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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9658008 No.9658008 [Reply] [Original]

>visual novels on steam
What do you think about this, /jp/?

>> No.9658012

>fading hearts

more like fading farts

>> No.9658016


>> No.9658017

I don't know about that game but it's a good thing

>> No.9658026

Not even on steam yet, it's on greenlight

Eitherway I think it's a great idea...

>> No.9658029

Analogue, "kind of" VN is released on Steam.

>> No.9658031

Hell yes, unless you're a nerd, then you won't like it.

>> No.9658033

OELVNs are not /jp/ related, that goes to /vg/.

>> No.9658034

That game was made by Canadians and it's quite old (and boring) what is it doing on steam?

>> No.9658040

Good thing for sure. I see nothing negative on it. Though I think many of these will never leave the greenlight. Or rather never get the greenlight.

>> No.9658043

I'm fine with it. JAST might be able to get some of their titles through it since apparently they can't get them on steam normally due to publishing porn games

>> No.9658047

I don't quite understand these rules, The Witcher 2 has porn and is released on steam, so why not VNs?

>> No.9658050
File: 60 KB, 509x395, 86ky7i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this for reals? ):

>> No.9658052

It's not that VN's aren't allowed (Christine Love got one of her games on it), it's that Valve aren't willing to put games on steam from a publisher that's put out porn games in the past. Witcher is smutty but it isn't porn.

>> No.9658058

Gaben is idiot.

>> No.9658063

Vote down all of them please.

>> No.9658068

I was talking about OP's picture

>> No.9658071


How about Higurashi?

>> No.9658083

sorry off topic
>let's help hollywood find the perfect snake for metal gear solid
whoever got the role for snake i hope they dub it with David Hayter voice

>> No.9658139
File: 40 KB, 640x480, aiko_wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could have changed the default ren'py font.
VNs on Steam are cool though

>> No.9658153

why do normalfags have to contaminate everything that I love? Is no niche safe anymore? I just want some corner of the internet where I can be left alone
I mad

>> No.9658171

> Are you going to disappear from society, not take showers, and stay in your room all day?
What the hell is this? I can disappear from society while still acting like a perfect british gentleman, take showers, have a cup of tea, read books, et cetera.

Also, am I the only one amused by the fact that they put this screenshot on Steam? What are they trying to say? Am I overthinking this?

> VNs on Steam
I don't like where this is going.

>> No.9658180

It'd be an interesting idea, but I don't see it happening. You need a ton of likes to get anywhere, and the down votes apparently counteract it. The highest thing so far is one of those 2spooky4u slenderman knock offs at 8%.

>> No.9658227

I don't want to see any more OELVNs on Steam, they make me sad.

>> No.9658263
File: 633 KB, 800x600, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_92918806_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets upvote more moe games!

>> No.9658273

Fuck, it's true.

>> No.9658328

As long as they are not shit then why not.
Then again, it might attract many new people to /jp/.
It will be our job to educate them and make them into good posters.
Be prepared

>> No.9658340

Why is that retard Aaeru still alive?

>> No.9658347


Good lord. Get out.

>> No.9658356
File: 123 KB, 600x600, 13420717167656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say your prayers, slave to autism

>> No.9658354

>moe games

Please stop this. Moe is neither a genre nor an aesthetic.

>> No.9658365

Yes, I will pray that you will hit yourself in the head so hard you will forget to ever come back in here.

>> No.9658369


There is this even bigger retard using her tweets as a news source and posting it elsewhere for normals who don't even give a shit about untranslated stuff but keep posting "gah I wish I knew jap :(((( xD cute art tho"" I want wait till [whatever] gets an english patch xD" and so on

>> No.9658385

Fuck off Reddit.

>> No.9658400
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lol the fuck you cock commandos gonna do about it? thats right sit your ass down

>> No.9658596

I couldn't care less for anything related to steam.

>> No.9658946
File: 150 KB, 297x541, 1346374064588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using steam

An hero you'reselves pls

>> No.9658986

There's too many pending games on here to find stuff easily.

I'd gladly trade more popularity of the works for the chance that more stuff will get translated. I mean, what if one of the publisher groups over in Japanland sees it as a great distribution means (assuming all-ages versions) and decides hiring translators directly and putting their games right onto Steam themselves is a viable method?

It's maybe a good idea. Maybe a horrible idea. Only time will tell, and I guess there are already quite a few doujinworks on Steam anyways, such as all the goon's translations of games, those Gundemonium games, silly corean VN-things, and others.

>> No.9659005

Is there Japanese steam for people like us?

>> No.9659058

steam is shit, I won't buy their gay western vn's.

>> No.9659219 [DELETED] 


>> No.9659226

What does Kotick have to do with EA and Steam?

>> No.9659224

So you would buy proper VNs?

Your opinion is irrelevant if you've never paid for one and aren't interested in doing so.

>> No.9659234

localization of VNs shouldn't exist
lazy fucks that cant into jap
pls die fast and easy assholes

>> No.9659237


>> No.9659242

I agree.

>> No.9659241

Says someone who only reads boring crap that wasn't even worth translating.

>> No.9659244

stay mad 4ever english only pleb

>> No.9659245

Two languages are nothing. Come back when you know four, nerd.

>> No.9659248

im trilingual

>> No.9659296

No. You're a lazy NEET so your work will be half-assed and never make it past the voting.

>> No.9659292

Stay mad and self-entitled, Newbie McTryhard.

You buzzword-dropping, memespouting faggot.

>> No.9659293

Can I support my NEETing by making shitty VNs on steam?

>> No.9659295

Things only get translated if they're edgy and grimdark enough

>> No.9659304

I honestly can't understand why someone, especially if your a shut-in, would get mad that something they like gets popular.

>> No.9659313

This is why they are shut-ins in the first place.

>> No.9659316

Analogue is a piece of shit.

I've seen a lot better freeware VNs.

>> No.9659321

That doesn't even make sense

>> No.9659324

To stay shut-in.
Or to stop what they like from going down the drain. People ruin everything.

>> No.9659329

Cruel, but true.

>> No.9659334

sage goes in the name field

>> No.9659342

oh thx

>> No.9659345

What will happen if Touhou becomes full mainstream everywhere on the internet and people start calling Okuu "kawaii megaman anime gurl xDD"?
Will you all abandon your hobbies and look for new ones?

>> No.9659350 [SPOILER] 
File: 437 KB, 850x925, 1346439213106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's already happened.

>> No.9659356

It's already mainstream.

>> No.9659359

No, I mean even more popular and known around the net than now. I mean like when it'll be totally raped and no character is save anymore.

>> No.9659368

Why can't you just ignore people though?

>> No.9659377

Because they're loud.

It probably won't matter much as the influence won't be felt that strongly on places like /jp/. It's the same way people don't care about /vg/s vn threads much even though they're an eyesore.

>> No.9659449

>Okuu "kawaii megaman anime gurl xDD"
That isn't very different than what's already posted here on /jp/, so I don't know what you're worried about.

>> No.9659466


>> No.9659546

This will only serve the purpose of swindling the already existing weeaboo fanbase. People in remote corners of the internet won't be affected and won't buy into this shit. Meanwhile, I'll remove any person playing VN's on steam from my friends list as I misjudged their character.

>> No.9660027

>remove people paying for VNs in an accessible way

So you're not only a leech, but you don't even like other people supporting things?

Real fucking cool, man. You'll sure show those guys what they get if they cross you.

>> No.9660204

I didn't say any of that.

>> No.9660218

If non-ero KS ever gets released on Steam as f2p it will be the end of western VN market.

I sorta pity some of you.

>> No.9660304

It's implicit.

>> No.9660321

What makes you think that?

>> No.9660352


People weren't happy with how popular it got the first time, getting it on steam would make it available for an even larger audience.

I don't think I'd like that, and I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.9660362

I will never understand this whole "popular = abandon ship" mentality.

>> No.9660368

epic spoilers dude

>> No.9660372

Well, normals tend to ruin everything. Look at the internet now compared to what it was 10 years ago.

>> No.9660383

How are things ruined? Because their opinions or actions differ from the initial fanbase?

I'm with this guy >>9659368, who cares if retards act like retards?

>> No.9660387

Things that become popular flood in cash which makes the developers/writers/whatever cater to the "new audience" or "broader audience" instead which ruins the product.

>> No.9660394

It's more of >>9660146

Uncaring companies start localizing games (cut content and shitty translation job) and people eat their shit up like the lambs they are. It's more of a problem for people relying on localizations though.

Then you get normals ruining the "super sicrit krub".
Also, they tend to spoil shit up. I looked up Kara no Shoujo's intro movie on youtube and the first fucking comment with most upvotes was "I was sad cause XYZ character died ;_;". And I was planning on reading all the Innocent Grey games in a row.

Same shit with Umineko and Kana.

>> No.9660397


I'd never abandon something because it got popular, but I'd like to avoid things such as My Little Pony fanart of KS (which already exists) and new people coming here once they found out about its origins

Well, I don't think it would be anything but f2p, and my guess is the devs wouldn't even allow it on Steam

>> No.9660398

You're thinking is narrow.
Any western VN that is going to be financially successful isn't going to have to differentiate itself anyways.

>> No.9660544

No it's not, you distorted my words to fit your strawman argument.

>> No.9660577

I didn't distort anything because I'm not the one who made the argument in the first place.

>> No.9660595

That makes no sense. You took my argument, distorted it, then made your argument based on your petty distortions. Stop being childish and take things for what they are before jumping into righteous rage.

>> No.9660726

I said I didn't distort anything because I'm not the one who posted >>9660027

>> No.9661343

I don't mind at all. Not like I read translations, anyway.

>> No.9661360

What an nerdling.

>> No.9661444

any way you look at this its just going to popularize VN's
I thought everyone here would be against that
