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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 450x338, Aokigahara Suicide forest.....God have mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9691234 No.9691234 [Reply] [Original]

so mount fuji is scheduled to blow any time soon apparently, thoughts?


Sooooooo what is going to happen to our portal and plans for the tripp?

Does this mark the end of Touhou?

>> No.9691241 [DELETED] 

karma for pearl harbor

hope it explodes and melts the whole japan

>> No.9691242

Nature hates Japan.

>> No.9691258

if it's karma for anything it would be for comfort women, unit 731 or the whole scorched earth strategy against most of south east asia.

>> No.9691286

what the HELL I didn't even know mount Fuji was a volcano

>> No.9691284

No-one cares about what they did to chinks.

>> No.9691285
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x1550, Volcanic-ash-downfall_map_of_Mt.Fuji_Hoei-eruption01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is over.

>> No.9691293

Holy fuck, I never realized that Florida was that huge and that there was a sea between Texas and Mexico!

>> No.9691303

But my eroge

>> No.9691306
File: 91 KB, 469x424, 1343376425614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans clap at your stupidity

>> No.9691308

Please do not rape the quote function, thank you in advance.

>> No.9691316
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>> No.9691318


volcanis ejaculite lots of lava

>> No.9691320


>> No.9691330

because it looks cool as hell

>> No.9691326

Why would you build near an active volcano

I didn't even know mt.fuji was a volcano

>> No.9691328
File: 71 KB, 611x611, 1214737807436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, fine.... I can be a cancerous newfag circa 2009 in other way, I guess....


>> No.9691338

Your mom is cool as hell.

>> No.9691340


>> No.9691344

Because she's not hot at all!

>> No.9691345

When she was riding my cock.

>> No.9691347

I was planning on climbing it too, guess i'll have to wait a while now...

>> No.9691349
File: 55 KB, 480x360, 1339111643045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone retrieve me a bagpipe, a plane ticket to mount fuji, a ceremonial GREEN kilt, and a feathered headdress.

Through the sacred pipes I can communicate with the spirits of the earth and persuade them to stop the volcano
I can stop this
I can save Japan

>> No.9691355

Oh, you need bagpipes? I usually just yell. No wonder it never works.

>> No.9691356
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1341880570231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not nice

>> No.9691360

That's what your mom said when I spanked her.

>> No.9691369
File: 31 KB, 481x337, 1346442993505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You must play the last of the mohicans

It is the only song that can resonate with the Japanese spirit. They are nation bathed in the blood of a fallen warrior race, the spirits of the samurai would understand the plight of the native americans and they would march again to stop the volcano


>> No.9691378

Some of the main reasons to build near a volcano are:
1) land is very fertile in most cases.
2) the sight
3) bitches love retreats in closed off little forests.
4) sometimes good for storing vast quantities of snow in a slope, good for many snow-related sports. (not applicable to all, of course)
5) occasionally the only place to build. (see Hawaii)

But yeah, it is a pretty dangerous spot for life.
I guess it is also that thrill too.

I ask this question more so for those who live in even more dangerous areas, such as very active tornado zones or hurricane zones. (especially when they live below the water line!)
And it still makes me wonder why the hell these people in the overly heavy tornado active areas don't just build their damn houses underground and be done with it. Nobody cares if a silly garden is wrecked in a tornado, but THE WHOLE HOUSE AND EVERYTHING IN IT?
Worth the extra 100k~ if it means you don't need to rebuild the damn things every year or 2.

>> No.9691386
File: 27 KB, 300x207, Mike Hama outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you not know?
I really am the biggest weeboo here......
I even know why they built near the Volcano too....

>> No.9691387

I think I know how to stop the volcano.

Why don't we get a big rock and put it into the lid of the volcano so the volcano's hole is now closed.

How can it spit the lava and the ash if there's a rock in the way? This will work

>> No.9691394

Somebody call the japs, this will work

>> No.9691406
File: 4 KB, 259x194, Mishima Do you have the resolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The pressure will build up and will explode out the side of Mt.Fuji.

Good luck finding a rock that big.

>> No.9691425

Just do the Higurashi approach, that plan is conc... oh.

>> No.9691428

If we drop mount everest on mount fuji itwill be impossible for it to explode

Unless mount everest is a volcano too

>> No.9691430
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1336944643378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we just poke some holes in the volcano?

It's like burping a baby. When they're gassy you have to slap it on the belly.

The volcano is gassy and we have to burp it to release the pressure so he doesn't toot.

>> No.9691435
File: 202 KB, 743x600, Yellowstone_Caldera_map2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what else is scheduled to blow?

>> No.9691440

this *unzips^

>> No.9691437

The ocean is like a mile from mount fuji.

Just pump the water into the volcano to kill the lava

>> No.9691442

Water doesn't kill lava.

I think.
At least that's what I remember from school.

>> No.9691443

When that thing goes off American is literally fucked.

>> No.9691445

Please. Please no.

Time to move to Australia.

>> No.9691446

Not just America.

>> No.9691447

Enjoy your brown people and spiders.

>> No.9691452

Enjoy you are giant insects, dude.

>> No.9691454

You mean magma?

>> No.9691455

What other place is far away from Yellowstone, but has no deadly spiders?

>> No.9691461

Russia, they also have pretty women.

>> No.9691463


>> No.9691464

>pale, stinky
No thanks.

>> No.9691466

America, Canada, Mexico, Greenland, Iceland, and everything in the Bahamas.

No food, no where to hide from the toxic ash, polluted water, dead animals, dead humans, no gasoline, no satellites form the thunder ash storm blocks them out, and the rest of the world dies with America too.

I'm taking this really well for some reason.
Australia is full anon.

>> No.9691469

I thought the entire hemisphere would be fucked. I‘m not in the US but in Europe but the Atlantic is not that big. Gotta run.

>> No.9691470

How can Iceland be fucked but not Britain?
They're approximately the same distance.

>> No.9691475


>> No.9691481

No, if a guy sticks his dick into the soil, then America is literally fucked.

>> No.9691483
File: 269 KB, 1200x800, hunter_gatherer_by_Blepharopsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are modern humans so stupid?

We existed as hunter-gatherers for 2 million years and we've barely been able to keep ourselves alive for the last couple hundred years. It's either the threat of nuclear extinction or our cities blowing up/melting/sinking because we don't seem to understand that the earth is alive and it does not just stay still forever.

If we were hunter-gatherers still then this wouldn't be a problem for Japan because they would just migrate some where else. Every city is doomed to fail the second it's created simply because living creatures are not meant to stay in the same place for that long.

We are supposed to constantly be moving to avoid climate change and natural disasters.

>> No.9691486

Anyone want to explore the Zone when that shit blows?

>> No.9691493
File: 24 KB, 559x484, s.t.a.l.k.e.r._browsing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you bring some sausage.

>> No.9691497

This. Remember, this thing has went off plenty of times before.
In fact, Yellowstones eruptions have been receding with each one. It is cooling down for some reason.

In fact, humans have survived this thing in the past before, way back in the stupid ages when we were still evolving in discrete groups before one major branch eventually won out. (which did involve some interspecies hanky-panky. )

Given we survived it then when it was bigger, we are more than capable of it now.
Well, America isn't, that's just dead so hard.
Estimates of the newest explosion will make anything from roughly eruption to around Mexico uninhabitable if I remember correct, less to the north and west depending on the eruption this time.

Sad thing is it could be cooled considerably if they were to get geothermal plants all over its shit.
But nooo, apparently being a massive power producer and being able to create those geysers artificially "isn't natural", they'd rather be turned to dust in the explosion than be rich as absolute fuck and saving America.

>> No.9691502

Wow dude I wish I could be half as edgy as you.

>> No.9691504
File: 250 KB, 868x712, 1344429443349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yellowstone is going to blow up soon and everybody from North America to the middle of western europe is going to be completely fucked."
>"Really? That's scary. Oh yeah, dinner is ready."

And it was talked about again.

Why are people so retarded? MOVE.

We know about these things decades in advance and no one does anything. What the hell? Run away goddammit. Move away from the gigantic super volcano that is going to kill you and everyone you know if you don't fucking move.

>> No.9691508
File: 223 KB, 960x720, DOKE DOKE DOKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the Otaku/Neet/hikikomori posting on /jp/

>> No.9691509

eh, I'll do it next year.

>> No.9691514

North America and Europe are home to a lot of people.
We can’t just migrate. We‘d have to have a bloody world war to kill everyone in the other continents where people already live.
It‘s impossible.

>> No.9691519
File: 1.61 MB, 640x360, slavshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'll bring my bros

>> No.9691521

W-what about north Africa
Pretty sure that if Europe gets hit then Africa gets hit too

>> No.9691522
File: 362 KB, 700x700, 1343146567373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saved my gif, even under the same name.

>> No.9691524

See, it just keeps getting worse.

>> No.9691526


Most of America believes that the world is about 5,000 years old.

They don't believe in large natural disasters, unless it's Noah's flood or the apocalypse. If yellowstone blows then they will say that it's the apocalypse and then just sit there staring at the sky and waiting for Jesus. By the time the ash covers the sky and they give up on the whole Jesus then it will be a bit late.

>> No.9691532

I've been looking for it unedited since I saw it once in STALKER general.

>> No.9691533

I'm sure it'll work out. After all our government has our best interests in mind.

>> No.9691537

ddo all euros have a bunch of "total facts about every other country out of our ass"?

>> No.9691541

What are you even talking about? What facts?

>> No.9691545

Yes. Ask me anything about any country.

>> No.9691548

I'm not worried about Touhou or any Japanese. They play Touhou on lunatic everyday training for the day the volcano erupts. That day is their final test. Can they dodge lava and volcanic ash like they dodge bullets in the games? Have faith, /jp/.

>> No.9691557
File: 264 KB, 1300x841, dead map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're inside the big circular area which I marked in black then you will die or live in a post-apocalyptic area where everyone is killing each other for whatever scraps of food they can find.

The black arrows point to the directions that you should already be living in.

>> No.9691559

Fuck it, we moving to Mecca

>> No.9691560

But I'm a NEET, I can't afford to leave America. Please tell me I'll be alright! I live in Illinois, I'll be alright, right?

>> No.9691563

I really need to get out of here. Before everyone else does or dies.

When is it erupting?

>> No.9691564

>should already be living in
I'll take the volcano.

>> No.9691568

I live just above the border. Talk about lucky.

>> No.9691575

But that's wrong.

>> No.9691570

That's so wrong it hurts.

It won't even make much of a dent across the ocean. It will destroy more of Canada than it will the west of Europe and North Africa.

The only thing that will make it to Europe will be dust layers and possibly tidal waves if large rocks somehow end up being punted that high up the reach the ocean. But that is very unlikely given the energies and landscape. Vaporized more likely.

>> No.9691571

Fuck off, Finn scum.

>> No.9691579

Nobody told me when it is erupting. When is it erupting?

>> No.9691577


What the hell? Magma is simply really hot stone (so hot that it melted and is somewhat fluid, dur). Of course, simply pouring some tons of water on it wouldn't do shit, but if there is a connection to the ocean, and therefore to a shitload of water, then you could turn it easily to rock again. It often happens that magma comes out in the middle of the sea (when continental plates move) and it just turns to rock.

Not sure if it is desirable to put a lid on the hot soup, by turning the uppermost layer into stone. It will probably just build up lots of pressure and shoot out of the side of the mountain or something.

>> No.9691580
File: 166 KB, 800x800, 61d07b512f2322e72f7355d3877597d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive in a post-apocalyptic area where everyone is killing each other for whatever scraps of food they can find
fuck yes

>> No.9691582

You'd be the first to die, nerd

>> No.9691584

Also, remember here, the pressure inside that volcano is insanely high.
That mountain isn't just going to pop its top, its going to be nuclear explosion levels of destructive when it explodes. The whole top of that mountain is going to vaporize as that energy is released in the first few cracks.

>> No.9691586

Guys, stop scaring me.
Tell me it’s a communist hoax.

>> No.9691589

It's a communist hoax. Glorious nippon would not fall to a silly volcano.

>> No.9691590

And what about Yellowstone? Will it kill North America and send the rest of the world into ruin?

>> No.9691591

oh you meant that one. Yeas that one is true.

>> No.9691593

Didn't some mountain in canada blow up that way and release a 1000 feet high tsunami?

>> No.9691596

I fear Yellowstone more than Mt. Fuji. Time to move to glorious Nippon.

>> No.9691597
File: 219 KB, 1300x841, 231321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fixed for accuracy.

Red = Totally fucked. No chance at all.
Orange = Sky will be completely blacked out, ash every where. They're fucked too.
Yellow = Sky will be darkened with ash, crops will die, temperatures will plummet. Large amounts of rioting in these regions.

Red and orange will die almost directly from the volcano and the huge amounts of ash covering the ground. Yellow is where people will still be alive, but nothing will grow, your society will crumble, and it will be total chaos.

>> No.9691598
File: 23 KB, 311x298, 1302371211696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck.

>> No.9691603

I have no idea. Doesn't ring any bells.

But in the case of that mountain, 15+% of that top is going bye-bye.
The pressure in that thing is insane.

The fact they are doing a 2014 trial evacuation for it is awful, that shit could happen tomorrow, hell it could happen 5 minutes from now.
That Volcano is the most unstable thing on this planet right now, more so than a horny dictator.

>> No.9691604

[Citation needed]

>> No.9691606
File: 62 KB, 550x339, Moral reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you get these myths from

Anyway guys

Lets keep this focused on topic

>> No.9691610

Any specific reasoning that the ash will settle exactly above europe, but not in asia or africa?

>> No.9691612

Why didn't you just use the polygon tool?

Also South America is going to get hit hard. So much greenland and forests are going to die.

>> No.9691614

Because the earth spins on its axis.

>> No.9691615

>1 in 10000 chance of erupting

Why are you guys freaking out?

>> No.9691616


I like how China is destined to become the leader of Earth.

White people are so screwed. It doesn't matter if yellowstone happens in our lifetime or in 100 years from now. The U.S will be gone, Canada will be gone, Europe will be in shambles, and China and maybe India will really be the only major powers left.

Asians are destined to be the face of humanity. When we go into the stars the aliens will be seeing asian faces.

>> No.9691620

This is our punishment from god for accepting the devil blacks.

>> No.9691622

By the time we can go into space we'll all have robot bodies.

>> No.9691625

You're forgetting, of course, the Siberian Traps.

If those go off, nothing will survive. It nearly or probably did kill everything so many millions of years ago whenever it went off.
We could well have had a 2nd or even 3rd genesis of life because of it (we aren't entirely sure if there was life on Earth Mk1 before the collision that formed the moon.)

>> No.9691626

Shut up, it's not my fault I'm black.

>> No.9691628


History shows that the supervolcano erupts every 600,000 years. We're currently at 640,000 years since the last eruption, so we're 40,000 years overdue for another one.

It'll happen any day now.

>> No.9691635

Sure would suck to be an atheist right about now.
I'm going to be laughing so hard when I get into Heaven and you losers don't. That's what you faggots get for lusting after dicks.

>> No.9691637

From what I read, these things are just harmless formations at this point

>> No.9691636

Why not build huge energy plants on volcanoes, use their heat to create enough energy to build large amounts of space ships, send people and materials to the moon and terraform the moon? So there would be no volcano eruption, and in the chance there was one we would have people on the moon to continue the human species.

>> No.9691640

Sure would suck to be an christian right about now.
I'm going to be laughing so hard when I get reincarnated as a Buddha and you losers don't. That's what you faggots get for being dicks.

>> No.9691647

Sure sucks to be white now.

>> No.9691648


There's no reason to believe that they will blow for millions of years though.

Yellowstone should be blowing up right now though, so this is the only immediate threat we're facing.

If the Siberian Traps went off again then by that time we would likely already have fully colonized other planets and ensured humanity's long-term survival.

White people just aren't going to be around to see it since yellowstone could blow up within as soon as our lifetime.

>> No.9691649

I get to stay dead. I fail to see your advantage.

>> No.9691655

I've been asking myself why we don't build a magma pump and create another moon out of the excess materia, it disables volcanoes and creates a possibly inhabitable sphere which helps prevent overpopulation.

>> No.9691656

That'd be a lot of fucking magma

>> No.9691660

Because geothermal energy stations are more efficient and possible.

>> No.9691661

I'm no geologist, but I'm pretty sure you can't fuck with volcanoes because opening up the gas pockets is what causes them to erupt.

>> No.9691662
File: 1.25 MB, 600x340, 1346225838886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if yellow stone erupts then we get the death of capitalism, the death of the white race, Christianity will be almost completely wiped out, Islam will take a huge hit, the U.S will be uninhabitable, and most of Europe will be more chaotic than Africa?

Oh boy, we're getting a good old purging. TAKE THAT, CAPITALISM. LOOKS LIKE THE COMMIES GET THE LAST LAUGH

>> No.9691665

Also eventually leading to a massive ball that will put huge strain on the plates causing them to collapse over thousands of years eventually causing a separate sub-plate formation and another ring of fire.

That sounds awful.

>> No.9691673
File: 67 KB, 550x550, shit storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has derailed past anything that doesn't remotely resembles /jp/.

I'm going to delete this thread soon, so what ever you have to say you have 5 minutes.
And this was my 21st successful thread too.
This is why so many hate you in your life anon.

>> No.9691674

To prevent this they should finish that space elevator and pump the magma directly into space, gravity should keep it together, and when it's finished we can give it a push with nukes so that it gets a stable orbit.

>> No.9691676

White genocide world wide.

>> No.9691680

Don't delete pls

>> No.9691682

delete this *grabs dick

>> No.9691681


>> No.9691683

Why only the males? You do realize it was the women who forced them to go oppress other people, right?

>> No.9691686

One good reason and I won't
1 minute

>> No.9691688

Because I love you!

>> No.9691689
File: 37 KB, 450x253, blushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works for me

>> No.9691699

Anyone wanna bet which blows up first, Fuji or Yellowstone?

>> No.9691701


god hates their perverted culture

>> No.9691705

Why does God hate fun?

>> No.9691717

Is that every 600000 years average or every 600000 give or take 100000? Because if it's average then I wouldn't be too worried.

>> No.9691719

Because he is a dickhead. Why else would he force people to mutilate their children at birth?

>> No.9691865

This is the msot retarded reasoning I have read in quite a while, an apllause to you, anon.

>> No.9692083

You want us to kill a little girl? Are you sure it will work?

>> No.9692320

>le sigh


>> No.9692373
File: 56 KB, 415x512, 1246380451462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking coward! How pathetic of you to wait around five hours until you thought I was gone to insult me. How about you face me like a fucking man, you little punk. I will kick your ass, cum on your fucking face, and then leave. Pussy motherfucker. Little rats like you disgust me.

>> No.9694074
File: 180 KB, 1680x1050, homuintervention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan's heroes must unite against this threat. Ken-sama and his katana won't be around for it though... Guess he just couldn't *cut* it. Tsunami 1, Ken 0.

>> No.9695004

what anime is this

i must know

she seems cute

>> No.9695013

probably henzemi

>> No.9695037
File: 35 KB, 513x586, 1341653228820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9695045

>me too
Gets me every time.

>> No.9695100

I never understood this... did he edit that picture and put in the chat himself? Or is that some what program or what?

>> No.9695132
File: 46 KB, 326x399, 1339724669149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Americans were fucked in 1707 and all died off from the last Fuji explosion?

Some people are real dreamers.

>> No.9695174

repel the super heated gas rocks and lava with the power of 2hu

>> No.9695177


>> No.9695245

There's still tonns of radioactive shit in fukushima that hasn't been drained. And even if that isn't smeared all over japan when fuji goes boom, nips are and will still be in pretty bad shape.

It's a big concern to us all; god bless you if you don't have anything left in your backlog when that happens.

>> No.9695300

People shouldn't take extreme improbable scenarios seriously. We're all going to die anyway.

>> No.9695312
File: 214 KB, 563x352, Sqry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no I know someone in Kanagawa

>> No.9697862

>Some people are real dreamers.
I'd say that they're blowing it out of proportion.

>> No.9700281

There was no America in 1707
