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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9753268 No.9753268 [Reply] [Original]

What's /jp/'s opinion on love and marriage? Do you think true love exists? If no, do you think it's possible for two people who love each other to live a happy life together?

I'd really like to hear anything and everything you guys think about love.

>> No.9753276

/jp/ - Love Culture

>> No.9753283

You are mom can tell you everything I think about love.

>> No.9753298

I think true love exists, just not that it will last forever / as long as you live.

>> No.9753300

The feeling of love certainly does exist, it just doesn't last "forever"

>> No.9753305

I heard that it serves some strange biological function to ensure that you pass on offspring. If we wish to breed, you may wan to read up on the topic further.

>> No.9753323

Whatever love has existed in reality, it is impossible for it to be as pure as love in fiction

I don't think it's natural for two people to coexist in the same space; If you want to read about love and beauty, go read Symposium.

>> No.9753321

Sure. I've felt it. It is like this life. Larger than myself. Unconcerned of me.

>> No.9753328

>Do you think true love exists?
Unfortunately, it doesn't. People just don't work that way.

>If no, do you think it's possible for two people who love each other to live a happy life together?
Probably. Not for me, of course, but in theory it's possible for other people.

>> No.9753340

>Unfortunately, it doesn't. People just don't work that way.

Yes it does. When you marry someone it means you are becoming a family together. Are you saying that familial love is transient?

>> No.9753342

I think it exists but marriage should not be built on it alone. You need to know the person through and through before you make such commitment. You must also realize the fact that there will be moments when you curse the day you got married, but that's something you just have to deal with.

>> No.9753349

That was edgy and deep but you didn't sound like a faggot. I approve.

Unfortunately true love is something that happens ever so rarely that most people don't believe in it, But i think it's completely real.
or maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic hoping for me and my love to find each other. ;_;

>> No.9753352

Well why not?

I don't think that's a healthy way to think about things, I think you should try to be more optimistic.

I've never really liked Plato that much, but I'll give Symposium a shot. Also it's pretty awesome that there's another person into philosophy here.

>> No.9753356

I think it exists. I just don't think I'll experience it with another person.

>> No.9753357


>> No.9753360

I found my love. But we both are incapable of love. Perfect match.

>> No.9753361

I think it's out there, but it's rare. It's a wonderful thing but it isn't embraced enough.

>> No.9753365

love in the way it works in fiction certainly does not exist.
there will never be a fated someone you are meant to be with, if it happens it's pretty much entirely by chance/luck. and even if you were to meet them, if you don't make enough money or aren't attractive enough or whatever, anything can easily ruin it.

the majority of people stop being idealistic about finding their perfect partner around the end of high school and just settle for anyone who can tolerate them and will touch their penis, because waiting for that true love will just lead to a lonely death.

>> No.9753368

Been in love once and I've got to say, that fucker is like hypnotism. You don't really see how shitty it was until it's over.

Not gonna be doing that again, that's for sure.

>> No.9753369

It's only around 60 pages, and it's probably my favorite thing written by Plato, whom I'm also not really a fan of.

>> No.9753371

What's wrong with a lonely death?

>> No.9753377

nothing, unless you want companionship and love and all that crap, then it's the worst thing in the world.

>> No.9753378

I think most people confuse love with obsession, or hornyness.

>> No.9753388

People took a much more pragmatic stance toward marriage in the past. Marriage primarily for love is a fairly modern concept.

Which isn't to say that two people can't love each other. But I think of true love as something completely pure, eternal, and selfless, and I'm not sure that it can exist by that definition.

>> No.9753399
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Is this love?

>> No.9753406

The purest form of love.

>> No.9753418

>Well why not?
Love fades over time.

>> No.9753426

I once did the colossal mistake to confuse fantasy with love. It was beautiful, gorgeous flaxen haired loli-like. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I even had her high on my tier list, up there with 2D.

It's just that I got my mind around too much of purity, it wasn't her fault, it was her biology and the indirect pressure from society. I disliked most that she would tell me that she was still a virgin, while I knew the guy who fugged her and told me every detail.

I then didn't think of love as one thing of its own, it's more like a subjective merging of feelings, it can be happiness with fantasy, control with payback, physical pleasure with "someone to talk to". It is subjective, love is a combination of what you like most. Mine would be purity, physical contact and memorable situations.

Why the fuck did I post this? Not /jp/ related at all and I hate to blog.

>> No.9753433

I read about it once, but I don't think its for me.

>> No.9753446
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>the majority of people stop being idealistic about finding their perfect partner around the end of high school and just settle for anyone who can tolerate them and will touch their penis, because waiting for that true love will just lead to a lonely death.
What he said.

If any of you will find someone who you ``love'' without any limits, and it's mutual, you're not in this world anymore - it's not rare or very rare - it's non-existent. That's why I don't ``love'', maybe, because I realized it's pointless. I don't have, and never had a waifu, beloved character, crush, you name it. I will rather stick to myself and live in peace. Buy a sex doll if you really need someone to fuck, even onahole will do, you can use hookers as a very last resort.

I have to agree that the sole idea of being with someone like in the picture is giving me a tremendously satisfying feeling. That's desire I presume, but what one can do if a failure is imminent? I'll rather prefer to stay alone my whole life and live in my dreams and mind.
What can I do, other than distract myself from the physical world?

>> No.9753458

Yeah, true love is real, you just have to go outside your comfort zone to find it.

I haven't found it yet. I hope I will. It never lasts forever though. That's what's so hard to admit, for most people. If people just stopped being together when the love was gone, instead of dragging it out, they would be happier.

I've been in love two or three times. It's the best feeling in the world. Equally enthralling is the feeling of hatred at the same person.

>> No.9753465

>They don’t make romance novels with married women as main characters, because in the female sexual psyche, that’s when romance stops. Try to find a single married heroine in the Romance section of your bookstore. One who ends up with her original husband at the end of the book. You won't find it.

>> No.9753472

There's this psychological theory I like (Sternberg's triangle of love), according to which love has three components:
- intimacy ("warm")
- passion ("hot")
- commitment ("cold")

Depending on which of these are present you get a different kind of love. E.g. all three together equal "true" love, affection + commitment is friendship (or a passionless marriage), etc.

I'm not really going anywhere with this. I just wanted to share it.

>> No.9753476


who u quot

>> No.9753482 [DELETED] 

You weeaboo virgins think you know shit about love?

>> No.9753484 [DELETED] 

I know a lot about making love to your mother all night long ;-)

>> No.9753491
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>> No.9753487

I probably should've linked this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_theory_of_love

>> No.9753497

Love in the romantic sense of the word does not really exist. That is just infatuation. After all, wanting to know more about someone is not love. Curiosity is not love.

Love is the term we apply to the minimum amount of emotional distance one person can establish with another. That distance shortens or lengthens based on certain criteria that is affected by personal ethics and aesthetics.

>> No.9753501

I prefer polygamy.

>> No.9753512

Close enough.

Seriously though,
So it does, but what about lifelong companionship, the sort of thing you see with elderly people?

>> No.9753531

I don't know. I think love is subjective and there are people that can find someone and enjoy their concept of love.

On a side note, lately I've realized what I'm looking for is basically a female version of me.

>> No.9753535

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9753545


Please go back to >>>/v/ with your "how is this video games?" meme.

>> No.9753549

Make me.

>> No.9753548

>On a side note, lately I've realized what I'm looking for is basically a female version of me.
I think there's a big theory-thing about that, from both physical and psychological standpoints.

>> No.9753558

You're not being smart, retard. Not saying that that guy's comment carries any value, but your thread clearly sucks balls. So pack up and fuck off.

>> No.9753589

>Do you think true love exists? If no, do you think it's possible for two people who love each other to live a happy life together?
I do. And while I am too lazy to bother citing the research papers for this post, I recall that there are primarily 2 hormones that affects the attachment centra of your brain in regards of burning in imprints of your spouse. Or love.

Now, one of these hormones supposedly has a very potent immediate effect, however in terms of long term effects it supposedly wears off quite notably so as its effect on the body/brain is dulled from build up resistance to the hormone.
In short it basically a cause of regular infatuation, first loves and something that creates a strong image that initially really bonds you to the said figure, yet something that naturally wears off as the effect dulls.

Then, there is supposed to be some other hormone that is dispatched at lot smaller amounts and its effects is supposed to be rather marginal in comparison. However, unlike the other hormone that dulls as time passes, the effects of this hormone stacks up and grows stronger for each consecutive imprint.
Naturally this creates a much, much longer lasting impression, and eventually what results in an impression that's even stronger than the imprint left by the other hormone. Now, if anything were to be "true love" it would most likely be the effect of this hormone in conjunction of the imprints it can make in conjunction with what your brain perceives as your supposed spouse.

>> No.9753594

The main problems are just that most people often take this temporary infatuation as "love", bets all on it rather irresponsibly, and then bails on the entire deal when the effects wears off yet before the longer lasting impression has had a chance to grow strong.
Then there is the rather obnoxious detail of how the modern lifestyle of sleeping around messes with this entire imprint system. Prolonged exposure of has their own effects on your biology no matter if all of it made imprints of one and the same figure, or if the effects of the doses were spread out and made imprints of tons of different, several figures.

That causes quite the problem, cause eventually the effects of the potent but short-term hormone loses its potency, making the impressions of these people who sleep around much weaker and lots more fragile, making them prone to breaking up relationships earlier.
And then there is the longer lasting hormone. The quirk of this hormone is supposed to be that it strengthens your previous imprints of the same figure to the point where it can become a strong imprint. However, if you sleep around you never get a strong imprint, instead you get tons of weak imprints that conflicts with the growth of one powerful one. In correlation with the dulled effects of the first hormone, these people basically grow to have a harder time to love, or even become incapable of actual true love. It doesn't matter if they are males or females, sleeping around messes with the biological and chemical system of what "love" supposedly is.

>> No.9753596

True love doesn't exist IRL anymore.

Essentially, if you do not have social status/money/a job, women will not be with you. Even if you have all of these things, and are in a long lasting relationship, if you lose them the women will leave you. It's an arrangement of convenience, not love.

This is just in the west BTW, not sure how it is in other places.

>> No.9753601

And if you look at animals of various polygamous or monogamous animals, one does find notably different balances between these chemicals within these different types of animals. Now, what is interesting about humans is how we have a decent balance of both, which very much suggests that humans can indeed be made for monogamous relationships, so it falls down on how we culturally nurture these traits of us. However, no matter the culture it doesn't change the fact that sleeping around messes with the effects of this system.

>> No.9753607

Sounds legit enough to be conveniently true.
In other words relationship failures come down to one or both parties failing to secrete the proper hormones.

Wonder if in the near future married couples will start popping pills to rectify that. Probably not, but fujoshi would probably use such a pill to sucker in their victims.

>> No.9753609

Love is just a prejudice, b-baka!

>> No.9753618

What would be human with no influence of hormones? A robot?

>> No.9753628


But I'm not OP. So your post is useless

>> No.9753634
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I love Touhou.

Is that true love?

>> No.9753649

the truest form.

>> No.9753646

Change "your thread" to "this thread" and it'll be useful.

>> No.9753670

Can you link even a single study supporting this?

How did they attempt to show it has no effect but were proven wrong?
Why can the same effects be observed with inanimate/unliving things?
What pharma companies are trying to engineer a synthetic version of the long-term one?

>> No.9753714

A human without the bias of sex. I mean sex determines if you rule the world or become a slutty cunt. It is such an integral part of who you are that sometimes I wonder... who has more control over me? me or my hormones? Would Genghis Khan be who he was if he was a girl? or would he be a subservient mongol bitch. who knows

>> No.9753731

/jp/ - Philosophy and Cheeky Cunts

>> No.9753770

Agreed. It essentially is a partnership where each partner has something the other desires and they hope to achieve something not possible by themselves. Not just children (who can just be adopted) but special tax benefits, business/career benefits (having complementary careers or connections, consolidate family businesses etc.) and others. I find it ironic that arranged marriages based on these more objective factors might actually be more stable than marriage based on this rather modern notion of 'romantic love'. It's like a well-defined contract - it's a relatively clear exchange and everyone knows who is bringing what into the union and what is expected of them. Hormones and whimsical feelings seem to have less staying power in comparison.

>> No.9753848

/jp/ - crie to ur dads dik 4ever nerd

>> No.9753860
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From a very short search on google using the keywords love, hormones, Oxytocin, and Vasopressin, in various combinations.
I just took this from the top of google and just sort of scummed through it, but some things seemed to support the idea even if some didn't. Though I don't know what stance these links in particular has.

I also searched the archive and found this. For whatever it's worth.

>> No.9753862

I think you should at least try, anon.
What's that quote, something like "It's better to try and fail than to not try at all."?

>> No.9753869

is that his heart?
is that how big they are?

>> No.9753874

I believe true love does exist, but people that are genuine are very very very rare, so it's safer to just stay misogynistic and pure.

I shouldn't have to explain that, it's fairly simple.

>> No.9753884

I'm alone in this world.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.9753951

I believe in trulove. The problem is that I'm in love with myself.

>> No.9753965

Why normals can't love 30yo NEETs? ;_;

Sometimes I read Miman Renai to feel better

>> No.9753985

Really? I've found nothing about it...

>> No.9754089

I'd like to know more about this theory too. Personally though I'd hate to be with a female version of me. I'm already cynical and paranoid enough for 2 people. I also wonder how the people who claim that the one person of their dreams is a genderswapped version of themselves scored for narcissism.

>> No.9754097
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>Do you think true love exists?

Yes, as I am in love, and have been for years now. I love them unconditionally and they love me back. I thought it was bullshit until it happened, but....yeah. It does exist. It's nowhere near perfect, there's worries and there's pain, but all in all, it's wonderful. Having a person that's both your best friend and your lover AND thinks the same of you is more than I could have ever asked for.

>do you think it's possible for two people who love each other to live a happy life together?

Yes, of course. Marriage is not mandatory, though. You can commit without it. It's nothing more than a piece of paper and some legal support in my eyes, and has nothing to do with actual love. If you're planning on having kids, then sure, get married, as it will be better for you and them in the long run. But it's not a statement of love.

>> No.9754118

Happy for you anon, but check back 10-20 years down the road if you can OK? The greatest thing to see isn't a young couple in love but two old people still in love after decades and decades. Don't hear of many of those anymore. But it actually holds real weight in the 'love argument' since the initial honeymoon/infatuation period has clearly passed.

>> No.9754119

I don't think love exists, men simply want to put their penis into a pussy, nothing more, nothing less.
But fucking everything and everyone is immoral so you usually look for a partner.
Obviously you look for someone with similar taste, but in the end it's just to fuck.

>> No.9754120
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I don't know if I'm that reliable of a source because my only girlfriend lasted for a month in my senior year of high school but goddamn, that month was the happiest I think I've ever been. Didn't even sex her or anything.

Love doesn't always work out the way you want it to, but when it does, it's the greatest feeling in the world. As fucking cheesy as that sounds.

>> No.9754131
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also, pic related.

>> No.9754132
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>girlfriend lasted for a month
>didn't sex her

And the beta of the year award goes to..

>> No.9754136

I think love exists, but I don't think it lasts. You fall in love with people for a variety of reasons, but those reasons rarely stay the same till death do you part, unless you kill your partner the moment things go sour. I think there are ways for people to recognize these changes and have more realistic relationships, but as is, I do not believe in the current expectations of marriage, true love, and all that hooey.

captcha: rfndop Individual.

>> No.9754143

Well, at least I got farther than the average neckbeard.

>> No.9754144

Believing humans can feel things outside of the scope of hormones is delusional and propagated by popular media. You can feel an attraction towards someone, but "love" would imply that monogamy is natural to humans. It's a social construct.

>> No.9754148

Go back to /r9k/, normal.

>> No.9754154

will do if I still 4chan by then. As for old couples - my own grandparents are 83 years old, and they're the kawaiiest couple you'd ever meet.

>> No.9754171

how has nobody said 'they go together like a horse and carriage'? that should've been the first reply

>> No.9754185
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You're lucky to have those people close by to look up to. Divorced, cheating, and otherwise shallow bastards aren't very good role models for relationships. And some of them wonder why I'm so cynical towards the love and marriage thing. Yeah, you're not even 40 and your 3rd fucking marriage is definitely going to spell true love this time around right? Pic of my reaction to that.

>> No.9754189

>they go together like a horse and carriage

kinda like your mom and my dick?

>> No.9754195

Go back to /a/b/v/.

>> No.9754201

epic reaction image dude

thumbnails are my fav

>> No.9754209


>> No.9754230

Arrange marriage is the best...
a) Yo learn to live a life where you co-operate with a person and create "love" between you and that person
b) You learn to respect the opposite sex's feels and vice versa...

inb4 someone equates arrangedwith communism and love with "freedom", we all know how long love marriages last so...

>> No.9754260

>I don't think love exists, men simply want to put their penis into a pussy, nothing more, nothing less.
Putting your penis into a pussy does some pretty crazy things to your brain.
You might find the idea of love to be all sassy, but humans are more mechanical than most might think. And sex is an act that messes your both your soft and hard-ware.

Perhaps you don't want to call it love, but to disregard sex as "just an urge" or "nothing special", really is to really skip over quite a few things that happens to be true to human bodies.

>> No.9754264

Look at this nerd thinking that humans are anything more than a collection of urges. Don't tell me you believe that we all have "souls" or something too?

>> No.9754266

how is this related to /jp/

take this garbage to /adv/ or /soc/

>> No.9754270

I've felt fuzzy about the opposite sex without wanting to put my genitals in them. Including before I knew about sex or hit puberty.

Am I deluding myself? Is this all unconscious psychic forces or whatever Freud was worried about?

>> No.9754278


/jp/ in a nutshell

>> No.9754279

I'm pretty sure love and lust are two separate things, but they work best when they're together. Then again, infatuation is a different thing as well. \( . .)/

>> No.9754283

>love and lust are two separate things, but they work best when they're together

did u read that gay shit in your romance novels, queer?

>> No.9754287

>\( . .)/
what ar u imypling

ill fuk u up nerd

>> No.9754290

personal experience. I know it's cheesy, but it's true.

>> No.9754317

What is love?

>> No.9754322
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>> No.9754350

how is this related to otako culture in any way?

>> No.9754355

Love exists, but love at first sight is bull.

>> No.9754418

This thread is full of normals. Delete this already.

>> No.9754445

/jp/ is full of normals. Delete /jp/ too?

>> No.9754451

None of these things have the first thing to do with love, and you're just an obsessive purity fag who should die.

>> No.9754463
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> otako culture

/jp/: Honorable Squid and Octopus Culture

>> No.9754467

My dream is for moot to delete /jp/ and for all of us to simultaneously kill ourselves out of grief.

>> No.9754481

Delete /jp/? Then fine. Killing self? Another edgy one. You go ahead with that and others will watch your livestream.

>> No.9754552

i love fapping

>> No.9754572
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>> No.9754641

love exists. But what it is has been obscured and limited thanks to modern pop culture.

Somehow i get the sense that "love" as we know it now is just a fraction of the metaphysical aspects that love possesses. Philosophers and scholars have been pondering about love since human history was recorded, so there is no doubt in my mind at least that love is something significant and real.

>> No.9754685
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>> No.9754698

Gayest thing I've seen all day.

>> No.9754701

Was it really necessary to post this?

>> No.9754710

On /jp/. Think about that.

>> No.9754712

Too bad that's not true and people only care for what's outside

>> No.9754754

>inside of our hearts
you mean blood?

>> No.9754763

Women are women because they are born that way not because they feel like they are

>> No.9754771

Yeah, it's just saying they don't need to have sex to be considered women.

>> No.9754902

I think even amongst the closest of married partners there is a gap of understanding that cannot be crossed.

When you think about it it's really quite lonely actually. Even if someone understands what you are doing and your motives for doing it, they still won't understand why you have those motives. There's only so many levels a person can go down.

On a separate note, I was recently getting angry with myself thinking about how every sentimental or romantically minded person I've ever known was a man, and yet women are the ones who get that title for some reason. I don't think I've ever met a woman who loves a man the way a man who is truly in love loves a woman.

>> No.9755262

familial love a shit
I have some family members that I love and some that I hate. My feelings for them aren't heavily influenced by the random chance of them being linked to me by genes. Anyway, I've always felt more of a familial love for my close friends (and wife because she is the one person where I was actually able to make a choice to include her in my family)

>> No.9755274

if your love is restricted by gender it's already shallow as HELL.
just go fug and stop getting the wrong idea

>> No.9755301

Quite the romantic, OP, but stuff like that doesn't exist.

>> No.9755427

now, see I'm bi. Guys and girls both make my dick hard and I've had fun sexing each. Here's the weird thing: I've never met a man who I feel real romantic love for. I've dated guys before (twice), but they were both short things (one devolved into FWB and one just didn't have any spark).
Is there some sort of sciency or psychological reason for this?

sorry for the blog-level shitposting

>> No.9755541

men are disgusting emotionally shallow creatures

>> No.9755698

Emotional men end up on /jp/ or other places where people aren't the focus. Dealing with plastic people is depressing so it's better to just reject their ways. It's like voting.

>> No.9755850

The most charitable and philosophical people to ever exist were men, you dumb walking egg husk.

>> No.9755898


>> No.9756196

I think that goes by ``It's better to have loved and lost than rather not loved at all."

>> No.9756232
File: 72 KB, 525x690, disregard-females-acquire-currency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are hypergamous.

Just because you have provided emotional support, entertainment, financial support, services, favors or other benefits in the past does not mean she gives a fuck about you and stay by your side.

Women seek Utility in men and when you do not provide it or something better comes along, they take it because that's just what they are.

Hypergamous. Women marry in social class/status up, men marry down -- the only reason a woman want's to fuck the average /jp/er would be these reasons:

1) You are an easy mark for resources/status
2) You are more secure mentally/finanicially/emotionally then she is; IE. emotional baggage & damaged goods.

You may get laid, get a laugh, get a wife and kids, etc ... but if you fail to keep your relationship "new and rewarding" your woman will be gone.

This means:

constant gifts (of actual value, jewelry, food, wine, your time, money, cars, houses)

surprises (Vacations, holidays, wedding, anniversary, random flowers, etc)

new utility (fix the ___, AKA "Honey, Do." lists)

Seeks children (up to a point) -- if you haven't a spit a kid out after 5 years of being with her, they tend to freak out and walk on you.

telling her exactly what she wants to hear in the tone she wants to hear it in, being like the fake Hollywood men that don't exist in her movies and books.

If you don't give it to her she:

leaves you

claims you raped/hit her

cry's and manipulates other males into demonizing you

takes half of all your assets

Takes your children

takes most your money for 18 years to buy shoes and fuck other men

will use your children as weapons

Most women are shit, there are keepers though. be careful.

>> No.9756241
File: 70 KB, 600x800, spectrun1336770863738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is why i want to torture them

>> No.9756249

But that's not sexy. That's just gay.

>> No.9756252
File: 155 KB, 645x911, crazy23w54r3q4wrfweastrvf qwsecf sdaxzfcsdaxczv fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9756258
File: 696 KB, 1061x1500, crazy1262670277721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9756262
File: 213 KB, 800x600, CRAZYEW543^%@1325667985069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9756267

I'm only like 155cm tall. 5f and 1inch

Beta as fuck

>> No.9756286

love is a biochemical reaction overriding logical judgement rewiring one's priorities, causing them to focus entirely on bonding with an individual they deem acceptable enough to procreate with.

nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.9756309

>Do you think true love exists?
Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.9756592

Personally, I think real love is a step beyond friendship. You should be as comfortable with your partner as you are with your closest friend.
