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9648724 No.9648724 [Reply] [Original]

An incredibly tactical Touhou RPG.
Previous thread: >>9615062

The translation for the Weekend version has been released.
Prepatched game can be found here:

Weekend version introduces a rebalancing of learning and drop rates, most "1% or less" rates are now 10-15%. In addition most synthesis recipes now require slightly less materials and the Kusanagi sword requiring 25 less iron. You can actually build stuff pretty often now.

You can also turn on easy mode at any time for non-boss battles where the damage is halved for you and you gain minor offensive bonuses. (Such as increased chance to land status effects)

The game also happens to run at 1/4th of the processing power it used to demand. Save games are compatible with 2.07 and up, but a save game converter should be able to help you out.

Have you had some trouble fighting a boss? Getting some drops? Crafted a nice looking weapon? Youmu casted Konpaku Flash twice in one turn? Discuss it here in this thread!

>> No.9648750

Is the download link is the whole game, comes in english translation?

>> No.9648767
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The whole game, with the expansion, weekend version with the english patch.

>> No.9648772

Can you not fucking read?
>Prepatched game can be found here

>> No.9648812

I'd call this casual bullshit, but dojin RPGs have a funny way of being maddeningly difficult, and I will gladly take the easy version over normal.

>> No.9648821

It was made easier for people just like you. Please take it.

>> No.9648936

T-thanks, y-you too...

>> No.9649270

Is there any porn in it? Can I see my 2hos raped by goblins and slimes?

>> No.9649394
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>> No.9649468
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>easy mode

>> No.9649573

You can uncheck the easy mode by the way.

>> No.9649587

It's on permanent easy mode with the removal of the death penalty. "Easy Mode" is just babby mode.

>> No.9649610

Then I guess you can go back to your masochist games made for hardcore gamers such as yourself.

>> No.9649626


>> No.9649631

Where is the found in playing game that you just press X to win. There is a reason why Final Fantasy died.
Fucking square need to bring back SAGA. Unlimited didnt fail because it was too hard.

>> No.9649652

"i like to play SMT while shoving a buttplut up my ass and imagine it's hitoshura's dick" - u two

>> No.9649663

GoS isn't even that painfully difficult. I'm sorry you have no skill in video games.

>> No.9649664

FF died because Squaresoft isn't the one making the games.

>> No.9649671

and because Uematsu left. Also them focusing "story" over gameplay didn't help.

>> No.9649673

Dont understand why they needed to release easy modo weekend patch. Was that really needed? While it might be frustrating and hard but in the end, the effort is well worth it.

>> No.9649676

Hell yeah I enjoyed SMT.
The first time I fought Matador I was like wtfff, can I even beat him? And then after many retries I fucking finally beat him. The feeling is just like the first time you 1CC Touhou. An easy game doesnt give you this feeling.

>> No.9649687

Just play Aliceless if you want a challenge. The game is as easy or hard as you want it to be.

>> No.9649707

you keep thinking that while I play parachute sniper games

>> No.9649744

lol scrub skyrim is a rpg

>> No.9649749

The only real changes outside of the toggleable easy mode are the drop/learning rates, the crafting requirements being lower, and elemental weaknesses lighting up when you succeed in hitting them. Bosses are still as hard.

>> No.9649753

I love you for that link, OP.

>> No.9649766

You forgot the removal of punishment for dying.

>> No.9649997

so is this game more like fire emblem, FFT? or disgaea?

>> No.9650000

None of those, it's Romancing SaGa with 2hu.

>> No.9650001

This is RPG not SRPG

>> No.9650090

>tactical Touhou RPG
i blame OP on that one

>> No.9650170

I was in the second part of Eientei, and was getting a lot of equipment drops from mobs. It was going great, until I got into a fight with 9 of those highly evasive tentacle monsters. They got the pre-emptive strike, and before I had my first turn, Satori and Youmu were dead from their Skewer attacks. In addition, their webs prevented me from running. I tried taking the lot down using AoE attacks from Marisa and Nitori while defending my party with Alice. Unfortunately, Marisa's Passion Blaze only singed without taking any down. Before Nitori had her turn, all 9 of the enemies attacked. My Marionette Parrar couldn't hold under the pressure of so many attacks, and Marisa took a fall. Finally on Nitori's turn, she launched Purgatory Impale on the entire group, making contact and killing 4 of them.

At this point it was Alice and Nitori remaining against 5 of the tentacle monsters. I felt safe as Alice would do a fine job of protecting herself and Nitori against such a number of enemies. With Alice all but impervious to damage directly from the enemy, and Nitori with her regeneration combined with Alice's shield, the only thing I had to worry about was the slow 25 damage a turn from the web towards Alice who had no healing abilities. But that would take at least 12 turns to kill her, more than enough to finish this fight. I began the slow process of eliminating the rest of the enemies, using Purgatory Impale when I could and Maruto Break otherwise. Just be patient and I'll win I told myself.

>> No.9650176

But the kills weren't coming fast enough. After 5~ turns I hadn't hit a thing, and Alice was slowly but surely losing her life. As it turns out, that wasn't the biggest of my worries. Being this far into the dungeon and without regen abilities, Alice was quickly running out of mana. She had about 5 Marionette Parrar left, seemingly shortening my already constrained time. This was no time to falter, so I kept launching attacks with Nitori while defending with Alice. At last I landed some hits. Two dead one turn, another dead a few later. I was left with a couple enemies left. I was in high hopes, then the dreaded happened; Alice ran out of mana. Without mana for defending my two-girl party I was going to be mincemeat for the Skewer attacks. I activated Alice's Last Word in hopes of soaking up some damage for a couple more turns of trying to kill these suckers. The RNG god must have felt pity for me as the enemies focused all their efforts on the invincible Alice for the next 3 turns. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take down either of them during this time. I felt it was over.

>> No.9650185

Until I began to launch my next attack. As I was selecting the enemy, I noticed something. These guys were out of mana! No mana meant no Skewer, and their normal attacks weren't the most dangerous in the world. With a small glimmer of hope, I resumed the fight, attacking with both Nitori and the wounded Alice. Sick of Alice's defensive shenanigans, the enemies finished her off the following turn. Nitori was left alone against these two cretins. Nitori's regen would allow her to fight for several turns, but she was still in trouble. There was also the matter of her mana. She had spent all of it using AoE attacks, and was deigned to single target attacking. At some point along the line, Nitori received an all-stat buff that I don't know where it came from, possibly being the last member alive or because of the field elements. At any rate, this gave me some hope that her accuracy would be precise enough to hit more consistently. Nitori missed her attack the next couple of turns while taking a beating from the enemies. Finally on her next turn, she landed a hit and finished off one of the two. One on One, Nitori was left facing just a single enemy where 8 others had previously stood. Nothing to do but keep attacking.

>> No.9650191

For several turns Nitori would miss while the enemy kept laying into her. The regen greatly helped to prolong the battle, but without a hit Nitori would eventually be a goner along with my progress and all my found items. She was within 1 or 2 more turns of death. Then something happened for the first time during this whole fight; the enemy web ran out and I was capable of running. I knew that if I ran, the enemy could possibly move first and finish me off. On the other hand, I could choose to attack and get one, possibly 2 more chances to hit the target before falling. Given my hitting rate thus far, I decided to give this new opportunity a chance. I told Nitori to run for it. The 10-minute battle finally ended, with Nitori taking a 60 damage hit to the death, and all my items lost.

>> No.9650206

I blame Touhou. They keep dumbing down their games because some of the fan base couldn't handle it before. DoD just keeps pushing it further in the direction Weekend went.

>> No.9650439

A fascinating tale. The 9-man squid group is quite ruthless

>Nitori received an all-stat buff that I don't know where it came from
The yellow F powerups enemies drop, they provide a minor all up buff, you can gain up to 3 of them on the same person.

>> No.9650465

I think early windows Touhous are easier compared to the more recent ones.

>> No.9650469
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I hate those enemies. With just a little bit of bad luck they switch from being a speedbump to worse-than-mindflayers

>> No.9650473

Last I remember mega-squid groups were just mega-bomb drains, either that or a major kick in the teeth if your particular team-comp for that part wasn't up to the "challenge"

I remember Mokou's 1-bomb Flying Phoenix pretty much has no problems hitting all of them, but I could be wrong. This will sound familiar, but Mokou carries me through the whole game literally. Early to mid-late her 1-bomb for me was just an instant-win in randoms, and 1-bomb curse destroys mini-boss types like angel/demons.

That, and if she's built tanky enough with regen there's no chance of dying to force a reset(equip poison/stone/death repel) There should be a Mokou appreciation section for these sorta threads.

>> No.9650497
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I remember Mokou's bombs handling them perfectly fine myself as well, however even her phoenixes can miss sometimes. The green miss indicators and the unnatural 120 evasion makes them really hard to hit, they have some level of perfect dodge as well.

The postgame has an upgraded version with over 200 evasion and 125 damage net.

>> No.9650916 [DELETED] 
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Slut down.

Correction: 2 sluts down.

>> No.9650921
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Slut down.
A boss too.

>> No.9651048

Har har.
Fuck you.

>> No.9651324

Why didn't you bring Aya? Shit; that's frustrating.

>> No.9651332

Because Aya suck for most situations.

>> No.9651349

Aya actually has some potential, her turn manipulation can be pretty strong. And a guaranteed double-strike on a character that can use the strongest weapons in the game isn't that bad either.

>> No.9651361

> a guaranteed double-strike on a character that can use the strongest weapons in the game

Is there something to her turn manipulation that I'm missing? If you mean making everyone go first, her commander spell does that anyway.
Does her ambush avoiding skill still work from the command slot?

>> No.9651370

I was talking about her last word, which either utilizing Sanae as commander or just being in a boss fight will get you it. She also get a double-strike chance as a passive in one of her trees.

>Does her ambush avoiding skill still work from the command slot?
I actually have no idea

>> No.9651384

I wouldn't rely on last words even with Sanae, who I'd rather have in my party than as commander anyway. Additionally, Aya just doesn't have enough attacking power to use the stronger weapons; they'd be much better off in the hands of Mokou or Sakuya or something.

She's got her uses, but damage isn't one of them.

>> No.9651388

>If you mean making everyone go first, her commander spell does that anyway.
She has a field that can do that for 1/3rd the cost and it lasts like 6 turns.

Breath attack? Full party breath reflect with 0 cooldown.
Yukkuri/Evasive enemy? Tengu's Fall Wind.
Tengu support is just godlike.

Badass rape dragons become free EXP/loot pinatas.

>> No.9651399

Are ambushes supposed to be really uncommon? I've played up to Eientei part 2 and never once seen the enemies get a pre-emptive strike against my party before that.

>> No.9651448
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Almost every time you want first strike, you want it so you can quickly eliminate a fast enemy or an enemy that can totally fuck you up if you let it attack, and in those cases 1 turn is just as good as 6.

I know she's got uses, but you probably won't want her in your general walking around party. Bring her out when you're looking to fight stuff like this, but otherwise...

>Tengu support is just godlike.
Never used it much. How so?

Yeah, they really aren't common at all.

>> No.9651457

GoS is hardly tactical. I have no idea why the OP keeps putting that in his post.

>> No.9651468

Depends on how you define it, I guess. It's tactical as in you need to think about things and strategize or you'll get your ass kicked all over the place.

>> No.9651580

Has anyone beaten this yet? If so, how long did you take?

>> No.9651588

53:13 hours

>> No.9651763

I can't get this to work for the life of me. I click on the exe and absolutely nothing happens. Then I tried using applocale, and I cannot get that to work either, due to my computer not having language support for Japanese.

>> No.9651899


>Guys, the solution to some people trying to run the game may be to remove the Moonrunes from the folder names.
>I don't use a Japanese System Locale, nor Applocale, and I can play GoS just fine, the only time I had a problem was when my folder was named in japanese, that made the game do nothing when I tried opening it

This was from the last thread, don't know if it will fix your problem but worth giving a shot

>> No.9651904

Try renaming your GoS folder into English. For whatever reason, this seems to work for people that have a problem running it.

>> No.9651942

You are a genius and you have my thanks.

>> No.9652076
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b-but... but... >>9651899

>> No.9652095

I just change the folder name to "2hu RPG"
and it worked without changing to JPN region

try that because this game is freaking awesome

>> No.9652111
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Poor anon. I feel your pain.

>> No.9652526
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Tactical for a turn-based non-grid JRPG.

I haven't played any of the SaGa games it's supposedly based on, but traditionally JRPGs don't have this much depth.

I'm in the postgame with 150 hours, I think I almost have the ultimate weapons for everyone any day now.

>> No.9652654
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Why did they not add TD characters in 祭? Why? They have every single Touhou out there, except TD characters. I have been hopelessly waiting for a patch that adds them... since its release.

>> No.9653345

Who knows, maybe they were too far into development (what) to add them, and realized that shoehorning them in with no context or fancy cutscenes wouldn't be fun? I wish they were in the game too, but simply giving them in random chests would be kinda depressing.

>> No.9653393
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I had just started playing this game a few hours ago.
I removed the Alice Doll; suddenly the monster attacks me when doing so. After the battle the doll is removed but the barrier won't go away. Create a new game?

>> No.9653438

I remember some seals needed more than one doll to disappear, finish exploring what you can and if you can't do anything then i don't know.

>> No.9653474

Stop being lazy and search the whole place!
There's 2 more dolls past the river.

>> No.9653537

Just realised there were some hidden passage ways, thanks for helping.

>> No.9653615
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I have a similar problem like the anon, how do you get past the river?

>> No.9653619

The red dots represent entrances to that particular area.

Think about it.

>> No.9653622

Go back north. There's a passage you missed somewhere.

>> No.9653662

You have a minimap! Exits are marked on the map! Getting lost in a forest is no excuse if you have a map and all.

>> No.9654084


Stop posting this shit and play the game
Is this the type of player Weekend creates?

>> No.9654395

Don't blame the game for the shortcomings of the players. The first thought he legitimately bugged the game, and I've seen this happen in cheaper RPGs. And you think people didn't ask this kind of stuff when the first game came out? I'm sure we'll get a ton of "How do I get out of the infinite corridor?!" soon. Still, you're right in that the second is a lazy asshole.

>> No.9654401
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More expansions! Maybe they left them out just in case they wanted to do one more expansion for winter or something.

I really don't think it was about time since they said they left them out of the base game for that reason. They were also done with the first expansion for months before it was released.

They did have a little omake patch at c82 that added music that should have been in the game a long time ago. I haven't even been keeping up with the game anymore, but did we ever get the rest of the original shikigami from that contest before? I personally want them to bring back some other older characters that used to show up all the time instead of more Touhou characters.

>> No.9654691

This is the types of player translation patches create. Just wait until DoD gets an English patch, everyone will be bitching that it's too hard, guaranteed.

>> No.9654720

GoS has been translated for...months? A year? More than that? You're way, way to late to make that complaint.

>> No.9654799
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>> No.9654847
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>> No.9654863

Here is an amusing, nicely written "Let's Play" of Genius of Sappheiros. It can also serve as a walkthrough.


I wonder how this guy feels about Weekend. He is dedicated enough to write so much on it, and appreciates GoS for being so strategy-heavy and considers it one of the best RPGs he's played in recent years, but also absolutely refused to grind, instead preferring to try all sorts of strategies to proceed.

>> No.9654921

> but also absolutely refused to grind, instead preferring to try all sorts of strategies to proceed.
Good man.

I've been mulling over replaying this game, on original to avoid the death doesn't matter and any stealth-nerfs, but using the drop patch and switching over to Weekend to craft stuff. Roundabout, but it'll work, maybe.

Thing is, I've also been mulling over recording this playthrough, and I've never done something like that before. I realize that if I don't do it this time, I never will.

>> No.9654932
File: 120 KB, 639x478, okuu's face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has wonderful faces.

>> No.9654943

Unless he liked the game for surprising him with a few encounters and taking away all items he found in a dungeon (then again, who didn't run out of any dungeon as fast as possible after anything dropped?), I bet he appreciated the more reasonable learn/drop rates from it. It's also good to know that he knows grinding doesn't solve much in this game.

By the way, wow, that's the first time I see a LP not in the screenshot or video format.
I'm also currently replaying it, on Weekend, simply because I like all the changes that make the game feel less like some kind of Lunatic mode and more... Normal? I'm still on the fence about death being pretty much inconsequential, though. Maybe a system similar to DoD would be nice to prevent restoration abuse.

>> No.9654956

I hear you. I WANT to like the drop rate changes, and at least want to play weekend and see how much higher they really are, but I just can't play it with the death thing. It feels like a cheat code.

>> No.9654963

Just had an interesting moment while fighting Kaguya and Eirin. In the manual it states that Satori's Last Word only works on random encounters, however I used it during the fight and gained control of Kaguya. This worked out amazing because she has all of the buffs, I was near invincible during the defense buff duration. I didn't bother trying it during any of the other boss fights I'd encountered yet, but it does work that can make Satori amazingly strong during these battles

>> No.9654970

She is particularly weak to mind control.
Most other bosses aren't so it wont work.

>> No.9654978

That's just because Kaguya is weak to mental manipulation status effects, like control, charm, and berserk. Just about all other bosses are immune.

It's strange, though. Besides that unreliable last word, the only other mental status spell you can have at that point is lunatic voice...I think.
Except for with Byakuren, but you're really not supposed to have her yet.

>> No.9654985

I don't get this. If the game gives you the means to have two characters off the bat, then why are you not supposed to ? Them joining you later on is just to avoid letting you get through the game without ever seeing them (that and it makes sense for Mokou to go to Eientei, it also lets you completely fill 2 parties).

>> No.9654996
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In fact, you know what's more amazing? You can choose to run away and Kaguya will actually run away, leaving the fight!

Of course, this is highly not recommended unless you don't mind permanently having an empty entry in the bestiary...

>> No.9655030

Because the ways to get them were secrets revealed outside the game, like the vending machine codes. The game before when they normally join isn't designed or balanced for them at all.

>> No.9655086

Murasa tells you to wait for Byakuren's arrival at her temple, and when confronted with a scenario like the bamboo forest of the lost you just use the Konami code.
Also, I never felt like Byakuren unbalanced that part of the game for me, and Mokou is just generally OP.

>> No.9655110

Oh, come now, you know no RPG player would actually wait there for an hour. "She'll be back latter" is universally RPG code for "You need to get further in the game, go away." Mokou's easier to stumble upon, but still secret.

>Mokou is just generally OP.
Doesn't even compare. Mokou can solo the early game.

>> No.9655116

Still doesn't weigh on my guilt.

>> No.9655130

This game is so damn fun, i'm at the forest of magic right now enjoying my daggers Sakuya instead of two-handed sword heresy

>> No.9655131
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I'm not trying to guilt you, dummy. I'm saying the pre-Byakuren/Mokou game wasn't designed with them in mind.

>> No.9655155

Not only that, he played the game when it was originally released, which means no English patch, tons of bugs and crashes, Last Spells cost 3 bombs, etc... All that with nothing but a dictionary. He's what got me into the game in the first place, since that's the first I'd ever heard about it. He gives up at the final boss and skips to the expansion though because he simply couldn't understand what was happening.
Also, the rest of the LP for the expansion is in a different place:

>> No.9655165
File: 115 KB, 1200x1104, f94d1d8399654ca7be72be36acab460e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Momizi in this game?

>> No.9655167

Yeah, that's why I was wondering how he feels about Weekend and whether he'd try it since it reduces grinding but not lower bosses. He's stated he was interested in going back but has forgotten what everything did, and this isn't a game you could just plow through with a random party.

>> No.9655176


>> No.9655187

This game gives you so many characters and only the ones in your party get experience...How do I know which ones to actually use?

>> No.9655188 [SPOILER] 
File: 225 KB, 639x480, ...good luck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he refuses to grind, I can understand why he'd give up at the final boss. Shit is brutal.

Yes, as a boss, twice.

>> No.9655195

>How do I know which ones to actually use?
Use all of them. DO NOT just use one team all the time, though using some party members more than others is fine.
As to who's good for what, that's for you to find out.

>> No.9655200

I forget. Does Weekend make leveling faster?

>> No.9655209

This game isn't like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy where you pick characters you like and level them. Everyone has a niche and have situations they're dominant in, and you should be constantly switching characters to suit the needs.

The game does scale exp gains for underleveled characters, so lv 1 expansion characters shoot to level 50+ in less than an hour.

>> No.9655220

Funny thing is that it happened twice. He gave up after writing so much in the original, then got a save file from someone else to play the expansion, writing a lot more again only to stop at the expansion final boss.

Final message: "I wanted to end on a good note!
Lost motivation to fight the final boss. Again."

>> No.9655223

>The game does scale exp gains for underleveled characters, so lv 1 expansion characters shoot to level 50+ in less than an hour.
Note that this is by stage, not by overall party level. Low level characters gets tons of bonus exp in higher level areas.

>> No.9655239


Is she a playable character by any chance? I just started playing, but from what I heard there are a ton of playable characters.

>> No.9655246
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Just you wait until you see all the damage and fun things Sakuya can do with a two-handed sword.
It seems that the exp scaling is a bit different (the Japanese wiki tells you how much EXP your characters should get in a dungeon if they're at a certain level, and more than once I've noticed how it doesn't seem to be the exact same for Weekend) and the monsters in the final dungeon give more experience, but other than that I don't think anything changed.

>> No.9655277

Playable characters are, in order of appearance, Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Aya, Sakuya, Patchouli, Nitori, Alice, Satori, Youmu, Mokou, and Byakuren.
The post-game expansion adds Cirno, Reisen, Remilia, Yuugi, and one of the antagonists.

>> No.9655595

Oh what the what!? How did this fucking work? I love you annon!

>> No.9655788
File: 7 KB, 316x202, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one who posted the solution to make GoS work and neither I or the anon who quoted me got thanked

>> No.9655817

2muchgrntxtdidnotread, my bad.

>> No.9655826

epic meme, guy

>> No.9655990
File: 660 KB, 1274x951, semenbarrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aging drizzle can't break this barrier.
Still 0 deaths to random encounters, 4 to suwako+kanako, 1 to maids. Time to chain die in gorgon barrier.

>> No.9656041

I look forward to how you handle the final boss.
You'd be pretty cool without the slut jokes.

>> No.9656043

So, instead of having Alice taking the hits and covering people, you're having Aya dodge everything and people survive with Possessed by Phoenix?

>> No.9656065

Nah, Aya being in the middle instead of Youmu is an accident.

Xu Fu's dimension on your favorite touhou is enough. Costs just 1 bomb so you get an extra FV.

>> No.9656087

Can you tell me how the fight against Biotopos went, plase? Like how was your strategy and how you applied it

>> No.9656387

Who's working on the English patch for DoD? Is there an eta or website anywhere? Just wondering, because I'm just about to start playing GoS.

>> No.9656392


>> No.9656553

are you saying there will be a patch by christmas?

>> No.9656556


>> No.9657288

Mokou cast Xu Fu's Dimension on Sanae and then spammed Fujiyama Volcano with turtlesmasher.
Sanae cast MDEF buff and then healed people.
Aya overwrote Bio's rape fields with Tengu's Newspaper Deadline.
Byakuren cast Amp Scroll first to get Youmu to 100 IND for when her stance buff goes up, and then weapon blessed Mokou and Youmu.
Youmu used Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash and Crescent Moon Slash.
I spread stab resistance on everyone because Bio uses spear skills sometimes.

That's it.

>> No.9657298

Tengu Support on Byakuren for Amp Scroll so she goes before Sanae and Youmu to get them to 100+ IND for their buffs.

Xu Fu's Dimension is reraise. The boss casts a party wipe spell upon death (aging drizzle), but one person with reraise prevents losing.

>> No.9657441

Is it just me or does Tengu support bring to mind dozens of tengus sitting at phones sitting in cubicles answering calls for anyone else?

>> No.9657752

Three indians answering questions about how and when to apply baby powder to your fliphole.

>> No.9657988

Is the menu text supposed to be so tiny and barely readable? I can hardly make out what the skill descriptions say, even when I double the window resolution.

>> No.9658030
File: 368 KB, 640x480, 120831_capture002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9658057

Sorry, I meant the smaller text for growth skill descriptions and mid battle skill descriptions.

>> No.9658100

Maybe it's your locale, I remember playing GoS after having played Blizzard of Faith & Revenge, which required simplified chinese PRC, and the texts were smaller.

>> No.9658614

Does 100 IND really change things that much? How significant of a boost is it? Do you have information about it?

>> No.9659374

How do I beat crab girl? She keeps killing me over and over. Setup is Reimu, Nitori, Sakuya, Alice, Marisa.

>> No.9659422

If you beat Tenshi, you should have no troubl with her. Make your team Patchouli, Reimu, Alice, Marisa, Sanae, and whoever as commander. Have sanae buff your teams magic and defense, have patchy use Heaven crack and Active land to increase lightning attack strength, and nuke her with thunderbolt from Patchouli and Stardust Surge from marisa.

>> No.9659525
File: 922 KB, 1274x951, toomanyeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi im da strongest sister pls don't stack res with sanae/byakuren/sakuya and hurt me

Trying to get an obsidian from hydras. Cowardly things.

>> No.9660068

Is it even possible to get two drops from the same monster? If not, you're in for a long and fun ride.
But hey, at least you're going to get a ton of Trapezohedrons.

>> No.9660862

I'm so damn terrible at this game, I can't even beat Alice. How do I stop her dolls blowing up and killing my whole team?

>> No.9660932

Philosophers stone makes short work of them.
So does Mokou's Curse of whatever.

>> No.9660972

epic trip

>> No.9661195
File: 145 KB, 278x267, 1295157142185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent buttmad shitpost!

captcha: nothing loser

>> No.9662542
File: 17 KB, 117x148, i am the umbrella. the umbrella is me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain bump.

>> No.9663588

Her dolls are limited and have very serious weaknesses.

>> No.9663980

What exactly is the exorcism property? What does it do?

>> No.9664004

cuts the Divine Barrier effect certain enemies have. (which cuts your damage by a certain percentage)

100 DB enemy would reduce damage to 0.
a touhou with 50 exorcism cuts that amount by 50% so that she still deals 50% of her usual damage.

>> No.9664005

Pierces divine barriers.
Some enemies, mostly demons and angels, have an invisible barrier around them that reduces the damage they take. Exorcism reduces the damage reduction by the percentage of exorcism involved. For example, a 50% exorcism attack hitting a 40% divine barrier will only get reduced by 20%.

>> No.9665125

What's with all the complaints about the removal of the item loss penalty on death? All it means is now you don't have to back up to the dungeon entrance every time you get an uncommon/rare drop. It doesn't make the game any easier, just removes a needlessly tedious task.

>> No.9665146

Uncommon/rare drops were pre-weekend only.
There's no such thing as a rare item anymore.

>> No.9665155

Even a 10% chance drop is uncommon if it occurs on a monster that appears rarely and only one at a time. Stop exaggerating, no one's making you play the Weekend version.

>> No.9665199

How often did you get uncommon/rare drops in plain GoS? I never got enough to find running in and out of a dungeon to collect the item a needlessly tedious task. I don't care about the death penalty. I just wanted to say that items are no longer rare in Weekend.

>> No.9665260

Drops are still rare enough that at most you wind up finding one drop per play through of a dungeon. If you have to grind to get drops, they aren't common.

>> No.9665265
File: 732 KB, 1275x953, yukkuriking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665271

Ok, items are still rare/uncommon as long as you don't get it on the first kill. I get it.

>> No.9665273

>Stop exaggerating, no one's making you play the Weekend version.

>> No.9665276

ゆっくり王冠 1.0%→5.0%
Nice rare drop.

>> No.9665289

How many times would you run in and out of the dungeon in Weekend if the drop penalty was still there compared to pre-Weekend?

>> No.9665300

Twice compared to once, probably. I usually walk out once for MP in Weekend, there was usually one extra trip out to preserve a drop (including shit like rocks, ffs, the base level crafting material shouldn't make you terrified of the drop penalty, that drop rate needed the fix).

>> No.9665308

That's pretty much the same for me. So I really don't see why people complain about running in and out of the dungeon unless they do it 6+ times. I always thought the death penalty was light because at least it isn't a Game Over screen.

>> No.9665323

I don't see why anyone gives a flying fuck about the drop penalty either way. You make a needless trip out of the dungeon once in a while, and every great once in a while a party of mind flayers gays you and you lose a drop. Games need a little bit of frustration to make them interesting. It's not like it was something unavoidable or integral to the gameplay though, so complaining that the absence of the drop penalty makes the game easier somehow is pretty silly as well. The things that made the game easier that aren't toggleable with Easy Mode are the drop rates and Satori's learning rates, both of which were kind of obscenely low to begin with. Every once in a while you should get a drop on a normal playthrough without spending an hour grinding the same area. Some of the rates jumped up a little higher than maybe they should have, but it isn't like you clear a dungeon and walk away with very much loot even in Weekend.

>> No.9665394

Are you trying to say 5% isn't rare?

>> No.9665397

I agree. I don't think the loss of the death penalty makes the game easier. It's a lot of the other things that they did that can make it slightly easier depending on your luck. It's pretty much what you said though. Games need a little bit of frustration to make them intresting. I think some of the bosses can provide that if you don't know what to do.

I can also see why people miss the death penalty though. After playing DoD death meant nothing to me. I played it in almost a completely diffrent way sometimes. Before I might have been a little more careful running through a dungeon if I had some rare item drops with some kind of death penalty.

I also agree that some of the learning rates and item drop rates might have been a little low before, but I think increasing them by 1-5x+ their original rates might have been a little too much for me.

>> No.9665399

I would put it in the uncommon category.

>> No.9665401

Please, go back to your Ragnarok Online with its 0.01% drop rates. No items in a single player game should have a drop rate below 4 to 5%, nobody should need to grind that much just for an extra item (unless that item is so good it nearly trivializes the whole game).

The character-specific materials got a boost in Weekend (from 0.1% to 1% on most enemies) as well, but since they've always been basically a small (but useful) bonus, I don't think they should fall under what I just said above.

>> No.9665402

You can't even be positive he's using weekend.

>> No.9665403

He is.

>> No.9665409

Why would anyone waste their time playing something other than Weekend?

>> No.9665415

Some people consider grinding a form of difficulty.

>> No.9665420

No one does. It's the people that get offended by other people saying drop rates/learning rates are too high that think it is for some reason.

>> No.9665426

How do i get more recipes for synthesizing

>> No.9665429

Story progression and killing x random enemies.

>> No.9665432

The no death penalty thing, for one.

Oh, stop. Nobody's saying that.

>> No.9665434

> no death penalty
you never lost xp or dungeon progression. Only items which forces you to grind.

>> No.9665443

'cept I died plenty of times in vanilla GoS and lost stuff while doing, and I only ground items once, when I was half a dozen iron short for my Kusanagi.
Forced? You're not forced to grind for any items you lose.

>> No.9665681

But... when they say that Weekend is too easy, and the only things to point to with easy mode turned off have to do with drops, aren't they claiming that more difficulty in acquiring drops is a form of difficulty?

You were playing like a retard if you lost drops that were worth the time of walking out of the dungeon. Are we discussing playing like a retard, or the realistic merits/demerits of the item loss penalty?

>> No.9665741

What does it mean when you get a FULL power item in battle?

>> No.9665782
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Aliceless run of main game done.

>> No.9665792

Let's just call it the "time saver edition" so we don't offend anyone. People have diffrent opinions on what makes a game easier. Some people think a lot of those changes make the game easier, some don't. I'm sure there were some people that didn't grind items/skills or run back home after drops and had a tougher time before weekend.

>> No.9665833

The former, apparently. You clearly don't want to discuss the realistic merits of anything if your counterargument is "you were playing like a retard."

I haven't been arguing against the boosted drop rates, as I haven't played enough of Weekend to see the effects and how much higher they are, so I can't really say anything about it except that 5 iron for the Kusanagi is fucking ridiculous. But considering that people didn't grind for items in original GoS, or least didn't need too...yeah, it does make the game easier. You'll get more items from playing through the story, getting you more equipment, thus making the game easier. Not that much easier, mind you, but something.

>> No.9665838

What are your levels?

>> No.9665858

Small stat buff. That's all.

>> No.9665865

Anyone else use Touhou out of favoritism rather than based on tactical decision? I haven't let my Alice Marisa or Nitori out of my party since i got each of them except for required parts like Eientei

>> No.9665880

That's how I always play RPGs with swappable party members.

>> No.9665920

What do you expect the response to be? You basically said: "In pre-Weekend GoS, I would get rare drops and then willfully refuse to walk to the entrance to protect them. For people with my playstyle of not taking a negligible amount of time and effort to protect their drops, Weekend is easier." Not much to say about being easier for people who are lazy, that isn't a balance issue.

If people never needed to grind, and they still don't need to grind, why are you implying that there's a difficulty difference to any appreciable extent? ...oh, right, you haven't even played the game version that you're talking about. That makes it easy to take what you have to say seriously.

>> No.9665927

I tried, but I couldn't really do it much in GoS because I had to swap characters here and there for weaknesses, though. But I do remember always having Marisa in my party.

On the other hand, I played through DoD entirely that way. My main team consisted of my favorites which I never swapped. Used only Touhou Shikigami too simply because original characters didn't appeal to me (at least through the entire main game; midway through the expansion, I found it nearly impossible to proceed without using some of the overpowered original Shikigami).

>> No.9666010

>If people never needed to grind, and they still don't need to grind, why are you implying that there's a difficulty difference to any appreciable extent?
You will get more items playing through Weekend than you would playing through GoS. This is a statistical fact.
Having items will make the game easier. That's what they do, that's why you want them. I didn't say they'll make it THAT much easier, but they WILL make the game easier. Period.
You don't need to play through a RPG again to know that it would have been easier with better equipment.

To clarify, I was talking about random iron drops and stuff. If I got, say, a devil heart, you bet your ass I was getting out of there. Otherwise I'd go back to the shrine to heal and preserve loot whenever I found a shortcut back; that's what they were for, I'd bet.
I cannot imagine playing this game and running out of the dungeon after every single drop. That sounds incredibly boring; why on earth anyone would be that overcautious is beyond me.

>> No.9666019

90% of the drops are shit that's worse than things you're already using. Getting more useless spears isn't making this Weekend playthrough any easier bro.

>> No.9666030

Oh, and what are you currently using?

>> No.9666048


Maybe they're useless to Weekend players because they have increased drop rates and greater access to crafted items. But for each of crafting items, most of the accessories, and some of the shields I find, they aren't useless, and the frequency of useful items I find certainly doesn't amount to 10%.

>> No.9666053
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Augh, you jerk, you beat me to the point I was going to make.

>> No.9666174


Sorry, I was getting tired of reading his loaded language after multiple posts.

>> No.9666191

Wait, who?

>> No.9666212

Wonder what would be the demand for a Disgaea grind-like Touhou game

>> No.9666554

Well, you can do what I did and grind for crafted items frequently enough that you have decent gear. I haven't picked up a single drop that went into a crafted item or got equipped in the ten hours I've logged since swapping to Weekend.

>> No.9666598
File: 169 KB, 800x600, diary12_08_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Touhou Labyrinth 2. It's not really Disgaea, but the first game had big numbers and lots of grinding towards the end.

>> No.9667069

I tried that on the first file I started, but that lead to me thinking I only had to choose six members and I could be fine for the whole game. By the time I made it to Komachi I could barely do jack to her. Lesson definitely learned on my second (current) file

>> No.9667079

I want Sky Arena to get fucking translated already.

That or a city-builder based on Gensokyo and Makai.

>> No.9667091

I find it weird when JRPGs have a fuckton of resist and then zero use for them.

>> No.9667823

Sitting here waiting for Byakuren in the temple.

This music is catchy and now I can't find a way to disable it without quitting mid-wait. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing.

...I'm wasting my time, aren't I.

>> No.9667860

You aren't wasting your time if you want Byakuren.

>This music is catchy and now I can't find a way to disable it without quitting mid-wait.
If the music is catchy why disable it?
Anyway you could just go into the options menu and turn the sound down if it annoys you.

>> No.9667954

was scared to mess with the options cause I was halfway through waiting.
Instead, I learned how to listen to two songs at once by focusing my hearing on one song at a time. I have mastered musical multitasking. Thanks Touhou!

>> No.9669433
File: 866 KB, 640x960, flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that blue number thing that was added into Weekend. Some of his screenshots have it so I thought he was playing on weekend. I don't know, it could have been a critical or something. It could have been in a patch I haven't downloaded yet. I haven't played it in a long time.

>> No.9670559

The blue number thing happens when you hit a weakness of the target. In that case, you're probably hitting those Buraburas or something with a fire spell in the second screenshot, and yes that's an addition in Weekend.

>> No.9670636

Yes, the first was from plain GoS with a fire spell. Second was from Weekend on Easy mode with a fire spell.

>> No.9670658

Does Easy mode do anything besides cut the damage from non-boss enemies in half?

>> No.9670668

I was just a little confused because in the final boss screen he has 2.08, so I thought that blue thing was in there too.

>> No.9670710

I did double damage to that guy in my screenshot.

>> No.9672668

Yuugi must be the easiest boss fight in the game, even counting Nazurin. Yikes.

>> No.9672702

What kind of wizardry did you do? Last time I fought her the only way things went well was after I got Alice to use Hourai Doll and that 90% damage reduction skill.
Did you just do so much damage that she didn't get a chance to use Berserker Soul?

>> No.9672862 [DELETED] 

I wasn't paying attention so I didn't set the Kappa Camo formation, but Tengu's Newspaper Deadline Day, Wind of the Mind's Eye, and Psychedelic Art made her unable to hit anyone even once. It's just what I was using to kill stuff the in stage with Reisen.

It took a very long time.

>> No.9672868

I wasn't paying attention so I didn't set the Kappa Camo formation, but Tengu's Newspaper Deadline Day, Wind of the Mind's Eye, and Psychedelic Art made her unable to hit anyone even once. It's just what I was using to kill stuff in the stage with Reisen.

It took a very long time. Still doing aliceless in the expansion.

>> No.9673259
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 120902_capture001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, so it looks like in Weekend controlled enemies don't run away anymore after you try to escape. Bad for people who like to make Kaguya run away, I guess, but good for learning stuff with Satori, as you don't need to wait for it to wear out before running from an encounter with only one enemy and you find respawning everything too much of a bother.

Also, hello there turtle. What are you doing in that wall.

>> No.9673267

How do i beat youmu and yuyuko?

i beat them once but yuyuko used Butterfly Resurrection while she died, and killed my party along with her. was this a coincidence or did i do something wrong

>> No.9673276

You need to block the attack, or at the very least ensure that at least one party member doesn't get hit. This can be done by:
Stopping time and having Sakuya land the killing blow.
Having Reimu block permanent status effects on the last turn of the fight.
Having Mokou use her death resistance command spell.
Having Alice block someone with London Doll or Little Legion.

>> No.9673390
File: 238 KB, 635x474, oh god why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marisa gets charmed
>master sparks the members I need most

>> No.9673439

Why would you get Mokou and Byakuren so early on? It's practically cheating.

>> No.9673442

Thank you, I beat them. That was very helpful.

On another note, I'm now in Muenzuka and I feel underpowered gear-wise. I'm still using most of the weapons and armor that I synthesized right after the Scarlet Devil Mansion, save for a few drops I picked up along the way. I haven't found any new recipes for new gear to synthesize, how do I get more?

>> No.9673475

Get back to Akyu's house every time you clear a stage, she'll give you new recipes.

>> No.9673481
File: 651 KB, 900x1300, c550b17301df4c64b9527a0a860483f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful, thanks!

>> No.9673846

guess who else is cheating. Your mom

>> No.9673851

Which enemies drop Rocks and Bamboo the most? I need to get some.

>> No.9673852

This is something I liked about the game. Every time I went to a new dungeon I'd be shitting my pants but eventually it became far easier. Exception being those fucking demons/angels

>> No.9673858

I've had the best luck with the centaurs in Genbu Swamp

>> No.9673937

Rocks and Bamboo are associated with axes and lances, you might have luck with killing fairies who wield those. Make sure to double check the bestiary entry.

>> No.9674095

The graphics in this game are too confuse, it seems like these guys got sprites from all over the net, it is just weird. Anyone could confirm this with actual proof?

>> No.9674170

How about you prove it before assuming and complaining about it.

>> No.9674352
File: 377 KB, 651x513, medea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I AM evil! Stop laughing!

>> No.9674723

Which sprites?

>> No.9675041
File: 678 KB, 799x601, dffewfewf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems obvious at a glance to me that they're all done by the same person or two.

Could you confirm that you're from South America?

>> No.9675318 [DELETED] 

Don't you take that tone with me young lady

>> No.9675405

So you shouldn't get Mokou or Hijiri for first playthrough? Because they are kind of broken early on?

>> No.9675409

I'd say so.

>> No.9675411

You should be playing the game without outside help your first time.

>> No.9675505


I skip any post on this thread that's about boss strategies and stuff specifically for that lol, originally came here to ask about applocale stuff anyway, which I've already fixed. You can't use applocale for the OP's version because it probably wasn't installed with applocale, so I just had to change region with a restart.

>> No.9675941



>> No.9677798

How much easier is the Easy modo here?

>> No.9677914

You deal double damage to enemies and take half damage from them. Also, squids won't paralyze or instakill you as often. Is that easy enough for you?
By the way, it turns itself off during boss battles.

>> No.9677937

That sounds a bit extreme. Are random encounters really that bad? Just beat Remilia and Nitori and they haven't been giving me too much trouble.

>> No.9677965

Well, by the end of the game there area number of enemies that can essentially one-shot many characters or your entire party if you're unprepared

The first two stages of the game are the easiest, at least boss wise as they are straitforward bosses though Remi could charm you if unlucky. Starting with Alice, they each have a gimmick, which is a big part of what made GoS so critically acclaimed among people who played it.

>> No.9679394

So guys I got access to Lakebed Temple, I've heard it's hard as fuck so I started doing some grinding and everyone is at level 51. Do I need to level up some more or will I be good?

Also, who should go where?

>> No.9679403

51 is more than enough.
It's thinking up teamcomps and such that's difficult, not raw numbers.

>> No.9679540


I've heard that is the main appeal of this game. Grinding just seems too much like a lazy solution

>> No.9679546

I was around that level by the Gorgon Barrier. You should do fine if you play smartly.

>> No.9679595

Weekend's all about trivializing the random enemies. A shame, really; for the most part, GoS has/had really fun enemies to kill.

>> No.9679856

Guys, I just got a bunch of .ogg files, how do you play?

>> No.9679868

you downloaded the OST

>> No.9679872

Mind giving a bit more detail? Sorry, I just have no idea how to play.

>> No.9679947

Well, download the actual game. All five parts. Then we'll talk.

>> No.9679967

These were provided in the mediafire link above? That's what I downloaded.

>> No.9679991

Extract all the game parts into a folder.

>> No.9679989

Fuck sake, I see what I did, thanks.

>> No.9680042

Holy shit you are stupid. I mean that in the nicest way possible

>> No.9680077

I was doing a bunch of shit and extracted the OST folder thinking I extracted the actual game folder. Indeed that was stupid.

Thank you for calling that out anon. I will now meditate on my stupidity and try to overcome it.

>> No.9680338

Is the mediafire uploads of 2.09 gone? I can't seem to find them.

>> No.9681018

So i'm guessing the general comp should be a tank, 2 physical attackers and 2 magical attackers with something probably switched out for support for bosses?

>> No.9681091

Define "support..."
Don't expect this to be a game where you can just throw out your big spells and plow through everything. Maybe that'll work at first, but it won't last.

>> No.9682669
File: 176 KB, 1024x576, EV098BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, Alice. Tried 3 times, 3rd time I was the lucky enough for her to start out in the defensive doll formation and managed to kill her, but by then she summoned physical dolls which completely rip me to shreds the turn after she died. Is level 9 too low or something?

>> No.9682728

You just need to exploit the weaknesses of her dolls more. Defense formation with 5 dolls is weak to elemental magic (so just blast them with Marisa/Patchouli), attack formation with 3 dolls is... I don't remember, but I think they're weak to elemental physical attacks (so go with Nitori), and in the formation with four dolls, each doll is weak to one element.
You are not really supposed to kill Alice before her dolls, or else something amazing happens.

>> No.9682743

Aha thanks. Defense dolls were easy enough, had to put Sanae in for her Toad spell that decimates the attack formation for whatever reason, and Sakuya's instant death attacks seem to proc a shitton while her Last Word is active, so that helped with the magical dolls.

>> No.9682748


Yea, something amazing. Hahaha holy shit that made me laugh surprisingly when it happened.

>> No.9682917

Who is better out of Patchouli and Marisa? Been using Marisa all along while Patchy kinda sat on the sidelines at level 1. Also Mokou seems pretty OP. Tanks hits almost as well as Alice while dealing more damage than Sakuya.

>> No.9682924

>Been using Marisa all along while Patchy kinda sat on the sidelines at level 1.
Oh boy you are going to love stages 9 and 18.
Patchy becomes a lot better after she gets her single-target spells, and she works pretty well in the early game with a physical build. Also, her land manipulation spells are really, really useful for bosses.
I think I'm more fond of Marisa though, because of her nearly infinite stock of MP and slight slayer effect on humanoids and giants.

>> No.9682931
File: 1.91 MB, 2000x1500, 1342963170631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchouli is the elementalist. Patchouli can set the land rapidly, set up a field effect, and use amazing bombs for crazy damage, in addition to the ability to cast twice and do critical strikes if you have the necessary growth points spent. (Dualcasting doublecrits are fun)

Marisa just has good single target elemental spells in that regard, her bomb versions have spreading damage, but they're not strong to be used against single targets. Marisa can get slayer against giants, warriors and magicians in the laser tree.
However Marisa can pierce defenses really well against resilient enemies (dragons, foreign gods).

If you're trying to abuse a single elemental defense, bring both. Random encounters and trying to snipe multiple weaknesses, Marisa can switch spells per target pretty easily, Patchouli has fairly cheap target-all attacks.

Or you can go spark/laser/broom Marisa, and get crazy mana regen and spark everything, the damage is mostly constant and only augmented by buffs.

>> No.9682987

>because of her nearly infinite stock of MP

Doesn't Patchy have a bigger MP pool? Or am I missing something here?

>> No.9682995

With any broom and 20 points in her growth tree for brooms, she recovers 6 MP per turn. Even though her stronger spells are more expensive than that, her basic ones cost 3, so she can still deal damage while you get some MP back.

>> No.9683004

That sounds really good for dungeon crawling.

>> No.9683008

First time playing here, someone care to explain bombs and how to use them?

>> No.9683026


>> No.9683024

the spells with a little start on them use bombs, the number of starts on them says how many bombs it spend

>> No.9683029
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>> No.9683033

Thanks, I appreciate it.

>> No.9683200

I still can't run or install this game. I had support for east asian characters, app locale, all that jazz but still. So lamentable

>> No.9683252

is your folder name in japanese? try changing it to normal english characters

>> No.9685017

Alright, so I'm on stage 4 and I haven't really had to worry too much.

Does the game get much harder?

>> No.9685037

Isn't stage 4 blazing hell? It does get a bit harder at the next boss, but it doesn't really pick-up in difficulty until the Netherworld.

>> No.9685072

Not really. The difficulty of this game is highly exaggerated. As long as you're not playing like a retard, you'll breeze through the game.

>> No.9685135

Looks like the exp scaling listed on the Japanese wiki doesn't apply perfectly to Weekend; it says you should get 100% experience on stage 15 with a level 38 character but I'm getting 150% with anyone up to level 41, and 200% up to level 37 (maximum for that was 32 in the past version).

I guess this is what they meant by exp scaling being made easier too, and it turns out it wasn't exclusive to easy mode either.

>> No.9685200

So is there any way to make the following characters not useless?

Byakuren - Debuffs are nice, but rarely worth using outside of boss fights. Even with ind stacked up to 136, permanent status effects work maybe 1/10 times, if I'm lucky. Absolute shit for physical or magic damage.
Patchy - Dies if anything so much as looks at her unless Alice has london dolls on her every single turn, effectively requiring 2 party slots for a single character.
Satori - Same problems as Byakuren with permanent effects, and debuffs. Same problem as Patchy when it comes to survivability. Can do absolutely nothing unless you're absurdly lucky with learning skills, half of which she will never be able to make use of because they're physical. Nothing can even begin to describe the amount of soul crushing disappointment I felt the first time I used a learned breath attack.

It really blows having to pull all this dead weight around just because I know the game is going to force me to split into 3 parties eventually.

Currently climbing Youkai Mountain if it matters, and everyone is level 32 - 34.

>> No.9685275

Wait till late game until the enemy fights are like boss fights

>> No.9685292

Well thank you.

>> No.9685310 [SPOILER] 
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But those are the best characters.

>> No.9685332

Satori is flat out one of the best characters in the game.

She's a one-man/loli toolbox for all occasions. Mind blast, the various target-all melts, area/party/single heal, cleanse, revive etc. She has literally every element at hand for single-targets/all-targets to combo with chasers or just other elemental casters.

Also bullies everything up till mid-late/late with poison art. Invincible with bloodsuck/drain too, as long as she can take a hit(not that hard, really).

>> No.9685346 [DELETED] 

epic spoiler /a/breh

>> No.9685370 [DELETED] 

I think you should spice up your ironic shitposting with emoticons.

>> No.9685797
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Turtle crushing squad.

She can buff too (and way better than Sanae), you know, even though hers are single-target. Her single-target spells can't get as strong as Reimu's or Satori's, but she can still help a bit, especially against angels or demons.
Learn to use formations better.
Even without Weekend or the learning/drop patch, she can be basically a mini Marisa if you just take her to the SDM and get the basic elemental spells. Then, after you get 20 points in Learning and 13 in Third Eye, she becomes as deadly as her. Try to stick to staves though, because her personal weapons are pretty bad for dealing damage (unless you use their buff, I guess).

>> No.9686278

I think there's some misconception of her eye weapons.

The % elemental added damage isn't a boost to damage of that type. It's actually adding 30% bonus damage as void (for example) to physical attacks.

Although her stat allocation gives her somewhat equal PATK and MATK, equivalent physical abilities pull ahead by a lot due to eyes. 3 points each in trauma/Id also gets you 10% physical damage.

It seems like Enervate/Dissolve/Tsunami debuffs work just as well as Byakuren (and have a much higher chance to work), but i'm not positive.

>> No.9686518

I guessed they fixed the backup save trick in Weekend. Fuck.

So much for easier autistic item collection.

>> No.9686560 [SPOILER] 
File: 380 KB, 646x506, Reimu is exorcising please wait warmly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that Byakuren's debuffs at higher levels are capable of sapping what 90% of the enemy's PATK? She really hits stats like a truck, a few debuffs from Byakuren completely pulverize an enemy's fighting capability.

She is pretty bad with just offensive damaging magic, however, but she can bring incredibly strong PATK/MATK Up bonuses.

>> No.9686713
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Even though breath skills are apparently useless, I'm pretty sure it's a lot easier to get this from Genji than later in the game. Surviving the breath barrage from the Hydra without reflecting it might be kind of hard to do.

I'll see if I can get Satori to level 50 so I can learn Holy on the refight. Shouldn't be too hard, according to >>9685135.

>> No.9687601

At lakebed temple, and the octopus bitch is kicking my ass. My team for her is Nitori, Alice, Reimu, Byakuren. The plan is for Nitori to electrify her weapon, byakuren to give her stat buffs, alice for tanking and reimu to heal/barrier whenever she isn't healing. But I always die. Help me, /jp/.

>> No.9687626

If you use nitori for lightning, you need Marisa, Patchy, and sanae.

all 3 have lightning spells.


>> No.9687664

So you need to level everyone because of forced use? I've been neglecting Aya, Nitori and Sanae

>> No.9687706

Eventually yes.

However both Nitori and Sanae are incredibly good in the roles they fulfill.

Aya is the only character that's kind of... unimpressive.

>> No.9687848

Can you guys help me with the circle of elements? I'm getting my ass handed to those "earth" monsters at the garden of the sun, is earth weak to fire?

>> No.9687860


>> No.9687877

thank you

>> No.9687904


Use poison shield formation and they'll never be attacked again.

>> No.9687910

The magical elements go:
Fire - Water, Earth - Lightning, Light - Dark.
Humanoids are often weak to dark.
Reptiles often to water.
Birds and other flying things to lightning.
Electronics are usually weak to lightning.
Blobs to both fire and water.
Mind Flayers are resistant to everything but lightning.
Aquatics, fish and the like, are usually weak to lightning or fire, rarely both.
Dragons and Foreign gods are damn resistant to everything.

Mystic usually hits everything for the same.

>> No.9687917
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i don't remember where this was dropped and need a pair to grind easily, you know where this was dropped?

>> No.9687920

that's pretty useful, thank you dude

>> No.9687929

It's from a chest.
>a pair
Items are unique in this game. You can't get two.

>> No.9687938

Items are unique?
well, i guess the difficult add more fun to the game

>> No.9688242

>Aya is the only character that's kind of... unimpressive.

Peerless Wind God is one of the best support moves in the game

Also, who should I give the Kusunagi to?

>> No.9688266

>Peerless Wind God is one of the best support moves in the game
...it is?

The best physical attacker on your team.
Maybe not Sakuya, though. I've never let her use it, so I can't vouch for her.

>> No.9688320
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I lold

>> No.9688332

Whoa what the fug

They have minimaps now? Blind navigation was probably the shittiest part of the game because of my terrible sense of direction.

>> No.9688347

You must be pretty terrible. Most of the levels were linear as fuck.

>> No.9688357

>Peerless Wind God
That's a pretty strange way to spell Tengu Newspaper Deadline Day, man.

Levels are pretty easy to navigate...those secret paths, however. (Spent some thirty minutes looking for a way through near the start of Eientei A, like an idiot)

>> No.9688387
File: 428 KB, 989x1018, 7098174a27e193ba2d0efe2951d37051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have DTD. I can barely navigate to save my life. Sorry for being so stupid.
