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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 500x437, saten_bra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9661941 No.9661941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know how you progressed from one community to the next? Like maybe Newgrounds -> Gaia -> /b/ -> /a/ -> /jp/? Or maybe GameFAQs -> Reddit -> /b/ -> /jp/?

What comes after /jp/?

>> No.9661952

/40/, of course. But my progression was quite different from that. I actually started with 4chan, and never left 4chan. How sad. I did leave GameFAQS and Newgrounds, though. But I've never had any interest in Gaia.

>> No.9661951

You will know when you find it.

>> No.9661953

Suicide I fear.

>> No.9661969
File: 544 KB, 1075x1518, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GameFAQs -> YTMND -> /b/ -> desuchan -> /a/ =-> /jp/ [I was here before the split and stay here forevermore]

>> No.9661962

I went 5chan -> /b/ -> /a/ -> /jp/, and now theres nothing.

>> No.9661965

I don't remember how I ended up here.

>> No.9661966


>> No.9661968

>What comes after /jp/?

I remember a couple years back where some of us were talking about how we were going to off ourselves at 25. I'm a year away.

I wonder if anyone else killed themselves since /jp/ was made.

>> No.9661971

SomethingAwful. HellMOO is advanced placement class.

>> No.9661978

Aol chat rooms -> shitty music forums -> /b/ -> /mu/ -> /a/ -> /jp/.

>> No.9661986
File: 185 KB, 1936x1096, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9661985

IRC -> Something Awful -> /jp/

>> No.9661988

Youtube > Forums > /b/ > /v/ > /jp/ > /a/ > bunbunmaru/desuchan/uboachan/tohno-chan/4[SPAMBLOX]chon/7chan/99chan etc. etc. etc. etc. > /jp/

>> No.9661989

>What comes after /jp/?


>> No.9661999

ragnarok online forums ->3 years of no internet-> /b/ -> /v/ -> /a/ -> /fit/fa/ -> /a/ -> /jp/ -> /sci/

>> No.9662003




>> No.9662009


>> No.9662011

I wanna cup and fondle dem Saten titties.

>> No.9662014
File: 246 KB, 648x639, they responded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too...

>> No.9662016

Rotteneggs -> 420chan -> /v/ -> /a/ -> /g/ & /jpj/

>> No.9662020

Some hentai forum -->/jp/

>> No.9662023


I bet you still have a grasscity account, faggot.

>> No.9662024
File: 122 KB, 532x900, saten1344805065105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662026
File: 102 KB, 255x303, satensnob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all horrible people. You aren't pure. You stink.

Get out of /jp/.


>> No.9662027

/r/ing source on dis

>> No.9662029

Newgrounds -> several Pokemon communities -> /a/ -> /jp/

Over the course of 8 years or so.

>> No.9662030
File: 84 KB, 479x359, bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662033

Y u so pretty, Saten?

>> No.9662039


A what?

>> No.9662043

I never realized how many newer posters we had here on /jp/

>> No.9662053
File: 729 KB, 1366x768, お前に言われたくない.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 years in pokemon forums or in new grounds.

And I bet you're still here even after saging.


>> No.9662056

smogon - > pokemon stimulator -> /b/ - > /v/ /a/ /g/ -> /jp/

>> No.9662054

I'm not sure what would lead you to believe that in this thread.

>> No.9662062

reading the posts in the thread

>> No.9662065

All the places I came from are all dead now.

>> No.9662066 [DELETED] 

Y chan... nvm fuck that.

>> No.9662069

suicide, moving to japan, 2ch, or worst of all... conventions

>> No.9662070

Is everyone in this thread new then in your eyes?

>> No.9662078

It doesn't have to be a bad thing ya know

>> No.9662081

Personally for me;

Youtube > ebaumsworld > funnyjunk > newgrounds > Reddit > /b/v/ > /jp/ > /cgl/ > something awful

>> No.9662075

We should start our own convention! We can call it something catchy and related to otaku culture, like Otakon!

>> No.9662085

No one cares.

>> No.9662088

Epic trolling.

>> No.9662093

Bravenet Forums/Chats --> Gamefaqs --> LUELinks --> 4chan /b/ --> /a/ --> /jp/

Next up is Gensokyo.

>> No.9662094
File: 6 KB, 188x200, Are+you+trying+to+rustle+OP+s+jimmies+_24b6d5747d3ff7c096cdf477bed9de21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662086

If I knew I wouldn't be here. Maybe this is the peak of the internet

>> No.9662089

Go back to reddit

>> No.9662087

reddit > /v/ > /jp/ for me

>> No.9662096

Somehow, I doubt it.

>> No.9662097
File: 55 KB, 720x720, gladIdidnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop saging if you are waiting for a response. You look ridiculous saging and then coming back. Are you re...

Oh... I forgot you were those that came from gaia, newgrounds, etc.

>> No.9662104

You're retarded.

>> No.9662107

what, and you didn't come from newgrounds or gaia? your somehow better because you new about /b/ before it was cool?

spare me.

>> No.9662109

Stop trying to reason with sagefuckers. Just report them for threadshitting and move on.

>> No.9662113

futaba chan > /b/ > /jp/+/a/

I have an easier time reading English

>> No.9662117

>/jp/ > bunbunmaru/desuchan/uboachan/tohno-chan/4[SPAMBLOX]chon/7chan/99chan etc. etc. etc. etc. > /jp/

It's pretty much an endless loop of that for anyone hoping leave. Though, I'm sure almost half of the usual places are gone now. At least the good few have been completely wiped out and no longer exist in any incarnations.

You're better off just accepting that the internet as a whole is lost, and things will never be as good as they once were, again. No real point even leaving.

>> No.9662116

this might be a weirder one but I went something like:
knife forum > /k/ > /v/ >reddit > /a/ > /jp/

>> No.9662118
File: 238 KB, 360x480, desu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662122

Let's be online friends

>> No.9662122,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9662122,2 [INTERNAL] 

This is spot on for me, I became a chan drifter, board bedouin, Wanderer of the deserts of shit, Marooned sailor of the sea of piss. Carrying with me the precious memories from companies held dear, and identified myself with

>> No.9662122,3 [INTERNAL] 

do you ever think you're going to look back on your life 10 years from now and think about this stupid shit? i just dont know anymore, i dont want to end up like literal guy in his 30s year loser like gay!bar still posting on imageboards with teenagers

>> No.9662122,4 [INTERNAL] 

You're just as pathetic as him, at least the bar fought in a war.

>> No.9662122,5 [INTERNAL] 

its not like we're the sort of people who strive for all that pointless normie shit

honestly if i can die looking back at a life taking it easy then whats there to cry about. we dictate our own comfort and if one is able to live as they wish then that is the only real accomplishment that matters

>> No.9662122,6 [INTERNAL] 

You're in a phase, while we're stuck here forever.

Go to college, kid.

>> No.9662122,7 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you read this, I want you to know that I love you. I fucking love you.

>> No.9662122,8 [INTERNAL] 

No he didn't.

>> No.9662122,9 [INTERNAL] 

I think either both, or at least one of these, is/are my post(s).

>> No.9662122,10 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ is cute
SomethingSensitive is hilarious, but slow, and because I don't browse SA I don't have anything to contribute (not that they'd welcome /jp/ types)
I'm sure there are other good communities out there, somewhere

The frustrating thing is that 4chan could so easily be fixed if moot simply got rid of all the autistic staff members taking things too seriously, but I guess that would involve doing work. When the /sp/ janitor deleted fun threads moot "took him to the shower and rhythmic pounding noises were heard," why doesn't he do the same for Saegrimr and whoever else is ruining /jp/?

>> No.9662122,11 [INTERNAL] 

have you considered badgame.net

>> No.9662122,12 [INTERNAL] 

unreal 2004 forums - newgrounds - deviantart - halolz/failblog - /p/- /jp/ - warosu - /tv/

>> No.9662122,13 [INTERNAL] 

neopan... it had such a cute name

>> No.9662122,14 [INTERNAL] 

I'll write this to refresh my memory.

literally ebaumsworld

Nowadays it's just W/jp/ and small boards. I tried to move to /biz/ this year, but wasn't able to do it. Everybody on 4chan seems younger than me and I'm only in my mid-20s. I've only made the occasional post there after summer 2012.

>> No.9662122,15 [INTERNAL] 

AOL chat rooms > GameFAQs & GameFAQs spin off boards > 4chan > suicide

>> No.9662122,16 [INTERNAL] 

tokyopop>youtube groups>animeultima(?)clone>crunchyroll>neogaf clone>/a/>4chan>subreddit/foolz/ota/

>> No.9662122,17 [INTERNAL] 

who quoting

>> No.9662122,18 [INTERNAL] 

LUE -> nothing -> /jp/

>> No.9662122,19 [INTERNAL] 

>why doesn't he do the same for whoever else is ruining /jp/?
because evading bans is trivial

>> No.9662122,20 [INTERNAL] 

not for everyone which is why we have nothing but general users and "you can't stop me so i must shit" types

>> No.9662122,21 [INTERNAL] 

people who can't trivially evade bans are either technically illiterate mongoloids or have the worst ISP in the world

>> No.9662122,22 [INTERNAL] 

*grabs dick*
