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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9715042 No.9715042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Something that makes me fucking mad is people who think every Otaku is a weeaboo and they just feel so much better because they go to Japan for non-anime reasons. Fuck, I went to Japan because I love the place, I was introduced to it by Anime, yes but that doesn't mean that's the only reason I'm going there for. I went to Korea for the Korean culture, not just because I like Kpop.

People in this video are generalizing Otakus and classifying them as weeaboos, it just irritates me how they think they're better than Otakus, I just ask that you give them a piece of your mind if you can.


>> No.9715051

>I went to Korea for the Korean culture
You just stepped into the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.

>> No.9715068
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>> No.9715070

good one op

>> No.9715089

op is a weabo nerd LOL

>> No.9715090
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Totally forgot. Gomen~

>> No.9715096

>Korea for the Korean culture, not just because I like Kpop.

>> No.9715097


Whatever nerds.

>> No.9715111

Silly westerner. Do you not know that Japan stole all culture from Korea? Korea is the birthplace of all modern asian traditions.

>> No.9715128

>Japanese learners face an irritating problem when they deal with each other. There is a never ending supply of unnecessary criticism of how and why people study Japanese. People get so involved in their own methods that they love to put down others. Japanese website forums are dangerous places where this negativity festers. “Advanced” learners seem to love to “help” beginners by telling them why what they are doing is “wrong.” For the rest of this article let’s refer to this unpleasant group of people as Osekkai ・御節介 (the Japanese word for someone who always is meddling in the affairs of others).

>The number one targeted beginner group that receives the worst wrath from these Osekkai are those who start studying Japanese because they like anime and manga, and want to watch it without subtitles and read the manga in its original form (let’s call these people the Anman group). You will find countless posts, videos, websites, and discussion board topics of Osekkai knocking on Anman. What makes this even worse is the “half-Anman”, or someone who is studying Japanese for anime and manga PLUS other areas of culture will join the Osekkai in this craziness. The half-anman will claim that he is different from the pure Anman because he studies all areas of Japanese culture as opposed to solely for anime and manga.

>> No.9715149

I don't think you realize what otaku means.

>> No.9715155

Does anyone else here feel that there's a difference between Japanophiles and weeaboos?

>> No.9715161


But that's China.

>> No.9715170


Well, stretching it a bit, Japanophiles could be poeple obsessed with Samurai or Ninja due to movies or books, people that practice Karate, Kendo or Aikido because it's Japanese, maybe.

Weeaboos could be those obsessed with Japan because of anime and manga.

Both would be unhealthy obsessions.

>> No.9715169

Yeah, a Weaboo might believe that Japan is exactly like an anime everything is anime and the Japanese will understand their ambitions to become a "kawaii manga-ka desu". Whereas a Japanophile will want to be Japanese simply because they are obsessed with the culture, as a whole. Of course I might be wrong, but that's my understanding of it.

>> No.9715172

I don't think he realizes what weeaboo means either. And I don't mean it in a "it doesn't mean anything" way.

>> No.9715182

>Korean culture


>> No.9715218

>Girl mentions going to roppongi sometimes
>Looks like the halfu offspring of a whore and a nigger
>actually WANTS to go to America
>Gives shitty, shallow reasoning

You expect me to take this video or the people who subscribe to this whore seriously?

>> No.9715249
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>> No.9715257

What a waste of money and time to travel to other countries.

Bye the way, this is the shut-in board. Have fun elsewhere.

>> No.9715265
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White people should be banned from entering any East Asian country.
white pig go home

>> No.9715272 [DELETED] 
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>I like Kpop
You what now?

>> No.9715305
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foreign idol otaku are the worst. at least weeaboo who like anime and shit aren't pinning for a japanese wife and having yellow fever.

china is better than corea or nippon though

>> No.9715330

>implying outaku faggots are not subhuman

>> No.9715336

I generally hate anime.
I have a few dvds of it, but I think almost all anime is a waiat of time. I read manga, but at a very slow and limited pace.
I would catigorize myself as an weeboo for Japneae literature, history, samurai, Imperialism, movies, J-rock and idols, but not anime.
Im Otaku for them figs though.

>> No.9715363

Hong Kong is best.

>> No.9715401

Le stupid ignorant american fat weeaboo loser.

Fun fact: Japans mongols are basically island koreans.
