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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 178 KB, 1464x1350, 4f1c2e78f72de2d1849dc8666c6bdde1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9671747 No.9671747 [Reply] [Original]

>Spam ZUN's twitter with requests for putting TOHOU on Steam Greenlight.

Horrible idea? I dunno if it could work. Isn't ZUN kinda xenophobic about selling games overseas?

pic unrelated.

>> No.9671752


There is no way that is anything but a bad idea. Plus he hates money and doesn't want popularity.

>> No.9671761 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 534x138, lel so funni xDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9671767

That thread is full of gigantic faggots. God, I hate 4chan.

>> No.9671768

What the hell's going on in your image?
Is that Kaguya? And are those two guys in the background Momiji and Aya?

>> No.9671772

At least I can take comfort in knowing that such activities will forever bar the chance of Touhou ever being released in the west and cement ZUN's hate of the western fanbase.

>> No.9671775

This is definitely how to prevent Toho from reaching Steam.

Congrats /v/, you killed it before it started.

>> No.9671779

Oh my fucking god why is that thread on /v/. Those idiots might actually pull an /a/ and do something fucking stupid. It's like they try to ruin everything for everyone. I am genuinely worried now, I don't want ZUN to think lower of us than he already does.

>> No.9671783
File: 4 KB, 120x140, hayashida34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that would be left would be.....


But then I would have to go make a twitter.....

I already have to make a Twitter for the
/jp/ Brazilian meetup.

That would make things too complicated.

>> No.9671785



`      `NO.
`            `NO.

Why would you do that.

>> No.9671790

Wasn't it enough to send pictures of dicks to that one spaghetti girl comic lady? /v/ and /a/ need to be excised. At least ZUN isn't a girl and won't give a portion of a fuck.

>> No.9671792
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>> No.9671802

I thought some tripfriend from here sent dicks to the girl and blamed /a/?

>> No.9671804

And that is why ZUN decided to put an end to his touhou series and live happily with his family instead.

>> No.9671806
File: 78 KB, 550x550, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I'm almost never angry, hell, I'm usually much too mellow, but this time... /v/ managed to tick me off. Congrats.

>> No.9671807

I bet someone from /jp/ started this whole Touhou greenlight thing as well.
Some shitposters truly wish to see nothing more than /jp/ burn.

>> No.9671814

Looks like the guy in IRC who tried to get it deleted because it was a raid thread was successful.


>> No.9671818

your link is dead.

>> No.9671820

>This is definitely how to prevent Toho from reaching Steam.
Looks like /v/ is good for something after all.

>> No.9671821

>I don't want ZUN to think lower of us than he already does
>implying that's possible

We are pirating his games... Well, most of us are.

>> No.9671824

/jp/ doesn't read that comic. I'm talking about the one manga with the creepy girl that's the waifu of /v/ because she's so awkward, not that voice acting whore.

>> No.9671826

Thread died.


>> No.9671831

Reddit would probably do it properly, just keep making them on /v/ if you want to harass ZUN.

I will go ahead and report you for illegal content.

>> No.9671837

Hi disability-san.

>> No.9671841
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>> No.9671843

Any action outside of that would be out of character for someone from the likes of /v/.

>> No.9671844
File: 44 KB, 448x252, Maiku Hama Sad face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....Don't know what you're talking about.....

>> No.9671845
File: 834 KB, 2876x1413, Image0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


artwork from a music album i think. (tohohum)

here is hippie kaguya.

>> No.9671850

It specifically states in Touhou's copyright, that ZUN himself made, to never release any Touhou doujin works in online western distributors. It cites "Xbox Marketplace Indie Channel" as an example and he has completely excluded any Touhou games from entering it. There is a shitty Yukkuri game on it but the creator removed anything specifically Touhou like their accessories and replaced them with knockoffs.

>> No.9671848

Hey sean why are your lips so thin?

>> No.9671847


>> No.9671849

Oh okay, we are playing that game. Any way, name or no name, it doesn't matter. I still love your posts. Keep up the great work man.

>> No.9671853
File: 193 KB, 1763x1369, Image0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is last image of hippie kaguya

>> No.9671855

Chill out man, seriously.

>> No.9671863

Look, I'm tired of you "no bullying" peoples.
I do what I want, when I want.

>> No.9671892


>> No.9672164
File: 40 KB, 447x599, Crrying Delinquent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway has anyone tweeted at Zun yer?
Tell him about /jp/ and maybe he'll post here with some original art of his........even though most of us think his art is a little weird.

>> No.9672176

I sent him my penis.

>> No.9672190
File: 12 KB, 363x360, Your pretty good..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672242

Zun is a shameless thief and also a shitty programmer

Fuck you faggots

>> No.9672306
File: 83 KB, 874x521, ztxiu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9672310

[citation needed]

>> No.9672331


>> No.9672457

Honestly. I like Steam as a service, but just because I like it does not mean that I have to think that having every single game tied to it is a good idea. Honestly, this sounds like a pretty bad idea, not to mention pointless.

Anyone who has ever been interested in playing it has already done so; or will do so after finding out that the related content captures their interest. Not because it was featured on the Steam spotlight. Just sounds like we'd get more fans for the wrong reasons which isn't at all good.

>> No.9672478

>we'd get more fans for the wrong reasons
games are wrong reason?

>> No.9672487

yup you must become a fan through shitty memes on /jp/ and not through actually buying and playing the games

>> No.9672492

>Anyone who has ever been interested in playing it has already done so; or will do so after finding out that the related content captures their interest.

"Everyone who has ever been interested in the game has stolen it, or will steal it after they find out about it".

This is the problem. If 99.9% of the English Touhou players weren't leeches devoid of value to ZUN or the Japanese fanbase, it might be fair to say having an accessible sales platform is a bad idea.

That said, ZUN doesn't want the games sold online, at all, anywhere, so it's a pointless discussion unless he has changed his ideas more recently.

>> No.9672504

Why would you retards want Touhou on Steam?

>> No.9672511

Because the cool hipster kids on /v/ want to show their friends how they play unknown difficult japanese games

>> No.9672519

Show everyone that I'm the best at Toho leaderboards.

Although I don't want it on Steam. But if I did.

>> No.9672522

Maybe if the Japanese made it so that their actual computer software available at lower costs or their video games available on all region codes we wouldn't have to do so.

I mean I can't even get most DVDs to play on my platform devices.
Not everything they make goes to region 0.....

Imagine how much more profit they could make across the world if they made everything region 0.....

Now I have to go buy a Japanese DVD player and the DVDs themselves in Japan at ridiculous prices.
Everything in Japan costs more and expecially DVDs. Blu-rays, DVD/BLU-RAY players, game systems, games, and digital stuff.

>> No.9672531

Well it's possible for some little translation company to convince him but definitely not through twitter. And I'm sure that older games will fail on steam, so it's completely pointless.

New touhou game on steam will do ok, but I don't understand why. Touhou is already mainstream, this will change nothing.

>> No.9672562

I don't get why those /v/ kids think that steam of all things would make ZUN sell the games on the web.
If he wanted to do that he could've done so a lot earlier without having to rely on some gaijin platform

>> No.9672602


Xenophobic cunts who are so amazed their economy has been stagnant shit for 20+ years.

If we ever stop fucking around and match their 25% (yes, 25 fucking percent) automobile import tariff, then they'll really have something to cry about.

>> No.9672603

It goes without saying that accessibility is one of the biggest reasons for piracy. I don't regret doing any of it, nor will I ever frankly. Te thing being is that I WILL buy the games of companies (or in this case, individuals) who I think produce good enough products which ZUN certainly does. I do not however like the idea of buying a physical copy through a 3rd party distributor who can claim royalties on that payment when I'd much rather the money go directly to the actual producer. This is after all 2012, it really isn't that farfetched of an idea.

>> No.9672615

>Well it's possible for some little translation company to convince
>Tou-Hou: Scarlet Devil Embodiment - Presented by Carpe Fulgur

>Reimu's armpits are covered by longer sleeves
>All dialogue is "witty" and "understandable"
>Disclaimer stating all characters are 18 or over

>> No.9672624

Can I get a source on Japan's having a 25% tariff on automobile imports?

>> No.9672638

Yes they really have created their own problems with how they handle their economy.

If America did do the tariff on their cars than they would really be messed up, but would still blame us for it.
I agree.
It goes the same thing with Authors of books.
Zun should launch his own site where we can buy the games directly from him.......D-Does he have that site?.......

Feel like an idiot for asking such a thing.

>> No.9672651

I looked and there doesn't appear to be any such place. A donation place would be just as welcome, buying games in the form of donation money doesn't seem all that bad to me. But no, as far as I can see there is absolutely nothing digital in that aspect; and as someone already stated it would seem that ZUN is against the idea too which doesn't boad well at all.

>> No.9672658

Japan has no import tariff on automobiles from the USA. They import their own brands from there, after all.
I don't know about other countries.

>> No.9672674
File: 230 KB, 399x299, Suddenly WAS given.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks dude.

>> No.9672686

surprised by his response.
