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9767079 No.9767079 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite character has now been made compleat. What is your favorite character like after compleation?

>> No.9767110

Is that hangul in the lower right corner?

>> No.9767133

I don't know what you are talking abut

>> No.9767149

It's Phyrexian. For a clearer example, there's Phyrexian text on the left side in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7ixdHQj3O4

>> No.9767163
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We seem to have a miscommunication here. But what is the meaning of "compleat"?

>> No.9767171



Of or characterized by a highly developed or wide-ranging skill or proficiency: "The compleat speechwriter ... comes to anonymity from Harvard Law" (Israel Shenker).

>> No.9767175

It means to forsake the flesh and to accept immortality.

>> No.9767190


Meaning inside.
An abbreviated form of "the pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.9767207

He was referring to the barely visible text below that.

>> No.9767236


What if my favorite character is KOS-MOS? She has no flesh to forsake.

>> No.9767252

mAGIC a shit

I gave up buying them after mirrodin or darksteel

The was the one with skullclamp and every deck was artifacts and shrapnel blasts.

>> No.9767389

There needs to a Phyrexian magical girl with a mechanical penis that ejaculates Glistening Oil. She'd cheerfully travel around in Mirrodin and violate native magical girls until they transform into more magical futanari Phyrexians.

>> No.9768385

Was probably about as shit back then as it was with Jace in every deck, cawblade and now fucking Delver.

drafting is still pretty fun, selling the stuff afterwards.

>> No.9768414
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She's already almost there.

>> No.9768422

My favorite character is completely incompatible with compleation. She'd cease to exist if the Phyrexians ever won, though.

>> No.9768451
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No. Absolutely fucking not.

>> No.9768488
File: 30 KB, 223x310, Nothing wrong with this card at all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cawblade was broken (the worst tournament scene since Ravager Affinity in 2004/2005), but it was nowhere near what Mirrodin era was like. Delver is just an example of a normal leading deck in a tournament scene; there's always a dominant deck to complain about, but there's still plenty of room to play other decks. If you dislike that kind of situation, go play casual. (Not meant as insult or anything, I almost exclusively play casual myself.)

The block >>9767252 described was so broken that that tournament era is now known as 'the second Combo Winter' (the first Combo Winter being Urza's block era, when the game was utterly unplayable due to broken cards like Tolarian Academy). The most powerful card, Skullclamp, was soon banned in all formats except for Vintage, but Ravager Affinity remained so dominant that you played either Ravager Affinity or anti-Affinity. Eventually, WOTC had to ban 8 more cards to finally make the tournament scene return to normal. It's considered the second worst era in the history of competitive magic (second only to the Combo Winter), far worse than Cawblade could ever get.

>> No.9768493

How strong was regular affinity/artifacts, without ridiculous Ravager shenanigans? How strong would that or Ravager Affinity be in a modern setting?

>> No.9768510
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What are you guys talking about?

>> No.9768522

KOS-MOS already forsook her flesh
She is Mary Magdalene
She's already compleat as she is.

>> No.9768536

I play a casual affinity deck myself and it steamrolls pretty badly thanks to bullshit like cranial plating.

I have 2 skulltaps in it though, so I guess I am a massive asshole.

>> No.9768546

>Cawblade was broken (the worst tournament scene since Ravager Affinity in 2004/2005), but it was nowhere near what Mirrodin era was like.
People say this but I simply don't think it's true. If you play shit-on-affinity you will have a decent matchup against affinity. If you try and play shit-on-cawblade you'll realize such a deck doesn't exist.

Worlds 2004 had 3x Affinity, 2x Slide, UW Control, Goblins, and Ironworks. Grand Prix Rimini 2004 was 3x Affinity, 2x UG Control, 1x RG Anti-Affinity, 1x Tooth and Nail. This was before they did the artifact land and Disciple bannings.

On the other hand, Grand Prix Texas 2011 (the infamous one with sixty copies of Jace and one Boros player in the T16) was 4x Caw Blade and 4x RUG.

>> No.9768553

Cute image dude.

>> No.9768593

Yeah, but Skulltap sucks, so I'm sure nobody will mind.

>> No.9768597
File: 30 KB, 223x310, Completely harmless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn 1: Vault of Whispers (black artifact land), Disciple of the Vault (1/1 black creature, whenever an artifact hits the graveyard opponent loses 1 life), Ornithopter (0/2 flying artifact creature)
Turn 2: Seat of the Synod (blue artifact land), Arcbound Ravager (modular 1 artifact creature with sac an artifact: add +1/+1 counter), some random other artifact (plenty of choice with affinity)
Turn 3: Any random other artifact land, Thoughtcast (draw two cards, costs only U due to affinity), play more artifacts. Swing with Arcbound Ravager and Ornithopter, optionally sacrifice artifacts to boost Ravager to survive blocking
Turn 4: Artifact land, more shenanigans for more artifacts, swing.

At this point, if you can't block the Ravager, you'll get two damage per artifact the player has (one per +1/+1 counter on Ravager, plus one per artifact for Disciple of the Vault). If you can block Ravager, just sacrifice the Ravager to itself to put the counters on the unblocked Ornithopter (instant speed). You die.

This is a simplified example, not touching other shenanigans like Cranial Plating (+1/+1 per artifact), Shrapnel Blast (sac an artifact as additional cost, 5 damage to target), easy card drawing and other ways of getting tons of artifacts on the battlefield, etc.

Ravager Affinity was sick. Affinity without Ravager was less sick, but still dangerous. It was just too easy to get lots of artifacts on the battlefield and abuse them in Mirrodin block.

>> No.9768614

> compleat

lol gb2 1753

>> No.9768671

>every single color

Oh god I wish I had not quite MTG. It turned to shit with the original mirrodin, but this is just awesome.

>> No.9768691

From the 2004 Worlds final:

>Nuijten's opening hand for game 2 was decent with an Eternal Dragon, Rampant Growth, Wing Shards, Viridian Shaman, and land. Paquette played five cards on turn 1 though, exploding out of the gates with Land, Chrome Mox, Frogmite, Ornithopter, and Cranial Plating, swinging for 7 on turn two. Frogmite and another Plating on turn three let Paquette swing for 10, dropping Nuijten to 3 before the young Dutchie packed it up, evening the match at a game each.

And shit like that is why Raffinity was banned.

>> No.9768792 [DELETED] 

Checked out the article on Worlds 2004...just because the deck name is not 'anti-affinity' does not mean the deck is anti-affinity.

Game 1:
Raffinity player has shit hand (no spells first turn, only Ravager and Welding Jar second turn), loses.

Game 2:
Described in >>9768691. Raffinity wins.

Game 3:
Turn 1: Land, during Raffinity's turn Oxidize his only land.
Turn 2: Rampant Growth. Raffinity has no land but plays Chrome Mox for mana instead.
Turn 3: Viridian Shaman on the Mox.
Turn 4: Eternal Witness for Oxidize.
Rest of the game: Wing Shards (taking advantage of Raffinity's tendency to play a lot of spells) to wipe out attackers, Astral Slide + Eternal Witness + Oxidize combo for recurring artifact destruction.

Game 4:
Raffinity has two Chrome Mox, no land. Plays entire hand. Two Oxidizes, both on the Moxes. Wing Shards and Wrath of God to wipe out the rest. Raffinity manages to survive the entire thing and still pose a threat, another Wrath and another Wing Shards. Eternal Witness and Viridian Shaman cause Raffinity to concede.

The guy had maindecked 4 Viridan Shaman, 2 Wing Shards, 4 Wrath of God, 4 Eternal Witness to recur it, and beyond that he also sideboarded 4 Oxidizes. After sideboarding his deck had 14 cards specifically answering his opponent's strategy, plus 4 cards to recur those cards, plus a combo to keep recurring it (the main strategy of the deck). If you look at the decklist, it's pretty worthless in a metagame not utterly dominated by aggro, and weak in a metagame not dominated by artifacts.

>> No.9768801

Checked out the article on Worlds 2004...just because the deck name is not 'anti-affinity' does not mean the deck is not anti-affinity.

Game 1:
Raffinity player has shit hand (no spells first turn, only Ravager and Welding Jar second turn), loses.

Game 2:
Described in >>9768691. Raffinity wins.

Game 3:
Turn 1: Land, during Raffinity's turn Oxidize his only land.
Turn 2: Rampant Growth. Raffinity has no land but plays Chrome Mox for mana instead.
Turn 3: Viridian Shaman on the Mox.
Turn 4: Eternal Witness for Oxidize.
Rest of the game: Wing Shards (taking advantage of Raffinity's tendency to play a lot of spells) to wipe out attackers, Astral Slide + Eternal Witness + Oxidize combo for recurring artifact destruction.

Game 4:
Raffinity has two Chrome Mox, no land. Plays entire hand. Two Oxidizes, both on the Moxes. Wing Shards and Wrath of God to wipe out the rest. Raffinity manages to survive the entire thing and still pose a threat, another Wrath and another Wing Shards. Eternal Witness and Viridian Shaman cause Raffinity to concede.

The guy had maindecked 4 Viridan Shaman, 2 Wing Shards, 4 Wrath of God, 4 Eternal Witness to recur it, and beyond that he also sideboarded 4 Oxidizes. After sideboarding his deck had 14 cards specifically answering his opponent's strategy, plus 4 cards to recur those cards, plus a combo to keep recurring it (the main strategy of the deck). If you look at the decklist, it's pretty worthless in a metagame not utterly dominated by aggro, and weak in a metagame not dominated by artifacts.

>> No.9768804
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i play lots of magic...

but seriously, stop explaining banning of magic's past. nobody gives a shit about how you lost to ravager. nobody gives a shit about how you lost to birds with swords and a planeswalker. nobody gives a shit you can't beat delver. wah.

>> No.9768812

>The ninth sphere is the Sanctum of Yawgmoth, a place where he controls reality itself.

Guys, we need to go there. We can ask him for 2hus 2 fuk

>> No.9768845

nice to see even reddit users are posting on /jp/ now.

>> No.9768848

>If you look at the decklist, it's pretty worthless in a metagame not utterly dominated by aggro, and weak in a metagame not dominated by artifacts.
Who cares how many slots he had to dedicate to anti-aggro? He won the game, and the championship, and took home the big prize. Not the Affinity player. Caw Blade not only was played more than Affinity, it actually won when it mattered. Sure, the deck that won is good against aggro, but who the fuck cares?

Caw Blade showed up four times in Grand Prix Dallas T8. It showed up SIX times in US Nationals T8. Not only is this more showings than Affinity, the fact that anti-Affinity decks exist and anti-Caw Blade decks don't is not an argument in the favor of Affinity being more broken.

>> No.9768875
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Actually, I've always been on the pro-artifact side (I actually started playing with the affinity starter deck), I didn't care about Jace or the bird, and the blade only ever did 'win more' against me. Stoneforge Mystic, however, needs to die and all people involved with the creation of it should be hunted down.

>> No.9768890

Yawgmoth is incredibly dead, and old Phyrexia is in ruins. No luck.

I've got a Necroskitter deck I try to maintain. I've been considering renovating it lately...but I can't find anyone to play with, so...
Also always wanted to build a ninja deck. Got a lot of the cards for it and everything...

>> No.9768894

Please don't bump off-topic threads, kudasai.

>> No.9770088

ghomen assay onichan, boko ha totema ghomen

>> No.9770090


>> No.9770093

please don't talk to your little sister like that

>> No.9770093,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9770093,2 [INTERNAL] 

its my
