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96513 No.96513 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been to an anime convention before? Ever worth the trip?

>> No.96521


Yes, if you're able to ignore all the crazy Naruto and Final Fantasy faggots and buy figurines for way cheaper than online/get cheap DVDs/merchandise.

>> No.96525

No, because I am not a faggot.

>> No.96528


>> No.96526

Yes, and used to be. I went to setup guilty gear/melty blood/iidx. Now local cons are getting larger and they aren't allowing people to setup as freely.

Cons are good for: parties (if you're over 21 anyhow), gaming (if they do it.)

Dealerrooms / video rooms are shit, and usually panels are trash. Although there are some decent concerts (Anime boston and the pillows for example.)

>> No.96532

>>way cheaper than online/get cheap DVDs/merchandise.


>> No.96537

Sure, you can get some nice prices on merch if you dig enough. tons of figs, too. They'll usually have entire series that've been dubbed, plus sometimes you get good lulz. Like the guys who dress up like Sailor Moon. Or Card Captor Blackura. And if you're tired of the low level fagfest, they'll usually have game rooms where you can kick normal person ass at Bemani games and Guilty Gear.

>> No.96543

>setup guilty gear/melty blood/iidx

To be replaced by Brawl.

>> No.96548

Truth. They had a 40 percent off DVD sale on the last con I went to. Also, it's hard to find things like JoJo figurine sets, but I found one at that same convention. Lucky I was smart enough to look in the boxes and exchange the unpainted ones.

>> No.96578

I guess so, I'm not wasting my time taking my setups if they aren't going to let me use them. Unless you mean playing brawl on my stuff, then FUKKEN LOL.

>> No.96586

I remember when Sunday of a con would roll around and prices would drop to sometimes 50%. All the cons around Dallas rape on prices. A-kon 18 had an average of $26 dvd's. I could get in my car and drive 2 minutes (perhaps 10 by those tunnels underground) and buy the same thing for $15 lol.

>> No.96593

It's different for me where I live - the closest place that sells any sort of anime DVD is Borders, and it's an hour away.

>> No.96723

>Also, it's hard to find things like JoJo figurine sets, but I found one at that same convention.
Not fair ;_;

>> No.96727

Doesn't parking for most of the larger conventions drive you guys insane?

>> No.96741


Parking always drives me insane, but I drive a SUV.

>> No.96745

Well, I've only been to some medium sized cons and always get a hotel within (easy) walking distance of the con so I never have to drive at any time.

>> No.96755

Any anime cons have Daggorhir or Belegarth?

>> No.96891

I usually pay someone to take me up to the train station, and that gets close enough to the hotels so I never bother driving.

>> No.96993

I've been to Sakura-con because there's no trip, I just take the bus downtown.

Last time I wore street clothes and claimed to be doing a RED cosplay. "So if you're actually cosplaying, who are you, then?" "I'm a civilian!"

This time I'm going to wear my peace necklace and a bandanna. ("So what are you cosplaying?" "I'm not cosplaying, I'm actually a hippie")

>> No.97025

fuck you, you're the WORST kind of con-goer, a step below the ones with the "edgy" phrase t-shirts

>> No.97080


>> No.97112

You disgust me.

>> No.97183

Cons are good, but there's always a lot of fucking weird people at cons. They want you "glomp" them and/or come into their hotel rooms and eat ramen and watch yaoi with them while constantly talking about "sexy nin jitsu" or whatever the hell it is.

Big cons can kind of suck because there are too many people, but big cons mean better panels. Best con I went to was Anime Iowa, not too big, not too small. Acen was probably the worst. Too big, NO FUCKING CONSUITE, and Fred Gallagher worshipers galore.

>> No.97188

>take a bus

Ah, but WHAT BUS?

255 for me.

>> No.97191


>> No.97207

Why do you do this? What's the point?

>> No.97233

i did once

aside from all the narutards and shit it was pretty good.

Some guy cosplayed are hard gay, it was lulz

>> No.97248

Last time I went though I just wore my Yaranaika t-shirt.

A woman selling anime themed pins recognized it and proceeded to give me a 4chan pin.

>> No.97441

Was it Otakon?

>> No.97442


>> No.97512

What convention was the 4chan panel anyway?

>> No.99336

I hate anime conventions, it's boring and all the weaboos makes me rage. Only good thing is the merchandise.

>> No.99399

I've never been to one. I'd only go to one to confirm my suspicion that it's a gathering of some of the worst people ever. Also, to play vidyas that I can't at home.

>> No.99461

I do a ton of conventions every year. They're basically an excuse for binge drinking. Cram as many people into the room as possible, get everyone thoroughly trashed, and just go crazy until hotel security breaks it up due to the noise complaints. Then do it again the next night.

Once in a while, the big cons have guests worth seeing. Meeting Ayako Kawasumi at Otakon was just about the high point of my life. Seeing Momoi Haruko perform at Anime Expo was awesome. And talking to the founder of Broccoli at that same AX was like coming face-to-face with God.

As for the guests at smaller cons, meh. They're the same American VA's that come to every con. I really have no interest in their work, but they're usually cool people to hang out and drink with.

But yeah, most cons just amount to me sitting in my hotel room drinking and playing Touhou.
