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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 65822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9626214 No.9626214 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9593981

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.9626223

Currently playing Milky Holmes 2...

>> No.9626240

Waiting warmly for さくら、咲きました. I hope it shows up today.

>> No.9626248
File: 59 KB, 750x1000, 8cf7718d0922d47c875320a52752913a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing fate/stay night for the first time. I asked /jp/ if it was any good three years ago, and they told me "no" and "over-hyped shit," so I have avoided it all this time.

Decided to give it a shot yesterday, and it's actually pretty good.

>> No.9626264

Why would you listen to anything anyone from /jp says ever?

>> No.9626269

I'm still stuck on Heaven's Feel. I finished 5 VNs in the meantime.

>> No.9626302

Is it out yet? Where the torrents at?

>> No.9626324

I couldn't be bothered to wait for someone to up it any longer, so I bought it.

>> No.9626335
File: 75 KB, 420x248, marisa_51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks in advance!

>> No.9626358
File: 291 KB, 806x628, KIRA KIRA CURTAIN CALL_2012-08-19_03-55-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't felt like playing anything latly but the last thing I played was Curtain Call and I thought it was OK. I don't feel like playing anything until my Japanese would be good enough to read some VN's.

>> No.9626389
File: 155 KB, 801x600, suicidalmoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute when she's in extreme self-depreciating mode.

>> No.9626390

Her mega genki mode is super annoying.

>> No.9626411
File: 822 KB, 827x679, attachment[1].png&token=HHTEhohuHdFbRtlMaQCKQAsBJrs%3A1345804260579&inli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me. I am trying to play Sengoku Rance but i get a black screen for the opening movie and the text is all blocks.
Picture related.

>> No.9626419
File: 25 KB, 315x365, Sengoku-Rance1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Information for anyone who is kind enough to spread knowledge:
>Windows 7
>Installed with applocal
>English patch 1.0
>Tried with two different torrents (not the iso's fault)

>> No.9626421

Change your system locale to Japan.

>> No.9626422
File: 24 KB, 456x220, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i done that

>> No.9626423

As in i have already done this and installed in this mode.

>> No.9626431

I thought you said you installed with applocale? I'm talking going into the control panel, region and language, and changing the system locale from there.

>> No.9626437

What is this VN in OP's pic?

>> No.9626436

Picture related?

>> No.9626447

love 2 quad

>> No.9626451
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, 23420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glorious Babushka
Picked up.

>> No.9626513
File: 148 KB, 1100x394, ritatukin_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9626516

>Do not mix... hazardous
And how, what comes from that will be the most atmospheric shit ever.
Fandisk where?

>> No.9626526
File: 118 KB, 897x376, IG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, and hope. (although the mere prospect of this has me practically hyperventilating in joy. Also a little afraid that someone is reading my brain waves or something, because what are the chances that my two all-time favorite but barely related studios would go in on this together, and that Liar would choose AKIRA as the artist for their side to boot?)

I sure hope these goods they talk about will extend to more than CDs. I would be all over that shit.

>> No.9626532

What I hope is for contrast in art between Akira and Innocent Grey's godly Sugina, super fantasyxwell done realism.
Because if innocent grey does one thing consistently well is the art.

>> No.9626538

Thanks for reminding me.
Starting from Milky Holmes 1.5 atm. I like the additions and refinement they made so far.

>> No.9626540

Yea the additions in 1.5 are really great. They even give you a G4 POV after you clear an episode.

>> No.9626545

I have a question /jp/. Do I get by with hiragana in VNs, oder do I also need to know a lot of kanji or katakana?

Someone posted a link to Namasensei yesterday and I get the feeling that learning the hiragana runes isn't so hard with a can of beer.

>> No.9626548

with hiragana you can play at most pokemon and dragon quest, or educational games for children
if it were so easy everyone and their mother would know japanese, don't you think?

>> No.9626558

I'm playing "Sagara-sanchi no Etsuraku Life"
Seriously considering learning Japanese just for nukige. There seems to be so much fap-worthy stuff out there that will never get translated.

What a ridiculous way to get motivation, I'm so pathetic. ;_;

>> No.9626565

But that was localized in English already as "The Sagara Family".
I didn't know people actually liked ZyX, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.9626566

Where do you think you are?

>> No.9626567

Why? Nukiges are awesome.
Shame only the shitty ones gets translated for some reason.

>> No.9626570

Why do you need a good reason to learn a language. Stop being such a faggot.
I learned English for video games and cartoons and I do the same for Japanese and I don't regret a thing.

People keep looking for noble causes to learn a language but the truth is you don't even need a reason, and learning a language will always benefit you.

>> No.9626574

Learning a language for porn is actually a good and valid idea when you consider just how much of your time you spend fapping.

>> No.9626594

Well, I actually never played the newest pokemon generation and no DQ game, besides monsters.

Guess that would be an easy start then.

>> No.9626639

Even last-gen Pokemon uses kanji. That's how basic kana is.

>> No.9626652

Seconded. Jo was the best Little Women.

Also, fuck Sakurai is smart, or at least has a knack for searching out the most interesting famous Westerners you've never heard of: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89milie_du_Ch%C3%A2telet

Not feeling the art, though. And man, does EVERYONE have the Golden Eye this time around?

>> No.9626670

>does EVERYONE have the Golden Eye this time around?
Maybe the university city is for people for mutations and golden eyes? Like some research insitute to investigate the phenomenon.

Also I think the art fits if it's going to be different from the rest of the games, and Akira is still on board for next games at least. Also I love Nightingale's design, reminds me in general of raiL's designs.

Also has anyone ever read mai hime? I'm curious about Berta.

>> No.9626695
File: 108 KB, 783x738, perfectwaifu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not that exciting, actually. I went through l2q about a week ago, very light on substance. I would say all 4 routes can be finished under 4 hours.

Now on itsusora, really enjoying it. Don't know if I read this writer's stuff before but it sure feels very different from the past 2 Lump of Sugar titles that I went through (Hello Good-bye and Gaku Ou)

>> No.9626705

lump of sugar usually writes classic moe and everyone raged with itsusora and its developments, that's why it has such a low score on egs
it's kind of like eustia and august, great concept that companies won't ever repeat for fear of backlash

>> No.9626706

Itsusora is the exception of LoS titles.
Anyway, Konome and Mememe are better than her, Futami is still good though, but kinda passive in her own route.

>> No.9626742

I was actually half-kidding about it and just wanted an excuse to post that image. I added that to my backlog but for now I can't read it anyway.

>> No.9626746

>>9626705 >>9626706


As for August and Eustia, Eustia for me ended on a low. I really hoping this doesn't.

>> No.9626749

> I really hoping this doesn't.
If you don't end in San's route, it won't. Wonders of having multiple routes and not being mostly linear with side routes.
San's route is just so unfinished and feels like they just chained events and called it a day.

>> No.9626757

I'm still having this problem, so annoying :(

>> No.9626758

You need to install in japanese locale, not applocale.

>> No.9626764

okay, thanks guy's - i will go there

>> No.9626760

last I checked there's a Rance general on /vg/, you'll have better chances there than here where people rarely even use translation patches

>> No.9626921

Ah ok, I was wondering why I'm missing a few CGs.

>> No.9627023

Rereading the entirety of Clannad in Japanese. It will only take me about 1000 hours.

I'm hoping to be close to fluent by the time I'm done.

>> No.9627038

I just finished Narcissu late last night. I was expecting sad, and it did not fail me. Are the sequels any good or should I just skip them?

>> No.9627042

You can finish reading that stuff in the time it takes to find out if a normal length VN is worth it or not.
Don't be a faggot and just go for it.

>> No.9627052

What are good VNs for horror? I recently reaqd phenomeno which I enjoyed a lot and looking for something in those lines, more atmospheric than just fucked up or gore, not exactly denpa either.

>> No.9627062

lol i'm not the only one that read a full-translated VN in japanese

>> No.9627075
File: 1.48 MB, 2461x1885, Twinkle.Crusaders.full.358759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to read Twinkle Crusader with AGTH.
However I have no idea how to do it.
Supposedly Twinkle Crusader needs an H code.
Not knowing how to get one I found some online, thought none seem to get recognized by AGTH.
Supposedly something like
C:\agth\agth.exe /c /x /HBN-C@464123 "C:\VisualNovels\ティンクル☆くるせいだーす\Lillian\ティンクル☆くるせい
Should work right?
But AGTH's dropdown only got a userhook for one of the /H codes I found, and that one just gave me a bunch of garbled mess which updated with more garble at every new sentence.

I'm pretty new at this stuff (AGTH+Atlas to read VNs) so I tried the hongfire guide.
The english is a complete mess and I couldn't understand some of it. Though perhaps I'm just an idiot.
Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.9627087
File: 200 KB, 801x600, 223t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her mega genki mode is super annoying.
Very true. She's raping my mind.

>> No.9627085

Have you tried using ITH? It's a lot more user friendly and with some luck the engine is supported.
I don't recommend reading something with mahcine translations however.

>> No.9627100

It's like one of those girls who ust talk on and on and on, except you are forced to listen to her because she wants to fuck.

>> No.9627108


Alright, thanks anon

>> No.9627153


Title, please?

>> No.9627164
File: 22 KB, 548x575, PSP「とある魔術の禁書目録」NEWS_1345470106420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried out the Railgun VN DLC yet?

>> No.9627183


>> No.9627192

With a little work I hooked the text with ITH.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.9627218

This is kind of dumb, but does anyone have CLANNAD's original (untranslated) SEEN.TXT for the full voice version?
I ended up downloading the torrent with the translation because it had more seeders.

>> No.9627246


Thank you.

>> No.9627312
File: 533 KB, 808x602, mainichi_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this just keeps getting better and better. Why didn't I play this earlier? Sooner or later, this game is seriously going to turn me M.

>> No.9627327

>Sooner or later, this game is seriously going to turn me M.
If you are reading and enjoying it, you probably already are.

>> No.9627342

I have the seen.txt of the regular edition.

>> No.9627366

Damn, is this Atelier Kaguya? I have to give this a spin, I think it was on my wishlist.

Backlog just keeps getting longer and longer

>> No.9627379

That game was pretty good, I'm a sucker for that kind of 'teacher eventually wins his students over' stories.
hard M games are usually hit or miss for me depending on how much the girls care about the guy

>> No.9627394
File: 15 KB, 201x194, 1296298753638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently learning Japanese. I already got the kanas down, and I'm getting there with grammar, after that it's just expanding my vocab past things you learn in anime while learning kanji with kanji damage, which should be somewhat easier, since I'm Chinese. I think a good way to make learning vocab and kanji fun is to put furigana onto VNs and attempt to read them. Is there any VNs with simpler vocabulary and a lot of voiced dialog like Axanael, and is there any good untranslated VNs in general that I might want to check out?

>> No.9627405

This is getting fucking annoying.

>> No.9627416 [SPOILER] 
File: 732 KB, 800x597, 1345831377667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sekien no Inganock. It was pretty neat, but i would rather spent more time with Ruaha than annoying Kia.
And who or what could be this Kid in the end? Revived Porshion? Some kind of "Gii & Kia"-mixed kid?
Althrough the story was pretty much linear there were some things in the end i didn't expect to happen (in a positive way). And it was one of the fewer VN-endings that was actually ~good~. A VN has to end with a big BOOM and then recommencement.

4/5 (only 4 because it lacks of Ruaha)

>> No.9627427

He is Porshion, yes.

>> No.9627437


Just check some moege without much story. Ren'ai 0 Kilometer gets often recommended as an easy read. It's also moderatly entertaining, though the routes aren't great. Key games should also be pretty simple (I can't say much about Key - I don't like them).

As long as you don't pick a game with especially complicated language (like Murasama and stuff) you should be good to go.

Maybe we should put some recommendations in the first post of the thread. It's a pretty frequent question, after all.

>> No.9627453

Are you sure? I mean the very last dialogue after the ending song is about Kia wanting to see the blue sky. And then you see the kid looking at the blue sky. That's a bit intricate.

>> No.9627471

you can see it as a sort of Gii and Kia giving birth to Porshion/the player. It fits thematically with Gii choosing life over death and Kia's reason for being chosen by Grimm Grimm being, well, strong attachment to "family".

>> No.9627509

Okay, that interpretation is fine i guess. I watched the ending scene again and there is a big possibility that the second "waking up" isn't the porshion-kid. It's a different kid, a reborn Kia. You hear her responding to Gii with a "Uh uh"-sound which is also some kind of "waking up"-sound she could have made. Well anyway, nice ending.

>> No.9627515

>Maybe we should put some recommendations in the first post of the thread. It's a pretty frequent question, after all.
How about no, this is not a Japanese learning thread. I'm sure there are other places on 4chan where people can ask for recommendations on what to read after accomplishing the amazing feat of learning hiragana.

>> No.9627531

I'm pretty sure if you read the webnovels it being Porshion becomes clearer.

>> No.9627548


Just think about it logical, if we make it that way such posts would decrease dramatically. Wouldn't that be good?

Well, I don't care either way.

>> No.9627552

>Maybe we should put some recommendations in the first post of the thread
Or maybe they could learn to use the archive. This isn't a thread to assist people learning Japanese, it is a thread to discuss VNs.

>> No.9627586


Then we should point them to the archive in the first post. It's not about giving advices for learning Japanese, it's about keeping the thread clean. But let's stop the offtopic here.

>> No.9627586,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you make in the OP 'Hey people that are learning Japanese, check out these titles' etc etc, it's only going to make it seem like the thread is for people to come and talk about their learning of Japanese as well.

>> No.9627985

the type of people who want to be spoonfed names never reads the first post, they'll keep asking just like pastebins and recommendation charts have never stopped people asking for recommendation before, ever

>> No.9628070

You may enjoy games such as Albatross Koukairoku and Hanachirutani Sanjinkou by the same writer

>> No.9628242 [DELETED] 


You bully.

>> No.9628304

If you had used the wab series it actually makes sense, I wonder which route Sakurai wrote.

>> No.9628311
File: 134 KB, 400x240, Time-Travelers-Dated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSP: just finished TIme Travelers, was disappointing I guess? 428 was much much better; still playing Mashiroiro symphony
PC: mahoyo, more interesting than what I expected so nice surprise plus lovely characters!

>> No.9628314

Dote up a Cat will never be translated

>> No.9628315 [DELETED] 




>> No.9628317

Thank you for your valuable post.

>> No.9628658

Played this on my Vita.
Yes, it's a disappointing title.
The TIPS system is annoying and too much of quantum physics babble I could care less, where I'm expecting more on tragedy development which they promised on the CM.

I guess it taught me to wait for reviews before buying dodgy title like these.

>> No.9630755
File: 507 KB, 674x458, ell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... I'm...

I'm in love.

Nobody manage to translate the fandisk, right? I'd be happy even with a rough resume of Ell's route.

>> No.9630824

what is with the increased number of people asking for japanese assistance? seems like every thread as of late has had numerous people popping up. there should be a disclaimer in the OP stating that this isn't the thread for that.

>> No.9630826

You'll get more Ruaha if you read the webnovels. The two of them got a nice little postscript.

>> No.9630848

It's a Level 5 title, and those are rarely anything but disappointing. Occasionally there's some decently fun gameplay, but story and character-wise they're pretty much always bad.

>> No.9631094 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x576, 1345891765548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twins route in Midori no Umi was like a healing balm for my soul.

Whoever called the drama boring and manufactured has no heart. Sorane is up there with Haina as one of the only heroines who had an actual, legitimate problem, not "bawwww mommy and daddy are fighting" (Tsumugi) or "I DON'T WANNNAAAAAA" (Makina). And Rikuno is so fucking sweet and adorable and kind, best imouto ever. Knowing this game I was expecting her to try to fuck Sorane over or reveal a SURPRAIZ yan side any moment, but no, she really is just a good girl who loves her sister. I only love them more after realizing it's thanks to them that the other heroines get to live happy lives outside, since most of the good endings show you and your girlfriend living/working at the Rurigai house. Their ending was too adorable.

>> No.9631096

What was Haina's problem again?

>> No.9631144

Whelp I finished Milky Holmes 2 a couple hours ago. It's nice that they tried to have more of a story going on across the whole game. But, I'm not a fan of the new protagonist. She was kind of weak, and it never really felt like she was in a leader role, what with the fact that at 15 she is younger than all the Milkies, and she is treated more as a friend character. I wish I had playing as Kobayashi instead. I want to いちゃいちゃ with Nero as Kobayashi, not be friends with the girls as Himeyuri.

I also didn't like that they kind of made Sharo closer to her anime counterpart (though still no where near as bad). It's most apparent early on in the game, and they kind of lay back on it as the game gets more serious.

Kamitsu is still a cool character as always, and I love his interactions with G4. Kokoro's love for him is cute.

I'd like to see the third game have as much focus on the story, but this time with a return of Kobayashi. That seems likely anyway.

>> No.9631155

Just completed Suzuha's Route in Steins;Gate.

Never got so depressed over a VN.

I think I will jump to Kara no Shoujo for now... as I am unsure if I can grind through all of Steins;Gate again.

>> No.9631165

Her family's maids routinely verbally abused and later all-out beat the shit out of her over basically nothing/boredom, and once her dad found out he blamed her and shipped her off to the mansion.

>> No.9631168 [DELETED] 
File: 988 KB, 1024x576, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add: I appreciated how they didn't shy away from showing all her scars and bruises in the h-scenes. One of the many things I hated about ef was that Yuuko was shown to have scars on her body that magically disappeared once you were fucking her, like way to invalidate her backstory minori you stupid fucks

>> No.9631169 [SPOILER] 
File: 988 KB, 1024x576, 1345894453756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, spoiler'd now.

Forgot to add: I appreciated how they didn't shy away from showing all her scars and bruises in the h-scenes. One of the many things I hated about ef was that Yuuko was shown to have scars on her body that magically disappeared once you were fucking her, like way to invalidate her backstory minori you stupid fucks

>> No.9631171


>> No.9631172

Chaos;Head's ending was kind of a letdown but seeing those words on the internet still makes me shiver.

>> No.9631173

making you paranoid was the good part abou Chaos;Head
I hope Robotic;Notes is good too

>> No.9631178

Rather than disappeared, I think they never actually showed her scars, since Yuuko always insists on woring her clothes on.

>> No.9631197

Chaos;Head: You see a girl brutally murder somebody. Then she's suddenly your best friend you have no memory of.
Steins;Gate: You see a girl get brutally murdered. Then she's suddenly alive.
Robotics;Notes: You have to win a robotics competition, or the principal will shut down the robotics club! But you'd rather play video games.

>> No.9631204

>Robotics;Notes: You have to win a robotics competition, or the principal will shut down the robotics club! But you'd rather play video games.
That's only in the very beginning of the game, and is more just the prologue.

>> No.9631210

Even if that's true I hate those games way too much to care.

>> No.9631208

In all cases, those were just the beginning of the game.

>> No.9631209
File: 130 KB, 1024x815, School_Days2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to survive from having a relationship with this bitches...

cannot wait to see the bloodbath

>> No.9631212

where is that big "recommended VN for newcomer" picture?

>> No.9631228

But not really. The death in Steins Gate is literally like the first thing that happens in the game. The game starts with the protag attending some conference, at which the event happens. Robotics;Notes doesn't start right off with the protag at some Robo Competition where they have to win or else.

>> No.9631258
File: 60 KB, 636x475, dlanorfinished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone mention THE DEATH

>> No.9631297

in >>>/vg/

>> No.9631362

I still would've loved to have seen them a little more in the game in general, Kerkan was pretty dreamy. Really looking forward to the fandisc.

>> No.9631372
File: 1.32 MB, 1015x569, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Black Wolves Saga at the recommendation of an anon a few threads ago. Gorgeous music.

Also, Auger's face.

>> No.9631590 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 480x270, 1329993740939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you homo!

>> No.9631593

How does EVE hold up against YU-NO in terms of scenario. I feel like playing something classic

>> No.9631608

It's not YU-NO, but it's pretty good.
If you're playing in english, the trash translation won't help.

>> No.9631620

This is the /jp/ VN General Thread
Delete your anime related post and I won't report you.

>> No.9631627

CARNIVAL, by the way; (Gekkou no) Carnevale is a Nitroplus game.

>> No.9632113

Where do you guys usually buy your stuff from?
I want to get the PC version of Root Double which comes out next month, but I can't seem to find any sites other than amiami that sell it (I want to compare prices). Amazon, play-asia etc all have the 360 version on there, but no PC version. I don't mind getting a download version either if one is available.

>> No.9632127

How to regain interest in eroge? Everything I try nowadays just bores me.

>> No.9632131

Play something good.

>> No.9632152

Like? I've been on Subahibi and Baldr Sky for about a year now. I know they're both good games but the moment I start reading I just completely lose any interest and start doing something else like browse /jp/.

>> No.9632253

Are you sure the preorders for the PC version are open already? In that case, it should be on amazon.co.jp, though most likely they won't ship it overseas.

Anyway, I've bought stuff from Amazon, Sofmap and other places, you just need to use a middleman service and pay a little extra.

>> No.9632255

Read something with some kind of addictive writing then to get your drive back.

>> No.9632322


Baldr Sky was probably the only game where I couldn't stop reading. I would pull all-nighters, go to class, then come home and continue playing. So if that doesn't hold your interest, you're probably over saturated by the medium so go do some other stuff like vidya or books. Either that, you just have shit taste/ADHD.

>> No.9632381

Not sure if they are. Just found it on amiami by chance, but doesn't seem to be up on other sites I checked. When do the preorders usually go up?

Also, could you recommend some of these middleman services?

>> No.9632460

>Baldr Sky was probably the only game where I couldn't stop reading. I would pull all-nighters, go to class, then come home and continue playing.
didn't they say the same for MLA

>> No.9632467

Who knows? Look through the archives and find out.

>> No.9632474

Isn't it true for both of them?

>> No.9632486

The last parts, maybe. Baldr sky's pacing is pretty consistent for the most part and has fun gameplay rather than infodumps.
Anyways, you should know that a good part of people playing the translation are going to find it shit and complain that it was hyped while being shit.

>> No.9632516

not for MLA because ZZzzzz

>> No.9632523

When the preorders open depends on the game I guess, pretty sure preorders for Mahoyo initially opened years before it was actually out.

I've personally been using Tenso, they're reliable but not necessarily the cheapest. Dankedanke's mailbox service has a good reputation I guess and might be cheaper than Tenso if you buy a lot of stuff frequently.

>> No.9632633

MLA had some pretty long lags without anything interesting happening, especially when Yuuko would go on and on... Then again, since it was my first VN and I had to use Rikai chan a lot, it probably wasn't as bad as I remember it.

>playing the translation

Oh god no. I did not know about this. Is the translation JAST level at least?

>> No.9632646

>Is the translation JAST level at least?
I didn't notice anything particularly wrong with it when I played it. About as good as amateur translations come.

>> No.9632657

Will check those out, thanks.

>> No.9632664

Some random guy partnered up with Amaterasu to translate BS. I have no idea on how good he is, but if his Mercurius monologue translation is any indication it's about as stiff as any other fantranslation ever, not too bad, not too good.

>> No.9632673

Oh, unless you're referring to Baldr Sky, in which case I don't know. I don't think there's a patch out yet.

>> No.9632676

This guy post here.
And he doesn't seem to be too happy with the translation since he keeps revising it.
Anyways it's not like you read BS for the prose, I think it would be hard to really fuck up the translation

>> No.9632711

It's entirely possible to translate simple prose poorly. It happens all the time in fan translation.

>> No.9632763
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, gdfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read through らぶ2Quad because of OP. That was entertaining, some good laughs and great faps were had.

>> No.9633123

I'm quite sure that Futsuu had nothing to do with the Mercurius' monologue translation.

>> No.9633157

I'm pretty sure you're mistaken about that

>> No.9633187

This hikaruun00 guy who made both the translation and the video lives in India.
I know that Futsuu is in a hot country, but is that enough of a connection to conclude that they're the same?
Am I strongly uninformed?

>> No.9633205
File: 70 KB, 850x608, 1327775977829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Forest" or "Shikkoku no Sharnoth", what should i read next?
I'm more in the mood for something linear, but i can't categorize Forest yet. I just hope it isn't too much "yadda yadda"-ish.

>> No.9633209


>> No.9633224

Thanks for the enlightenment.

>> No.9633230

Who gives a shit, take the translator stalking to the appropriate threads you stupid faggots

>> No.9633235

It's over.
Calm your tits.

>> No.9633242

Sharnoth's the more linear of the two, so if that's what you're up to go for that one.

>> No.9633347

Talking about Sharnoth I've been reading the full voice version of Inganock.
Gii's voice is kind of different from what I imagined but it suits him just fine.
Anyways it's nice to read it without being cockblocked by the lack of voice

>> No.9633388

OnoD always delivers.

>> No.9633403

>full voice version of Inganock
Oh god, how did I miss this? Looks like they released a some kind of set that includes full voice editions for Celenaria, Inganock and Sharnoth.

Well, I know what I'm reading next then.

>> No.9633411

Past december. Also new CGs in the game and all.
The fandisk which was released a couple of days ago is fully voiced too, still no upload.

>> No.9633430

Kerkan's voice was the one that threw me off the most, since you at least get to hear OnoD say a couple of Gii's lines in the original game. Definitely a good fit though.

>> No.9633456

>Gii's voice is kind of different from what I imagined
But he was already voiced, though only in some few scenes.

>> No.9633457

I was kind of expecting it since they reuse the VAs for the whole series and M/Al din/Edison's hadn't been used yet and he was basically the best fit for the role.

>> No.9633465

He had maybe 20 lines, separated between chapters. It really doesn't give you a good idea of how Gii sounds normally.

>> No.9633572

Finish San's route in Itsusora, imo Futami's played out better. The route insertion felt a little forced for the lack of build-up. Though the weapons had me laughing, somehow I recall a very similar feel from propeller's Ayakashibito ending when he went I am the bone of my sword!

>> No.9633603

Now do Konome, it's awesome.
But yeah San's route is the weak point of the game, that and the lack of a true route that ties up everything properly.

>> No.9633626

>that and the lack of a true route that ties up everything properly
I actually liked that, you get to see three different sides of the same event and how it affects the separate parts of it, building into each other and not just into something else.
Then you get the background infodump.

>> No.9633643

Yeah you get the whole story and backstory.
But I just wanted a route where all the heroines live and are happy, it's just too sad when you know their eventual fate if you don't go down their routes

>> No.9633662

That's exactly why I liked it, you need to deal with the fact that if you don't choose Futami, she gets killed and similar shit for Konome.

Though about Konome wouldn't she know Saku died in Futami's route, thus allowing her to use her magic again? Though I suppose she'd be too depressed to go against Midono and can't confront their little fairy god without gungnir

>> No.9633677

Figured I'd post this in a general thread.

I want to be able to filter doujinshi to where it's just full color and english ones. Anyone know of a respository like this? Ex is a fucking clusterfuck.

>> No.9633850

>Figured I'd post this in a general thread.

Why? It has nothing to do with VNs.

>> No.9633862

Because it's not worth creating a thread about?

>> No.9633865

So you should post it on a completely different general?
When there's no thread satisfying your needs, it's moment to create one.

>> No.9633894

Not for a basic question. I have no intentions of shitting up this board any further.

>> No.9633909

So you enter an unrelated thread in which people may not even know how to. Perfect logic.

>> No.9634375
File: 194 KB, 797x595, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be a Team Heartbeat game and yet here I am, reading a fucking long common route with barely any sex in it. I'm confused.

>> No.9634629
File: 209 KB, 800x600, most_awesome_scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Asairo's 2nd chapter.
Holy Jesus Christ, that was amazing.

I was expecting it to turn into a menial "protagonist is a softie who takes the blame for someone else, but has to show his innocence" scenario, but was pleasantly surprised at how it took another turn altogether. The part where he starts fucking shit up and how it was played out glued me right to the screen. Then comes the disease / curse "arc" that had many tear inducing moments.

I read the last parts a bit drowsy from pulling an all-nighter so I wanna make sure I got this right.
So, Sasamaru and Hiyo were a couple in their previous lives and Waka is their demon/witch/cursed child who is out to get revenge or something along those lines? This part dumped so many "essential story revelations" so I'm wondering how they're going to keep the next two chapters interesting without repeating themselves or diving too much into flashbacks. And it might be hard to top the emotional response this chapter gave me.

But yeah, I'm having kind of love-hate relationship with the protagonist. He has his good points but sometimes they take his "Emiya Shirou donkan and goody two shoes" personality to extreme amounts.

>> No.9634920
File: 240 KB, 450x425, 26565088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard choice... have you read Inganock (or Celenaria) recently? If so, maybe going with Sharnoth next would be good for further immersion in the world. If not, then Forest. Not that this is any way logical. If you just want linear, then play Sharnoth; Forest has a lot of choices in it, and while there's only one route, completing the game without a walkthrough can be tough.

Those are my two favorite VNs of all time thus far, by the way. I hope you enjoy them too.

>> No.9634957
File: 101 KB, 863x673, aria05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're at the beautiful * subject, hearing about the fully-voiced version earlier made me go look and I'm downloading the package with celenario, inganock and sharnoth right now.
I'm probably going to read at least one of them pretty soon and I was wondering if there's any recommended order to them?
Going chronologically Celenaria would be first I guess, but seeing how it's the most popular one I was thinking of starting with Inganock.

Anyway, after being (mostly) done with Asuseka I'm getting my hahi~ on for now.

>> No.9635074

>He has his good points but sometimes they take his "Emiya Shirou donkan and goody two shoes" personality to extreme amounts
He's easily the worst thing about Asairo. He's a self-loathing Gary Stu, so annoying.

>> No.9635135

I completely agree, he easily ruined the whole of the first chapter for me. If people weren't praising this game left and right I'd probably have dropped it right there.
Well, fortunately he got less annoying over the course of the second chapter.

>> No.9635137
File: 188 KB, 550x537, 23798096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, chronological order. The games are only loosely related, but the webnovels that tie them together will be more understandable/fun if you go in the order of release.

>> No.9635423
File: 369 KB, 650x738, 1329146187860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May i ask where you found the fully-voiced versions? Since hongfire is down i usually use google search, but this isn't fertile.
And does the Amaterasu-patches still work for these fully-voiced versions?

>> No.9635428

Sukebei nyaa.
They don't.

>> No.9635461

Thank you, seems like i never noticed nyaa separates their material in Ero and non-Ero stuff.
Still a pity that the patches don't work, then i will go with the original release.

>> No.9635503 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 758x578, 1345984864932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question regarding LB! ex

I played LB some time ago, only to install EX just for Saya's route.

So I did Saya's route with the replay and got the end where she kills herself and pic related.

Walkthrough now says to do Saya's Route (馬鹿理樹ver), but I can't seem to enter the route without completing refrain (despite answering 'yes' to the "Do you know this world's secret" question). Do I have to complete refrain and will I miss anything if I just ctrl through it? Keep in mind I already completed the original LB, but not EX or Memorial or any other version.

>> No.9635534

Honestly the baka riki version isn't really worth it, in my opinion. It literally adds nothing aside from changing some dialogue.

>> No.9635542

Okay but what about スクレボ, whatever that means. I can't enter that one either. Or does Saya's route only have a bad end?

>> No.9635555

For whatever reason I could never get into that one either, even though I tried numerous times and followed the walkthrough. The baka riki and other one don't change the ending either way though.

>> No.9635615

So that's it? Saya doesn't come back after refrain or anything?

>> No.9635627

I'm thinking of starting Aku no Onna Kanbu, is it good for a nukige?

>> No.9635629

Her ending should be canon, in that they come back to see her and all, but she needs tons of rehab.

>> No.9635631

Does the existing English patch work for that version?

>> No.9635632


>> No.9635638
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x576, yfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also look like that when you're about to say "DAMN!" or "OH MY GOD!" or "MOTHERFUCK!" /jp/?

>> No.9635644

If it's canon does it tie in with refrain?
Rehab from the fall that 'killed' her you mean?

>> No.9635645

She was in the same hospital they brought everyone after the accident, wasn't she? It should tie in nicely.
if she wasn't, Riki and Kyousuke should remember her even if they couldn't show her during refrain.

>> No.9635661


I can see that working but the last I read was that Kyousuke explains to Riki she went back in time. Saya wakes up, and talks with her father about her dream, which is of course the Saya route in the closed world. Then they talk about Riki in that world.

Is that Riki after refrain or before? Also does this mean Saya wins the buster?

>> No.9635666

Rin won the Buster, that's beyond any shadow of doubt.
Saya won place in the LB, since she's happy just having friends.

>> No.9635669
File: 442 KB, 700x700, ゴスどりり.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Yes, i've read Inganock recently. I guess i'll go on with Sharnoth then.

Playing with walkthroughs is a bit annoying. Sometimes you probably need one to get to the interesting routes, but this brakes the whole choice-concept.
I remember playing "Phantom of Inferno" without using a walkthrough. After i finished it i noticed that a whole chapter was missing and i realized that i have to choose a certain path to see this chapter. And because of this stupid DVD-system in "Phantom of Inferno" you couldn't just redo it with skipping the dialogues. I had big luck because my choosen path only was different in the last 2-3 choises, so i could type in a password and redo the last part.

>> No.9635675


I think I get most of it now, thanks. Keymagic is over my head I guess.

Only thing I wonder now if Riki remembers exactly everything in the closed world or if it's more of a dejavu ish, "this person is my friend" thing

>> No.9635680

I think they all remember fragments of it, since most of them were self aware the world was a fabrication after a while.
It's never explored, but since they get together he probably remembers parts. I don't get how the girls don't kill him, since he 5/8-timed.

>> No.9635705

Yeah, exactly. Well I think some girls like Kud and Komari actively tried to help Rin and Riki so I guess it I can kind of see that working out

That reminds me, what is up with Kurugaya's ending? Should I take it as a non-canon end?

>> No.9635714

You take it as canon, she confessed to Riki just as he confessed to her.
It going well or not is something left up in the air for a reason.
There's a reason the first end you get is open ended and takes redoing refrain to get a proper Rin end.

>> No.9635731 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 424x398, 1345993440115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only makes it odder how everyone is okay with Riki's great harem plan.

I'm going a bit all over the place with these questions, but during Saya's route replay she refers to the first dungeon as "me version", does that mean Saya set up the Pyramid and stuff? If not, does that mean Kyousuke set it up, based on that book he mentioned?

>> No.9635804

By replaying refrain do you mean the bus thing? And proper Rin end being everyone lives?

>> No.9635817

By proper Rin end I mean the one you kiss in the classroom in the epilogue.

Didn't them both read the manga? Reason she's Tokido Saya? Also the heroines tend to be responsible for the shit going on in their routes, so she probably created it.

>> No.9635877
File: 155 KB, 1608x867, Good thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9635889

Nothing like a good old-fashioned black bar thread. And this one's not even about Never 7!

>> No.9635902

I wish it got a rewrite, I found cure syndrome a lot more interesting than BW/self as a concept.

>> No.9636085

It's always terribly awkward to "read" these threads, not so much because of the spoilers but because it's not immediately clear what they're about.

>> No.9636131

you can trace the quotes to the first black bar post, took me about 20 seconds

>> No.9636319 [SPOILER] 
File: 726 KB, 790x588, 1346006373875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first ending in Sweet Pool, where the best guy takes a shift towards the ヤン and literally eats the protagonist before eating himself. Certainly wasn't expecting that. It makes him being a big eater hilarious if somewhat disturbing in hindsight.

>> No.9636337

Welcome to sweet pool, don't worry, there's worse.

>> No.9636343

Where'd you get this? My torrents have no seeds.

>> No.9636381

>there's worse.

Yeah, I was guessing cannibalism was only a prelude of what's to come since I read that it has no good endings. I'm really liking what I'm reading, though. It's more of a 'pure' Nitro+ title than Togainu, which I wasn't really fond of.

>> No.9636398

So just to make sure again, Saya only has a single end?

I can't enter any Saya route again, and if she has another ending best I can think if is having to do both Zazami and moekata's routes, and I honestly couldn't care less about those, at least for now.

>> No.9636407


>> No.9636411

They're not particularly great routes anyway, especially not Sasami's. They pale in comparison to Saya's.

>> No.9636428

Yeah, SP is pure Nitroplus. I got the "true" end first and, well, I think it's the first and only time a VN has ever depressed me. It's the perfect end for this game, but it's absolutely soul crushing.

>> No.9636429

Thank you
Yeah considering the writers I figured as much.
Thanks though, I'll skip them with a second thought.

>> No.9636439


>> No.9636635

So, I stumbled upon 君が望む永遠 while browsing VNDB and the story piqued my interest. Muv Luv/MLA was a huge disappointment for me. Is it any better? I hope it's a different writer. How's the general opinion of other âge games besides Muv Luv?

>> No.9636654

It's an old love triangle drama. Basically their other good and highly praised game aside from MLA.

>> No.9636660

Muv-Luv and Kiminozo are in different genres, I don't think you can really compare them. Pretty sure they share the core planning/writing staff. MLA and Kiminozo are by far age's most celebrated titles, though you can also check out one of their earlier games, Kaseki no Uta, which is totally disconnected from the other works and is written by someone who didn't work on any of their other titles

>> No.9637232

Anyone have a school day link?

>> No.9637815

Finished the Konome's route now just finishing off the extras for laugh... My feel about the whole thing - impressed and glad I took upon the recommendation.

Really like how independently each routes play out without excessive overlapping (but enough for us to fit them all together in some way). This added a huge amount over the more conventional One True Route (well, in this case it did well). While perhaps left a little hanging what the True End could have been, for me either is fine.

Think my next one up will be an older Propeller product, as the August release slowly spreads about.

Just read the news a new part of Leyline vn is in the works - is that why we got short-changed in the first time with the minimal world-building or any sort of development?

>> No.9637828

You did the extra scenario right? The non-omake one.

>> No.9637912


Yes, can't help but to feel writer just added it in as a troll.

>> No.9637930

It made itsusora make more sense, things like the proper origins of the Oski/Ask families or one more concrete like the runes and how they are the powers the fire of the Kumoinui's and other families were described was a good way to tie it up.

>> No.9637987


oh, misread and thought you meant the other one, sorry. Yes, went through that, would've been nice if they gave it a few more CG illustrations than black bg most of the time.

>> No.9637993

I think it would have been kinda hard since you'd need like... one full route worth of CGs for the content it's worth.
Would have been great with CGs, I agree.

>> No.9640477

Have we talked about this yet?


I hope that other makers adopt this too and it's not just a fad.

>> No.9640485


I don't dislike this. I wouldn't count on seeing it become commonplace though.

>> No.9640526

>I hope that other makers adopt this too and it's not just a fad.
And I hope other makers adopt Monobeno's high quality art but unfortunately that seemed to be a "fad".

We call this high production values, Sherlock.

>> No.9640549

You can still use certain technologies but still have shitty production values. Like animated h-scenes. Sherlock.

>> No.9640566
File: 210 KB, 875x1166, 134328153330913204098_b-12-7-26-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every days is Grisaia day

>> No.9640623

鍵っ子少女 did something similar, albeit on a smaller scale, and it's just a doujin nukige. It's kind of a neat effect, but unless you get the animations just right it ends up looking pretty wonky. I wouldn't expect to see too many studios trying it. Hell, simple mouth movements still aren't all that common.

>> No.9640646

Isn't the White Album remake like this?

>> No.9640649

>You can still use certain technologies but still have shitty production values. Like animated h-scenes
Yes, and? You think the animated tachi-e in Witch's garden look super shitty or something? That stuff takes more time and money, that's not "fad"-territory.

>> No.9640658

I started playing Steins;Gate a while ago... Currently 5 hours in and at the beginning of chapter 2.

>> No.9640672

Ainos' games have actual animated tachi-e too and that was 6~12 years ago.

>> No.9640784

shit, why kazuki so cute

>> No.9640945
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 俺の妹がこんなにエッチなわけがない NXG V1_6(C)PHAM!_2012-08-27_18-26-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this shit is actually pretty glorious. Had it sitting on my HDD for a while and started it up for the first time now, I'm impressed. It's a shame they didn't voice the dialogue, can't really fap to it this way sadly.

I think the nyaruko knock-off wasn't that bad either, they actually got a decent seiyu for her even. Didn't bother very long with it yet so I'm not completely sure, only important thing are the H Scenes anyway of course.

>> No.9640974
File: 33 KB, 466x350, 13859788_c749101table1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder whether we're going to see a crack before the package edition is released, really want to give it a shot

>> No.9641036


Kazuki is shorter than I thought... Probably showing they look like before that event. Good colour contrast between the two.

Starting Astraythem as a break from the heavier plot style vn.

>> No.9641364
File: 242 KB, 1680x1050, Adobe Flash Player 10_2012-08-27_20-28-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody manage to get a 100% save file working with kunoichi 2? How the hell can people actually be bored enough to waste their time on such garbage "gameplay", it's like the devs are mocking us.

I know there's a save file in the anime-sharing thread and I moved it to the correct path, but I still don't get to replay the scenes. Does it work for someone else?

>> No.9641382

figured out the issue, it creates a new save instead of using the old one. Dunno why, gonna try around editing the saves with the editor myself a bit longer, but I doubt that'll work... guess I just have to pass up on this

>> No.9641403

I hate to tell you this, but Kara no Shoujo is probably going to fuck you up way more than anything in Steins;Gate.

Playing 'A Clockwork Leyline'. It's a lot of fun so far.

>> No.9641419

>so far.
And that's probably it, you probably don't have much long reading.
It reeked of LN so much. Like a first volume.

>> No.9641432

I can't recall the name of it, but has anyone read a trial which came out recently which had a genre shift of sorts toward the end where a meteor coming to hit the earth?

>> No.9641441

Sakura sakimashita.

>> No.9641450

I completely forgot about it, I guess I have been busy with other stuff. I am officially impatient about Baldr Sky so I am going to just up and start it.

>> No.9641520

oh, and robotics; notes has been out for sometime. I hated steins;gate but I am willing to import it and give it a chance.

>> No.9641522

I think I need some help on where to start with VNs.

I have a hard time getting through a VN, it really needs to grab my attention to keep me going. I've only read a couple of them because of this. I like any genre. More interesting locations/times are usually better than our everyday world. Lastly, i don't know even one lick of the written Japanese language.

If someone could just throw me a bone, I can find my way to other VNs if I get one great one, at least for a while.

>> No.9641573

Read something by Nitroplus, like Saya no Uta or Kikokugai, they have brisk enough pacing to draw your usual ADHD-addled manchild in.

>> No.9641578


It would be good to know what you've already played and what your impression of these games were. Giving advices out of the blue is always difficult.

>> No.9641616

/vg/ once told me Saya no Uta was the pinnacle of great VNs. I thought it was "okay I guess." They also praised Steins;Gate as a wonder of the universe. I don't trust them like I trust /jp/.

Saya no Uta, Ever 17, MuvLuv, Forest. I got through them all well enough. Things I tried but didn't finish: Girlfriend is the President, Little Busters, Fate/stay, Steins;Gate. I did like the art direction of Steins though.

Too make it easier, say I get the text-hooker/translator thing to work, would there be anything worth even reading with the terrible translations?

>> No.9641638

>Too make it easier, say I get the text-hooker/translator thing to work, would there be anything worth even reading with the terrible translations?

No. At least not with games which focus on plot. You said you don't know written Japanese, does that mean you know spoken Japanese? If yes, learn the kana (that takes 2 - 3 days maximum) and read the stuff with furigana.

For English games: Try Sharin no Kuni and G-Senjou no Maou.

>> No.9641660

>Too make it easier, say I get the text-hooker/translator thing to work, would there be anything worth even reading with the terrible translations?
If you know no Japanese at all, text hookers basically won't help you. Current machine translators spit out gibberish. They can help you if you're currently learning the language, but unless you have a handle on at least the grammar already, forget about it.

>> No.9641669


Never 7 & Remember 11 (both from the same series as Ever 17), Shikkoku no Sharnoth, Sekien no Inganock, Kara no Shoujo.

I guess those games suits your taste.

>> No.9641678
File: 342 KB, 1366x768, something like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of text hooker, I'm using ITH/Chiitrans for Asairo, but whenever dialogues appear all the characters started to repeat itself.
If anyone has encountered this issue, I hope you don't mind giving me a few pointers.

>> No.9641706


ITH: Options -> Enable global filter -> Remove [number of redundant characters] repetitions of each character,

>> No.9641700

Have you tried threads? It doesn't look like it's working perfectly with the narration either

>> No.9641719

I do know some Japanese, I know the grammar rules and am working on actually speaking more than a few words. It looks like I won't be doing a text hooker though if it doesn't help much. Thanks guys for the suggestions and info, I can work things out from here.

>> No.9641746


Worked like a charm. Thanks.

>> No.9641758

Text hookers do help if you use them properly. ITH with Furigana Inserter + Rikaichan is a godsend while you're learning the language. But if you try to play VNs by solely reading the output of machine translators you're not going to enjoy the experience.

>> No.9641784

Text hooking problems in a nutshell:

#1 Repeating characters:
Remove *nro* of repeating characters from options

#2 Repeating words whole lines:
Fiddle around with "split time" and "supress repetition of phrases" (at least in AGTH)

#3 Missing characters or total gibberish:
Try another thread. If none of the shown work, you need a hook code made by you or someone else.

>> No.9642558

What should I play next? Between Furuiro Meikyuu Rondo, Asairo, Last Purify, and Harumade Kururu.

>> No.9642603

Read Asairo last since it will make everything you will read after it look like shit

I'd go Last Purify < Furuiro < Harukuru < Asairo since it build up in term of lenght and pure quality

>> No.9642634

In the last thread someone wanted to have list of all the doujin games released during the Comiket.
This seem to have everything

There are some interesting titles

>> No.9643436 [DELETED] 


>> No.9643473

I really dislike how a majority of the animations have them doing a little bounce. It's unnatural, and makes it seem like they're looking for an excuse to add boob jiggle, which is already over-emphasized to begin with.

>> No.9643505

Yeah, I'm not very far in. I'm easy to please, though. To be honest. it's generic as hell but I'm a sucker for Unison Shift girls.

>I am officially impatient about Baldr Sky
I try to put it in the back of my mind. It's on my computer but I haven't played it because of the threat of an English translation. Still, I'm 100% sure I could get through it and reasonably understand it even with my shitty handle on the language in a fraction of the time between now and a patch getting released.

Hmm. Maybe next week.

>> No.9643547

That's kind of where I am with Baldr Sky, too. I figure if I run out of backlog (haha, right) and it's still not translated, I'll just go ahead and read it. I hear it's not that hard anyway.

In the meantime, I'm reading Hatsukoi and enjoying it. Blood-related imoutos and little brown girls are two of my favorite fetishes.

>> No.9643556

I concur with everything you're saying.


>Blood-related imoutos and little brown girls are two of my favorite fetishes.

Double concur.

>> No.9644694
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>> No.9644708

It's been some time. Is that Sora? Just ordered the artbook for kicks.

>> No.9644822
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I read there's a patch that adds a different ending, is that true? Or should I just download 忘れな草

>> No.9644824

Common ending in Canvas 2, it sucks.

>> No.9645459
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Finished Dangan Ronpa 1. It was an interesting ride overall, though not without its flaws. The murder mysteries tended to be fairly transparent and obvious, so the mystery and suspense factor wasn't all that exciting. The script could have been better (Naegi's inner monologue in particular) and since the characters are largely disposable and therefore shallow, many attempts to create some drama around them seemed to fall flat. Still, there are several characters whose mere presence makes scenes sufficiently entertaining, so it works out fine most of the time.
But then, towards the end of Chapter 5 something happened and the game went full retard. The script became outright bad and the story, motivations etc. stopped making much sense. Also, the game's tendency to go "Yeah, we know that secret previously unmentioned fathers, twins and ends of the world for no reason are cliched and/or stupid as fuck, but we don't care, deal with it wwww" was just obnoxious, and all the last minute drama about Kirigiri was annoyingly forced and contradictory..

TL;DR: I'm not sure what to make out of it. On one hand it's a very solid and overall entertaining game with style and some nice ideas. On the other hand, Chapter 6 seriously sucks.

>> No.9645554

Super Danganronpa is a lot better, at least in the mystery department. In Danganronpa 1, I figured out every mystery during the investigation, but in Super, it usually took until part way through the trial and sometimes I was actually solving things WITH the characters instead of waiting for them to catch up. A definite improvement over the first game.

The plot twists are also easier to handle since it continues off the first's. If you could swallow the first game's twists, these ones won't be so bad.

>> No.9646179

when was a fully voiced inganock released.
i played inganock but i dont know if it was fully voiced.
Gii Kerkan Ati Ruaha Kia and the others talked but there were many scenes where Gii was unvoiced.
are all Gii's lines voiced in the fully voiced version?

>> No.9646183

December last year and everyone is fully voiced at all times now.

>> No.9646190

Yeah it's fully voiced, and the acting is great.
I'm toward the end now and I'll say the voices enhance the experience a lot

>> No.9646219

Remember to the the fandisk after you finish, if it's ever uploaded, that is.

>> No.9646239

I wonder if they'll put it on some DL site later, I'd actually buy it

>> No.9646278
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i thought the full voiced inganock doesnt work with the amaterasu eng patch

>> No.9646312

さくら、咲きました is finally out, I was getting afraid.

>> No.9646376

Yay, took its sweet time.

>> No.9646464

Excellent. I'm going to steer clear of it until I read some impressions though. I don't want another OwaSekai.

>> No.9646506



>> No.9646723
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Finshe Astraythem - decent effort, nice art/graphic. There isn't other routes as to speak as the other route just adds an ero scene like Trample on Schatten. Chapter 3 is effectively the final chapter and brings a certain character into full play thus linking up everything. The ending chapter/epilogue completes it but I somehow feel it made a mockery of last scene of chapter 3. I don't feel it has enough for a 8, so 7 I guess.

>> No.9646761

Takeda is the alias of Furukawa Tetsuto, who should be an alias of Ono Daisuke, going by some sources.

>> No.9646771

It doesn't sound like him,. Even when he's doing that girlish sort of voice.

>> No.9646804

I don't know, he can sound a lot like that in BLCDs, same with A's voice.

>> No.9647300

I need a good non(purely)moege Iyashi-kei game that's not written by Maruto (I think that's how you spell his name, Parfait and Curio's writer). Any suggestions? I realize what's considered Iyashi-kei is kind of subjective, so opinions are valuable too. Side note, I've played most majorly popular games, so stuff like Clannad and Oretsuba probably won't apply.

>> No.9647319
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I was playing shuffle.. but people keep interrupting me..

>> No.9647322

Just finished Kanae and Ichijou's routes in Muramasa.

So do I just be a dick to both of them this time to unlock Muramasa's route?

>> No.9647325

You get a new choice in chapter 2 I think.
After that, always choose the 3rd wheel and balance them both.

>> No.9648539
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>> No.9648831
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The backgrounds in this are so nice. Love me some cherry blossom overkill.

>> No.9648899
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Just played this.

[Was fun.]

>> No.9648951

>Parfait and Curio's writer

Did maruto do the writing for curio?

>> No.9649059

Rakuen http://vndb.org/v5609
Or Himachaki http://vndb.org/v425 (this one is really long though)

>> No.9649117

Just finished Kirimiya's route in Yume Miru Kusuri.
>dat message
It almost felt like the game was speaking to me. Telling me to go out and let myself enjoy life...

I really liked it.

One question, why do people call her good end the "melancholy end?" I think her getting preggers was the best possible outcome.

Anyways, are the other routes this interesting? What do you think of this VN /jp/?

>> No.9649125

Kirimiya is a slut.

>> No.9649481

YMK was alright. Nothing particularly outstanding about it, and at times it felt like it was trying way too hard, but it had its redeeming moments. "That scene" in Aeka's route was fun.

>> No.9649560
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I'm around the beginning of chapter 5, but still:
>The murder mysteries tended to be fairly transparent and obvious, so the mystery and suspense factor wasn't all that exciting.
Did you manage to solve chapter 2 by yourself? Because it seemed almost unfair to me. Partially because we don't get some important pieces of evidence before in the trial.
>since the characters are largely disposable and therefore shallow, many attempts to create some drama around them seemed to fall flat.
I dunno, none of the characters seemed that bad or disposable to me. I guess the only exception is Leon, since he's the culprit of the first case, but the rest of the cast were either entertaining in a silly way or turned out to be surprisingly awesome guys and gals.

>> No.9649630


>> No.9649645

New thread
