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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9652866 No.9652866 [Reply] [Original]

New Zuland fag here. Anyone here in Zuland or Aussie know how strict the pornography / loli customs policies are? Looking to get some doujinshis or ona-holes containing some of ze loli.

>> No.9652868

I think is Sydney it was classified as CP but in Victoria it wasn't you might have to do a bit of research.

>> No.9652869

I think you might have trouble with loli ona-holes and doujins. If you can somehow pass them off as adult shit/not even let them know they're loli - The better.

Consult customs, they'll have it laid out so you don't waste your money.

>> No.9652872

/jp/ hates fags

>> No.9652877


>> No.9652880

Why do people use "fag"? Wouldn't it better to just say "A New Zulander here". Why call yourself a "fag"? The same with "drawfag". Why not just call yourself a drawfriend, or at least a drawer or something.

>> No.9652916

How about here in America?
Can I import loli doujinshi so I can scan/upload it so the international people of /jp/ may view it?

>> No.9652935

NZ here too.

From what I remember looking at recent BANNING of pornography sometime early last year (its public information somewhere on some ministry site.) a lot of loli is insta banned, whatever banned means here. Heaps of porn is too. Maybe just for sales though, I'm really not sure on importing.

Depends how badly you want it, I doubt anything bad would happen but you never know with this country these days. They barely catch half of the REAL pedophiles.

Even that doctor, caught with 50,000 REAL CP images on his comuter, got 7 months home detention. Then allowed to resume his career under supervision....

What does that tell you. Few in my region caught also, no jail time. That's pretty wrong imo.

>> No.9652941

I'm unsure.

I'm an ausfag and have heard scary stories about the guy who got arrested for Simpsons porn or that misconstrued small breasts not allowed in porn thing, but I haven't heard too much else in terms of what is and isn't allowed.

I do think both countries have pretty strict customs though and there are regulations regarding what type of pornography is allowed to be imported into the country. I'm guessing probably not.

>> No.9652947

Aucklander here, I buy loli magazines and doujinshi regularly. I don't know about ona-holes, I've only bought one and that was a few years ago

Think about it, why would they bother to open EVERY parcel just because it's from japan?

>> No.9652956


>> No.9652962

Japan is the only country that has a major foreign export of physical CP media and individuals mostly order that physical CP media from Japan.

>> No.9652966

Fuck New Zealand. The most irrelevant and backwater shithole to ever exist filled with sheep fuckers and niggers. New Zealand could dissapear from the map tomorrow and nobody would care. I wish the French bombed all of you bastards.

>> No.9652969

You live here and don't even know our laws?

Time to get the fuck out I think.

Kidding, I looked up that law ages ago for a law class, just go to www.legislation.govt.nz and look up the film and media classification act under objectional material.

But just to be on the safe side, don't import them.

>> No.9652979

Not the OP, but a Victorian here.

I'm going to to start digging through the laws, acts, statutory rules, whatever,. ect. ect. I swear if loli is legal here I know what I'm importing tomorrow.

>> No.9652980


I'm too scared to. It seems as if no law exists which prohibits it, but it seems like this country often pulls laws and content restrictions out of nowhere. They probably just class it as actual CP.

>> No.9652983

for onaholes, you can ask them to remove the box
you wont get in any trouble with just the onahole

>> No.9652984

Ausfag here. I have imported a fair bit of Touhou H but not a lot of it was loli. No problems so far.

>> No.9652986

Someone from aus should import a loli onahole and tell me how it goes,

>> No.9652995

Ausfag here in victoria.
I'm not all that interested in Doujinshi but I am Interested in loli onaholes, now, I've never received an opened package in the mail before, so am I safe to assume I'd be able to import an onahole without a problem?

I'm in Victoria if that helps. And If anyone has a link to any legislation regarding this/similar issue(s) it'd be nice if you could share a link or two, as my digging hasn't revealed anything of use, but I'll keep looking anyway.

>> No.9652996

Realized I said I was in vic twice.

Just discussing the subject makes me nervous, sorry.

>> No.9653016

Dude you're pretty close to Japan. Just hop on a boat and buy the stuff yourself then come back.

>> No.9653023


>Just hop on a boat and buy the stuff yourself then come back.

That doesn't really eliminate the issue as customs will search your bags upon arrival.

It's even worse because you'll have to stand there as they sift through your cartoon girl porn.

>> No.9653027

Would they rip open pillows with knives?

>> No.9653040

They literally will if they xray and there's random shit in there

>> No.9653042

No, with their teeth.

>> No.9653160

there's quite a few NZers on /jp/, more than I thought.

>> No.9655764

Well NZ kinda sorta looks like Japan a bit.

>> No.9655969
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OP here, those laws in Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 only say that;

promotes or supports, or tends to promote or support, the exploitation of children, or young persons, or both, for sexual purposes

So, I think that counts for loli. Although technically illegal, I don't think that anyone here has been in deep trouble for it.

>> No.9655982

Just be happy you don't live in the police state that is the UK.

>> No.9656056

I'm willing to bet I'm the only one on the South Island though.

>> No.9656122
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>> No.9656129

Nope, I live in the South Island (just outside of Christchurch). I also know another /jp/sie in real life that has probably been visiting for 4+ years...

>> No.9656189

Well, shit. I'm in Chch myself. I know someone who goes to /tg/ but wouldn't have thought that there was another /jp/sie so near me.

>> No.9656222

I imagine there's probably more of us in Christchurch than expected considering that it wasn't particularly hard to come across this other guy (met in High School three years ago) and with the growing popularity of 4chan in general. Certainly interesting nonetheless, and I was originally very surprised back then as the most I had heard of 4chan in real life apart from that was just /b/ level shit from a stoner friend. Now that I think of it another friend does visit /jp/, however I wouldn't really call him a /jp/sie by any stretch as he spends most of his time in /v/ and doesn't have much interest in this type of stuff.

>> No.9656306

Well, I'm at uni. Most people associate 4chan with /b/. At most there'll be someone who goes to /v/ or something. Probably /a/ as well since there's an anime club. Come to think about it, there might be someone on our local dc++ hub who has vns on his share but I doubt he's one of us. It's all the standard entry level stuff.

>> No.9657263
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OP here. I'm at Canterbury uni too. A small world. Also, don't tell me that you're in Animesoc, cause then I may have talked to you.

>> No.9657317

If New Zealands laws are anything like Australia, then you're in violation of the law by viewing 4chan.

>> No.9657344

I'm always cruisin with my loli waifu at the cross and nobody seems to care

>> No.9657386

I've taken heaps of doujin through customs, in Australia, never bought anything online.

One time, they actually looked at it, and didn't say anything.

People I was traveling with had more serious questions, they asked, if they had any questionable pornography. And they showed the loli stuff and stuff, but the person was like, nah this is fine.

Australia, contray to popular belief, is very very chilled about loli porn. The incidences in the past were big deals, because of how not normal is is for judges to care. And in the end the judge even apologized for being dumb. Look it up on wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_cartoon_pornography_depicting_minors#Australia

It's state by state for us, and the good states, just don't give a crap.

>> No.9657388

I'm not in animesoc because I'm not a massive faggot. I remember seeing the recruitment table a few years back and it was meme-tastic. That and talking to the president on the hub was enough to put me off permanently.

>> No.9657425

Canterbury uni here, 4chan since 06, my friends run C*****b and F*****b.

>> No.9657437

Hi! I'm an ex-president of animesoc. Sorry you didn't like it, but it's not actually possible to make a decent anime club in the 3D world.

>> No.9657474

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It depends on the members. I feel. Look on the bright side though: At least it wasn't just an excuse to drink like almost every other soc on campus.

>> No.9657538

So... I'm assuming the surefire way to have nothing happen to you is just to live in Japan then you can get all the loli doujin you want.

US customs scares me... I was worrying over my Mugen Souls import.

>> No.9657600

wait is new zealand known for their sheep or something? is that what that picture supposed to indicate with the typical ew zealand stereotype?

>> No.9657663
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There are 40 million sheep in NZ. The sheep get raped a lot.

>> No.9657908

Kiwis are well known for fucking sheep.

It's the national pastime.

>> No.9657910

In Ausfailia, women with flat chests are considered child porn.

I'm serious.

>> No.9657913

Are you serious?

>> No.9657950

I didn't even know there was a animesoc.

And why are there so many UC guys here?

>> No.9657976

What would you nerds recommend checking out in New Zealand on a destitute sort of budget? Are car rentals over there cheap?
I live in Melbourne and I was thinking about flying over for two weeks at the end of the year, I could sleep in the car if I could get a good rental price.
I would like to do it in the most inexpensive way possible.

>> No.9657982

- Ridley's Believe or Not.avi.dvdrip.mp3

>> No.9657989

Not that I live in Australia (New Zealand here) but I've done some research and yes, it's true.

Small breasted pornography is considered the same tier as CP.

>> No.9658023


Please respond.

>> No.9658037

That's rubbish! Sauce where?

>> No.9658039


There was some one-off incident a few years ago that was blown out of proportion on 4chan.
The myth propagated and now you can't go a week without reading about it on here.

>> No.9658042


More than that.

We have the record for most sheep per person at 14.

4 million population x 14, = 56 million sheep. Honestly I don't see where they all are, but there is a hell of a lot of farmland on the south island, especially in the canterbury and Otago region (mid to lower south Island)

Nelson here. Used to live in chch, 07 to 10. visited /a/ during that period though. /jp/ was more when I moved up here. Away from friends....

>> No.9658134


Fine then, be that way.

>> No.9658399
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Neu Zuland here, yeah, it was proposed but the law never passed due to the negative public response. Perhaps they came to their senses that the proposition was absurd, after a while.

>> No.9658411

Translate it weeaboos

>> No.9658424
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This isn't /trv/, why are you asking in /jp/? I think they'll be able to inform to a greater extent.

If you're only staying for a few weeks then an average van rental with all cooking and sleeping stuff is about $30 a day for hire. Checkout spaceship rentals and jucy rentals website. Also, petrol is $2.20 a litre, and food isn't very cheap; especially around touristy areas.

Like I said, go ask /trv/.

>> No.9658441

NZ is the most censored modern country in the world.

>> No.9658434


Very well then.
I just thought I would ask while there were so many New Zealanders in one thread, also I rarely venture out of /jp/.
If I ask on /trv/ I might not find anyone who knows. Thanks for the information in any case - the van rental sounds reasonable but the petrol is a bit expensive.

>> No.9658472

I recall some guy getting arrested for having yaoi comics (yes really) and then Neil Gaiman paid for his legal defense. Look it up. Also, the guy still got I think like a year in prison and >1000 (not a quote) hours in community service. I also recall a case of a teenage girl being put on a registered sex offenders list because her boyfriend leaked her nudes.

The reason they caught him was because he was importing his manga, even.

Wow. I thought Wales was the only one that had that stereotype.

>> No.9658629



Find the rest, nerd.

>> No.9658741

プロデューサー お金を貸してください?
