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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9725355 No.9725355 [Reply] [Original]

What eroge does Konata play?
Do you think she reads VNs?
How about Touhou?

>> No.9725370

I hate Konata. They took all the otaku stereotypes and threw them onto a mary sue. She's like Kirino.

It's kind of an insult by proxy, you know? Your culture is so unredeemably pathetic that we'll just toss it onto the best model possible to try and compensate.

>> No.9725371

I'll never get this way of thinking. So silly.

>> No.9725372

Then maybe you should go back to /a/ and take your KyoAni shit with you.

>> No.9725373


What's silly about it? Does analysis give you the laughs?

If you want to suck down whatever swill Big Media pumps into your trough, go for it. Don't try to convert me.

>> No.9725378

Not autistic enough for Touhou.

>> No.9725382

Konata is nice so she is okay but Kirino and Kuroneko are shit characters and mean just like everyone else in that series (Even Manami is a bitch).

>> No.9725386

That's mean. I like Konata because she is a otaku like me, except she has friends. Oh god I wish I had friends too ;_;

Konata also likes videogames and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians in the show and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!

Konata is like my dreamgirl she has a :3 face I love that. She is also nice why aren't real girls nice!? I got dumped a lot of times but I love konata and she wouldn't dump me because she's so nice and cool.

We would play videogames all day and watch Naruto and other cool animes on TV, and I would have sex with her because sex is so good. I wish I could have sex with a girl.

>> No.9725387

If I remember correctly Konata likes RPGs and VNs and stuff more and it's actually Kagami that likes shooters.

>> No.9725391


No, Kirino is a vastly superior character. She single-handedly satisfies the love/hate dynamic in a decent orthadox story. Konata is a unidimensional Frankenstein monster of stereotypes in an awful Azumanga Daioh clone.

>> No.9725394


Sounds like you're just threatened by attractive, self-actualized women. Your little hobby isn't some "men's club," you know.

>> No.9725398

Why are you discussing Oreimo on a Lucky Star thread?

>> No.9725406
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i foudn ur hischool pics nerd

>> No.9725408

They're both well known "anime about anime" type shows?

>> No.9725411


"anime with otaku pandering characters"*

>> No.9725417


Otaku are the intended demographic so that should be a given.

>> No.9725414

True but I hate bitches and Azumanga is shit so it was an upgrade.

>> No.9725420
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>Azumanga is shit
Did I wake up in the wrong universe?

>> No.9725424

"Otaku are the intended demographic [of anime]"

Holy fuck, no. That was a good laugh.

>> No.9725425

There's a reference guide out there that lists all the games/anime/whatever else so just use that if you want to try to be just like Konata.

>> No.9725430


I don't understand your post. You admit that Lucky Star is an Azumanga Daioh clone ("True, but...",) then you say that you hated Azumanga Daioh.

Did you just not read my post properly?

>> No.9725436

Will I be a little girl too?

>> No.9725438
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It's a brave new world, huh?

>> No.9725442

You will never be a little girl, and if you ever are, you will not be an otaku.

Tough love.

>> No.9725443

Actually yes many studios are having a hard time (animators especially) and they do light novel and manga adaptions they know will sell (Shonen shit and cute girls) to make a profit from merch.(Most of the fail to create a Keion or Nanoha level success)

>> No.9725449

LS took AZMD's concept and made it cuter and more colorful which is an upgrade.

>> No.9725458

Absolutely not.

>> No.9725468

Eroge could be so much more.

>> No.9725469

>relating to kyoani characters

>> No.9725472

I think the fact that you don't recognize that says enough about your place here.

>> No.9725473

Would you give up Otakudom and /jp/ if you could be a little girl?

>> No.9725480


>> No.9725484
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I actually really like being a male.

>> No.9725483

I would not only give it all up, I'd kill every single one of you motherfuckers just to have the chance.

>> No.9725485

Please kill yourself out of /jp/. It's for the best.

>> No.9725493

I feel the same way.

I here ya. It was difficult for me to finish oreimo because of how mean everyone was.

>> No.9725494

Tough call, but I would have to say yes.

>> No.9725495

She plays whatever her dad buys, and since he is a lazy, unreliable pedophile who most likely spends his days DNQing up 2ch, it's probably the raunchiest shit you can find on Perfect Dark.

>> No.9725500

I won't be your bullying victim bully!

>> No.9725507

Mass murder is not very lady-like!

>> No.9725512

Try telling that Elisabeth Bathory.

>> No.9725514

The body of a little girl, but the heart of a mad killer.
It's the perfect disguise.

>> No.9725515

I told you that hated her and I hated you in a previous thread. Do we really need to go through this again?

>> No.9725523

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9725521

Not if you are trying to be Konata, but what if I want to be like Suigintou?

>> No.9725528

Am I the only one here who loves konakona to death?

You guys are really mean

>> No.9725537

I hate what's been done to Rozen Maiden. I think that the story had lots of potential it disgust me that Peach-Pit quit right at the end to reboot the series is a completely idiotic way.

By the way, I would kill to see another danmaku game about it.

>> No.9725543

I think she's fine.

Is the silly reboot manga still going on or did they quit that one too because everyone hated it?

>> No.9725541
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I don't know what "konakona" is, unless it's a super-cheesy nickname for Konata. I like her aesthetically, but she's a shit character.

As for West-popular characters, I like Holo. She's a god who wants to be human.

>> No.9725549
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Screw Konata.
What does Kurokona play and read?
She's the truNEET.

>> No.9725551

that is literally not even a real character

>> No.9725566

All I can fap to is Suigintou doujins. I see Shinku's face and get in a bloodcurdling rage like I've never felt before. She made my Suigintou cry! I've stopped caring about my car, which for years was everything to me. I've stopped caring about what I eat, except for a craving for Flowery Hamburger. I don't care about any other anime, manga, or any video games. My only realistic desire right now is for an accurate Suigintou doll that I can cuddle while I sleep. I get jealous when I see anyone talk about her or post her picture, and pissed off when I hear the word junk.

Come to me, Suigintou! I'll love you, let me make you happy! You're not junk, let me give you my devotion and love and you'll see that you don't need to be so sad!

I'm crying as I type this.

>> No.9725561

I'm sure her taste is gutter trash.

>> No.9725562

Rozen Maiden has ruined my life, like it has done to so many others.

Less than a week ago, I thought the premise of the show was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. Suiseiseki was just a meme, and I didn't even know any other characters. But then I watched the first episode. And then the second. And couldn't stop until I was done with Traumend. That was four days ago. By then, I was hopelessly entangled. I was in love with the show and the dolls. I started daydreaming that I was a member of the show's cast, or that I had a Rozen Maiden of my own. I suddenly had a craving for tea, so I went out and bought some, and it's all I've been drinking these past few days. And then it got even worse. Two days ago, I watched Overture. Now, I'm hopelessly in love with Suigintou. All I want from life is to be able to hold Suigintou and be able to cheer her up, make her happy again, so I can see her smile again. I fantasize about her becoming human, so I can go out with her, make sweet, sweet, love to her, and marry her and have a happy life with my dear Suigintou. The show's given me other side effects, too, which keep getting worse. Whenever I see porn or hentai now, all I can think is "no dolljoints, not hot."

>> No.9725571

>Is the silly reboot manga still going on or did they quit that one too because everyone hated it?
I don't know. I didn't follow it after the alternate universe\rewind time or whatever bullshit was going on.

>> No.9725568
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Can you stop being so negative?


>> No.9725579

I-I was just joshing, I didn't mean to bring you down. Sorry.

>> No.9725600

>Flowery Hamburger

                 Why do the Japanese
                  call Salisbury Steak
                   even though that is
                      not it's name?

>> No.9725638


>> No.9725649

At some point in the anime she was reading Fate/Stay Night I think.

>> No.9725657

Is my memory bad, or was there also a Haruhi reference stuck in there some where?

>> No.9725674

Nah, never.

>> No.9725679

In the anime adoption they plugged Haruhi every episode at least once.

>> No.9725938

aya is a slut

>> No.9726025

That's why I only ever watch the dubbed version.

>> No.9726067

That's not something you want to admit.

>> No.9726100


It would be better if they had legitimate flaws but they don't. Especially Kirino. Fucking irritating and pandering to the max.

>> No.9726432
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Isn't she lovely?

>> No.9726697

I'd hate to watch a show about a realistic female otaku. Disgusting; give me a Mary Sue any day.

>> No.9726718

> lucky star an azumanga daioh clone
> azumanga daioh a shit
Hey, I'm sorry you feel this way. Did you not get enough hugs as a child? Would you like me to hug you?

>> No.9726732

It wasn't cute or funny enough for me but I did like that yellow cat thing.

>> No.9726731


>she is otaku like me

Suck my dick faggot. Get out of /jp/. >>>/a/

>> No.9726736


You fell for a troll anon. Get wise a lil bit.

>> No.9726737

/jp/ is dead

>> No.9726741

If you're not an otaku then maybe you're the one who shouldn't be posting on the Otaku Culture board.

>> No.9726747

He's reacting against self-declared "otaku" who've seen maybe twenty series and don't even know what Gundam is. Which is ludicrous coming from someone who can't even recognize five-year-old copypasta but that's /jp/ for you.

>> No.9726762

How is Konata a Mary Sue exactly? She's far from perfect.

>> No.9726948

Yeah Miyuki is the only Mary Sue in LS

>> No.9727190

Miyuki is a useless, friendless, mindless, not even moe blob. Literally no one cares about her.

Because it is a hamburger.

>> No.9727206

Nah Konata is much better image of Otaku than you fatty pig.

>> No.9727207

You forget polite, hardworking, and honest.

>> No.9727220

So I understand Kagami is an otaku and a tsundere for otaku things that needs Konata as an excuse to go to otaku stores, but why are Konata and Tsukasa friends? I never saw the commonality between them.

>> No.9727226

Because Kagami is friends with her. It's like a friend of my friend (twin sister) kind of thing. If Kagami wasn't such an otaku, then Konata would be completely friendless.

>> No.9727231

Actually, if I remember correctly, Konata and Tsukasa were friends first, because they were in the same class. Kagami became friends with Konata after that.

>> No.9727238

Konata would still have Miyuki. She'd probably get her into VNs.

>> No.9727288

>I like Konata
>because she is a otaku like me
I just love how ignorants always forgot the fact that Konata said she despites male otakus in the first place, and no she wasn't being tsundere about it. She hates you, get a clue already.

>> No.9727314

She just says that because she is gay

>> No.9727449


>> No.9730381

fucking loser

>> No.9730423
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>> No.9730469

They are just tsundere. Kirinio used to be a nice girl until Manami beat her up and stole her brother from her.

>> No.9730492

I miss that one aggressive anon who posts Konata pictures and has the mouth of a sailor.
