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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9668431 No.9668431 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread has reached the bumplimit.

What have you been playing lately, /jp/? Any achievements? Any troubling spots?

Old thread:

>> No.9668432

Would anyone like to stream?

>> No.9668436

Please stream someone.

>> No.9669321


Defeated Yukari Yakumo in a single sitting! The last time I saw a replay was MONTHS ago, so this was pretty much entirely fresh to me.

Something I'm really proud of is that I actually captured Bounded Field "Boundary of Life and Death" on my first time fighting it, though I sucked terribly against it on this run. Unfortunately, I saved over the replay in which I captured it, because I'm a complete fucking moron. I really wish I didn't do that.

>> No.9670053
File: 126 KB, 496x700, 1345006022649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming SA normal, still going for that 1CC.

>> No.9670059

Whoops, forgot the link.

>> No.9670110

I found out I had been playing horizontally stretched full screen for a year, never noticed it, never thought about it, never bothered by it. Now that I changed to fixed aspect ratio I know nothing about the games any more, the movement speeds throw me off all the time. Funny shit.

>> No.9670112

Wow, Darius Gaiden is a piece of shit. The only good things about it are the graphics and music; the gameplay is atrocious. Someone remind me to never play a Konami shmup again.

>> No.9670169

>Any achievements?
Oy vey...

"A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work..."

I'm not going to reveal whom I'm quoting.

>> No.9670241

I got the xbox 360 achievement dying as soon as you start a game in Akai Katana

>> No.9670253


I first played EoSD for awhile in a widescreen ratio; it threw me off when I fixed it. I eventually adjusted, though.

>> No.9670257

continuing the quote that you cut off...

"However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games)"

you pwnd urself, nerd.

>> No.9670351

>you pwnd urself, nerd.

Dude, why you didn't tell him CASUAL instead? That would have taught him that games aren't meant to be enjoyed, they are just tools to stroke your e-peen with.

>> No.9670356

How did you fix it?

>> No.9670367

I would like to avoid associating my hobbies with something as disgusting as professional sports.

>> No.9670373

It's obvious he's a casual scrub. I bet he's a mainstream gamer who thinks he's hardcore.

>> No.9670383

Shmups are sports. Yusemi-SWY is our Michael Jordan.

>> No.9670440
File: 191 KB, 640x480, th61cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first 1cc (Normal) for EoSD after countless hours of pain and suffering.

>> No.9670545

I think I know what's up with the varied opinions on UFO difficulty now. I breezed through it on Normal, but on Hard I'm lucky if Ichirin doesn't decrease my supply of lives, and extremely lucky if I can beat Murasa. I'm not looking forward to Shou.

>> No.9670677

UFO hard is CAVE as HELL compared to other Touhous.

>> No.9670699

Is there any way to remap keyboard buttons in EoSD?

Most of my keyboard is broken. Fortunately, my Touhou buttons survived, except for X so I cant use bombs.

My 1cc attempts (normal) always end on stage 4's boss because of this.

I'll just grind it out in the meantime.

>> No.9670720

How did you type that?

>> No.9670736

Onscreen keyboard, silly. I click it with the mouse, no good for touhou.

>> No.9670759


I play full screen, and I just told my monitor to keep the original aspect ratio of whatever video signal it gets instead of forcing it to fill the screen.

>> No.9670855

I put a few touhou pictures on Pixiv, and I received that weird mail:



Don't have a fucking clue about what it means but I consider that as an achievement.

>> No.9670879

STGs are on the level of esports, and they should be treated as such. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, the only way to play these games is for score or no-missing the entire game.

>> No.9670909
File: 214 KB, 639x479, 2011121100013530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my first 1cc. It was okay considering it was my first time seeing anything beyond Stage 5. But still, kuso score, kuso play, kuso shot type. And it was my second week playing any STG, with my first game being DOJBL. I always played one-loop mode because I knew fuckall about STGs at the time.

Later, I found out that one round mode was five times harder than two round mode. Silly me!

>> No.9670923

Please just go away.

>> No.9670957

>Later, I found out that one round mode was five times harder than two round mode. Silly me!
What, is it?

>> No.9670999

You fight Hibachi at the end of the 1-round game, so it's harder if you only play the first loop.

Of course the 2-round game is much harder to complete.

>> No.9671009

杉浦ひろ@マイピク募集中 requested if he can add you to his "My Pick." Or he's asking you to add him to your "My Pick," I'm honestly not sure which it is, but I'm leaning towards the first one. He apologizes for the sudden message, but he's looking for My Pick recruits and will be very glad if you accept his proposal.

>> No.9671059

I can stream too if nobody else is. (Exxelent's doesn't appear to be running when I looked).

I'm nothing spectacular though, just be aware.

>> No.9671077

And I too forgot to put my stream in the post.

>> No.9671079

Thank you.

I guess that's still an achievement.

>> No.9671124

Why is getting a reasonable high score so hard?

>> No.9671189

because hard things are hard

>> No.9671231

Are there any superplayers on /jp/?

>> No.9671283

/jp/ is a western site, and there are no western superplayers. So no.

>> No.9671328


Playing PCB Normal/Reimu-B for about an hour.

>> No.9671346

It shouldn't work that way.

>> No.9671665


>Hello, [NAME].
>杉浦ひろ@MyPick [I can't figure this part out], has a request to add you to MyPick.

>It's nice to meet you. I'm called 杉浦ひろ. ["Sugiura Hiro" is my guess at his name.]
>Sorry for sending this message so suddenly. Because MyPick is recruiting,
>if you like, would you join mypick with me? [I might have this sentence a little wrong; it's kind of weird.]

>If you think, "Sounds good!", I'd be happy if you would let me know.

That's my best attempt at translating this for you, though >>9671009 got the gist of it already.

>> No.9671677


>> No.9671697
File: 401 KB, 628x922, 4036846fe145bf002dcfebf850790d19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is so awesome <3

>> No.9671815

Round 2 - hopefully with less awful gameplay.

>> No.9671980

After watching Exxelent, I felt like playing SA again, so I decided to do a Normal 1cc with MarisaA.

HOLY SHIT WHAT A TERRIBLE SHOT TYPE. Having the spread while focused is nice for some Stage portions, but overall the shot type just SUCKS. The bombs are really useful at some points, but for the most part they're incredibly useless. I know they're weak because you have so many of them, but the way they work when there are a lot of horizontal bullets just leaves you open to get hit right as the bomb effect ends. It felt like I had to use three bombs to get the same effect as a single ReimuA bomb. God damn.

>> No.9672000

I think that that's offset pretty hard by the fact you get 8 bombs. Kinda like MoF all over again.

>> No.9672042


The bombs in MoF are really, really good though. That's something I dislike about SA. In addition to being slightly more limited (which is fair) the bombs are mostly crap.

>> No.9672094

I like Marissa C's shot type and bomb. It takes away my nerves as I just press the bomb button and then attempt to do crazy dodges. Is this a bad habit to get into?

>> No.9672102

Pointblank MarisaA bombs can be spell skippers. stuff like orin's second midboss appearance in stage 4 die easily to a point blank bomb. Just make sure the enemy is still during the duration or you may have problems.

>> No.9672247

Stream is live once again.

>> No.9672267

You might be interested in this: http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?topic=219.0

>> No.9672328

Since I recently finished all Extras and 1cc Normals, I've been trying to get some no bomb runs of 1cc Normals and Extras.

I can't seem to figure out a good way to beat Nue Sign "Undefined Darkness.

Anyways, I was out camping with my girlfriend and no bombed Koishi on my first run. Felt good.

>> No.9672441

Dodge the bullets and misdirect Nue.

>> No.9672445
File: 502 KB, 640x480, th12 2012-09-03 00-04-12-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was so close. All of my deaths in this run were silly. And I really do mean all of them. All of them are from me either taking an unnecessary risk or stupidly running into a bullet. Both of my deaths on Shou really confused me. I went the wrong way on the second nonspell and couldn't undo myself before it was too late, and I messed up the timing on Vajra. Murasa was also very silly. I didn't expect to not perfect her, so I was surprised that I managed to miss twice. And that death on Devil's Recitation was also very silly. That spell is probably the hardest for me in the game and has cost me many perfect runs. I wrongly tried to force myself into a better strategy for it, which actually turned out to make it harder than it needed to be. I kind of regret not having just one more extra life on Byakuren.

But it doesn't matter. I've still been noticing myself continually getting farther, and this run gave me a lot of experience into what not to do during a LNBNV run. I even got that super special adrenaline feeling during DR. I honestly felt pretty dull up until there. That was pretty inspiring.

A lot of what we learn in Touhou, especially the stuff that's hard to find, is through failure. When we play a game with many different skill-sets, in every way imaginable, we make creative mistakes that allow us to see our obstacles in very unique ways. These mishaps highlight our faults and teach us strong lessons that cannot be achieved by playing a game casually.

So I failed to do a perfect Byakuren, but that doesn't matter. I know that I will beat her one way or the other. The run is yet to come. Someday I will be skilled enough to do this at will with every shot.

tl;dr: SOON

>> No.9673011

Depends on what you think a superplayer is.

Depends on what you think a reasonable score is.

Actually, what kind of scores are considered reasonable for the games? Do these values vary in between difficulties and shots?

>> No.9673031


>Actually, what kind of scores are considered reasonable for the games?

Probably some % of the world record.

>Do these values vary in between difficulties and shots?

Yes and yes, sometimes massively.

>> No.9673112

I'm playing Bahamut Lagoon.

It's a pretty enjoyable game if you like turn-based tactical strategy. It also has pet raising elements. You get to raise dragons that you can feed literally anything in your inventory, from armor to books. (Apparently if you feed them too many books, they go insane?)

I'd recommend it.

>> No.9673579

>Probably some % of the world record.
Is that not a bit misleading. For example, 90% of 200,000 would be really much, while 90% of 2,000,000,000 would have a much larger gap in optimisation.

>> No.9674033

>Probably some % of the world record.

Even this varies game by game. For example, getting 50% of the DOJBL world record is hard as HELL, but getting 50% of the Espgaluda WR is a joke. Just depends on how "top heavy" the scoring system is.

>> No.9674054
File: 284 KB, 800x1132, 1218640113520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a little frustrated. Saw this thread last night and realized I haven't played in a year. But it's giving me button-mapping issues.

Got the configs mostly right, but every time I press fire, it interprets like I'm holding down shift+fire, which fucks with my speed. Anyone run across a problem like this?

XP, using joytokey for mapping and Motioninjoy for the driver/tool stuff. I just wanna see if I can 1cc ReimuB again on esod.

>> No.9674064
File: 128 KB, 713x1000, 1219989945380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using a ps3 controller. what the fuck did it eat that sentence.

>> No.9674093

What? How do you figure?

That doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.9674094

Sounds like you have auto-slow mode, or whatever it's name on.

>> No.9674107

>playing Touhou with anything else than a keyboard

There's your problem.

>> No.9674110

Why aren't you playing with an arcade stick instead?

It's so much better.

>> No.9674113

I like to move diagonally.

>> No.9674114

Who are you quoting about not using arcade sticks?

>> No.9674117

Touhou is fucking shit.

>> No.9674118

Okay, so, get this - you know how you have four arrow keys on your keyboard? Yeah, you'd think that means you can only go in four directions, and that's not very good, is it? But here's the thing, you can - you followin' me here? - you can press... two arrow keys at the same time, and you'll move diagonally. Wow! Cool! But be careful, don't press opposite directions at once, because then it won't work! Oh no!

>> No.9674126


>> No.9674119

I like how you read my post while typing that.

>> No.9674142

Haven't touched any of the game settings, actually. In forever--not since I used the vpatch tool to get rid of the awful keyboard lag. Trick is, ps3 pad works just fine otherwise.

Here's a quick bs run from esod stage 01:


Note every instance of shift movement was NOT brought on by the shift key/mapped shoulder button.

>> No.9674148

Cause I just lost a job, have shit funds, and am recouperating. Need to eat and all that. This is one of my stress relievers.

I'm not a normalfag, I just live in an area that will fuck you over if you don't support yourself somehow..

>> No.9674149

who Cave here

>> No.9674164

>Any troubling spots?
Any troubling spots... haha.... hahaha.... bahahahahahaha! The whole game! Every game! I've had it! 6 years playing these games and for what? I haven't ever made it past a stage 3! Ever! What's the worth to keep playing them? Is there even any? I don't think so. But i still play them. I couldn't tell you why. Maybe because I'm crazy! Fucking insane! Or maybe I'm just in love with everyone, or hate myself! There could be a thousand reasons! But I wouldn't know. Not until I beat one of them, I'll never know why I played these things.

>> No.9674167

Well, it is rather difficult to get past stage 3 in GFW, to be fair.

Some would say almost impossible.

>> No.9674184

Would you believe me if I told you I couldn't get past stage 1 on that game? Wanna know a secret? I always use up to 3 continues before I give up.

>> No.9674253

Hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.9674257

Use arrow buttons to dodge bullets.

I feel you man. But that's probably because I only play on Lunatic and can't ever manage to bomb before dying for some reason.

>> No.9674347

What the fuck are you spoiling?

>> No.9674351

So you know those colorful balls, lasers and other differently shaped projectiles enemies shoot at you?
Yeah about those, you're supposed to dodge not collect them.
I know they're really pretty and just make you want to dive right into them but you need to resist that urge and evade them, let them fly right past you.
Trust me on this one.

>> No.9674428

The shmup scene is boring lately. The drama is tame and posts are slow, there's isn't much entertainment to go around.

>> No.9674433

Are you the learning disability-kun Marisa solo player? You're pretty cute even if you aren't.

Also, study superplays. Make that shit your homework. And play more consistently. 30 minutes to an hour a day and you'll be able to 1cc these games on any difficulty.

>> No.9674436

What the other guy said about top-heavy scoring. I can't seem to think of a good example to follow the other post about 90% of a lower score meaning a lot compared to a higher score, at least for the standard Easy through Lunatic difficulties. I guess if you pick like MoF Extra and compare it to a full run then it's relatively easier to reach that benchmark, but when looking between full runs...

I want to say that in each Touhou game between respective shot types on each difficulty (not looking into Extra/Phantasm) it'll almost always be harder to match a % of the WR for higher scores simply because of the difficulty trend. Someone feel free to argue against me on that; I'm not thinking too much right now.

I say almost always because I personally find PCB Easy and Normal pretty close to each other in difficulty, but the current scoring routes for Easy seem to pull similar / slightly harder tricks than Normal.

Also, some PCB Normal 2.1B attempts for an hour or more. Or less.


>> No.9674572

I think that's quite an accomplishment if you can't get past stage 1 without using 3 continues after 6 years of playing.
A testament to true learning disability.

>> No.9674681

My love subconsciously keeps you moving forward.

>> No.9674709

>The drama is tame
SPC pls go

>> No.9674823
File: 704 KB, 640x480, th001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me there is some secret to this and it's not all sightreading.

>> No.9674879

This is piss poor easy, now the Overdrive of that spellcard on the other hand is almost impossible.

>> No.9674881

if i make a touhou mai waifu maybe the desire to protect her will let me 1cc a game on normal

>> No.9674987
File: 714 KB, 1532x868, Halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go about beating these reliably without the use of bombs?

>> No.9675019

On Expanded Onbashira you should quickly rush to the right or left to redirect the amulets, or they'll completely cover up the middle once the lasers come down.

Not sure what your problem is with Misayama Hunting Shrine Ritual though it's fairly simple. Just strafe the knives and go through the gaps in the large bullets.

>> No.9675207

Don't you mean first go through the gaps in large bullets then strafe the knives?

>> No.9675223

Stream the knives WHILE going through the gaps in the bullets. It's a bit tricky.

>> No.9675249

Why is there a Jew star in that image? Is Zun a zionist puppet?

>> No.9675253
File: 187 KB, 640x480, misayama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go through the gaps in the large bullets, then strafe the knives while going through more large bullets.

Or, even better, stay still and let the knives go around you.

>> No.9675262

I payed for gw2 lately and i regret it more and more because it just fuels my autism

I c-could have spent that money on tea

>> No.9675265

Attempting to beat MoF Extra and Hard modes with the Ultra patch applied.

>> No.9675534

What kind of Nautrally talented fuck do you have to be to be able to 1cc GFW Ultra? I've been trying on and off for about three weeks now and I still game over at C-2.

>> No.9675541

Have you seen it done before? It might be impossible.

>> No.9675601

It's easier than standard lunatic!

>> No.9676655
File: 475 KB, 640x480, th12 2012-09-03 23-59-10-88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not expect this ending at all. I was feeling quite confident!

Oh well. At least I am getting to stage 6 consistently now. I got very unlucky on Shou in this run. I managed to die twice to Vajra.

>> No.9676683

What's the point of *NUFO? It's like restricting bullet cancels and point item collection in an IN NMNB run. *NUFO just seems very arbitrary and nonsensical — why not just go NMNB?

>> No.9676690

> Just strafe the knives
There are extra knives blocking this tactic on normal though.

>> No.9676694

With a NUFO run, you're allowed 4 deaths I believe. A NMNB run of UFO is nearly impossible...It might have been done once or twice.

>> No.9676700


You need to move up as well as to the side, I think.

That card is quite the challenge.

>> No.9676697

UFO's potentially make the game easier. Riz apparently want's to clear it without doing it the potentially easy way. It's nonsensical for score, but it's the equivalent of doing challenge runs like pacifist, no focus, etc.

>restricting bullet cancels and point item collection in an IN NMNB run
Hmm, good idea. Gonna need to try that in IN soon.

>> No.9676780

Urgh... Like this?
Kind of hard, if you ask me.

>> No.9676815
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1284346056103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most frustrating touhou game: shoot the bullet

>> No.9676878

I do it for the challenge. I'm quite comfortable without summoning UFOs. I don't want to summon them without being able to use my resources. That would make me feel restricted and distracted. If I was allowed to summon UFOs, I would just begin scoring. Also, I don't want to go for perfect runs just yet.
You are allowed to die five times. The sixth is a game-over. It is possible to clear the game with 5 stars and an extra star piece if you don't die and collect everything.
>UFO's potentially make the game easier.
This can be interpreted in several ways. In one way, they allow for bullet cancels. In another, they are a distraction. Summoning UFOs in a perfect run will be viewed as making it easier by default, but that might not be perfectly true. It's just several ways to play the same game.
>Riz apparently want's to clear it without doing it the potentially easy way.
It's all about the challenge. I like to play it this way. I'll change it up once I am done with my goals.
This picture makes me sad. I want to see Touhous happy.

>> No.9676931
File: 602 KB, 770x881, b0fc000a0a39292fa562bbd120d032c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9677027

Not that anon, but I think you are quite missing the point. NUFO is removing the game's system and focusing on purely dodging. And the ultimate survival challenge would be NMNBNUFO, but you seem to avoid it and allow misses.

I also am yet to see a single serious scoring run from you, Riz, so you might just as well go for scoring and forget the NUFO runs. And you actually could score on NUFO conditions, but I understand that you do not want to PoC or supergraze much. It is called pussying out, but I would do the same thing, so you are not to blame about that.

Challenges. Scoring. Unimportant stuff, do what you want, but do it for your own enjoyment, not fame or glory or the challenge.

>> No.9677040

> And the ultimate survival challenge would be NMNBNUFO
Why not pacifist also?

>> No.9677139

Since it would render several stage portions impossible, I assume.

>perfect runs
In a world of optimisation, there is no perfect. Varying shades of good and better will be out there, but the best or the perfect run will never be made. Hence, NMNB superplays are not perfect, but NMNB superplays.

Can you stop leaving your high-scoring runs as blank replays? I was trying to get my hands on your IN Ghost team the other day, but since it was unnamed I was unable to reach the download. Well, actually, nevermind. I do not want to spend half of a year trying to compete against some half-assed score of yours.

>> No.9677174

You are none to talk until you post some replays of your own. This can be any replay. If you can say with a straight face that it can match one of mine, then I would be happy to compete with you. Otherwise, leave me alone and stop making yourself look like an ironic buffoon.
When I use the term "perfect", I mean No-Miss and No-Bomb. I take that to be the generally accepted meaning. It varies, of course. It has no strict definition.

>> No.9677191

I don't know if you missed the point of his post, or intentionally ignored half of it because of your ego. Either way, I don't think he meant to hit any nerves.

>> No.9677261

You were looking for this?

>> No.9677271

I am not interested in competition with you. I also can say with a straight face that you are better player than I am, been a long time.

My point was not to mock you or call you out as a bad player, since you are not one, but note a few facts about your playstyle and general gameplay. I was worried about someone again, and it lead into trouble. I should stop caring, but it is hard.

It is completely fine to play as you wish, as long as you do it for the playing itself. I do not find competition with you enjoyable, so I am passing on that. I might try challenging you some day if we become similar in terms of skill, but I highly doubt it.

Oh, and I am rather sure that you already know who I am, so you are welcome to talk with me on IRC or look up my replays on the uploader if you really wish so. They all suck and are embarrassing, though, so I would suggest you not to watch my shitty replays, they probably are not enjoyable.

>> No.9677296

I was. A lot has changed since then. Thank you for the link, anyway.

"Competition" with you brought nothing but pain. It is better to follow my own goals. You run into something eventually if you are looking up. It is better to look forward.

>> No.9677327

>Can you stop leaving your high-scoring runs as blank replays?


>> No.9677359

I assumed so.

>> No.9677397

#pofv pls go

>> No.9677400

what is #pofv ?

>> No.9677403

a channel for supernerds

>> No.9677417

A channel for penis enthuasists.

>> No.9677427

For the record, that other post isn't me. I would have directed you to Royalflare instead.

>> No.9677441

Oh. It could've been.

I didn't know your IN easy runs are at Royalflare. Or all of the blank runs by you, for that matter.

>> No.9677478 [DELETED] 

e/b/in shitpost finnbro :DDDDDDD spudro spädre XDDDD

>> No.9678243

A channel where all the good players go, /jp/ need not apply.

Too bad they still suck ass compared to glorious nippon players. Except maybe Heartbeam and sometimes T. But Heartbeam can destroy Japan in pretty much any game, STG or otherwise. I'm betting it's because he's actually Asian himself.

>> No.9678466

I don't think I have never seen Heartbeam score or anything other than Normal or Easy.

>> No.9678500


>> No.9678616

You should get your head checked. Please.

>> No.9678680


>> No.9678710

Heartbeam has third place on lunatic with reimu and some assorted top tier extra and phantasm scores.

>> No.9678745

jesus dick

>> No.9678782

>do it for your own enjoyment, not fame or glory or the challenge.
What if you enjoy fame and glory and challenge?

>> No.9678802

Why would a person like that be on /jp/?

>> No.9679017

Anyone want to stream?

>> No.9679248

Stop talking about how good some player is. In some people's case it really flusters them, and causes troubled minds. Especially if you get facts wrong. Better not mention names unless they step out by themselves, like Riz.

What do you people think is an okay PCB extra score for MarisaB? I would like to hear solid numbers, like 500k, 500m and 5b.

>> No.9679280


>> No.9679282


>> No.9679291

Playing Ikaruga with my brother and we're getting our butts kicked. Having fun though!. Trying to 1cc Normal.

I can't wait for DoDonPachi Saidaiojou (seeing as it's going to be a year before I can buy the port). Listened to the OST a couple days back and I loved it.

>> No.9679363

Are you kidding me? He can destroy a Lunatic Touhou score after years of not playing.

Why? Because it's the truth? Western players are disgusting at every game they try to play. Instead of trying to improve, they instead whine on an image board about how terrible they are. It's no surprise Asians are far superior at STGs and fighters alike.

700M is okay.

>> No.9679390

I'm done with Touhou.

A year of playing and nothing, no improvement at all.
If anything I'm actually playing worse than before.
I'm just too frustrated and tired of it, I think I'm going to become a secondary.

>> No.9679396

Stop getting mad and just play for fun

>> No.9679401

Have you been studying superplays? If not, that's your main mistake. ALWAYS study superplays and watch your own to see what you fuck up on. If you're playing STGs, watching superplays is one of the best things you can do.

>> No.9679439

I've said those words before. Eventually reached my goal, though. I still believe it was because of the stars aligning just right instead of skill. I'm not gonna tell you to quit or keep playing, but if you do become a secondary, do feel proud of yourself for trying, at least.

>> No.9679445

But it's lame!

>> No.9679446

Wow, in a year I went from easy to hard. Good luck though, man.

>> No.9679450

Now you're being silly. I don't see how you can change the argument from "beating up Japan" to "beating up Western players." Why don't you have a conversation with him since you can't seem to get off his dick. I wonder if you're the same guy who's always shouting about scoring.

I don't even know if you're different from the person who was posting 12 hours ago. Looking at what happened I wouldn't put it past you to pull this kind of shit. For now I'll imagine you're two different people.

>> No.9679454
File: 125 KB, 1570x419, sa score motivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is lame about studying superplays?

>> No.9679474

Most western players only seem to care about "western records". It's okay if a Japanese player has double your score as long as you're the best amongst the whities. Asians don't count because their pure bloodline makes them superior by default.

>> No.9679488

What exactly do you mean by superplays?
And how is that going to help me.

Nah, I think I'll still continue playing but taking a break for now since it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Well I started on Normal and I'm still on Normal.
How much have you been playing?

>> No.9679645

Ain't nothing wrong with studying superplays. Do you really think that people figure out awesome scoring/survival paths by themselves? No. They watch other people play and borrow stuff from each other while devising their own methods of scoring. It's entirely possible to learn a survival path even for a shitty player like me, but scoring paths? No way in Hell. If I tried to learn chaining paths in DOJ without the help from a superplay, I think I would go insane.

Y'know, watching somebody who knows what they're doing play the game. You don't have to make it your homework, but watching them when you're angry with the games can really be a help.

>> No.9679668

>Do you really think that people figure out awesome scoring/survival paths by themselves?

Well someone had to do it first for others to copy it, so yeah kinda.

>> No.9680019

>Are you kidding me? He can destroy a Lunatic Touhou score after years of not playing.
You're making a clown of yourself. Can you suck his dick any harder?

>> No.9680559

Be careful. Watching superplays too early will encourage risky shenanigans that an inexperienced player shouldn't be attempting. If the person is very comfortable with survival, superplays will be useful. Otherwise, you could be hurting the person you're trying to give advice to.

By the way, Heartbutt's penis is delicious. You're all jealous that I get to have some.

>> No.9680601

Haatobeamu cocku is delicious. I love the way he ravages people with his Platinum and Sol.

I think I'll make my next PSN alt named after him because I love him so much.

And yes, I actually agree with you. I was a bit wrong in saying to watch superplays when you're a complete beginner. When I was at that point, I enjoyed watching mediocre 1/0 and 0/0 1ccs of whatever difficulty I was playing. It was even more encouraging when I saw them die on Stage 1 or 2 and still manage to 1cc it. Sorry for the shit advice, I'm not really good with giving it out.

>> No.9680607
File: 57 KB, 640x480, IN 1cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! 1cc IN in normal with Reimu&Yukari against Eirin and this time I started with 3 lives. I now have to try and do the same against Kaguya.
The good thing is that every time I got hit I had the reflex to use a bomb when usually I forget half the time.
Long live the bombs!

>> No.9681052
File: 57 KB, 640x480, IN 6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done against Kaguya too. Started 6B with 5 red stars and finished with only one; I'm really not used to that stage.
Guess I'll try Mokou then switch to PCB.

>> No.9681989

>By the way, penis is delicious.
Man, for once we agree on something. Now, tell me what do you think is an okay PCB ex MarisaB score, so we can disagree on it.

I'll ruin the fun for you and reveal that at least one of the posters opposing you here is Heartbeam himself, unless I am really wrong. Also, I do honestly think that he is unable to destroy good scores (on any difficulty of any game. Well, I do not know about PCB since he has always been playing it, but it could very well be the case with it as well) after years of playing. I do not have much experience, but the only scores I've seen him destroy after not playing the game for a while were some shit-tier unoptimal IN easy scores.

Yeah, he is a skilled player and a fast learner, but I really can't see him picking up UFO on a whim and beating guys like shin or AM without any effort. Actually, I am having a hard time believing that he could beat .ASP in any lunatic mode outside PCB without a fuckton of effort.

... Why am I posting this, I am wrong anyway and this is starting to annoy me.

>> No.9682081

Me too. I started with EoSD and got really far in a short period of time. I kept thinking beating it was just around the corner. A year later and STILL CAN'T BEAT REMI ON NORMAL FUCK SHIT

>> No.9682114

>Now, tell me what do you think is an okay PCB ex MarisaB score, so we can disagree on it.

>> No.9682183

You know, adding that ,05 to the 1b just for the sake of it looking better is like adding frills to your dress.

Gay as HELL, dude.

>> No.9682228

The IRC circlejerking sure is strong tonight.

>> No.9682268

What score do I need to get in an IN Extra run to be eligible for #pofv? Is the range of 2.6B to 2.8B acceptable? Please respond.

>> No.9682335

That channel is full of secondaries. Most of them have not cleared IN extra. Go there and laugh at them, anon.

>> No.9682393
File: 512 KB, 640x480, th12 2012-09-05 02-25-19-85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my only credit for today and my hands are very cold. All of my misses in this run were very silly. If my hands weren't frozen and immobile, I am sure that I would have gotten this run. That's another lesson learned: Don't overdo the AC.

I've been getting to Byakuren everyday now. If I can just get into the proper mood with the proper setting, I bet that I can clear this with lives to spare. I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the night.

>> No.9682417


Get some fingerless gloves, you muppet.

>> No.9682454

Does anyone here have the cracked malie.exe for Dies irae Acta est Fabula?
I tried the alsign.sig but it doesn't work.

>> No.9682647


>> No.9682755

>take ambien to try and sleep
>play touhou to pass the time until it kicks in
>was so close to first 1CC on SA gotta try again
>ambien wears off for the most part
>take more ambien to try and sleep
>play touhou to pass the time until it kicks in

This game might be killing me, literally killing me.

>> No.9682757

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9682759


"take ambien to try and sleep"

I've never understood why people say things like this.
It should be "...to try to sleep", because that implies the connection between trying and sleeping (trying to sleep).
"...to try and sleep" instead does not make that connection. Trying to do what and sleep? It could mean anything and isn't syntactically correct.

Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.9682824
File: 131 KB, 311x458, 1315452845100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with you about everything

>> No.9682849 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 604x453, Will LOL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou, such an awsome game!

>> No.9682855

I die to non-boss bullets on easy...

>> No.9682878

"Try and" and "try to" are interchangeable in most contexts. Only in extremely formal writing would "try and" possibly be considered a blunder.


>> No.9682882

Hey, that's like me in DOJBL. I always die to that final popcorn pattern in a full run no matter how much I practice it. I used to miss on the 1-2 boss popcorn pattern too, and game over to the 1-3 cheese graters because I'm too stubborn to use a bomb anywhere before the fourth stage in any STG.

Sometimes, I instinctively press the X button when I panic. I need to buy a taser and start shocking myself whenever I do stupid shit like that, even more so when I drop piss easy chains like the 1-2 stage chain. That one will be a double shock for me.

>> No.9682944

Hurray! I 1cc'd MoF on normal with Reimu B. Previously I did it with Marisa B but was shunned because apparently that's a glitched shot type. I didn't notice it but that doesn't matter. I beat it legit this time. Now I can try out the Extra mode.

>> No.9682968

I also beat MoF with Reimu-B last night. So damn happy.
Gonna try EoSD normal now.

>> No.9683018

Aren't touhous supposed to run on any machine? After a while of playing TD, my relatively new, really cheap laptop really heats up and halves my fps. No problem with any of the other games.

>> No.9683038

>Aren't touhous supposed to run on any machine?
Where on Earth did you get that piece of misinformation from?

>> No.9683053

Someone said that I could run them at max fps with a computer dug up from a trash can.

>> No.9683070

The older games tend to run on pretty much any laptop, but the newer ones (MoF and above) that run a different engine don't. TD, for instance, is quite a recent game, so wouldn't ZUN use more up-to-date graphics and code? I'm no programmer, so feel free to rip me apart about the above if you need to.

So, in answer to your question: No, they don't run on any machine.

>> No.9683075

TD uses DirectX9

>> No.9683103

I had a thought the other day, would a danmaku in 3D work? Not pseudo 3D like that cancelled flandre game (yeah I reminded you of it, fuck you) but actual 3D that lets you move freely in the x,y, and z axes. I'd imagine it would be hella complicated to make difficult danmaku patterns and stuff, but it might be very fun too, if done right.

>> No.9683104

My laptop is five years old and I can't run 6-12-13 at 60fps unless I skip half the frames.

>> No.9683113

Desktop computers, man.

>> No.9683114

I'm pretty sure you can at least run most STGs on MAME with an older laptop. Maybe not DOJBL or Ketsui, but you should be able to get 60FPS with DDP at the very least.

Futari will certainly not run properly unless you have a monster PC.

>> No.9683133
File: 23 KB, 291x292, 1341541143874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah !! Beat Remi (normal) at last.

I knew coming to /jp/ was a good motivator.

>> No.9683138


Why did you post a crying Marisa if you are happy?
Congratulations, by the way. Are you going to continue chronologically and 1cc all the Windows games now?

>> No.9683147

Sometimes wide smile simply can't do.

>Are you going to continue chronologically and 1cc all the Windows games now?
Not in foreseeable future. This could even be my last game.

>> No.9683155

2B is a good enough score. 2.5B if you want to be badass.

>> No.9683166

IN extra score? what are you talking about, Anon?
in #PoFV we discuss zooligical genitalia.

>> No.9683179

I thought everybody on #PoFV circlejerked over frame data and used :V after every sentence?

Guess I was wrong!

>> No.9683186

>frame data

>> No.9683292

Futari will certainly not run properly unless you buy it on the Xbox 360 or own the PCB.

>> No.9683743
File: 398 KB, 638x478, bad and poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, it's ReimuB time of the month again.

Still under 10k graze, still only 2 borders for the final card. Still failed third card by deathbombing as the third noncard ended. Still really unoptimal stage route. Still under 20M Spell Bonus for survival.

Whatever, it's ReimuB and more fitting with my other stuff, the 1,003 was just silly. Maybe I can stop being a pussy now and continue gameovering to Chen's first card as MarisaB now.

>> No.9683863

But why would Heartbeam himself turn down his cock riders? Wouldn't he love the attention?

Here I thought attention and getting fans who will ride your dick was the only reason to enter tournaments/scoring money matches.

>> No.9683983

Obvious cheating. Not true 1cc.

Please get out of here.
> Mfw when spoilers

>> No.9684010

Why are you misusing the spoiler function?

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9684032

I am misusing the spoiler function, because I feel like it.

> And I am quoting your dead grandma.

Any more questions, kind sir? Also fuck you.

Can you post your replay to, say, youtube, please? Not your "best and perfect replay", just come most commonplace one.
No? I can't watch replays at thgames right now, but I have a dream to do any touhou extra sometime nevertheless.

>> No.9684104

kill yourself out of /jp/

>> No.9684121

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9684133


>> No.9684150

The replay for the recent ReimuB run is in the replay uploader, and I am not uploading it to my youtube. It is too bad, and there already are a lot of good videos of PCB extra.

I do have one Phantasm ultra video, which shows how you can fail everything in the stage, but I am against to linking my channel. It feels too embarrassing.

I can try to dig up some lets plays of it for you, if you really want to watch one. Or you could just wait for Riz to come online, he probably would be willing to do such a thing, with a better route anyway.

>> No.9684156

>I can try to dig up some lets plays of it for you, if you really want to watch one.
That would be really nice, thank you.
Perfect replays are too hard to learn from (I am stupid like that, I am just getting angry when see perfect things).
Notsoperfect, on the other hand...

>> No.9684160

No one is impressed by your epic "Nah", homo.

>> No.9684172

I'm okay with this, sperglorg.

>> No.9684174

Woah. Chill out there, don't break your keyboard there.
It was only a joke, man. Fuck.

>> No.9684188


>> No.9684206

I'll assume this is okay. Spent only a little while asking over IRC, and this is what I got.

By the way, I endorse using the word perfect when speaking about NMNB runs, since perfect runs do not exists. You can always be more optimal.

>> No.9684482


There are lots of games that involve dodging obstacles in 3D that do it will, but I don't know if a real Danmaku game in 3D would work.
I remember reading this a very long time ago. I wonder if you are the same person as before.
You want me to make an LP of PCB Phantasm? I would probably rather do it in a stream. I'd have to practice before putting an LP on YouTube.

>> No.9684523

I just beat PoFV on normal with marisa. I found reimu much easier, stage 9 culminated into a 15 minute long fight with both me and the boss on our final hitpoint (and it was my last life as well). I can't get used to marisa's lasers. Tengu was hard.

>> No.9684528

I'm probably the same guy. I think I said something along those lines a loooong time ago. Still salty and depressed as ever because I'm shit at STGs and fighters, and if I did say something like that, no hard feelings to IRC tourneyfags.

I was probably sleep deprived and depressed as ever. Or highly intoxicated. Or both.

>> No.9684749

Do a stream where you 1cc all of the games from EoSD to TD on Lunatic in one sitting, Riz.

>> No.9685007

the posessing-an-irc-client score

>> No.9685280


Playing some boring PCB Extra/Reimu-A no-focus for a little.

>> No.9685636

To that person commenting in the stream, I felt I was a bit too brief with the explanation even though it should be adequate enough. To reiterate: yeah, all a matter of perspective. And the thing with self-criticism keeping up with you. Or like tolerance to continued use of smoking, alcohol, and other drugs.

Always good to look towards what's personally challenging (and gratifying) to you. You just caught me being less reserved after being encouraged by someone else's words.

>> No.9685654

You're so lovely.

>> No.9685823

>Better route

>> No.9686029

Better players usually have better routes, both survival and scorewise.

>> No.9686044

But Riz is worse than Seppo and he never scores, so he wouldn't know much about scorerunning anyway.

>> No.9686050

>Riz is worse than Seppo
As if Seppo is any good.

>> No.9686103

>Better players usually have better routes, both survival and scorewise.
While this is true in the general case, Riz doesn't into scoring at all.

>> No.9686112

He is a piece of shit who only plays on easy and still fails. Compared to Riz's achievements, he has nothing.

>> No.9686122

Visit one of these threads after awhile, people are pitting Riz and Seppo against each other. Did times change since we were all friends in IRC?

>> No.9686130

who the f*ck is seppo

>> No.9686150

yes. a bunch of things have happened in this year

>> No.9686156

Just recently picked up 'Soku and am practicing my Alice. The idea of sitting halfway across the screen and tossing minions at the enemy just sort of grows on me. I especially like the C suicide bomber. She just looks so enthusiastic, especially with that cute little jump at the end. I'm toying around with a spell card set without any actual spell cards.

>> No.9686171

He is an unimportant failure and a horrible person.

>> No.9686190
File: 165 KB, 640x959, lp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why /jp/ is in such a gossiping mood right now. I do wish people would be a little more tactful. #pofv has changed somewhat, but I'd rather not discuss that here. You can't pick your family. ;_;

>> No.9686200

I wonder why.

>> No.9686215
File: 25 KB, 555x752, bestwesternplayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys suck at name-dropping

>> No.9686751

How many attempts do you have at the spell card with most attempts? Which spell card is it?

>> No.9686795
File: 1.31 MB, 1284x724, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally 1cc'd Byakuren.


>> No.9686804

This isn't STG related but who and why deleted the Hisoutensoku netplay thread?

>> No.9686808


Was it old? Might have been automatically pruned.

>> No.9686828

Is there a secret to playing well? I can deal with patterns but random stuff always kills me.

Also, are these games meant to be played with keyboard or gamepad?

>> No.9686834


Play with what is most comfortable for you. Keyboard is pretty popular for Touhou, other shooters vary.

As to playing well, I'd suggest looking ahead of your ship, rather than at it. With some practice you can improve at predicting where bullets are going to fall.

>> No.9686835

There's a secret. Practice, practice, practice. Do play with a keyboard, it allows for much more refined movement.

>> No.9686838

Get better reactions. Practice. Watch superplays (although that's for nerds). Either method of control is fine, I find that I perform slightly better with a controller due to what I perceive as more precise movement, but I'm not very good (only 1cc'd three games on Normal). If I ever get a decent mechanical keyboard or an arcade stick, I'll use those instead.

>> No.9686871

Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana (IN 221)

I don't know, the numbers are leaving me.

>> No.9687010

>This post was deleted before its lifetime before its lifetime has expired.

>> No.9687040

op got banned for something else and all his posts automatically deleted.

>> No.9687130

Watching superplays isn't for nerds, it's pretty much needed if you want to be able to clear Lunatic or even score high in Normal.

And for the people who are going to say something like, "Oh, but somebody came up with these routes by themselves before anybody else!" No. Most of the people who did come up with the routes posted around with fellow superplayers on private BBSes, or in the case of arcade STGs, watched each other in the arcades. Would you rather spend fifty hours in practice mode just figuring out a basic scoring path, or would you rather learn it right away by watching a superplay so you can practice the more difficult stuff?

>> No.9687295
File: 1.20 MB, 1696x464, yeah man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe I should learn how ReimuB easy works or something.

Or maybe I just should play something else.

>> No.9687310

Nope, I'm here.
For some reason the threads have been dying a lot lately, so I will stop making them.

>> No.9687347

>Watching superplays isn't for nerds, it's pretty much needed if you want to be able to clear Lunatic
We'll see about that!
*grabs joystick*

>> No.9687344

Well it didn't die, it was manually deleted for some reason.
People were hosting all the time.

>> No.9687346

>Watching superplays isn't for nerds, it's pretty much needed if you want to be able to clear Lunatic
Not true at all.

>even score high in Normal.
Probably, but that will also depend on your definition of "high".

I have nothing against watching superplays, but I'm concerned about novice players getting the wrong idea, imitating other players instead of just learning how to play, e.g. being able to do the most dense memotrash but unable to dodge the most simple random spray. Just clearing any of the games on any difficulty shouldn't require any outside influence unless you're really clueless and get stuck on how to do something.

>Most of the people who did come up with the routes posted around with fellow superplayers on private BBSes
Maybe I'm biased because this is what I do. I find discovery, experimentation, and route making to be the most fun parts of playing these games. The first couple weeks after a game is released are my favorite. Others may disagree, but I figure people should be able to clear a game consistently and play around with the scoring system a little before observing superplays too closely. Chances are they wouldn't be able to appreciate or understand the tactics of what they watched until that point anyway.

>> No.9687373

That's fine, really.

Just don't come crying about how much bullshit the game is giving you later when you fail to figure something out. Be smart about it and watch a replay or don't complain.

>> No.9687389 [DELETED] 

Did you reply to the wrong post or something.

>> No.9687446
File: 857 KB, 1278x479, DBDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2DNBNBB Yukari, both deaths to DBDB.

Yeah, this is it. Somebody please, tell me what's the exact amount of cherry you need to pull off the border invincibility frame thing?

>> No.9687447

Coming up with routes by yourself is a lot of fun if you have access to stage practice or save states. But when you're playing on an arcade cab, you don't exactly have a lot of options.

As much as I love these games, making up scoring paths by myself on a PCB isn't fun at all. Now of course, none of this applies to Touhou unless you enjoy scoring in GFW or something.

>> No.9687517

Do you mean the supernatural border? You'd need 50,000.

>> No.9687576

>it's pretty much needed if you want to be able to clear Lunatic or even score high in Normal.
Neh, Lunatic clears aren't so bad. Pure survival is flexible enough that you can pretty much forge your own path through practice and get it done without too much trouble.

Challenging the scores of the superplays pretty much means watching those superplays, yeah, but other than that it's not necessary.

>being able to do the most dense memotrash but unable to dodge the most simple random spray
Eh, the only card you can do with 100% pure memorization is pretty much just Yukari's last word, everything else you need actual dodging to be able to memorize it in the first place.

>> No.9687586
File: 20 KB, 587x16, th8_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keine's 2nd spell in Extra.

>> No.9687602

What does mean "2DNBNBB" and "DBDB"?

>> No.9687603

What is the best game to play if I want to improve on dodging fast bullets within dense patterns?

Raiden Fighters seems to fit the fast bullet part for the most part. Also, any way to remove the slowdown when there's a lot of bullets on screen when playing CAVE games? Just curious.

>> No.9687609

2 death no bomb no border break and Double Black Death Butterfly.
DBDB is not even that hard, I consider Satori's DBDB harder than Yukari's

>> No.9687613

Huh? Why? It's not that difficult.

>> No.9687617

Clearing normally is easy, but milking it for graze and time isn't. It's probably one of the hardest spell cards in the game to milk.

>> No.9687668

Mars Matrix on difficulty 8
hacked Ketsui Arrange mode without slowdown

>> No.9687699
File: 405 KB, 640x479, whoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love in its purest form.

>> No.9687753

Is 1B enough to satisfy Japanese heart?

>> No.9687785

After being quite good as PCB, i wanted to try scoring. Reading all the information, i didn't think it's too hard. Then i watched some replays from HS and i decided to just playing like a casual player. He put too much effort in it that i will have to waste another half of my life just to get near his level. I never thought the distance between WR and me would be that huge.

>> No.9687788

I'm moving on for now, it'd be nice to revisit it some day and improve the shot-types I grew to like (ReimuA, MarisaB, SakuyaA).

>> No.9687792

Don't start at the WR-level. Head into easier targets like some low-effort 1b scores.

>> No.9687794

Score running isn't too hard, you can be a terrible player like .asp and get 2BIL in UFO, so anything is possible :V

>> No.9687796

hi .asp

>> No.9687814
File: 728 KB, 640x480, woop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ran through TD blind with two lives and bombs left over. Strangely enough, it was the only Touhou game where I was able to do that, but on Lunatic I find it much more tougher than UFO. At least, compared to Nazrin and Kogasa, Yuyuko and Kyouko are more difficult. And you get next to no resources in TD.

Anyhow, Halo of the Guze Kannon was probably the most fun I've had yet, can't wait to face that Spell Card on Lunatic mode.

>> No.9687817

I never understood why people like that card. It's basically just Disco Eternal Meek.

>> No.9687833

I haven't played EoSD more than once yet, I couldn't bother to figure out how to get vpatch working with it. But thanks for the info, there'll surely be something to enjoy there, then.

And everybody likes disco, right?

>> No.9687863

every card looks like eternal meek if you don't stream

>> No.9687907

At least Eternal Meek is random, that shit is just static and boring.

The most fun I had in TD was with 「Laser of Seventeen Articles」.

>> No.9687916

Tasteful color combinations in elaborate patterns are best. CAVE's constant barrage of blue isn't too fun. Disco is ADD on crack, neither of which I unfortunately have.

>> No.9687925

That feel when you realize every game is like that. Even "easy" games (e.g., Deathsmiles, IN) are only easy when playing for survival - getting a high-level score in them makes them as hard as anything out there.

>> No.9687932

Cave's colors their bullets for gameplay, not so they look pretty.

>> No.9687948

Dumb question, how do you even figure out what's static from what's not? They all seem the same to me.

From watching different replays? Did I just answer myself?

>> No.9687953

Please don't start it, the games are all emulatable and they have been out for years, can't we just accept opinions and move on?
Also CAVE took the selectable difficulty settings from Touhou and they games became a lot more approachable after that. Both have great ideas, let's agree to disagree.

>> No.9687954

You begin to see what is static and what isn't once you ascend past shit tier play.

>> No.9687973

If the bullet pattern is the same every time you play that means it's static, if it's just random shit flying everywhere then it's not.

>> No.9687978
File: 4 KB, 224x448, thatshardcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAVE has always put difficulty options in their games though!

Does the difficulty setting actually do anything here? I didn't notice any difference when I tried it in DDP, and I'm certainly not going to try it in DOJ because I am a lazy faggot.

>> No.9687987

DDP has 2 difficulties, 1cc and non-1cc.
Deathsmiles and Mushihime-sama had actual difficulties, so you know, you actually have a learning curve and can have fun while you learn.
Not everybody likes to penis waving and yes I'm very much aware of service mode.
Even the Galudas can be more or less challenging depending on how you use your hyper, save for that final boss, that is always set to bullshit.

The bullet densities do change.

>> No.9688046

In DOJBL the popcorn enemies start to shoot a shitton of bullets. Didn't notice any other changes though. At least on the first loop.

>> No.9688070

Imperishable shooting 10/308

>> No.9688086

2hu invented selectable difficulties

>> No.9688157

From playing the game more than once.

That mostly just affects the rank you start out at.

Well, they're not exactly different difficulties, as the scoring system can change significantly in different modes.


>> No.9688297

Tournaments are an awful fit for shmups. You should already be focusing on the games you care about, so why should you stop playing them and enter a tournament, play a random game for a week or two, get a mediocre score, and never touch it again? Stupid events like that are one of the many reasons why western players will always be so far behind the Japanese.

>> No.9688341

DDP's difficulties are "1st loop" and "2nd loop". A 1-ALL isn't really that bad with all the bombs you get, the relatively low bullet density in most of it, and the fact that there isn't a proper final boss. It was the first non-Touhou game I 1CC'd.

>> No.9688353

people with a d.i.y. mindset don't pull that shit

hahaha, well-played

variety? a better gauge of your dodging skills? direct competition with friends or a community? knowing that you can always pick the game back up after a few weeks?

different strokes, man

>> No.9688422

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.9688484

America is free at every game they play. EU and Asia is far superior.

>> No.9688579

Why is lotus land story so fucking easy compared to the other 2.
It gives you tons of resources and the spells are pretty fun to try and dodge instead of the average PC98 strat of bomb everything because if you don't BULLETS IN YOUR TURTLE'S MOUTH.

SotEW is just bomb bomb bomb and mystic square doesn't give enough resources, not to mention the stage 5 boss is so damn hard.

>> No.9688582

Variety is fine, but the more games you play, the worse you'll be at everything. You want to be great at 5 games, good at 15, or average at 30? You're better off focusing on the games you really like, while playing other stuff when you need a break.

>direct competition with friends or a community
Why do you need a tournament for this? Every game already has a score board. Do you want to play it in a tournament so you can say "I'm ranked #30 overall, but I only got to play for 20 hours over the course of a week! I'm actually good!" No, you're not.

One meaningless tournament just ended, and I already see some people talking about starting up another one.

>> No.9688598

>why should you stop playing them and enter a tournament, play a random game for a week or two, get a mediocre score, and never touch it again
because some people find it fun

>> No.9688617

I recently started SA Extra, and it's hell. Even getting to Koishi is a pain and I can't make it consistently without dieing.
Specifically, the small fairies right after Sanae force a bomb or two out of me, as the bullets always spread out and corner me.
Is there a trick to that part?
I'm using Doll Options, for everything else I'd have to clear normal again.

>> No.9688644

I use the little go though the side of the screen thing that yukari reimu has.

>> No.9688753

Stream them close up before they spread out.

>> No.9688764

>You're better off focusing on the games you really like, while playing other stuff when you need a break.
i'd guess that most people do exactly that. a tournament like stgt would be a break
>Variety is fine, but the more games you play, the worse you'll be at everything.
more like the more you play one game, the more you can focus on a route and working on specific sections/patterns, getting better at those. but the more narrow your focus, the more your overall skill set can deteriorate, since different games require different skills. granted, that isn't much of a concern if you're already one of the best shmuppers in the world or if your only goal is to get one wr, but if you want to be better at shmups as a whole then you need that variety
>Why do you need a tournament for this?
i don't consider a set of handles and high scores to be my friends or to constitute a community. it's the social aspect, which, for me at least, i would find to be a lot more motivating
>No, you're not.
you're talking about overall score against people who have put in hundreds, if not thousands of hours on a given game. i'm talking about dodging aptitude (and how quickly you learn, how well you practice, etc) where the playing field has been mostly leveled with regard to time; your score obviously isn't relevant outside of the competition. and there were some very good players in stgt, for example, so you can see how you stack up against good players in raw ability, more or less. it's a different way to compete and it has its own rewards

and in the end it's still competition and it's still people busting their ass for something, so i don't get shitting on it. if nothing else, you can look at it like i said before: a divergence from the norm of grinding to improve upon other skills. and i'm having an impossible time finding anything wrong with that

>> No.9688778


>I'm using Doll Options

MarisaA? I'd recommend using a different shot type, because MarisaA is pretty bad.

Clearing the game with ReimuA shouldn't be too difficult. She doesn't have as many bombs, but her bullets do more damage and holy fuck her bomb is WONDERFUL. Also, the way she can move across the sides of the screen makes most of Stage 6 a complete joke.

I always had to use a bomb against those fairies right after Sanae as well, but that's okay to do. The big fairies right before Koishi? Each one of them drops .25 Power, so killing four of them with a bomb means no loss. You can bombspam all of them and still have 3-4 Power for Koishi.

Would you like a replay?

>> No.9688850

But they spread even horizontally, how would I stream them?

Yes, MarisaA. Do the needles really deal more damage than 8 dolls? When playing through the normal game, I was only able to shoot down most of the small fry with Dolls.
As for the replay, thanks, but I'd rather try on my own for now. I got most of it figured out, it's just that the error margin is ridiculously small, even compared to other extras. Said part is the only one I can't do.

>> No.9688921


>Do the needles really deal more damage than 8 dolls?

I'm pretty certain they do, ESPECIALLY while focused.


>As for the replay, thanks, but I'd rather try on my own for now.

I respect that; I'm the same way. I didn't look at any replays for SA's Extra. Good luck!

>> No.9689021

>Specifically, the small fairies right after Sanae force a bomb or two out of me
>Is there a trick to that part?
just use a bomb or two

>> No.9689024

My 7 year old niece came round yesterday, and after asking who my fumo's and figs where, I let her play touhou.

At first I had to shoot for her, while she just pressed direction keys but after she got the movement down she started shooting for herself too.
Every time she beat a boss she would throw her arms up and go "yayy"
It was the cutest thing ever.

>> No.9689037

How are her scores?

>> No.9689040

>7 year old niece
>Every time she beat a boss
Anon... just how many bosses did that girl beat?

Actually, never mind. Just make sure you raise her good.

>> No.9689161

I want to be angry or jealous of her quick progress, but I can't be. You know what to do.

>> No.9689164

I love you.

>> No.9689183

This is so fucking heartwarming. I'm in tears, anon!

>> No.9689194

Shoot? You mean holding down a single button?

Oh yeah and that sounds so cute I think I'm gonna vomit.

Also, not your blog.

>> No.9689221

>more like the more you play one game, the more you can focus on a route and working on specific sections/patterns, getting better at those. but the more narrow your focus, the more your overall skill set can deteriorate, since different games require different skills
Not true at all. Shmups are 90% memorization, once you fully understand the fundamentals of the genre (how bullets are aimed, ways to evade them, etcetera), it all comes down to sinking time into a game and learning its intricacies.

The way shmup tournaments are set up right now makes them completely worthless. It's like setting up a fighting game tournament where everybody plays Clayfighter, Jackie Chan: The Kung Fu Master, Eternal Champions, and Primal Rage. Sure, everybody will start out on equal footing and practice for a week, but the guy who wins is not necessarily a great player. The best players are sinking tons of hours into a game (or two, or three) every day for *years* and competing at SBO.

There is simply no way to have a meaningful shmup tournament due to the nature of the games. The only thing you can do is gather a bunch of top players and have them do a live exhibition of the games they've mastered. This just happened just a couple months ago, where ISO played Touhou PCB, NAK played Futari, SPS played Ketsui, .R played Progear, Kamui played Garegga, etcetera.

>> No.9689226


>> No.9689596

>People are having fun! They make no sense! Stop doing that!

#pofv is planning on having a PoFV tournament next month some time, by the way.

>> No.9689633


>> No.9689726

Just wait for Touhou 14 and make a tournament 1 week/month after it's released. That's where true skill count.

>> No.9689862


I think we ought to speculate on what Touhou 14 will be like. My prediction:

-You play as a curvy laser
-All the enemies and bosses are curvy lasers
-They all shoot curvy lasers
-All curvy lasers shoot out other curvy lasers
-The Extra Stage boss is a zombie fairy
-You can never win

>> No.9689895

>-You can never win
Aww, again? ;_;

>> No.9689902

All SA stage 5 enemies are zombie fairies but you can still win.

>> No.9689903

>You can never win

So still the same good old touhou?

>> No.9690140


The zombie fairies that appear around Orin are horrible, unstoppable nightmares. You can only win because you're fighting Orin, not them.


As in, you can never beat the Extra Stage boss because it's a zombie fairy. It's not a matter like fighting Mokou, who can lose despite her immortality because she can get too tired to continue. If the enemy is a zombie fairy, the fight will never end until you have lost.

>> No.9690274

>Not true at all.
what you wrote didn't support your conclusion (or perhaps your assumption?)

you hone different techniques by playing different games, especially when they're from different devs, because the patterns and stages require different movements and reading. you -will- gain and lose edges by narrowing the number of games you play

i'm not sure what it is that you aren't understanding about this

>The way shmup tournaments are set up right now makes them completely worthless.
again, from your perspective and on what you want to see. i already described benefits of stgt, as an example, and you completely ignored them

you're being dismissive and willfully narrow-minded about this and i'm struggling to understand why. just what is it you want out of this... everyone to conform to your ideas of how to shmup?

>> No.9690807

Seems like we've reached the bump limit.
