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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 800x600, lesigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9616212 No.9616212 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the worst VN I've ever played.

>> No.9616219
File: 769 KB, 800x600, sachihnnnnngggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9616222

Too deconstruction of the shonen genre for you

>> No.9616226

That is not katawa shoujo.

>> No.9616234
File: 141 KB, 800x558, tankman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le societal criticism porn game

>> No.9616231

More like too boring.

>> No.9616239

I hope you're not pointing out that line because you think it's a Reddit reference.

>> No.9616240

I liked the fandisc

>> No.9616245

At least wakamoto is good.

>> No.9616250


the worst part of the whole 'le' thing was that it became an internet meme over a decade ago with that 'end of the world' flash and now its suddenly a new thing again.

>> No.9616253

Wow that takes me back.

>> No.9616269

but i'm le tired

>> No.9616314
File: 295 KB, 800x600, 1326124113288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9616321
File: 130 KB, 656x1102, 8bitlesighcongroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9616327
File: 102 KB, 799x598, sachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9616340

jesus I forgot all about that.

>> No.9616382

No one remembers that, why do you remember that.

What's next, people replacing ``loli" with ``duck" again?

>> No.9616490
File: 993 KB, 804x601, catisfine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9616495

I remembered it, after he mentioned it.

>> No.9617705

Oh man, duck and sink threads. Who thought this thread would turn into nostalgia?

>> No.9617905

What's next? People will repost this shit on current meme aggregators and be hailed as omg so original le new memes. All the way back through peanut butter jelly time up to all your base (techno remix).

>> No.9617915

MLA is worse, not much but still worse.

>> No.9618155

This was my first visual novel and I almost stopped playing them completely because I picked sachi by accident.
I thought I'd be able to fuck her and move on to touka. Then a few hours later I realized I was locked into the route. I didn't feel like restarting since I was around 10 hours in. At first I didn't think much of it, then her endless painting scenes came into play. She is so aggravating.

>> No.9618171


The game explicitly warns you that you'll be committed to Sachi before the important choice comes.

>> No.9618178

Really? I don't remember that.

>> No.9618188


The painting scenes would come anyway. The game doesn't really have different routes, only different h-scenes and different endings.

>> No.9618184



>> No.9619099 [DELETED] 

[nm t="京介"]“Not even some poorly translated porno game would have such a convenient plot development.”[np]
;;[nm t="京介"]“んなお前の都合のいい展開になるわけねえだろ”[np]
;;har har. Bite me, and feel free to revert to whatever you want. But make it fit Eiichi's next line - pondr
;;we can make it porno game instead, that way the poorly translated part becomes a meta joke about this project.
;;It was supposed to be one... v.v Guess that wasn't clear enough. - pondr

Springtime had come for Eiichi.[np]
;;I think it was a bit awkward before. Change if you don't like, doesn't matter.

@mface name=eiichi_b_se_15b_s
[nm t="栄一" s=eii_7506]“I think I just jizzed in my pants.”[np]
;;[nm t="栄一" s=eii_7506]“シビレるぜぇ”[np]
;;this probably gets the feel of shibireru ze~ across but might be a bit much
;;Might as well reference the SNL vid. If we're going insane take the whole hog! ~ Newbie

>> No.9619105

don't make fun of people's quotes.
such behavior could be considered ``autistic''

>> No.9619106

yeah it's pretty obvious honestly.

>> No.9619109


Don't do that.

>> No.9619113

You're using the word ``literally" poorly.

>> No.9619132
File: 55 KB, 598x394, nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9619156

Grinding Sachi's 30 hours of painting was worth it for the Mana fandisc scenes.

>> No.9619158

Stop trying so hard to fit in, 4chan has a quote function in case you didn't notice.
A little bit of lurking will help you, and no one will hold it against you.

>> No.9619161
File: 17 KB, 480x358, le reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open shit thread
>receive blast to the past

>> No.9619160

Sorry, I live in the land of the free. I post however I like.

>> No.9619164

If you want to be autistic then do it properly at least because it's `` and '', not `` and ".

>> No.9619195

I'm not ``autistic". Quit projecting, idiot.

>> No.9619198

Real mature.

>> No.9619207
File: 143 KB, 649x480, 1187420505019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9619239
File: 28 KB, 483x828, knowyourmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much "autism`` in this thread xD

>> No.9619311


Sachi a shit, worst himawari

>> No.9619891


>> No.9619917


[x]get in the bathtub with sachi
[]dont get in the bathtub with sachi

haha surprise welcome to gambling brown girls and paint class!

>> No.9619933

Dude have you never fucking seen Pepe Le Pew?

>> No.9620296

Eh I thought you could even go into the bath and got a separate choice to fuck her.
