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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9753102 No.9753102 [Reply] [Original]

What's your relationship like with your family /jp/?

How much do they know of your otaku ways?

Mine know everything and like to remind me how much of a failure I am to them on a regular basis ;_;

>> No.9753104


>> No.9753118

That's your own fault, fag.

Don't worry, my family even found out about my onaholes and maid costumes. Yet they still don't know I watch(ed) anime and such shit... and they just don't give a fuck, just like me.

>> No.9753119

I'm orphan so...

>> No.9753129
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My mom cleans my room so she is fully aware of all my hobbies.

She doesn't care.

>> No.9753143



>> No.9753147

>having both onaholes and maid costumes.
Ara ara~

>> No.9753149

As long as I do well, I can do what I want.

>> No.9753156

My family don't know anything about me because I don't waste my time blogging at them.

>> No.9753157
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I move in with my parents again next month.
Living alone is a lot nicer.

>> No.9753158

my mom and dad just know that I rarely leave my room and watch "foreign stuff" and listen to "weird" music

>> No.9753176
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They know I watch anime, but I've watched that shit growing up and I am korean so it's not that weird. I don't exhibit weeb symptoms because I'm not otacool. I freeload like hell though and I'm on autismbucks so my parents are both concerned and disappointed.

>> No.9753181

So why is this more related than Touhou memes, Princess Masako, or gravure idols?

>> No.9753194

Mine have a vague idea of what I like and that's only because of the few figures I have on my shelf.

I try to keep my interests to myself as well as I can.

>> No.9753207

My dad ignores all of this, because he's in another country, but my mom knows that I watch anime, but nothing more than that. She doesn't know of anything regarding my sexuality and fetishes. It's good that I have other "normal" hobbies to cover myself.

My mom loves me a lot, but I hate her to death, dunno exactly why. So that's it.

>> No.9753270

I'm on good terms with everyone in my family, and they know I like anime/manga/otaku culture. Just not how *much*. They also know I study Japanese.

And they have seen my Marisa fumo.

>> No.9753275

Any working class people here?

>> No.9753286

i don't know them, they don't know me.
they just give me food and shelter. I don't even know why did they have me

>> No.9753289

>My mom loves me a lot, but I hate her to death, dunno exactly why. So that's it.
f-fuck you!

>> No.9753291

I have a bunch of anime and VNs on my desktop which my dad has probably noticed. I don't think he knew what they were though.

I don't tell my parents about my interests in general.

>> No.9753307

mine know I watch anime and I have a 2hu mousepad and desktop background(s)

they never fail to remind me how much of a failure I am, it's quite soulcrushing. if I ever decide to leave this shitty mortal plain for Gensokyo they'd be very happy.

>> No.9753317

They just know I like weird games. They don't know about any figs or plushes. My mom keeps telling me how proud she is of me one second then complains another about why every other kid is independent and better than me in every way while saying stuff about potential I don't even have, it's a bunch of shit.

>> No.9753382

Sorry if I dig too much, but what kind of things do they tell you?

>> No.9753386
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when I was 14 the school dr. told them I had the autisms so they treat like the special miracle I am.

my mom thinks my chinese girls are just a silly obsession. and my dad doesn't care.

>> No.9753393
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>Hey son, what do you do on your computer all day?

>> No.9753397

That question is always uncomfortable, but I answer ''cute things''.

>> No.9753401

My family kinda feels sorry for me. They know I like chinese cartoons, my brother likes them too, but they have no idea of all my fetishes and things I do while they're not watching. Other than that they've been pretty suportive even though I'm always in bad mood and treat everyone like shit.

>> No.9753404

idunno, today my mom told me she feels like she wasted 20 years of her life on me, and I sort of agreed with her.

>> No.9753407

I answer something vague like "stuff" or give an ironic, over-the-top response like, "Oh I hack the FBI and sell drugs."
I actually try to appear as uncomfortable as possible so maybe they'll take the hint and stop asking.

>> No.9753408
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They know NOTHING. Although I used to play Blazblue a lot in the living room before getting my own decent quality hdtv. They found the voices and various audio to be weird/annoying. ah well

>> No.9753409

I am, or my parents are. Don't have a job at the moment.

>> No.9753412


My family believes I'm some kind of articulate secret supergenius who reads news articles and wikipedia now even though all I read are /jp/'s shitposts.

>> No.9753422

I know that feeling.

>> No.9753423

That can't be too nice, I feel sympathy for you...

>> No.9753427

My parents love me because I watch the house 24/7 and I take care of my NEET brother.

>> No.9753432

Yeah, me too. I'm lucky though that most people here tend to treat my hobbies with respect, and sometimes are interested (or at least pretend to be). My father was very impressed when I told him I was studying Japanese, for example.

And others asked me about recommendations in music and so on.

>> No.9753434

It's okay, thanks for asking.

They know I like J Pop and walk around the house in Yukata. They know I watch anime until early in the morning. That's pretty much it. They don't really give a shit.

>> No.9753437

My mom sometimes does the same, but with no intention to harm. It's just that my parents are divorced and after that she wasn't the same person she used to be, she tried to commit sudoku and shit.

>> No.9753438

I'm pretty sure they know, but thankfully they never bring it up.

>> No.9753440
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>I walk around the house in Yukata

>> No.9753443

>otaku ways
Since I am a neet, they are probably annoyed that I am home. They don't know no nothing because I am not a pretentious faggot.

>> No.9753444

My family refers to me as a human dictionary sometimes. Although I actually do spend a lot of time on Wikipedia reading about random things. I can never recall how I get there, but it happens.

>> No.9753462

Some months ago my mom asked me this several times a day, I always avoided the question and she said "if you don't want to tell me then you must be doing something wrong", I insisted it was nothing but she didn't give up and finally I told her I just watched and discussed anime. I blushed and felt embarrsed, but she just said "oh" and didn't bring the matter again.

>> No.9753467
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it's ok, I don't blame her for wanting a normal son who could take care of her when she's old or give her grandchildren, maybe my little brother will.

my dad usually leaves me alone unless he has a bad day at work.

>> No.9753466
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l-learning stuff.

>> No.9753471

You mean you don't? You should really get one. They're awesome.

>> No.9753474
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>walk around the house in Yukata
i wish i had an award to give you for weebest fucking post of the day lmao

>> No.9753483

Man, I thought I was the only one.

It is kinda wierd though. My parents are the most caring and loving people I've met, yet I really dislike them and feel really uncomfortable when talking to them.

>> No.9753492

My parents think (hehe, think) I'm a pedo and have asked me to go to my room when young relatives are over.

>> No.9753493
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My mom doesn't care what I do as long as it makes me happy. Yesterday she asked if I was having fun with my friends on the computer and I said "Yes!" and smiled, and she said that she loves it when I'm filled with joy.

>> No.9753496


>> No.9753505
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Hi Mediator!

>> No.9753508

Sucks to be you. I'm being very careful when I'm with my little (female) cousins, I stare at them too much and I think someone might suspect something one day, I just can't help it sometimes.

>> No.9753517

Diagnosis: Autismus Maximus.

>> No.9753526


Please don't bully.

>> No.9753559

I always leave a decoy, usually a book or computer stuff on my screen when I leave my room, so when they enter they see that.
>dear, i think anon may be one of these genius who don't like people. he read all day

once I left a loli doujin on accident (or maybe she touched something, I'll never know) and when I came back my mom said something like "so that's what you like? you don't like real girls?"

I feel bad for them

>> No.9753568


You're so cute, Mediator.

>> No.9753595


W-we're y-your friends Mediator?

>> No.9753590
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My mom has a sign like this one (same text, but it's in a heart shape) on her bedroom wall. She was shocked by my weeaboo tendencies and general shut-inness, and asked why I am this way. I took the sign and clutched it against my chest, and she nodded in understandment.

>> No.9753600


Stop with this /a/ shit. Type like a true /jp/spie

>> No.9753623

They act like they don't know, but i know they know. They know everything. Though i think sometimes that these "otaku ways" are hard to grasp with normalkin mind. But this is strange, this obsession looks so easy and natural.

>> No.9753642

Calm down

>> No.9753641

Oh wow you sound like a faggot.

>> No.9753652

plese don't use that kind of language here

>> No.9753655

This isn't /b/. Take your homophobia there, and come back once you've grown up.

>> No.9753663
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>> No.9753669

Oh wow; fucking gayhomolordMcFaggot got mad. Take your sexual degeneration out of my /jp/ and seek therapy. Or did they teach you that its natural and perfectly normal to be homosexual juden agent churchill?

>> No.9753671

One or two ``faggots'' on Tumblr who made you ``rage hard'' don't speak for all of society. Please, just go back to >>>/b/. You will be happier there.

>> No.9753672


If I was your dad I'd end you.

>> No.9753674
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/jp/ is a Christian board, if you can't respect the word of god concerning homosexuality then please get out.

>> No.9753678

If you're offended by the word faggot maybe it's best you don't use the internet.

>> No.9753683

I'm not offended, it just doesn't belong here. Neither does anti-Semitism, transphobia, sexism, racism, or anything else idiots try to shoehorn into /jp/.

>> No.9753688

I'll give you a 2/10 for effort.

>> No.9753698

Trying hard to fit in? I think that it would be best for all if you went back to /a/ or /b/ or whatever shitboard you came from. We here on /jp/ take internet business very seriously and will not tolerate your intruding.
>`` ''

>> No.9753700

my dad's been a NEET for 8 years, he hates absolutely everybody except me and his other sons and refuses to go outside at all, so i guess he figures he's not in a position to judge.

>> No.9753703

Agreed. Anti-semites need to just leave.

>> No.9753709

what does he do?

>> No.9753722

paints and watches old movies

>> No.9753723

Oh wow. Stop using obsolete terminology. The modern Jews are <25% semitic.

Also, anti-semiticlarpers is a perfectly natural thing to occur in groups.

t: racial expert

>> No.9753726

Why them specifically?

None of that stuff belongs here, so why just them?

>> No.9753727

>clutched sign agaisnt chest

What kind of faggot action is that? Are you a girl? Just point at it, you homo.

>> No.9753734

where did you guys come from? please leave

>> No.9753741
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>> No.9753746


Mad as hell cock jockey. Go play with your dolls you stupid goddamn hippy
i bet youre a vegiterian too
fucking oversensitive FAGGOT
bet he blows cocks like the good bitch he is
ur mom must be proud
loser faggot homo

>> No.9753752

Man, Indians were fucking stupid. They deserved to die.

>> No.9753758

The one white person that the guy on the right met must have made quite an impression to already make him change his style of dress.

>> No.9753763

no u

>> No.9756206

But it feels good whenever you don't wear underwear underneath.

It's just like a bathrobe, only comfy-er.
