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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9602155 No.9602155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What MMO are you currently playing, /jp/?

Anything new coming out?

>> No.9602171

nothing but optimistically hoping the remade FFXIV will be good

>> No.9602172
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>> No.9602173
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I am sure you are the same guy who does the same thread every few days :3

w8ing probably for wow:mop to play with a few friends

>> No.9602188

I'm botting now, I'm going to try various methods to make money online.


>> No.9602191

Why does it say "Cheerful" by the name? Is that like your status?

>> No.9602200

Which server do you play on?

>> No.9602209

I've been really bored these days on RS, Earlier I was killing green dragon bots for hides/bones but I don't know what I want to do now

That's not me it's just someone I noticed and I decided to take a screenshot, you can purchase titles with "loyalty points"

Titles like cheerful, lord/lady, the undefeated ect

>> No.9602215

You can get titles (among other things) in exchange for points you get for being a member.

>> No.9602217

I just fell out of RO again, not autistic enough for runescape though.

>> No.9602220

was looking in the archive yesterday of past /jp/ mmo threads, some guy said something about a game called perfect world international, anyone play that? Looked kind of interesting and it was free

>> No.9602230

It's "free" in that all the boring stuff is available to you.

>> No.9602231
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almost 400 days

>> No.9602234
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>> No.9602241

I did, for about a day or two. Standard Korea- I mean Chinese free MMO.

>> No.9602267

When did you start playing? My memory is fogy but I think I started around '04.

>> No.9602268

I would never trust "Free" mmo-s most of them force you to spend real cash on late game

>> No.9602276

I'm pretty new compared to a lot of players, started in 2008

>> No.9602310

If check it out which version should play?

>> No.9602331

What are the new announcements for FFXIV 2.0 like? Is it promising?

>> No.9602339
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The MMO I’ve played the longest (actually the only MMO I played for longer than a week, but I have only played free stuff) is Silkroad Online. Korean MMO about the Silkroad. When I played it a lot there was really only China with Chang'an (Jangan in the game) available, but now they have added more continents including Europe (Constantinople, modern day Istanbul).
I think I liked it.

>> No.9602344


>> No.9602356

Currently playing Vindictus.
If 2.0 didn't have a subscription fee, I'd probably play that if it turned out to be decent at least.

>> No.9602362

is it pay to win? if not I might give that game a shot

>> No.9602384

Aren’t they all? I never paid for anything but all those games have item stores, right? Unless I am missing out on a key element as to what makes a game pay2win. I never felt compelled to buy an item from their store I think. Not sure what was in there.

For a while I played together with a Turk with a hardon for Nordic legends who eventually turned to hardcore Jew hating.

>> No.9602394

he probably browses /pol/

>> No.9602396

The only way a micro transaction system is bad is if the items you get from paying real cash are unobtainable in the game, barring equivalents. Cosmetic stuff is also great, in my opinion, it's popular and doesn't affect actual game play.

>> No.9602399

Still playing Tera.

My FFXIV sub is still active, but have no hope for 2.0

>> No.9602403

Why do you lot bother playing games that aren't Mabinogi?

The battle system's even been changed so those people who couldn't play due to the learning curve/wall can kill stuff now.

>> No.9602409

Hm, I think it was mostly cosmetic stuff, but I’m not sure. I think I only played to level 25, though, and then created a new char when Europe was announced and got to about 20ish there too.

Maybe he does, now. I remember him being disgruntled his mother asked “so you’re Christian, right?” due to his obsession with European paganism.

>> No.9602408

Clunky combat
Cash shop or no fun

>> No.9602414

Looking forward to WoW:MoP

>> No.9602418
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>> No.9602430

been playing the korean version of elsword.

unfortunately the little english community is really bad, but somehow i manage to put up with it.

>> No.9602436
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I'm still having fun.

>> No.9602488

>Clunky combat
How is it clunky?

>Cash shop or no fun
What? The cash shop is like the world record in being uneeded to play the game.

>> No.9602515

Is Tera still active?

>> No.9602523
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I did try out the 7 day trail few days ago on eu servers.

All servers had low population status.

>> No.9602563

TERA EU is still waiting for next patch, which introduces battlegrounds and a bunch of new dungeons. In the meanwhile, all there is to do is grind the same dungeons we've been grinding for months. Hopefully the new patch will liven up the game a little, there will be a lot of new content to play through, but in the end it's the same with all MMOs: People play through and get sick of the content many times quicker than the developers can pump out new content.

>> No.9602575


NA has a large PVP and a large PVE server, Valley of Titans and Dragonfall, and the rest are medium sized.


I guess it depends if you're EU or NA. If what King of /jp/ said is true, and you're in Europe then it wouldn't be very active. But if you're in NA it's more or less pretty active.

>> No.9602614

Cataclysm was horrible.

>> No.9602677

Grinding away on Runescape, as always. Lurking in the /vg/ chat.

>> No.9602691

Still playing World of Tanks and waiting on World of Warships to come out.

>> No.9602712

This one game that's 99% PvP, entirely instanced, with no persistent world.

>> No.9602731
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waiting for gw2

>> No.9602755

Bought Tera, will have it in a few days since I bought it cheap off Amazon. Any /jp/s playing on a good server?

>> No.9602764
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FFXIV, it is a fun game... believe it or not.

>> No.9602768
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>> No.9602770
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>> No.9602776
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>> No.9602779
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>> No.9602777
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>> No.9602783



>> No.9602784
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>> No.9602797
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Same here.
Seriously guys, Guild Wars is the way to go. As good as, and better than, most other MMO games. There's no monthly fee because they aren't greedy fucking bastards. There are micro-transactions, but it's just for skins and extra character slots so it's not pay2win at all. Also has the most well balanced PvP I've seen in an MMO so that's a huge plus.

>> No.9602795
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>> No.9602803
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Why aren't you guys playing Mabinogi?

>> No.9602805

Got the chance to play it. Was no where near as great as everyone makes it out to be.

>> No.9602806
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Been playing on a Blade and Soul private server.

>> No.9602809
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Because XIV

>> No.9602811

Thoughts on it?

>> No.9602817



>> No.9602823

I tried FFXIV a few months ago and it was really boring. I grinded to max by myself and hardly ever saw anyone else. Everyone just stands in town and waits for SE to release some new shitty weapons so they can pose in screenshots and then go back to idling in town.

>> No.9602825

>Seriously guys, Guild Wars is the way to go. As good as, and better than, most other MMO games. There's no monthly fee because they aren't greedy fucking bastards. There are micro-transactions, but it's just for skins and extra character slots so it's not pay2win at all. Also has the most well balanced PvP I've seen in an MMO so that's a huge plus.

I always get mad when ever somebody prattles on about how great GW2 is going to be. Nobody cares and nobody is going to be swayed by the typical "It's revolutionizing/changing X!" marketing crap.

>> No.9602834

I'm assuming you're talking about GW1? Specifically what didn't you like about it?
I liked how the game had a low level cap compared to most games. This made the focus on the gameplay in forging hard to get equipment and using the capture skill on certain bosses to steal their skills and perfect your build, which I thought was a great idea.
Personally, my favorite aspect of the game was PvP. I was in a PvP guild and I thought the large guild based PvP battles were excellent.

>> No.9602838


>> No.9602840

>implying the only reason you didn't see people isn't because they were out doing badass shit


>> No.9602841

Just started playing
C9 continent of the ninth seal.

Not a bad MMO, combat has a fairly enjoyable combo system and it is action based combat kinda like Dragon's nest or something.

Waiting for RaiderZ to come out next month or the month after though.

>> No.9602843


The combat system is very fun, action based, almost like a fighting game. It requires some skill to fight. You have to read your opponent's attacks, properly defend and then use a variety of combo skills to attack. Timing and accuracy is crucial in combat.

As far as the server itself, it's still really buggy because it uses the closed beta 2 version of the game. Lag isn't too bad (server is in France). Development has just started on the full version but I wouldn't expect it to be finished soon. Currently, the quests on this server only goes up to 15. Max level cap on the korean retail version is 45 atm.

>> No.9602847

Did I even remotely say anything about it being revolutionary? Why don't you learn how to read you judgmental fucktard.
I know exactly what GW2 is going to be, it's going to be GW1 with better graphics. Which is to say, the same as every other fucking MMO except I don't have to pay a monthly fee. They also have balanced PvP, which is what I play for, and for some reason most MMO's can't seem to get right.

>> No.9602849
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In GW2, PvE is the same old kill 10 rats stuff, but the realm vs realm stuff can get pretty fun once you're zerging in groups of 20+. The PvP is my favorite part and reminiscent of MMO arenas and MOBA games.

>> No.9602873

Sounds interesting enough. I'll keep an eye on it.

>> No.9602876

When will we get a decent cyberpunk style mmo?

>> No.9602883
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pls dont fite

>> No.9602912

Guild Wars 2 isn't anything like Guild Wars, it's completely different. But at the same time, just like all the other MMOs out there.

What made Guild Wars stand out most was its focus on PvP and moveset building. There were vast amounts of skills you'd pick and customize to help identify your role in GvG. This along with dual class system gave you a lot to think about and consider. There wasn't very much invested into PvE in the earlier days, but that grew. Other than those, it was pretty much like every other MMO out there, but at least with a lot of choices.

Guild Wars 2 however is basically an MMO on rails, even more so than WoW and other MMOs. Your choices and diversity are extremely limited, you're given no choice to save up skill points to get something you want and are forced to get skills that do not compliment your playstyle or skillset. The quest system promotes people to zerg (no need to party), the battle system promotes spamming skills (no mana system), and the decentralized DPS/Tank/Healer roles make all the classes feel samey (all everyone does is spam their strongest skills over and over again).
