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9596523 No.9596523 [Reply] [Original]

If you were given a magic bar of soap whose use would permanently transform you into a little girl, would you use it?

>> No.9596537

Am I going to stay a little girl forever or do I just become one and then grow up normally? his is important.

>> No.9596541

oops I dropped the soap :3

>> No.9596553


>> No.9596556

Develop normally. You wouldn't be able to undo the transformation. (Though I guess you could reuse the soap later.)

>> No.9596562

I'll surround myself with little girls.

>> No.9596563

Will my face become an X? I don't want an X face.

>> No.9596575

Well, think about it for a second.

Were you a pretty boy, normal, or ugly as a kid?
I don't imagine a normal or ugly looking boy is suddenly going to transform into a beautiful loli.

>> No.9596613

Yes, yes, yes. It would be wonderful.

>> No.9596646

Then HELL yeah I would.

>> No.9596707

>would permanently transform you into a little girl, would you use it?

hell no, I enjoy sticking my dick into girls, how could i do that if i was a girl

>> No.9596712
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only if the world becomes 2D as well

>> No.9596738
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I'd use it once and then bring it to the next /jp/ meetup to share.

>> No.9596789
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>> No.9596802

I'd give it to a /jp/er as long as (s)he stays by my side forever.

>> No.9596827

not if my eyes turned into a big X jesus

>> No.9596863

sharing soap? you fucking filthy barbarian

>> No.9599239

You could wash it between uses if you're squeamish about sharing it.

>> No.9599263

i wish to be the little girl

>> No.9599311
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But that would be wasting a limited resource.

>> No.9599317

Do I still keep my memories and personality? If so, yes. If not, I'd have to give it a bit more thought.

>> No.9599321

i never use soap

>> No.9599322

Is a > < face acceptable?

>> No.9599326

No because I won't be able to stick in a 2D little girl then.

>> No.9599331

Are you trying to say that when reading loli porn, you don't self insert as the loli?

>> No.9599335

If you didn't then you'd effectively cease to exist and simply get replaced by a little girl.

>> No.9599337

Sure, Couldn't be any worse than whatever situation I'm currently in.

Plus I could sell the story for tons.

>> No.9599339

Okay then. I'd definitely use the soap then.

>> No.9599343

I already am a little girl.

>> No.9599345


>> No.9599350
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What a stupid question. Of course I'd use it.

I want to be Taiga.

>> No.9599462

The only thing that would be better is infinite reuses.

I would be galactic champion at cocksucking.

>> No.9599484


Now that's an interesting idea. Kind of weird, but interesting nonetheless.

>> No.9599489

Except the transformation is reversible in Futaba Channel and by inference as long as you keep using the soap you effectively never age.

>> No.9599491

i insert myself as the guy doing the loli

>> No.9599496


With reversible transformations and infinite reuses, hell yeah!

>> No.9599544

> would you like to irreversibly be a little kid again?
w-well, I would like to live longer, but this whole puberty, growing up, school, etc. thing wasn't all that good...
> you'll be the little girl this time

There are practical problems with the plan, however. Like the trouble of finding foster parents to take care of me.

>> No.9599603

You could instead look for a sugar daddy.

>> No.9599630

Since it a bar of soap, can I choose to only apply it to certain parts of my body?

>> No.9599634

Interesting proposition, but very risky.

>> No.9599647

Just keep blackmail as a backup plan.

Hell, I'd just jump straight to the blackmail part. Find some wealthy guy, seduce him and then drain him for money until I'm set for life.

>> No.9599654

>permanently transform you into a little girl
>Develop normally.
That's stupid. You're stupid.

>> No.9599670

I think he meant if you used the soup then you couldn't turn yourself back to your old self.

>> No.9599706

I would use it on all of my friends.
Then I'd get a little girl harem.
It would be perfect.

Though realistically I would try to duplicate the soap using SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, since it is pretty much equivalent to an elixir of youth as long as it lasts.

>> No.9599722

then we also need an soap for little boys. Or the mankind will be gone in a few years because everyone wanted to be an little girl or wanted to be young again

>> No.9599727

Can I be a older woman with very lewd tits instead? Then yes.

>> No.9599735

With time, yes.

>> No.9599751

Are you kidding? Why would we reproduce?
We're immortal after all.

And by the time it becomes a problem I'm sure genetics will be well equipped to solve the problem.

>> No.9599767

I don’t know. I want to keep my penis.
Can I keep my penis?

>> No.9599776

How could anyone answer no to this?

Absolutely, I'd use the soap.

>> No.9599782

you know, most of the people die because of illness or accidents.

>> No.9599820

yeah. I'd be like the smartest girl ever.

>> No.9600030

Why not just have your current parents take care of you? If you went to take a shower and then came out as a girl, they'd probably be shocked at first, but you could almost certainly convince them that it was still you.

>> No.9600073
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IF, I could keep my knowledge, memories and the such, AND somehow mantain current testorene levels...

THEN yes, sure. Why not?

I'd be a cute scientist loli doing manly things like killing bears bare-handed. While being cute

>> No.9600075


>> No.9600131


>AND somehow mantain current testorene levels...

Why would you want that?

>> No.9600189

Maybe he wants to be a bearded loli. Or he's jealous of Chyna's 3 inch clitoris.

>> No.9600373

How does said bar of soap work? Do I lather myself up and gradually turn into a girl?
What happens to whatever comes into contact with the lather I wash off, will it turn into a girl too?
Could I turn into a half boy-half girl by just lathering up one part of my body?

Explain yourself, feggit.

>> No.9600386

This reminds me of that one chapter of Ranma.

>> No.9600391

You mean that one where Ranma is drenched in water and turns into a girl?

>> No.9600394

No, the one when Shampoo has a magical bar of soap.

>> No.9600408

>forced to go on date with big breasted girl in order to obtain a magic bar of soap whose use would permanently prevent you from transforming you into a girl

>> No.9600423

Then, you become one that 3D faggots fap to.

>> No.9600444
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>> No.9600528
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>magic bar of soap whose use would permanently transform you into a little girl

>> No.9600534

If you washed yourself apart from your dick, would you not become a loli with a futa-cock, or does the magic all-or-nothing?

>> No.9600560



>> No.9600569

You don't rub a bar of soap on your hair for example, so it has to be all or nothing for it to work properly.

>> No.9600579
File: 97 KB, 362x512, futabu-6-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's a goddamned shame, although I would still do it so long as memory stays persistent.

>> No.9600602


The OP, Dumbass.

>> No.9600725
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>If you were given a magic bar of soap whose use would permanently transform you into a little girl, would you use it?

Yes, yes I would. And since my father ruined his relationship with his daughter (my imouto), I'd use it to give him a second chance. I'd give him hugs all the time, and demand piggyback rides, and wear cute frilly dresses.

>> No.9600747

You don't need to wish my a magical bar of soap. You just have to find the SCP containment facility!


I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find it! Don't give up /jp/!

>> No.9600756


>> No.9600763

I would probably use it on someone close to me and then fug them senseless

>> No.9604397

25% failure rate sounds pretty high.

>> No.9604442

If the soap never wears out and I can summon it back to me at any time I wish so, then we have a deal. There's no way I'll let myself grow into having periods or god forbid reaching menopause.
