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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9645646 No.9645646 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to learn Japanese, /jp/?

I have about five months to learn as much as I possibly can and I've stockpiled enough adderall to keep me focused on this for I'm estimating about 10 hours each day.

How far along could I be with five months of 10 hour non-stop studying each day?

>> No.9645649 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nerd

>> No.9645650

learn THIS

*presents cock*

>> No.9645655


>> No.9645656

I haven't learned japanese because I'm not a huge weeb nerd.

>> No.9645660

>using pills to give you a study advantage instead of following the bushido code and learning through willpower

if you had a true japanese heart then you would follow the samurai's way

and I'm quoting my mind

>> No.9645666


>Learn 46 Hiragana and 50 Katakana. Use mnemonics. This will take 7 to 21 days.
>7 to 21 days

What? Is she retarded? You can easily memorize the kana in three days tops.

>> No.9645671

Shut the fuck up. I hate you people. I might have been able to when I was 12, but now it's taken me three days to learn the five hiragana vowels.

Leave me alone.

>> No.9645677

>Update: For the 2136 Kanji RTK method, the reason why we do it this way with Mnemonics is because it is the most efficient way to learn 10,000+ odd bits of very simple pieces of information.
>most efficient way
><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition"

Way to go, Aaeru. Say something pretty accurate then link to something completely different.

>> No.9645682

I can't seriously be the only native speaker here, am I?

>> No.9645686

Are you actually retarded or only spend 5 minutes a day learning them?

>> No.9645688

Heisig’s Remember the Kanji and mnemonics suck.

>> No.9645690

It takes most people two years to be able to comfortably read Japanese and most people study for around two hours each day.

That's a total of 730 days and 1460 hours of studying. If you study for an average of 10 hours a day, knock 2 hours off the average to account for mental exhaustion and memory retention issues that would come from cramming so much, then you could theoretically learn Japanese in 182 days or about 6 months.

>> No.9645692

Dude, stop bullying. It took me half a year to learn the kana. As a NEET, no less.

>> No.9645704

Why would any Japanese people be on /jp/?

If you're serious, the effort of trying to actually learn a fair bit of the language might be too much for you.

>> No.9645706

>If you're serious, the effort of trying to actually learn a fair bit of the language might be too much for you.
Thanks for the encouraging words.

>> No.9645712


>but now it's taken me three days to learn the five hiragana vowels

Are you sure that you're just not studying enough? If that's not the case then are you possibly studying too much but limiting yourself by intensely studying a small number of characters?

If you only study for 10 minutes every few days then it's understandable and it's understandable if you give too much attention to the characters and just spend hours writing them over and over again for some reason.

You should be learning them in batches of about 20-50 a day. There's no sense in spending weeks memorizing an individual character and then moving onto the next one. You just grab 20-50 characters and drill them, learn mnemonics, whatever works for you and do it until it's sufficiently lodged into your short-term memory. Do it again with a new set of characters the next day and remember to review the ones you already learned. Always review so that it goes to your long-term memory.

>> No.9645722

Native speaker here. Forgot practically all my kanji, I can read manga though. Can't write anything.

>> No.9645731

Why do people learn how to read before they learn how to speak?

There's so much emphasis on learning kanji, but people rarely talk about just a basic understanding of the Japanese language. It's much easier to learn how to understand someone when they're speaking than it is to learn how to read. If you learn how to read after doing this then you also have a firm grasp on vocab and grammar before you even start to learn how to read.

>> No.9645747

btw i'm a girl

>> No.9645745

Because eroge.
I don't have anyone to talk to and I don't want to either.

>> No.9645754

>Why do people learn how to read before they learn how to speak?
I don't even talk to people in English.

>> No.9645756

Bit of both. For some reason my ability to retain certain types of information has diminished. I decided to learn by writing them a lot, and I can write them, but my brain fails to make the connection as to which is which. Kana Invaders was kind of useful, but I seem to forget again when I stop playing.

I guess it can be chalked up to depression, the NEET lifestyle, or ageing.

>> No.9645784


Have you tried memrise?


I was having a lot of trouble learning anything until I used that. It has cute little flowers to represent every character you learn and you water them by doing flashcard drills on the site. It's fun and cute.

>> No.9645788


You're talking about pronunciation. He's talking about learning what the words mean and how to use them.

>> No.9645809

do japanese people learn to speak before they learn to read?

>> No.9645815


Well yeah, kind of an obvious question. As they are raised, they pick up the words around them and learn how to speak, the they study the kanji later in school.

>> No.9645824


Why the rush Aaeru? People will have a better advantage doing at least 5 a day with KD for a year than 2/4 months with RTFail.

>> No.9645829
File: 60 KB, 294x294, 1343815587089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anyone else disappointed by how simple Japanese is after you finally learned it?

I'm not talking about simplicity as far as difficulty, but just how it's not a particularly expressive language. You can see it in a lot of translations especially. The subtitles might say something like, "Okay, we're going up there and we're going to give em hell" and what they really said was more like, "Okay. Let's go."

It just seems so formal and lacking in personality in comparison to the huge variety of ways that you could phrase any given thought in English.

>> No.9645836

Or maybe you haven't grasped the subtle implications of the language because you haven't lived in Japan all your life homo

>> No.9645838

Hmmm, but English is very simple too.

>> No.9645847

Your mom's English was very simple when I fucked her, nerd.

>> No.9645860


Made me smirk. Keep up the good work anonymous.

>> No.9645870

I lol'd

>> No.9645881

Anime Japanese isn't real Japanese.

>> No.9645887


please do not bully
i am fragile

>> No.9645902


Pretty much. It's like reading a bunch of children's story books and saying that English is a simple language because it's filled with short and choppy sentences. Anime isn't made for the intellectuals of Japan and even native speakers have a hard enough time remembering rarely used words. It's dumbed down enough that semi-literate highschool students can understand what's going on.

>> No.9645911
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When do Japanese people tell me that I speak like a girl? I talk to a few of them over the internet for a language exchange program and they occasionally snicker about how I'm using feminine words. I don't understand.

>> No.9645925


>> No.9645941

You better know damn well what you're doing wrong.

It's time to take charge and be a man online!

Don't ever use things like anata, it's お前 from now on, always.

俺、我, オラ,(or ura) あっし, watai or 僕, cut that watashi, or knowing you atashi/atai out. There's like 1000 different things you can depending on the dialect.

だ, no more desu, who are you trying to impress.

Don't end your sentences with yo or ne. Use ぞ、な、ぜ、ETC

>> No.9645943

They're flirting. They want to ravage your tight boypussy. Stay pure Anon!

>> No.9645949

Also include lots of らs in your sentences and trill them. I'm not sure if you guys have learned the Japanese trill, it has one though. like 俺らぁ!RRRRAAAAAA

>> No.9645954
File: 105 KB, 382x499, [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_02v2_[h264-720p][D257EB05].mkv_2012-08-22_11-47-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning right now and it's not an easy language. I won't stop but I feel like I'm not putting enough time into it each day which is a damn shame.


>> No.9645963
File: 56 KB, 531x466, 3432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I speak like a yakuza?

Do I just say kono yaro a lot and slur my words angrily?

>> No.9645969

Use the やがる verb flexion all the time.

>> No.9645972


Helped me.

>> No.9645974

Why do people always say that mnemonics are shit and then in the next breath recommend kanji damage?

Isn't it just the difference between Heisig's mnemonics and KD's mnemonics? Is there even a method for learning kanji that doesn't involve mnemonics?

>> No.9645976

Both methods are good. Different shit works for different people/

>> No.9645979


>> No.9645982


Aren't they the same method though? Just different mnemonics. I wish I could find something that didn't involve mnemonics. It's easier for me to memorize the appearance of a character than it is for me to memorize a story to associate with a character, but I've never found any method that wasn't just mnemonics.

>> No.9645985

One uses mnemonics for the readings too and the other just helps you with the Kanji itself.

>> No.9645987

2900 joyo kanji with on and kun in a day
beat it faggots xD

>> No.9645991

I can't believe you got hurt so badly just because we told you the truth.

>> No.9645992

I used kanjidamage for the order, radicals, vocab and jukugo, didn't care a bit about mnemonics.
As far as I heard you're not getting any readings or other useful stuff from heisig until book 2 or something.

>> No.9645996


>> No.9646018


What the fuck? I learned all of the Hirigana in one fucking day.

>> No.9646025

Not everyone has asperger's.

>> No.9646031

The kanas really shouldn't take you more than a week.

>> No.9646032


It took me 6 hours and a little bit of memorization.

>> No.9646033


>> No.9646053
File: 71 KB, 700x650, 1344459454660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish people would stop saying how many days it took them to complete something.

That guide says two years total and throws day estimates around all over the places, but it's not an accurate way. Do you spend your entire day learning Japanese? Of course not, so days is not accurate.

People should say the amount of hours that it took for them to learn Japanese. If it took one person a week to learn something but they only did one hour of study each day and another person learned the same thing in one day because he buckled down for 7 hours then it's the same exact thing, but saying 7 days makes it sound much longer than it really was.

It's very misleading and discouraging when guides say that you can learn Japanese in a certain amount of days. Days don't matter. Hours matter.

>> No.9646059


Ooops, didn't mean to respond to anyone.

>> No.9646088

took me 3 hours to remember both hira and kata.
(learned it 2 years ago and I still remember it.)

Too bad i'm too much of a 'neet' to start practicing Japanese again.

>> No.9646152
File: 10 KB, 145x145, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please help me? I'm confused and retarded

am I learning vocab when I learn kanji or are the meanings of the kanji characters irrelevant? I recognize certain characters sometimes and the kanji definition that I read might say something like "sun" or "woman" but when it's actually being used along with other characters then all of the sudden these things don't matter at all and it's completely unrelated to what they're saying as far as I can tell.

Am I supposed to be memorizing the sound that kanji characters make like I did when I learned the kana or am I supposed to be memorizing the meaning of the kanji character? I don't understand anything. I'm not very bright.

for example I think that 花火 means fireworks, but 花 means flower and 火 means fire. How am I supposed to get fireworks out of that? I would have guessed it meant a flower that is on fire. And there's no spaces either so how am I supposed to know what is a one word and what is another word? What if I saw 花火貝? Would that mean a flower that is on fire next to a shellfish?

please help and respond
I'm so confused that I'm starting to feel frightened

>> No.9646210

I just learn the compound words made of kanji, or jukugo, one at a time, on a case-by-case basis. While you can figure out the pronunciation of jukugo with the written kanji characters alone (except for the few irregulars), trying to figure out a compound word's meaning from the individual kanji alone basically amounts to hopeful guessing. Just look up compound words that you're not sure of.

As for figuring out where one word ends and another begins, I'm afraid I haven't advanced myself to that level yet either.

>> No.9646211


You're hopeless

>> No.9646348


Kanji can be like built in mnemonics.

女王 = Queen
女 = woman
王 = king/ruler

You would learn the meaning of 女王 first and then 女 and 王 would help you remember that 女王 means queen because you took the time to learn that 女 is woman and 王 is ruler. When you put that together then you are reminded of queen.

>> No.9646382

>How am I supposed to get fireworks out of that?
Have you ever seen fireworks before?
They look like a flower made of fire.

>> No.9646398
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The color of ashes, grey!

>> No.9646429
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1304667247575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Heisig, his shitty mnemonics and not even learning the fucking readings
We need another hiroshima this time on this bitch house

>> No.9646439

Shadow Dragon Ball, mate.

>> No.9646460

I agree with you despite your misuse of the quotation function and horrible reaction image.

>> No.9646571


Kanji damage?

>> No.9646665

I've been following Kanji Damage's kanji order and the traditional stroke order for kanji. I write 10 kanji, each one of them about 30 times, in my notebook, and I do that while saying the onyomi, kunyomi and the meaning slowly. Holy shit /jp/ this is very tiresome ;_; (I'm at 100 kanji now by the way).

>> No.9646699 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 768x432, im so baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been neglecting my Japanese studies like HELL in the last few weeks because of school...

But I'm going to change this /jp/...!
I am gonna build a schedule in which I have to study at least 1 hour and a half of Japanese per day...
HELL yeah

>> No.9646713

One of these days, I think I will learn the language. Not today, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. I know it will be easy enough, I know I have th etime, but I have yet to start.

>> No.9646742

Takes a couple years.

>> No.9646777 [DELETED] 

Those aren't mnemonics, those are just kanji and their meanings put together to figure out the definition of another kanji.

>> No.9646790

This is the NEET board. Go to bed, little child.

>> No.9646827



>> No.9646860

I can't memorize most readings without context. I've been grinding kanji while learning compound words. I learn the common readings primarily by learning words that include them.

>> No.9646902


really wish more people would understand this. So frustrating when asking someone how long an activity or project took and they say 'about 2 weeks' 'HOW LONG IS 2 WEEKS DO YOU MEAN 336 HOURS OR AN HOUR A DAY FOR 2 WEEKS!?'

>> No.9646912


people like you seriously piss me off, this is not a NEET board, it's a board for otaku culture. Stop acting like NEETs and hikikiomori's are better than people with jobs and in education, it's pathetic. Being in education or holding a job does not in any way mean you cannot enjoy, participate or communicate about otaku culture in any way

>> No.9646923

That's over 1500 hours of study.

I have maybe 1/5th of that and can utilize raw material.

>> No.9647024

>better than
>cannot enjoy
Non sequitur.

>> No.9647081
File: 204 KB, 705x741, go away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this is not a NEET board

Well, you've just stepped in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.

>> No.9647085


>people like you seriously piss me off

Guess what, same goes for you normie.

>> No.9647113

hahaha fuck off newfag

>> No.9647121


I don't see why you would feel that way. It's only the people, that have it all wrong, that think this board is all about being a hardcore NEET with no friends and living a miserable life.

I guess you could call me a 'normie', but then you would be calling the majority of this board 'normie'.

I've spoken to many /jp/ers outside of /jp/ and trust me, they too know that the people who call others 'normie' and spout utter nonsense about how being a NEET is a superior way of living are only trying to impress long timers, which is preposterous as they only impress each other whilst in the meantime the main population of the board looks down on you

>> No.9647132

>I've spoken to many /jp/ers outside of /jp/ and trust me

>> No.9647141


what isn't there to believe? It's not hard to add people from the MMO threads ingame and talk from there

>> No.9647155

I'm currently enrolled at an university and I don't feel the need to call NEET people ``pathetic".

Stop forcing your retarded beliefs on the big majority of this board's userbase.

>> No.9647156

But i don't like being a NEET. I hate. It is just that every time i try to do anything else, other than my usual routine, i get a breakdown. Then again, I might be more of a hikki than a NEET.

Seeing the people saying that being a NEET is a superior way of living seriosly brightens my day. It makes me feel good about myself.

>> No.9647166

Whoa, guys, ``having friends and not having a miserable life" improves your post quality, according to >>9647121-san!

>> No.9647171

cool story bro, no one cares or believe you. get out.

>> No.9647172

You're not a truNEET.

>> No.9647175

He's not talking about all NEETs, just the ones who make a big deal about truNEET superiority.

But I think the people who yell the loudest about it aren't actual hikikomori of any kind.

>> No.9647178

Wow I'm new to this board too and denounce its standards of appropriate behavior too and think my opinion matters too

What a fucking coincidence like #woah

>> No.9647186

Who gives a fuck. If you're acting like a retard it doesn't matter who's yelling at you, you're still acting like a retard

>> No.9647193

A blog thread going to full shit as soon as the NEETs rolled in. Why can't these shitbags talk about being NEETs in their designated threads? What makes them think they are more entitled to shitpost than anyone else? Why must they be so obnoxious? Can't take it easy anymore. :(

>> No.9647198


I'm sorry it seems like I'm taking this out of folks like you. You're not who I was aiming it at.

I hope you can understand that I was aiming it at the people, who I'm sure you have seen posting on here, who act like it's 'fun' being a NEET. I understand some, like you, may be NEETs, but it was aimed at those who most likely aren't even NEETs themselves, act like only NEETs should be allowed to post here.

Once again, sorry you took it this way. I wasn't calling all NEETs pathetic, I was calling the people that try to get autismbux, even though they're not even on the spectrum, let alone in need of the bux, and those that act like this board is NEET only. Nothing wrong with the actual NEETs that have reasons for being unemployed that extent further than pure laziness.

>> No.9647199

That's true, but what's your point?

>> No.9647273

You're a retard, I fucked your mom and thanks for the tax money?

If you want to feel accepted why don't you try posting on Gaia, I hear they're friendly and tons of fun no shit you might like it

>> No.9647286

>You're a retard, I fucked your mom and thanks for the tax money?
I don't see how I was acting like a retard. Please point it out. If anyone is acting like a retard right now it's you, with posts like that.

>If you want to feel accepted why don't you try posting on Gaia, I hear they're friendly and tons of fun no shit you might like it
Nobody wants to be accepted by these spamming retards, they want them to stop making shitty posts.

>> No.9647332

I don't see the point I was addressing which required a counterpoint. Please identify this in order for me to be able to proceed with your structured, civil discussion Mr. Cocksinmouth.

Spam is actively and consistently deleted. If the content here isn't to your tastes find a place populated by people that share your values along with your interests. While you're conjuring a point why don't you take the time to explain how failing to do that isn't retarded

>> No.9647420

>I don't see the point I was addressing which required a counterpoint
I didn't ask for a counterpoint. I asked what kind of point you were making in the first place, or failing that, whose point you were saying is self-evidently wrong.

>Spam is actively and consistently deleted. If the content here isn't to your tastes find a place populated by people that share your values along with your interests.
Nobody will ever find a place with more than a few posters where everybody shares the same values and interests. Not all shitty posts are deleted; that's a laugh.

>While you're conjuring a point why don't you take the time to explain how failing to do that isn't retarded
Assuming you don't consider yourself retarded, the same way you've chosen to complain, toss insults at me, and make generally shitty posts rather than leaving yourself.

>> No.9647462
File: 136 KB, 440x681, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wasn't making a counterpoint why did you assume I had a point? Did I complain about prevailing views on the board? Are you trolling or LITERALLY retarded?

>> No.9647580

>If I wasn't making a counterpoint why did you assume I had a point?
You said that if somebody is acting retarded, then it doesn't matter who calls him out, he's still a retard. Presumably you had a particular someone in mind.

>Did I complain about prevailing views on the board?
No, and nobody suggested or implied that you did. For that matter, I didn't do any such complaining either.

I'm not going to ask you whether you're trolling or retarded because it's clearly the first.
