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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9647266 No.9647266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9642937

I just took a piss in a Pringles can while listening to music on my bed.

What have my NEET brethren been doing?

>> No.9647271

browsing /jp/

>> No.9647274

What color was it?

Have you ever tried drinking it?

>> No.9647275

why pissing in a can?
even as a NEET i can't stand the lack of hygiene

>> No.9647283

I don't see it as a lack of hygiene, it's not like it's on the floor or anything.

>> No.9647291
File: 23 KB, 448x336, Pink Cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called in a refill for an inhaler and finished eating two pink cookies that I bought last night while getting my five gallon jug filled with water.

>> No.9647293

It was clear. Haven't tried drinking it; I suppose I'll dispose of it when I go for a walk in just a moment.

It was the first time I peed in a bottle or a can. It felt great.

I glanced at the floor and the Pringles can seemed to be the most suitable tool for the task at hand.

>> No.9647305

Try peeing in an onahole next time and reach heaven

>> No.9647583

It's nearly 5am.
I'm trying to make a touhou arrange, but I make on bar of music then browse /jp/ for 30mins, then make another bar.
So progress is slow.

But I guess it's better than getting burned out, take it 2 easy for the win.

>> No.9647592

When I went to pick up the prescription I went through the drivethrough and there was a girl who I thought looked familiar in a car in the lane over who was staring at me.

>> No.9647593

about to order some more drugs

drugs are neet related right?

if you sell drugs are you no longer a neet? just curious

>> No.9647675
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I've been really depressed because I have been banned for 1 week from /jp/ and was all alone. My ban just expired 1 minute ago but I don't know why I was banned in the first place all the mod said was "crap"posting but I do not do that so I'm confused.

>> No.9647689

enjoy your diabetes

>> No.9647698

you should put a paper napkin or a coaster or something underneath it so the piss doesn't seep through the cardboard and leave a ring

>> No.9647703

After I ate those two cookies I ate a pack of Triple Double Oreos. Pretty normal for me.

>> No.9647718

Anyone else got some hobbies going on? Do you guys feel exhausted when you try to learn new things?

>> No.9647723

>I don't know why I was banned

>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

>> No.9647720

I'm torn between trying to learn japanese, teaching myself to program and writing music.
I end up browsing /jp/ instead.

>> No.9647722
File: 42 KB, 667x680, haruhiponytail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-welcome back!

>> No.9647725

Why do you call yourself mediator instead of watashi?

>> No.9647730


Those are some awfully in-depth and complex skill sets, anon! Have you tried prioritizing one and sticking to it?

>> No.9647729

I tested filling the can with water before pissing in it and it seemed solid.

Anyway, I just disposed it and it only lay on the floor for some two hours, so I think I'm good. I'll have to prepare a better urine container for future incidents.

>> No.9647743
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Can you dance like the fairies Mediator-san?

>> No.9647745

Cooking, food, tea, dolls, cameras, picture taking, and a bit of creative writing are hobbies of mine. I don't feel tired learning anything new if it interests me.

>> No.9647751

Why are these NEET lifestyle threads so active? The previous two threads hit the bump limit within 24 hours.

>> No.9647755

you should do what i do and get some empty glass bottles to piss in. they're reusable and when you fill them up they also make great throwing weapons if someone tries to break into your house or if a cat outside is being noisy. they're like stinky little grenades.

>> No.9647758

/r9k/ and /v/ love to come here and discuss their lonely feels.

>> No.9647762


Because the majority of /jp/ are escapists who are mostly trying to make something out of their lives. It's a support group for young men to talk about what we all have in common.

>> No.9647782
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I just finished watching Signs and everyone is asleep so I was too scared to leave the room. Had to piss in a bottle of water that was too small so some urine ended up on the floor

For the rest of you, why don't you go to the bathroom?

>> No.9647793

>I was too scared

You're trolling, right? I mean, I'm not really good with horror stuff, but Signs? That's not even creepy.

>> No.9647798


The financial crisis has caused decreased spending by the Social Security Administration, they only fund one thread for us now. When you get people like us with too much time on our hands and no discernible sleeping schedule we will burn through our allotment very quickly.

>> No.9647796

Excellent reading comprehension.

>> No.9647805

I usually go to the bathroom, but when I'm seriously listening to music for an extended period of time, I'd rather hit the bottle than take off the headphones for a bathroom trip.

>> No.9647799

anyone wanna talk on omegle????

>> No.9647800
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It's noisy and I don't want to wake my mom up in the middle of the night/morning.

>> No.9647802

>tfw i had(still kind of have) bladder irritation issues when eating spicy/sugary foods
>constantly using the restroom
>got tired of having to leave my room and walk down the hall, began pissing in the trashcan
>dad finds out, gets pissed

>> No.9647811 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9647816

greentexting a story... sorry I go on /b/ a lot

>> No.9647817

Try a bag.

>> No.9647822

Please go the bathroom when you have to pee. Or pee out the window.

>> No.9647821

then fuck off you imbecile

>> No.9647833


The whole...

>Who are you quoting?

...shit is even more obnoxious than the people using the quoting function improperly.

>> No.9647826

...i could see that one coming, and it still hurt

>> No.9647830

It's not so much the movie itself as it is the afterthought that something could be in my house and I rarely leave the room anyway unless people are about. Even if it's daylight empty hallways scare me

>> No.9647837

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9647838


Leave them alone. They just want to fit it.

>> No.9647839

Is it just in shitty 3rd world scum that Pringles is expensive as FUCK? Like, U$ 8 one small can?

>> No.9647842

Maybe people should use greentext properly then.

>> No.9647851


>Who are you quoting?

I was quoting the post I was replying to. If you click on the link in that post it will take you to the post I was replying to. If you notice in this post the link links to your post and I am quoting you.

>> No.9647853

inb4 permaban

>> No.9647855

My spine is hurting, I think I'm starting develop serious osteochondrosis for sitting wrong for all those years, what should I do?

>> No.9647864


Maybe, shitposting about shitposting is still shitposting though.

>> No.9647865 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9647866

kill yourself and reincarnate dude

brand new body

if you don't want to do that, then it's years of hard work on reversing your condition via various stretches and exercises

>> No.9647873

That isn't something really bad, just be sure that you don't get hemorrhoids, and you should be fine.

>> No.9647876

well fuck, I wasn't expecting this to turn into a conversation about greentexting

was wondering if anyone had/is having similar experiences

>> No.9647890

Holy shit, are you me? We should join up and encourage each other!

>> No.9647892

Any recovering Hikikomoris here?

How is everyone holding up? Progressing in anything to improve your life?

>> No.9647895


No. I pee in the toilet and my father is dead.

>> No.9647900

I think I also have it in the neck, because I often getting sleepy and slow during the day for no reason.

>> No.9647905


>> No.9647908


I leave the house like twice a week now. One of those times is to go to the shrink and the other is 3AM grocery shopping. I guess that is progress.

>> No.9647912 [DELETED] 

Trying to finish my senior high school year strong... hopefully I can get a job at Target

>> No.9647914

wow dude ur pathetic!


>> No.9647915

Before /jp/:
>Gays are disgusting.
After /jp/:
I can beat off to gay porn without a second thought.

>> No.9647920


>high school

Wrong thread.

>> No.9647921

Whom are you citing?

>> No.9647925
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Are you still a virgin, /jp/?

>> No.9647924

My younger self, I thought it was obvious.

>> No.9647933



>> No.9647934


>> No.9647953


>> No.9648015


Of course

>> No.9648026

The system thinks my post is spam

>> No.9648047

Fuck the system, man.

>> No.9648073

I scraped my knee badly today because I fell off of an escalator. I suppose it's my fault for trying to get a better deal by going to the dollar store in the mall...

>> No.9648080

How do I get autism bucks /jp/?

>> No.9648088


Be for real crazy. Most fakes get turned down and then get bitter and start hating people that actually get it for genuine disorders.

>> No.9648086

How does one fall off an escalator?

>> No.9648097

I'm going to see my psychiatrist today, any tips on appearing crazy?

>> No.9648099

I tripped and fell near the top. It's like falling on stairs...

>> No.9648113

Show them how you spend your free time.

>> No.9648150

i never understood being unable to go to the bathroom
is it laziness or not wanting to see the rest of your family or what?

>> No.9648167
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A little from column A, a little from column B.

>> No.9648177


I doubt people are ever that excited to be on the computer.

It's more of a trance than anything.

>> No.9648182

What part of that looks excited to you?

>> No.9648185

Just took a piss on the tin roof

I think is just a bad habit, at least for me

>> No.9648186

he's peeing, which feels good

>> No.9648194

I... I.. wanna become a NEET again.
School is oppressing.
Waking up and having to do stuff is oppressing.
Not being able to sleep 10 hours is oppressing.

>> No.9648284


How will you sustain yourself if you are a NEET?

>> No.9648311

i'm going to start drawing and working out again, wish me luck /jp/.

i'll be rolling in neet bitches in no time

>> No.9648323

With his tuition money.

>> No.9648342

Good luck.

>> No.9648361

I dislike Russians, especially urban ones, especially Muscovites.

But Putin's okay, I kind of like Putin. I respect him.

>> No.9648367


Hey, I am starting to draw too and i'm looking for someone to talk to about drawing stuff.

Do you wanna exchange contact info and we can talk about drawing and help improve ourselves? I'm a beginner.

>> No.9648421

I really believe the NEET peeing everywhere thing is at least partially memetic.

I mean, some guys can't stand to leave their room, or can't if there's people in the house, so I can understand. But there're probably a lot more people who read about it on /jp/ and are just lazy. The more times they see it, the more acceptable it seems.

Not knocking on bottle-pissers. Feels good man. But for me the risk of getting pee anywhere in my zone outweighs the benefits of not having to move.

>> No.9648444

i haven't spoken to anyone directly since 2008 and i turn into an immense asshole while critiquing other's art, so no thanks for your sake.

>> No.9648448

I piss in mcdonalds soda cups so it's impossible to miss.

>> No.9648453

You can use one of those cone things commonly found in kitchens and never miss.

>> No.9648460
File: 244 KB, 833x1200, Decantering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go pro or go home.

>> No.9648468


>> No.9648470

Why would you decant your urine you fucking retard.

>> No.9648473

I take precautions against that. You see I am slightly different from most of the other pee-bottlers. I don't grab an everyday tin or can or bottle and place my tip against the edge. It's far too risky if you miss or the stream diverges from your penis in the wrong way. Instead I have a system I've set up. I have a 4 jugs each of which can hold 5 gallons. I generally don't drink much and therefore don't pee much either, so I fill the a 5 gallon jug about once every 2 weeks. I just pop open the cap and take a piss inside, then screw it right back on into place. To fill all 20 gallons takes about 2 months, I usually only go out 6-8 times a year (on my 4th year now, going strong) when I need to get rid of the pee. I drive out to a friend of my father's, a farmer who lives in the middle of nowhere 33 minutes away. I don't let him know I am on his property though. I despise him. He used to come over and tease me harshly because his son beat me me at sports (which I didn't care for), and my dad did nothing to stop him so it happened for 16 long years. I take this pee, see, and I dump it on his seedlings. I get a good chunk of soil and rile it up, ensuring the seeds move out from there hidden ground hiding places, then I spread my pee everywhere on them. I make the dirt slosh with my pee over those seeds. I show up 2 and a half months later and that patch is dead. Dead as dead can be. Not even one seedling sprouts in that patch. That is my peeing adventure.

>> No.9648478


Well, I used to think it was worth to get up and go to the bathroom every time I was about to cum, but then after reading for years and years about cumming on an old sock, I just thought WHY THE FUCK NOT, and then I realized what I was losing. So, yeah.

Although I personally wouldn't never piss inside my room because I used to as a kid, and it fucking made shit smelly as fuck.

>> No.9648529


That sounds kinda fun. I'd have to hate someone a lot to go through that much effort, though.

Yeah you're right, I guess there are ways of making it so you never miss. I dunno though, the idea of having piss near me just seems yucky. The one time I did piss in a bottle, I could only stand having it in my room for a half hour before I dumped it.

>> No.9648563

You were probably closet all along. You don't suddenly become sexually open by seeing a couple of pictures.

>> No.9648571

>live in attic with big ass window
>at night just climb out and piss off roof onto sidewalk

I wonder if people think it's a hobo or...?

>> No.9648581
File: 1.25 MB, 600x340, 1342745108118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was in college and my floor was composed of 88% vapid whores I hated to go to the bathroom because it was ALL the way on the other side of the the long hallway, and these sluts always had doors opens. For some reason I bought a trunk with me and my roommate was gone most of the time so I hid pee jugs in there until the end of the year and then left it. I can only imagine the look on the janitor or whoever's face.

>> No.9648642

for me, crap & urine go in the toilet unless I'm in the middle of the goddamn mountains. If I'm fapping, though, I'll just catch it in a tissue and stuff it in a bottle or something. Anything resealable so that it won't be obvious.

>> No.9648657

I never got into the whole PISS IN A BOTTLE thing. I did it once when I woke up and had to piss really bad but I couldn't find my pants. I'm learning how to draw, so I can make a magical girl Meido so kawaii desu ne uguu

A disgruntled and underpaid janitor is going to commit some moiders and dump your piss all over the bodies, so the police will have your DNA hooked to several moiders. Enjoy being a serial killer.

>> No.9648661
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Should have given them to the sluts.

>> No.9648678

Sometimes I have trouble going to the bathroom and end up going back and forth between the bathroom a ton of times. It's usually only when this happens will I piss in a bottle.

>> No.9648806

I don't even bother to clean up my spooge after I jack off, unless it gets on my shirt or is otherwise visible. I just let it seep into my boxers and pants, and then I give off the fragrant pheremones aura that tells women "this guy... he's FERTILE nigga!"

>> No.9648815

Anyone else cut their own hair? Are you able to do any type of styles or do you just shave it all one length?

>> No.9648827


I've cut my own hair for years. I usually do okay and can do more than just shave it but last time I had the smallest guard on when I started and didn't realize and took a huge chunk out of my hair. I ended up having to give myself a mohawk but it's not too bad.

>> No.9648876

do u NEET's brush your TEETH?

>> No.9648878
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Twice a day.

Feels gross if I don't.

>> No.9648902

Any tips for having a heart attack when I get to about 35-40?

I'm 22 now. I don't want to live past 40 really. Being an old man seems awful. And i'm too much of a bitch to ever kill myself.

If I keep eating cup ramen at least once a day, aswell as a ton of salt in everything else I eat; I should have at heart attack and die around 35-40 right?

Is taking up smoking worth it? It seems pretty disgusting and expensive, but if it will help kill me at around 40 I'll gladly smoke.

>> No.9648918
File: 995 KB, 2592x1456, 2012-08-24_15-36-20_475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting on my droid because I'm too poor to afford internet, had a can of ancient chili for dinner. acid reflex disease is making my throat feel like shit. gonna take melatonin and fall asleep soon. pic related, my nigger tier appartment

>> No.9648932

My sister cuts my hair.

>> No.9648930

What if one day science makes a breakthrough and old people don't have to live as uncomfortable as today in the future? Think about it for a moment.

>> No.9648937

Morning, before bed, and after every time I put food into my mouth.

>> No.9648966

I haven't cut my hair in over three years. I spend hours brushing it every day because it's so pretty. Plus, it makes me bathe at least once a day.

>> No.9648981

>I spend hours brushing it every day because it's so pretty.
I always thought it was a myth that frequent hair brushing doesn't really do anything.

>> No.9648998

I wonder if my little cousin would cut my hair.

>> No.9649039

Some of my favorite things to do are go on little adventures. My 2L of green tea ran out and I have a taste for sweetened black tea, so I'm going to the store when I wake up to get some.

I have no idea why I am so excited to go.

>> No.9649074


>> No.9649085

How much time has to pass to be considered a NEET?
I'm currently four months in.

>> No.9649086

I get what you mean, every time I have to go to the store or anywhere outside it's like a little adventure

>> No.9649090

4 months?
try 2 years.

>> No.9649091

That won't be such a problem considering how easy it is to live off welfare in europe.

>> No.9649094

this is also me.

maybe we should mate and bear a child who can accomplish something.

>> No.9649095

I'd say no less than six months. That's still pretty short, but most normals would be pretty agitated by that far in, I think. I'd say no less than two years of complete seclusion before you can consider yourself a hikki though.

>> No.9649098

My mom is now going on about how I should go out and enjoy stuff outside and go out and party... just because 21 year olds do that doesn't mean I have to do that, fucking hell.

>> No.9649103

Did you try explaining to her that the current socioeconomic climate right now would actually make it detrimental to network, given that it would undoubtedly lead to burden rather than advancement?

>> No.9649108

Any I think I say to her gets the reply "you should be doing what young people do at your age, you don't want to regret it later"

>> No.9649113

Then, tell her that someone one the internet said, that's how you get the clap.

>> No.9649127

/jp/, do you have problems with lying? I lie all the time, even about mundane shit. I told my friends I'm currently applying for a top university but in actual fact I'm just wasting away my days in my bed mostly. If I do tell the truth I'm worried they might bully me. It doesn't bode well for my schizoprenia either.

>> No.9649132

I lie all the time but I'm not sure if I'm good and convincing or if people can just see right through my lies

>> No.9649134

I told my parents that I got married and moved to Hungary when in fact I got on autism bucks and moved down the street.

So far it has worked out flawlessly.

>> No.9649135

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9649139
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Why not try the zen NEET approach to arguing?

Just remain calm and smile while nodding your head whenever your mother talks to you about getting a job and then say that you can understand her point of view. Then when she leaves just go back to doing whatever you were doing.

There's no point in trying to convince people. Arguments require two people actively participating in the conversation, so if you remain calm, cheerful, and don't respond to their arguments then they have nothing to work with and have no choice but to give up.

>> No.9649143
File: 64 KB, 500x490, 355831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering how easy it is to live off welfare in europe
it's not easy, they are always trying to make me work

>> No.9649145
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About to order my 4th Domino's this week. I should really learn how to cook but I don't know where to start
How? I'm autistic as fuck but my psychiatrist is convinced I can get back on track and make something of my life

>> No.9649149

That's pretty impressive, anon! Do you hide out in your house with binoculars? I do that sometimes.

>> No.9649151

If you are willingly to move, marriage guarantees citizenship, if you can convince eagle-san to tie the knot with you. Then it's autism bucks for life, or rather until 2016.

>> No.9649152
File: 97 KB, 825x550, baby turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have to get a job or earn currency?

Some turtles live for well over 100 years and they don't have to pay taxes or rent. All they do is move around in the grass and eat forever and take it easy. Why can't I be like the animals? If a turtle can do it then I should be allowed to as well.

>> No.9649154

Then become a turtle, turtles are the epitome of taking it easy.

>> No.9649158

I lie about mundane things like the time and inconsequential minor details. For example, if I know that the time is exactly 09:24, I might say that it's 09:25 or 09:23 or that I pooped thrice when in fact I pooped a grand four times.

What's the diagnosis, doc?

>> No.9649159

Domino's pizza is pretty delicious, even though I know it's bad for me.
I'm currently living off a huge order of Chinese takeout from a week ago.

>> No.9649167
File: 197 KB, 952x697, 234124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go back to living like early humans.

Craft some early human clothing like this, read some basic wilderness survival guides, and then head out into the forest. If anybody gives you trouble then just walk to a new forest.

>> No.9649164

I did the same thing a couple months ago, all of a sudden I was craving pizza for a whole week straight, every day it was pizza for dinner. I called them up each day, and it was awkward as fuck because I kept getting this same delivery guy.

>> No.9649165

I just followed my lie about being engaged to it's natural conclusion. Which is what I came up with back when they were pestering me to go out dating and stuff. I applied for autism bucks without telling them, and after getting approved I simply I needed an excuse for why I could suddenly afford to move out.

And no, I don't hide out. I just get my supplies in the early morning after all the old people have gone to sleep. It's surprisingly easy for a hikki to go unnoticed given we don't do a whole lot of moving about.

>> No.9649173

You are truly an example to follow.

>> No.9649216

>I should really learn how to cook but I don't know where to start
depends what you're cooking
it really doesnt take a genius to cook simple stuff

>> No.9649226

I'm thinking about marrying one of my online friends and leech off him, but I'm afraid to confront my mom because I'll be throwing away my future and I doubt she'll like that.

>> No.9649232
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Does anyone here live in Canada?

How much untamed wilderness do you have up there? I don't think I can get citizenship, but I think I would like head over there on a travel visa and then just wander into the biggest most remote forest there is and squat on the land, maybe build a log cabin.

>> No.9649238

B-but that's forbidden love!

>> No.9649241

Well we both never want to get married and we both think it'll be meaningless, except for getting me citizenship. Gay marriage is allowed in this country and I'm pretty sure it's recognized in his too.

Also I'm worried how to execute this. Does he needs to come to my country, we marry, apply for my citizenship and then move to his?

>> No.9649242
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>> No.9649244

I shaved my legs yesterday and now they're itchy as HELL
Would not recommend

>> No.9649246

I think one of you should wear a Reimu cosplay all the time.

>> No.9649248

Will that make things easier?

>> No.9649249

It'll make the sex easier.

>> No.9649251

We're both straight and not interested in each other.

Do we need to have sex in front of the person who's marrying us?

>> No.9649252

>I shaved my legs yesterday and now they're itchy as HELL
You should have epliated.

Pain is not an excuse if you truly want smooth legs.

>> No.9649254

You go to the country you will be leeching from on a holiday visa, get married, apply for citizenship according to the laws of the mystery country you're moving to.


>> No.9649255

i'm pretty sure the other guy is gay
why else would he let you leech off him
he wants you to leech his dick

>> No.9649256

For additional pain, try epilating ball hairs.

>> No.9649257

That's sounds easy enough. I don't have to tell my mom anything, just say I am going on vacation and later tell her I'm staying. It still sounds very scary though.

I'm pretty sure he's straight. He already has people leech off him and he said he wouldn't mind me leeching off him if I did chores and stuff, things his current leech does not do apparently.

>> No.9649259

I had a problem a while back with my mother randomly visiting and it was causing me a ton of problems. I was losing lots of sleep, I started to get eye twitches and chest pains, I would randomly start crying, and I felt like my head was constantly spinning. I felt like I was going crazy. With no insurance I felt bad getting these things checked out, but the person who I live with paid for it. Even after the visits, they didn't do anything except tell me to relax. I was not going to take medication again anyway. I just needed to be left alone. I kept telling my family just that but I was ignored. I was told a few times that I needed to leave if I wasn't going to be happy, but nothing ever came from those threats. For almost two years my mother just kept coming and it felt like my life was getting worse and worse. At that point I was considering trying to kill myself again if I couldn't just be left alone.

One morning after she came right as I was going to sleep I told the person I live with how many sleeping pills I needed to take to go to sleep when she came and how I used piss bottles to avoid hearing my mother just in case she visited, and how I put a blanket over the window so I didn't have to see the red tint from her car coming in if she were parked outside. After that my mother finally stopped coming over. I hope the person relayed the information to my mother and that this isn't some kind of fluke or gap in her visits. She's only been absent for about three or four weeks now but even in that small time the twitches have stopped, I can sleep like a baby, and I feel unusually cheerful.

I think it's because of things like this that nobody in my immediate family ever tells me to find a job or socialize. When the time comes I hope I can get on some kind of disability.

>> No.9649261

after you get married and move to his country, he's gonna rape you
what are you gonna do about it? go to the cops and tell them your husband raped you? do you even speak the language there?

>> No.9649265

I don't own an epilator though and I don't think I have the courage to buy one

>> No.9649266

He wouldn't do that. I've known him for 2-3 years now. I'm better friends with one of his friends though but he's on disability and lives with his mom so I can't leech off him. We did talk about getting a place with the three of us, that might not happen though.

They speak English, so that will be no problem.

>> No.9649271

>try epilating ball hairs.
I've done this already but I would not recommend it. Epilating the hair itself doesn't hurt; what actually hurts is having your ballsack pulled into the device even when pulling the skin taut.

I would recommend tweezing instead for ballsack and epilating everywhere else.

>> No.9649272

he's probably going to kill you and eat the body

>> No.9649275

I don't think he would. If he is, I hope he waits until I've lived there for a few years, I don't want to die the moment I am starting a new and better life.

>> No.9649276

just dont come back to haunt /jp/ when you're dead

>> No.9649279

I'll probably just haunt that friend on disability and drive him insane, again.

>> No.9649300

Woke up, drank 2 cups of coffee while taking it easy in bed and watching an episode of Planetes. Gonna continue my Victoria 2 game in a few.

Happy to be alive.

>> No.9649315

Morning NEETles, hoe's it NEETing today?

>> No.9649317

Who are you conquering as? Nippon Strong?

>> No.9649340

Yeah. Its my first Victoria 2 game and Japan seemed like a good country. Very easy to westernize, isolated, high population and strong moral values.

>> No.9649347

Japan is pretty easy modo, but you can pull some entertaining shenanigans with it.

I'm currently conquering euroland in the name of the holy hungarian empire. It's a shame my sillyness seems to have broken the german AI, as after taking france they've done nothing at all for years now. Once I finish up with italy and turkey and I may have to take on the USSR on my lonesome. Even worse is that japan is doing dismally in china, and at this rate will likely lose the korean peninsula before I even begin my main offensive. It doesn't make it any easier that all my industry is busy trying desperately to shit out a defensive airforce before america gets involved, so my main force will take forever to come to fruit. That's the only good thing about HoI 3, I could be building decent german aircraft on contract instead of wasting all this time re inventing the wheel.

>> No.9649353

I never liked playing european countries in Paradox games. Too much dealing with France and the UK bullshit for me to enjoy. I always liked playing countries in South America or SE Asia. I'm not experienced in any paradox game though so that might change once I get better.

>> No.9649354
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Not as good as it should be.

I took my morning dose of stimulants and I was all ready to tackle some Japanese learning, but now I'm dancing around the house and listening to Gang Starr songs.

It feels great now, but I'll regret it in 12 hours.

>> No.9649357

Whats your favorite Gang Starr song/album? I like Mass Appeal.

>> No.9649360

I shouldn't post so early in the morning without having tea first, I thought you said HoI 2, not Victoria.

And with that in mind, I completely agree. France and UK are rather tedious to deal with up close. Not to mention, you needed a small country to counteract rebels in their millions from rising up. Did they ever fix that?

>> No.9649367

I want to go back to bed but my grandmother might need help with yard work.

>> No.9649381


Depends on what kind of music I feel like listening to, but if I'm in an energetic mood then I usually like listening to Battle, Full Clip, or Discipline and if I'm in a more mellow mood then I prefer songs like Moment of Truth or You Know My Steez.

>> No.9649404

my day plan is the same as yesterday, watch anime and continue playing ar tonelico, an buy some speed at some point, every other type of drug has failed to motivate me to leave my NEET lifestyle so i might as well give stimulants a fair chance

>> No.9649411

Do any of you get occasional, short-term burst of confidence and motivation?
Normally I can't read, learn, or do anything well, but every now and then for a couple of hours I just feel great and everything becomes a lot easier.

>> No.9649438


I usually can only feel like that if I'm on something. I'll get these big waves of motivation and confidence and it makes me feel like I can do anything. Times like that are pretty much the only time when I accomplish anything. Last time I felt like that I got obsessed with memorizing the kana and sat on memrise for 12 hours straight drilling characters into my head until I had memorized them all.

I can never feel like this without some kind of pill though. Normally I'm just a sleepy and apathetic slug.

>> No.9649447

I think that's called being bipolar.

>> No.9649459
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I had to cook my food because my parents are out of town
I burned it

>> No.9649476

My bursts usually last a couple of days.
I'll be all happy and creative, do something like music or writing.
Then I come down, and think, oh god that's shit, I fail at everything.
Then end up sleeping or browsing /jp/ until the next burst of energy.

>> No.9649497

I hate sleeping. I had a nightmare last night, so I woke up covered in sweat and crying. I don't remember what happened in it, though. That's the bad part. I'm sure I have lots of good dreams, but I never remember them either. Some people make sleeping sound so great but it's just so boring and sad for me...

>> No.9649503
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Found out today that I'll be NEET for several months more. I'll just have to go back to welfare checks again.

>> No.9649507

He's describing more of mood swing kinda feeling though. I used to have amazing mood swings that made me feel amazing. I'd run around really late at night at the local schools and jump around on benches. Then I was apparently a problem and I had to go to on psychiatric hold (5150), then they gave me a bunch of pills. A mood stabilizer, an antidepressant and an anti-psychotic

>> No.9649517

I got sleep paralysis while napping a couple of months ago. I also had a stuffy nose during the episode so it felt like I was dying. Havent napped since.

>> No.9649532
File: 43 KB, 258x286, hakurei shrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got my welfare money today, a lot less than i expected
then i spent it all and more on a figure from mandarake

>> No.9649534

I haven't had a dream in months
It's weirding me out

>> No.9649544

I wish I could open my curtains but my window is facing a sidewalk that has people constantly walking past.

>> No.9649558

that's nothing
outside my window there's a playground, preschool and an elementary school
i always have to keep my curtains closed

>> No.9649617

Try years. The last dream I remembered was 1.5 years ago, when I had a wet dream because I didn't fap for about 2 months.

>> No.9649619

Pics or info on the figure please?

>> No.9649637

How much does Welfare pay? I've basically been leeching off my parents and sharing my leftover fafsa but I need to start making more long-term plans, which would probably involve trying to get welfare/foodstamps/SSI and maybe trying to make some money under the table now and again. I'll most likely end up putting the vast majority of it away because ~$600 a month is more money than I know what to do with in the first place.

>> No.9649640

I've been going to flockdrawn, jp for the past 3 weeks and drawing random stuff, and there aways was at least 5 people there at all times
But this week it's aways empty or with only one person there
And then i realized they weren't truNEETs ;_;

>> No.9649641

if you're expecting a really expensive figure, it was only 5000 yen (+delivery)
i just got very little welfare this month
i also get unemployment money so it's not that bad

>> No.9649643

My mums going away for 2 weeks on Friday.
I'm gonna be all by my lonesome.
Any cute /jp/sie wanna come keep me company?

>> No.9649662

On a tangentially related note, I've come across some value cards for Nexon EU (don't ask). And I'm now wondering if any of the games available there are worth playing.

>> No.9649680

Well it's probably closer to that, I don't remember having a dream since early 2011
>didn't fap for about 2 months

>> No.9649682
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Really happy today for some reason.

Just listening to some new album releases.

Might play some more Resonance of Fate later.

Take it easy /jp/!

>> No.9649684

Sometimes I don't feel like fapping for long periods of time. Usually I fap because I found some nice material that deserves some fapping, not really because I'm horny.

>> No.9649712

tons dude

>> No.9649726

Oh I don't know only like 90% of the country. I don't need to live there to know that.

>> No.9649748
File: 17 KB, 421x248, 1345734673952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl who I hadn't talked to on Skype for over a year contacted me today! We had a nice conversation, and she has a pretty cute personality and voice for a real girl. Could this be my "girl falling from the sky" /jp/!? Oh gosh, I'm so nervous, I don't know what to talk about our next conversation. What do I do!?

>> No.9649750


Don't talk to her.

If you're nervous then why inflict more suffering upon yourself when you can just leave and be comfortable again?

>> No.9649752

All you filthy neets should watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onf3AIPRQqs
Get out before it is too late

>> No.9649758
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Yeah that's a pretty obscure show never seen that clip before.

>> No.9649757

But then he'll live the rest of his life wondering what would have happened if he talked to her more

>> No.9649759

Ask her about sex.

>> No.9649767

Yes! This is exactly what will happen if I listen to >>9649750 Besides, what if she can restore happiness to my life?

Are you sure? That's seems like a pretty bold subject for just our second conversation...

>> No.9649765

>I used piss bottles to avoid hearing my mother

>> No.9649768

Tell her you piss in bottles. Scare her away. If you become friendly with her, you will lose your truNEET status and will not be welcome on /jp/ anymore.

>> No.9649772

lol! epic clip man!

>> No.9649774


I don't see how this clip from this cartoon is relevant here. This is not /mmo/.

>> No.9649780

look at all these stupid neets in denial

enjoy your shit life www

>> No.9649785

look at this stupid normal getting his life lessons from a cartoon www

>> No.9649786


I don't play any MMO's, I really don't understand what I am supposed to gain from this clip. I am not sure what I am denying.

>> No.9649791

>Are you sure?
Yeah, that's how I pick up my bitches.

>> No.9649792

lol nice comeback bro

got rich parents so I never have to work a day in life haha fucking faggots

>> No.9649800

Read the manga and it was hilarious. I should probably watch the anime or at least get my hands on DAT DER OST.

>> No.9649801


Are you attempting to troll here or something? I really have no idea what you are trying to accomplish here. Please respond.

>> No.9649803

trying to make you feel bad about being losers and contributing nothing to society lol

at least I will have kids nd actually do shit in life

>> No.9649805

If you're going to shitpost at least try to be funny, faglord.

>> No.9649808

Does anyone here still have contact with their high school friends?

I've been NEETing it up for the past year and this will be my 2nd. School season has just started so I'm feeling a little depressed thinking that my friends are sophomores in colleges now while I'm doing absolute shit.

>> No.9649809

yea you should feel bad about doing shit

they will leave you behind and live their life while you rot away and die in front of your computer at 40 lol

>> No.9649811

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onf3AIPRQqs

-50 years old
-Not playing a VR mmo

Not realistic enough.

>> No.9649812

One of my elementary school friends suddenly started talking to me on Steam after not having talked to him in like 5-6 years, it made me feel terribly uncomfortable.

>> No.9649813

No. I hate all of them.

>> No.9649816

I'm in the same situation as you, actually. Except the feeling bad part. I feel sorry for them if anything.

Anyway, there are a few, but I only call them maybe once every half a year or so? I've lost the desire to be with friends.

>> No.9649817


>But then he'll live the rest of his life wondering what would have happened if he talked to her more

What if he just makes an imaginary friend girlfriend/tulpa?

No one will be able to understand you as well as you understand yourself. Creating an imaginary friend so you can essentially date yourself is really the only option that makes sense if you want companionship. Fumbling around with anxiety and confusion as you try to understand and relate with some girl will almost always end in disaster, so the best answer to the problem is to just create your own girlfriend.

>> No.9649818


How did you even find your way to /jp/?


>> No.9649819

One middle school friend and one high school friend.
They're too funny to cut all communications with.

>> No.9649824


No friends cause drop out. ;_;

>> No.9649822

some people were posting this board on on /b/ all the time a few months ago makin fun of neets

this place is fucking HILARIOUS for laughing at you miserable failures

helps me feel better bout myself

>> No.9649827


Well, you are doing a horrible job of it. I am going to sit here and watch Days of our Lives with my girlfriend and probably eat some lunch. This is what I do. I enjoy it.

Have fun at work.

>> No.9649828

Everyone in my class should be graduated by now, it's been 5 years now. Meanwhile I'm eating expired milano cookies while watching a Banjo Kazooie TAS.

>> No.9649829

did you get a GED?

>> No.9649831

lol I don't work bro did you even read my posts

enjoy your ugly ass gf and shitty show

>> No.9649833


yes of course

>> No.9649835

Ever since /v/ and /r9k/ moved in there isn't really anything special about this board. It's just as mundanely normal and pathetic as any other board on this site these days. I don't understand why you're so excited to be here, specifically. Can you extrapolate on that?

>> No.9649836

I refuse to believe that even /b/ has people this unfunny. I've seen more epic trolls on reddit.

>> No.9649837
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>helps me feel better bout myself

I understand. If bullying me makes you feel better then it's okay, you can bully me. I will endure the bullying for you because I love you and I want you to be happy.

>> No.9649838

what the fuck is up with you using "extrapolate" and all that shit, stop pretending to be smart you fucking loser

no becasue you guys have legitimate autism and social problems and it's hilarious to watch you relate to each other

>> No.9649840

please don;t bully

>> No.9649841

/jp/ - Monk Culture

>> No.9649843


Okay, so neither of us work. Your superiority comes from the fact that you hang out on /b/. That doesn't seem like something to be proud of.

>> No.9649844

Ok that's fine and all, but could you stick to lurking instead of posting?

>> No.9649845

Fuck you, /jq/, I'm out. I tried to take it easy, but it couldn't be helped.

>> No.9649845,1 [INTERNAL] 

Good job OP.
