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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9684524 No.9684524 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/. My external HD, where I kept all my touhou music, explodercated, taking with it all my data. Shit sucks. Now I'm looking to rebuild my music library!

Can we have a touhou music recommendation thread to help me rebuild my collection? No, I don't want to download some multi-TB torrent full of music I will never go through. I just want to take it one album at a time, just like how I built my last library

So far I've been getting O-Life, the Eurobeat, and Tutti Sound albums back as those are the main circles that I can remember. Any others you guys can recommend? Just the name should be enough, but if you can be arsed into getting me a download link too, I would love you a lot!

>> No.9684530

Couldn't you be a bit more creative? The "my HD exploded" bit is the oldest excuse in the book.

>> No.9684537

Data recovery is very simple, I suggest you do some research.

>> No.9684538

Even if the HD literally exploded? I'm assuming OP means that in an extremely literal sense. I hope he's not injured.

>> No.9684541 [DELETED] 

I recommend you suck my cock, dude.

>> No.9684545

sound sepher

Make sure to take your pills anon!

>> No.9684549

Does anyone have that Touhou music chart?

>> No.9684554

This doesn't prove anything. Take a picture of the actual HD "frying".

>> No.9684550
File: 44 KB, 377x505, the graveyard of a once great database_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you guys really have to do this? Honestly. Yes, my HD is fried.


Feel free to get me started on the basics then, because I'm very ready to just say fuck it and just rebuild my music library. I backed up basically everything essential, so nothing of real value was lost

>> No.9684555

http tinyurl DOT com touhoulosslessdl

>> No.9684574
File: 1.41 MB, 1900x2010, 1337117222267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9684579

Thanks, you're a sweetheart.

>> No.9684583
File: 629 KB, 960x720, 1339192344305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the recommendation, Anon!


I appreciate the thought, but I literally said in my opening post that I didn't want to just sort through some fuckmassive torrent


Handy, thanks a ton!

>> No.9684586
File: 48 KB, 850x531, sample-6a33525fedaad8b1ff8160fe3b0855ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now go touch yourself.

>> No.9684590

>Now I'm looking to rebuild my music library!
did you not have any playlists? why do you need to rebuild it if the playlist already has everything you had.

>my HD is fried.
why arent you using linux or some shit to retrieve data? or even pirate getdataback

this all sounds like 'please spoonfeed me'

>> No.9684595

That list is kinda shit

I advise finding your own essentials instead of buying into /mu/ style hive mind bollocks

I thought /jp/ was better than that

>> No.9684598


I actually didn't know that site existed. Cool, thanks

>did you not have any playlists?

Nope. I sorted things via folder structure with Foobar. Music>Touhou>InsertAlbumHere

Anyway, take it how you will. If you don't want to make recommendations, just hide the thread


Probably, but it gives me something to get started with, anyway. I really wish I could remember some of the especially good albums I used to listen to, but I suppose it can't be helped

>> No.9684601
File: 11 KB, 300x200, baby5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9684621


>> No.9684650
File: 135 KB, 800x600, OkuuSpoonFeeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9684653

I hate you so much

>> No.9685936

What the hell?
Go through the /jp/ archive comiket threads and shit. Why's this a problem?
