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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 150 KB, 352x485, 352px-Eirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9557891 No.9557891 [Reply] [Original]

Every 2hu fan knows that Eirin is a miracle worker in the field of medical science. Certainly she knows her biology ins & outs as well, in order to understand how the serums and elixirs she creates interact with peoples' bodies. Well, this leads me to an epiphany on the conception of 2hu descendants (like Sanae).

Whenever a 2hu wants to procreate, they go to Eirin. Eirin then gives them a thorough exam to make sure they're physically healthy enough. She then gives them a psychological exam to make sure they're not too crazy. After a 2hu clears both exams, they prep for a surgery wherein Eirin extracts an egg (or few) from the hopeful 2hu's ovaries. After extraction, Eirin uses her special mixture to preserve the egg until another donor comes along.

>> No.9557898

It takes a while for our new 2hu to grow and mature into something recognizable, but eventually she's ready to be born. Once born, the two mothers decide on a first and last name for the baby and raise it with utmost care until it reaches the age of majority - whatever that happens to be in Gensokyo.

This is the story of how new 2hus are born. I hope you enjoyed, /jp/.

>> No.9557894

After a few donors have come and gone, Eirin goes through and checks for any incompatibilities amongst the list of donors. When she determines that, she goes through the list of compatibilities and decides which pair to put together. Once that's been decided, she calls the donors into her clinic and she goes into the most controversial part of her work: lab conception.

Eirin, in all her perfection, easily manages to fertilize one egg with the other. When she's done, she asks the donors which of them would like to carry the child. Once that's decided, she preps them up for surgery again and implants the egg into the mother-to-be. After a short recovery period, our little 2hu mother is now pregnant!

>> No.9557905

Are you sure they don't split like amoebas and mutate into a new 2hu

>> No.9557907
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>> No.9557919


Only the Prismriver Sisters do that. Each new sister has a different instrument or happens to be the group's manager.

>> No.9557920

The mating ritual of the modern Touhou is complex and deep. During periods of great stress, usually brought on by environmental events such as unusual fog or violent weather patterns, a Touhou will become agitated from normal behavior and take to the sky in search of a mate. When a possible suitor is discovered a terse verbal exchange is made in which the two Touhous evaluate the willingness to mate of the other party. If both parties are prepared to reproduced they begin the complex mating dance of the Touhou.

They release haploid gametophytes called "danmaku" in a semi-random pattern over an extended period of time. This danmaku is comparable to the way in which plants release large amounts of pollen over a wide area. However it also serves another purpose. Much like the peacock's plume the way in which a Touhou arranges danmaku beautifully demonstrates the sexual fitness of a potential mate. If a danmaku reaches an egg, sometimes called a "hit box" then that Touhou will typically become submissive and follow the now dominant partner to a new location for tea, a necessary nutrient for the growing child.

>> No.9557936
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>> No.9557937

>not alcohol
What is this shit.

>> No.9557939
File: 403 KB, 640x360, WOAH BEAUTY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9557941

can't we just accept that ZUN created touhou while he was drunk ?

>> No.9557943
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>> No.9557948
File: 99 KB, 255x299, SuikaSWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If that was the case, why wasn't Suika the first 2hu and the main character of all 2hu games?

>> No.9557953

alcohol damages children

fetal alcohol syndrome, etc

>> No.9557954

>special mixture
How lewd!

>> No.9557975

Suika is drunk all the time while Reimu and Marisa are not although they're still drinking occasionally. That's the reflect in ZUN's mind that he wanted to be sober by drinking less. Of course that's just fantasy and he'd soon face reality that he couldn't stop drinking so he created Suika to remind himself about his fuck up lifestyle.

>> No.9559027
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>> No.9559273
File: 171 KB, 500x375, mamimisurprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

