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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 665x475, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9658738 No.9658738 [Reply] [Original]

Please stop penis atack to Japanese Voice actor.
And Fuck you.
I am very angry.

>> No.9658743

Please send me all the names of people who send dicks. I'm making a dick-hit list.

>> No.9658747

What did I miss?

>> No.9658748

Do you have a problem with dicks? are you gay or something?

>> No.9658750

We won't know what you're talking about without some samples.

>> No.9658751


The other boards doing what they always do

>> No.9658757
File: 159 KB, 425x600, 24396833_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something got lost in translation here

>> No.9658758

Penis raids on Kitamura Eri from our unmoderated friends over at /a/.

Fucking disgusting and shameful.

>> No.9658762

Meh I've been stuck on /jp/ for years. I don't really know what's going on on the other boards anymore.

>> No.9658769

That is terrible.

OP, we are sorry, but we are not responsible.

You want >>>/a/

>> No.9658774

And what are you gonna do? Bleed on me?

>> No.9658775

Why would they do that?

>> No.9658777

Get fucked gook

>> No.9658780

As usual, both sides of the argument are fucking retarded. What those people did to that B-list VA was shitty, very shitty even. But then, epic raiding Japanese people's internet accounts because of that is really stupid too. Best to just keep a safe distance and watch the shitstorm unfold, as ever.

>> No.9658781


*whips out dick*

>> No.9658782

Because they are horrible people whom God forgot.

>> No.9658786

Oh, this is assuming OP is talking about the kokoro connect shitstorm, that is.

>> No.9658790

She is the boyfriend of the guy leading/involved in a disgraceful broadcasted bullying "joke".


She wasn't even remotely involved other than picking a jerk to date, and it's entirely possible she never even heard about this. Not to mention there are other females that ARE directly involved. If they have to pull /b/-tier antics, why aren't the dicks going to the ones directly involved?

I am disgusted.

>> No.9658791



>> No.9658795

Why invade people who haven't done anything?

At least "hacktivism" has a point. Though all invasions are dumb once you've grown up.

>> No.9658799

translate it weeaboos

>> No.9658801

>She is the boyfriend of the guy
How does that even work

>> No.9658806

I am too mad to think straight.

>> No.9658810

Good thing it happens to a VA I do not give a shit about.

>> No.9658811

so who do you give a shit about

>> No.9658812

So was it cancelled or not?
I kinda wanted to watch it.

>> No.9658814

Maybe you should stop being such a faggot then?

>> No.9658816

It wasn't cancelled but the gooks cancelled their preorders and there will never be a season 2.

>> No.9658819

your mom whom I fucked last night.

>> No.9658821
File: 183 KB, 480x270, ikacry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP ika musume i cant believe i liked you

>> No.9658822

i have two dads though

>> No.9658823

what are you even talking about, dweeb

>> No.9658826

/ /    ヽ :: \
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\  `ニニ´  .:::/    N-NO THANK YOU
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |..|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: : |
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ..

>> No.9658827


>> No.9658830

this mee-mee is dead as hell.

>> No.9658831

I know. They've blowjobe'd my nigger slave a few days ago.

>> No.9658834

Fuck :D

>> No.9658835
File: 2 KB, 160x144, 1339232102123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9658837

Both racism and slavery is illegal. I have reported your post to moot who will forward it to the proper authorities, I hope you rot in prison.

>> No.9658841

Hey you me, who are you

>> No.9658847

lmao saved

>> No.9658843
File: 689 KB, 864x970, 1346381998272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually laughed.

>> No.9658845

Don't they teach you retards English at school?

>> No.9658848

>Fucking disgusting and shameful.
Why don't you go commit honorable seppuku, weeaboo dweeb?

I don't give a shit about either side of this argument. Fags gonna fag.

>> No.9658849

wuts wrong bros? time to apply for anusol ;)

>> No.9658851

You're moms anus will be dead as hell once I'm done with it tonight!

>> No.9658856

Because they're clinically retarded.

This thread is off-topic and encourages meta-discussion, not to mention it encourages people from /a/ to post their dicks. To keep /jp/ clean, please proceed to hide and report it. Thank you, everyone.

>> No.9658859

That's not for you to decide.
Bent over!

>> No.9658858

I am not mom.

>> No.9658867

No seriously though I'm a dude.

>> No.9658861

What things would Moetron do to that squid?

>> No.9658862

no, it was /v/

>> No.9658864

They got angry because that guy got bullied, so they're now bullying a random girl?
How dumb are those nerds?

>> No.9658865

How about you go fuck yourself, piece of shit human waste faggot?

>> No.9658869

Show her his dick.

>> No.9658874

>not sudoku

>> No.9658873
File: 344 KB, 256x192, 1343905892246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9658889

They're raiding with pictures of dicks, I think that summarizes their intellect.

>> No.9658900

The most intellectual people to ever exist had dicks.

>> No.9658916

Reading a bit of that thread, it really tells a lot about Japanese people and their culture. What shitty people.

>> No.9658913

That isn't relevant. Neither is the fact that I have my dick in my hand while browsing exhentai.

>> No.9658922

There also was a penisattack planning thread somewhere. Sucks that I can't find it right now!

>> No.9658926

I don't really believe that's fair. That's like scrolling through the /jp/ front page and saying "This is what English otakus are like".

The same thread (or at least previous threads before the /b/dickraid crew showed up) also highlights people who stood up for the guy and were disgusted by it, along with the horrible timing of this "joke" with some serious social issues surround bullying being prominent in Japanese media, among other things.

>> No.9658948

This shit is classic, where do I send my cock pic? Bros gotta stick up for each other

>> No.9658952

You still can't deny that most of them a shit people. Sure, there are some "good people" in Japland, but you can find those vigilantes anywhere.

>> No.9658954

your late for a party brou

>> No.9658955

If I wanted to do a "penis attack" on a seiyuu, I wouldn't do it on the internet.

>> No.9658957

one of the guys responsible admitted he did it only to piss off /a/. and from what i've heard only 7 pictures were sent, not really qualifying a 'raid' compared to what other boards have done in the past.

>> No.9658961

payback for nanking!
fuck yea fightin chinaman!

>> No.9658962


No, Japan. /jp/ is very kind and obedient. The fault is >>>/a/

/jp/ no bad, /jp/ is only good little girls okay?

>> No.9658964

That was probably a hyperbole. Even one person with a small penis folder can execute a bigger penis attack than that.

>> No.9658965

stop typing like a braindead retard.

>> No.9658967

It was the irc brigade in /a/ that did it. To troll /a/ not the seiyu.
To be fair, /a/ itself is rather pissed off over it.

>> No.9658978

イと わす のと あす です。

>> No.9658981

Did they show their dicks to people they didn't like?

>> No.9658982


>> No.9658983

Foreigners want to be relevant.

>> No.9658985

Only if they had a big ones.

>> No.9658987

Did the guys who sent their dicks to the VA had big dicks?

>> No.9658991

Best thread on /jp/ right now

>> No.9658993

I'm sure they're all obese with micro penises.

>> No.9658995


Move here, please

>> No.9658997

I don't know what's going on but I am up for sending dicks to japan.

>> No.9658998
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 1b1009080f7ead7061777460808a45f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit trolling.

You tried this on /a/ and I roasted you alive.

None of the boards here has a set userbase, the fault is entirely that of the kind of retards who came here for /b/ and memes and racism and crap like that. Only real mental-cripple retards would crapflood/spam anybody with pics of their dicks.

>> No.9659001

Do you expect me to post my dick there? Because I won't.

>> No.9659004


>> No.9659014
File: 244 KB, 800x600, fuck you shithead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck are you talking about sperglord? No, I never go that piece of shit board that is /a/, my only board residence is here so please no thank you. You're fucking autism is showing, get the fuck out of /jp/ filthy cross-boarder scum. >>>/a/

>> No.9659024
File: 48 KB, 180x180, bagelbasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of sending dick/asshole pictures to someone- has the address of the bullied VA been posted? I'd rather do something positive like ordering him an assorted bagel basket from a local bakery.

>> No.9659030

>Going on /a/

Please get the fuck out now and go back to your fucking shitty board.

>> No.9659041

Who's the one getting roasted now, bitch?

Get the fuck back to >>>/a/

>> No.9659047

how lame

>> No.9659060

How to get fat as fuck in one day by /jp/ .jpg

>> No.9659062

Can't handle the truth?

Get the fuck out.

Here's the door: >>>/a/

>> No.9659063

Good job keeping those crossboarders out of here, gentlemen. Poor kid must be crying blood right now.

>> No.9659068


You know what's lame? Your two word comeback. Now stop posting here and spreading your bullshit. This is my last reply to your filth ass fucking waste of time. Fuck you asshole. If else, you are the troll here, so i'll just stop biting. Have fun, bitch.

>> No.9659074

I see a good 95% of everything that happens on /jp/ and I don't remember seeing anything like this at all.

It's probably /a/, I don't think /v/ or any of the other boards would know/care enough about her to do something like this. It does however sound retarded and infantile enough to be an /a/ thing though.

>> No.9659076
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1334093160568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol so butthurt. stop crying baby-chawn.

>> No.9659092

>not enjoying big gaijin dicks

>> No.9659093

Flowers would be better?

>> No.9659095

Stop giving him attention.

>> No.9659116

Why isn't this on sankakucomplex? It seems like the perfect story for them.

>> No.9659124

Make sure you get THIS one while you're at it!


>> No.9659131

*looks at your 2 inch penis*

>> No.9659137

It would be interesting to see what headlines they could make out of it.

>Innocent seiyuu victim of dick carnage from hateful 4chan users

>> No.9659233

That's awful. Can't they send their dicks to someone I don't like?

>> No.9659338
File: 29 KB, 499x500, 1345839400286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one?
Ok, let me help you.

"I'm invincible"
