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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 361x259, med-1044-depression[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9562766 No.9562766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe on a scale to 1-10, how self loathing you are for having otaku related hobbies.

For reference 1 is being proud of having these hobbies, 5 is neutral, and 10 is contemplating suicide on a daily basis for having these hobbies.

As for me, I'm about a 8. I mean really, japanese porn games?

>> No.9562778


I am REALLY ashamed

>> No.9562794

7 I guess?

I don't really dig the omnipresent sexism.

I don't really mind the objectification, but past that, this shit can get pretty fucking disgusting.

Most people on /jp/ don't think of women as people, so I guess I'm alone in this, though.

>> No.9562793


It's nothing to be ashamed of (seriously if you are how do you even enjoy them?) but I don't go around telling everyone with no interest in them.

>> No.9562785

Like I care what nerds think.

>> No.9562786

Are you sure it's the hobbies and not your shameful taste in porn talking? You'd be just as ashamed if you were into Western porn, I bet.

>> No.9562804

Women are people. Cartoon women aren't. They are cartoons.

>> No.9562812

>Women are people.
I think you're mistaken.

>> No.9562813


>> No.9562819

You ain't truNEET if you have to hide it from people because truNEETs don't even meet people. Checkmate, you falseNEETs.

>> No.9562821

Kindly shut the fuck up!

I sexualize both men and women equally 2D and 3D when I was in high school I used to feel up on guys (Actually I think I sexualized men more as I only touched a few boobs and asses of girls)

>> No.9562824


I am a NEET...

Like, i hardly go out and stuff

>> No.9562832

1 or 2. I even talk to family members about this shit. I can no longer give a shit.

>> No.9562833

You ain't a truNEET.

>> No.9562835

7. I have fun with them, but because of my figures I kinda feel that my parents look down on me.

>> No.9562840

Sexism goes way past sexualizing someone(and like I wrote, that's the part I don't really give a fuck about. But please sexualize men with all your might, we really need more of it!), but that's not a discussion for /jp/.

Though representing a gender as if it's ONLY worth is sex, now that's a problem in itself.

If you're feeling like learning something, google is your friend.

>> No.9562842


I dont see anything about truNEET...

>> No.9562844

This isn't about being ashamed of what other peole think. This is about pure self-loathing.

>> No.9562843

This is everything that is wrong with /jp/

Obviously if you hate yourself that much, and care so much about what other people think, you should switch to more "normal" hobbies. That way you can feel better that now you can share your love for Michael Bay movies with pride with anyone who happens to ask you about your hobbies

>> No.9562856

You're in denial go cry in a corner weeaboo shut-in fag

>> No.9562857


It has been pretty fluid over the years. As I get older I lose taste for certain things, like blatantly displaying my hobbies in public via t-shirts and plastering posters and scrolls all over my room.
It was OK when I lived at home, but as a home owner I draw the line at three our four canvas prints.
I suppose currently, I'm most ashamed about liking certain genres that are on the absolute fringe of otaku hobbies... 6 maybe?

>> No.9562862

There are different levels of NEET. Think of monks as being as truNEETs and think of normal people who are shunned from society so they shut themselves as falseNEETSs.

>> No.9562866

9. I can't tell trusted people about my hobbies and my heart beats faster when I'm exposed to strangers.

>> No.9562869

Why do you keep saying trUNEET? What is that?

>> No.9562875

Make sure to update your status on facebook about how you called someone a "shut-in fag" on an otaku culture board.

>> No.9562874

You can factor in what other people think to some extent, but really you should be judging how you feel about this.

For example, I am self loathing because I think it's pathetic to have these hobbies. Has nothing to do with everyone else.

>> No.9562871


>> No.9562880
File: 43 KB, 174x174, 22466245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you start collecting piss bottles and shitting on the floor

>> No.9562882


Why are you so ashamed, /jp/.

>> No.9562883

Don't have any figures and only thing you could tell from is japanese manga in my room.

Not really proud about it but not ashamed either.
Problem is that people just consider it as pedo disgusting shit etc.

>> No.9562886

haha are you jealous

And fuck you NEETs are allowed as well and you cant do SHIT about it keep being fake proud of having no socail life

>> No.9562894

NEETs that operate on a higher level. They are true NEETs. They have no care. False NEETs are afraid of being judged. They still have the normal people mentality. Basically, this thread.

>> No.9562897

What a load of absolute shit

The reason you hate yourself so much is because of how others will think about you for having such hobbies

If no-one cared about it, what reason would you have to hate yourself?

>> No.9562898

OK, I just searched piss bottles and I found that out, what's shitting on the floor? Like literal shit on the floor... like not cleaning up or anything? People do that?

>> No.9562899


People are too busy to care what my hobbies are. I'm not ashamed, but I'm not proud. When they start thinking I am a pedo, I start acting like a pedo, they laugh it off, I laugh it off, no one discusses ever again.
