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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 620x620, 賽銭.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9591794 No.9591794 [Reply] [Original]

"Your current account balance: $22.95" - The bank.

This doesn't look good. How can I make money to support my NEET life style? I can't get a job, real life is too scary or the people are at least. I've also been thinking of making a paypal and maybe doing stuff online for money too, any ideas? Real life or online is fine.

>> No.9591797

Have you ever thought of playing a popular MMO and selling gold or making good accounts that are high levels and selling them?

If you have a lot of spare time and don't mind grinding maybe that

>> No.9591811

You could just bot.

>> No.9591814

That sounds good, seeing as how games are one of the few things I'm good at. Maybe I should phish accounts too? I would need to learn how to though. I know there are games where the people that play them are easy to trick and people are constantly buying that stuff for lots of money, like Runescape.

>> No.9591820

not OP, but how would one make money with bitcoins? I'm just curious

>> No.9591834

>Bitcoin P2P Digital Currency

Bitcoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is also the name of the open source software which enables the use of this currency.

The software is a community-driven open source project, released under the MIT license.


>> No.9591841

Donate plasma twice a week.

>> No.9591844

Why dont you learn a skill you can use online such as coding?

>> No.9591847

Bot accounts and sell them, should I learn C or Java and write my own stuff? There are way too many free things out their that phish your stuff.

>> No.9591851

For botting software that is.

>> No.9591858

1. Mine Bitcoins
2. Sell goods/services for Bitcoins
3. Buy Bitcoins
4. Steal Bitcoins

All methods are valid.

>> No.9591855

Do you have some education? You might try one of those essay mills or offer freelance writing services in addition to the programming stuff already suggested. That or just whore yourself out.

>> No.9591857

Is that more money than blood, or what's the advantage to doing plasma? You keep the blood, they take just the plasma?

>> No.9591868

PowerBot is fine. GPL so you're free to inspect it.

>> No.9591872

Can you elaborate on the stealing part? It do believe it says bitcoin transactions are irreversible so is it simply like scamming in any online game, or environment?

Any ideas, tips or tricks?

>> No.9591891

Thanks, you have personal experience with it? This is a site where people post scripts and stuff and you use theirs or your own? If you know any specific scripts that are the most useful that would be cool. Thank you.

>> No.9591888

I've heard most jobs online for programming are scams, is it true?

>> No.9591892

They stick a needle in your arm, take out the blood, seperate the plasma from it, and give you your blood back, usually takes about 30 minutes if you drink a lot of water and avoid fatty food the day before going.

The pay is different everywhere. Where I live I get $80 a week.

>> No.9591905

I'd be all over selling my blood, but I'm stuck in a small conservative town that has no place to do such a thing. If I could leave I would.

This also means I can't whore myself out. Or really do anything at all except look for a job, which I've done. Every single place in town. None want me.

>> No.9591947

That's a tidy some, what type of requirements are there? Like weight and stuff?

>> No.9591956

Really? How much do real jobs online pay?

>> No.9591957

Which country do you live in?

>> No.9591962

Mostly phishing I'd imagine. You could steal the wallet file so that would enable you to control all of the funds associated with that if you can write Trojans or break into a storage site.
But yes transactions are irreversible, which is why you would transfer any funds you steal to an account only you control so the owner can't spend them first.
I stopped bottling after the redesign, I tried out the new client and new scripts but have tried enough for long enough to know which are the best.

>> No.9591960

lel get on my level scrub mine's -18.74
get own3d

My bank is nice and has a 24 hour period where they don't charge you for overdrawing your account. Ain't that sweet of 'em?

>> No.9591966

ever thought of joining one of those sites that pays you for filling out captchas?

>> No.9591973

What use is 24 hours? If you're overdrawn already I doubt you would get enough in your bank in just 24 hours

>> No.9591974

The US.

>> No.9591977

Those exist?

>> No.9591980

I get government bux tomorrow but I was hungry today, see?

>> No.9591984

Selling blood is illegal, selling plasma is a legal loophole. Watch out where you go! Remember these needles are going into your body and if they're done wrong they can cause permanent damage. It won't be a problem if you go somewhere reputable.
amazon's mechanical turk is not so bad too if you feel confident in your transcription abilities.
It's actually really convenient a lot of people have begun to opt out of overdraft(now that they're allowed to) because banks go out of their way to get the fees from customers.

>> No.9591995 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1674x854, 1308534857979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job you worthless scum.

I love watching you NEET faggots fail

>> No.9592000


>> No.9592004


Jobs are for losers.

>> No.9592007


I tried for a year and a half and then I gave up. It's too much stress.

>> No.9592011

What did you even do?

>> No.9592019

pls go.

>> No.9592017

Money, it always comes back to money. Truly the root of all problems. Everyone would be happy if they just had some fucking money. What a joke.

>> No.9592027

money rulez

>> No.9592029

I still get automated text messages every Monday from the first and only job I ever had 1 year ago, I worked there for 2 days. It says "Your account balance as of XX-XX-XXXX $0.00" I'm not sure why I haven't cancelled it. I guess its nice getting a text message every monday, theres a brief moment while I'm picking up my phone where I'm actually excited at the fact that someone might give a shit about me.

>> No.9592033

Except then inflation would happen.
Money is a system of favors you fucking tools. Instead of going online and whining, get a fucking job. Or just accept your fate, fuck.

>> No.9592039

I'd text you
if u no wat im sayn

>> No.9592048

Being a truNEET is a full time 24 hours a day job.

>> No.9592050

lol like i would give u my # i aint no holla back girl.

>> No.9592057

Oh... Okay then...

>> No.9592058


>> No.9592060


I want money just for existing, thank goodness the government takes care of me.

>> No.9592061

Not only did you take my musing at face value, you also misunderstood the way I used "everyone." Just great.

>> No.9592070

I had an anxiety attack just trying to pass the what.cd interview now... I forgot to number my questions, then when I tried numbering them I skipped a question and numbered them out of order, then when I tried again I didn't even answer the questions correctly... And it was in the part of the rest that wasn't even hard stuff, just like, "what is your email address." I just quit the channel after making a fool of myself and I bet that interviewer is going to copy and paste our conversation for the other interviewers to laugh at. I want to cry...

>> No.9592072

I don't know about others, but I enjoy living a very minimalistic, low-maintenance lifestyle.
It's nice, right?

>> No.9592082

That's too bad. I have a friend who has anxiety attacks all the time. It's really put his life on hold. Have you tried counseling or anything?

>> No.9592089

I'm sorry to hear that anon. Be strong

>> No.9592094

what.cd is shit and full of the worst people you could imagine

>> No.9592098 [DELETED] 


I searched for jobs in and outside my profession, my sister forced me to socialize with her loser friends to try and get me into some sort of 'circle' which was horrible. I worked as a chef for a while which wasn't so bad were it not for the fact that I lived with my sister and it was an apprentice position with 3 years attached to it. I eventually said fuck it and decided that I'd rather sit in a room all day then this this anymore.

I still make a little money doing freelance, however I never leave my house.

>> No.9592115

Sounds like me. I've had this problem since school. Whenever I'm in a social situation my brain pretty much shuts down, or rather, speeds up to the point that I cannot process things that are going on around me. I'm not sure which one it is honestly but I know It's impossible to focus on questions and stuff like that. In my first job interview I ended up pulling so many spontaneous lies out of my ass.. and I had no idea I was even doing it until after I left. I ended up making them think I was an expert in the field so they just put me right into the mix without training or anything. Needless to say I was fired. It's the same when I go to a psychiatrist. I lie and say shit and only realize I fucked up after I get home and I'm alone.

>> No.9592116


I searched for jobs in and outside my profession, my sister forced me to socialize with her loser friends to try and get me into some sort of 'circle' which was horrible. I worked as a chef for a while which wasn't so bad were it not for the fact that I lived with my sister and it was an apprentice position with 3 years attached to it. I eventually said fuck it and decided that I'd rather sit in a room all day than do this anymore.

I still make a little money doing freelance, however I never leave my house.

Also my sister ruined my first regular freelance contact I will never forgive her!

>> No.9592135
File: 45 KB, 604x453, 1338772199950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to senor citizen home and entertain old people for money

>> No.9592222 [DELETED] 

Become a online freelancer, google it. However competition is high with those South Asian people.
Or if you want instant money try become captcha typer. Rate varies depend on captcha company and your typing speed.

>> No.9592234

Become a online freelancer, google it. However competition is high with those South Asian people.
Or if you want instant $ try become captcha typer. Rate varies depend on captcha company and your typing speed.

>> No.9592252

I know what I did. It was intentional. My point is money does not work that way.
Me too. Before I got a job I mostly ate off like <10 dollars a week. Feels good man. In fact, I'm going to go back to that life style. Like, seriously. Starting now!
First of all holy shit you are what is wrong with /jp/. It has nothing to do with the quality of your posts as it does your inability to think about the consequences of what might happen if we let these delusional fucktards around old people:
There's a small chance that will work out until they talk about their fantastic, superior Japanese comedy films:

>> No.9592268 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 244x600, 1342371664955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not have a bank account because I have never worked in my life, my mom buys everything for me and takes care of me.

>> No.9592285

>I do not have a bank account because I have never worked in my life
That's no reason not to have a bank account

>> No.9592296

I know that feel. You have to get a job. It sounds scary at first but I lucked out and got a pretty relaxing one and I'm super happy.

>> No.9592297

You could always live off the government? Certain countries give unemployment pay. If you have a disability of some sort (like myself), you can also live off the government.

Shit sucks though for me, I have a few thou but I have no incentive to spend it unless I feel like I've earnt it.

>> No.9592448

Don't worry, that's pretty normal for a 15 year old.

>> No.9592544
File: 4 KB, 452x523, 1323481582425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9592605

what job

>> No.9593072

In all seriousness OP, make an item for the DOTA 2 Workshop. They pay monthly, 25% of what the item gets sold.


So if you have the patience, you can definitely get the money, also new items have been going into the game quite quickly.

You could do it for tf2 as well, but the rate those go in are much lower.

For a game still in closed beta (With about 1.4 million accounts atm, and probably 10 times more when released.), in just a few fews, a mace that was limited and no one wanted, sold around 24,000 for $2.50 each. So the maker, if he didn't blatantly copy the model straight from another game. Would of gotten $15,000, just that month. http://steamcommunity.com/games/SteamWorkshop/announcements/detail/1335568846541784343

So, if you have any skill in 3d modelling, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in and make a quick buck, that will at least keep giving you passive income for years to come.

>> No.9593086

Just to elaborate, people that have submitted items, some as short as 2 weeks, after advertising them on reddit, and getting rated, got them put into the game yesterday.

If you make items for popular heroes, you will definitely make a lot of money.

>> No.9593091

lol nope

dota 2 workshop is a facade, there's no "community", people that have already been approved by valve years ago at polycount or other sites are the only ones whose items get approved. all the "community" items in the game at the moment are made by 3 or 4 people. the new ursa set in the game that everyone fucking despises is made by someone named Twilight Sparkle~ that has over 50 approved items

>> No.9593098


Holy shit, what the fuck? Valve thinks they can take 75% of the money from YOUR WORK AND YOUR WORK ALONE just because they offer the platform for this shit to be sold on? That's like going to a farmers market with a basket of fruit and only being allowed to leave with 25% of the revenue.

>> No.9593102

If I had that much money for the rest of the month, OP, I would be glad.

>> No.9593103
File: 194 KB, 650x650, 1339424790514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor deleted my thread so I'll move this here.

How do you neets get around for transportation? I'm sure you stay in your room for months at a time but surely you have appointments to make concerning your disabilities and autism bux. Not to mention buying food and stuff.

>> No.9593109

i send a proxy

shipped to my house from 日本

>> No.9593112

What do you mean you send a "proxy"?

>> No.9593113

I can't be bothered to clean my apartment even though there are flies all over the place and it's filthy. I feel like my life is over.

>> No.9593114

Your parents.

>> No.9593181

Parents can do that? Aren't you usually required to show up yourself at least?

>> No.9593184
File: 11 KB, 235x215, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one be a hikikomori in japan?

>> No.9593191

shit on the floor

>> No.9593196
File: 349 KB, 625x1000, 1341820246628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather be a female NEET or a male NEET?

>> No.9593200
File: 76 KB, 489x409, AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one reposted my old bank account pic

>> No.9593204

Just becausepl previous thread reached bump limit doesn't mean it's dead. There are currently 2 NEET Lifestyle threads now.

>> No.9593205

When are you going to purchase the /jp/ mansion?

>> No.9593207

This is stupid, money put into a saving account does nothing but lose value due to inflation. You should be investing that money.
Also buy the mansion.

>> No.9593211

>Implying Patchy is a NEET

>> No.9593213
File: 39 KB, 496x214, AAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to keep the cash in my house even if its only for a few days a couple times a year.

>> No.9593227

How did you get so rich? Please explain. And why the fuck are you on /jp/ instead of living the dream.

>> No.9593232

I marathoned Madoka Magica last night.

>> No.9593243

It's clealry from a lawsuit. Being rich is helpful in living the NEET dream.

>> No.9593245
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Hanasaku_Iroha_20_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[05933824].mkv_snapshot_15.20_[2012.08.15_06.24.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I marathoned Hanasaku Iroha last night.

>> No.9593250

I have everything planned out if I had that much money.

It saddens me to see it all sitting in savings account when you could be having fun investing.

>> No.9593268

ey bro can I borrow 20 bux lmao

>> No.9593274

I'd rather be male.
At least then you can use Secret Twin Tails onaholes.

>> No.9593278

You're not funny in the slightest. Not even an atom of funny. You are in fact painfully unfunny. You are currently overstocked on unfunny and you're passing the unfunny on to us. Stop trying to be funny, you're not. You're unfunny.

>> No.9593281

Don't be meanie weenie, you could hurt someone's feelings like that.

>> No.9593284


>> No.9593285
File: 106 KB, 1366x768, [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_-_26_[720p][4E9A6EA8].mkv_snapshot_18.30_[2012.08.15_18.33.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about £19 in my account, £30 in my house, I have about £65 worth of stuff preordered on amiami. I need to sell some crap on amazon.

>> No.9593288

y-you too..

>> No.9593290

Just curious, what amiami stuff did you get?
I was really wanting to get that Samus that just came out, but I was broke all summer.
Now, of course, when I have a bunch of money, they're sold out
RIP ;_;

>> No.9593301


The Sena boob and ass mousepads, one comes out this month and the other comes out in October.

>> No.9593306

Man those things are neat. I thought about gettin one for myself at one point, but I opted for kittens instead.

>> No.9593364

Apparently my Alice from Kami Memochou is going to release in August rather than Oct. Which makes it kind of tight since I'll also be getting Kobato and Maria.

>> No.9594024

You make a legal document saying that person X can legally represent you in matter Y.

>> No.9595392

What is the best stuff that should be ordered from Japan?

>> No.9595405

Move somewhere else.

>> No.9595416

That sounds like a health hazard.

>> No.9595423


>> No.9595449

They give you links on how to get started on making the items..........................

>> No.9595484
File: 45 KB, 623x245, shitcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do what I do, but it's beyond your capabilities.

(Aiming to make a constant $1k+ / month by the end of the year)

>> No.9595497

That goddamn pic has been posted so many times... But it's just so adorable. Also, if you were a cute little girl like Raymoo you wouldn't have to worry. People would give you donations np.

>> No.9595511

It was so cute when the hotdog/refreshment cart guy used it, it fitted perfectly with his post.

>> No.9595572

Women can just sail through life, it's so easy for them.

>> No.9595591

What skills would I need to do what you do?

>> No.9595604


Life would be easy with an axe wound up until about the age of 35.
I guess the aim is to snare some poor fuck and divorce him for monetary gain before that point.

>> No.9595610
File: 1.32 MB, 1218x896, 1345134555380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level,losers.

>> No.9595623

I'd rather not.

>> No.9595632

Nobody cares, now get out.

>> No.9595635

I live in Sweden. 2500 USD per month for being Autistic.

It's nice.

>> No.9595637

I'm going to save that picture for future trolling purposes. Thank you very much.

>> No.9595639

Thanks dork. I'm on my way to hack your bank account right now.

I'm going to live the NEET life easy now.

>> No.9595645


>> No.9595653


Nice filename.

>> No.9595668
File: 61 KB, 707x381, uzlo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9595685

Stop buying figs, loser.

>> No.9595688


Ability to :
rat ,
good spreading ability
css/html/ (basic jquery & php) - ideal, not exactly required

>> No.9595689


>> No.9595690

You can have a negative paypal balance?

>> No.9595699


In some cases yes

>> No.9595701

There is something about people who are both stupid and wealthy that makes me angry beyond almost anything else.
I can't articulate what it is. I don't feel this way about intelligent and wealthy people despite them being more enviable.
Whoever the kid that first posted >>9595610's picture is, I hope a bank collapse leaves him destitute or something.
What is wrong with me, /jp/?

>> No.9595731

Nothing is wrong. You just got trolled.

>> No.9595743


Getting 'trolled' would have been to respond to him in a genuine fashion.
I am merely expressing my feelings on the matter, and I ask the question in line four because I can't explain it purely by envy (line 2).

>> No.9595749
File: 6 KB, 481x57, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you jealous?

>> No.9595753

Trolled hard

>> No.9595754

Can I leech off of you?

>> No.9595764


Yes, but not angry. I don't know how stupid you are, but in the picture above it was implied because the dude was posting a picture on /b/ of his Mac displaying the statement.

>> No.9595769

My post implied that you can easily fake those numbers.

>> No.9595777


Oh, right, I skimmed over the order of 10^3 there.
The periods in place of commas may have thrown me.

>> No.9595792

>The periods in place of commas may have thrown me.
But that's just how they use periods and commas in Germany

>> No.9595794

Maybe you just hate dumb people and the additional jealousy makes you even angrier?

>> No.9595795


I know that. Here they do not and so it threw me at a glance.

>> No.9595802


Probably close to it, although I wouldn't say I hate dumb people as I'm somewhat dumb myself.

>> No.9595810

Not just in Germany actually.


>> No.9595823

You don't like it because you feel they don't deserve it, simply.

>> No.9595832

Obviously, but I mentioned Germany because it was relevant to the picture

>> No.9595844


And I know from observation that 'deserve' has nothing to do with it, yet I still attribute that to it and it angers me.
I probably don't 'deserve' to live in the first world or have a roof over my head, yet here I am angry at people who I must think don't 'deserve' wealth.
Pretty irrational, but I can't help it.

>> No.9595927

i made a lot of money with bitcoins once
but now its only profitable if your electricity rate is very low
and you need a bit of starter money to buy suitable radeons

>> No.9596084

I am decent at web programming and I can learn additional things if I need to. I don't want to freelance because of Indians and human bullshit. Is there a more sustainable way to make money with my skillset?

>> No.9596087

So when and where is the mansion going to get built?

>> No.9596153
File: 71 KB, 1051x621, wlrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. - .

>> No.9596224

One of my online businesses just tanked, and another that's been my bread and butter for the last two years is starting to go that way, too.

Now I've got to get all creative again, and come up with something new before my savings run out. It's such a pain in the ass to set these up in a way that doesn't interfere with autism bucks.

>> No.9596230

Just out of interest, what was your business?

>> No.9596246

/jp/ trap escort service

>> No.9596264

It was one of the very few successful attempts I made on cashing into textile industry.

>> No.9596266

I thought this was the NEET thread:

>> No.9596268

If you can use excel, lesser office work
it's easy as fuck, like 6 hours per day and people pay between $400-$700 monthly

also you can get promoted

>> No.9596283


fuck dat I aint workning for the man.

>> No.9596295

Whenever I get money, I want to spend it right away. I rarely get money, and I'm usually just scraping by, so whenever I get money, I feel like treating myself nicely for once. If I don't, no one will after all.

>> No.9596304

Promoted to what?

>> No.9596409

I have about £6000 of loaned money and about £1500 in bursaries and grants I don't have to pay back. I have no idea what to do with it. I've only been using it for living expenses, and I'm not really interested in anime merchandise. I'll end up paying it straight back to them at this rate.

>> No.9596425


>> No.9596430

There is no god, you can at least make fun of the sheeple who worship the dead kike nailed to a stick.

>> No.9596439


What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.9596447

I'm god.

>> No.9596461

/jp/ is a Christian board, fuck off.

>> No.9596506

>Whenever I get money, I want to spend it right away.
This is why you are a poor fuck.

>> No.9596504

I applied for Mechanical Turk but got refused. I don't see why though. Maybe it's my country.

>> No.9596527

I'm the opposite, I'll spend so little that it just keeps building up. I'm so glad I don't have friends or a family.

>> No.9596538

How would I go about selling the accounts, and what level do they need to be, like 99 woodcutting?

>> No.9596568

I know. It's not like I get big amounts anyways. $20 will usually make me feel great. I'm also picky about what I buy though, but I still end up buying in the end. I just figure I might as well make it worth it.

>> No.9596667

Fugly impostor.

>> No.9596767

It depends. I can't be remember but going from something 70 to 99 is like the some experience that is it going from level 1 to whatever level it is now, so I would just train the stats to that level. You can also sell accounts like Zerker pures, Range, or Magic, or whatever type of thing you can think of. Special accounts like those go for way more.

>> No.9596805 [DELETED] 

6/10 show

Solid, but nothing new or exciting

>> No.9596850
File: 110 KB, 1316x803, Konachan.com - 131971 bow brown_hair car d.b.spark dress hakurei_reimu touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy and resell things on Craigslist to maintain my NEET lifestyle. eBay used to be profitable but it's shitty these days. Right now I'm learning how to fix up cars to resell for a profit, like that Wheeler Dealers show.

>> No.9596913

well i used to work at a supermarket doing warehouse inventory in excel, they payed me like $500 and worked like 4-6 hours per day (depending the stock), after a year and a half i was promoted to plant supervisor and they payed me $800 but i had to work 8 hours from Monday to Saturday.

But if you can manage low responsibilities you can go even further, ended up working after 2 years after

>> No.9596986
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1342981603136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys obviously inherited their money. Only a moron would keep that much in a single account; especially a "Regular Savings" account. But it's a photoshop anyways, so why do I care.

>> No.9597013

I've heard that a runescape character with max woodcutting and firemaking sells for a few bucks, and the gold made while botting those two max brings the total per character to like 15 bucks. And a decent modern computer can run like 15 copies of runescape at once. And you can make one of those 15 dollar characters in roughly one night of straight play.

IE Bot 15 runescape accounts a night to max woodcutting and firemaking, sell for profit

Don't know the details though

>> No.9597026

€1410.??c last time I checked. All autism bux.

>> No.9597031

You're not getting either 99 woodcutting or 99 firemaking in one day, let alone both.

>> No.9597062

to be honest, that's sounds awful. ~5 hours per day = 25 hours per week = 100 hours per month

500/100=5 bucks per hour. That's pretty ass.

>> No.9597078

I have 3 bank accounts at 3 different banks. I think it totals up to about only 300$. But I have no bills aside from one credit card so I spend all my money on figures.

>> No.9597081

He probably meant 500 per week

>> No.9597145

I live in a country where med school costs 1.7k a year and being a student alone gives you about 1.2k p ann.

Eve online is a great game to bot in since RMTing is so easy. Buying apple stock just before a new iPhone release is a guaranteed profit as well.

>> No.9597165

I've seen it mentioned but does anyone have much experience with Amazon Mechanical Turk? How much money could I make in a day by transcribing shit? I'm just curious if I could top up my autismbux to make life a bit more stable.

>> No.9597353

My father became a NEET in 2007. I'm not sure how he lost his job, he never told us, and he's a pathological liar so even if he did I wouldn't believe him. Ever since then he turned into a horrible beast.
He never leaves the house unless someone asks him to. Sometimes he leaves at 10 AM, sits on a cafe browsing the internet, then comes back at 5 PM and then claims to have spent the entire day out "doing chores", and what's worse, he believes his own lies because I can tell he gets a sense of accomplishment every time he does this.
When he's alone (or rather, when he thinks he's alone) he grabs random stuff from the fridge and eats it while standing up in front of the TV, like some sort of animal. I don't know why he can't just grab a plate and sit down like a normal human being.
His definition of "cleaning the house" is putting all the dirty clothes in a bucket and putting it next to the washing machine. The house is a fucking mess. He never cooks, either. He always calls the delivery guy.
Every year he tells me he's losing weight, yet he's always weighted around 106kg. It's been five years and he still expects me to believe his bullshit. Which is not surprising, because he treats everyone like a child. My sister got fed up with his shit and left. Unfortunately, I can't afford to so I'm stuck here watching him waste his hard earned savings on expensive take out. The simplest errands take him weeks. Hearing "Oh shit, I forgot. I'll do it tomorrow" for the 8th consecutive time gets frustrating, especially when all he has to do is walk 300m to the library to return a book. Not hard. And you know what's the worst part? He doesn't realize this. You'd think a normal adult would try to use a different excuse after the 2nd or 3rd day, but no, he actually expects people to not get tired of waiting weeks for him to do a simple task.

>> No.9597363

I dont see the problem.
He is doing what he wants with his money. It is his saving afterall. It seems like you are the problem, not your dad. He was probably fed up from working so hard to feed two ungrateful children. I bet if he redo his life, he wouldnt want to have kids and instead just enjoy his life.

>> No.9597396

Actually, part of it belonged to my mother before she died. So I'm very angry. I'm hoping he will die soon because I can't support myself with my current level of income.

>> No.9597455

Pretty much.

Interest is slow low now that your money is worth less as each day passes.

>> No.9597465

Then she was stupid for not allotting the money correctly.

>> No.9597480

It was generating interest in a investment fund, he pulled it out in 2009 because he needed more money. Our relatives found out and started bitching, it caused a lot of drama.

I just hope NEETs like my father are the exception and not the rule. I'd hate it if I had to co exist with people like him on my favorite imageboard as well.

>> No.9597487

Why am I so greedy? I want money, /jp/. Like trillions, because I want power to control people's wills and be above the law.

I know that such villainous ambition is unbecoming for a good little girl to have, but I just can't seem to stop it.

>> No.9597506

>tfw you get your first Japanese schoolgirl outfit

I'm a truNEET now.

>> No.9597514

I've been thinking of writing articles and how-to shit and selling them on the Kindle\Nook\Play. Even if it only sells a $100 copies at 2$ with 70% royalties, that's 140$, and I can make crap like that pretty quickly.

But I'm afraid to write under my own name, and I can't tell if those companies will let you use pseudonyms.

>> No.9597544

Where should I buy one?

>> No.9597554

What colors is it?

>> No.9597567

I was thinking about writing an ebook about my masturbation habits. Think anyone would buy it for like 50 cents?

>> No.9597568

I need cash. Do you think people would buy unpainted but preassembled Warhammer figures? I have a huge set that I never play with since I don't leave the house anymore.

>> No.9597569


Black and white. It's more like a British style one rather than Japanese. The sort you would expect to see in Hong Kong.

>> No.9597576

So now he's deleted the anti-bullying thread. This makes me sad.

>> No.9597597

So fellow NEET fags. Are you guys able to buy figmas and similar stuff? Do you take money from your money/the government?

>> No.9597600

Please do not use ebook platforms that attack the users freedoms. Not only will they hurt your readers, they will betray you.

>> No.9597616

I use my government money, I have to skip eating for a few days though. The benefits crackdown in the UK is worrying me a bit though, I'm shitting bricks. Not sure how long I can remain a NEET.

>> No.9597650

Oh okay. I'm not technically a NEET (have a few odd jobs), but I'm saving up for a trip to MCM Expo ahahah, conventions ;_; so I don't know if I'll be able to buy any kind of merch.

>> No.9597683

Have fun then, if you do have some cash make sure not to buy any knock-off things. I'd like to go to one but the idea of all the crowds scare me so it'll probably never happen.

>> No.9597684

Someone will probably bite if you offer them cheap enough. At least you didn't paint them, it'd be pointless to even think about it then.

Go to your local gamestore or whatever and put out the word.

>> No.9597686

I would.

Make in interesting and others might too.

>> No.9597703

I'd buy it.

>> No.9597708

Now it's thundering.

>> No.9597711

Thanks. How do you even know if somethings a knock off or not? I know it's pretty common at conventions but I'm just too pleb to notice that stuff.

>> No.9597718

It was thundering an hour or so ago where I live.

I like rain and thunder.

>> No.9597731

Quality of merchandise

>> No.9597744

/pol/ would hate you, they always talk about how dolescum and Labourfags are killing the country. I for one hope you get kicked out on the street.

>> No.9597746

It's usually pretty obvious. Just make sure to get a close look at the figure, the face might be wrong or the colours slightly off(too shiny or the wrong shade). Places like MFC have pictures of bootlegs for reference. The price is also a giveaway. Just make sure to get a good look at the stuff before you buy it.

>> No.9597756

Use that dream to motivate you to make money, and then take it easy. Work less hours after.

>> No.9597759

Thank you, I'll be on the look out.

>> No.9597761

I'm not some sort of fraud, I assure you. I have aspergers, severe anxiety and take medication for depression. I pretty much had to drop out of secondary school because I couldn't handle it. I vote for the Conservatives anyway, so I'm not a Labourfag. I'd love a job, but I just can't handle basic life. At least I'm not some whore popping out babies by multiple fathers then claiming benefits and living in a 5 bedroom council house.

>> No.9597779

Get a job, you can become the very first working NEET.

>> No.9597781

>I vote for new new Labour
>I'm not a Labourfag


>> No.9597788

So shall I vote for the liberal democrats then? They're hardly even in the running. Maybe UKIP? It's not like the vote makes a difference anyway,

>> No.9597809

that is a contradiction.

>> No.9597815

UKIP would be preferable, yes.

The Tories have been shit since Cameron.

>> No.9597816

My very good friend Mr. Chip DeFord says it can work.

>> No.9597838


Shut up, dork.

>> No.9597854

I love it too, it also relaxes me. There's nothing like the pitter patter of rain hitting a roof.

>> No.9597885

I'll give you an invite If you have decent internet. Post a throwaway email, and then we can talk with jabber+otr.

>> No.9597896

I'm sorry.
I will try not to disappoint you in the future...

>> No.9597902

Good idea, keep in mind stuff like that you can sell as true stories but spice up with fiction, so people will buy it.

>> No.9597929

>It's not like the vote makes a difference anyway,
This kind of thought is the reason of everything that is wrong with the world today.

>> No.9597936


I understand that when everyone has the "My vote one doesn't matter" ideology it can cause problems, but seriously seriously your one vote is a waste of your time.

>> No.9597948

Do you really think it's always just one person thinking like that? And it's not just with voting.

>> No.9597962

How much would it roughly cost yearly to raise a Reimu?

>> No.9597975

I tried many times to go out into the real world and work. I've had more jobs in the last 5 years then my parents have had in their lifetime. Its fucking impossible for me to last longer then a few months without breaking down physically and mentally. I'm uneducated and no skills, negative bank account. I don't even think I can get autism bucks in Canada

>> No.9598001

How exactly do you break down physically and mentally?

>> No.9598018


Main trade was cooking, 8-12+ hour days minimal for crappy pay. Eat like shit because couldn't stomach anything, most of the time I'd eat easy or take out. Alcohol is the only way I can managed to sleep even now. I was pretty much exhausted at all times as the only days I would get off would be spent just trying to recover from the week.

Add not being able to ever relate to coworkers or talk to them past work shit makes everyone passive aggressive and generally dislike you at the end of the day since they'd rather work with anyone else.

I worded it bad in my original post but I'm kind of retarded.

>> No.9598027

>Add not being able to ever relate to coworkers or talk to them past work shit makes everyone passive aggressive and generally dislike you at the end of the day since they'd rather work with anyone else.

I can relate to this, shit sucked

>> No.9598035

implying you did not get the source code of page and edit it and re-open

>> No.9598043

sell adhd pills at raves.


>> No.9598044

Please refrain from referring to markup languages as "code", as this is not the proper moniker for them.

>> No.9598082


please refrain from being a dick

>> No.9598107

Considered going to uni or a vocational college? Canada's tuition is still relatively affordable and if you're a poorfag there are literally shitloads of bursaries.

>> No.9598131

To those going to bot Runescapes accounts MAKE SURE you go to the task list in game and turn off the tutorial, you'll save yourself a couple hours.

>> No.9598145

This is slightly unrelated, but I just masturbated for 2 hours straight. Feels good being NEET.

>> No.9598230

What was it to?

>> No.9598248

Well, it's the shitty jobs that temper you for all the bullshit/stupidity at the workplace and help develop your so-called soft skills. I used to drive a forklift and by far operator error (retardation) was the biggest cause of accidents. We had 2 people fired for trying stupid stunts like the one here:
(start at 1:30)
... Except they didn't succeed as the guy flew off and got knocked unconscious.

>> No.9598271

A gauntlet of futa/trap doujins.

>> No.9598347


Multiple times and failed ;_;

>> No.9599085
File: 673 KB, 1280x720, 1344281580237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you ``NEETs'' obsessed with sex and masturbation?

>> No.9599113

most of these "NEETs" are psychologically repressed/bullied and sexually deprived people. Potential maniacs, sexual predators, rapists, pedophiles, scum of the Earth, human waste etc. are all fitting descriptions for them.

>> No.9599118

because this *grabs dick*. suck my cock, dude.

>> No.9599124


Everyone on Earth is obsessed with sex except for nuns, monks and tryhards.

>> No.9599135
File: 707 KB, 238x400, 1344254424680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to have sex?

>> No.9599145

There are many, many things in life that are higher in priority on my list of things to do in life than sex.

>> No.9599148

>Well, it's the shitty jobs that temper you for all the bullshit/stupidity at the workplace and help develop your so-called soft skills.
What the hell? You write like a lazy extrovert who never actually had anything wrong with him. Yes, I have experience of menial labor, military service and university education. If you're just barely able to tolerate the social indulgences of a low-skill job, you will absolutely not succeed among healthy, ambitious, resourceful and intelligent people who have no burden of bad personal history. Yes, I'm frustrated.

>> No.9599163

Good for you. However, that doesn't stop you from always thinking about dicks in pussies subconsciously.

>> No.9599177

To cut this discussion short, I'll just ask you how much you know about psychology.

>> No.9599200

Subconsciously thinking? I'm having trouble imagining what that means. Wouldn't that be like breathing and blinking? As in, the things that don't normally affect your stream of thought?

>> No.9599266

Not that guy, but I think it's best to refer to things like breathing and blinking as “unconscious” (even if it usually means something different) and reserve the term “subconscious” for thinking only.

>> No.9599270

I was like that when I was an edgy teenager too.

>> No.9599272

Is he saying people normally go around with dicks on their mind all the time, all day, no matter what?

>> No.9599286

I'm 24, in university and still like that. I wonder when I'll grow up?

>> No.9599288

I think you should have kept your teenage edginess then and just refine it, because having things that are more important to you than sex is a good thing in my opinion. What made you change?

>> No.9599300

eh, there's only one place this conversation is going to go, so let's just skip to the end and agree to not really bother.

>> No.9599296

You don't think there are things more rewarding and/or interesting to do than sex?

>> No.9599319

>kept your teenage edginess then and just refine it

This. People can do some amazing things when they devote a part of their life towards something.

>> No.9599327

I want to bother. Stop ignoring us.

>> No.9599361

I'm probably old enough to be your father and I think you are full of shit.

>> No.9599364

Isn't that backwards? I can barely get aroused now, and I'm only in my late twenties.

A nice game of Scrabble > sex.

>> No.9599372

I'm not ignoring you, I'm just sick of having this argument over and over again
It never even concludes to anything.

>> No.9599495

Hi autism lady

>> No.9599497

I can more or less control my arousal and excitement except when it comes to lolis.

>> No.9599558

Not to mention that instead of taking a screenshot of his screen and covering up the details in PS, which he has in his bottom panel, he took a fucking picture of his screen and covered it up with something.

>> No.9599571

>> I ate off <10$/week

>> No.9599576

Are you German?

>> No.9599607

I know that feel, bro. Anyway, don't wait on him to die, it won't be happening any time soon unless he is actively destroying himself. And if he is, and he does die, you'll have to pay for funeral and stuff. And after that you'll have an even more destroyed apartment that you can't fix.

Just let it go and move away. If I were you, I'd beg your sister to let you stay for a while with her. Also, find a therapist (when you can), I have a feeling you'll need it.

>> No.9599609

>judging people

>> No.9599614

who are you quoting?

>> No.9599639

u sound mad.
That's alright.

I'm fucking mad at >>9598248 , too

>> No.9599644


>> No.9599655 [DELETED] 

Please don't bully with your curse words.

>> No.9599662

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9599697

you only get like 20 bucks for plasma

>> No.9599701

Do you know how to take a screenshot on a Mac?
I think it's cmd + shift + 3 but it's been a long time since I've used one.

>> No.9599713

Hell yeah dude. Once in a while it's nice to treat yourself if you can, but I have no problem eating the same cheap ass shit everyday. It's kind of comforting in a way.

>> No.9599712

It's a gross oversimplification of Freud's psychoanalysis theory.

>> No.9599714


I wish he was my neighbor, at least.

>> No.9599719

Get a job you pathetic pieces of shit.
How can you come here and claim to live up to the otaku culture if you can't even afford tickets to visit the motherland?

>> No.9599726
File: 648 KB, 769x1087, 90e464639eed2998177cc9411cbce371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) the economy is real bad, so I can't get a job
b) nobody here cares about japan.

>> No.9599731

It's around $40 a pop here, so his figure would be about right if do it twice a week. Which would be more than enough on top of autism bucks to live well. Though I'm not sure if it's even possible for someone to sustain that for any reasonable period of time.

>> No.9599744

Whoa, your father is living THE LIFE. You are just jealous you don't have a dead wife's testament to mooch money of.

Alternatively, he is obviously depressed as hell and you are just shunning him at every chance you get submerging him more and more into a spiral of self-loathing, pathological lying and poltroonery, you cruel fuck.

>> No.9599817

i think it's alt+meta+sug my cog

>> No.9599823

>Alternatively, he is obviously depressed as hell and you are just shunning him at every chance you get
This. He seems like a textbook example of moderate to severe clinical depression.

>> No.9599830
File: 1.36 MB, 2122x2491, blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you tried this? I saved this ages ago from another board, just wondering if it does work.

>> No.9599832

Pretty sure that project failed. I think a couple /jp/ers also tried that.

>> No.9599848
File: 22 KB, 400x300, job_truniht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9599853

I like how his first name is Job, too.

>> No.9599870

I'm actually saving up for a trip to Japan

>> No.9599874


Doesn't it cost like $6000 for a week?

>> No.9599877

who said anything about staying in hotels

>> No.9599881

For a plane ticket, yeah.

You gonna be homeless in Japan?

>> No.9599885

not >>9599870-kun

but yes

>> No.9599889

Could I become a host in Japan? I bet I could be extra special being a gaijin, or do that paid dating stuff.

Or I could one of those male prostitutes, in North America you'd only get homolords, If women want to pay me for sex I'm not above that.

>> No.9599894


Stay poor nerds.

>> No.9599916

Are you black?

>> No.9599917

Is just renting storage lockers to keep your porn in a viable strategy to being in Japan?

What I'm actually asking is,
In america, I know you can be as blatantly homeless as you want to be and no one will actually care about it at all, but I'd assume gaijin fear would mean you would need to hide it pretty well while on vacation to avoid getting hassled by the police and you can't very well keep your passport locked up safely, if that were to happen.

>> No.9599937

No, but I have some "special qualities"

Penis wise. I'm intact too.

>> No.9599950

Internet cafe


A rather Japanese thing.

>> No.9599959

I remember that, rip in peace blogspot project, it was really hard for /jp/sies to increase their incoming because you had to befriend a lot of other bloggers in order to make it work.

>> No.9599966

I don't understand.
But they won't buy you unless your black.

>> No.9599973

I already know about that. I also hear it's getting harder to do, due to them setting up regulations about such things. What I'm talking about is having no shelter expenses at all.

You know, for the people who can afford the plane ticket, porn, and the usual lavish diet of white rice and salt, and nothing else.

>> No.9600027

Does anyone knows where I can earn furjewgolds? Someone commented you could get money drawing furry art.
I'm not into that but I'm too poor right now.

>> No.9600034

What would you like to earn?

>> No.9600041

Get on FA and publish some examples, say you are taking commissions. I'm not sure what type of work you do so I don't know what prices you'd be able to get.

>> No.9600117
File: 157 KB, 1000x750, 1267049864728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have japanese girlfriend
>doesn't speak much english
>says things during sex exactly like my japanese doujin

You jelly?

>> No.9600122

Miku is so kawaii~

>> No.9600130

Are you lost?

>> No.9600154

who are you quoting?

>> No.9600208

I had to look for FA in google. I really didn't know anything about the community, I thought they would eat anything like Mac users, but there are so much good art there. I don't think I could draw fur like that.
Welp, back to google ads for me

>> No.9601808
File: 20 KB, 350x277, 124113701217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat disgusting nail
>photografing the screen

>> No.9601857


>> No.9603174

The plan is to save up $10,000 and live off that for a while.

Living with my parents where I don't pay rent (only car insurance), is this feasible? I have $2,100 saved up, I make $600 per paycheck. I only spend on occasional stockings or pantsu for fun.

>> No.9603304

It took me awhile to notice that.

I'm currently running a script that's making 100k per hour on one account, which I created in 2006, maybe 7. So I did a bit of math and I realized that I could make $12 per day if I had 9 more accounts running but when I used the new account I couldn't stack more than 300 items in the bank, I couldn't trade the money over to my main account no matter what I tried, be it going into the wilderness or just allowing the character to die.

So now I'm stuck running one bot that only makes me $1.10 per day.

Can a professional help me? I'd like to be able to make $1 per hour. At this point the cost of electricity and internet is making this unprofitable.

>> No.9603328
File: 26 KB, 480x359, 1342299850213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also like to add that I showered for the first time in 7 days today and have adopted a new routine, attempting to stand for 30 minutes a day so I don't die from heart disease.

>> No.9603865

I think saving up more than that and buying property with it is a better idea. Unless you plan to keep living with your parents (which is fair enough) and repeat the work-NEET-work-NEET cycle several times (which sounds like a real bother).

I'm at about 12,000€ right now, and I don't want to work ever again once I've quit, so I'm just going to keep going. Until 50k maybe? I don't know yet.

>> No.9604329


>> No.9605346

When do you get trial membership? partway through the tutorial?

>stack more than 300 items
Trial members can only stack 300 of certain items, pure essence for example.

When you become good at botting it's worth having them be members.

Also you should have a high level account you actually play where you can earn phat cash, like through staking or pking.

>> No.9605811

New thread where?
