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File: 116 KB, 919x737, australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9717969 No.9717969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any Australian characters who are portrayed in a positive manner in visual novels?

>> No.9717974

Oi! U wat m8?

>> No.9717975


>> No.9717986

Fuck up cunt.

>> No.9717991

I don't recall Australian characters in any VN I've heard of. At most you get an off hand mention about koalas or something.

>> No.9718001

I hate australians.

>> No.9718008
File: 229 KB, 642x900, 1330289975995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that they don't clap in Australia? What a bunch of savages.

>> No.9718014


>> No.9718015

I have an extremely vague recollection that the main character of Wanko to Kurasou was somehow connected to Australia. I think maybe his master lived there or something?

>> No.9718020
File: 148 KB, 565x532, 1330482131226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an Australian dolphin at the end of Mare's route in Starry Sky Memorial.

>> No.9718029


>> No.9718123

I'm Australian, but I don't look like that. I don't even drink Foster's or wear those hats.

>> No.9718140
File: 56 KB, 495x568, lh11 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone translate magazine title

>> No.9718145

I have known three Australians online.
One claims to have multiple personalities.
One is a NEET who sleeps 16 hours a day and yet takes sleeping pills.
One is a socipathic lolicon.

Australians are terrible people.

>> No.9718158

>One is a NEET who sleeps 16 hours a day and yet takes sleeping pills.
>terrible people.

The fuck is wrong with your head ?

>> No.9718167

You know, I pissed into a trough onto the face of a gay piss fetishist.

Nobody applauded. Nobody ever applauds. Why the fuck would we clap because someone does their job like lying down in a urinal and getting pissed on and loving it?

>Single serving urinals
>Urinals at child's height
>No urinal cakes
>No guy lying down in the pisser
>Man urinates
>Everyone in the toilet applauds
fucking Americlaps.

>> No.9718169


>> No.9718180

The fraction of humanity that are unbearable normalfags is already high enough.

I do not need to further increase my discoalescence by applying arbitrary discriminations based on certain conceptual attributes.

>> No.9718186


I am going to marathon something today - should I Kill Me Baby?

>> No.9718195

What's up with all the Australian hate all of a sudden?

We've seemed to be fairly inconspicuous here on 4chan for some time.

>> No.9718197

Kill me baby is awful. I watched every episode.

Only good thing is the ED.

>> No.9718199

no one likes taiko and dollfagers

>> No.9718203


u wot m8?

>> No.9718206

Is that porn or something lol?

Wtf is super sausage?

>> No.9718212

The usual, Australians are insufferably arrogant racist cunts, who seem to believe in their ethno-cultural superiority and attempt to inflict their politics on the world. When challenged they retort that all other cultures are deficient and unacceptable shit. They tolerate a religiously sectarian terrorist government that imprisons its own and other people, censors speech and arrests people who attempt to communicate freely. Australia participates in international associations designed to allow foreign governments to attack domestic political organisations (ECHELON), as well as waging wars of aggression and committing war crimes.

Only the far more prominent and populous nature of the United States allows us to run undercover

ps: my wife is a NZer, they at least have a fucking treaty.

>> No.9718213


I am Australian and I somewhat agree with this.

>> No.9718215

>They tolerate a religiously sectarian terrorist government that imprisons its own and other people

Well it is a prison island...

>> No.9718222

Liberals crying about racism yet again. Nothing new here. Probably a mud.

>> No.9718226


I thought it came from /sp/ because Australian's were shitposting during the Olympics.

>> No.9718227

In Australia the "Liberals" are a right wing neo-liberal conservative party dedicated to annihilating aboriginals and torres strait islanders, killing sri lankans at sea, and censoring chinese cartoons.

You sound Korean.

>> No.9718233


22%* of Australians are descended from convicts, I had never checked the figure to be sure before.
That's an enormous percentage, I thought it would be lower.


>> No.9718232

I can dump a bunch of very very very old 4chan//Australian content if you like. Mostly it was about Australia's racism, Adelaide's O-bahn, Kevin-07, and \q\

>> No.9718237


I am from Melbourne, what is an O-bahn?

>> No.9718241

Yeah, nah, youse cunt. The problem is that most Australians alive today have bred with an anglo—and chances are that one of the anglo's great-*-grand-parents was a convict.

>I'm 1/64th Cherokee
Fucking Americlaps.

>> No.9718242

>annihilating aboriginals and torres strait islanders
You sound like you're Sudanese.
>killing sri lankans at sea
No, we put illegals in detention centers, we aren't allowed to kill them unless they try to attack first.

I'm a wog, I live in a rough area and I am 'discriminated' against all the time. But since I don't belong in this country, since I am not Anglo-saxon and all. I am not going to cry about it like you, you whining mud.

>> No.9718244

What does descended from convicts mean? If they have one convict in their family line, does that make them descended from convicts?

>> No.9718245
File: 547 KB, 597x598, multio-obahndrifting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adelaide's rail restricted busses.

>> No.9718249

No, that would be descended from a convict. "Convicts" is a plural word, meaning it refers to more than one. So someone descended from convicts has at least two convicts in their family line.

I hope I explained it so an Australian can understand.

>> No.9718251


Yeah, I guess you're right. People with 1/2^n ancestry are still technically 'descended' from convicts though, but I can see where the objection comes from.
If they restricted it to >=1/4, perhaps we would see a more meaningful figure, but it's too difficult to quantify for something like that.


Ah, that's pretty cool. I've never been to Adelaide, should go some day even if only to see the bus-train.

>> No.9718252

How many literate Sudanese otaku do you know?

Also we use full-stops to complete sentences, and commas, semi-colons, dashes, or occasionally either colons, question marks or exclamation points to interrupt within a sentence.

You comparative required a non-sentence ending punctuation item after "and all".

>> No.9718255

>annihilating aboriginals
You do realize that it's a good thing, right?

>> No.9718258

And this user, >>, is why .nz and .uk considers us to be uncouth sheep fuckers.

>> No.9718262 [DELETED] 


>> No.9718264

I'm a Slav, I'm drunk. But you, are still a crying faggot liberal who makes up complete bullshit whaa whaa Australians are racist and wont accept me because I'm a third worlder mud!

>> No.9718272

So you can't use the word "liberal" correctly and you expect us to value your opinion.

Fucking Americlap.

>> No.9718277

Never understood the whole Australian racist thing. No better or worse than other places.

>> No.9718288

The Australian racist thing is a joke because many anglos believe themselves not to be racist,
except for lebs
and sudanese of course
can't forget drunken abbos
and fucking wog ball
and those serb cunts

The Australian government for a long period of time had a formal and official policy of "multiculturalism" while running seriously racist policies.

So the Australian racist thing is about:
* hypocrisy
* recognising that australians are racist, despite believing themselves not to be
* comparison to NZ that actually has a treaty with their indigenous people

>> No.9718289

I'm a wog in Australia, nerd. Australia is for Australians, hence the name of the country being Australia. Get fucked third worlder, go back to where you belong.
And yeah this also applies to me but I am not the one crying about it like you.
Anglos created Australia. Anglos built Australia. Anglos preserved Australia. Anglos created the Australian identity and culture. Australia is for Australians.

>> No.9718299

I wish I looked like an Australian. I especially want the cool hat.

>> No.9718302

Your suppositions regarding my family's background are entirely without merit. As are your drunken American ramblings.

You probably masturbate to SDM.

>> No.9718307


Not to be 'racist', but perhaps the Aborigines should be a little more introspective when comparing themselves to the Maoris.
Perhaps they were simply a weaker people, and when Mother England came knocking they couldn't defend themselves as well. But I suppose that wouldn't cross their minds while they endlessly compare and complain.

>> No.9718322

lol, the liberal can't get it through his head that a minority recognises that he doesn't belong in the country he is residing in. Now he just says the same thing over and over. Your accusation of me being American is without merit as well.

>> No.9718333

The actual abbo politicians and community leaders I've met have been incredibly humble about the potential changes in Australia's relationship with abbos.

The abbos would like a treaty, see the title and refrain of that popular song, I suspect they realise that they're unlikely to get it while there's any minerals in the ground.

It is mostly anglo lefties who make the comparison, and then, mostly to draw attention to the other bits of Australian racism. (Just like Australia getting het up about Apartheid while abbos weren't allowed into white only swimming pools in the 1960s).

You don't appear to speak Australian. Slavs actually know what a "left" is, from having lived under oppressive leftist governments. Your misuse of the Australian language very clearly indicates that you're a fucking sep cunt.

>> No.9718336

User? >>?


>> No.9718349

>You don't appear to speak Australian
That's being I am a wog. I am not an Anglo-Saxon therefore I am not an Australian. I do reside in Australia though. Is this the part where you can't fathom how a minority doesn't see himself as Australian despite being a citizen?

>> No.9718358


>> No.9718374

Now I see why people hate Australians. The /pol/ shitposting in this thread is ridiculous.


>> No.9718605

fuck uyo cunt

>> No.9718644

Aussies in a nutshell:


>> No.9718647

fk off u lebo cuant

>> No.9718658

This is real ausfalians, m8


>> No.9718661

I like how not even 8 seconds into the video and he called him a cunt.
