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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9736150 No.9736150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many hours are you usually awake, /jp/?

I often stay up for over a day and a half and than I sleep for a entire day.
I've been awake for the past 25 hours.

>> No.9736155

~15 hours a day

>> No.9736160
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About 14 hours. I hate staying up long like that since it makes me feel sick.

>> No.9736162

So you stay up for thirty six hours and sleep for twenty four? That's very inefficient. I'm awake for about 19.5 hours and sleep for 4.5 in a biphasic sleep schedule.

>> No.9736164

Between 10 and 12 hours.

>> No.9736174

I'm usually up till 4 or 5 in the morning and then I sleep until 2 in the afternoon unless I have somewhere to be.

>> No.9736203

12 on a good day. I'd sleep more, but I get sore from laying down too long.

>> No.9736244

Yeah dude.
After being awake for so long, once the time comes for you to go to sleep your brain completely shuts down and it's the best sleep you'll ever have.
Have the brain has rested a while, the dreams that follow are some really far out shit, you really feel like your inside the dream, that the dream is actually reality. It's better than acid.

>> No.9736249
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I don't sleep.

>> No.9736252

My schedule:
wake up at 14:30 to go to work (not NEET, but shitty job, pretty close)
Go to work at 17 or 18 hundred
Get out of work around 01:00 - 02:00.
Buy alcohol, go home, drink till 06:30
Sleep from passing out till around 09:00
Do nothing important since I'm half drunk and haven't had any sleep
Nap from 15 or 16:30, go back to work.
I get no sleep, yet have to work, so my brain can't even function fully when I'm trying to enjoy my hobbies
Bless you NEETs and your life satisfaction

>> No.9736268

Well. I wake up at nine every day, and usually don't go to bed until three or four, so... What is that? 19 hours?

My body is going to be fucked up from living like this. I need a job that starts at like 2 PM. But. Then I wouldn't get home until 10, which would suck ass.

>> No.9736265
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Why dont you quit?

>> No.9736267

I probably average 17 hours.

>> No.9736273

is drinking your hobby?

>> No.9736272

You can't quit if your parents are dead/cut contact and the government doesn't offer support. Unless you kill yourself, that is.

>> No.9736277

If I have a job I can stay at home and do nothing, just for having it, I can't NEET so this is the best solution
Much rather have to work for no rent and money to spend on buyfag shit that have to live in the real world

>> No.9736281

OP here, it's 7:42am

I'm calling it quits for today, see you nerds later in 20 hours or so.

>> No.9736288
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I think somewhere around 12ish? I usually can't wait to get under the covers and be all warm and cozy, sleeping is the best!

>> No.9736286

Also yes I love drinking, it makes everything better, I don't understand why people who spend their time alone don't adopt the alcohol system.
It makes everything you do better without having to integrate with people, plus you can just go to the store late a night by yourself and no one will notice you
My only problem is I'm scared the one guy who works there knows I'm an alcoholic, butt I just get drunk afterwards and forget about him!

>> No.9736291

If I have something I'm really into at the moment I can stay up for 30 hours. Usually around 14 otherwise.

>> No.9736298

Be glad you don't live in a communist country where you can't buy alcohol early in the morning / after 9 in the evening. Not to mention having to got a state run store to buy anything harder than beer. (did I mention it was also expensive as fuck)

>> No.9736299

8~ hours + 1 hour that I spend snuggling in my warm bed before actually getting up

>> No.9736320

I think it's sad to drink your problems away and forget about them instead working to improve your situation.

>> No.9736332

I want to cuddle with you.

>> No.9736339

I've never counted how much I sleep, normally I'm awake for 4-5 hours then I sleep for 3-8. I'm probably narcoleptic leaving the house sucks and I'm too lazy to go get checked, I don't know how you guys sit around for more than 12 hours without getting tired.

>> No.9736389

An average between 17-18 hours. And I'm so used to wake up early that I can't sleep past 10am so I should go to bed now.

Shit, you're going to die young if you keep sleeping so little.

>I get no sleep, yet have to work, so my brain can't even function fully when I'm trying to enjoy my hobbies

That's why I force myself to get at least 5-6 hours of sleep per day. And I even leave demanding activities like playing games to be done early when my brain is full of energy, while leaving others like watching anime for the time when I'm already tired. GN.

>> No.9737306

More than 18 hours and my psyche starts falling apart. I can't think and have trouble performing physical movements. More than 20 and I'd probably just faint.

>> No.9737319

I'm experiencing the exact opposite. After being awake for more than 16 hours, the sleep that follows is often dreamless.On the other hand, going to sleep at a normal time makes it more likely I'd remember my dreams and that they'd be something coherent.

>> No.9737326

What country is that? All countries of the former socialist bloc have stores that sell alcohol 24/7, no questions asked.

>> No.9737327

9:00-17:00 is usually sleep time for me. No matter how tired I am, I always end up sleeping for almost exactly 8 hours.

>> No.9737340

Czech republic prohibition the other day. He might be from there.

>> No.9737347

Has anyone had any experience with those ridiculous sleep patterns where you only get 2 hours of shut-eye everyday?? Sounds really rewarding but apparently the first couple days are hell.

>> No.9737357

What the bloody fuck...

Ok, I see it's because some alcohol has lethal amounts of methanol, so presumably after inspection and getting rid of it, they'd lift the prohibition.

But the anon was indicating a government that wants to prevent people from drinking at all, while I know the Czech love their alcohol as much as anybody.

>> No.9737360

Usually around 20 hours per day

>> No.9737365

14 hours. Sometimes 16 if I really don't want to go to sleep. I eat twice a day, first in the morning, so I like to go to sleep for a good 10 hours so I can skip time until then. Because it is the most enjoyable time of day.

>> No.9737374

I wish sleep was more enjoyable. Instead of looking forward to sleeping, I hold it off until I can't keep my head up anymore. I remember getting into bed was extremely comfortable when I was a kid, but it's just not like that anymore.

>> No.9737381

I sleep 8 hours a day every day. Never an alarm, I just always wake up 8 hours later.

>> No.9737385

The later I sleep the earlier I wake up.
It's not fun waking up feeling like my eyes are bleeding.

>> No.9737409

~18 hours a day. I don't ususally sleep for very long unless I'm sick or mentally exhausted. 6 hours is enough for a full day's effort for me.

I tend to sleep longer if it's during the day

>> No.9737448
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I sleep a shit load. I wish I didnt have to. But I get tired too easily.

>> No.9737450

20 hours a day now that I'm a NEET.

When I was still a student though, I sometimes don't sleep for 72 hours using coffee and Red Bull.

>> No.9737534

16-18 hours a day. I sleep more than 8 hours and it feels like my brain has swollen several times its regular size.

Also I fucking hate waking up hungry.

>> No.9737550

12 hours awake 12 hours asleep.

I have nothing to wake up for and no reason to stay awake. Six years of NEETing it up will do this to a person what with happiness being relative and all.

>> No.9737594
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I try to stay awake for 14 hours but usually it doesn't work out.
Sometimes I just spent all day sleeping in my comfy bed.

>> No.9737602

I don't get it.

Anime is real.
There certainly is anime in the world.

If he means "converting characters/objects from anime to actual physical objects" then they cease to be anime.

Silly man.

>> No.9737605

I wake up at about 1pm and sleep at about 3am. It's not too bad.

>> No.9737614

12 to 19 hours a day. It depends on whether or not I find interesting stuff to keep me up.

>> No.9737630

16-20 hours.

>> No.9737628

I stay awake for about 12 hours and I sleep about 8-12 hours.

>> No.9737632

>Be glad you don't live in a communist country where you can't buy alcohol early in the morning / after 9 in the evening. Not to mention having to got a state run store to buy anything harder than beer. (did I mention it was also expensive as fuck)
That's what you get for living in Finland. It's fucking frustrating.

>> No.9737645
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sleep from midnight to 7:30
short nap in the afternoon

It's nice to be in a rhythm where you can sleep as soon as your head drops and wake up automatically without an alarm. I haven't been sleeping well lately though...

>> No.9737651

I want Reimu to pee in my face.

>> No.9737666

I try and try to limit my sleep time but I just can't get up earlier than after 10 hours.

The sheets just feel too good in the morning(well, afternoon) to get up on time.

>> No.9737688

That's a shame. Is there something bothering you?

>> No.9737690

I stay awake from 1:30 AM to about 4:30 PM, so around 15 hours.

I have a job that requires me to work swing shift every day, hence the fucked up schedule. It is weird; sometimes I'm well rested enough, but most times I always feel pretty drained. I've even hallucinated while on the job and during the day before, although that is uncommon.

I really like the night though, and only like the days when they are overcast. When/if I become a NEET (or if I just get a full-on night job) I'm going to become nocturnal. It is a pleasant, surreal world.

>> No.9737695

I sleep two times a day, each for about 4 hours. One at 8pm and one at 8am. With that kind of sleeping schedule I can have breakfast, lunch and dinner like a normal person and can still browse the net from midnight to early morning like a true NEET.

>> No.9737702
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Bitch, get on my level. My average staying up is 32 hours, and that's only the minimum. You guys are low-tier compared to me. I drink Red Bull, blast out my music, and try to be genki as possible. Sometimes I get mood swings when I feel really depressed as hell then I would just lie down on my bed and let my soul soothe with the music.

>> No.9737711
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Thank you for letting this many epic threads stay, janitor!

/jp/ is MUCH better as Blog Culture than otaku interests or hobbies

So, gentleman. Let's get down to business.
>that feel when no gf

>> No.9737713

I haven't slept in over 48 hours now. It is becoming a really bad habit. I will stay awake for 2 and 1/2 days and then run on maybe 6 hours of sleep. I will kill myself at this rate. I just came here to post once more for this morning and will be back around 6pm to start a thread.

I will let Boris sway me to sleep for now.

Good nap time /jp/.

>> No.9737717

>>9737711 yes, lets
B-but girls can't love other girls! It's forbidden love!

we /a/ now

the game

> who am I quoting

>> No.9737718

Seriously, get your priorities straight /r9k/-san.

>> No.9737719


>> No.9737723

/pol/ shit attracts real retards from /pol/. These threads just cause all /jp/'s bloggers to spill out of hiding.

>> No.9737726
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No, go away normalfag. We don't give no minuscule of shit about your love life. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.9737730

As long as possible, I don't like going to sleep. I like sleeping though.

I usually stay awake at least 18 hours at a minimum. Sleep differs more though. I had 19 hours this time.

>> No.9737734

All shit deleted was either spam, not /jp/ related or had been posted a thousand times in the past few weeks.

>> No.9737735

Remember: Don't bully.

I apologise for the posters above me anon. Please, tell us how not having a girlfriend is making you feel. We'd love to help you work through your troubles and start taking life easy.

>> No.9737737

He's not complaining about what was deleted but shouldn't have been, he's complaining about what should have been deleted but wasn't.

>> No.9737752

Ok, so because this one NEET related thread is up you two throw a fit. Nice. Please learn to take it easy.

>> No.9737817

This is the thousandth blog thread in the last few hours.

>> No.9737827

>tfw no friends

>> No.9737888

I have not "thrown a fit" any more than you have.

It's a shitty blog thread. People are going to call it a shitty blog thread. Deal with it.

>> No.9738109

i hate going to sleep hungry.
too tired to make food, but too hungry to sleep

>> No.9738120

sieg heil dude

>> No.9738125

Few years ago I'd sleep like 3 hours a day

now usually sleep 12-16 hours

sometime stay awake longer and end up sleeping 20 hours

my sleep habit are generally all over the place, waking up in the evening, going to sleep in the morning, then waking up at night, and then going to sleep in the afternoon

>> No.9738285

I stayed up 40+ hours once before.

Woke up at 12am the day before a plane flight, then I couldn't sleep the following night and went to the airport without having slept. Plane takes off at 10am. Including stopover, total journey lasts 15~ hours (couldn't sleep on the plane). When I arrive it's only 8am the next day, so I stay up another 7 hours or so before going to bed.

>> No.9738292

I noticed that the longer you stay away, the harder it is to go to sleep. Your brain starts racing, and thought don't make sense.

Every time I would lie down, I would get the urge to get up and do something.

>> No.9738482

I can't sleep. I spend close to 24-hour periods without any sleep thanks to sharing a room with a snoring brother and having nowhere else to sleep in, so I have to wait until he wakes up so I can sleep. Thing is, I'm unfortunately not in the ranks of the truNEET and must attend college, with my schedule overlapping with the time when I can sleep properly. So I can only sleep in the five-hour interval that I get after school until my family arrives and does a mess of the house. This if my deadbeat father doesn't decide to show up around the house during that time to "clean up" (searching the rooms for spare change he can use for his gambling).

Is my family disfunctional enough that it makes up for my non-truNEET status? Am I still /jp/ material?

>> No.9738492

