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File: 826 KB, 802x601, saya no uta resolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9760192 No.9760192 [Reply] [Original]

Man, that was really good. Nice planning for the story.

It's like a unique take on the apocalypse genre with a streak of egotism. He's living a private apocalypse, since everyone else is repulsive. Saya rescues him from this. Eventually his savior has to die, as any character like Saya must. It's too fanfictiony to not take advantage of the emotional framing and just maintain the status quo. But, in mercy for the reader, her death heralds the end of his apocalypse. This is tempered with the knowledge that for many others out there, it's the beginning of their own apocalypse.

>> No.9760206

my favourite part was when says got le dick

>> No.9760216


The sex was clearly just taped on to appeal to the various kinks, but it didn't really interfere with the story other than suspend my disbelief for a little while.

>> No.9760231

say-ahh is better than sai-ahh?

>> No.9760232

This whole gaem was my favorite part. Twas my second visual novel, after Clannad. They were both beautiful in their own right. I was.. 16 when I first played this. Started out early, heh.

>> No.9760242

You're a fool. This was one of the few times where the sex mattered. You don't see anything.

>> No.9760236

that feel when 3DPD make you feel like Fuminori

>> No.9760239

Did this have a true ending? I forgot.

>> No.9760241

The sex was there to disgust and horrify the reader in retrospect.

>> No.9760253

I agree it was there to scare away normals fro m/v/ and /soc/.

>> No.9760259


No it didn't. The sexual DNA manipulation stuff was an ass-pull. It was very clearly added to make room for the sex, and not vice-versa.

>> No.9760269

Forget the rationality behind it. It was character development.

>> No.9760281


Why do I have to forget the rationality and purpose which fueled its creation? You're patronizing an entire genre by implying that any character development is good character development as long as it's in a VN.

>> No.9760294

The true ending was Saya becoming spores to turn all of mankind into her species.

In that case is there ever a reason for a sex scene? I remember the first sex scene in the Nueromancer, it didn't really feel like it had much of a purpose. How did you determine the reason for the sex scenes in Saya?

>> No.9760303

Because it's the rationality that was tacked on. There's no doubt that the sex scenes had some of the most emotional writing in the game. You're "patronizing" the genre by ignoring the obvious for small-minded ideas of storytelling..

>> No.9760310

So, did Dr. Ougai or whatever his name was meet Yog-Sothoth? Because he mentioned the Silver Key. And that's something associated with Yog-Sothoth.

What in the fuck did that man do/see?

>> No.9760360


I don't know about that scene, either. That's a good example, but it wasn't explained pornographically. It was very vague. The whole thing was maybe a few sentences. Since it couldn't have been written to arouse the reader, it must have a different purpose which neither of us understood. Writers like Gibson don't put anything in their stories without purpose.

I thought about it, and I don't know if the sex scenes in Saya were written in specifically to arouse the reader, either, or if they were just drawn pornographically to provide a bonus to the story without perceived drawbacks. Main characters in almost every story on the planet are described, drawn, animated, or otherwise characterized as being sexually attractive. It's not done that way expressly to make the reader want to fuck them - even background characters are often characterized this way - but simply because the benefit outweighs any perceived detriment. That might have been what was happening with Saya.

>> No.9760388


I think it was some sort of device or relic which could bridge universes, since when pondering the propagation of Saya's species he hypothesizes that they might simply sit idle in their universes (?) waiting for some sentient creature 'such as himself' to stumble upon them. Something like that, anyway.

>> No.9760417

Yeah, that's pretty much what Yog-Sothoth is all about. Like an immense guardian of the the borders between realities. Still, Ougai must've been pretty intense to come into contact with something that powerful is what I'm saying.

>> No.9760420
File: 713 KB, 1000x1336, tomb gods arise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between the Necrons and Saya's species, who would win?

>> No.9760424

Whether or not the scenes had ulterior motives isn't really important. Writing inside a constraint doesn't mean that what you write isn't honest. Considering that without love the story wouldn't exist in the first place I don't think you can separate the sex from storytelling.

If you're the OP, I don't understand why you care about the ending. It was a cliche ending that was there to tie up loose ends, because readers would be angry if there wasn't a conclusion. Everything important happened in the ward ending.

>> No.9760432


You're saying that love is innately sexual?

Maybe in a more primal definition, but isn't the modern definition of love more about emotional synergy/appreciation with another person?

Anyway, that wasn't a cliche ending. It actualized both their character arcs.

>> No.9760440

The one where Kouji (I think his name was...) went insane? Yeah, that was definitely the coolest ending. Also, was the most Lovecraftian and therefore the correct one.

>> No.9760450

But we don't know anything about Saya's species. Saya was just a newborn, others in her species might be thousands of years old.

>> No.9760453

ITT Typical Urobuchi fanbase who never read Tezuka's Phoenix

>> No.9760463

I'm saying that the entire premise is a man deeply in love with something and how it changes him. The idea likely started with that something being a woman, so it's not very surprising. If we took out the girl, we would have a different story than what the writer was thinking about.

And it was a badly cliche ending. It added nothing to the overall theme of the game, but played on feelings that any generic movie would play on. I don't think it's Urobuchi's fault, it's easy to write a bad ending, but it's still very useless. I'm talking about Fuminori's of course, the other guy had a slightly better ending.

>> No.9760459


I don't read vintage shit. I have plenty of modern shit to sift through.

>> No.9760485

Tezuka is a shitty hack compared to visionary geniuses like Go Nagai and Ishinomori.

>> No.9760491


>It added nothing to the overall theme of the game, but played on feelings that any generic movie would play on

So? Love is ridiculously, overwhelmingly, effortlessly the #1 most ultra-super-overdone 'theme' for every piece of creative work on the planet.

>> No.9760496


...And you're saying that it's fine as a premise, is what I mean. So it's a hypocritical criticism.

>> No.9760498

>visionary geniuses
>Go Nagai and Ishinomori.

keep trying

>> No.9760517

Your argument doesn't work. Love wasn't the theme, it was the premise plot-wise. Immorality was the theme. The ending had nothing at all in it. Not for a story like Saya. Another story where the plot mattered, maybe.

>> No.9760532


You're just being semantic.

>> No.9760558

You're just misunderstanding. Saya is not a story about events. It had a purpose, and the ending wasn't very important to it. Not to mention cliche. especially in comparison to the writing before it.

I really don't understand how anyone could read Saya and take away the idea that the plot was something important.

>> No.9760570


Stop trolling me, dude. I am crying in real life. You're doing this.

>> No.9760584


>> No.9760593


That's it, dude. I'm uninstalling internet explorer. I can't deal with your abuse any more.

>> No.9760600

It seemed like he was really enjoying debating with you. Why are you so afraid of friendship?

>> No.9760615

Just in case you're serious, I'm not saying that the plot is necessarily bad, but that it wasn't the focus. I realize that people, including me, can be touchy about tastes, but it might not even matter so don't take it too seriously.

>> No.9762248
File: 284 KB, 800x600, face_fuminori_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel. But actually, for me isn't only 3dpd but the real world in general. I feel exactly like Fuminori whenever I leave the house. The fact I live in a 3rd world country certainly helps.

I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but SoS feels like an allegory for people like me. It's one of the reasons I love it.

>> No.9762309

>You're saying that love is innately sexual?

I think you are putting too much emphasis on sex, you single it out as something special, something that doesn't belong. This is strange because romantic love and sex go hand in hand. It's extremely common and natural. It would be an anomaly to love another person and not engage in sexual contact.

>> No.9762317
File: 328 KB, 317x650, saya~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ozoi's friend

>> No.9762330

Liquid nitro end was the bet end, by far

>> No.9762333

Please don't call saya no uta SoS, it's painful to read.

>> No.9762344

I know what you mean, other people are horrid.

I avoid leaving the house precisely because of this.

>> No.9762345

I hate you for who you are.

>> No.9762348

I hate you too.

>> No.9762352

My favourite part of the game was legitimately enjoying it, but then pretending to be an "edgy" gothic teenager on /a/, /x/ and /jp/ for liking it.

>> No.9762364

Personally, it's during the sex scene that I understood how important Saya was for Fuminori. I couldn't fap, they are under-aged and violent sex scene, but it is the moment were Fuminori release all the frustration built during the day.

>> No.9762375

I don't think that people actually fap while reading serious VNs.

>> No.9762378

First day on /jp/ I assume?

>>>/v/ is that way

>> No.9762380

How uncalled for.

>> No.9762387

Shitposter I assume?

>>>/a/ is that way

>> No.9762401

Mind explaining why, you bully?

>> No.9762407
File: 130 KB, 487x476, 1294356329326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I've fapped ten times to the scene where she's sucking fuminori off
seriously, those noises she makes made me fap the second I got to that part
pretty much any vn with a sex scene is fappable
hell I fapped several times during kara no shoujo

>> No.9762415

Yes I do.

>> No.9762434
File: 162 KB, 533x400, 71a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even if you're not.

>> No.9762436


> hell I fapped several times during kara no shoujo

What the fuck man.

>> No.9762440

I fapped to some of the sex scenes as well
dem noises man I just had to

>> No.9762447

The scenes with the medical examiner and first girl who gets killed were hot.

>> No.9762493

I didn't mean torture and gore, these things a very fappable indeed. I just take the stories I like very seriously. I can't fap to characters I care about, it's just too... disrespectful? It would devalue the characters in my eyes. Not sure how to express this.

>> No.9762498


I feel the same way.

>> No.9762557

SnU is excellent. Great atmosphere and story.

You guys saying you feel like Fuminori are trying too hard, though. Everyone here feels a bit nauseous when they have to function with the real world.

>> No.9762588

The one with the mindraped girl was hot.

>> No.9762629

Fuminori for /jp/ mascot

>> No.9762657
File: 332 KB, 800x600, 1340327334353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't fap to Saya no Uta. For me, it wasn't that the sex scenes were gratuitious, but they didn't seem there to really arouse the reader that much.

I say that even though it's basically my ultimate fetish combination of mindbroken slut + pure and loving loli. Maybe it was just the circumstances I read it in - it was the first VN I ever read, I cried repeatedly throughout and didn't leave the computer once while reading - but I couldn't disengage myself enough from Fuminori to return to myself and fap to it, not even for a minute.

I think it's particularly accessable, Fuminori as a character and as a VN in general, for /jp/, seems to be why discussions of Saya no Uta invariably always involve a hot or not debate depending on how people connected to it.

>> No.9762714

I really liked this VN the themes of alienation and changing society were pretty good.

>> No.9762722
File: 13 KB, 53x52, 1333923269745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saya no uta is a sh*t
