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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9572175 No.9572175 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who can't wait for this to be released just to watch it bomb and laugh because of how bad it will be? It's like the Duke Nukem Forever of eroge industry. Everyone are poking fun at it and make nasty comments because deep down inside we all know that it simply isn't possible for it to live up to the hype. .

>> No.9572179

Never heard of it.

>> No.9572191


>> No.9572192

I still have faith.

>> No.9572211

what hype?

>> No.9572214

The first game was godlike.
If it is just like the first game with updated graphics, better tits physic and kana, it will definitely exceed the hype. I believe!

>> No.9572217

It'll never get released.

>> No.9572220

What hype? It's not as pedo as hizashi, so no one is expecting anything great out of it.

>> No.9572235 [DELETED] 

These are the kind of people /jp/ has been filled with the last 2 years.

>> No.9572241

Otome Function is coming!

It will bring us food and water! And smite our enemies!

>> No.9572243 [DELETED] 

One day

>> No.9572253

This is why I'm disappointed. Three ugly, big-breasted characters (one with pig-disgusting tanlines), and one small-breasted ugly pseudo-loli to placate a demographic they obviously don't care for.
No thank you!

>> No.9572291

If they didn't care about the demographic, they wouldn't have made Hizashi. I, like you, prefer loli, but there's nothing wrong with letting another fetish have a turn.

Besides, it has Kana.

>> No.9572365 [DELETED] 

It'll continue to get worse as long as Touhou is the focus of the board.

>> No.9572390 [DELETED] 

So little self-awareness. You are exactly the scum I'm talking about here.

>> No.9572399 [DELETED] 

Stay in denial about your gateway series.

>> No.9572476 [DELETED] 

It was made for touhou and became shit when you off board rejects joined and pushed your shitpost down our throat. Don't worry neo /jp/ is beyond recovery. You have nothing to fear.

>> No.9572732 [DELETED] 

You seem to be forgetting that you're nothing but /a/ rejects, and not the kind of rejects that leave a board willingly, but the kind that gets thrown out like garbage.

>> No.9572751 [DELETED] 

The huge breasts I agree with, but tanlines?

Thems fightin words.

>> No.9572762 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 500x334, laughing_khajiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo /jp/
You got here in 2010, right?

>> No.9572775 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 400x534, marisa bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/q/ is hated by the majority of locals on /a/v/pol/ and probably by a bunch of other boards too. Coincidence? I think not. Newfaggots use /q/ to force their shitty ideas and bitch about boards they lurk because they don't like something.
The same people who want to remove Idolmaster(and everything they don't like) threads from /a/ and post Naruto there, force political correctness on /pol/, remove touhou from /jp/ and turn it into a reddit-/bun/ hybrid. The same people who are going to invite their reddit/gaia friends to 4chan, to post "epic" memes and link to canihascheezburger.

>> No.9572790 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 660x509, grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you delusional faggots don't have to condense your shit why should NEETs?

>> No.9572806 [DELETED] 

I concur.
/q/ is where whiny faggots go to bring their 'stop liking what I don't like' to the fucking moderators.

>> No.9572813 [DELETED] 

The worst thing is that moderators actually listen to those whiners and make some of their wishes come true.

>> No.9572818 [DELETED] 

Well what about the counter argument:
"Well why don't you go to /q/ and argue against these stupid fucking ideas"?

>> No.9572837 [DELETED] 

Are you implying that people didn't go to complain about the rules on /q/? They did, but it gave nothing, since the moderation team is obviously aiming to make boards accessible to everyone.

>> No.9572846 [DELETED] 

Well I didn't.
I just don't want to go. Call it social anxiety or whatever, but I don't want to go into normal hives.

>> No.9572845 [DELETED] 

Stop projecting shitposter. We don't need you and your "creative board culture XD" here.
/jp/ was made for tohou and VNs. It wasn't intended to be /b/ 3.0 for /v/ rejects like you.

Everybody who experienced old /jp/ would support /q/.

>> No.9572851

Fuck you OP. Preview videos were awesome, and we both know that it would surpass Hizashi(to which I fap even today).
Too bad it will never be released, this game would be god like.

>> No.9572857 [DELETED] 

>Everybody who experienced old /jp/ would support /q/.
Are you sure? /q/ is a place where all boards congregate to moan about things on their boards, so what you're doing when you make a /jp/ related thread is that you're advertising it to every other board.

>> No.9572864 [DELETED] 

>Everybody who experienced reddit would support /q/.

>> No.9572873 [DELETED] 

Not the guy you responded to, but stop being such an elitist faggot. I understand we were like that, but back off for now.
/jp/ still isn't your secret club.
New sticky is only helping, and I'm glad we finally have it after so many years.

>> No.9572871 [DELETED] 

>Everybody who came over from reddit would support /q/.

>> No.9572880 [DELETED] 

/jp/ had a series of chain threads which were mostly left alone by visitors except the occasional person who stepped in every few hundred posts and wondered how such a small board could fill up a quarter of /q/ with their six chain threads.

Nobody wants to read thousands of posts about some board they don't visit.

The current sticky was made with input from /jpq/.

>> No.9572886 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 334x274, 1341872091570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ still isn't your secret club.

>> No.9572883 [DELETED] 

>look at me I'm such an edgy shitposter!
Get fucked.

>> No.9572897 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 448x425, LOGH dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to get so frustrated, /q/ueer.

>> No.9572888 [DELETED] 

How did /q/ help /jp/?.

It's the same shit but worse. We got a sticky thread with all the shit we all knew, a huge as fuck red text and my sage no longer saves.

What more?.
They still make the same threads, they just get deleted faster, whohoo the janitor doing his fucking job.

BOOF is the new janitor btw.

>> No.9572890 [DELETED] 

Oh, and transparent moderation, and interaction with the moderation staff was NEVER a part of 4chan. Moderators were these sky magicians that swooped down and banned people when they could be bothered to. They were part of the community, so they understood what was going on.
/q/ is an insult, because it means that the moderators no longer have to be part of the communities that they moderate, and now just listen to a few guys moan about shit they don't like.
"Oh, this guy from this board dislikes; what's this, x? Well he's backed up by a few more people, so here we go!"

>> No.9572901 [DELETED] 

/jq/ at its best.

>> No.9572898 [DELETED] 

/q/ pls go

>> No.9572910 [DELETED] 

I would go to /q/ and say how I hate the things as they are right now, but... I just don't like that board, don't like those people and don't even want to post there.

>> No.9572921 [DELETED] 

Neo-neo /jp/ is a shit
How can the first page be full of touhou threads and not a SINGLE one boyfriend or cock thread?
I guess our board is dying.

>> No.9572924 [DELETED] 

Cool sarcasm bro xD

>> No.9572926 [DELETED] 

Sage never saved unless you were using an extension.

>> No.9572928 [DELETED] 

I can smell you /q/ faggot. You won't trick me!

>> No.9572933 [DELETED] 

Excuse me dear sir, but I had trouble finding the quote your post referenced.

>> No.9572934 [DELETED] 

You can save sages if you put a space after it (or any other character, the sage still counts)
I think that guy just put a space after sage accidentally one day.

>> No.9572939 [DELETED] 

what the HELL are you talking bout.

sage did saved before moot added the forced noko.

>> No.9572945 [DELETED] 

Personally I think quotations should be allowed when paraphrasing someone. So long as the person being paraphrased is clear.
If not, you're cutting out a lot of language flexibility for no real reason.

"Look at me, I don't understand there's more than one way to signify a quote"

>> No.9572952 [DELETED] 

It's not a question of being allowed, everything is allowed. It's whether or not it should be encouraged, and it shouldn't be, because eventually things just descend into "herp derp i'm a retard" - u.

>> No.9572959 [DELETED] 

How about you continue thinking that on /vg/ or /v/.

>> No.9572969 [DELETED] 

Might be worth allowing them so long as it isn't chevron quoting. And by 'allow' I mean, 'not have a shitfit over'.
Since it's the green that gets the idiots interested, since they won't read anything that's not green.

How about suck my cock
- me

>> No.9572969,1 [INTERNAL] 

demais nomil
