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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9628912 No.9628912 [Reply] [Original]

What are some bad habits that you picked up from consuming too much Japanese entertainment?

Sometimes I instinctually bow when I meet a new person. It's embarrassing and people laugh at me.

>> No.9628915 [DELETED] 

That's pretty gay dude but you could bow to suck my dick any day.

>> No.9628917

The thing where you scratch the back of your head with eyes closed and smile.

>> No.9628933

I was eating at a restaurant and a black waiter brought me my food and happily yelled out itadakimasu

He misheard me and thought I said something like "I'm your master" and he was very angry with me and started yelling. I cried

>> No.9628937

I bow just a little in grattitute to people I don't know too well.

I imagine that dodging people in the street is the same as dodging bullets.

Since the day I discovered this media, I started to masturbate 3 times a day. Before it was like 2 times a week.

I now peek at the armpits of girls, just to see if they're shaven or not.

>> No.9628950


>I now peek at the armpits of girls, just to see if they're shaven or not.

Have you seen any unshaven armpits yet?

>> No.9628966

I squeal uguuuuu whenever I see something cute. Good thing there is nothing cute outside my house.

>> No.9628960

The most unshaven was a girl with a 1cm of armpit hair, and the others are just like 2 or 3 mm.

>> No.9628964

>I imagine that dodging people in the street is the same as dodging bullets.
Oh god I laughed so hard. Thanks.

>> No.9628974

I think everyone is either a bitch or a whore.

>> No.9628976

My cousin does this. Every time, for almost everything. And he's not even an anime fan or something. He just watched Kanon with me like 5 years ago, and he's been doing this since then.

>> No.9628986

When I'm trying to think something, say "That's too bad" or whatever, if i heard the japanese phrase too many times, I'll think that instead of it in english, which can cause a pause whenever I speak while I think of how to say it in english.

When I meet someone for the first time and we exchange greetings / names, I semi-bow by tilting my head forwards and downwards. Don't know if that's a bad habit or a good habit though.

That's about it.

>> No.9628988

this this this

>> No.9629018

I have an OP and ED for every quarter of college. Fuck me.

This quarter:
OP - "Daydream Syndrome" from Yumekui Merry (bad adaptation, but great song that fits when you hate your major)
ED - "Himekuri" from Upotte!! (The snare rolls and vocals give me a reassuring feeling when I walk out of the classroom and head home)

>> No.9629029


That's... actually kind of neat.

But if you hate your major, why don't you swap/get out/etc?

>> No.9629053

I say 'ara' when I'm suprised by something.

I start reading comics and magazines right to left.

>> No.9629054

>I start reading comics and magazines right to left.
Every time.

>> No.9629055

I hate faggots who listen to music in public place

>> No.9629056

Even when you can't hear it?

>> No.9629061

I always bow slightly when meeting someone or thanking someone and such.
Also saying "hai hai" when casually agreeing with people.

>> No.9629067

Because I already got my associate's degree, and I have an internship. I'm a little over a year away from graduating with my bachelor's degree. I go to a tech college that crams 4 years of shit into 3 (giving me one less year of misery I'd spend at another place). After that, I think I can take a year or two, move out with a friend, get my skills up in programming and/or 3D modeling, and get a good job, so I can buy figures, dakis, and stuff. I have nothing to lose by trying. And it's the cute Japanese voices that keep me going. I want to be able to buy my merchandise and make moe games for all of you guys.

>> No.9629070

I hope everyone in this thread is joking.

>> No.9629064

Yes. It's fucking retarded and disrespectful

and you look stupid, too

>> No.9629073

You're totally brainfucked.

>> No.9629075
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>and make moe games for all of you guys
Thanks for going through this bullshit for us, Anon.

>> No.9629082

Never underestimate the power of autism.

>> No.9629086



Disrespectful to who?

>> No.9629091

His entitled autist ass.

>> No.9629095

I... I hadn't even realized I did this, until now...

>> No.9629094

then explain to me
how can you listen to a good song if you are surrounded by puke-inducting 3DPDs?
and even if you close your eyes, you can still smell and (partly)hear them

not to mention that many songs make you emotionally hyper active, why would you get emotionally hyper active in the middle of a crowd/on a train/in a classroom/at work?

and if you're going to listen to something you don't like and don't respect and it won't make you emotionally active, what's the point?

>> No.9629104

>how can you listen to a good song if you are surrounded by puke-inducting 3DPDs?

Watch out, we got a badass over here.

>> No.9629109
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I do that too OP

>> No.9629117

I mumble うん and ううん instead of saying yes and no sometimes.

>> No.9629121

That's partly why I listen to music when I'm outside, to get my mind of everything. And since I can control my desires, I don't get "emotionally hyper active" when I listen to music.

>> No.9629122

You're very welcome. After looking at some of those graphically impressive C82 games (that probably also play very well too), I felt encouraged to raise my abilities to that level. Just a little more bullshit from incompetent instructors and a clusterfuck of a curriculum, and I can finally focus on making the shit I want to make.

And sorry if I'm going too far off-topic. I guess I get a lot of inspiration from my consumption of Japanese entertainment, whether it's emotional support or ideas for creations.

>> No.9629129

you think I'm lying?

then tell me

imagine you're listening to some awesome boss fight theme
but in front of you stand two fat whores, they smell like overused perfume and they talk about their problems at work

how can you keep listing to the awesome fight theme in this situation?

>> No.9629133

I constantly nod my head while listening to someone speak.

>> No.9629134

> I don't get "emotionally hyper active" when I listen to music.

too bad for you?

>> No.9629135

Imagine that they are the horrible two-headed putrid behemoth plague dragon that you must defeat in order to beat the dungeon.

>> No.9629139
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Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama
I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

>> No.9629142

but I like fighting monsters in rpgs
and most of the said monsters look and act cool

not disgusting

>> No.9629143

How can you hear them when you're listening to music? If anything, you would hear them because you DON'T listen to music.

I don't know. Too bad for you? There are meds for ADD.

>> No.9629144

Remove yourself from their presence? You sure like making a big deal out of nothing.

>> No.9629151

OMG, kill yourself already

>> No.9629152
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Oh man, Ken-sama always manages it to make me smile.

>> No.9629158


>why would you get emotionally hyper active in the middle of a crowd/on a train/in a classroom/at work?
>emotionally hyper active

What in the world is this? Do you start to convulse and piss yourself when you listen to good music or something?

>> No.9629160

If they're disgusting, shouldn't that be more of an incentive to smite them from the face of the earth?

>> No.9629166

You are a bunch of embarrassing fuckers.

>> No.9629170

God fucking dammit I do the same thing. It wasn't even intentional. Just one day someone pointed out I keep bowing to people.

Hyper mega fucking bullshit.

>> No.9629172

How do we know you aren't?

>> No.9629178
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Can't you think of some disgusting ones?

>> No.9629187



>> No.9629201
File: 43 KB, 500x601, mado_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this too.

When I'm pleased with something, sometimes I'll close my eyes and smile.

>> No.9629205

Enjoy your broken dreams and hopes.

>> No.9629216
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, paying in gamestop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9629224

lel e/b/in /v/ reaction image dawg

>> No.9629225

It keeps happening to me too. Everytime.

>> No.9629226

It's too soon to make such a long-term commitment.

>> No.9629227

Never pissed myself. But I often get physically active due to adrenaline.

no, no. it is bad, for you of course. seriously, if music didn't stimulate emotions it would just be a mere noise. if it is so in your case, then I'm sorta surprise you bother at all.

it's like watching a movie. you can either watch it alone in total silence and get into it, or you can watch it like a normal, while eating breakfast before work

>> No.9629280

I can just control my emotions. Especially when I'm not alone.

>> No.9629294
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This thing with the glasses.

>> No.9629320

Not that guy, but I have an involuntary reaction to some music. It's odd; whenever I listen to certain pieces of music played loudly I involuntarily tear up a tiny bit despite my emotional state remaining unchanged. The 4th movement of Beethoven's 9th symphony ("Ode to Joy") does it to me, as does the song Do You Remember Love and a handful of other pieces of music.

>> No.9629390

You guys are all a bunch of faggots.

>> No.9629416

Ugh, I bow slightly on some occasions. Which looks retarded; nobody bows in this part of the world.

This happens to me too with a few songs. I don't get sad (that's another set of songs), I just tear up a bit because they're too beautiful. It feels hard-coded, I can't help it. I wonder where does this stand on evolutionary/biological terms.

>> No.9629446
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>> No.9629451

I've actually said "It can't be helped" once or twice.

>> No.9629461

I had friends with glasses who didn't even like anime (one who hated it) and they did that whenever they said something cool or dramatic. Maybe it's just some natural glasses-wearing-people thing or they were lying about their tastes

>> No.9629463

>Yes. It's fucking retarded and disrespectful
well, i see what you picked up from consuming too much japan.

>> No.9629468

I poke my cheek with my finger when think sometimes.

It's not strictly anime related, but due to 4chan and seeing it on various things 4channers have posted as well as japanese TV clips I've seen here(Japanese seem to do it a lot), I've started doing that laughing smile with my mouth open, and lips peeled back over the gums because I find it funny. (It's the smile that "show them online" Xbox kid makes for a quick example)

I do have a slight tendency to close my eyes when I'm smiling or laughing less than "2cat" level laughter.

>> No.9629473

Instead of the usual "come hither/here" hand motion, I use the damn beckoning cat paw crap.

It's so stupid, too... I instantly try to stop myself.

>> No.9629487

i do that only to fix my glasses when they start sliding off my nose too far. it's uncomfortable having them hanging down so much.

>> No.9629494

I pet my little sister on the head.

She hates it, so I do it as much as possible

>> No.9629501
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, 1276765451866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god picking up habits from 4chan is even worse. I mimic different popular reaction images, like pulling my head back in surprise like pic related. I also find myself saying "I know that feel" and then have to add a belated -ing to it.

I don't even use those memes on 4chan but I guess I still get a lot of exposure to them.

>> No.9629505

I've gotten into the habit of closing my eyes when I smile
I don't know what to think of it

>> No.9629509

I say things like "it can't be helped" more than your average person.

>> No.9629518

tfw when u preach to others to hate on 3d girls nd they don give a fuk but der still ur friend

>> No.9629559
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>like pulling my head back in surprise like pic related.
I though it was normal for people to recoil when shocked.

4chan give you brain damage though.
I have to try not to say "implying" sometimes when someone or something is implying something.

I don't even notice I tend to say "it sure is [x event that is not happening] around here" taken from /v/'s sarcastic paraphrasing of "gee it sure is boring around here"

>> No.9629577

None since I am master of my own brain and immune to influence by entertainment.

I know this one fujoshi and she has this "ganbare" thing. I wish sometimes that I had paper fan with me so I could slap her with it. That would be an anime related habit I'd like to adopt.

>> No.9629590

Years ago I overheard a guy say "sadfrog.jpg" in what appeared to be a regular conversation.

>> No.9629594

>japanese entertainment
Nope but I have picked many /jp/ terms that would not help me in real life. I have used real term like sand nigger, nigger and waito piggu subconsciously without knowing. Sure my acquaintance laugh at it but I am worried that I might slip up and get beaten up by real niggers someday.

>> No.9629602

i bow too.....

>> No.9629808

I go ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA during moments of extreme exertion, like lifting heavy shit.

>> No.9629812

I say "suck my cock dude" all the time

>> No.9629827

I bow too, but more subtly and not due to jap entertainment. People seem to enjoy it, despite my inhibitions and retardedness I'm quite the socialite once I've gotten some ‰ into me and little things like these really seem to work. The problem comes when the alcohol wears off.

>> No.9629852

I'm black and sometimes I pretend to be a racist white person on 4chan.

Also thread related: I once actually IRL spelled Korea as Corea and didn't even realize for a while what I did wrong.

>> No.9629862

That must get awkward as HELL

>> No.9629865

>pretend to be a racist white person on 4chan.

We all do

>> No.9629872

We all do my nigga.
I am yellow skin and I bash coreans, chinks and nips all the time.

>> No.9629874

I've been doing that ever since I was a kid, before I even knew what anime was; depending on who you're talking to it can go over really well.

>> No.9629875

So everyone who is not of white euro/anglo descent are now a single group?

>> No.9629879

I use "hai" and "iie" in place of yes/no sometimes.
I tap the top of my head, close my eyes and poke out my tongue when I make a mistake and am called out on it.
I overuse "It can't be helped".

That's about it though.

>> No.9629882

Me too.

>> No.9629883

I lived with my sister for about 6 months, and we watched Steins Gate together while drinking Dr Pepper. Anyway, ever since, whenever we greeted each other, it was with a tuttu~RUU~

I miss that the most.

>> No.9629885

So basically you just made yourself seem like the biggest deluded weeaboo faget in the history of mankind. Ending such a post with "That's about it though" is hardly fitting.

>> No.9629889

A slight bow when you shake someone's hand isn't uncommon here. I'd never make a full bow, though. That's ridiculous.

>> No.9629891

Wow why don't you go fuck her then if you miss her so much you pussy ass faggot?

>> No.9629902


Ahh why did I refresh this page I knew someone would say something mean. Why do you always say mean things /jp/?

>> No.9629912

I just do it naturally, not when I'm going to do something dramatic. I didn't start using glasses as a kid, only in my late teens, so I already liked characters who did it for a long time.

Also, now that people have mentioned this kind of thing, I just realized I completely stopped using "what the fuck" for a long time. I only use "what the hell". Welp.

>> No.9629916

Don't worry dude he just wants to fug your sister

>> No.9629936


I may actually start doing that. It seems like a genuinely good way to start and end each day.

The only thing I do is say my "Ahhhhhh" when I understand something or "Oooooooh" when something is surprising a little more prolonged. Then again my roommate is Chinese, so it may be something I picked up from him. It can't be helped I guess.

>> No.9629938

i actually throw inslults like "turbonerd" or "subhuman scum" in real life.

as for the japanese media... the only thing i've noticed is the bowing thing like OP.

>> No.9629939

Shit dude, now I feel bad. Sorry for saying that, I wasn't trying to get you down or anything. Alright maybe I was, but don't take it personally man.

>> No.9629947

I am an actual NEET and not ashamed of it like I usually would be. Thanks, /jp/.

>> No.9629958

Emotionally hyperactive? You'd have to have some pretty poor self control if you can't even handle listening to music without wanting to flail around like an idiot,

>> No.9629963

I act extremely stoic and distant in real life because I think it appears cool. But well, that's also how I naturally am.

>> No.9629967


Thanks, I appreciate the gesture. Good day.

>> No.9629968

Reminds me of a childhood friend of mine. He was like a doll, no personality or emotion whatsoever. You could barely hold a conversation with him.
Of course, I had to settle with him because I didn't have any other friends.

>> No.9629981

I started acting like that in middle school because I thought it was cool too. Eventually it just became who I was.

Creepy shit, man.

>> No.9629982

Well, I am only somewhat like that. I am pretty blunt, try not to say anything unnecessary or overly emotional, and am generally terrible at making jokes, but I think I could keep a conversation going.

>> No.9629988

You know... I say that's how I naturally am, but I don't think I was like this as a child. Maybe it sort of "became" my personality over time. Yes, that is rather strange.

Maybe as they say, I suppose, we are defined by our actions.

>> No.9629995

And then a few years later I realized I hated his taste in pretty much everything and we severed ties. Hope this didn't/doesn't happen to you, it left a nasty after taste.

>> No.9629997

I browse /jp/ at work on my phone. However I don't let people notice, and haven't picked up any debilitating habits from 4chan (other than using 4chan) /jp/ or otherwise.

>> No.9630000


I'm like that too. The reason is pretty simple; I'd turn overly emotional without the strictest self-control. Maybe that's the case with you guys too?

>> No.9630008

Dunno. I'm so deep in my persona that I wouldn't even be able to imagine such a situation.

>> No.9630010

I've done this since I was 9 or 10.

It's not so much a fetish for me as a fixation. Let's just say the unkempt armpit is a dark place for me.

This is why 2D.

>> No.9630011

I'm curious, /jp/.
When talking to someone about something you enjoy (like your favorite game or something), do you tend to talk so much that you start to notice that you're talking too much?

>> No.9630014

I was separated from a childhood friend, but that was due to me having to move away. Nothing like a bad falling apart. Sorry about what happened to you. Must have been unpleasant.

Not too sure about that. Although, I do have these occasional moments where I feel fairly emotional. It's as if my brain is trying to induce equilibrium, or meet a monthly emotional quota or something.

>> No.9630015

Yea dude.

>> No.9630021

Kind of. I'm usually very reserved, but I talk a lot more when the topic relates to my interests. However, I will control myself when it's clear the other party doesn't care about what I'm saying.

>> No.9630026

Thankfully I haven't picked up any of the really bad habits some people are describing.
I just now realized I do a slight head bow when I greet people I'm unfamiliar with in passing.

Other than that, nothing else really.

Not any of them, but that's me as well.
I try to keep any excess emotions from showing because without me leashing it I'm way too emotional.

>> No.9630034

Hah, you guys remind me of those hardboiled detectives from film noir!

>> No.9630044

Ah, really? I love that archetype. But while I act the part, I'm unfortunately not that physically strong, so I could never actually become a detective. Too bad.

>> No.9630064

sometimes when i walk i pretend im flying like flan

>> No.9630077

you're me. though it's not really forced in my case, it's more like a weird natural response to anxiety or something.

i used to do it as a kid, but i never knew when to stop unless someone explicitly told me to fuck off (pretty rudely, because i didn't get stuff like "shut up already"), so i eventually stopped. i now have trouble talking about my interests at all.

>> No.9630125

When I see something really cute I sometimes puff out my cheeks or breathe a little heavily. When something goes wrong, a little "mou~" plays in my head.

No. I don't usually talk to people about the things I enjoy. In the rare instance that I do I practice restraint. I've come to realize that people aren't all that interested in things like otaku culture.

>> No.9630177

I make an effort not to talk much about my interests because I know no one really cares to listen to me prattle on about that stuff.

>> No.9630184

/jp/ - group therapy

>> No.9630210
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 1344927156696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds. I don't do anything japanese at all because I can actually control my body and think clearly before saying or acting.

>> No.9630215

It's great, isn't it?

>> No.9630217

And yet you're the only one who posted an image, from an anime, no less, in the past dozens of posts.

>> No.9630255
File: 339 KB, 992x851, 1336085421035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting an image isn't a japanese related habit, nerd.

>> No.9630272

You showed him anon. How dare he post an image on an imageboard.

>> No.9630315

>completely stopped using "what the fuck" for a long time. I only use "what the hell". Welp.

That's a good thing. I don't like it when people swear, it's good to speak nicely.

>> No.9630444

sometimes a ??????? gets heard as a WHYYYYY.

Unfortunate habit.

>> No.9630475

let's try this on a different client... meant ??????

>> No.9630481

Hmm... I have glasses, and I do the same thing. Perhaps it really is a common trait which runs in the blood of those who are bespectacled.

Is this the part where I'm supposed to fix my glasses?

>> No.9630727


>> No.9630739

Good thing you bumped it!

>> No.9630747

Bumpa bumpa! Bumpapa loopa!

>> No.9630749 [DELETED] 

lel epicness liek this is why i love /jp/ xD

>> No.9630757 [DELETED] 

i no rite xD hi5 /b/ro! xP

>> No.9630758
File: 7 KB, 284x284, (´・ω・`).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630759 [DELETED] 

*hi6s u back is 300lbs*

>> No.9630760 [DELETED] 


>> No.9630771
File: 184 KB, 1005x1700, 1aaa3ce34d4a4f50ef213984d7f7d381abed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9630775

Why is Tenshi eating a corndog?

>> No.9630787

What are some bad habits that you picked up from consuming too much /jp/?

>> No.9630791

I eat one meal a day.

>> No.9630808


I spend all my time sitting around refreshing /jp/ instead of doing something to improve my shitty life.

>> No.9630831

I don't bow or any of those wapanese things, but I have found I swear to myself a lot (in English) over unimportant things, e.g. missing a train when the next one is in four minutes.
It makes me feel like every day occurrences are more interesting.
Another thing I do is try to formulate the most succinct sentences to say to people in advance, like when ordering food or calling my parents.

>> No.9630834


I live in my own filth.

>> No.9630844


That's how she powers up her Danmaku, and releases her Bankai

>> No.9630896


Hits too close to home. Awkward stares every time.

>> No.9631025

Then stop being such an enormous faggot.

>> No.9631079

how about a japanese image, that relates to japanese culture and habits and is drawn in japanese style, possibly by a chinese slave worker?

that's a pretty weeaboo thing to do

>> No.9631105

My only friend in college was like this. He was pretty weird, even more awkward and unliked than I was at that time, and he obsessed over tsundere. He was a pretty extreme autist and browsed /a/, but he also introduced me to Touhou.

As for awkward things, he bowed really deeply all of the time, blurted out random Japanese phrases IRL (that's /a/ for you), and carried around a pockwatch (he told me he got the idea from an anime, I can't remember which. Gosick, maybe?). I thought he was great because he made me feel like less of a loser to be around.

He got expelled for writing fanfiction of our classmates and sending it to them. Turns out he was gay and the tsundere fixation was just him trying to justify his homosexuality, in that he was merely frustrated with / constantly rejected by girls.

>> No.9631113

And uhh.. you did the homo with him, I take it?

>> No.9631115

He... doesn't sound stoic or distant at all.

>> No.9631164

Nope, no real gay exploits to speak of. In the weeks after he was expelled, he hung around the entrance to the college and one day asked someone else if he wanted to make out, though. I really never could tell if he was attracted to me or not because he acted so tsundere. I was slightly less sure of my sexuality then myself, but if he had asked I probably wouldn't have as I didn't actually like him as a person.

It was mainly the tsundere element, he couldn't give out any compliments to me, insulted me all of the time and ignored me on random days when we would sit together and he wanted to read (he would always read books and ignore anyone who tried to talk to him, again I think he thought that made him look cool as well and was also probably taken from Gosick).

He made a point of always pretending he 'didn't ACTUALLY like me or anything' to anyone who asked, and that I was just a 'guy who amused him' (in that distant and self-consciously reserved way) rather than his friend. In fact, I think he only ever called me his friend once in about the two years that I knew him.

The guy was actually a dick and was pretty unlikable, to be honest. I got the impression that he sort of acted out his tsundere fantasies with me, and that he put up this sadistic / distant front with me as a way of compensating for his true masochistic nature. I just sort of needed him to feel less awkward and to have a partner for group work who I knew would always HAVE to go with me.

>> No.9631181
File: 44 KB, 1024x1024, 1341175103801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this made me feel seriously uncomfortable.
I'd rather be by myself than hang around such a subhuman.

>> No.9631186


apparently you are freinds dont think the same way nerd. boom rowsted

>> No.9631238
File: 90 KB, 1280x1024, 3f8112ffde5ac92e84f7f3039eaa1246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How horrifying. I worry that i'll become That Guy if I ever talk or act too much.

That's probably why for the entire length of my schooling I stereotypically sat next to the window in every class making no friends with anybody. In my mind I would think that I was pretty moe, but I guess everyone just thought me boring and uninteresting.

>> No.9631243

Is compulsively saving dozens of pages of images a day considered a bad habit?

I can't keep up with my backlog anymore.

>> No.9631262

It's weird that this guy is the most autistic thing in this thread considering the subject.

>> No.9631277

Do you say hell in all caps?

>> No.9631296

I often say sou ka or "It can't be helped"

>> No.9631298

Yeah, I tend to gush about stuff I like and always get worried that I'm annoying people with it.

>> No.9631313

Well, I've found myself using the terms SpergLord and Sperging.

>> No.9631318

"It can't be helped" and "Take it easy" have both entered my natural vocabulary.


This too. Although usually only one, on a heave-ho beat (オッラー!).

I also grunt "うん, うん" for general acknowledgement. Most people think I'm growling (I'm rather burly).

>> No.9631321


>> No.9631324

you're not annoying anon :D

>> No.9631329


Fuck off.

>> No.9631330


>> No.9631570

Gosick, huh? I recall the anime came out in 2011. If he held those habits prior, they were probably adopted from another source.

He sounds -- how do I say this -- "interesting." It must have been rather bizarre and probably annoying for you, but maybe you could get some kicks out of the whole situation. And if you were successfully able to feel less awkward and/or have someone to do group work with, ultimately I guess it was a mutual relationship.

>> No.9632409

See: >>9629912

And to >>9631277, yeah, kinda. I emphasize it.

I knew a guy who obsessed over D&D, and every time the subject came up he constantly asked people if he was annoying them by talking about it with whoever else was interested. It was really even more annoying than the alternative, and really killed the mood every time.

>> No.9632409,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is the /jp/ you died for

These are the teens now in control

>> No.9632409,2 [INTERNAL] 

also lmbo @ this nig

>> No.9632409,3 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck, Gosick aired in 2011? Where is my life going?
