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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9598408 No.9598408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are you even on /jp/?

This board is shit thanks to /q/ and we all know it.

>> No.9598413
File: 144 KB, 534x400, 1340554723072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes shitting in a barrel of shit is fun.

>> No.9598415
File: 27 KB, 832x705, 1295833917806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no where else to go..

>> No.9598431

Go to GameFAQs board Anime and Manga - Other Titles

>> No.9598442

My friedns are here.

>> No.9598443

ok ill meet you there, bruh

>> No.9598449


But shitposters have plenty of places to go.


And many more. Have fun.

>> No.9598452

What's your name? Mine is underageanimepussylover97

>> No.9598466

Why can't /q/ueers do something useful and get moot to make a new 2hu containment board? It has more than enough content to sustain itself.

>> No.9598538
File: 71 KB, 960x720, Ep. 26 - The Blind Bandit-[720p].mkv_snapshot_07.58_[2012.07.13_20.13.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never your friend, actually.

>> No.9598542
File: 117 KB, 469x480, 1340438134869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you TRYING to piss me off?

>> No.9598564

urnotfromjp are you

>> No.9598571

You can't be from a board.

>> No.9598575


>> No.9598579
File: 412 KB, 423x615, blackcockinsight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like being a cute little girl with the rest of you.

>> No.9598593

I'm from GenMay.

You mad?

>> No.9598594

Slowly transitioning towards /int/.

I originally came to this board to take it easy on a cool Summer's day.

>> No.9598652
File: 48 KB, 464x450, desushrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this as well

>> No.9598670

The board is shit despite /q/, not because of it.

Threads like this really do not help.

>> No.9598675
File: 324 KB, 400x300, 1309541701971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been moving away to other boards since the /q/ invasion.

/jp/ just isn't fun or interesting anymore unless it's like 3am when the nazis are sleeping.

>> No.9598676

says the /q/ueer

>> No.9598686

Are threads about Japanese culture or language even allowed on /jp/ anymore? Or is /jp/ now /2hu/

>> No.9598709

>now /2hu/
It's been /2hu/

>> No.9598737

Prove you're being ironic and not shitposting.

>> No.9598739

lol thats like so random

>> No.9598765

Fair enough, but migrating Japanese discussion to /int/ just ends up with proxy people ホワイツ ピッグ etc. People are much nicer here.

>> No.9598778

we should migrate to the anime textboard. No one seems to really use them anymore and people who can't post images seem to give up fairly quickly.

>> No.9598782

bunbunmaru /prog/ and wizardchan all have jpsies
Once the board doesn't feel "/jp/"-ish, i go there.

>> No.9598793
File: 130 KB, 534x400, shitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9598815


11111/10 for getting me to reply you faggot.

This place turned MAJORRR shit after the time dating the creation of the /vg/ /mlp/ and other boards. That was the final nail in the coffin.

What the FUCK does he think would happen with /q/? the REAL jp post count is so low we'd just get out-requested and our board would be turned into something the other board faggots want it to be. it's no better than /a/ or /v/ or even /b/. it's so shit why the fuck do i keep checking it up.

it's okay, relevant video game threads on /v/ are better than this shit, and i can at least read about relevant stuff there.

any real jpers still around? I advise you guys to go to /v/.

>> No.9598823


>> No.9598825

>any real jpers still around? I advise you guys to go to /v/.
I don't hate anybody enough to send them to /v/, not even other /jp/ers.

>> No.9598849

The janitors should either be AoC level 16+ hours a day or just stop completely.

I'm tired of half assed jobs by people who most likely don't even like /jp/ much.

I wish I had the money to create a spinoff board for you guys...

>> No.9598850

Self proclaimed /jp/er here.
/v/ sucks.

>> No.9598857

/jp/ is NOT the problem,"new" 4chan is the problem.

The people who spout shit about us taking the board too seriously are the same people who are destroying other boards.

Casuals need to get out!

>> No.9598868

>Casuals need to get out!
I don't think that will ever happen Tim. The only thing we can do is what we've always done, sage.

/jp/ was fine before, why did they change the rules again?

>> No.9598874

Did anything at all change in the rules? They seem to be the same as they've always been to me.

>> No.9598885

The "niche Japanese interests" part helped the shitposters.

And now we can even talk about the board (not just to complain but not even characters and appreciation) during the shit janitors time on the board.

I want AoC back he was an asshole but he knew and loved /jp/.

>> No.9598888

*now we can't

>> No.9598890

You would not understand

don't call anything shit, if anything your opinion is shit.


>> No.9598891

The shiposts don't exist, everything is inside your head.

>> No.9598894

I browsed /a/ for 5 years but after noticing that /jp/ is way more mature, I started to think "This is where I belong. I'm from /jp/". That is how proud I feel when I read all of you. I feel so proud about being a tru/jp/er that I post on /q/ and give suggestions to improve this glorious board such as deleting shitposts and NEET/hiki threads since /jp/ was never meant to be like that.

>> No.9598897

>/jp/ was fine before
The excessive shittyness and idiotism was making my depression worse. It was too chaotic and inane.

>> No.9598901

You're my favorite, /jp/.

>> No.9598905

>deleting shitposts and NEET/hiki threads since /jp/ was never meant to be like that.
According to the new rules, we can't even post about Japanese culture or language. Only 2hu and VNs. And we still have fuckloads of NEET threads.

>> No.9598921

I WILL get verbally abused for this like always but I am tired of the front page being filled with Touhou,VNs,Type-Moon,and Shitposts.

I try and introduce new things and try to revive old topics with new content but nobody pays attention and just goes back to their threads.

>> No.9598924
File: 300 KB, 330x497, 1345158225489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care about japanese culture but I like lurking here for some reason

>> No.9598930

Just bulldoze this ghetto already. Everything on /jp/ can be done on another board.

>> No.9598931

/jp/ IS NOT a Japanese culture board and it never was so either learn what you are talking about or leave /q/ shithead!

>> No.9598934


No, I feel the same way, the board was far more expansive a couple years ago. Then we got that shitty janitor who stopped just deleting spam/blatant offtopic shit and forced his vision of the board on everyone.

>> No.9598940

>death grapes

>> No.9598962

Don't worry, most the other boards got fucked by /q/, too. Some worse than /jp/, which wasn't that bad.

>> No.9598994

I only feel comfortable on /jp/ but otherwise I would have left 2 years ago.

>> No.9599079

Le Bump

>> No.9599090

I left in 2008 about 2 months after the board was created and it does seem shitter but that's also the problem with every board.

To the guy complaining about Touhou/VN, that's why this board exists you idiot. Anything not Touhou/VN is Off-topic to this board.

>> No.9599103

I thought LNs were technically part of the quarantine originally, too.

>> No.9599111

I don't even remember so good. All I recall is Touhou 98%, VN 1% JP-News 1%.

>> No.9599123

Funniest part is, Touhou is the only thing not officially fine on /a/ anymore. VN threads (not only but especially with anime) are now allowed, LN threads are now allowed, buyfag/figs, drawing threads, even daily Japanese threads are fine.

>> No.9599265

It is good that /jp/ has finally recovered and normalized.
Over moderation and the sticky was never a good thing. It on attracts unwanted attention.

>> No.9599267

And instead /jp/ becomes unbrowseable sometimes again, nice

>> No.9599274

>This board is shit thanks to /q/ and we all know it.

>> No.9599277

Your point?
It is the same shit with or without /q/ when the board get spammed by puddi, kuroko, chie, bawson & etc.

>> No.9599285

A lot of old posters returned to /jp/ after the change.The board is slowly getting back up after a whole year of spam.
If you want to shitpost then go to /b/. /jp/ is not your garbage dump.

>> No.9599290

All the shit threads got deleted quickly when janitor was awake.
Look, I'm all for having fun and not taking /jp/ too serious, but you can't tell me that you actually support threads like >>9598331 and all the other shitthreads which are currently there.

Why can't people have fun without spurdo or similar shit anymore?
Why not make a creative and fun thread without acting or pretending to be retarded?
It was fun the first 10 threads but now it's just spam

>> No.9599292
File: 399 KB, 1200x900, The_Eleven_Doctors___alternate_by_PaulHanley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was your favourite Doctor, /jp/?

>> No.9599301

I bet most of them are rather new and came when /jp/ was at its worst and think this is what the board is all about.

>> No.9599306

9th because he is a badass

>> No.9599308

I liked how /jp/ was in the past week.
Most threads were actually decent and you could still have discussion and threads about silly things.
If you want the old times back from 2008 go and make good threads
