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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9736465 No.9736465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


'/jp/'s has been pretty good after the changes.' - Christopher Poole, 4chan founder

who /jp/2.0 here?

>> No.9736470

I notice I haven't been getting banned the past few days. Kind of strange.

>> No.9736473

I haven't been browsing /jp/ that much lately because stillnonewtouhougame, but the threads seem good and the friendcircle mad, so it's okay.

>> No.9736478
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Pro-tip: communist uprising.

>> No.9736491

The friend circle hasn't existed for years now anon.

>> No.9736498

I've always loved moot.
Hoping he'll come to the Brazil meetup when I get the twitter account up and running, so I can contact him then.


Idk I mean I thought they have backed off more than put us /jp/1.0 down ever since they took down that sticky pin of rules.

They don't even delete that many threads.

I can usually tell who is 2.0 and I have seen a huge decrease since summer has ended.

>> No.9736504

I've been here every day shitposting, or posting redundant, helpful advice for about three months.

It hasn't changed at all. Like 90% of the threads on the first page were fucking touhou. There's literally enough touhoufags to deserve a separate board.

Don't get me wrong. I like touhou, it just gets annoying, especially when I want to talk about other /jp/ related things.

>> No.9736511

new /jp/ lacks:
*enough doll threads
*enough station / bicycling japan threads
*decent kig threads
*enough music threads (release dependent obviously)
*A decent daily dose. Seriously: compare the current dose to the doses of days past. Where is the pasta? Where are the hoops?
*Enculturated posters. The only thing worse than a shitpost is a shitposter.
*A sufficient board wide vn of choice. Remember back in the days of umineko speculation? We need to return to that.

new/jp/ has sufficient:
*neet threads, they're under-control, though people's power levels are low
*touhou secondary threads
*touhou primary threads

>> No.9736524

It seems that /jp/ lacks enough janitors/moderation in the mornings (GMT) to clear out the autistic shitposting from late night americans/early morning europeans

>> No.9736528

We need someone around to ban the 2am spammers.

>> No.9736532

Needs more japanese culture in general, I agree. I saw a thread a few days ago about random streets in japan. It was glorious.

>> No.9736537

That was a good thread.

>> No.9736554
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It's always somewhere around here.

It is watching...

>> No.9736569
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moot is a /b/tard.

>> No.9736570
File: 98 KB, 960x800, 1250506969860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always willing to talk about Japanese communism and proletarian struggle, the nature of perversity in Japanese culture, and the need to degrade and reject Shinto in favour of local animism.

>> No.9736577
File: 72 KB, 450x338, Aokigahara Suicide forest.....God have mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah more Japan general fore sure. I agree.

I would make them, but when I use to make them sometimes people got upset even though it was definitely /jp/ related things

I'll give it a shot tomorrow/

Though I did create two just recently.
You know the thread on the Suicide Forrest, then about Mt Fuji exploding, and then I made one on Giant monsters/Yokai.

The Giant monsters/yokai one didn't get that many replies surprisingly though.

I'll make one on Japanese metal detecting and antiques tomorrow then.

>> No.9736586

Given that I have major depression, I avoid discussions of suicide. Particularly as in my local area suicide by exposure due to deliberately becoming lost in a forest was a method of choice.

>> No.9736592

Man on the ground: boards that used to be good
Others: /q/ users

>> No.9736593

Keep up the good work.
It is sad how blogshit took over the board.

>> No.9736612

Please keep it up! it's people like you who keep me on here.

Shintoism is pretty open ended. You can pick and choose want you want to believe, right?

>> No.9736618

Even with my Tripp I really did think I was real /jo/ material.

>> No.9736622

/jp/ is a hard board to understand. everybody seems to have a different vision on what the ideal /jp/ should be.

>> No.9736629

because Otaku Culture is a buzzword

>> No.9736631

Uh, Shinto is associated with Great Yamato Culture's destruction of other Japanese cultures. It is also clearly associated with the Japanese feudal nobility's crushing of the peasantry.

Local, or folk, animism is the actual condition of being of the authentic peasant religion of Japan. Shinto is an imposition over the top of folk practices, and centralises in Emperor cult worship.

Compare the youkai's parade to the second world war. The first is the genuine proletarian and peasant expression of Japan's true animist religion. The second is the obscure worship of the emperor as the chief rapist of Japan.

>> No.9736639
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If Moriya Suwako was my goddess, I wouldn't have been a nasty commercial slut, but a beautiful ceremonial slut.

>> No.9736645

What kind of faggot doesn't support the glorious Japanese emperor?

>> No.9736646

/jp/ is a hard board to understand because to understand /jp/ you have to understand /jp/.

As I mentioned, I am a fan of Japanese Communism and look forward to the day when the princess will become a commoner.

>> No.9736655
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How does it feel being delusional and/or severely mentally retarded?

>> No.9736656

I don't know why but I don't feel comfortable here anymore. It's like a bunch of outsiders decided they knew what /jp/ needed.

>> No.9736659

>to understand /jp/ you have to understand /jp/.

Thanks for your wisdom.

>> No.9736664
File: 4 KB, 259x194, Mishima Do you have the resolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that shit dude.
That would be a worse feeling than when I found out the main Tokugawa family fell to commoner rank shortly after the Meiji Restoration

>> No.9736665

>look forward to the day when the princess will become a commoner
That's just because you want to rape the princess.

Which one, by the way?

>> No.9736667

Is it? I'll take your word for it.

As my japanese teacher explained it to the class, Shintoism is about attaching the idea of spirits to every day things, and treating hem with dignity and respect because of it... Like your home, and certain pieces of clothing... I don't know if he was right though :3

>> No.9736673
File: 103 KB, 746x337, 04otaku_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise what board this is?

If you've got noble trouble, I feel bad for you son—L'Académie française has forty immortals but a king ain't one.

>> No.9736687

>You do realise what board this is?

It's fine as long as you admit your beliefs are delusional and not grounded in reality.

>> No.9736694
File: 397 KB, 500x5000, chen_longhair for winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To kill them would be to make them into a martyr. Forcing them to live in a one bedroom apartment and work for a living would be far more appropriate.

Yeah, nah. That's like saying that Catholicism is about investing everyday people from the past with spiritual powers to intervene into daily life. That might be folk catholicism, but the church is about massive repression and male hierarchy. Folk catholicism's main interveners have cunts.

Capitalism has appeared in Gensokyo—communism hasn't yet. What does that tell you about what exists in reality and what exists in the floating land of fairies.

>> No.9736696
File: 7 KB, 153x175, Yukio Mishima Cassual He's laughing at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't know what you're saying.

>> No.9736699

They do work for a living, though. At least the princes and princesses, not the emperor.

And I never mentioned murdering them. I mentioned raping them. Because some of the princesses are pretty fuckable.

>> No.9736703

It tells me that if Capitalism is good enough for Gensokyo it's good enough for me. It actually working unlike communism is an added plus.

>> No.9736708
File: 72 KB, 634x461, Just_saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You def be wrong on the repression thing.

I can't believe /jp/ has a fucking commie.
This is bigger news than the day we found out about the black /jp/ers.

>> No.9736714
File: 44 KB, 500x451, Operation Downfall_Post War Occupation Zones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on earth would I rape a woman? Seriously... what kind of perverts are you. Unless she's actually a prince who has been forced to dress as a girl for years I'm just not interested.

I've been here for years, posting for years, occasionally posting this image, for years. (North Japan is Best Japan)

>> No.9736723

>male hierarchy

Put your trip back on, Princess of the Crystal.

>> No.9736740
File: 79 KB, 450x600, Polish Woman Cooking Pierogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9736754

We must just have been on different time posting schedules then.
Surprising 3 years here and not once did I see your commie posts.

Anyway Commie, I want to make an image for you, but I don't have the energy right now.

I am going to make a
Japanese Metal detecting and antique thread tomorrow, so if you see and post in it let me know so I can make/give it to you.
It's not a mean image either.
I don't agree with almost anything of what you're saying but I like talking about Japanese politics/foreign ocupancy in Japan/Japanese Imperial Royalty with you; yoou know real /jp/ stuff.

>> No.9736768
File: 70 KB, 461x476, No03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I take it easy. I hope to see your thread, I'll pop open all 11 pages tomorrow. Any threads about Japan Culture of an Otaku Nature are welcome.

rape stockade
