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9765868 No.9765868 [Reply] [Original]

Would you trade your current life to be a vagabond little girl, /jp/?

>> No.9765875

Of course, as long as I don't get raped.

>> No.9765878
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>> No.9765885

in a heartbeat, but only if I were cute. ugly girls have no future

>> No.9765884


>> No.9765896
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No, they deserve to be exterminated like the vermin they are.

>> No.9765902

Whats a vagabond?

>> No.9765903

Depends, in what setting?

>> No.9765906


>> No.9765923
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Check your privilege fat fucking bourgeois scum

Cute little vagrant girls deserve a chance too.

>> No.9765929
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A vagabond loli is pretty much it. That means you have no family, no relatives or friends; you're on your own. It's up to you what will you make out of your life. You'd just have to be aware of the possible risks and dangers that follows it. The choice is yours.

>> No.9765932

Are you sure you watched the whole thing?

>> No.9765937

Oh, in this world?

Well fuck that, I can just go do that right now if I wanted and without the handicap of being a little girl.

>> No.9765939

But as a little girl you can rent out your body to rich foreigners.

>> No.9765940

The story had a happy ending: the little matchseller is with God now.

>> No.9765943

She was never baptized or accepted Christ, she's burning in hell for eternity.

>> No.9765941

is she handcuffed there? why doesnt she just get up?

>> No.9765944

You can clearly see her hands are tied, and the delinquent lolis holding her captive will viciously beat her if she tries to get free.

>> No.9765949

Well at least she's warm now.

>> No.9765952

I have a hard time believing that she couldn't find anywhere warm to sleep in a big city.

>> No.9765953

>She was never baptized or accepted Christ, she's burning in hell for eternity.

The story takes place in Denmark in the 1800s, where child baptism is the custom. Since her grandmother wasn't burning in Hell, we can assume that she did not come from a family of heretics.

Finally, the final line of the story tells us that she is now in place where there is neither cold, hunger, nor pain. While Hell is quite warm, there is both pain and hunger there (see the parable of Lazarus and the rich man).

>> No.9765970

Her pimp (girl in pink dress) would get angry if she didn't wait patiently for her next customer (an older boy or girl with 1c to spend).

>> No.9765971
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How about this:

Would you trade your current life to become a vagabond 5 year old girl? You get to retain your current knowledge and you age 20 times slower than a regular human being. You are also extremely cute, everybody would find you attractive (both sexually and non-sexually) so that's a possible con if you play your cards badly.

That said, you find yourself in some shitty unknown village laying on a pile of garbage behind some festival in the 1900s so no internet and no /jp/ for a hundred years. Will you do it?

>> No.9765980

christfags, on my /jp/? It's more likely than you think?

>> No.9765996
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Hell no man. That's pure bullshit.

No Internet, No Life.

>> No.9766003

Assuming the slower aging comes with increased lifespan, I get some strong ass anesthetic and sleep for 100 years.

If that isn't possible, I'll go into the forest and become a beast master, assassinate Hitler so Godwin's Law never comes into effect, and then take over the U.S. with my legion of brothels and bears.

>> No.9766020

Of course, anonymous. Today I am going to wear my cute Sunday dress, then go on a picnic after church.

>> No.9766037
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If I'm 5 years old and I age 20x slower doesn't that make me 100 years old?

>> No.9766038

Yes, since my current knowledge includes how laughable forensics was during that era. Please excuse the greentext, here's my strategy:

>Wake up
>Steal a dress
>Stow away

>> No.9766046

>That said, you find yourself in some shitty unknown village laying on a pile of garbage behind some festival in the 1900s so no internet and no /jp/ for a hundred years. Will you do it?

That strongly depends on where in the world this happens. If all times in the 1900s are equally likely, and all villages in a given year are equally likely, then I have a strong risk of ending up dead. The prospects for a little child with no family who cannot understand speech are not good. There are many places where I would end up dead regardless of how I "played my cards" (for example, early 1900s Russia).

>> No.9766053

It's some shitty unknown village wherever you want, and your native tongue switches to whatever is the one where you are so there's no language barrier.

>> No.9766068

Would you really murder people for food and clothes? What a bad, evil little girl you'd be.

>> No.9766117

>Yes, since my current knowledge includes how laughable forensics was during that era. Please excuse the greentext, here's my strategy:

Forensics of that era consisted of, "If something bad happens, blame the crime on any strangers or anyone the town dislikes who doesn't have anyone advocating for them." As a connectionless vagabond, you would be fucked.

>> No.9766120
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Morality is for adults

>> No.9766136 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9766145 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 750x1015, UBER FUCKING CRAZY$#qwe$#@$tg^%e?r&hyuj$b jgB,HJBKM FGCV1331884844010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766180

>It's some shitty unknown village wherever you want

That makes it far too easy. My answer would be "yes", but you should probably tighten it up: this makes it too easy to avoid starvation, war, and unfavorable social conditions.

Anyway, after becoming an extremely attractive little girl in the past, the main question for me is whether to seek shelter at a convent or try to convince someone rich to "adopt" me. The second option would probably be an easier life if it works, but it has a risk of failure and the former option would protect my virtue.

Since I happen to have studied a useful field that would allow me to advance human understanding, I have an excellent life ahead of me if I can survive the first few years of being small and helpless.

>> No.9766185

Fuck you new janitor.

>> No.9766188
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too crazy

>> No.9766191

Why he didn't blow up the whole thread is beyond me.

>> No.9766197

The second one is far from work-safe, since it shows a naked erect penis.

>> No.9766830

For all of you who are talking about being a vagabond. It'ss not as easy as you think.

I live in Spain,a place where the financial and construction bubble has left without job 1/4 of the population.

I had rented a room and had a job and I lost it a year ago and with it, my appartment. I live on the streets now. Well, not exactly on the streets as I go to a shelter for the homeless to sleep every night but still...

You won't ever get used to have no privacy, no home and no place to relax. You have to be wary every time or you might get your stuff stolen even in the shelter. The shelter only let you sleep in there a month and after that you have to wait a week to re-apply for a bed... sleeping in a park is NOT CONFORTABLE, NOR FUNNY, NOR DESIRABLE... you can't sleep... the most time I've slept in a park sleeping is 3 hours because I'm allways nervous someone will steal my bag or a drunk just start looking for trouble. I've been menaced and one time, almost stabed.

So, answering to this thread... yeah, i'd love to because that way I could revive my childhood again. But to whoever still has a house to live, I wouldn't recomend you sleeping on the streets.

>> No.9766837

How do you get internet comrade?

>> No.9766845

Why stay in the city? You can always go to the forests where you only have to worry about getting eaten by a bear or something and you're less likely to get eaten by a bear than stabbed in the city.

>> No.9766858

Become an anarchist and live in a squat.

>> No.9766875 [DELETED] 
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Anyone coming to the Vagabond Little Girl panel at next year's Otakon (short for Otaku Convention [short for Otaku Culture Convention])?

That feel when nobody ever shows up. Can't even Nippom themselves understand what falls under Otaku Interests?

>> No.9766881 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 529x327, 1346824210158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you accidentally sage a /jp/ Little Girl Feel thread.

>> No.9766882

Yes, there are always all sorts of cults that got houses. Some upstart religion with bunch of hippies. Roof guaranteed.

>> No.9766918

Yes because I feel like I'm dying

>> No.9766949


I studied in the university. My old student ID gives me free pass to the library with glorious 50 MB internet... except I can'tuse any game client or torrents...


I've taken my things and made a tour on the countryside this summer. basically to see if I can get a job there. Some people I asked gave me housing and sometimes on the fields. Anyway, I'm planning to get out of the country but I still don't if going to UK or Germany.

>> No.9767017

>or Germany
Can you even speak German?

>> No.9767034

He should base his decision entirely on the color of his skin. White? Germany. Dark? Britain.

>> No.9767061

I would trade several peoples' lives to be a little vagabond girl.
So long as I get to be kawaii.

>> No.9767065

Also, I would live in Hawaii. Homeless people in Hawaii have it better than the middle class here in California.
I wrote a whole essay in high school describing how and why it was my goal to become homeless in Hawaii.

>> No.9767067

not the UK man. I'm planning similarly, but to get out of the UK! Germany is where I'm headed at first.

>> No.9767075

If he was white he wouldn't be homeless.

>> No.9767083


No I can't speak german, only english, spanish, Catalan and a little Italian. But I've got nothing to lose and I can learn the language fast if I'm there.


I'm white and spanish.


And, as I said, being white doesn't mean that you can't be homeless. There is a lot of spanish people on the shelter, but I have to admit that most of the inhabitants are Moroccans or Black.

>> No.9767085

spanish are black

>> No.9767090

No, the spanish get jobs and actually work for a living.
This makes them not black.

>> No.9767107

no, they are pretty much half arabic, they were rapped by the otomans for hundreds of years but they are in denial

>> No.9767112

>the spanish get jobs
Then how do you explain the 20+ % unemployment rate in Spain?

>> No.9767131

And youth unemployment rate is over 50%

>> No.9767142

You'd kill hitler because someone made a stupid term on the internet?
If anything, by killing hitler the internet probably wouldn't have been created for another 50-100 years.

>> No.9767153
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so much ignorance in one post

>> No.9767188

because spanish teenagers wanted easy money and dropped college. During the construction and real state boom there was a high demmand of low-skill jobs, many young people felt that it was better to get into this and make 3000 euros a month than to get a useful deegre, then the bubble bursted because to many houses were made leaving tons of people without job or any useful skill. You add to that a socialist state with lots of regulations and a small industrial sector you have recipe for disaster.

>> No.9767196

And 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today are related to Genghis Khan.

>> No.9767200

oh yeah and don`t forget about the 5 MILLION INMIGRANTS

>> No.9767265

this and inmigrants from south america(since they speak spanish too they're easily hired than another inmigrants, even than those from the eurozone) stealing Spanish jobs, seriously they'd work full time for ~300 euros. Anyone from a civilized country would refuse a full time job for such a low wage,

>> No.9767310


That only work for paperless inmigrants most of which are from Africa. 300 euros full-time works are just a legend based on the bubble time.

>> No.9767583

You said you studied at an university, so I take it you have a degree. In what area? What was your job before your personal disaster?
