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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9700511 No.9700511 [Reply] [Original]

Light novels with incest themes are getting popular in Japan!

>One of the more popular light novel series in recent years is My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute, which tells the story of a normal high school student who finds out his prodigious younger sister is actually a closet otaku, obsessed with anime and incest-themed adult computer games…

>It has also seemed to usher in a new craze of light novels about the relationship between normal older brothers and their not-so-normal little sisters.

>The collection of images you see above are the cover art for all of the “little sister”-themed light novels planned for release from August to mid-October. That’s 12 different titles in about 2 months.

1. Little Sisters, Don’t Hit On Me! (Catch phrase: “A scramble between twin sisters for their favorite older brother becomes a total mess!”)
2. My Little Sister Can Read Kanji (Volume 5)
3. My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute (Volume 11)
4. My Little Sister Who Is Popular With Girls and Me Who Suffers (Volume 5)
5. My Little Sister is a Light Novel Goddess (Getting meta up in here!)
6. My Little Sister is Mad Because My Girlfriend Came Onto Me?
7. I Know You’re My Brother but as Long There’s Love it Doesn’t Matter, Right? (Volume 7)
8. Little Sister Complex (Volume 3)
9. My Childhood Friend and Little Sister Have Delusional Daydreams in My Fantasies
10. There’s No Way I Can Be Empress of a Parallel Dimension!
11. One of These Girls is My Little Sister!
12. I Tried Controlling My Rebellious Little Sister With the Power of the Devil King

>To be honest, we have no idea. We don’t even know if that’s still the primary demographic for these sort of stories, though we would like to believe that these sort of stories are representative of what most light novel readers are into.

>> No.9700524

Oh man, most of those sound awesome.

>1. Little Sisters, Don’t Hit On Me!
Don't hit on me, silly imoutos!

>> No.9700534
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>> No.9700538

>6. My Little Sister is Mad Because My Girlfriend Came Onto Me?

Squirting fetish?

>> No.9700543

>Light novels
Why are they so shitty?
Do the publishers just print anything without any QC?

>> No.9700562

pretty much. light novels are just that: light, and largely on the level of twilight and other fun young adult novels. they're meant to pander to otaku, much like you can see above.

>> No.9700572

This is nothing new. Shitty pandering novels have formed the majority of printed literature since, well, the invention of the printing press (excluding theological texts, of course).

>> No.9700578

Looks more like people trying to replicate the success of Ore no Imouto than actually caring about the market for it

>> No.9700619

light novels are especially bad
the one good thing is that you don't waste much time on them. it takes me much, much longer to read a "normal" novel or non-fiction book than it does to read a light novel

>> No.9700635

I wish those were about more interesting little sisters. Like a LN where your little sister is an Indiana Jones-style archeologist (she's also a tsundere tomboy obviously) and you need to save her from the deathtraps and angry mummies she invariably will face, or one where your little sister is a mad scientist in an ill-reputed Eastern European country and your tasks include calming down the pitchfork-wielding mobs when she goes too far with her experiments (after you're done with the mob, you'll have to chide her for trying to create life again), digging up corpses and catching your neighbors' pets for various purposes or pulling levers to activate some grand system of your sister's design while she cackles madly and lightning crashes around your castle (she insists on calling you "Igor" during those times, but you don't mind because she's your beloved little sister).

Little Sisters, Don’t Hit On Me! is a great title though.

>> No.9700640

>chide her for trying to create life again
"Let's create life together"

>> No.9700651

Tomino is going to fix this shit with G-Reko, just you bakas watch.

>> No.9700665

Those sound pretty fun.

>> No.9700672

Kawaii as fuck.

But really, some of those ideas aren't half-bad.

>> No.9700681

>excluding theological text

You mean wish-fulfilling escapist fantasies about powerful magical beings interacting with humans? They're an epitome of shitty pandering, why would you want to exclude them?

>> No.9700700 [DELETED] 


le edgy reddit atheist XD

>> No.9700702

>My Little Sister Who Is Popular With Girls and Me Who Suffers

Jelly of his lesbian tomboy sister?

>> No.9700718

There's no way my little sister can be this cute.

Is what the title should have been. my would be in italics, if it were possible on 4chan.

>> No.9700782

> My Little Sister Can Read Kanji

Well I hope she can. Otherwise, unless your sister is like six and a child prodigy, the title would be My Little Sister Rides the Short Bus.

>> No.9700787

You should read the summary of it.

>> No.9700812
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>> No.9700819

Deep 10/10 writing, suitable for comparison with epics, classics, and modern.. okay maybe not modern literature.

>> No.9700865

>My Little Sister Who Is Popular With Girls and Me Who Suffers
i like that one

>> No.9700867

Forbidden fruits are always the sweetest.
You might aswell ask why women in their mid 40 are into romantic novels with love triangles

>> No.9700881

Thank you moot for welcoming the /q/ overlords to this board. Now I don't even have to go to sankakucomplex to get my daily dose of bitching about otaku lifestyle, pandering, and all that other nonsense.

>> No.9700889

Come on now, people have been posting such shit for years to stir up the users of /jp/

>> No.9701439

Japan is pretty good in plagiarizing shit, apparently. Most of these would never fly in the west thanks to our restrictive copyright/trademark policy.

>> No.9701476

the titles are very descriptive

>> No.9701479

Why can't they think of any good names for the titles? They're so shitty that it sounds like it's not even trying to be a well written book and that it's just trying to cash in on a craze.

>> No.9701502

Most of them are pretty good, what are you talking about?

>> No.9701512

I'm talking about the title names. The titles sound shitty, I don't actually know the contents of the books.

>> No.9701541

>new trend
japantoday is shit. they don't even know a thing about what they are trying to make an article of.

>> No.9701554

It's not the languages fault that everything sounds worse when translated into english.

>> No.9701564

I was talking about the titles, I'm really liking this trend of naming everything with ostensibly descriptive labels. "I Tried Controlling My Rebellious Little Sister With the Power of the Devil King" in particular is a stroke of brilliance.

>> No.9701589

Oh, well I'll have to disagree. To me, the titles sound like they weren't really thinking. They're basically sentences describing what the book is, and anyone can take a book think of a descriptive sentence and slap that on as a title. I've always thought that titles should be a noun or short phrase lacking a verb like, "The Wolf" or "The Wolf in the Woods" not "My little wolf in the woods likes to eat human meat!" I think it takes true genius to think of a short and powerful title that has impact. Anyone can describe a picture in a thousand words, it takes real brilliance to do it in one.

>> No.9701596

>Little Sisters, Don’t Hit On Me!
> My Little Sister Who Is Popular With Girls and Me Who Suffers
>My Little Sister is Mad Because My Girlfriend Came Onto Me?
> I Tried Controlling My Rebellious Little Sister With the Power of the Devil King
Best titles

>> No.9701597
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> I Tried Controlling My Rebellious Little Sister With the Power of the Devil King

>> No.9701636

"My little wolf in the woods likes to eat human meat!" > "The Girl, the Wolf, and the Axeman" >>> "The Scarlet Cap"

>> No.9701986

>There’s No Way I Can Be Empress of a Parallel Dimension!

Yes please

>> No.9702170

>The collection of images you see above are the cover art for all of the “little sister”-themed light novels planned for release from August to mid-October.
Post them fgt

>> No.9702177

Read the thread dipshit

>> No.9702249
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>The Scarlet Cap
Is that.. Do you mean Little Red Riding Hood..?

I do agree with your sentiment, though.

>> No.9702550
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My favorite imouto

>> No.9702558

Yes. It's also called little red cap.
