
2. I remember reading something about how it boosts her physical damage if Byakuren endows her weapon with an element, too, but I haven't checked if that's true.

>> No.9778306

Well it wasn't till Devil of Decline's expansion that they made a distinction between physical elemental attacks and magical elemental attacks.

>> No.9778733

Ok, there's definitely something going on here. I've meet that damn druid like 15 times, and pendragon...once? Twice? What the hell?

>> No.9778824


This post made me think I missed something hahaha wow

>> No.9779050

It was the endgame item farming that made me stop playing fair and start cheating.

>> No.9779084

Define cheating. I'll take anything I can get.
Is there some trick with getting the bosses to appear? See >>9773625; I've noticed that in a lot of places with the other bosses.

>> No.9779154

Resorting to using other programs to change the drop rates.

>> No.9779356

Oh my.
I don't want to mess with code if I don't know exactly what I'm doing.

>> No.9779791
File: 599 KB, 640x480, at last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh are you fucking joking? The Lighting Baron's drop is just a fucking devil's heart? The material that EVERY DEMON IN THE GAME can drop? Aaaarrggh

At least this happened.

>> No.9780011 [DELETED] 

Is it fine to go through the game with a single formation? I know other formations give different boosts that might help more on other fights but I'm pretty comfortable with using the Hakurei type since I use a pretty balanced team and don't wanna risk too much.

>> No.9780060

We've been saying in all these threads, and I'll repeat it again for you
Don't stick to a team, it's more troublesome to train only a team and then have to grind everyone later than to occasionally switch up a party member or two to keep everyone at the same levels.
If you change your team, you're probably going to be changing your formation around to suit the characters more.

>> No.9780091


I'm using different teams though. Everyone's about the same level except Mokou because I just got her. It's just that every team I make is balanced. I've got two mages, two physical attackers and one other character I put in the middle which is either Alice or Reimu. I've kept the same formation even after switching around members.

>> No.9780252

Eh, that's your choice.
I HIGHLY recommend getting Poison Shield, though. It's excellent.

>> No.9780305

Is there a list of things you have to do to get the recipes? I miss getting recipes

>> No.9780336

So weekend version is like babby mode for scrubs?

>> No.9780352

>So weekend version is like babby mode for scrubs?
This poor attempt as enticing reactions is way late, we've already discussed weekend v. vanilla to hell.

>> No.9780394


Not everyone is on /jp/ 24/7

>> No.9780450


Weekend is undeniably easier, how much easier is up for grabs.
But it doesn't turn the game into a stream roll, you still have to use strategies in many places.

>> No.9780504
File: 21 KB, 100x100, HowToCheeseGoS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you guys think its within the realm of possibility to beat the postgame final boss with 1 team?

Already beat the game and I wanna have a goal while I clear up some loose ends in weekend. [mostly drops and maxing out the levels]

I'm mostly worried about running out of steam stalling out the fish and then not having enough resources for the 3rd phase, Don't wanna try something that's literally impossible.

>> No.9780506


Is it just learning/drop rates or are other things affected too?

>> No.9780509
File: 181 KB, 540x372, ptsdsakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9780520


Every significant change Weekend brings to the game is in the OP.

>> No.9780545

I don't think so.
Just chat with Akyuu every time you beat a boss or get a new character.

>> No.9780639

Pretty much this

and landmarks at around 10000 and 15000 youkai exterminated I think.

this count doesn't include quest bosses and story bosses too, I think.

working up from a [apparent] count of 13457 and I don't even know how many times I rematched the Quest bosses for EXP grinding

>> No.9780659

What do you get for those landmarks?

>> No.9780701

...I'm at the final boss, and just realized I don't have a single muscle belt. How!?

>> No.9780732

for 10000
Dual blade cane, Gomugurasu, Shaheen 2, magma Buster, thundering heaven and earth, of Conflict cane, iron ball of destruction, ultra shield of Gehenna, Kokyutosu shield, shield of Tartarus, Sodom shield, shield of Archangel, of General Magic shield shield, large Makai

Only thing relevant things are the Rods. 25% damage boost in two elements is pretty good.

for 15000
Protect the Ryujin, Ⅳ boundary immortal curtain drawers ribbon Hakurei, regalia, of happy, creative talisman of God, and invincible, silk hat of the problem, the title slowly, curtain Ⅳ, the month of sun, galactic curtain Ⅳ, cloak cloak Ⅳ Ⅳ, the gale of breeze

I'm not certain whats what because I have none of these yet, but I reallllllly want that Regalia and Hakurei Ribbon so I can free up an Accessory Slot on Alice instead of using both of the Yata Accessories.

I think you can also turn a 50% EXP Yukkuri Accessory into a 100% EXP boost Yukkuri Accessory too

>> No.9781178
File: 295 KB, 640x478, the final boss is space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the best experience booster after you've killed 15000 experienced-packed enemies? Ugh.
I thought the Regalia and Hakurei Ribbon were at the bottom of the extra dungeon.

Also...god. This is such a satisfying boss to fight. No matter what strategy you use, I'd bet you always run into an OH SHIT! situation at least once, just like you should in any well-crated boss battle. Such a perfect finale.
I absolutely adore that janky bit of lag at the end of Youmu's Paschal Moon-reflecting Slash when it crits, right before the huge numbers appear. Delicious.

>> No.9781206

There is no fucking way the ending could be any cheesier.

>> No.9781571


The Extra Dungeon Items are

ソリデオ - Soli Deo - [☆ FIR/WTR/ETH/ELE/LGT/DRK/SLA/STA/STK] damage reduced to 1/8.

全てを護るもの -All-Protection [☆ Status] All status effects may be prevented.

Compare to
レガリ Regalia [◎ FIR/WTR/ETH/ELE/LGT/DRK/MYS/SLA/STA/STK] All damage reduced to 25%.


博麗のりぼん -Hakurei Ribbon [◎ FIR/WTR/ETH/ELE/LGT/DRK] [☆ Permanent]
damage reduced to 25%.
Usually prevents Permanent effects.

The best experience booster needs the drop off the the Yukkuri King to be crafted anyway so its not likely you'll get it

>> No.9781765

see >>9779791


>> No.9783262

ok /jp/ how do i use nitori? I can`t do dmg with her? an tips? which growth tree? which skills and so on. thx for all advises

>> No.9783266

Gun tree, rage eight with a gun that has slayer effect rapes things. You can also use chaser tree if you're using two or more mages, the extra chaser damage will really add up. If you have many melee attackers with the same weapon types or kappa's multi-chaser, you can chase those too

>> No.9783393

I selected my cleared file and it asked me if I wanted to start the expansion. I hit no because I wanted to do something first...but now it's not giving me the option again.
What do I do? Do I have to beat the final boss again?

>> No.9783602 [DELETED] 

Flandre probably likes speedcore.
Yuyuko probably likes ambient tones.
Youmu probably has MP3s of rain noise.

>> No.9783645

You done fucked up. Now on that specific save file, you can never access the expansion. You have to beat the game all over again on a different file to get to it.

>> No.9783651

Did you just make this up? Is there some group of hipsters who sit around and make up new, convoluted names for every few musical groups and shit?

>> No.9783704

Oh, bullshit.

>> No.9783726
File: 355 KB, 632x800, 28422714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he made it up just to infuriate asptards like you

>> No.9783729

I'm sure you have a back-up save you can go back on anon!

don't lose heart!

>> No.9783742

I could have sworn one of these Touhou doujin games kept a backup of about the last 200 saves.

>> No.9783770

Wait. That wasn't a stupid joke?

>> No.9783858

they do

>> No.9783980

Ok, I'm kinda glad that happened now. The final boss died PERFECTLY in-tune with the music. Beautiful.

>> No.9784076

So does anyone know what the damage formula for bio is and if its worth learning for satori?

>> No.9784101

Did we ever figure out how the gamer's fan worked?

>> No.9784110

Well, I may be a bit off, but I'm pretty sure that it increases the item drop rate. Might be thinking of the Pen thingy or the Melon sword, though.

>> No.9784138

Obviously. But how much? Does the it affect all enemies, or does the character equipping it have to kill things? If so, do they have to use physical skills or would magic be fine?

>> No.9784159

Unlike the Animate Pen and Melon Sword, the Gamer Fan's effects can't be put to the test very effectively.
It probably works like the other two, though, and works whether the holder is attacking or not.

>> No.9784271
File: 164 KB, 640x480, 120926_capture008_1642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not defy Youmu, RNG. This is the kind of thing that can happen.
I did so many stupid things throughout the whole fight, but Mokou got a lot of crits with the Turtlesmasher, Marisa got a lot of double casts, Sanae got her LW, Satori learned Vortex, the final boss didn't use her land drain + nuke instantly after it was on the maximum level (which was an annoying thing because I had a Reflect Wall waiting for it!) and then in the end Youmu obliterated her with this Paschal whatever. If only this game could save replays.

"Just" go beat the final boss again, and the game should ask you about the expansion after you load the save again.

>> No.9784274

Who is a better mage, Marisa or Patchouli? I'm not too far into game (~25lv on main group, ~15 on others) and so far I'm using Marisa mainly for cheap stardust spells, but I see that Patchouli will learn her own single target spells soon (they cost some more MP tho). Should I move her to the main group? Or maybe kick Reimu and use both Patchouli and Marisa (I like her light based spells, but lately I'm using her mainly for auto attacking and removing perms, so I can live without her).

>> No.9784288

Switch em in and out. They fill the same role. Use them both if you want, that's ok.

>> No.9784294

Marisa has more staying power, if you will, and moves faster, so it is easier for her to blow up random encounters. I used both, though.

>> No.9784306

I think I will use them both then. One more thing, I read that at some point I will have to use 2 teams at once, so around what level/stage should I start grinding exp? For now I'm only leveling not used characters with commander spot.

>> No.9784307


Marisa is better against single enemies, but Patchy is better against groups. If you use Patchy, pairing her up with Nitori is really helpful.

>> No.9784315

You should not have to grind at all. Just keep switching up the commander slot if you feel it really needed, especially since low level characters will gain more experience in later dungeons, like 300-400% or so.

>> No.9784327

Grinding really isn't necessary. Just make sure you kill everything whenever you go through a stage and you'll be fine.
Also try to switch your less-used characters into commander position a lot so they don't fall behind.

>> No.9784333

Thanks, I will just use the commander spot then.

>> No.9784366

Blah, I freaking hate these stupid Kaguya lookalikes, they're not so bad alone but then they get paired with something that has speedy flight and then I can't do anything but die. Ayaya...

>> No.9784378

Incidentally, I always meant to run through this game with a mage party, without ever using Alice, who normally is always in the party.

>> No.9784458

I'm officially frustrated. Who in the world designed Eientei? Now I remember how much tougher it was than most of the rest of the game...

>> No.9784466

Which part?

>> No.9784477


The part with time stop and party removal and instant death and everything that wants to kill me as soon as it sets eyes on me. I'm about to just Final Spark anything that sets eyes on me.

>> No.9784496

Use Sanae's RES buff every battle. Hide behind Alice if you need too, though Mokou should suffice, plus she's awesome with her confusion fists.

>> No.9784528


Don't have Mokou ready to fight. As for Alice, she does okay but my big problem is not being able to run and then they just outdamage me. Think I'm finally gonna use that speed formation and kill them as fast as possible.

>> No.9784554

What level is Mokou? She can do fine at a lower level.

...what? Don't run, kill them. If it takes three turns, so what? Everything's got a weakness. Hit it!

>> No.9784565


Her level isn't a problem, I don't have any equipment for her and can't make anything outside of something basic that doesn't require seeds. And I only run when things are going really bad. So far the speed up thing is working, they can't do anything if they're dead.

>> No.9784588

I'm skeptical of sonic stream, but hey, whatever works.

Go back to the garden of the sun and get a sunflower seed. Mokou's confusion fist is SO FUCKING GOOD. I cannot overstate how strong that thing is.

>> No.9784598


I dunno what Sonic Stream. I'm using Gensokyo's Fastest with Satori, Sakuya, Nitori, Marisa and Patchy with Aya commanding. As for the weapon, I'd rather not. It'd seem a bit grindy so I'll probably just go beat up Kaguya and Eirin then get my new weapons after.

>> No.9784620

My mistake.
Also...sorry, I got that wrong. Her incredibly strong confusion fist is the celestial peach one, not the sunflower one.
Seriously, get it. It's probably the best weapon she can get until the endgame weapons, outside of boss fights.

>> No.9784748

I got Satori to learn something, but how do I actually use the learned ability? I don't see any skills she can use relating to that. She is at level 1, I'm just trying her out now.

>> No.9784751

Equip it like any other skill.

>> No.9784764

There are no skills other than her default ones in the menu. I assume I'll have to be at a higher level for it to show up, or something.

>> No.9784774

Then you didn't learn it.
Did you win the battle she learned the skill in?

>> No.9784780

I had Youmu hit some downer in the endurance dungeon for a total of ~240k without a slayer

RNG is champ

>> No.9784788
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Holy shit

>> No.9784800 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Holy shit

>> No.9784805

I think I ran away, that probably was the case. Anyway, thank you for the help.

>> No.9785442

Just proved something I was suspecting for a while
Nitori's chasers stop attacks from casting more than once, such Marisa's and Patchy's occasional double cast or Yuugi's Berseker Soul. They'll attack once, Nitori will chase and then everything ends.
Makes sense, since it's like Nitori ends the character's turn, making it impossible for multiple attacks to occour.

>> No.9785461


Wow, that sucks. Imagine if they double casted, Nitori chases twice.

>> No.9785512

I don't think it makes much of a difference in random battles unless your nitori is a lot weaker than your casters.

Pretty lame for boss battles though

>> No.9785533
File: 105 KB, 641x479, please be a sequel hook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, please let this be a sequel hook.

>> No.9785553

Does anyone know what the +2 to Parrar Defenses on Alice's Perfected Doll Armor actually does?

>> No.9785564

More times she can block with parrar, I'd guess.

>> No.9785611

What's the best weapon for Mokou?

>> No.9785631

you get her close to the end of the game in devil of decline, so perhaps she actually had a part in solving the mystery

>> No.9785634

So, I just used Byakuren's Last Word twice in the same fight, and in the second time all it did was give my characters a "Blessing" "buff"
I'm guessing it's a quick effect, since it disappeared the next turn. Anyone know what it is?

>> No.9786143

Welp, I officially don't like Kaguya in this game. She's so evil. I was about to type a long list of curses but it's not worth it. Maybe next try.

>> No.9786269

Her fists are pretty damn good. My favorite is the one you can make with a Trapezohedron, but everything up to there is amazing as well, especially if you have lots of points in her fists growth tree.
If I'm not mistaken, using that LW more than once ni a fight should make the drop/exp bonus higher, but last time I used it nothing happened,
The easy way of fighting her is with mind control (control/charm/berserk). If you didn't cheat to get Byakuren early, the only way you'll have to do that is that skill Werewolves in the same stage use, so I hope your Satori got it. Even without abusing that, she and Eirin are not as amazing hard as they seem. I'd suggest dispelling their buffs, but since it looks like there's a chance for it to work and my Sanae only got it to hit once in 4 tries I think it's easie to just abuse elements and slayers with Marisa, Patchouli and Nitori.

>> No.9786319


I just beat her. And it only took 30 minutes...Blah. Eirin wasn't even close to the hard part. Kaguya and her stupid buffs that I only have a low chance to dispel with Youmu, her damn full heal that drags fights on forever, it's a huge pain in the ass because she drags the fight on until you're out of MP and bombs then spam spam spam spam spam 'til you're dead. She healed twice this battle, even with Nitori's Rage 8 and Marisa's slayers she was still a huge pain. I can't believe I won. Never again.

>> No.9787317

>her damn full heal that drags fights on forever
But doesn't Sakuya have an anti-healing spell or something? Did it not work on her?

>> No.9787925


I didn't have Sakuya that battle. And I really dislike that spell because it gets rid of my healing and I'd rather not take that risk.

>> No.9788252

After Eirin's gone, damage shouldn't really be an issue. Kaguya can't hit for crap.

>> No.9788640


She was hitting for 100s when I didn't have my M. Def buff up, and she usually hit 3 to 5 characters with her spell. And when she boosted her attack it's almost enough to destroy my party. Yeah no, I'd rather not have that happen.

>> No.9790980

Oh my god I hate Lakebed Temple so much,

>> No.9791020
File: 107 KB, 641x480, dread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the time you get through with that, that opening bling~/BONG will haunt your nightmares.

Hope everybody's leveled!

>> No.9791140

Is Kusanagi good? I haven't used any normal weapons besides staff for Satori and sometimes Patchouli.

>> No.9791191

Kusanagi is probably the best weapon in the game until the late post-game. That little bit better thing is a lot stronger than it sounds. Get it.

Incidentally, 5 iron is WAY WAY WAY to cheap. I had almost 30 iron in weekend by the time I unlocked the thing anyway.

>> No.9791197
File: 410 KB, 641x479, kusanagi apperently sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty crappy to me.

>> No.9791223

>Secret effect: [Lives+1], [Bombs+1], [MaxHP+19%], [MaxMP+9%], [DEF+~75], [EVA+20]
Sounds pretty useful to me, though I'm not that far yet.

>> No.9791229

...you didn't look at the picture, did you?

>> No.9791253

I did. I'm not very bright, you see.

>> No.9791266


I don't know who to give it to. Reimu can use Gohei s for the extra light damage, Youmu has Katanas, not to mention the one I just crafted has Foreign God slayer and I'm hoping the last bosses are all Foreign Gods, Sakuya's claymores don't seem to be too far behind it, Mokou has this One-Shot Punch. Maybe Aya is a candidate? Or should I give up light damage for Reimu?

>> No.9791303

The final form of the final boss practically necessitates either Youmu's god-slaying katana or Kusanagi.
Give it to whoever. Mokou or Youmu would use it best.

>> No.9791419

The best character who can use it for a decent amount of time is Mokou, simply because of her Fujiyama Volcanoes. The One-Shot Punch is amazing, but using those with the Kusanagi is simply... beautiful. Anyway, getting that sword and not using good skills with it (which eans anything but the basic sword skills) is kind of a waste.

The only sad thing about this Mokou thing is that the Kusanagi is kind of useless for her in the final boss, unless she's the tank of your party or will help Youmu at killing the third phase.

>> No.9791428

A damn shame. Mokou should DEFENITLY be in the first phase tearing up Biotopos and Lithos; not like she can tank phase three worth a damn.

>> No.9791441

DRAGON FANG STRIKE! is pretty good, at least. Not amazing, but it gets the job done.

>> No.9791516

So I just learned while fighting Kagami that whenever some bosses charge up special attacks with 'Store Power' or maybe even 'Inhale', I can just use Aya's 'Act First' spellcard with Sanae's dispel and simply prevent them from using the attack at all. Neat. Dunno if this is something everybody already knew or maybe it doesn't work all the time.

>> No.9791831

Is it me, or does stage 10, the second part of Eientei look creepy? All the spites of enemies outside of battle look like faceless black haired little girls running around and the setting itself is pretty dark.

>> No.9791859 [DELETED] 

Another fun thing you can do in the expansion: those "Bomb Reload" variants actually count as triggers for Reisen's special slayers. Oh how fun it was to fight Sakuya, have Reisen attack her after she reloaded a bomb and watch the maid explode.
That BGM is pretty amazing, and the starry effect looks pretty good. I love the atmosphere of that stage.

>> No.9791861 [DELETED] 

Another fun thing you can do in the expansion: those "Bomb Reload" variants actually count as triggers for Reisen's special slayers. Oh how fun it was to fight Sakuya, have Reisen attack her after she reloaded a bomb and watch the maid explode.[/spoiler]
That BGM is pretty amazing, and the starry effect looks pretty good. I love the atmosphere of that stage.

>> No.9791866

Another fun thing you can do in the expansion: those "Bomb Reload" variants actually count as triggers for Reisen's special slayers. Oh how fun it was to fight Sakuya, have Reisen attack her after she reloaded a bomb and watch the maid explode.
That BGM is pretty amazing, and the starry effect looks pretty good. I love the atmosphere of that stage.

Holy shit I'm on a roll today

>> No.9792035

Just discovered a glitch in the game. If you use Berserker Soul on Yuugi and Kappa's Multichaser on Nitori, Yuugi doesn't attack 8 times.

>> No.9792106

Someone mentioned that earlier in the thread I think - Nitori's chaser will prevent any multiattack for the character that triggers it.

>> No.9793914

Is there something that magically makes Satori way better on Youkai Mountain? My Shadow Bursts were doing about 200 damage on the fairies earlier on but now she's dishing out 500 damage to them and I have no idea how it happened.

>> No.9794186

Youkai Mountain enemies start weak and get stronger the higher you climb. Nothing tougher than the previous stage, though.
Satori does get better at that point, though, solely because of area heal.

>> No.9794230


Hm, I don't have Area Heal. The only reason she's getting better is because she's dishing out way more damage than before and she's actually starting to get some decent spells. Well, the physical ones are useless but there's still some good ones she got. She couldn't even touch Marisa's damage before then, and now she's starting to match up pretty decently.

>> No.9795168

Yeah, that happens. Not sure why, but it does. This is the part of the game where Satori starts getting better, and that's going to continue for the rest of the game.

Get area heal sooner rather than latter. It's very useful.

>> No.9795179


I'd probably go for it if it wasn't such a huge pain. Don't want to take forever trying to control an enemy for that spell but oh well, guess I'll power through without it.

>> No.9795191

It's not so bad. Get Byakuren up to stuff before worrying about that anyway.

>> No.9795207

I got that spell on my first try. Use Byakuren stacked with IND along with her IND scroll, easy as pie.
The only spell that took me a while to get was leaf shield.

>> No.9795230


Well I could probably do it now, I'm right before the Iku fight and Byakuren is up to par, but at the same time I hate revisiting places for the most part and don't really want to take too much advice to beat the game. I already took a decent amount so far.

>> No.9795246

Well, it's your call of course.

>> No.9795542


The only advice I've taken from these threads were for Satori's learning and Poison Shield. Goddamn Poison Shield is incredibly broken

>> No.9795563 [DELETED] 


So far I've basically gone from loser that has no idea how to play and powers through everything stupidly to evaluating my skill trees much better, balancing my teams rather than going for favorites and cheesing the Kanako/Suwako fight. I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten further than that if I didn't know about being able to instant kill Kanako otherwise, she just wrecks my face inside out otherwise.

>> No.9795887


Spoiler tag that shit

>> No.9795934

So far I've basically gone from loser that has no idea how to play and powers through everything stupidly to evaluating my skill trees much better, balancing my teams rather than going for favorites and cheesing the Kanako/Suwako fight. I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten further than that if I didn't know about being able to instant kill Kanako, she just wrecks my face inside out otherwise.

>> No.9796176

That third form of the Gorgon sisters is ridiculous I literally had no more MP and I was on my 2nd party. Died on the first turn from damage that over killed my highest HP character and was party attack. I'm going to have to really think this through so I can actually last through the first two forms with minimal trouble. Hopefully I won't have to grind for items or whatever. Any party without Alice seems to die easily as well.

>> No.9796243

I'd tell you my strategy, but you probably want to figure things out yourself.

>> No.9796386

>want to figure things out yourself.

That is my plan until I get really frustrated. I got this far without looking at these threads or the wiki so I hope I can figure it out. It might be that I'm not leveled enough since I have some trouble with the monsters before the boss. Not the stupid-hard-areyouaboss-monsters mind you.

>> No.9796667

The only thing that might not be too clear about that part of the fight is that whenever the land level is maxed out for anything but light or dark, the final boss might use a skill that will recover 10k HP and that nuke that hit you. Might, though, because I spent a lot of turns that way, waiting for her to use the nuke so I could reflect it back or at least protect myself and she only use it once out of 10+ turns (conveniently, right after Alice died.
The rest of the fight should be possible to figure out on your own. A nice level to be at would be something around 60, which is impossible to not happen if you're playing Weekend.

>> No.9797268

best stance for youmu?

>> No.9797755

Probably Manussya, but Asura is nice too.

>> No.9798207

*err 45k crits

>> No.9798204

>The only sad thing about this Mokou thing is that the Kusanagi is kind of useless for her in the final boss
how are 450k crits without cooldown useless

>> No.9798403

No chance to double cast (fists), no slayer effect (Turtlesmasher). Also, does the Kusanagi even have a bonus to the crit rate, for it to be worth using over the Turtlesmasher?

>> No.9798482

He means on the third part of the boss, I believe.

>> No.9798565

I want comet from the Abyss Dragon. How often does he use it?

>> No.9798934

Is there any trick to Sanae? Waiting until Cirno slowly takes her summons down works, but it feels pretty inefficient.

>> No.9798979

Nuke her down with Mokou as fast as possible or just silence her.

>> No.9798980

I got sanae back after killing the mobs next to her. She then showed up in my next random encounter... In eientie. I have no idea how it bugged like that.

>> No.9798993

It's a common weekend bug. You encounter an enemy, run away from it, and then you clip through its sprite because all the enemies freeze for 1 second after you run. Then, the next encounter you get into is the enemy whose sprite you clipped through.

I would suggest not relying on Cirno only and having everyone specced for insta-death. I'm pretty sure Lithos has a few moves like that and there's definitely some weapons with insta-death properties. Sure it's not easy to actually inflict it, but more people using it at the same time should help.

>> No.9798998

if I remember right you can use Lithos' 6666 damage spell to defeat them. But I'm also pretty sure that Sanae can heal and revive her summons, so be sure to damage her first

>> No.9798999

You forgot to mention that it also makes you win whatever mission you're currently on, meaning you can get into a battle, run away, get a free item for completing the mission, and then run into the enemy you were fighting again for a chance at dropping that item.

>> No.9799073

Can you really petrify the Godeater? Lithos has been trying for a while without success.

>> No.9799101

shouldn't be harder to petrify than the mechadragon. Have Satori and Byakuren petrify it, too.

>> No.9799405

The weekend bug is

Finish a battle with the required party(not run)
During the time wherein no enemy moves, run into the quest NPC sprite
Next encounter will be the quest fight

I've purposefully used it to farm orichalc shards. Feels good, man.

>> No.9799538

Bullshit. Mechadragon gets petrified on the first try with an unbuffed Lithos. Godeater isn't getting petrified from repeated attempts from buffed Lithos, Satori, and Byakuren, in an induction formation, with Sakuya's one-bomb commander spell.

>> No.9799535

So, do I just run from every fight in chapter 14? I keep getting those stupid mind flayers, and if it isn't them it's some angel and demon that can take huge damage without flinching.

>> No.9799541

Sanae RES buff.

>> No.9799549


I honestly never notice it. It almost never works when I use it so I just don't bother.

>> No.9799561

You've got 25 points in her buff tree, right? What level is she?

>> No.9799567


I've got no points in it, so far it's all in Healing and Snakes, but I honestly don't think the 50% would make that big a difference. Reimu got killed the most by that stupid shock-instadeath combo Iku had even with Res buffs and she has more Res than anyone else in the party. It's really annoying.

>> No.9799569

the thing with those upgraded flayers is that you can't just block their status effects and call it a day. Their mind blasts start causing significant MYS damage, which you can't block as good as other elements.
Perhaps equip Alice with acc. blocking Death and Paralysis so that at least she can get away from any fight, then reengage until you get a more reasonable monster group

>> No.9799572

>but I honestly don't think the 50% would make that big a difference
You think wrong. Try it.

>> No.9799580

I also had trouble on this stage. In the beginning I would use Sanae res buff, but after your levels start to equal out just use the res formation and you will be fine/

>> No.9799578


Yeah, I got Alice with that. My earlier strategy involved Alice with those accessories protecting Nitori so she could Rage Eight those bastards but even then she leaves them at low health because of the stray hits, then I end up laying down a ton of MP and a decent amount of bombs for each fight and I have to keep going back to that healing circle constantly. I haven't found a single fight here without those mind flayers so far except the angel/demon one.

>> No.9799583

They're still fragile little mind flayers. Have Nitori blow them full of holes before they do to much damage, or have any physical powerhouse beat them up. Throw up Sanae's M. DEF buff if they're a lot of them or there's priority targets.
Alice is always a good idea for trash mobs at this point in the game and onward.

>> No.9799677
File: 60 KB, 635x477, thankyoumarisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Marisa for saving me. She didn't do much damage but she was all I needed.

>> No.9799713

Hi /jp/, can you give me some advice about how should I make my parties for the last boss? I'm trying to do it with my first party consisting of Aya, Marisa, Sanae, Patch, Satori and Mokou for commander, and the second is Alice, Youmou, Reimu, Sakuya, Byakuren and Nitori for commander. Everything in the first party is fine until the rng hits me in the face, seriously, everyone is squish that Anatasis hit kill almost everyone except Aya(that dodge everything except that damn muscle revolution). I dont wanna rely on heavy rng to kill the first phase anymore.

>> No.9799808

"not relying on RNG" is synonymous with "using Alice", at least if you ask me.
I always shoehorned in Alice for the first round and parrar'd all the time, with Reimu putting up a barrier every while.
The obvious drawback is that you won't be able to use her in the remaining phases. But that's alright, as long as you can dish out enough damage to the final phase before you eat a charged attack or spell...

>> No.9799941

Well, you've got the right idea.
You'll want Patchy and most likely Sanae in the second party, and Sakuya and Mokou in the first party. Satori is good in the first party, but only if she has starlight barrier, leaf shield, and especially area heal. Probably clearance too.
A Satori with that and dodge-tank Aya using her evasion field spell can handle most of the defense.

>> No.9799970

For the final battle, I used
Alice, Marisa, Patchy, Sanae and Nitori, with Satori as a commander (since I didn't train her)
Alice can take basically everything thrown at her except for Anastasis Multi-target bomb, and Satori's 1 bomb commander spell helps a lot with tanking things (33% is a fairly high chance of deflecting). The rest is self-explanatory.

Second party was Mokou, Youmu, Sakuya, Byakuren and Reimu, with Aya as commander
Mokou helps with Reraise and deals a bit of damage, Youmu and Byakuren do their thing, Reimu helps with barriers and healing and Sakuya can timestop to avoid any Bomb attacks and dish a bit of damage (if she ever manages to hit)

I was pretty successful with this setup, and I recommend it.

>> No.9799997

Well, I dont want to rely on heavy rng, this is why I want to switch the squishys for someone else. I dont think Anatasis can hit kill Sakuya and Mokou 70% of the time she will hit them though.
I suppose I will want to use Sakuya and Mokou with Mambele and Turtlesmasher, right? And where I can learn Starlight Barrier and Area Heal? And about how much evasion Aya must have(before the evasion field and the evasion spell card) to dodge that damn muscle revolution? She have about 140 of evasion and hardly dodge that attack.

>> No.9800069

Might there perhaps be an ssg file for the weekend version of this game? I reformatted my com recently and lost my old save data. I don't want to go through the trouble of farming for ingredients for synthesis again

>> No.9800233

I've never seen muscle revolution in that battle. Who uses it?

>> No.9801679

What do I need to do to unlock the recipes for the upgraded versions of the ultimate character specific gear?

I haven't hit 5,000 mob kills yet, at 4400 ish, but if I can avoid having to do that, itd be great. I suspect that may be the case though...

>> No.9801687

Whatever you have to do, it's not 5000 kills. You get...uh...I think the ostracon equipment for that, which ranges from equal to a little better than the legendary equipment.

>> No.9801703

Somewhat relieving... Hopefully its just x amount of mission clears. Im spamming them anyways to farm mats and get exp. IND stacked Byakuren is making some of these a joke, though.

>> No.9801744

How do you fight the upgrade stage enemies after clearing character quests? I barely fought a thing when I was recruiting everybody. I'm sure you can find some of them in the underground and stuff, but...

>> No.9801862

Nope, you get the Ostracon recipes after clearing one expansion quest. The ultimate gear is unlocked in the final expansion dungeon, I believe.
And wow, you're in the post-game and you haven't even hit the 5k mark? Are you running away from most encounters or something?
In stage 22, in the floors after fighting Yuugi.

>> No.9801888

I actually fought pretty much everything in my way during the storyline. Cleared out everything but the last few rooms of respawns in stage 20. It was my second play through though, so knowing all the tricks kept me from wiping and having mobs respawn.

Do you mean the endurance dungeon for the recipes? Seems like a PITA...

>> No.9801952

Gotta ask, do yukkuri and their counterparts give more power exp the more of them you kill? It seems like it, but I can't tell if it's just a coincidence or not.

>> No.9804034
File: 278 KB, 640x478, why does it get 9 turns if it has 5 heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the great hydra is such a bullshit boss.
You're doing good, everything's fine, you're kicking her ass, nothings going to-WHOOP SHE HIT YOU ONCE BETTER RESTART!

>> No.9804057

I've never had trouble with this thing. Have Aya reflect all it's breath attacks and use Newspaper Deadline Day, have Byakuren buff Youmu, and nerf the dragon's Defense/Accuracy, have Youmu whack away at it with the Kusunagi, and have Reimu use whatever. It's the easiest 8 star boss.

You wanna talk about bullshit bosses, that 8 star demon boss is ridiculous.

>> No.9804056

No, Stage 22 just has a few extra floors after the one with the boss, in which you can find the incident monsters.

>> No.9804075

I wasn't responding to the latter half of his post, sorry. I can see how I broke my paragraphs would create that confusion though. I'm still talking about the ultimate character specific recipes.

>> No.9804078

Oh, I know what to do. There's really no other way to go about it.
It's just a long fight for no reason, and out of the billions of turns it gets, it's more than likely going to land a hit and kill someone important.
It's kinda like Terminator MKII. It's got a incredibly strong attack pattern that gets almost perfectly nullified by a simple but strict defense, and thus SHOULD be easy, except that it's got a ridiculous amount of health and only needs to break through ONCE to beat you.
It's a shitty RNG fight.

>> No.9804085

You can eliminate the RNG on Terminator by giving Alice and Patchouli pierce/slayer resist, reraise regen from Mokou's 1 bomb reraise, and ELEC land regen on Patchy. Takes a while longer for her to kill it by itself, but its reliable.

>> No.9804131

>slayer resist

>> No.9804200

There's a shield that prevents slayer effects. Armored Plank.

>> No.9805237

So, how should I be building Lithos? Cause apart from her spell cards, she's extremely underwhelming.

>> No.9805289

Ultra tank Lithos

>> No.9805342

Where I can get Area Heal for Satori?

>> No.9805385

Hariti on Youkai Mountain. Just like all the other heal/buff abilities, you have to get lucky and charm/control them on a turn where they are going to use it because it's not on their control/charm ability list.

>> No.9805392

Oh, and you can find all her abilities and where to learn them at

>> No.9805439

Just defeated stage 26's boss, Satori, Marisa and Alice shined brightly on this fight (Satori dealing over 10k with Medoroa was delicious)

Sadly, Satori learned Demon Tempest from this fight. Should I retry in order to get Comet or Dispel? Or are they not worth it? Comet doesn't seem that strong, but it's multi-target and apparently ignores barriers and a bit of magic defense? Dispel seems pretty good too, but I guess I can get it from other enemies.

>> No.9805474

But, It's like Leaf Shield? I mean, there's a spefic formation that uses it, or area heal is just pure luck?
Oh thanks, but I already knew the link, I asked because I dont know if there's just a specific way to learn it.

>> No.9805511

It's just luck, they use it in any formation

>> No.9805546

So how would I build that? I'm assuming full 25 points in family members for the divine barrier, but then what?

>> No.9805582

That's all you need; you could get by with 20, really. Put other stuff in offensive stuff. Lithos LOVES bombs, more than any other character; give her lots of them.

>> No.9805595

It's not like leaf shield. Every Hariti uses it.
Use the tightest formation you can, poke them and their buddies down to half or less health before trying to charm them, and break them out of it with status healing or damage if they don't cast it. It's a little annoying, but won't take that long.

>> No.9805598

Just checked the Wiki and I used almost the same strategy mentioned there, heh.
Though that page makes this boss look like it's hard as alice's impenetrable defense, but I though it was super easy, my character are all lv~80

>> No.9805672

You probably don't need to retry. Dispel is from stuff you're already past, and you get get comet off an enemy in stage 27.

>> No.9805693
File: 477 KB, 632x468, gaishelpsrsly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck on the Youmu/Yuyuko fight in the netherworld. Youmu does ridiculous damage while Yuyuko spams Death until everyone dies. Is there some sort of trick to this? pls halp

>> No.9805707

Hey everyone, this scrub is using Mokou!

>> No.9805713

is she no bueno?

>> No.9805715

He can't even beat up the dork; he's probably retarded or something.

>> No.9805719

You looked at a guide to figure out how to unlock her way too early in the game, scrub.

>> No.9805720

pls wat do

>> No.9805722

Buff your RES and defense with Sanae and quickly kill Youmu with magic before going for Yuyuko. Hiding behind Alice should keep you safe for the most part, just be sure to cover someone when you kill Yuyuko.
Nitori is great for this fight. She can hit Yuyuko's elemental weaknesses while also hitting her 0 physical defense, and her guns get slayer on Youmu.

>> No.9805725


First off, Alice shouldn't be in the back. In any formation, she should be in a place where she'll soak up more attacks. Second off, your team doesn't seem like it has much damage, Satori isn't at the point in the game where she gets good and Reimu won't be doing too much damage in this fight. As for other things, give Sanae the anti-death accessory, she can destroy Yuyuko on her own with her serpent spell and heal off any damage she takes easily even if everyone else dies. Focus Youmu first or she'll get to a point where she can one shot everyone else.

>> No.9805729

I don't really see anyone in there who could deal enough damage to them, and your Alice is not in the tank position. What? She alone can tank everything Youmu does and Sanae's RES buff should help against Yuyuko's normal death spells, although it won't protect you form her final attack.

>> No.9805735

Alice should be in the front, to begin with. Give her death resistant equips and have her guard the others. Make Sanae buff res.
Replace Satori and Mokou with two of the following:
Marisa for lasers
Sakuya for absurdly high physical attack and time stop(you'll need to give her accuracy equipment)
Nitori for yuyuko's elemental weakness

Both Yuyuko and Youmu get "serious" once the other one dies, but Yuyuko is much easier to beat alone than Youmu, so focus on Youmu first.

>> No.9805740

I forgot to mention, you can also put Mokou in the commander slot for her resurrection and death-resist commander spells. They help a lot during boss fights.

>> No.9805741

Is OP picture the Genius of Sappheiros?

>> No.9805744
File: 78 KB, 274x263, apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, this clears a lot of things up.
I'm still picking up a lot of the concepts.

>> No.9805816

Yes it is, Patchouli's sprite, that should be obvious

>> No.9806894

So I'm having trouble with Eirin and Kaguya. I try to mind control Kaguya, but it feels like I fail at attempting to control her repeatedly. I use Byakuren and have her equipped with the scroll with +25 IND, Launch Earrings I & II, and sexy underwear. Even using Youmu's commander spell to halve resistances. My characters are in their higher 20s or at level 30. If I throw everything I believe I have at them, I'll manage to kill Eirin, but Kaguya will finish my dead or dying party. Any tips?

>> No.9806940


I don't remember the fight too much, but make sure you are using Kaguya's buffs on your party. I remember being near untouchable with the defense buff on.

>> No.9806958


If you don't want to go the mind control route, try debuffing and slayer abuse. The only thing that makes them so tough to kill is the stupid firerat thing combined with Kaguya's full heal, reduce their defense then just go at them with as many hard hitting attacks as you can. Nitori is especially useful, a single Rage Eight can do up to 4000 damage if all the hits land. Marisa is helpful if you have enough points in the laser tree for the slayer effect. For commanders, you could go Mokou for revival, or if you're worried about Kaguya healing herself you could pick Aya so you can go first when her health is low and pick her off.

>> No.9806971

What's up with Aya's Report ability. How do I get it to actually work on enemies that I'm actually fighting against and not enemies that are 2 stages behind me?

>> No.9807148

Is there a specific formation I should be using?

>> No.9807202


Not that I know of. I've been using Hakurei Type most of the time. I beat those two with Reimu, Youmu, Nitori, Marisa and Sanae with someone I forget as the commander. Probably not the best since Youmu's defense debuffs aren't consistent but her damage is pretty good so I had her on my team. I picked two healers because Reimu didn't need to use bombs to heal more than one person, but Sanae's single target heal is extremely fast if you max that tree and she can revive dead allies.

>> No.9807314

Enemies have levels too. You can check them in the bestiary. Aya needs to be higher (or equal?) level with the enemy to scan it.

>> No.9808466
File: 315 KB, 640x480, Wind of Miracles OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...uh...I was messing around with my Sanae and then ....this happened (pic related).

....Apparently Wind of Miracles stacks on itself.

>> No.9808528
File: 150 KB, 656x518, sakuya immortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I managed to beat Youmu and Yuyuko using Mokou on my third try, albeit it was mainly thanks to Sakuya that I dodged Yuyuko's Resurrection Butterfly. But she did contribute avlot in the early stage where I just rushed my damage to get rid of Youmu ASAP.
Tried the advises in the thread and switched Mokou to leader and use Alice in her place but it didn't really work out for me since my style is aggressive, all out damage.

>> No.9808546

Good luck with that "style" of yours

>> No.9808556

Thanks, I will try my best. Also who has more damage output, Youmu or Sakuya?

>> No.9808666

It depends, but I guess it's Sakuya most of the time

>> No.9808973

Sakuya at first, but Youmu will surpass her.

>> No.9811631

I'm having problems with the second phase of the last boss. My first party is Aya, Reimu, Mokou, Satori, Marisa and Sakuya as commander, with this comp, I have much less problems that I used to have with my last one, but now the phase two is giving me problems. Most of time, I dont have the necessary damage to kill the sisters before the third prayer and only two of my damage dealers(mokou run out of bombs in the first phase) can dish decent damage. Suggestions about what to do?

>> No.9811885

What's Reimu in party/Sakuya as commander do for the party?
How many bombs does Mokou have? What weapon does she have?

>> No.9811972

Reimu is pratically just for negate Lithos spellcards and heal sometimes, Sakuya is the commander because I switched her with Marisa, who used to be the commander, and she does nothing, seriously, she is the commander just because she didnt fit in the second party.
Mokou have 5 bombs(I think I should craft that acessory that increase bombs by 5 for her) and she is using Turtlesmasher as a weapon.

>> No.9811988

Oh christ yes craft all the bomb accessories.
Sakuya can take care of the spellcards. Have her use private square when Lithos comes out. You'll get a free strong hit on Anastasis too.

>> No.9811997

I'm having a hell of a time in Inner Eientei. The normal mobs are destroying me. Stop, blind, death, etc. Is there something I'm missing or is this a subtle level check and I just need to grind out some more levels to kill them quickly? I'm lvl 27 on average

>> No.9812006

Should I use Mambele on Sakuya? I tried it but, it feels like she wasn't doing so much diference in damage at all.

>> No.9812021


It's pretty much Hell, the stage. It's meant to tear out your guts and shove them in your eyesockets. There are multiple ways to go about it. You can kill everything as fast as possible with your huge damage attacks, which means you need to go outside to heal a lot more, or you can use Sanae Res buff, which is very inconsistent of you ask me but other people have had decent success with it so it might be worth a shot for you.

>> No.9812033

It works for me. Slices up Anastasis like nothing else.
What's her point spread look like when using it?

>or is this a subtle level check and I just need to grind out some more levels
This does not happen at any point in the game, unless you goofed and didn't use everybody.
If status is an issue, use Sanae's RES buff. Put 25 points in her buff tree so she doesn't run out of mana after 6 fights.
I don't remember damaging being THAT much of an issue there, so Mokou in the tank position of a formation should be fine. Use Alice if it isn't.

>> No.9812048

I'll have to try the Res buff method with Sanae then. It's those stupid girl on the moon enemies that will usually cause me to lose with their time stop or half my team gets blinded then instant deathed by a ninja.

>> No.9812060


Good luck then. If you're still having trouble, then bring Marisa and Nitori along and abuse those slayers. That reminds me, Enervation is a huge problem too, they drop your stats so low you can't even hurt them. That was awful.

>> No.9812067

Inner Eientei is usually where you can see how much having Nitori with a good gun (like Carbine) helps. That alone has slayer effects on the moon girls, the ninjas and on the werewolves (probably a few more monsters too, I don't remember right now) and her elemental attacks should be able to help against some other enemies.

>> No.9812077

I didnt get what did you mean by "point spead".

>> No.9812183

Inner Eientei got a lot easier for me once I gave Mokou silencing gloves and got her punching the moon things.

>> No.9814495

What do your do with your power points for dagger Sakuya in that fight?

Confusion fists are better.

>> No.9814749

I know, but I didn't have one of the crafting ingredients and didn't particularly feel like looking for it.

>> No.9816529
File: 375 KB, 639x479, Sakuyapowerpoints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I modified it a little since the last time I tried her with daggers(Got the +1 turn duration for private square, remove what left in the 2hand tree and put more points in daggers) .

>> No.9816596

The points in murder are useless for this fight. Put them in illusion.
I actually found a three-turn private square to not work as well for that fight. If you cast it when Lithos comes out, it'll stay up for all of Anastasis's turns and you won't be able to fry her with thunder spells.

>> No.9816684

When does magic start being worthwhile?

Marisa and Patchy don't have the mana pool to support their spells so I find myself spamming attack all the time. I'm only at Forest of Magic though.

>> No.9816717

Pretty soon, Marisa's regen will make it so she pratically has infinite MP. Patchy is still going to run out of MP, but much slower.
I had that impression too, but as the game goes on, it'll get better

>> No.9816805

Marisa has mana regen?

Don't really care about Patchouli in the long run. Going to replace her with Alice, which is probably a good idea.

>> No.9816866

All mages do, with proper power allocation, but Marisa's is specially good due to her brooms.
You probably want to train everyone almost equally, not exactly the same level, but I'd say 10~15 level difference tops, otherwise some parts are gonna be annoying

>> No.9817042

Oh, I was thinking in use the 3 turns private square to delay the first chant, but mokou with more bombs should decrease my damage problem a bit in the second phase. Thanks for helping.

>> No.9817064

But Patchy and and Alice fill totally different roles....

>Don't really care about Patchouli in the long run.
Bad idea.

>> No.9817440

Don't fall under the impression that you can choose only one party to stick with in this game, or else you'll have a nasty surprise in stages 9 and 18.

By the way, the thread is about to die.

>> No.9818294

Made a new thread at >>9818276.
