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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9577315 No.9577315 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take it easy without our NEET lifestyle contained within only one thread thread.

>> No.9577320 [DELETED] 
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Condense your blogshit


>> No.9577321

Why?Do you really have to spam the board to feel happy?
If you want more NEET lifestyle threads so badly go into some shitty forum

>> No.9577328

I made a facebook account the other day and added some people I knew from high school. I feel so dirty.

>> No.9577338

Why do you hate freedom?

>> No.9577347

Did they remember you?

>> No.9577353

My parents are on vacation. It's only a matter of time before I will have to leave the house to buy food. I think today might be the day. I've only done it once before and still feel kind of anxious about it.

I can't wait to buy cheap land in Hungary, Poland or whatever fits where I can grow my own food and live a nice hermit life.

>> No.9577357

How does one get welfare in Finland, /jp/? I'm going to hit the social services office next Monday and I'm not sure how to act.

I don't have any gypsie masters I could learn from. Does crying help? Should I be a nervous wreck?

>> No.9577359

get pizza delivered fucknuts

>> No.9577365

Please don't bully.

>> No.9577372

Same here Op
it's just..not the same if it's just a single masterthread

>> No.9577373 [DELETED] 
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Embrace you inner Spurdo.

>> No.9577381

or not, new /jp/ might very well be filled with scum like you

it fits

>> No.9577377

Why don't you buy food online? Most supermarkets deliver, and it only costs a few bucks if you pick one of the long slots. I find it easier to exchange basic small talk with the drivers instead of cashiers, who look at you funny when they notice you've bought 50 tins of beans.

>> No.9577379

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.9577384

I did the same thing a few months ago and felt the same way afterwards. Four people. Three of them struck up a conversation without me doing anything except sending the friend request or whatever it's called.

It's not like I really cared about them, I just thought it would be nice for them to have a way of contacting me for whatever reason. I log on every few weeks to check but don't even really expect anything to come out of it. It's weird.

>> No.9577385
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I'm leaving this here for Mediator.

>> No.9577396

I'm sorry I let you down, Stallman-sama.

>> No.9577401


I jumped over my former classmates profiles
laughed then almost puked

never going back there again

I'm sure that if I search hard enough, I will find another place like old /jp/, which I will be able to come home and sit on for hours and hours without getting bored. But not there. Not in the past. Not with these retarded pigs whom I used to consider some sort of friends all these years back.

>> No.9577421

You wont get any if you live with your parents and they wont care if you cry

>> No.9577429

Why is squidly so fat?

>> No.9577665

Package is supposed to arrive today.

>> No.9577713
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But that thread is not NEET related.

Please, try to contain your frustation. We are all here to relax and have fun after all.

>> No.9577717

Package of what?

>> No.9577726 [DELETED] 

le dragon dildos xDDDDD

>> No.9577734

Go back to your board.

>> No.9577741
File: 134 KB, 512x512, 4f9ba4b7b3c4f526052ee0200072184659eece51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has your ability to learn diminished since you became a NEET, /jp/?

I know "the brain is like a muscle", but I don't think I've appreciated the meaning of that saying until recently.

>> No.9577745

What is preventing you from learning?

>> No.9577750

It seems more like after people go through a spell of depression, their mental prowess plummets. As you very rarely hear anyone complain about this who enjoys their life.

Stay engaged, and don't be one of those sad losers from r9k who come here to talk about how they have no freinds.

>> No.9577762

I really wish I were a NEET again. I've been working for two months now and I'm already ready to portal to Gensokyo. The worst part is, my mom got me this job so I can't even quit until my internship runs out in September.

>> No.9577781

You think you got it bad?
I have to work in this shithole of a job for another 1.5month. Shitty colleagues, no support, dumping shit for you to work on your own only to screw you over in the review meeting later. Fuck this shit.
October cant come soon enough. NEET4lyfe!
I should have listened to you guys and stay at home!

>> No.9577783


NEET life is something that one can only really appreciate if one has worked their ass off before. I'm trying to get on SSI and hopefully I will get to experience it again, because I'm fed up with waking up at 1:30 AM every fucking day and still not making enough money to really survive. I have to use the food banks.

>> No.9577787

I wonder how much those old mexican ladies charge to clean your house. Carrying out 80 pounds of pissbottles and scrubbing off the layer of mold that grows over my bathroom all the time is too much of a bother.

Spending $100 to have them come in here and do it for me actually seems worth it. It would definitely to some mudperson kind of foreigner who doesn't speak english, becuase I wouldn't actually that they're invading my home. Luckily, it seems that most hired cleaners, are.

>> No.9577792

Have you reached enlightenment, /jp/? I had a feeling, and that is the only word I can think of to describe it.

>> No.9577797

>NEET life is something that one can only really appreciate if one has worked their ass off before.
Not this shit again. You don't have to have sadness in your life to have happiness. Blah blah insert NEET coyppasta about there being two types of NEET.

>> No.9577801

That's just one of those brief moments of lucidity that poke out between the usual fog of anxiety. It's not anything special, don't worry about it.

>> No.9577807

That copypasta has nothing to do with what he is saying.
That copypasta are for faggots that thought that having a job, friends and doing normalfags activities make your happy.

>> No.9577808

I do not think that was it. It was like I could feel everything.

>> No.9577818

Speaking of NEET kopipe, does anyone have that one about pushing a car? I think it was actually about depression, but I can't recall specifically.

>> No.9577851

There are 4 NEET types.

>> No.9577873
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I just struggle to absorb, retain, or recall information. It's taken me three days to learn five hiragana characters, and I still don't know them. If I read a book, I can only read about five pages before losing concentration or feeling tired.

I'm past the depression stage. Right now I'm mostly just bored, unmotivated, and lethargic. I know those are symptoms of depression, but I'm certainly better than I was before (or in the early days of) becoming a NEET.

>> No.9577877

TruNEET, falseNEET, happyNEET and sadNEET?

Though I guess that's more like the alignment system.

>> No.9577880

I thought truNEETs are happyNEETs

>> No.9577886

>I'm past the depression stage. Right now I'm mostly just bored, unmotivated, and lethargic. I know those are symptoms of depression, but I'm certainly better than I was before (or in the early days of) becoming a NEET.

What I'm saying is that this typically occurs becuase someone was depressed. Along with the strange effects the depression has on one's cognitive functions, the inertia pretty much ensures a good thorough atrophy. You'll either have to wait it out, or proactively work against it before you start getting back to your normal mental baseline.

>> No.9577891

Back to >>>/v/ adventurer.

Enjoy being a victim of trapwire.


>> No.9577903

If you want to read a book without getting bored, fill your bathtub up with some nice warm water, and read there for hours on end. It helps if you pick a book/novel with an engrossing story. This is especially useful when experiencing the truHEET in summer.

>> No.9577913

this sounds amazing, except I don't live alone so there's no way I'd be able to do that

i'd get questioned constantly

>> No.9577926

truneet = happyneet
falseneet = sadneet
Why would anyone be sadNEET?
Remember your childhood, how you look forward to your summer vacation? By being a NEET, everyday is a holiday. Only a falseNEET can be sad over this.

>> No.9577940

I didn't look forward to the summer vacation because it was fun, I looked forward to the summer vacation because I didn't have to interact with anyone and my anxiety got a break.

If you had a happy childhood, you need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.9577951

That summer break thing breaks down after the first year or two. It seems this is what usually puts people into the dreadful second kind of NEET mindset where they find out they were just normals all along and aim to "get their lives back on track". But the people who continue enjoying themselves anyway usually graduate into something more akin to those rich folks who own four jets and will never have to do anything in their lives. This is a drastic move away from the initial mindset of someone just beginning their life as a NEET, and the main bar separating one group from another.

>> No.9577952

But there are people who don't leave their house for decades and are miserable about it. But they're still truNEETs no matter how you look at it.

>> No.9577955

How about you sadfucks fuck off to >>>/r9k/
How can anyone not enjoy their childhood?
No responsibility, everything is served on the platter, free allowance, easy life, can do childish like watching cartoons without any stigma attached to it.
Blog about your shitty life somewhere else.

>> No.9577956
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>> No.9577965

It took me five months to learn the kana, you're doing fine.

>> No.9577994

either you're incredibly lazy
or american

it takes no more than 3 days to master kana

>> No.9577991
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I'll show you hommage.

>> No.9577998

None of those links mention social networking.

Unless you're making the argument that the CIA data mines Facebook to get facial recognition data which can be connected to TrapWire. But everyone knows Facebook is a CIA front, anyway.

>> No.9578003

Maybe if you're a normalfag.

You're not a normalfag, are you, Anonymous?

>> No.9578007

Holy shit /jp/, don't be a fuck up like me and REMEMBER TO PUT CAPS ON YOUR BOTTLES AFTER YOU PISS IN THEM.

I just got home and I forgot to leave the light on in my room, and when I was feeling around for the lamp I kicked all of my piss bottles over. They all fell over like bowling pins, and some of them didn't have caps.

Now there is piss everywhere, literally EVERYWHERE. Some of it was kind of old too, I had to take my laptop out of my room because it smells so bad that it makes me want to vomit. I don't know how I'm going to clean this up.

>> No.9578008

You are just stupid.
Being smart != normalfag.
Please install a new brain dumbshit. You wont be able to learn japanese if it took you months to master 40or so alphabets.

>> No.9578010
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sadNEETs just need to go outside more and get a dog.

It's much less expensive than you might think. In certain states you can buy land at a very cheap price and tax is usually only 50 dollars a year in these areas. If you become self-sufficient and grow your own food, have a well on your property, and setup solar power then your yearly expenses will be maybe 100 dollars at the most. If you spent 20 minutes working on mechanical turk or some other online worker site you could make a dollar and if you tried to do this almost every day then you would have well over 300 dollars a year.

You can then buy a big dog, explore all of the beautiful areas of nature with him all while being hundreds of miles away from the nearest human, and enjoy being a hermitNEET.

You can still pick up internet with satellite as well. It's not fast enough to play MMOs or anything like that, but just buy a couple TB harddrives and stock up on a lot of entertainment before you go so that the several day download times won't be that big of a deal.

>> No.9578014

My NEET days are over, and have been for over a while now.
I'm back at university and my parents keep dropping hints about work after that constantly.
I sort of have two paths: Continue with this or switch courses and study to be an actuary.
Also, my firearms license lapsed and you can't purchase a gun here without it.
If my parents found out I had it again they would get suspicious, and I have a feeling the card would be delivered to their address if I got it reinstated because that's the address the old one was sent to.

>> No.9578016

That's commonsense. How did you seriously not think that wouldn't happen?

I even commonly step on and sit on my pisss bottle pile, and have never once had a leak.

>> No.9578018


*a while

>> No.9578043

It's an immense amount of work to live out on your own. And the place will be absolutely infested with things that look like they belong in a B grade horror film if you had to clear out the land yourself. Sure it's possible if you're one of those kinds of people who punch rocks to death, but a lethargic NEET would freeze to death the first windy night or starve after the first week due to the accumulated malnutrition saved up from a lifetime of eating nothing but ramen. The plus side is it's really really easy to get dsl out in the sticks now. But you're a fool if you think somehow you're going enough power to hold you over from solar panels, assuming you have $40,000 to buy them and the batterys.
Just call whoever issues these permits in whatever commie country you live in and tell them to ship to wherever you are now, and confirm they have changed your records.

>> No.9578056

Does anybody else have a problem with maintaining their motivation? I keep getting bored of things so easily, even though I initially enjoy them. I just can't stay focused on anything long term no matter how hard I try. I also tend to be very moody and get frustrated easily, and even if the slightest thing goes wrong or I get stuck on something I get incredibly discouraged. I'm pretty sure I do not handle stress well at all.

>> No.9578060

Fish oil (high in EPA and DHA) is pretty good for what you're describing.

>> No.9578064


Will do. It's just I want to ensure absolutely no correspondence with that address.
I want to get the thing reinstated without taking the test again ideally, I imagine that involves paperwork and that paperwork must come to this address only.
I suppose I'll have to trust them to change the address before sending the documents.

>> No.9578076

Like I said, ask them to change your records, then request while still on the phone with them, that they exit out, and open your record again, and then read off the information they have in it.

This will confirm that they've actually changed it. It may sound rather anal, but yuppie people do this kind of thing all the time, and it won't come off as all that rude.

>> No.9578085


Okay. I might walk into a police station and do it in person to make absolutely sure.

>> No.9578105

Out of morbid curiosity, where is it that they make you do all this just to get a gun?

>> No.9578107


>Does anybody else have a problem with maintaining their motivation?

I used to have the same problem, but then I started taking drugs to make me be able to focus on anything. Now I'm addicted to stimulants and if I don't take my daily dose then I end up sleeping for 20+ hours a day like a hibernating bear.

It's a trade-off. Do you want to be a drug addict and have motivation or do you want no motivation and not have to worry about drug addiction?

>> No.9578111


Australia. I don't know if it has always been like this or if it was brought in after 1996.

>> No.9578113


I'm giving up on this lifestyle.

The fact that reddit is mentioned kinda puts me off, though. They're implying that those faggots invented the idea of No Fap _______.

>> No.9578115

You'd have no problem if they mentioned 4chan, and we didn't create it either. Take it easy, mister.

>> No.9578116

tl;dw - what is he talking about?

>> No.9578118

Ouch. According to unreliable people online, it would seem things were much more laid back about it a short while ago.

But at least you can get somewhat cheap Enfields.

>> No.9578119

Shut up Reddit.

>> No.9578121

I'm a perfectly functioning neet thank you very much.

>> No.9578122

Here's a better TED Talk:

>> No.9578123

No, I just had a lot of trouble learning despite having all the free time in the world. I am afraid of failure because of past experiences, so I get anxiety when I try to learn something.

I don't think I'll be able to learn Japanese past the kana, and I've tried thousands of times.

>> No.9578131

You make it look like learning kana is some sort of massive goal, and that failing means something, it doesn't, no one is judging you, just go at it however you want.

If you give up then there's no repercussions, you can try again or stop any time.

>> No.9578142

This. I don't have a problem. I can quit kana any time I want, honest.

>> No.9578143
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What is the best way to make money online that requires no socialization at all?

I tried to apply for disability, but I live in the south and there's about a 90% denial rate for anyone applying for disability. They won't give it to me no matter how many times I reapply, but I get a panic attack if I try to go outside so I can't get a job. I need some source of income so my mother won't have a stroke from the stress my leeching is putting on her budget. She has already talked about killing herself so I can just get the life insurance money, it makes me feel sad and scared to upset her so much.

Can I make any money from doing translation work on those freelance sites? If I study very hard then I think I can learn Japanese or any other language. I need to make money so my mother won't kill herself.

I'm scared. Please respond

>> No.9578149

no socialization is pushing it

if you want minimal socialization:

programming if you can beat the indians

flash games are also incredibly easy to monetize but you need good graphics

good luck with your mother, I hope it goes well for you two

>> No.9578154

I would, actually.

I just happen to hate reddit more than 4chan, and I've built up a tolerance to 4chan being mentioned since it hasn't been a secret club for several years now.

>> No.9578152


>> No.9578157

You should tell her that suicides do not qualify for life insurance claims.

>> No.9578159

Mechanical turk.

If there were a better way for unskilled labor online, it wouldn't even be a thing anymore. Or at least it wouldn't pay so laughably.

Ask any bigger translating group what they make on average from commissions. Now picture what you can do alone, by yourself, with no advertisement, and no regular visitors to your blog.

Of course, if you did what Uncle Remus suggests in his guide, you'd have autism bucks and this wouldn't even be an issue. And don't give any half assed excuses, if you would have done what he says, you would have gotten it.

>> No.9578160

Pick up a Ruby or Python tutorial, form or join a startup.

>> No.9578164

Internet porn addiction and the fact that it's symptoms mimic depression and such

It's actually pretty interesting even though I've heard it all before.

>> No.9578165

>but I live in the south and there's about a 90% denial rate for anyone applying for disability

>> No.9578172

Move to a socialist immigrant's welfare paradise and learn the local language.

>> No.9578178

You do know the number of social parasites has always been really high in the south, right?

You just fucked it up becuase you didn't know how to apply for it properly.

>> No.9578180


But I'm already on stimulants. I admit, they used to help immensely by magically giving me motivation to do even unpleasant things, but lately they just don't work nearly as well.

>> No.9578181
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It's so incredibly hot out I am dying.. there was some alert that said to only use the air conditioning after 6 but I do not care.

>> No.9578182

truNEET = modern day monks with computers.

>> No.9578191

Stimulants no longer work, shit sucks.

>> No.9578198

The big puffy down comforter I bought online arrived last night.

I can now take it 40% easier, and I strongly urge anyone on autism bucks to do themselves the favor and buy themselves one.

>> No.9578199

You know the Japanese have a better name for you guys, right? Parasite single. It may not be as hip-sounding as "NEET" or "hikikomori", but it more accurately describes what you are.

>> No.9578200

Since when do we care?

>> No.9578216

Any westerner calling himself hikkomori is as bad as those deviantart kiddies calling themselves otaku.

Parasite single is too long to type, it won't catch on.

>> No.9578214

>fuck my parents i do what i want!!!! *listens to linkin park and is a sociopath*

>> No.9578224

My package arrived!

>> No.9578225

Quoting, who you are?

>> No.9578217

Doesn't sound cool enough. I don't want it.

>> No.9578218

I am uncertain as to what source you might be transcribing. Please elaborate.

>> No.9578232

Congratulations, what's in it?

>> No.9578229

ive got a package for you right here *whips out dick*

>> No.9578235

You're only calling yourself a "NEET" because the Japanese use it, and retroactively saying BUT TEH BRITS USED IT FIRST!!!1 to justify it to yourself.

You'd be naive to think even half as many /jp/ers would call themselves "NEET" if it didn't pop up in their cartoons and games.

>> No.9578238

Who truPARASAITU here?

>> No.9578243

I wonder what the ultra nationalist NEETs in Japan think about autism bucks, and the way gaijin NEETs live.

I doubt they even know.

>> No.9578245

That's like, gross, man.

>> No.9578255

Nah, I use it because its conveniently short.

>> No.9578259
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>> No.9578260

It's called tolerance.

Did you go full retard and kept upping your dosage until it stopped working? If so, you've ruined your dopamine levels and receptors.

What I suggest is, take 20mg IR adderal for you when you need motivation to do something, and 40mg maximum for a fun dose. Any higher is a waste and will leave you with cold sweats during the comedown.

>> No.9578267
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>> No.9578276

W-why would you even... It's so big.

>> No.9578271


I actually stopped using amphetamines for a whole week and a half to eliminate my tolerance and flush it out of my system. Then when I went back on it at a much lower dosage, it still didn't do enough.

>> No.9578272

What are /jp/'s thoughts on Welcome to the NHK and Lucky Star?

>> No.9578279

> Welcome to the NHK
Pretty good. Novel > anime > manga.

> Lucky Star
Azumanga Daioh for the moé generation. And Azumanga Daioh was terrible.

>> No.9578278

NHK has pretty good programming.

>> No.9578282


konata is kawaii and Mr. NHK is a truhikki like me so I like them xDD

>> No.9578283

Absolutely entry level.

>> No.9578284
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Selling drugs on silkroad is your best option.

1. Go to the doctor.
2. Complain about ADHD and get a prescription for adderall. No less than a prescription 20mg of IR adderall, people are less likely to buy 10mg tablets.
3. This should get you a prescription for 60 20mg tablets each month and depending on your healthcare this will either be free or it will cost a small amount of money.
4. Go to silkroad and undercut whoever is also selling. Here's a screenshot from the current prices, so if you undercut then probably 10 bit coins per 10 tablets.

The exchange rate is currently 12 dollars per coin, so that's a monthly profit of about 720 dollars. Not a lot, but more than most people get for autismbux.

>> No.9578288
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that's the point anon~

>> No.9578291

It's the same size.

>> No.9578302

Fucking hell, I never really thought about just how much money people were making with that shit.

It's almost enough motivation for me to get my prescription redone. That and autism bucks would leave me sitting pretty in a nice place.

>> No.9578308

Doesn't take into account the cost of the prescription or its shipment. Or the fees to sell the Bitcoins for cash.

>> No.9578312 [DELETED] 

Doesn't take into account the cost of prescription, shipping, or conversion fees.

>> No.9578323

Cost me like $8 without insurance back when I still got them to get a 90 day dose of 60mg. I don't remember how many pills that was, or if they were IR or XR, but the price can't have changed much since then.

What's the damage on conversion? As for shipping, that'll hurt, but nothing I can do.

Still, an extra $300 a month would be more than enough to live alone like a well rounded minimum wage loser. Anything more than that, and I could save up and do things from time to time.

>> No.9578350


will it look suspicious if I mail out packages without a return address or should I just pick some random person's address and mail it from a public mail box far away from my house?

>> No.9578353

>ultra nationalist NEETs
How can you be an ultranationalist and a neet at the same time?

>> No.9578358

If you loved the country you were in, would you work to support a government that is a slave and a puppet to a foreign empire?

>> No.9578359

Packages without return addresses will be refused. Just use a fake address. And find a mailbox that isn't video monitored.

>> No.9578379
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The first two animes I downloaded when I got a fast internet connection. I wonder when we'll see a second season of Lucky Star.

>> No.9578388

I would work to either change or overthrow government. Either way I don't see ultranationalists being a leech on a country they are claiming to love.
Unless they are pseudonationalists.

>> No.9578390

Please go back to reddit or which ever site you came from.

>> No.9578394

That would be never, kyoani makes too much money from those musical girls.

>> No.9578451
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>> No.9578456

> 2. If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.9578464

How often should a NEET masturbate? Yesterday I did it 5 hours in a row but it hurt during the rest of the day. What's the recommended amount to masturbate/day?

>> No.9578466

This is actually untrue although it is a common myth, most insurance plans have a probationary period after becoming active where suicides will receive no benefits but after that a death is a death

>> No.9578475


>> No.9578476

I can confirm this. For Germany at least. It's generally three years. And even before that, you will still get the money if you can prove the person committing suicide wasn't of sound mind.

>> No.9578493

About 0.15 according to /fit/.

>> No.9578517

Is anyone else TruNEET or Hikikomori? Lets share some good and painless ways to commit suicide.

>> No.9578542


I was wondering about this if anyone can help:

Lets say I had vicodin and alcohol. Should I take, say, 20 of the vicodin first and then drink half a liter of rum? What I fall asleep first and then die?

What amount of each should I take and in what order to make sure I don't feel my liver explode?

>> No.9578548

What's the best way to make money on mechanical turk? I did the ones where you type stuff into google, but now I can't do any more.

>> No.9578562 [DELETED] 

.15? what?

>> No.9578579

I don't want to kill myself though.

>> No.9578576

He means once every 6.666... days, nerd.

>> No.9578598

true truNEETs™ do not want to commit suicide.

>> No.9578625

I can barely make it through with making posts anymore.
Why suicide? Are you not happy?

>> No.9578696

0.15 ejaculations per day. The time you spend on them doesn't matter.

>> No.9578710

>>9577353 here.
I'm back from buying groceries. Everything went fine. I did drop some of the change when I tried to put it in my wallet, but that's to be expected, right?

At least now I have food again. That makes me happy.

>> No.9578720

There is no reason to worry about dropping change, that happens all the time.

Did you enjoy your time out at all? Are you thinking about going out again?

>> No.9578724

How can I make money as a NEET?

>> No.9578736

Not really. Well okay, maybe.
It's worth a shot. A month of omega 3 oils added to your diet will probably help if your diet is like ramen everyday.

>> No.9578741

Make a DA account and charge ridiculous amounts of money for half-assed comissions. Make sure you put out some good quality art (can be traced if you really suck) on your page to attract potential customers.

>> No.9578744

It doesn't matter. So long as she believes you, it stops her from killing herself.
Truth doesn't really matter all that much.

>> No.9578759


>> No.9578760

Offer to cook and clean for another anon.
Put vague allusions in that you'll offer sexual services, but don't be too blatant or no one will take you seriously.

>> No.9578789

I have always thought that there was something wrong with me, and that introversion was a disease. I felt like I was weak, and I wanted to work towards being more outgoing. Everyone around me is always encouraging me to go to more parties and interact with large groups of people to "practice". I feel better about myself now. I don't actually need to change, everyone else just needs to accept me.

>> No.9578822

Going out isn't really a problem for me. I do enjoy it outside. I take walks sometimes. But “impending social interaction in unfamiliar situations” (I just came up with that) always makes me nervous.

>> No.9578833

I have to concur, going outside is okay if you don't have to interact with anyone; for example: If there's no-one around because you live in a sparsely populated area, or you live in a densely populated area. You don't really have to talk to anyone or anything, so it's fine.

>> No.9578839

Why not just refuse to talk to someone? If someone says hello, just ignore them. 9 times out of 10 they will think you are an asshole and never say a word to you again.

>> No.9578851

You can just nod/say hi and keep walking, its not that hard,

>> No.9578852

But that's being a dick.
I prefer to just meekishly say hello back, and then have the conversation awkwardly end with an excuse. I actually now prepare excuses when I go out, since then it seems more natural, and it's a lot more believable.

>> No.9578884

Does anyone know where I can find a guide for using these PGP encryption messages on silk road? I want to order something, but I don't understand it.

>> No.9578893

>that feel when you have to take a shit but it's late at night and you dont want to wake up your parents, so you go outside to shit and the neighbor shoots you with his hose mistaking you for a stray cat

>> No.9578932


>> No.9578976

Not him, but I get sucked into conversations. Normally if a stranger says hello, they have some agenda or reason for it. A few weeks ago I was actually on the way to an appointment, when two Mormons stopped me in the middle of the street and asked if I knew about their religion. I had a real excuse and I was pressed for time, but I stood there like an idiot, engaging these people and having a discussion while I felt awkward as fuck about it.

Fortunately, I managed to lie about my name and address when they asked. Which makes me quite proud, because normally I'm terrible at lying on the spot.

>> No.9578993

If you're too shy to tell people to fuck off, just respond in another language. Preferably one that's not common in your area.

As long as you look confused, they'll give up after about two tries of getting you to speak enlgish/whatever mudlanguage your country speaks.
You're free to go, and the only thing they'll be thinking is, damned foreigners.

>> No.9579000

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.9579209

It just started raining really hard a few minutes ago and when it thunders my internet stops working for a few minutes. I also have a leak in my roof.

I am not sure what to do right now.

>> No.9579397

It's calmed down for now. Wish me luck guys.

>> No.9580359
File: 91 KB, 279x339, marisa shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so much easier to be a lazy piece of shit and do no-skill, hedonistic things like browse the internet when I HAVE THINGS THAT NEED TO BE DOING?!?!?!??!

>> No.9580399


Being productive is pretty hard.

>> No.9580413


Yeah, I hate this.
I waste all this time and then go to bed and can't sleep due to thinking about all the shit I need to get done.

>> No.9580417


But whyyyyyyy

I wanna do stuff, but I get bored and tired of it in like 30 minutes.

I'm going to commit myself to figure out just how my mind works and why this phenomenon exists in the first place!

>> No.9580427

I want to create a tulpa, but I guess I'm kinda scared it will drive me crazy

Does anyone here have one and can tell me about it?

>> No.9580435

Aspergers/ADD amalgam.

>> No.9580439

If being productive was easy, then everyone would be productive. And if everyone was productive, then no one would be.

>> No.9580440


Tulpas don't exist. You can't do it.

Just become the person you want to be with.

>> No.9580454


Productivity is not something you compare with others.

>> No.9580464

It won't drive you crazy. Your calorie intake might go up a bit because your brain will be working twice as much, but the tulpa is pretty much however you mold it. That being said, feeding it negative emotions or doubting its existence can only bring bad things.

>> No.9580472

I'm working on one.

It's hard, takes a bit of time, but it's the most rewarding thing when it gets sentience and starts doing stuff you wouldn't expect.

>> No.9580520

Can you tell me about it?

>> No.9580535

I can't take it easy anymore, /jp/.

Dp you think it's possible to hide in a cardboard box all day and come out at night and eat from dumpsters and still be okay?

>> No.9580565


Probably not.

What's wrong?

>> No.9580577

Got accepted to family services stuff and will get about 250$ a month which is great since I had no income before

I plan to use the money to grow magic mushrooms
Anyone have any experience with those?

>> No.9580610
File: 189 KB, 1000x328, my_murder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought more crows.

>> No.9580622

That looks absolutely terrifying

I'd never be able to take it easy

>> No.9580618

Being cut off from financial support and I'm too autistic to get a job or bother the government. I think I'd be okay with being homeless if I just had somewhere to hide during the day.

>> No.9580684

KhanAcad released their new CS series.

>> No.9580706
File: 114 KB, 1440x810, 1344102673488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you marry her?

truNEET hermit girl.


>> No.9580744
File: 35 KB, 300x300, greatest ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, this shit is amazing. Premium ramen is premium.

>> No.9580758

Oh god this girl's voice. The tutorial is interesting but jesus.

>> No.9580804

yes. oh I thought you were talking about O HA NA.

>> No.9580805

The first series were for Python were done by Khan I'm not sure when you reach those.

>> No.9580812

Those don't have this crazy tutorial thing though

>> No.9580849
File: 519 KB, 1000x800, IMG_2185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mama, eating some now.

>> No.9580899
File: 192 KB, 680x463, pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, w-will you be my girlfriend?

>> No.9580905

No, but if you're cute I'll top

>> No.9580911

Well that sounds okay I guess...

>> No.9581064

Nice documentary. Are there any more neat, high-quality documentaries about Japan or made in Japan?

>> No.9581076

No, but here's one about NEET life in China.


>> No.9581086

That isn't a documentary.

>> No.9581117

I'll be your girlfriend.

>> No.9581286
File: 83 KB, 309x360, IMG_0531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there's a premium version of that with real garlic and beef. I just tried it today. it tastes pretty good but doesn't seem as spicy as the regular kind.

>> No.9581567

It's not too tough to find a half decent place to squat during the day, if you have the nerve to break/sneak in.

After I got tired of sleeping in train bridges or the woods, that's what I switched to, and it worked incredibly well save for a few close calls with people coming in the check on the places.

Just remember, move around. Don't set up shop in one area and plan to stay there forever.

>> No.9581663

I'm visiting family in new york, and it's awful. Everyone I talk to tries to shake my hand, it's smelly and humid, and there are loud things everywhere.

>> No.9581701

I have no food in the house but I don't want to walk to and from the supermarket with a load of food.

I might do the grocery home deliver service, but then I'd have to spend >£50.

>> No.9581729

I'm assuming you guys aren't Asian.
How did you find this out? Someone has been passing on the secrets....

>> No.9581736

You best be dropping an egg or two in while cooking.

>> No.9581750

Bring a backpack. It makes it easier to carry food home.
Best time to do this is on the earliest opening time on a saturday morning. There is no-one around at 8am on a saturday. No-one.

>> No.9581758
File: 410 KB, 1000x1000, 1335077942804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I suppose that's a good idea, but I'm so lazy. And it's cold. I just want to stay in my room.

>> No.9581806

Must be an american thing. Over here noone would talk to you unless they want money or directions. I'm good with directions and rarely carry cash.

>> No.9581838
File: 286 KB, 1920x1200, Shijou.Takane.full.939918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute. Reminds me of Takane. But does she and/or her husband work? I mean, they probably had to work at some point, unless they inherited money. A house like that doesn't buy and build itself. But it would be so sad if they still had to work after moving to that house.

I'm working and saving every cent I can, but I don't know how much I'll need. 20k, 50k, 100k (euros of course, not cents)? 20k will get you oats for more than a lifetime (0.50€/day), but it's not enough to buy more expensive food like vegetables or meat, pay rent or buy proper property (heh), which means you would have to live on the streets. I don't know if I could take it easy like that, but I also don't want to work anymore.

I think the answer to all of this is finding a job that's fun (and ethically right to do (I care about that)), but is that even possible in today's economy? I haven't found anything promising and I don't know if I will.

>> No.9581881

I'm currently climbing the work-from-home programmer career ladder. It's a pretty sweet gig if you can get into it, but you need pretty high cognitive function pretty much all the time. That means having a complete plan for when depression strikes.

> startup
No, don't. You can't take it easy in a successful startup and unsuccessful startups crash and burn. On the other hand, you could try finding other NEETs around here and form the first NEET startup.

>> No.9581913

backpack and buy canned food + rice.

>> No.9581922

You need to take it easy. You're trying to motivate yourself to do something you perceive as being "work" and you instinctively think you need to beat yourself to start working on it. Then you start to connect work with feeling bad about yourself. And then, you get paranoid of work - you're constantly thinking about it, because it needs doing, but you're afraid of it, because it makes you feel bad, so you're constantly thinking of something that makes you anxious. Then you need to relax, which means spending time on /jp/. But this takes time and doesn't relax you that much, so by the time you try actually doing your work, you've depleted all your mental reserves and can't do shit.

The solution is to cut off the chain at the start - just take it easy. You might want to talk to a therapist about it, tho. I don't think it would invalidate your NEET-ness, since you're going to a doctor for a definite health issue.

>> No.9581955
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1323338842263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be a hard worker and do your best if you were a young and stunningly cute girl? I refuse to do anything because I hate myself and this fuckugly body of mine. I want to kill myself. If only I were a cute girl.

>> No.9581958


No one would take you seriously intellectually if you were a young and cute girl, at least not on face value.
When you are an average looking white male people take you seriously without knowing anything about you.

>> No.9581966
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1323338842910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny you should mention that. Everybody I know/knew always overestimated my intellectual ability and calls me smart, talented and capable but they don't understand me. They're only saying that because they know I've got nothing else. My intelligence just barely reaches average in reality.

Intelligence is vastly overrated.

>> No.9581977

>My intelligence just barely reaches average in reality.
>Intelligence is vastly overrated.

>> No.9581986

Any other NEETs here who used to work?

I have a fairly good job, but I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of working, I'm sick of my colleagues who don't share any of my autistic interests (none of the fuckers even play video games for god sake) and so on.

What's life like if you transition to becoming a NEET from working? Any advice?

>> No.9581989

Get fired, fail interviews, kill yourself. Spare yourself the NEET ordeal, it's no way to live. If you're unable to find a job before your last dollar is spent on food you pretty much deserve to die.

>> No.9581990

>none of the fuckers even play video games for god sake

College students that don't play video games? How can this be?

>> No.9581991
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1323338842376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9582003


>> No.9582009

You'll probably get tired of it after a year or two. I've gotten the impression that most of the non-roleplaying truHIKKI gang has always been somehow seriously lacking in ability. I don't like people but I got enough after 1,5 years.

>> No.9582056

How do you guys find motivation? Drugs are not an option

>> No.9582178

I read about an interesting study about the effect of being praised for inherent intelligence. They gave a bunch of students a test which was rigged to give them a high score. Then they had the teacher talk to the students about their score. Half of them was told they had to be really smart to have achieved such a high score, while the other half was told they must have worked really hard to achieve that score.

Later, the same students were given a new test, but this time they had the choice between an easy one or a more challenging one. The ones who were praised for being hard-working were much more likely to pick the more challenging test, and also did better at whatever test they picked. I'm pretty sure the study has been reproduced several times with the same results too.

In a way, the result actually is completely obvious and maybe we didn't even need a study to show it. But how common is this wisdom in our society? How often do parents and teachers praise kids for their hard work rather than inherent abilities? I, for one, always got praised for my intelligence; part of me still believes in it too. But look at where that got me.

>> No.9582371

When I was in school, teachers always told the loser kids that they're talented and great people. I was jealous as hell because I never got any positive attention. My parents ignored me too because I was doing well, much better than they ever had. When they were young, the schooling system was different - good and bad students were separated at a very early stage and the good students' line of study had better resources. Nowadays miniature gangsters hold absolute power in classrooms and the teachers can't do shit. Nordic socialism has achieved a lot but sometimes it feels like the ones in charge are completely alienated from reality and all they can do is to stare at the statistic median. PISA is horse shit. Universities have been forced to lower their academic standards because high school graduates are less skilled than before, especially in mathematics.

>> No.9585441

Where did all the shitposters go?

This new on-topic /jp/ is pretty terrible.

>> No.9585450

They all went to you're mom's house

>> No.9585520

My mom died of cirrhosis, you know.

>> No.9585546

Exactly. All the shitposters died and went to hell

>> No.9585967
File: 23 KB, 420x420, kigu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these cool?
Would you wear one?
They seem so comfy for sitting around the house but I don't know...

>> No.9586007

How do my fellow NEETs handle being in need of a dick?

>> No.9586025

Dragon deeldo

>> No.9586255

Any NEETs want to come out of the closet? What are you really studying/working?

>> No.9586266

Studying what made /jp/ worthwhile

Working on how to revert /jp/ back into pre-/q/

>> No.9586280

Post more and don't give a fuck

>> No.9587543

Make sure it's big enough or else you won't be able to sit or stand properly with the head on.

>> No.9587579

I don't have a job and I'm not studying anything. Do you think NEET is some kind of joke?

>> No.9587598

A board will always revert into its natural state of equilibrium a while after being disturbed from it. That's why I don't give a shit about the sticky or /q/.

>> No.9587612
File: 5 KB, 605x129, wondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does ZUN know any English?

>> No.9587617

This. Just keep being elitist and making posts that you feel deserve to be posted.

>> No.9587671

I didn't win lottery.

>> No.9587714

Keep up the good work. I got your back.

>> No.9587895

Get this!
*grabs dick*

>> No.9587921

my dick or your dick?

>> No.9587958
File: 53 KB, 794x442, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What chair do you guys use? I haven't found anything comfier than my good old Officemax Aera. I was disappointed after the wheels fell off and the arm padding wore down to the plastic to find they only sell Aera IIs at the store. I ended up buying one, decided it was impossible to get comfortable in (felt like I was being pushed out of the chair, back very straight) so I took the wheels and arms from the new one and put them on the old chair. Only problem is I snapped a bolt off in the chair, need to remove it tomorrow. I feel bad about basically wasting the money although I got the store to price match Amazon, down to about half price.

New one on the right, old on the left. The old one looks more comfortable, right?

>> No.9587961
File: 826 B, 400x400, 1345121652233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where u

>> No.9587965
File: 10 KB, 400x400, truneet4lyf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already hand in my resignation letter.

>> No.9587969

Why didnt just return it?

>> No.9587976

The quartile of truNEET+sadNEET does not exist. If you are sad with your NEET then you are a just a bad normalfag who wants for the evil.

>> No.9587978

I'm using the wheels and arms from the new chair. All that's left of the new chair is the hydraulic lift thing and the back and bottom parts, I don't think they'd take that. I'll find a use for those parts eventually. Leaving a full five gallon jug on them until this chair is completely destroyed (somehow).

>> No.9587982

Of course it does. Look up kodokushi.

>> No.9587984
File: 260 KB, 730x810, ^^1342899740451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never be a neet

i feel so lonely and isolated

>> No.9587997

A few months ago something weird happened to me. I'd wake up and feel nothing but a feeling of impending doom, like something horrible was happening or was going to happen. I'd end up staying in bed crying and comforting myself by watching Disney movies and TV shows I enjoyed as a child as well as playing video games I enjoyed from that time in my life. I have no idea what caused it, it's never happened before, and in the end it only lasted about a month. Nowadays it's very much the opposite. I wake up and feel like the world is completely open to me. I look out the window and smile before sitting down at the computer in a giggly mood. I didn't used to laugh to myself as much as I do now, but this is definitely better than crying to myself.

>> No.9587999

You can be a NEET and still have friends, you know.

>> No.9588006
File: 45 KB, 500x500, Sadako_out_of_well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can NEVER be a NEET

>> No.9588037

I don't quite understand what you're trying to tell me.

>> No.9588040
File: 1.97 MB, 1222x3000, 103.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been a student all my life and ill be working all my life

>> No.9588068

Well good luck fag boy.

>> No.9588084 [DELETED] 

This board became so fucking nerdy once /q/ueer started up. I'd rather have ironic shitposting than honest autism.

>> No.9588100

I don't care. You sound like a spoiled clinical idiot who lives just to make noise. How is it even possible to pull enjoyment out of complete nonsense? Stop dragging everything down to your level.

>> No.9588104

Just report him and move on.

>> No.9588112

What are you arguing against exactly? The strawman you built from hundreds of shitposts in the course of /jp/'s history that frustrated you?

>> No.9588126 [DELETED] 

>I'd rather have ironic shitposting than honest autism.

We're all waiting for you at /b/

>> No.9588129

>I'd rather have ironic shitposting than honest autism.

We're all waiting for you at /b/ .

>> No.9588165
File: 42 KB, 704x476, MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9588169

That's right. You are a faggot.

>> No.9588187

How do NEETs get laid?

>> No.9588196

Simple. Just act like a baddie. Chicks dig guys who have bad attitude and no job.

>> No.9588200

So I should steal? I suppose I can do that but wouldn't that count as a job?

>> No.9588208

I laughed out loud. Please explain your thought process and tell me what my post has to do with strawmen. He openly admitted that he misses blatant shitposting and wants it back.

>> No.9588222

Well. According to my personal experience of some people.


>> No.9588229

>He openly admitted that he misses blatant shitposting and wants it back.
But that is the part where your brain problems start. I never said I want shitposting back, it's to me just the lesser of two evils if we're strictly talking about /jb/. Face it, this was always one the worse boards on this site.

>> No.9588263

>I never said I want shitposting back, it's to me just the lesser of two evils
What do you want then? Nothing? You just like to bitch in the wrong place without even having an actual opinion?

>> No.9588292

There is a difference between blatant irc circlejerk/drama and witty posting
Learn the difference. Nobody want the former back and the janitor is doing a good job on that but the janitor is doing a shitty job because he is just deleting everything. It is not /jp/ without them.

>> No.9588314

Witty posts can still be made. Is it really a terrible disaster if they get deleted after a certain period of time? Most regulars see them anyway unless they get deleted _immediately_, which never happens.

>> No.9588377

Link please.

>> No.9588497

I know that feeling of impending doom. It's my recurring nightmare since I were a child. I also sometimes feel it when I'm very tired and stressed out. It's a very unpleasant feeling; the air gets very heavy and you feel as though shit is just about to hit the fan, yet everyone and everything is perfectly normal.

>> No.9588780
File: 124 KB, 685x720, kananotthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish people would stop taking this half-assed shit seriously. He admits right in the beginning that, basically, they don't do any real research, and then he postulates about a bunch of shit that might be happening and babbles about evolutionary psychology (A branch of psychology that manages to be even more retarded and untestable than any other) to demonize internet porn.

>> No.9588866

If you don't masturbate, you'll soon want to insert le dick into a female. He's just glorifying the side effects. The world is built around males' desires to impress potential partners. When that willingness disappears, self-sustainment becomes the modus operandi. If it happens before the children are made and the mortgage is taken, NEETdom is often the logical result.

>> No.9588871


I don't even give a fuck if what he says is true.
Oh no, erectile dysfunction! However will I cope?
If anything it would be good to not get boners and have to make the effort to masturbate every few days.

>> No.9588886


*How ever

Shameful display.

>> No.9589034


It sounds like he wants us to be normal and chase after 3DPD. 0/10 would not subscribe to.

>> No.9589054
File: 629 KB, 1024x1080, 1342639272170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1BTC = $11 USD

11$ for ONE pill? What a fucking ripoff.

I should've splurged on bitcoins when they were dirt cheap.

>> No.9589064

Buy them now for they will continue going up!

>> No.9589114
File: 42 KB, 600x875, madonkadonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Real women can't compete with a good 2d madonka-donk anyway.

>> No.9589115

Madoka a shit

>> No.9589382

plz dont bully

>> No.9589392

>The world is built around males' desires to impress potential partners.

Thus confirming that real women are completely useless, only good for breeding.

madoka a cameltoe

>> No.9589418

>Thus confirming that real women are completely useless, only good for breeding.
Well, that's just a huge misogyny-fueled logical jump. Breeding doesn't take 99% of your time, you know?

>> No.9589477


>> No.9589485


>> No.9589873

And that my friends is why we limited NEET blogs to 1 thread.

>> No.9589883

Huh? Because they tend to derail?

>> No.9590137

Is free stuff NEET-related?

Because zenmagnets is giving away gift sets to anyone who writes an essay on why they shouldn't be banned.

It not like you have anything but time. They're relaxing to play with.

>> No.9590190

I don't even know what those are, but does the essay actually have to be good? Or can you write whatever since they just want numbers to show they have support?

>> No.9590197

Hey you pathetic sacks of shit.
Tell these faggots to transfer over to this thread.

>> No.9590206

This one has passed bump limit so get off my case normalfag.

>> No.9590258
File: 93 KB, 644x345, IMG_0233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could read some of the submitted ones.


They're a little set of 216 neodymium sculpting magnets.

I wrote mine on Sunday and got my magnets today. They're pretty fun but I haven't made anything complex with them yet.

>> No.9590269

I'm sorry that you are clinically retarded.

>> No.9590764

Is crossdressing NEET lifestyle or Otaku Culture?

>> No.9591396

Homo probably? There is a homo board.

>> No.9591540

You still think cross-dressing implies homosexuality? I'm appalled.

>> No.9593059

Can you tell me about the drugs? Adderal?

>> No.9593197

Oh their buckyball clones.
They're illegal in the US.
