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9606935 No.9606935 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of Osana Reimu?
The story when Hakurei Reimu was still small
And the flesh eating Youkai still big.

>> No.9607454

And where is Marisa?

>> No.9608442

You can't wait one episode?

>> No.9608637

It is the cutest fucking shit i think i have watched in a while.
Mini Reimu is adorable.

>> No.9608781

Oh, it's also good to know i can still cry also.

>> No.9608911
File: 452 KB, 700x1033, bdda7099bf63359b8638bfc23fc89a98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you liked it why would you sage the thread?

>> No.9608926

rude as HELL sage

>> No.9609441

Damn it, I knew it was going to end in tragedy, but god damn. Thnak you for bringing this to my attention, OP.

>> No.9609505

sage isn't an insult anon, well at least not in here, on /v/ /b/ and /a/ it most definitely is.

>> No.9609511

I think that was one of those ironic shitposts.

>> No.9609543

All the episodes gave me sheer happiness.
All but one.

Those feels.

>> No.9609547


Please don't.

>> No.9609552

So apparently, this is about how Rumia killed Reimu's mother because she's an evil man-eating youkai...

>> No.9609558

No, it was about Yukari being a two-faced bitch as usual.

>> No.9609561

They should've just killed Rumia instead of sealing her powers.

>> No.9609578
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>> No.9609585

What wait? I thought Ridley killed Reimu's parents.

>> No.9609590

Wait, you mean it wasn't Darth Vader?

Damn, I gotta rewatch that over and over and over again just to get it, it seems.

>> No.9609610

No dude it was definitely Ridley, didn't you read the official manga. I don't expect you to actually play Touhou: The Other T.

>> No.9609822

Thank GOD this is not official... this is so sad it could totally ruin the entire franchise

>> No.9609862

Osama Reimu?

>> No.9609895

More like Usami Reimu...that was Renko Usami that was Reimu's mom and the predecessor Miko right?

>> No.9610144
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>mfw something is too good to be canon.

>> No.9610192
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what? no, it's not a shit post
And what do you mean it's not an insult. Youre missing the point alltogether. When you sage a thread like this after liking it. youre basically sending a message you don't want people to see it. If you actually legitimately liked it? why would you do that? it seems counter productive, thats all.

>> No.9610197


>> No.9610285

Why what? You linked a good number of posts there buddy.

>> No.9610345

he's talking about aliens. that's all.
what he doesn't know: he is one of themand now i am too

>> No.9610352

god dammit op ;_;

>> No.9610384

Why does Miko have to be such an ass.

She can't genuinely say that she was "using" Rumia. Jesus fuck.

>> No.9610385

Someone post the sage copypasta for this newfriend, I'm currently unable to do so


>> No.9610497

Have you watched the whole thing or not? it's hard to tell
japanese people are pretty big on >>implying.
they rarely ever say they love eachother.

>> No.9610503


I stopped at 7 part 1 where the big fight happens

>> No.9610515

watch part 2 then

>> No.9610533
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x707, 3ddc0465fcbd7bdefe63f01b583b6c72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then Keep watching. you clearly want that question answered. You'll get your answer.

>> No.9610545

is the reimu rumia relationship just fanon?

>> No.9610548


But it's in japanese

>> No.9610555


Nevermind, I was going through related videos and not the playlist, Found it.

>> No.9610556


it isnt

>> No.9610584
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>> No.9610590

i see thanks, i never saw anything mentioned of them but thought i might as well ask

>> No.9610625

Here is what I don't get (legitimate spolier use aka SPOILERS AHEAD)

Rumia eats the "darkness" of humans through eating their flesh. That is how she sustains herself. Okay, I get that. But what was so "dark" about Miko that it gave her an eternities worth of sustainment? Miko made Rumia really mad at her, but there was nothing innately "dark" about Miko's actions because it led up to some form of sacrifice for Gensokyo's existence (because Rumia needs to exist for that to happen).

This was just a huge tragedy that fucked everyone over and I don't get how Miko had all that "darkness" to even get this tragedy started. I get how she needs to exist so Gensokyo doesn't implode and this sacrifice is what was needed, but how did Miko have all that "darkness" and why is the enchanted ribbon significant?

I loved this story very much, but these plot holes are kinda ruining it for me.

>> No.9610651

Excuse my large use of spoilers, But it feels needed.
What i think is that all the years before Rumia and Reimu were not around Miko, were the years of her darkness. Like how she explained that she was hated by all the villagers for being too powerful, and why she wore the mask. Miko seemed the be in an extremely dark place before she had Reimu and Rumia in her life, That was probably the Darkness. I do not know why the enchanted ribbon was so significant though, it was probably just a "Good Bye, Dear Friend" type of gift.

>> No.9610663


I suppose it depends on what is defined as "darkness". If it is just negative emotions and experiences then yes I can see that happening. If it is immoral acts and evil acts then no I don't see it because Miko is a good person.

I guess Darkness means negative emotion, so I can see it working. Horray the story is legitimate!

>> No.9610680 [SPOILER] 
File: 508 KB, 800x1146, 1345501925759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This answers some of your misconceptions, but also has a bit of spoilers
I dont get why you thought Rumia had to eat Miko for that to happen. The only thing keeping Rumia in check now is that frail seal on her head. it's actually a plot twist of the sequel. the fact where she dove onto Rumia's arm was a mistake, she didn't intend to do that.

>> No.9610696


That is a gaping plot hole because why couldn't she say "hey im gonna enchant your ribbon, you wear it and everythings cool". Why did she have to work Ruima up and get her really pissed? It's stupid of Miko to have to start the conversation with "okay Rumia i'm gonna kill you now oh btw i was never your friend your a stupid bitch get really mad please" ESPECIALLY if all she has to do is to get her to wear the ribbon.

>> No.9610697

I'm hoping it's the same poster, buming his thread for all to see. /jp/ can act retarded but such density in just one thread is usually rare.

>> No.9610708

she wanted the clone to work, but that failed and resorted to a "plan b"?

>> No.9610727


The clone was a dummy because it just fell into those little paper seal thingies. It was used as one part to get Rumia really upset so she is actually willing to kill Miko so she can eat her darkness. That's why when Rumia kept refraining on killing Miko she just kept taunting her so she would actually do it.

>> No.9610736


I forgot to say, if the clone would actually do what it is supposed to do (save gensokyo), Miko would have just killed herself and put her darkness into that clone and give that to Rumia.

Basically, Miko loves Rumia so she sacrifices herself to her so she can keep existing, even though the personality that she loved is now gone, that's part of the tragedy.

>> No.9610737

..I dont even. I guess i was being too lenient on my spoilers so i'll just say it outright that seal wasn't going to be enough and Miko knew it. Look how many seals she prepared for her duplicate? The seal is unraveling, it's not some perfect fix, given the age of Reimu, it probably lasted barely over a decade before yuuka notices its on the cusp of falling apart. For the plan to work for any appreciable amount of time Miko would have had to kill Rumia, she failed, and was at a loss at what to really do, when she says she'll take care of Rumia's darkness, she threw something together at the last moment, and the Japanese reflects it.

>> No.9610744


>> No.9610765


Threw what together? The dummy completely 100% fell apart. If it was supposed to last any significant amount of time you'd think it wouldn't just collapse like that. It was a staged event so Rumia can justify killing Miko, who was apparently the only one who had enough darkness to satiate Rumia's appetite.

And if constructing a dummy with a bajillion seals isn't enough, why is ONE SEAL on her ribbon enough?

>> No.9610800

You guys are reading too much into this.

Miko went there with the real purpose of killing Rumia. It was her duty as the hakurei shrine maiden. She wore the mask because not only didn't she want to show Rumia her true feelings (sadness) but also to get away from Rumia's hateful stares. The dummy was indeed supposed to be Rumia's replacement. In the end neither one could kill each other, Miko ending up killing herself. She embraced Rumia, confessed that she wasn't using Rumia and that she was genuinely happy for having spent time together with rumia. In a last ditch effort, Miko gave Rumia her ribbon, with a seal drawn with her own blood. Her mask broke and we got to see Miko's true feelings: she didn't want to kill Rumia.

>> No.9610822


All I am saying is that the only way to save Gensokyo is if Miko sacrificed herself to Rumia. Rumia wouldn't have killed Miko unless Miko gave her justification to actually kill her. So she taunts her and gets her really upset by fighting her and shit. You can see Rumia, even though she COULD have killed Miko 2 times, she refrained. The third time was the intended result. Miko had to sacrifice herself to Rumia and the only way to get her to kill Miko was to get her upset.

IF MIKO KILLED RUMIA, Gensokyo would implode. Didn't you hear what Yukari said about Rumia's existence being crucial to Gensokyo's existence?

>> No.9610829

okay youre either retarded or youre just trolling.Either way I don't much care, This is the last time i'll try to explain it
the ribbon seal was the thing she threw together idiot, not the duplicate. it fell appart not because it wasn't intended to last, but in contrast to your misconceptions, Miko did not intend to PERISH. The one seal isnt enough, I just said that moments ago, why the fuck are you asking me like it's some flaw in my argument? Given the number of seals and sophistication of the duplicate, it might have actually worked, but the one seal isn't enough, and the story reflects that. Finally, Rumia ate Miko because she's a flesh eating youkai with a tasty human sitting in her lap, not because it was some grand scheme to get her to absorb all the darkness in Miko.

>>you guys
but this has been my argument the whole time.

>> No.9610830

I think the dummy broke because Miko sustained it with power and when she died the source of power for the dummy vanished

>> No.9610840

but that's WRONG. Demonstrably so. Rumia could have gone on living just fine if she ATE people, why do you think yukari was trying to get her to do so?

>> No.9610851


Let's say the dummy was gonna replace Rumia. What would sustain that dummy? What is it about killing Rumia that would make the dummy operational? It isn't darkness, she sustains herself off of darkness and apparently she's starving. Nothing supports the dummy argument because the only one who has enough darkness to satiate a Youkai of Darkness was Miko.

If Miko legitimately wanted to kill Rumia like that, there is no reason for her to taunt her and aggravate and make her really fucking mad to the point where she is willing to kill Miko. She would've gave her a mercy killing.

>> No.9610859


Yes she could've done kept killing people, but that's not what anyone wanted, even Rumia. The only person that could've ended her hunger was Miko.

If the dummy claim is legitimate and it was actually what the story teller wanted to say, then this story is ruined because there is no sacrifice or legitimate tragedy.

>> No.9610894

Miko said it herself, she would imprison Rumia's soul in the dummy, which would leave her in simple minded stupor, also requiring less flesh to be maintained. The whole point was to diminish Rumia's flesh requirements.

>> No.9610908


And yet the dummy just collapses in itself randomly with nothing happening to it.

Also they would let Rumia know this and get her really mad and Miko would also make her hate Miko because "fuck you"? Even though Miko said that she loves Rumia and cherished every moment together, basically saying that she lied about all her taunts and aggravations?

Just so she can purposely run into CQC even though she said "i better not get in CQC". If Rumia's death was the only thing needed to save gensokyo, she would've been given a mercy killing full of reassurances that she was loved and it's the only thing needed to save Reimu through saving Gensokyo.

Sorry, Dummy claim is for dummies and makes 0 sense.

>> No.9610935

>And yet the dummy just collapses in itself randomly with nothing happening to it.
It was obvious the dummy was kept in it's form by Miko's power. The dummy fell apart the moment Miko was deadly wounded.

>Also they would let Rumia know this and get her really mad and Miko would also make her hate Miko because "fuck you"?

Again, it was obvious from the start Miko went to that fight with mixed feelings. She was saying that so not only Rumia but Miko herself could believe it. Again, she went there using a mask.

>Just so she can purposely run into CQC even though she said "i better not get in CQC"

Were you paying any attention? Rumia was pretty much at the brink of death and Miko's final attack was an insta-kill thrust. She failed once not because Rumia miraculously dodged it, but because she couldn't bring herself to kill her.

>> No.9610947


I'm sorry, I can't buy the whole "mixed feelings" thing. You don't go from "Everything we've ever done is a lie and fuck you for refraining to kill humans!" to "I love you a lot and I didn't mean anything I said also please take care of Reimu". That just makes no sense and the whole plan to kill Rumia makes no sense either. So even if Miko meant the words she said at the beginning, the whole plan was stupid and it actually ruins the whole story.

Miko sacrificing herself makes the story good and it makes more sense then bitch Miko that revels in the misery she causes by emotionally hurting Rumia.

>> No.9610985

Youre retarded, even more so by the fact that you created a false dichotomy of two choices that do not fit in any way shape or form into the story.

I mean am I the only one who realizes how retarded this guy is? you've got to be kidding me, did he just watch the end? did he miss episode three or something? doe he really believe that after eating so many dead humans that anywhere the eye can see the ground is littered in bones and skulls, A miko, someone prized for their spiritual purity, has enough darkness in her to stave off the youkai's hunger forever? That's beyond fucking retarded. How can anyone be so dumb they think that makes more sense than sealing a youkai with; GASP seals!? you mean they invented those eastern youkai sealing things specifically to seal youkai? Stick to your guns if you morons want, there's a sequel, and you're wrong.

>> No.9611113 [DELETED] 


Here is proof that Rumia is necessary for the world to exist. Here is proof that Rumia needs darkness to live. Here is proof that Rumia does not need to eat anymore darkness because she ate Miko.

I'm being respectful in this debate, you are just being mad for some reason. If you want to argue, please refute this argument and picture.

I could also give you scenes where Rumia REFUSES to eat humans and starves herself.

>> No.9611120
File: 178 KB, 610x1750, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is proof that Rumia is necessary for the world to exist. Here is proof that Rumia needs darkness to live. Here is proof that Rumia does not need to eat anymore darkness because she ate Miko.

I'm being respectful in this debate, you are just being mad for some reason. If you want to argue, please refute this argument and picture.

I could also give you scenes where Rumia REFUSES to eat humans and starves herself.

>> No.9611137


Yukari even offers to give her "humans" so she will live. Why does YUKARI give a shit about Rumia? Maybe she has something to do with Gensokyo's existence?

What is the only way that Rumia will eat humans? You already know my explanation in which everything ties together: Miko's sudden and apparently unnecessary and potentially backfiring cruelty, Miko's "clumsiness"

And I suppose all that darkness that Rumia ate is just a convenient "plan b"

>> No.9611233

>> convenient plan B
what the fuck are you even on?
stay off the drugs. they're clearly inhibiting your ability to even read and understand my position, and until you're able to I'm not going to bother trying to refute any of the nonsense you're spouting because you'll just keep strawmanning to infinitum.

>> No.9611285



> A miko, someone prized for their spiritual purity, has enough darkness in her to stave off the youkai's hunger forever? That's beyond fucking retarded.
Why is she fed for a lifetime after eating Miko?(see picture)

>How can anyone be so dumb they think that makes more sense than sealing a youkai with; GASP seals!?

Sealing what? Rumia is necessary for the existence of Gensokyo. If this was actually the answer, Miko would've walked up to Rumia, explain the situation and the sacrifice she needs to make. She refuses to eat humans and hates what she has to do to live. If she needed to be sealed, Miko would've gave her the answer and basically a mercy killing. But, she taunts Rumia and makes her really upset. Why do this if sealing is the only answer? Rumia would have been willing, she is already broken and depressed and thinks of Miko in high regard.

I don't know if you posted this one, but:
>Again, it was obvious from the start Miko went to that fight with mixed feelings.

The last time we saw Miko before the altercation was her saying "Rumia will see you again because she loves you very much" to Reimu. This point makes no sense.

>> No.9611407

Because the brunt of her darkness is sealed by Reimu's seal, its likely that one person might feed her, or more likely, Yukari is just wrong. No matter how you look at it, she's not fed for a life time because the seal is libel to come off.
>>Sealing what
Sealing Rumia. Rumia is necessary for the existence of gensokyo, so they can't destroy her you moron, that says nothing about allowing her to be sealed or not. It obviously IS a possible outcome BECAUSE it works. she is SEALED by the end of osana reimu.

As for why anger her? What is easier to kill, an enraged person? or someone crying and afraid? The fact that you outright reject the fact that Miko did not want to kill Rumia but never the less planned to go through with it is the breaking point of your understanding. She said those things to make it easier on herself, to allow her to do what needed to be done. Rumia was obviously not willing, Reimu explained the whole concept to her and it left her terrified and disbelieving, not resigned with doing whats best for gensokyo.
This is basically a synopsis of what actually happened. If you can't accept that it's your own problem. The sequal has left your ideas in the fucking dust. grow up and accept youre wrong.

>> No.9611506

Man, I hate that "keeping the balance" cliche, especially if it came out of nowhere like that.

Rumia is a super special youkai so she can't die or else the world will disappear, or something like that.

>> No.9611899

This fucking series left me emotionally exhausted and I honestly don't know if I am living in reality at the moment.

>> No.9611925
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then why do you even care about touhou? you realize that every single game is about that right? that part of the fluff of the hakurei is that bad things will happen if they die. Every incident you resolve is almost always about maintaining some kind of status quo. Spring isn't coming, a lunarian stole away night. a vampire spread red mist to block the sun, a nuclear touhou caused springs eruptions, a bunch of spirits are causing trouble and flowers are blooming everywhere, lets put a stop to it. Every touhou game. Every single one, has an element of this in its story telling.

>> No.9611988

Why is there so much fan art just for that doujin?

>> No.9612010
File: 324 KB, 640x800, 14824222091161060f814a20eea4a822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people enjoyed it?
Its honestly not that much when you compare it to the bulk of the rest of touhou fan works. Not that what they've generated isn't sometimes respectable in quality, but still, the number of fan art isn't something to write home about.

>> No.9612025

It's still odd to see so much fanart for a particular doujin

>> No.9612134

really? i mean look at advent cirno.

>> No.9612240

You obviously didn't watch it then, because it was extremely well done. When something like this comes from fanon, it inspires more fanon to create other works to support what they obviously thought was a great piece of work.

>> No.9612484

man this thread made me remember this and now i want to cry again

>> No.9615001

this is how I see it.

It was all a ruse by Miko basically, she wanted to throw yukari off. By making a clone which would fail anyway, by hiding her emotions behind a mask. A skilled fighter like Miko defiantly wouldn't keep missing shots especially when her opponent isnt very active. She wanted Rumia to consume her darkness so that she would not die and all hell would break loose. She had to keep the fight going though to make yukari think it was legitimate. Just my 2 cents

>> No.9616381

but that's not what happened. the seal fucking reflects that fact.

>> No.9616659

Have read the whole thread.
Nooo, guys, I don't want to watch this. And I will not. Fucking japanese-style grimderp "I should die cause I should die this is so sad and in the end nobody remembers nothing". And everybody's crying just because some people were stupid enough to kill themselves.

Nah, thanks. Not in my touhou.

ps. Also Yukari is hateful scheming bitch? Everything for Gensokyo? Oh, I was so not surprise. Screw this fanon crap.

>> No.9616755

>>I should die because i should die
but that's not what happens.
Why are retards actually listening to dipshits like this?
