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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 260x258, 0kme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9722379 No.9722379 [Reply] [Original]

You won't get away with being a NEET forever, /jp/.

>> No.9722383
File: 669 KB, 700x830, 16956171cf3705d975082d44d9742636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all the /jp/sies who killed themselves already figured that out.

>> No.9722384 [DELETED] 

This is the kind of thread people from other boards make when they have a vague understanding of what this board is about and decide to desperately make their own thread

>> No.9722386

I've got two houses coming to me once their owners die/move out and I will be applying for disability in the future, so you're probably wrong.

>> No.9722388

i live off government money in my own place. try and stop me.

>> No.9722389

I will live forever and I will be a NEET forever.

>> No.9722394

You're right. Been one for 2.5 years, probably will get to go another few years too. I really do cherish these times, and I if I could live like this forever I would.

Will be sad when I have to start making my own living. I'm getting about 15 grand inheritance, and I'm planning on giving most of it to a broker. If that works out and I keep investing, maybe I can become a landlord or something, keep on doing that, and not have to work at all.

Hopefully. I can wish right? Of course, with my luck it won't work out.

>> No.9722395

Can I move in with you?

>> No.9722400

I'm planning on renting out both of them and living in a studio apartment by myself, so no. Why would I want to live with another person?

>> No.9722403


Because you love them?

You could do sexual things together and have fun.

>> No.9722405

maybe he'll suck your cock, dude

>> No.9722406

Just try to stop me!

>> No.9722407

No one lives forever.

>> No.9722410

>Because you love them?
Love this!
*presents penis*

>> No.9722411

I love my family, but given the chance to live alone I would take it in a split second, no questions asked. I have enough fun by myself, and I'm not interested in doing "sexual things" with another person.

>> No.9722415


What about fun?

Everyone likes fun.

>> No.9722419



>> No.9722418

Stop being such a prude.

>> No.9722421

Of course not. Even if you have a constant income you'll die one day.

>> No.9722422

Like I said, I have more than enough fun alone. Everything I do would only be complicated or detracted from by the addition of another person in ways I do not want.

>> No.9722425

esp. ur mother

>> No.9722432

I'll love it with this
*spreads ass*

>> No.9722440
File: 124 KB, 320x480, 1345593163229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm affraid that, from all the definitions of 'Otaku' I have ever seen, the 4chan's one is the most distorted one. The worse. I think that Moot himself doesn't understand the purpose of this board.

The time has come, my fellow Otakus. We shall independize from those hikkis and neets, and make of this a true Otaku culture board.

>> No.9722452

we really should. the staff here doesn't know what it means in a totally literal sense.

>> No.9722463

I'm a shitposting otaku.

>> No.9722469

>The time has come, my fellow Otakus. We shall independize from those hikkis and neets, and make of this a true Otaku culture board.

That's way too much of a hassle...

Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.9722486

try using that goldfish memory and recall radical changes in what's allowed or not allowed. calling everything shitpost and shitposters is done since you kinds of people don't have the mental capacity to articulate thoughts with descriptive words.

>> No.9722508

Didn't you just write that the staff doesn't know what otaku means?

>> No.9722529

yes. that response was to his unamusing quip about shitposting.

>> No.9722569
File: 983 KB, 500x281, shiki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born into a rich family so I will get away with being a NEET forever, get bent OP.

>> No.9722588


What is this surge with rich kiddies lately?

>> No.9722596

Maybe he was serious?

>> No.9722601


I have managed to keep a whole hundred dollars in my bank account for 6 months jokes on you!

>> No.9722602

Why don't you take in a few /jp/sies if you have the money? You would be helping them a lot.

>> No.9722606



it's funny because it's Lio

>> No.9722610

You're rich and you're on /jp/ instead of going out and enjoying all the luxuries of life? Hahaha, what an unbelievable loser, kill yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.9722611

Maybe he'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.9722614

Why do I have such a hard time playing video games or watching movies or anything? I stop after 15 min and go back to browsing web.

Well, the games aren't that interesting, but still.

>> No.9722616

You have terminal autism

>> No.9722617


I could understand why. Maybe you should try learning something instead?

>> No.9722618

Except it isn't.
>“It was all so simple, Kokutō. Shiki’s habit of walking alone at night proved to be quite convenient for me. I tailed her, learning her favorite paths and patterns through the city. Then, I planned. I would kill someone that happened to wander along the path she would take, always just a little ways ahead of her, making sure it was fresh. The first ones still saw me before I took the life from them, but the next few ones were skilled work. They never saw me. Like the one you saw after we said goodbye to each other on that day you went to the Ryōgi estate. It took some work, but the timing was just right for you to encounter it just the same time Shiki was heading back.”

>> No.9722622


>> No.9722623

Why would you want to learn something just because?

>> No.9722628


>> No.9722629

Knowledge is power.

>> No.9722638

Me too.

>> No.9722643

What do you suggest I learn? I have a couple of things I've wanted to learn for a couple years now, but haven't got around to it.

(German language and writing shitty music in sequencers, if you're wondering)

>> No.9722644


You're supposed to choose a subject you have an interest in.

>> No.9722645

him randomly saying what kind of supposed otaku he is doesn't lead to anything. him trying throw out a quip alluding my post to having a relation with shitposters does.

>> No.9722647

How about learning German or learning how to write shitty music in sequencers?

>> No.9722649

Not that guy, but my family is pretty well off and I spend most of my time making and eating sweets while browsing, and if I'm not doing that I'm browsing /jp/ while drinking imported tea, and sometimes I combine both. This is what I do with my life. If I wanted women, I could get them. If I wanted an education, I could get one. Instead, I choose to live a comfy life inside this house (which itself is quite nice and situated in a great neighborhood) doing what I want to do, and nothing more.

>> No.9722651

I envy you

>> No.9722652

I haven't started either, so I don't have to choose one.

>> No.9722653

Are you Akiha?

>> No.9722655

All those sweets are going to make you fat... if you're not already fat.

>> No.9722656

>sucked several dog cocks (all of my neighbors probably know)
>fucked several dog vag (all of my neighbors probably know)
>touched my sister while she was asleep several times (my whole family probably knows)
No, I'm staying a neet.

>> No.9722660

>Implying anyone on /jp/ is actually NEET and not just some occasional shut in with otaku tendencies

>> No.9722661

Well, you should choose something you already have an interest in. I don't see how someone else can choose for you.

>> No.9722671

I don't eat very often, but I do I really eat. I tend to hover around a fairly normal weight, 165lbs at 6'1. My weight's been steadily going down over the years, actually. I don't really know why, but in my mind maybe I'm getting malnourished from only eating sweets. I try to combat that by cooking very richly for myself. I go through quite a lot of eggs and dairy, or at least I have this summer. When it gets cooler I'll probably start using more flour for cakes and the like.

>> No.9722674

I didn't say I'm not interested, I said I have no motivation. Those are the only two things H have been interested in for more than a couple weeks.

>> No.9722675

If I ever get kicked out i'll seek my fortunes in the Zone.

>> No.9722685

>alluding my post to having a relation
Who cares? People can read and think. The rules can be easily discussed using actual arguments and it's been done a million times already.

>> No.9722708

It should be easy to make money now isnt it?
What with the amerifats printing more money with QE3.
With how low the interest rate is at the money, cant you just get a loan from the bank, get a few properties, rent them out and to get a positive cash flow and then you would be set for life.
But of course this is provided you actually have a useful degree and a decent job at the moment to get loan from the bank.

>> No.9722713

i'm sure you've got a point in your head, but it's not in the text. i simply said something to someone else and when your (?) autism flared and you wondered why i said it i gave a response. i don't give a care at all.

people who go around throwing out a totally vague and barely descriptive word to express themselves are of low intelligence, deal with it.

>> No.9722715

You'll understand one day.

>> No.9722728

Yes I will, I'm on permanent disability.

>> No.9722745

"the zone"?

if you mean the chernobyl one, then I must disappoint you, there's nothing to be found there.

>> No.9722744

Dubs to vanquish Sudo.

>> No.9722762

never played stalker?

>> No.9722769

>i simply said something to someone else
It wasn't someone else. Your limp-wristed attempt at meta whining deserved a half-assed reply.
>people who go around throwing out a totally vague and barely descriptive word to express themselves are of low intelligence
Showing your best in all situations does not seem intelligent at all to me. On the other hand, certain kind of shameless stupidity rarely lies.

>> No.9722780

doesn't it take place in chernobyl?

I thought you were serious about looting in the zone.

>> No.9722790
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1346605315895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably could for another 20 years or so, honestly.
By then I would be about 43
At that point any money from my parents/grandparents dying would most likely have gone to me, and the house as well.

Which if I'm not an idiot, could probably last me another 15.

By that time my heart will be ready to go thanks to my american life style and my fear of leaving the house


>> No.9722822

what a great response. limp-wristed? too funny. i'll explain this further since you've obviously got a mental impairment. it's an objective fact that there's an issue with the description of otaku on /jp/. it only took 4 years before we even had board rules in the faq.

i wrote a one line, two sentence response not even touching on what i just said. that's not described as meta whining you mental midget.

>Showing your best in all situations does not seem intelligent at all to me
well, you're not very intelligent so it doesn't ever ". by the way, there's a difference between a short response and meaningless one, idiot.

looking at the trash you write it's easy to see why you want to keep it short and meaningless.

>> No.9722818
File: 765 KB, 626x884, CuteLain-PicturebyRyusukeHamamotoDeviantArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone here know if they are making a new one?

>> No.9722859

>well, you're not very intelligent so it doesn't ever ".
Why is your writing so terrible?

Since you're such a no-bullshit person, let's concentrate on the only sentence in your post that isn't pure ad hominem.
>it's an objective fact that there's an issue with the description of otaku on /jp/.
What is it?

>> No.9722935

text i deleted on accident cause i was making breakfast and couldn't even be bothered to delete my post and fix it? you owned me, sir. you are the own master.

you got called a moron for spewing out a phrase with no meaning which you thought was really witty. i'm sure you scream shitposter your own shadow while it loops in your impaired head so it hurt. it hurts to read anything you write for people without mental impairments though so the feelings are mutual.

i don't plan to discuss board rules. they have nothing to do with why i even gave your autistic post a response.

>> No.9723319

So far in this discussion you've:
- complained about the staff
- been concerned about being lumped together with "shitposters"
- noted that I'm unintelligent, unfunny, autistic and a mental midget
- explained that you don't want to discuss anything of substance in this thread
- concluded that I'm an internet troll

It started because you couldn't see that my first comment wasn't an attack against you or less serious posting in general. My comment was meant to provoke an intelligent explanation for the claim "the staff here doesn't know what it (otaku) means in a totally literal sense." I just skipped the usual bull because everyone has already seen it multiple times.

To be honest, you could have just left it to one reply with the text "i don't like you, you're a faggot".

>> No.9724441
File: 372 KB, 1024x768, 1328324218632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuroko won't get away without being raped by a man.

>> No.9724446
File: 17 KB, 151x227, lilgirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your goal in life OP? mine is to be a father. i want to adopt 2 blue eyes blond hair little girls and raise them.

>> No.9724460

nobody will let you adopt a child if you're a single adult male

>> No.9724462 [DELETED] 

nd produce pthc for japanese ppl

>> No.9724494

no! id never sexually abuse them. i just want to spoil them like princesses, and see their beautiful pure smiles in return. maybe a hug once in a while

ill make sure they do well in school, as well as getting them involved in activities such as dancing and singing or something. they would grow up to be beautiful elegant girls

>> No.9724504

How long until most of you guys off yourselves?

I couldn't NEET unfortunately, so I'm at university.

Without constant anime/vidya/porn bombardment to distract me, I really can't see myself going more than 6 months.

If(when) I fail out of school, that will probably be the impetus.
Unless my family pities me and allows me back into the basement.

>> No.9724517

theres no law against adopting if you're a single male. i think you're good to go as long as you have a good income and you're a good person

>> No.9724544

>sucked several dog cocks (all of my neighbors probably know)
How did it taste?

>> No.9724566

Salty milk and coins

>> No.9724582

no /jp/sie is getting a child from adoption. thinking you can get one with blonde hair and blue eyes on top of that is insane. you couldn't even get a 17 year old male straight out of africa, they'll never give you a child that's in such high demand by proper humans like a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.9724603


Not sure who this guy is, but I'm expecting a blog or /ghost/ post about how PWNED the janitor is right now.

>> No.9724631

I'll probably die before my parents.

>> No.9724645

I know. I just want to curl up and disappear.

>> No.9724706

I wish I was a teenager again.

>> No.9724716

Good job.

>> No.9724722

I know...

I just don't know what to do. I'm so lazy and socially inept that even if I wanted something better than warehouse work, I wouldn't be considered due to me autism.

Welp. Time to die, I guess.

>> No.9724736

>get bent
It's been 10 years since I've heard that.

>> No.9724740

Internet addiction. I've had to kick it off a few times and force myself to do things, rather than lurk/post on 4chan. At some point it's just not fun any more and I'm only doing it because I feel addicted.

>> No.9724744

Would it be better to prolong it and fall to substance abuse or end it now when I still hold a respectable track record? The former feels disgusting and irrational but it wouldn't be such an ethical mess for the surrounding society.

>> No.9724745

Aber Bernd, ich kann schon Deutsch...

>> No.9724762

My mother has given me a deadline, so I'm kind of panicking right now.

The talk went something like this.

>I don't care about you anymore. I realized that you will not be able to support me when I'm old, so I have to invest all my money to help myself in the future.
>But don't you have your boyfriend to help you?
>He's way older than me. I want you out of the house by the end of the month. If you want, I'll pay for rent for just the first month, but that's it.

She still makes food for me and treats me as if nothing happened, but she's still clear about wanting me out. My initial reaction was to kill myself, but then I realized I didn't truly have it in me. I realized that I would rather become a slave to the system than die. Sad, isn't it? I am planning to figure something out in the coming weeks, and cut off contact with this cancerous family forever. My dad kicked me out just a year earlier, too. I'm happy that at least they were lenient enough not to throw me out into the streets before I finished high school. Being on /jp/ makes me really envious of everyone's parents. Why wasn't I born into a rich/nice family? Did I do something to deserve more suffering than others? I don't know, it's stressful. I don't have a soul in the world that cares about me. It's just a deep, pitch black ditch with no visible way out. I'm trying, but the willpower is hard to come by...

I'm so tired of life, you know... makes me wonder why don't I have the courage to die. I wish I did.

>> No.9724772


Not everybody on /jp/ has rich parents so you shouldn't really be jealous. I think there's more stories about people on /jp/ with shitty parents, but you pay more attention to the posts mentioning nice or rich parents.

>> No.9724778


>> No.9724781

I suppose so. It hurts having it rubbed in my face, naturally. Same thing for others, I'm guessing.

>> No.9724793
File: 34 KB, 714x512, 1329389137109717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't care about you anymore. I realized that you will not be able to support me when I'm old, so I have to invest all my money to help myself in the future.

>> No.9724796

>I realized that I would rather become a slave to the system than die. Sad, isn't it?
No, it's perfectly normal. Only people with ridiculous views on life would find that sad.

>> No.9724799


I'm sort of in a similar situation. except, my mom feels more sad than disappointed in me. she wants me to get a job to support myself and for her as well. Not only that, people are constantly bugging me to get a job. I'm literally wanting to get one, no excuses or "let downs" or bullshit "reality" excuses trying to stop me from getting one. I'm just really annoyed at people using society as an excuse.

>> No.9724814

I took it as a blow because that was the basis for my indomitable spirit over the years. I stood 100% behind that ideal with no doubts. Out of nowhere, the inevitable happened and I froze up completely. That's what hurts the most. I feel like I betrayed my own views and everything I stood for.

>> No.9724819

I don't belong in society. When the time comes I'll go out into some woods and live out the rest of my days as a hermit until I die. How long that will last is just up to luck.

>> No.9724822

By 'that', I am referring to killing myself as soon as my support ended, just to clarify.

>> No.9724826

You should just chalk it up to youthful idealism unsuited for your older jaded self. It's what most people do.

Not very long.

>> No.9724833

Yeah. I have a feeling I'm going to get mauled by an animal before dying from eating something poisonous.

Still, I can't picture myself dying any other way.

>> No.9724843

Don't forget the possibility of trying to find your way out of the woods when you get too hungry to stand it, or starving to death trying (or just lying down and waiting to starve, that works too.)

>> No.9724850
File: 22 KB, 213x354, JBGkpf3g8qym4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could if you pay some pregnant high school / college slut to let you adopt her baby. id pay anything to get a gorgeous perfect aryan daughter. does anyone else feel the same

>> No.9724851

Thirst would be a bigger problem than hunger. People can go without food for over a month.

>> No.9724869

>I stood 100% behind that ideal with no doubts.
It still blows my mind how anyone can think like this in any situation.

>> No.9724872

I'd rather die of starvation in a nice forest than a dirty city street anyways.

>> No.9724877

What, how anyone can have suicidal thoughts? I don't understand.

>> No.9724888

No. I meant absolute, unwavering faith in anything at all.

>> No.9724899

Oh. Well, chances are, you're doing that right now for almost every aspect of your life. You know, you anticipate that gravity will work properly in every instance, and common stuff like that. It would probably scare you if you were to find an inconsistency with what you believe and what you experience. Just a thought.

>> No.9724910

People have faith in gravity based on experience. Most people don't have experience with killing themselves, and second-hand experience mostly supports the idea that people don't actually kill themselves when thrown out.

>> No.9724916

Makes sense. I just always assumed that near-experiences constitute experiences. As in, you're there, but there's not enough of an incentive. Maybe a push such as getting thrown out on the street would encourage a person to follow through.

>> No.9724934


I suggest pharmaceuticals. Dextroamphetamines are my favorite.

>> No.9724935 [DELETED] 


One of these days I'll be getting SSI for legitimate medical problems (particularly schizophrenia). I half feel like adopting someone off /jp/ to come live with me cause by then I wont know anyone anymore.

Not that it helps you any.

I had dreams of getting a job and traveling and stuff. I never intended to be semi NEET. Life sucks.

>> No.9724939


Yeah, even Satou ended up getting a job.

>> No.9724943

In my head, I imagine his life after the last episode absolute hell. That ending was incredibly upsetting, even though it was trying to pretend not to be.

>> No.9724977


I don't know why they couldn't have stuck with the LN ending.

It was so much happier.

>> No.9724986

But anime Satou is a government propaganda character, I don't know if it's wise to mention him.

>> No.9724988


>tfw when no illicit affaire with senpai

>> No.9724995


In the light novel he ends up going back to university AND enters into a relationship with Mizaki.

>> No.9724996

I don't think so. It would have been the case if the ending was played off as very happy, though.

>> No.9725006


But the ending was sadder than the LN

>> No.9725014

The entire show was cheesy in a weird way. I think the touch was there.

>> No.9725019

I would think that the government would try to encourage shut-ins to reintegrate into society in every way possible. This means relationships, education, and jobs. The show had just one, and it wasn't quite in support of working. You could see that Satou wasn't much better than at the beginning of the show. In fact, I'd argue he was even more depressed in the end. I haven't finished the LN just yet, so I'm not sure how the mood is played off there, but if he ends up getting Misaki and going back to University, that's much more propaganda than getting a simple job.

>> No.9725034

Get a job losers. It's not so bad.

>> No.9725026

I wouldn't simplify it to that.

>> No.9725041

Why not?

>> No.9725038

I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.9725057

Why not? Why would I? I prefer to keep everything as complex and raw as possible until I'm absolutely sure that I can draw a conclusion. Blowing everything to bits is taxing but it can be done if you have nothing but time.

>> No.9725068

I guess so. I never believe anything I say anyway, so don't take me or what I say seriously.

>> No.9725089

You guys realise you can be a NEET and a hiki separately right? They aren't one and the same.
I was a hiki while at university, which obviously i dropped out of eventually. Then again when i ran my own business from home, which failed.
And for the past few months ive been a NEET, i dont leave the house much but i do go out and have some form of social life now. my parents have pay for me to live in an apartment for the last 4 years i think because they feel guilt for never really looking after me as a child. I met up with my dad the other day and he was like umagine yourself in 10 years, you cant be living this kind of lifestyle in your 30s thats just pathetic.
So it looks like my NEET days are numbered

>> No.9725103
File: 64 KB, 380x380, 1337709205114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's pretty sad. I'm gonna miss this life. Just casually surfing the net, exploring music, and play vidya.

Next year I'm gonna graduate from this lifestyle to pursue a job and be able to fund my hobbies once and for all.

>> No.9725110

don't post the other lift ones no matter how many people ask you

>> No.9725149


What's the origin of this pic, /jp/?

>> No.9725189

Something about lifting.

>> No.9725199


Yeah I'm of that but I was asking about it's origin image.

>> No.9725197

Fuck you moot, why is asking for the posting of the lifting a 90 day spam autoban.

>> No.9725209


Pizza and the Little Bully, I think.

You can make it up to me by shitposting on /jp/.

>> No.9725210

lol do you even lift?

>> No.9725218


no fun allowed. we autism now

>> No.9725228

been neet for about 4 months after 2 years at an office job. i really fucking hated it. it seems anything that pays decently takes up your whole fucking life and/or is too stressful, and everything else doesn't even pay to get you above the poverty line.

>> No.9725227

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.9725274

You know, I have a fantasy about a family. I would find a woman I could work with, someone insecure and young, and make her feel like she needs me. I would cultivate that throughout the years, and eventually have a child. I would want to fuck with the genetics though, we can do that now, right? And then I would have a little girl, perfectly fit to everything I wanted. I would help her, dress her, grow her, condition her, so she turns out just perfectly. When she starts getting old enough for me to love her, I will remove the mother. Tell her off and send her away. She will be alone, hollow, without the biggest part of her life, having wasted several years. She would either leave me and never return or kill herself. Same result either way, and I would tell the girl that mommy will never come back. She will sit with me and cry onto me, and I will comfort her, doing my best to keep her face down and away from the girl I doubt I could contain. She would be perfect, and nobody but me would have her.

>> No.9725278

Grin, rather. I can barely stop it imagining these things.

>> No.9725284

Pretty sickening. I wouldn't want to force anyone to be a certain way. That method would probably yield a very psychotic daughter along the lines of Nevada-tan.

>> No.9725287
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>> No.9725290

As long as she does not try to betray me we would be so happy. I think that would be the happiest route to my life I have thought out.

>> No.9725291
File: 186 KB, 464x640, 1330480446650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how many ppl on jaypee are willing to pull of a heist or participate in a lick

>> No.9725296

Yeah, of course you would be happy. She would be a wreck, though. That's what kind of bothers me about your plan. You seem to have no regard for the fact that the little girl will be a legitimate human being, not a doll.

>> No.9725298

I would do my very best to make her happy too. We would be happy together.

>> No.9725306

> Tell her off and send her away. She will be alone, hollow, without the biggest part of her life, having wasted several years. She would either leave me and never return or kill herself. Same result either way, and I would tell the girl that mommy will never come back
I'm sorry, what country again?
You better have a White Shark as a lawyer, I mean, a shark.

>> No.9725312


This guy has no idea how mothers get with their kids. You may think you married a weakling, but after she pops one out that kid may become her entire reason of living. Hard to see her just leaving/killing herself.

The girl would obviously get pedo vibes from you eventually.

>> No.9725311

I feel like my parents thought that I'd be a doll. You know, fufill their aspirations, become someone special so that they could brag about me to their friends and colleagues. Disgusting. Bringing a soul into a body is a very delicate process. You are forcing someone to consciously exist within the current system, and that's nothing but hell.

>> No.9725321

I never said it was perfect or everything would live to what I wanted. I said it was a fantasy and the happiest possible turn of events I could get out of life.

>> No.9725335

damn that's scary

thanks for ruining the thread bro

>> No.9725336

Talking about has made me feel the best I have in months, easily. You are welcome.

>> No.9725341

making love to your own daughter? how sick. i wouldnt want to do something that i know that came from me. an attractive adopted daughter might be a different story though.

isnt it legal to marry your adopted daughter? i think some celebrity guy did it.

>> No.9725343

the guy from usagi drop

>> No.9725346

well if it made you feel better that's cool

>> No.9725351

If she was adopted the odds would be heavily against me getting just what I want. It would be much less hassle of course.

Right now, I doubt I will do it, though I am sure I could if I really wanted to.

>> No.9725360
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>> No.9725367

I'm going to hate going out and getting a job to survive but if I spend all the excess money on figures/posters and other things and eat light I think it won't be too bad.

>> No.9725413

This is probably the most disturbing part of your twisted fantasy, the sheer delusion of it.

I mean I know it's a fantasy but it's pretty sickening regardless.

>> No.9725418

Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

>> No.9725423


That was Woodie Guthrie.

>> No.9725435

And then it just keeps snowballing. The more you try to point out the fact, the more it will solidify that he is for real with this. I can't judge him, though. I'm a much worse person, but I'm not as honest as anon here about my intentions. Like most of /jp/. We're all deluded! Every single person on this planet!

>> No.9725440

I wouldn't say that, it's a pretty dreadful situation to imagine finding happiness in.

>> No.9725445

Oh, I just thought you were being a dick about it.

I do not understand why.

>> No.9725459

Well not to moralfag, even though I am a bit of one, but it's pretty obvious why. Mentally destroying a woman to the point of suicide for the misguided aim that it will somehow make you and a daughter happier.

True, someone's dark fantasies don't belie their actions but it definitely does point clues towards their perception of reality and conscience.

>> No.9725461

It makes me happier when other people suffer. Except for this one little girl who does not even exist yet.

>> No.9725471

>It makes me happier when other people suffer
Yeah that's bad. I'm sure you already know that and me posting it is pointless. I also shouldn't be judging anyone because I'm far from self sufficient or a morally righteous person.

I just hope your fantasy never comes to form.

>> No.9725476

But why? Ths woman would never be important with or without her sacrifice. Why does it make you so upset to imagine me being happy?

>> No.9725496

Because your happiness is coming at the expense of other people. Something that is for the most part unavoidable but you should always strive to not do.

How do you qualify importance? What makes your happiness more important than hers? Why does your happiness have to cost her utter despair and all the people that loved her as well?

>> No.9725511

Because it gives us both an out. It saves her from living with the fact that the man she loves only used her in order to love a little girl. It makes the girl more interesting, and helps her and me to bond much better, and helps us to be alone. It makes things so much more exciting, happier, for me, and makes it easier to swallow the several year set-up for my happiness.

>> No.9725536

Once again that justification is incredibly selfish and out of touch. You know what be better than trying to soften the blow of using a person for your gain without regard for their feelings? Not doing that in the first place.

What if the daughter wasn't perfect like you imagine either? What if she didn't want to live with her father for her entire life, like most young people?
>it makes the girl more interesting
This goes back to not looking at her like a human being but instead a doll like someone else mentioned in the thread earlier.

Like I said I shouldn't judge you because I'm not perfect and mainly because this is all imaginary but I just think you have a seriously warped perspective on how this hypothetical situation would play out and why you think it's ok.

>> No.9725558

But why do I care for her? The only benefit I have from interacting with the woman is to delight in her suffering and obtain the girl. Without those two there is no purpose for her anymore, so after the second it would be ideal to work on the first until she is out of the way. Besides that, everyone should be more interesting, less plain and ordinary, because that is boring. I do not see why this should not work, and though it would be risky and difficult, I am sure it will, if I tried it.

>> No.9725577
File: 225 KB, 796x597, Luka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is you're only looking at her as a means to your happiness, to be exploited in any way possible for you to get it.

That's pretty much psychopathy, she has needs and wants beyond your own. You are not the figurehead in her life and I know you said you wanted to make it be that way but that's pretty much impossible without seeking out an extremely mentally damaged person and to take advantage of someone like that is truly disgusting.

I just realized how much of a paladin scum I must sound like right now.

>> No.9725590

But I do not care about her needs and wants. She is a means to an end, and after that, an obstacle. There is no room in there for her needs and wants.

>> No.9725601

So that is the root of the problem.

People are not objects, they are just like you. They are the main character of their own movie. You should not want to exploit and ruin these people lives for your own end. That is called evil.

>> No.9725611

They are not just like me. They are extras and side characters. I am the protaganist. They are not even real.

>> No.9725620

I am going to kill you.

>> No.9725623

Hoooo boy. Well this has gone from out of touch to slightly insane.

I'm interested nonetheless, why do you think they aren't real? That doesn't even make physical sense, of course they're real.

>> No.9725633

They exist, and I can interact with them. They are real for a certain definition of real. But that is it. They die and disappear. They exist as clones and copies, living out infinite parallel realities for every possibility and variation to the world, except for me. They will live endless happy lives, sad lives, meaningless lives, important lives. The only life that matters to me is the one I have to interact with, but even so, it hardly matters what I do, to them, because they will in no other instance encounter me. Endless clones versus a single awareness.

>> No.9725643

Jesus christ you sound psychotic. I would seek psychological help if I were you but I know you don't give a shit what I think.

I can safely say your plan will never come to fruition and I'm glad for it.

>> No.9725646

Now you are being very rude. I gave you serious and honest answers, and you have insulted me at every step.

>> No.9725652

Because you are insane.

>> No.9725653

fuckiing lazy neckbeards

>> No.9725655

I'm happy anonymous imageboards/textboards exist, so that people like you could have a voice. Mention that to any authority figure, and into the asylum you go. Anyway, I'm yet another person observing the exchange here, and I admire you for not withholding your beliefs, no matter how much I or other disagree. It's always interesting to hear another viewpoint on life.

>> No.9725659

Not at every step, just this last one. What you are saying does not make any sense, it sounds very much like insanity and you have proven yourself to think like a terrible person.

>> No.9725670

You have repeated called me insane and a terrible person and wished me to be unhappy.

>> No.9725675

You are insane and I wish for you be unhappy.

>> No.9725677

And now you do it again, you deny you are insulting me.

>> No.9725681

What are you going to do about it? Cry? Go tell someone about your fantasies so they can lock you up and the world can be done with you.

>> No.9725683

You justify other's suffering because it would please you, that is being a terrible person.

You are convinced you are the single awareness of this reality, that is insanity or delusion of some kind.

If your happiness relies on the suffering of others then yes I do wish you to be unhappy.
Is not me by the way, I've been the only person arguing with you until you admitted that you think of people only as objects. Then others jumped in.

>> No.9725685

Fuck I forgot to sage, I'm sorry everyone.

>> No.9725686

An insult is usually something that is unfounded. Your ideas are very off the deep end so he is just making a claim about your mental state.

Him calling you a fag would be an insult.

>> No.9725688

I recognize that they are people, just not important people. If all of them were unhappy save for me and the girl, then it loses nothing, because they all have other chances to be happy.

>> No.9725689

im asian living in a 99% white people city. i got picked on and alienated thoughout most of my life. it was very stressful outside but going home was way worse. my mother is an old, abusive, mentally ill chinese woman. she doesnt really hit me since im about 2x her size (otherwise she would), but she would scream dirty horrible shit at my face just about everyday for no reason. all she wanted me to do was being the best/no-life student in school. she honestly didnt care whether i was happy or not (said it herself) and just wanted me to make her look good. i couldn't reason with her no matter what. im pretty sure she was mentally ill and just forgets everything i say 5 minutes later. it was so horrible living with her. i thought about suicide very often. i finally left home when i was 18 and found a job as a construction worker in the summer. my life still sucks now, but much better than it used to be i think. don't give up anon, better days will come

>> No.9725695
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That's where you're wrong, OP.

>> No.9725698

If someone said that you would be able to have a little girl as your daughter in exchange for killing 1000 people, would you do it? You'd have to kill each person one by one, and oh, imagine that that you would not get charged for any of this.

>> No.9725701

Insanity, you are simply disconnected with what is real.

I'm not saying anything that's going to get through to you but with that kind of perspective I can take comfort in that you more than likely lack the charisma to make your plan work.

I hope you can find some sort of way to be happy without wanting others to suffer. They are just as important as you whether you are willing to accept that fact or not, it is the absolute truth.

>> No.9725708

Why are you partaking in roleplaying faggotry?

>> No.9725709

Fuck you, OP. I miss being a NEET. Sleep in every day, hang out with friends every day, hook up with a different girl ever few days, and freedom. Having money and a GF is great but fuck man I miss freedom.

>> No.9725716

HELL yeahs blaze dat shit

>> No.9725723

not that guy, but i probably would. i don't really care about people. most people are assholes. killing some would only do the world a favor. also the little girl must be cute like this >>9724446

i wouldn't have sex with her either, just raise her with love and hope she will turn out to be a beautiful kind girl unlike most people

>> No.9725728

Okay then, how about 1000 people from /jp/? Does that change your mind?

>> No.9725730

That sounds so rough and unsightly. Only an animal could fuck a little girl. You should love them.

>> No.9725750

How do you know that of the 100 people some weren't loving fathers/mothers/sisters/sons?

How is potentially sacrificing 1000 peoples one chance at happiness in all eternity worth you personally getting a daughter?

If I could guarantee all 1000 people were horrible people that is one thing. Either way I would probably just want a random little girl who is suffering to find happiness. I wouldn't be the best father.

>> No.9725759

I don't really care much for marijuana. I tried it many times with friends but those people never seemed to go anywhere in life or do anything fun other than get high. At least they always smoked me out and bought lots of food.

>> No.9725811

I'm living off autism bux and going to college at the same time. So I'm like a pseudo-NEET. Class starts on Tuesday. I've already read 5 chapters ahead in one of my textbooks. That way, I will already be familiar with everything in lecture and further increasing my memory of the material.

>> No.9726307

I was a NEET for 2 years after I finished highschool, then I got myself a job and even started to work overtime, was paid peanuts but it was good. Then my brother passed away, I lost motivation, my job got boring, I promised myself I'd work home but hey, once a NEET always a NEET. Beem 6 months since I last worked and every day seems like the last one.

>> No.9727789


Truth. Although most of us don't need too much money, it still sucks to be below the poverty line.

>> No.9727794

It blows my mind that people in the past had to work and stuff. They would literally not be able to obtain food or shelter without having a job.

God bless you, ZOG consumerism.

>> No.9727808

I've been a NEET before, for a total about about three years in my 20s; both times after I completed college and graduate school. They sort of sucked, but only because I still lived with my parents (one of them just recently died). I might get on SSI soon, so I'll be able to stop being an independent (but impoverished) freeter and become a full NEET again. And this time, I don't have to live with my family! It will be a blast, if it happens.

>> No.9727815
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I've not left my house for roughly 7 years now, OP. I don't think this will change any time soon. Forever living the dream.

>> No.9727841
File: 12 KB, 226x170, ESA-form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my Employment and Support Allowance has been cancelled because I'm fit to work. The lady on the phone told me that an inability to deal with people is not enough, because plenty of jobs apparently don't involve dealing with people. I asked if being in a wheelchair would count as enough, and she said "probably". Then I pointed out that far more jobs involve dealing with people than using your legs, and I totally owned that nice lady who was just doing her job.

What now, /jp/? Should I appeal? I received a copy of the medical assessment report, and a lot of it is wrong (claiming they asked me things they didn't, a poor description of my physical state, a couple of items are outright lies). How worthwhile is it?

>> No.9727840

I work 8 to 5 Mondays through Fridays and I'm currently on my way to getting a certified used car and in a year I'll have enough saved up to move out on my own and get my life started. It's odd but I have a strange view that no one's really born until they're able to survive off their own hard work and not off of the charity of pity of parents. I'm looking forward to finally moving forward with my life, and I'm even applying to get into a fraternal organization!

It will be hard establishing myself in the world, but I have to make the most of this short life and stop enabling my mom to waste her life supporting me. As long as I live with her she won't have the guts to move away or change her own miserable situation.

In the meantime I'll continue pretending I'm a NEET in various threads and mock "normals". Wish me luck in life, Jaypee!

>> No.9727846

Are you happy with your job? Were you a NEET before, and for how long?

Most people who end up with jobs here seem very upset about it, even after a few months.

>> No.9727863

I was a NEET for two years after graduating college. I pretended to be looking for a job and blamed the bad economy on not being able to find it. Unfortunately I got a job found for me and had no excuse to turn it down. The first few months were rough, especially because I kept sneaking glances at 4chan on the computer I worked on.

As time I went on more and more people kept recognizing me at work (despite all the efforts I put into hiding away). People would compliment me on my efforts, work became more intense but the challenge proved exciting, and for the first time in years I felt a sense of accomplishment, importance, and purpose. Now I have many friends in the company, and there's a wonderful sense of unity knowing I suffer as most of the 1st world citizens suffer, while still contributing a little bit to the world.

And besides, I still get the weekends off to do whatever I want.

>> No.9727866

After being technically NEET for about 6 months, I decided to start uni.

I'm mid-way through the first semester and I'm not holding up well... I just find it really hard to focus and not procrastinate and slack off. I just can't get motivated to study.

I'll probably not bother continuing after this semester and try to find a job instead like I had last year, but I would just love to be NEET instead.

My main problem tends to be dealing with people. I'm the least self confident and secluded person I know and struggle terribly in social situations. It's the way I've always been and in childhood and teenage years, it didn't matter so much, but when you start attending uni and working, higher expectations begin being mounted on you.

Even if I did finish school, I don't know what kind of job someone with my lack of social and communication skills could attract. The job market seems so competitive already and my flaws would surely put me out of the running for most jobs.

Seems like a hopeless ordeal and my time would be better spent how I like it.

>> No.9727890

How does /jp/ spend its time online now that most of the internet has gone to shit?

It seems like everywhere you go, the communities are filled with redditors and similar people.

>> No.9727896

The internet didn't "go to shit," you just grew up and see it for what it is.

>> No.9727909

His point still stands. I wonder about that myself, where do other people spend their time, seeing as all the other sites are unbearable to use.

Actually, I think it's the sites that define people's actions. I've "met" some /jp/ers on omegle, and they were complete "XDDD" faggots, and they weren't ironic. I'm afraid to think of what you people are like outside of /jp/.

>> No.9727915

Those are people from /jp/. Imagine what people who are not from /jp/ are like.

>> No.9727921

Myself, I'm spending more and more time actually clearing my backlog.

But I miss the quiet old internet. I wish all the normals would find a new fad to latch on to and just leave us alone.

>> No.9727923

They have consumed the internet as surely as everything else. It is part of their culture now. The best thing to do is learn a language most normals do not use, such as English, Chinese, or Spanish.

>> No.9727928

>Your mother only sees you as financial support, and not as an actual son.

Ouch. Why are american parents to terrible?

>> No.9727935

>he best thing to do is learn a language most normals do not use, such as English, Chinese, or Spanish

since when do normals not use english? that's wrong though, normals speak every language and live on every continent. the euroshits are even more so annoying, in my opinion.

a lot of them act like they're in those spurdo :DDD comics with the smileys and all.

>> No.9727936

/jp/ all day every day.

>> No.9727940

I worded that poorly. I meant that since those were the most widely used language on the planet, there would be fewer normals under a different language, which everyone here has a good reason to learn anyone. For normals, a language like Japanese is not particularly useful, but for us, very.

>> No.9727942

The internet hasn't gone to shit. It's the biggest source of information and knowledge in human history. There's a saying that fits this situation, "Birds of a feather flock together".

The quality you get is the quality you are.

>> No.9727948

What if a boy is born instead of a girl?

>> No.9727954

>I would want to fuck with the genetics though, we can do that now right?
Unless I imagined that, I could make her perfect.

>> No.9727961

I went to uni because it worked out as 3 years away from my family and constant "get a job" garbage, and it worked out as maybe a weeks worth of work each year to pass exams. The government paid for all of it, too. It's a way better choice than getting constant hassle from your parents.

>> No.9727972

You're right, Russian and Japanese imageboards are FAR better.

>> No.9727978

They seem to be. I almost tried to learn both languages at seperate points, but I never got around to it.

>> No.9727986

If I'm a NEET on weekends does that count?

>> No.9728029

I didn't say it has gone to shit, I said it was always shit because the way people talked on the internet was based on the way they talked in real life.

Anonymous boards change that, and for me, that is the only bearable way of talking with people.

>> No.9728060

I've been considering going to university just to evade the inevitable, but even if it's free, I have to pay for living expenses, which means either getting a job in addition to studying (defeating the whole purpose), or borrowing money, which just means that I'll have to work later for the 3 years worth of living expenses.

So unless I get something I personally value out of university, the whole deal leaves me exactly at square one.

>> No.9728059

На Русских ты ни разу не был. А если и был, и считаешь их лучше других, то ты уебок.

Who am I kidding though, you won't be able to read that without google translate, anyway, stupid tryhard.

>> No.9728061

Why are you here then, oh wise one?

You have a point, I can't really see myself going back to awful forums and their drama, forced politeness, etc.

>> No.9728064

Whatever bydlo.

>> No.9728065

My country gives student loans that don't have to be paid back unless you get a job over a certain wage. Given I'll never get a job, it's free money, and it paid for all of my expenses with around 4 grand left over.

>> No.9728070



>> No.9728071

If I had a way to assure I would never get a job for the rest of my life, evading student debt would be the least of my worries.

>> No.9728072

russin imgbords are better cuz i once i got linked to one and it looked cool even tho i couldnt read a thing XDDDD there so much better than 4shit

>> No.9728101

If you hate the internet now, just return to the things from whatever period it is you liked. People have been complaining about the internet going to shit for almost twenty years now.

Hit up Usenet or Quake or something. If you're a little younger, go to Newgrounds or Something Awful--they're the same as they always were, you're just older.

>> No.9728105

>go to Newgrounds or Something Awful
I have no idea how I could stand that shit back then.

>> No.9728116

Because you were a kid, and kids are stupid.

...I wish I could be a kid again.

>> No.9728123


>> No.9728124

I can't stand anything that's not anonymous anymore. Shit sucks so fucking much.

Sucking up to mods and admins, politeness, greetings, signatures, smileys, post counting, post games.

Oh god, no, no, no!

>> No.9728129

This. Sometimes the idea of being part of a "community" appeals to me, but I never know how to get started, and I don't want to have to worry about everything I say and censor myself so I can fit in or whatever.
I just wish there were more anonymous boards. Or rather, I wish more people would use them. 4-ch is nice and has sensible boards, but /dqn/ is the only particularly active one.

>> No.9728138

I can't go back to LUElinks since I forgot my password several years ago.

I wish I could though, to see if you are right.

It is objectively shittier though, since the internet didn't have such strict government regulations all those years ago as it does now.

>> No.9728146


Sometimes there are forums I would like to join but I can't because I have trouble talking in places that require identification.

>> No.9728150

I wish there was just a way to speak without any stigma attached. People view anonymous boards as a place to post "memes xD" or something-something "leejun".

If it's an anonymous board, it's going to turn into an anime shitpile. If it's a forum, it'll circlejerk itself into oblivion.

What about a place with no bullshit attached?

>> No.9728154

This. The above posts reminded me I want to join Wrong Planet, but my thought process went like this:
"What username should I use? Okay, this sounds fine. What if someone else has a similar username, and I'm encroaching on their turf? How will I even say hello? There's a board for introductions, but what will I say? Do I even want to say anything?"
Ultimately, I didn't make an account.

Lurking is always more fun than posting anyway.

>> No.9728166


Places that try to make introduction threads mandatory instantly put me off from joining!

>> No.9728173

Yes, that's another problem, and this is why you should avoid every image/text board that has "chan" in its name. 4-ch is quite good in that regard--it obviously has a lot of influence from 2channel, 4chan and iichan, but it rarely turns into a catchphrase-slinging contest. The "Personal" boards are actually full of people who I have no idea where they came from, but it's actually quite nice reading random normals' thoughts.

I think someone needs to explore anonymous boards outside of the 4chan (or even anime) niche. Obviously it didn't work out, but I respect that moot at least _tried _canv.as. It would be nice to have something similar, but running Wakaba/Kareha (or some modernized equivalent) without all the "social" cruft.

>> No.9728184
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My mom knows that I'm hopelessly retarded and emotionally fragile and she said that I can stay with her for as long as she is alive. This was further cemented when I triggered my latent schizophrenia and it became even more improbable that I would ever be able to leave the house and lead a normal life.

I get money from the government because of my disabilities and if my mother ever passes then I will get a few hundred thousand dollars in life insurance. I think I will be able to survive if I use this money wisely.

>> No.9728185


Russians on the internet actually seem to be fairly intelligent. They definitely seem interesting on LJ.

>> No.9728191

>I respect moot for founding a website which not only encouraged but required the user to sacrifice their freedoms in order to use it.

>> No.9728197

The amount of information most sites ask for these days is ridiculous, too.

Also, it's fucking annoying when they make you create a security question, most of the time it means I'll be fucked if I forget my password since I don't remember silly bullshit like that.

>> No.9728203


Maybe you could sell stuff on Ebay every now and then for extra cash.

>> No.9728225

Bone her dude.

>> No.9728236

>I think someone needs to explore anonymous boards outside of the 4chan (or even anime) niche. Obviously it didn't work out, but I respect that moot at least _tried _canv.as. It would be nice to have something similar, but running Wakaba/Kareha (or some modernized equivalent) without all the "social" cruft.
A board that abandons its otaku niche transforms into a combination of /b/ and /soc/ in the blink of an eye. Finnish examples include Kuvalauta, Lauta.net, Kotilauta, Ylilauta and Northpole.

>> No.9728242


>if my mother ever passes

You mean DIES.

No one "passes" you fucking moron. When you die then you ROT IN THE GROUND. There is no heaven. You just rot.

>> No.9728246

So dark and edgy xD. How can I be so dark and cool like you anon?

>> No.9728251

Thank you for this fresh insight. To be honest, you could think of it as "passing out of existence".

>> No.9728257

>So dark and edgy xD

>> No.9728262

Learn to sage your shitposts, foo'.

>> No.9728276

How did you manage to trigger it? I'm pretty sure I have it lying in wait too(past family medical history), how do I force it to show itself?

Unlimited NEETdom

>> No.9728305

Take psychedelics if you want to kickstart your Unlimited NEET works.

>> No.9728314

Please do not encourage my friends to do drugs.

>> No.9728321

Drugs are fun, until tolerance rises and you just grow bored.

They're a great way for NEETs to add a little variety to the sameness of each day.

>> No.9728325

op most of the NEET's here have been neets for many years at least 6+ they're parents are never going to kick them out they will be neet forever

>> No.9728328 [DELETED] 



>> No.9728341

Pure little girls do not do drugs.

>> No.9728356
File: 1.88 MB, 1414x2000, drugmeido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o rly?

>> No.9728368

not pure

>> No.9728416

Stop doing this, you fucking retards. Being edgy is when you are doing it for the sake of it, not because it is how you truly feel. The man you are "quoting" speaks from the heart, unlike you, you fucking vapid idiot.

>> No.9728482

No fucking shit. "Dark and edgy xD" is a meme, and >>9728246 is just spouting it like any other meme. What a faggot. Goddamn, I want him to die, he didn't even use sage. Faglord.

>> No.9728550

There is a heaven. You'll find out when you die.

>> No.9728556

Jesus, stop it with the "please" bullshit, shitposter.

>> No.9728609


Why do you want everyone to talk in a mean way?

Taking pride in being a rude bully is nothing but /b/ level posturing. You're not impressing anyone with your curse words and aggression.

>> No.9728655

As wild as it may sound, not all people are rude or 'direct' to others, especially all the time.

>> No.9728656

A lot of teenage cynicism ITT. Even if they're platitudes, stop rejecting euphemisms and pleasantries just for the sake of being all jaded. It's nice to be nice, even on an anonymous board. This isn't /b/.

>> No.9728666

nah. *puts on sunglasses and spits on your shoes*

>> No.9728673

You can't wear sunglasses indoors, you madman!

>> No.9728695

you have to agree that "bullying" is a shitposter term.

anyone who uses it seriously is a shitposter.

>> No.9728954
File: 38 KB, 656x352, shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have a lot of time on this earth. We weren't meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about mission statements.

>> No.9728971

Why even bother? the world ends in 3 months...

>> No.9728993
File: 5 KB, 180x207, 1346706773802s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cute and I like it

>> No.9729071

I'm going to post in this thread without saging.

Suck my cock, dudes.

>> No.9734753
File: 219 KB, 900x676, 1345451529138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9734820

Oh shit, december is in three months already? wow.

>> No.9734829

stop bullying this guy, it's not funny

>> No.9734841

I got banned last time I bullied him.

He must have connections.

>> No.9734881

He hates the Japanese bird cooking spaghetti. He has no heart.

>> No.9734918

It really just saddens me to see that so many people would willfully adopt a lifestyle of a lazy, lonely hermit. It seems really depressing to be a NEET; lacking the personal willpower to provide for yourself, like an infant.

Grow up. All of you. A good life requires work ethic and that's something everyone has to deal with.

>> No.9734932


Well when you live a life of apathy and you are living in shitty economic times and you have no skills whatsoever to profit from then it's easy to adopt such a mindset.

>> No.9734947

get out normal

>> No.9735098


>A good life requires work ethic

But I can just leach off another person's good work ethic. What's the point of me getting work when the government gives me money and I leach off my parents?

Best of both worlds.

>> No.9735173

I'm still trying. I've always been weird and everything is tailored for the normative person.

>> No.9735264

I hate life, dude. Like all emotions and everything feel so alien that going out and experiencing them makes me feel a terrible cognitive dissonance because I do not understand what is going on. How can I get a job like that? :(
I guess I have to live with being edgy because not even shrinks have been able to help me

>> No.9735273

Who says you have to live?

>> No.9735291

Unfortunately, I do not have access to good exits. I have shit luck anyways, something will claim me some time pretty soon. :)

>> No.9735292

I got a job today.
Will I still be allowed to hang out with you guys?

>> No.9739617

How do you girls convince your parents to keep giving you money? I think their patience is running out.

And I don't think I can get autismbux.
