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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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959494 No.959494 [Reply] [Original]

How can I uncurse the Ring without scrolls?

>> No.959509


>> No.959525

ask /v/

>> No.959515


>> No.959535
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Mix it with Holy Water.

However, you should save Holy Water for Doomed Items, because that the only way to remove them other than a scroll of Vanish Curse. (Not Uncurse; that doesn't work.)

You can also get a scroll of inferior material and OM NOM NOM your delicious cursed RingPop.

>> No.959547

You'll need about five scrolls of inferior material for that.

>> No.959557

Really? I've only ever needed one.

>> No.959569

Okay, and where do I fucking buy that now.

>> No.959580

All of this stuff is pretty random. Check magic shops and general goods vendors. It is a real pain to try to look for these things when you have teleportitis, so it is generally a good idea to stockpile them before you get cursed.

Good luck!

>> No.959590

Holy water? You can probably find some at a magic vendor, but uncurse scrolls and inferior material scrolls are cheaper.

>> No.959611

You can also supposedly create holy water from a bottle of water at an altar, although I am not clear on the details.

>> No.959681
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So, how do I tie the knot? I've got her maxed and gave her another ring.

>> No.959690


>> No.959696

I've not had the heart to try that; do they disappear completely, or do they go off and become a competing adventurer, or what?

>> No.959701

>I love you, dude~
Excuse me, what are you doing?

>> No.959707

They disappear. POOF.

>> No.959714

Apparently, if you wish for tits from a fountain wish, you get partitions. Or well, so far, I've gotten 2 partitions from 2 "tits" wishes.

>> No.959750

Try wishing for sex.

>> No.959761

I'm a Level 6 Dwarf Warrior with high equip, but I don't know where to train because the lazar guns are high tech shit or something.
Anyways, I'm getting tired of this game, too much Tibia shit.

>> No.959768

Old thread's on autosage? Cool.

>> No.959777


>> No.959782
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How can I make the bitch listen to my words/join my party?

>> No.959794

I'm experiencing the same problem. Help would be great.

>> No.959834
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Dunno how to help you. I didn't even try until just now, but she jumped at the chance. I gave her a full set of engagement jewelry a long time ago and she's always hearting me. Make your loli love you more, I guess?

>> No.959838

Oh, awesome, this works in Wine just fine.

>> No.959851

Nono, I just found the bitch, that's why I want her.

>> No.959863

I think I suck at this game. I can't even level up or do anything, really. Am I doing something terribly wrong or does anyone have some pointers?

>> No.959869

What's your Level, Race, known Skills, we cannot guess everything...

>> No.959886

What happened to today's activity about this game, you suddenly don't post anymore...

>> No.959908


We filled at least two threads completely already today. Activity level isn't going to remain constant 24/7.

>> No.959929

You will be a bad mom

>> No.959947

The kind of mom that eats her own eggs.

>> No.959950

Is there an IRC for this game yet?

>> No.959961


>> No.959962

Good idea, I still need help with it.

>> No.959979

use holy water to transform the curse into bless

>> No.959990
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Okay, /jp/, I saw someone had made a Miss Balalaika with Balalaika's face for the portrait. How I do that?

>> No.959999

I think you edit the face/location in face1.bmp in the graphics folder.
You will VERY rarely see your own face though. Practically never, so I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.960001

I think there is a separate folder for player custom images.

>> No.960000

Don't waste holy water on cursed items if you can help it; holy water is one of the few ways to remove the doomed trait from an item. (And likely the cheapest.)

>> No.960007

Okay. Now which data file contains your title? I want to edit it to read "Brainwasher Detective".

>> No.960008


>> No.960016


It's useful for the loli though

>> No.960020

What would be the best race/class combination for someone who has no idea what the fuck they're doing in this game? I've tried Elea Wizard and Elea Warmage and I've failed terribly at both.

>> No.960023

Go for warrior at first, roguelikes are much easier in melee. Also, charisma is what limits your loli army.

Basically, it's a roguelike. Everything will try and kill you. Think before you do anything.

>> No.960022

Yerles Claymore

>> No.960025


Yerles Warrior.

>> No.960036

had use scroll of ally and it summon <illusion hound> male

>> No.960040


lol lucky that level 22 monster got there

>> No.960038

Agreed. Warrior, either Yurles (fast skill progression; training with firearms), or Dwarf (pretty tough; start with cooking and mining, both of which are nice).

Some people suggest Golem Warrior since they have the best constitution (and therefore hitpoints), but since they move at half-speed they are bad if you ever are going to need to run away. (You are if you want to live.)

>> No.960043


Nobody knows where the title is? Haaaaaaaalp

>> No.960052
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>> No.960051

I am loving my Yerles Archer that uses firearms.
I have two tank pets equipped with over 40-50 PV, I have 55 PV, and I have a 10d4 (11) weapon that can shoot further than I can see.
Also if you focus on ranged attacks you can dual wield SHIELDS for a huge defensive bonus.
You also get the riding skill which lets you share a HP pool with a pet at the cost of them being roughly 1/5th speed. So you have double HP. As soon as a Rock Thrower comes up at the slave master I'm going to start riding one of those then I'll have a ranged pet that will fight with me at ranged while I have multiple tank pets (going to pick up another 2 pets shortly for a total of 5.)

>> No.960067
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>> No.960070

I wish I knew; I think it might be in machine code.

>> No.960077

I'd be satisfied too, in that situation.

>> No.960084
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>> No.960085

Am I reading that wrong, or did the little girl join his party after he ate her?

>> No.960088

how did you put in that sprite mod though?

>> No.960086

I'd have made one already but none of the server I know support +a (anonymous).

>> No.960090

How the fuck did you make so many gp and pp?

>> No.960107
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>> No.960110

How do I know how much hp my companions have? How do I heal them?

Also, if I pick up something in a shop will the guards kill me?

>> No.960121

Ask a NPC and pay 10k to see your companion stats and HP. You'll have to pay up each time you want to see them, and the NPC is often near the identification npc.
If you try to pick up something in a shop, it'll say "not your property gtfo", unless you're a thief/have the thievery skill or shit like that.

>> No.960126


if try rob the item and npc see you the guards go and kill you

>> No.960127


Use a stethoscope on them and they'll display an HP bar from then on.

>> No.960130

use stethoscope to see their hp at all times

>> No.960137

thanks guys. I'm looking through forums and the wiki too

>> No.960161

put the chara_#.bmp in \user\graphic and that character will be replaced in game...

Ex: http://elona.my-sv.net/ch/2/chara_4.zip replaces the loli graphic with the gothic loli sprite.

>> No.960166

Play ToME instead of this fail game. Or Angband.

>> No.960169

jow iz babby formed
jow gill get pegnant

>> No.960179

Links or shut up.

>> No.960180

You meant "Play Rogue instead of this fail game. Or Moria."

Didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?

>> No.960184

Or alternatively, create a 24 bit bmp that you store in user/graphic and name it face#.bmp, then at the face selection hit left to choose user-defined faces.

>> No.960192

Are cursed consumables okay or not? I've got some cursed scrolls and now a cursed apple jelly salad. If I eat it will I get some sort of magical disease?

>> No.960198

D6 y64s3 fa13cz

>> No.960204

What's ToME.

>> No.960218

They are fine to my knowledge; eating cursed items is a fairly standard method of removing them, and I don't know anyone who has had something bad happen as a result.

>> No.960221

None of you know how to google, do you.

>> No.960225

I'm playing a Yerles wizard, and I've got a kick ass miracle machine gun. Here's your magic missile, bitch.

>> No.960226


>> No.960246

Is there any game like this with Netplay?

>> No.960249


>> No.960256


>> No.960279
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Jesus, little girl is murderer.

>> No.960280

Most roguelikes have net-play variants, in that bones/ghosts of previous players and high-scores are stored on a server instead of locally. But there are no real "real-time" online equivalents as far as I know.

>> No.960292


>> No.960299
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>> No.960308

Hey, what happens if someone types Godly on the Fountain Wishes?

>> No.960314


>> No.960319

A) You may get a godly Item.
B) You may get a random wish instead.

>> No.960324
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>> No.960340
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>> No.960338

What would be a good race to go with Warrior, and would being a Warrior be a good class to start off with? Or should I go range and shoot things while protecting myself with dual-shields?

>> No.960361


>> No.960366

I still fail to see how you made max GP and max PP woth the tips alone.

>> No.960367

Elona is the only game I know where a wizard can only cast a limited number of Magic Missiles without reloading, but a gangster can keep firing his tommy-gun till the cows come home.

>> No.960370


Yerles, and yes Warrior.

>> No.960385


I fucking beat Ultima without abusing the save feature. Don't even try me.

>> No.960405

I fucking beat Ultima 5 & 7 Remakes and they're better than this shit, don't even try me here.

>> No.960408

lol @ lv38 and 449hp

>> No.960416


I mean Ultima the boss in this game. The one in the Fort with the [Gun of Genocide] and a sword that flat out breaks reality.

>> No.960439


You're forgetting the fact that his HP, Healing and PV are so high you need a weapon with tons of pierce and HUGE damage, or he'll heal faster than even your fucking critical hits.

>> No.960437
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>> No.960436


You're forgetting the fact that his HP, Healing and PV are so high you need a weapon with tons of pierce and HUGE damage shit, or he'll heal faster than even your fucking critical hits.

>> No.960449


Fuck fighting him, I just want to survive a few hits from him so I can steal the chests and get my ass out of there.

>> No.960460

thats because im only doing missions and no fighting so far

>> No.960461

How can a God get hungry.

>> No.960478

The people in this world really should invent some kind of water purification system, I mean, if the well water can get you either; drunk, paralized, blinded, confused , put to sleep, mutated, or impregnated with a chestburster, you know something is terribly wrong with the water.

>> No.960488

You, be quiet, it's a fucking Paint-made game with no fucking sense.
If you want, you can modify it yourself & try to improve it or something.

>> No.960493


Mexican water is worse.

>> No.960501

Years of upstream cesspools.

Better boil it for 20 minutes before you drink it

>> No.960517

I finally got a wish at a fountain. Should I wish for a deed of museum?

>> No.960515


I'd be more concerned with how easily the wells dry up. No water might not kill you as quickly or as spectacularly as crazy magic water can, but it's a 100% chance of a slow boring death.

>> No.960530

see >>960319.

>> No.960533

Actualy thats not much problem, since one time I made a well dry and then some guy went to it and was still able to drink from it.

>> No.960542

Choose from:

"Seven Leagues Boot"

>> No.960539


That seems wasteful... but then I wished for Weight Lifting out of frustration with my low carry limit so who am I to talk.

>> No.960548


wish for a little sister

>> No.960555

Wish for "sex". Trust me.

>> No.960559

I know vindale would give you a peice of vidale equipment for etherwind, but what do the others do exactly?

>> No.960567


>> No.960579

Seven Leagues Boot = Boots that make you move extremely fast on the world map. Makes quests a breeze.

Experience = an extra feat

Rest is covered in the wiki link.

>> No.960584


>> No.960593

Just play NetHack, you god damn freaks.

>> No.960598

In case you didn't know, you can dump any potions in an empty well and after a few, it becomes drinkable again. Considering the wells are filled with dyes, poison, confusion, booze and other shit like that, it's no wonder everyone mutates.

>> No.960610

Is this game any good?
Also, Nethack3D fucking where.

>> No.960623

Couldn't really get into nethack. Elona is a bit more lenient, but still has some bullshit moments. Mostly with random events, mainly mutations, while you walk around or go to sleep.

>> No.960646

Why does having sex make you go insane?

>> No.960652

how do i destroy something i placed on the world map? for example.. storage house.. how do i got rid of them?

>> No.960666

How do I get more pp?

>> No.960669

Are guns significantly better than a bow?

>> No.960671

I think you can pick it up and move it. Not sure.

Quest more.

>> No.960679

Because it's probably really, really bad.

Or really, really good.

>> No.960703

press "g" when you stand on it

>> No.960737

This must sound ridiculous, but how do I attack with my melee weapon?

>> No.960745

walk into things.

>> No.960746

Run into things

>> No.960747

just walk into the monsters

>> No.960766

how do i chuck norris

>> No.960790

Equip the Norris and treat it like any other throwable weapon.

>> No.960795

Just because it's made by a japanese person doesn't mean it doesn't go in /v/.

Also, you're playing this only because it's made by a japanese person, kill yourself.

>> No.960811

Dude, dont be a dick, if you dont like the game, you dont have to post in the thread.

>> No.960815

has anyone had any success with the manufacture of holy water? Demons laughing at my decurse attempts is becoming a serious point of contention in my life.

>> No.960818
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wait wat

>> No.960822

My museum seems to be stuck at rank 87. I just added 3 new figures, and a card of guard (fuck yeah, I finally got one before my Karma went in the shitter).

>> No.960827

drop a bottle/potion of water on a altar of a god and it becomes a blessed bottle/potion of water = holy water

>> No.960888

So, how does one marry their loli pet? I've gotten mine to fellow status, which seems to be the highest cause the numbers at (???), and she still refuses.

>> No.960922

nah, soulmate is the highest rank they can have, keep trying

>> No.960957

Give her a ring, then profit.

>> No.960967

How do i make my loli stay closer to me? she goes real far away and does stuff.

>> No.960988


Use a leash

>> No.960992

I'm at Fellow, but I still can't marry my warrior. What's my problem?

>> No.960995

thats harsh

>> No.960994
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>> No.960999

how the fuck do you remove the teleportitis gayshit

>> No.961007

fuck year

>> No.961003


>> No.961005

Where do i get those? And will my loli automatically attack monster?

>> No.961009

yeah, she's definitely insane.

Leash her - it's the least you can do.

>> No.961019

Make sure nothing is in a stack. Any items in a stack will not count.

>> No.961032

I second this notion, as I haven't found a leash anywhere as of yet. Is it in the slave city to the west somewhere?

>> No.961036

I saw one on sale at Derphy, at the general trader's store. I didn't buy it though, my Warrior of Elea stays close.

>> No.961060
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i can deal with the ether wind mutations. i can deal with the random shit in the wells. i can even deal with the fact that you lose half your money every time you travel.

but seriously, what the fuck is this? fuck you, elona.

>> No.961059

I got three on Puppy Cave.

>> No.961063

My character teleports every three steps. Is there a proven method of fixing this condition?

>> No.961066

1. Obtain potion of Cure Corruption.
2. Remove all cursed equipment.
3. Drink potion.

>> No.961073

How are you bastards getting enough money to buy a ranch? I can barely make enough profit from these quests to identify interesting stuff.

>> No.961074


don't be over weight if are walking up and down thing get you kill

>> No.961077

lol thats awesome

>> No.961084


thats the thing don't wast gold on id things much most of the time its crap

>> No.961094
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>> No.961127


>> No.961123


Even then, it'd take like 40 quests to have enough for the ranch. I still need to upgrade my equipment when facing the rising levels of enemy monsters.

>> No.961143


you are taking over caves doing battle in the arena help you get more gold on pay days

>> No.961164

the dungeons hate you taking their items away, next time dont climb stairs with a piano on your back

>> No.961174
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This could be the happiest day of my life...

>> No.961173

from the wiki:
Any corpse you allow to rot may generate a seed for a farm,

how do you get the seed out of it? i have kumiromi god

>> No.961178


its random if it gos into a seed

>> No.961183


>> No.961186

What gods do you guys recommend?

>> No.961188
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you lucky motherfucker.

>> No.961206

Chuck Norris.

>> No.961210

Jure is weak but tsundere. Ehekatl is strong and loli moe.

You pick, those seem to be the top choices.

>> No.961213

Tsundere Jure of Healing. Because she's tsundere.

For practicality, whoever the luck god is.

>> No.961219

Ehekatl is moe too ;_;

>> No.961224

My loli died, how do I revive her?

>> No.961232

i take it kumiromi is the best god for the most part?

>> No.961236


more like a cat give some fish to her she was mew mew mew

>> No.961243

It's not just the tutorial asshole, all the people in this game are fucking dicks. Thanks for giving me a 300 pound table as a reward, you fucking faggot. I'd drop it on your head except I CAN'T EVEN TAKE ONE FUCKING STEP WITH IT FUCK.

>> No.961246

Hacks fucking where?

>> No.961248

is there something i should be doing to make the gods like me faster? ive been dumping dozens and dozens of firearms on the machine god and praying to them pretty often, but theyre still indifferent towards me.

>> No.961257



>> No.961262

Enjoy your RAEG.

>> No.961269

so i've been using yerles pianist a few tries, because it's supposed to be good money, but i always end up getting killed pretty much everywhere i play, so what are you guys doing to make money with it?

and if one doesn't get perform skill at all what is the best alternative for money?

>> No.961280

I dont thing that works, I gave her both an engagement ring AND necklace and she still refuses.

>> No.961339

Doing delivery missions until you can buy a museum, then doing museum farming and missions until you can buy a ranch, then breeding slaves and farming the museum and doing missions until you can afford a farm.

Then you realize money is practically useless for everything but paying taxes and you forget about.

>> No.961341
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>> No.961358

follow that and you will success

>> No.961379
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>> No.961392
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hahaha, omg.

>> No.961407
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>> No.961418

What did you do?

>> No.961426

W-What have you done!

>> No.961432
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>> No.961576

This is the essence of psychopathy we're dealing with. This is what happens when you let those yukkuris get to you with their psionic attacks.

"Whenever I see others in suffering, I get goosebumps! Utterly divine! How would you like to cause suffering for me?!"

>> No.961628

nuclear bomb

>> No.961647
File: 315 KB, 806x625, elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK almost had 20 in a row

>> No.961757

i don't know why i keep playing this even though i end up having to restart so much ;_;

>> No.961764


thanks, now palmia is wiped off the face of the earth... hahaha.
nothing is respawning or getting autorepaired.
hahaha the main quest is OWNED.

>> No.961774

uh actually all of it is supposed to go back after awhile

>> No.961855

oh ok

>> No.961909

where to get bottle of water?
