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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9738522 No.9738522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any /jp/sies still playing this?

Opinions on the new T-62A? How does it compare to the BatChatillon?

>> No.9738532

i saw a guy the other day named KomeijiKoishi who complained about the T28's matchmaking for half the round, so i think there are still some /jp/ers there

>> No.9738541
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>> No.9738545

I hate pay-2-win shit.

>> No.9738555
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I still play my PzIV, too bad they ruined it 8.0.

>> No.9738556

It's nothing pay to win. Nobody uses premium shells in Random Battles.

>> No.9738561

WG devs have fucked up bigtime with shis and planes.

Planes is far too arcady and Ships is going to be shit because the devs have gone batshit insane in regards to how matchmaking will work and the ships that will go in game. I dare you to look at the WOWS forums and say that you're going to play.

Gaijinn's War Thunder games is going to surpass them in every way.

they will do the same ships/planes/tanks as WG but they will be more like sims instead of arcade. I'm currently in the beta for their lane game and I am VERY impressed so far.

>> No.9738562

It's hard to play anything past T8 without getting premium and they are nerfing all free moneymaking tanks.

>> No.9738577

Arty is still profitable as HELL. Especially T5.

>> No.9738592

Moved on to LoL/GW2

>> No.9738598
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It's my "go to" game when I have nothing else to play and I've got an itch for some casual gameplay. It's very easy to just log on and get into a match instantly.

Before Cosmic Break used to fill this role, but that game is extremely frustrating and completely negated the relaxation factor for casual gameplay.

I'm glad this game allows me to just play tier 6 and below while still being able to enjoy all the aspects of this game (well except for clan wars, but I don't care for that). I just want to take it easy and have fun, not in it for the tier 10 grinding.

It's definitely missing the 萌え factor, though. I wish I could put cute girl models on my open-top vehicles.

>> No.9738601


WoT made me realize what this term means.

Ftp my ass.

>> No.9738625

- tanks from OP's screenshot
- 4734 battles
- 52% winrate
- never spent any money

You don't need to pay to win. And you certainly don't need to pay to enjoy the game.

>> No.9738644

Problem is that you're playing jew tanks

>> No.9738659


The problem is you need to go through like 1000 battles to get a decent tank. Which is a worse grind than fucking korean grinders.

While a guy who pays can get a good heavy tank on day one. Not even mentioning all the extra equipment.

And in 90% of cases battles are decided by 3-4 top tanks on both sides. While rest is useless cannon fodder.

>> No.9738660

> 1000 battles to get a decent tank

Decent vehicles start at tier 2. What the fuck kind of tank do you want to play? You think tier 9/10 is end game?

>> No.9738703
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I am aiming for T-62A too, but also M48A1 and Batchat. Judging by opinions from my clanmates right now M48A1 is the best, but it is going to be hit by nerfhammer in 0.8.0 reeealy hard, while t-62A will stay the same (best dpm, quickest reload, really good accuracy on the move, hard turret). BatChat will stay situational and pretty hard to master tank, as other french machines, you either die first or win the battle for the team.

>> No.9738714

P-premium s-scum!

>> No.9738725
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I've played 15k battles solo, without paying a cent and my win rate is 57%. Stuff like buying something for real money never really touched my mind. Also, it is easier and often more fun to play with low-tiers tanks, thus grinding is up to you only.
tl;dr - you complain 'cause you suck. Untill I installed the patch that shows win rate and battle efficiency of each player I thought that most players were ok, but after I installed it I've got that most of the players are just dumb as fuck.

>> No.9738730

Premium tanks are piss easy to kill, unless the player knows exactly what to do.
And anyone who uses gold ammo/consumables in random might as well just burn the money. (Buy the fabulous 12g shells and watch them fly off into virtual distance hitting nothing! Money well spent!)

>> No.9738733

Also, T-62A is shit. It has the hull from Type-59, turret is a bit better, the lowest alpha-demage gun, less mobility than T-54. Penetration is high as with any MT10. It is pretty precise even while moving, but that's it. Some might enjoy it, I don't.

>> No.9738740

>1000 battles to get a decent tank
If you plan to spend every battle rushing forward and dying like a noob, then yes.
>guy who pays can get a good heavy tank
Premium tank for farming money, oh gee.
He'll still suck ass in his tier, don't worry.
>90% of cases battles are decided by 3-4 top tanks on both side
Yeah, the 3 retards that bought some Types/Lowes will die like idiots and leave the rest of their team to pick up the slack.

>> No.9738742


Premium only eases the grinding, its not like you are stronger in battle vs non-premium users. I treat it in similar way as I would treat a subscription in pay to play mmo, only that when I have a month or two when I don't really have time to play, I can stop paying but still be able to play a few games.

> And in 90% of cases battles are decided by 3-4 top tanks on both sides. While rest is useless cannon fodder.

That is so not true with the matchmaking introduced recently.

>> No.9738779

>decided by 3-4 top tanks
That's wrong.
While, yes, their role is vital, any non-top tank can overturn battle. Be in the right place with right timing and you will help your tops to gain victory. Sometimes even bringing evemies attention to you will aid greatly.
It is just that the right place and timing is very different when you are top and when you are "low". Lots of players do same things regardless and thus they fail. Tops should oppose tops, non-tops should create favorible conditions for your tops to fight in, aid them, etc.
Actually, I prefer not being a top since it greatly restricts what you can do when you are.

>> No.9738789

why do you hide your name? Afraid someone will come to your house and rape you or something?

>> No.9738797

>/jp/ - Viral Marketing Culture

>> No.9738802

Must be a heck of a long scheme if they're still at it. Plus it's not like anyone here has any money.

>> No.9738806

And yet you keep saying you should grind up a Hummel.

>> No.9738810

And why are you so curious to know it?
I'd would really hate for someone from my surrounding to know that I browse 4chan, /jp/ to make it worse. I'm supposed to be an elite normie after all.

>> No.9738812

Go back to /v/ nerd. We've been tanking it easy here for ages.

>> No.9738818
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>> No.9738817

Fuck off, normal scum.

>> No.9738816

I'm surprised people play other tanks besides Soviet ones on the Russian server. Where's you patriotism?

>> No.9738821

I loved wrecking King Tigers in that thing.

>> No.9738824

Uninstalled this piece of turd after getting my tier 4 TD matched with tier 7/8 heavies.

>> No.9738833

Tier 4 TD was never matched with tier 8 heavies, unless you're talking about the no-MM era. Tier 4 TD no longer see tier 7 vehicles after the latest patch. Tier 4 TD only sees tier 6 vehicles as the highest now.

>> No.9738843 [DELETED] 

Um...I have tanks of all nations, like everybody else, I suppose? Or are there 30 sovet tanks on that screenshot? So edgy.

>> No.9738851

The MM is still terrible, imagine playing Counterstrike but in every round half the players are stuck with pistols and are unable to get new weapons. The only way to get past it is to pay for a premium tank, since they're almost always at the very top. I'm not saying they're better than the free tanks of equal tier, but you don't have to deal with 25 of the players being tier 7 while driving a Churchill.

>> No.9738856
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Bought myself this beauty a while ago. It's kind of sluggish with the 870hp engine but the thick armor makes up for it.

>> No.9738859

Um...I have tanks of all nations, like everybody else, I suppose? Or are there 30 sovet tanks on that screenshot? So edgy.

>> No.9738861

> Churchill
> tier 7

But Churchill only has tier 5-6 MM spread. Where the fuck are you people coming with these ridiculous MM claims?


>> No.9738866
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Why are you playing on the russian server? Is it better than EU?

>> No.9738865

Who are you spoiling?

>> No.9738867

The sad thing is it's armor is not thick. Actually, it is ironic, but you may not penetrate IS-3 that is facing you straight, while it is hard not to penetrate KT like this (with their 225mm penetration guns). Also, turrent armor is just ridiculous, even arty penetrate sides of the turret armor.

>> No.9738871

compare the churchill's MM to other tier 5 heavy's MM. it's premium, it gets better MM, that's my point.

>> No.9738886

For starters, because I am russian. Also now that I think, it might be pretty fun playing on EU...but it is not like I'd want to get all of my tanks again. Also friends.
I wonder though, is the % of brainless schoolboys is less on EU than on RU...

>> No.9738894

Damn, the 0.8.0 test dropped my FPS by a huge factor.

Goddamnit WG, I'll stop playing if this shit keeps going on.

>> No.9738901

>0.8.0 test
Is it open to public already?

>> No.9738909

Churchill gets tier 5 because its gun is utter shite m8. It stands no chance against anything higher than tier 5. Tanks lower than tier 5 can still take it out without much problems, as long as they know where to aim.

Premium tank matchmaking isn't all that different from normal one.

>> No.9738915



Yeah, I know.

>> No.9738959

The Chinese tanks, T14, KV5, Superpershing and probably some other premium tanks (can't remember them all) get similarly cushy MM where they never have to fight tanks more than 1 tier above them, and there's not much reason for this since many of the free tanks of equal tier have huge weaknesses too. So it's not really pay to win, it's more like pay to have fun more often.

>> No.9738993


Incorrect. You regularly fight T9s in it. With bad penetration, questionable armor and a weakspot the size of the Moon.

>> No.9738998
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Is there a channel that NA /jp/ guys hang out in? The guy I used to queue with only plays LoL now, so I haven't played much since 7.3.

>> No.9739005

> 9738959

KV-5 and Super Pershing do not meet tier 10 because they have guns much worse than other vehicles of their tier. KV-5 gun is slightly better than the gun available on T-150, 2 tiers lower, and Super Pershing's gun is similar to M6's gun, also a tank that is 2 tiers lower.

>> No.9739025

MM fucking sucks in this game. It's what killed WoT for me.

Even putting tiers bullshit aside, when I started it I was expecting at least semi historical battles. Not tanks from 1938 fighting experimental tanks from the 50's.

>> No.9739157

same here

>> No.9739170

Look for the Pzmoe clan on NA tanks, some guys there still plays from time to time.

>> No.9739271

T9 is one tier above T8, don't see how that's incorrect.

>> No.9739934


Heres the clan link, I'm pretty much adding anyone at this point

>> No.9745236
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>Everything set to Low
>15 fps

>> No.9745265

How this is /jp related ?

Pls go back to /vg/

>> No.9745302

Would it be too late to join now?

>> No.9745366

Autists play it
