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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9685674 No.9685674 [Reply] [Original]

I need to make masturbation more interesting, are onaholes any good? I was looking at the Meiki on e-nls.

>> No.9685684

take 100mg-200mg benadryl aka dph, makes it feel amazing. it'll probably cause you to fall asleep soon after though

>> No.9685693

I've taken it before for sleep, just 50mg will have me out cold. How does it feel better, wouldn't you just feel really sedated?

>> No.9685700
File: 16 KB, 296x307, kylefoundapaperclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HUEHUE I googled for this once and did a search on the archives on how to make things more interesting and all I found was gay as HELL stuff 'bout anal stimulation...!!


>> No.9685704

If masturbation isn't interesting stop doing it.
I wish masturbation became boring for me. I can think of infinite better ways to allocate the time.

>> No.9685709

Anal stimulation.

>> No.9685714

shut the fuck up faggot, you're not trolling anyone, you're just shitposting like a fucking mong

>> No.9685715

Normally makes it harder to masturbate, but yields a much more intense orgasm. I don't think it's addicting, but I normally start off each night with 150mg and take 50mg each subsequent hour until I pass out.

The side effects include death and necrosis if you take too much, which is from what I understand a whole 100 pill bottles worth in a single sitting.

Also, fucking cotton mouth. Have plenty of water in the fridge, or tea. I like unsweetened tea.

>> No.9685719

He's just sharing a story.

Why don't you calm down a little?

>> No.9685723
File: 72 KB, 290x271, Benadryl_SPIDERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading a textfile about how to get high from otc drugs, I tried diphenhydramine and it gives you fucking horrible delirium, you can't tell the difference between reality and your hallucinations, they seem completely real

>> No.9685724

I'm not sure on the chemistry of it all, but the orgasm is more intense and, possibly placebo effect on this end. each stroke just feels better.

You would, but depending on you dph can take anywhere from 30min to an hour to fully kick it. Generally you'd start as soon as it kicks in, but, I mean, if it really does knock you out like that then I doubt you'd want to fall asleep with your dick in your hand with a naked Chen on the screen.

>> No.9685727

Spiders, spiders everywhere.

>> No.9685733

If you're prone to restless leg syndrome absolutely avoid benadryl, otherwise enjoy one of the most uneasy sleeps of your life.

>> No.9685732

Cock rings make you cum so much harder, but don't leave them on for more than 20 minutes, you don't want your dick to rot off

>> No.9685794
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>Cock rings
These fuckers? I got one with a vibe attached to it as a freebie once. Tried it out but...

OH MY GOD, THIS HURTS PLEASE GET IT OFF, I'M GOING TO RIP OFF MY OWN PENIS OFF OH GOD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME IT SQUEEZES TOO MUCH! IT HURTS Threw it away right after that. Jesus fucking christ. I would imagine it as a great SM toy, but actually feeling good? NOPE

>> No.9685812

you probably got one that was too tight, they do make you obscenely hard, but they shouldn't hurt, it feels like your dick is exploding when yo ucum

>> No.9685822

May be your cock is too big.

>> No.9685832
File: 13 KB, 305x305, touhou reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9685852 [DELETED] 

Alright /jp/, I took this picture a few days ago at PAX, which one of you is it?

I wanted to stop and ask you for a better picture, but you were always going the opposite way I was going, or I was in a line.

>> No.9685886

tenga 3d

>> No.9685978

i've found that small variations can add up. some examples:
- use lube or don't use lube.
- use the hand you typically don't masturbate with.
- try different hand techniques. there are plenty out there.
- nipple/ball stimulation if you don't already do these.
- masturbate in a different position than the one you typically do. laying face down (with your hips raised, obviously), on your back, stand up, bend over, get some chairs or something to prop yourself up and lay face down across them, with a small gap between the chairs so you have room to masturbate.
- buy an onahole if you haven't already. don't use it all the time.
- try prostate/anal stimulation if you haven't already. don't do it all the time.
- try to not masturbate for a week or more. at the 6 or 7 day mark you'll probably only be thinking of masturbating.
- buy another onahole if your current one is starting to grow old.
- try masturbating to stuff that's outside your general realm of interests, or masturbate as soon as something arouses you.
- and, of course, control your orgasm while masturbating. if you feel yourself close to it, stop immediately, wait a few minutes and start again. don't furiously masturbate and just take it slow.

>> No.9686336

>- and, of course, control your orgasm while masturbating. if you feel yourself close to it, stop immediately, wait a few minutes and start again. don't furiously masturbate and just take it slow.

Isn't this bad for you?

>> No.9686521

Edging is NOT bad for you. If you do it right, it should be good for your PC muscles. But if you do it wrong/too much, you get blueballed.
