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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9549016 No.9549016 [Reply] [Original]

As per revised rules in the /q/ thread 15 minutes ago, an active NEET thread is allowed to thrive on this board. This is the active NEET thread. Make sure you keep all the NEET stuff in here, because everything else will be deleted.

What did you do today?

>> No.9549023

Discuss why aren't there any more hikkies in /jp/.

>> No.9549028

I didn't know there were other Tokyo Active NEET fans here! What do you think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI3cnLMLmlU? It's one of my favorites of their works.

>> No.9549029 [DELETED] 

Dear /blog/
Past these few days i've got to know a new person and become friends with him. He's not a real life friend tho, he's an internet friend. I haven't made new friends for many many years so this is really big day, however i don't feel at ease. The closer i get to him the more i feel like i'm losing my freedom. Feels like i'm drowning or being strangled. It's like something inside me saying that this is a bad bad thing. Actually eventho i have been so ronery for a long time i've been quite happy with the way of my life.
Now it feels like i'm at the turning point of my life right now. Either i stay way i've been for so long or i leap to the great unknown. I'm at loss dear /blog/, i do not know what to do...

>> No.9549031

Link to revised rules?

>> No.9549033

NEET threads are cancer! I won't allow this on my /jp/.
Just wait until I become a janitor!

>> No.9549036

I've been depressed after reading what sort of people (pretend to?) know what /jp/ should be like.

>> No.9549037
File: 56 KB, 663x511, 1343975291233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your email friends and friendship general

>> No.9549042


>> No.9549049

I cried because there are too many mad people in /jp/. I wish I could still take it easy in this place, but those people and their irony make that too hard.

>> No.9549050

/q/ disturbs me greatly. "mod-sama".
Fucking horrifying.

>> No.9549044

be careful, I'm going to become omega meido
omega meido can stomp on /jp/ with a single step.

>> No.9549053 [DELETED] 

Please fuck off. I'm okay with anime and video game threads, but not with this shit.

>> No.9549056

Do you mean hikki in the strictest sense? Because I leave my house maybe about once a week to buy alcohol, and maybe once a month for groceries, but I only go out in the middle of the night and use the automated checkout to minimize my contact with people. But that's about it.

>> No.9549064

> I'm okay with anime and video game threads
How about you leave?

>> No.9549066

>I'm okay with anime and video game threads

Please fuck off

>> No.9549068

people are actually posting about jaypee on /q/?
who the hell are these people pretending to be jpsies?
new boards are retard magnets i swear

>> No.9549070
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>> No.9549071

OP wait until later, the anally ravaged Tokiko and his krew are shitting up all /jp/ related threads.

>> No.9549075

Hikki in the strictest sense.

>> No.9549076 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I won't. Faggot. Go angst on /r9k/.

>> No.9549079

Six threads of unironic "Let's save /jp/, guys!".

>> No.9549079,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm really disappointed.

>> No.9549084

It's better than having countless meta-threads every day, though.

>> No.9549085 [DELETED] 

It literally looks like some kind of /vg/ generals. Even posters are of the same quality.

>> No.9549089

finally i can get this off my chest

10PM: Wake up to sound of computer humming and smell of cum tissues and rotting food

10:30-11PM: Masturbate

11PM- 4 AM: browse internet, vidya

4AM: eat ramen

4:30 AM : take walk outside and smoke cigs before normals are around

5:30 AM: get back home

5:35AM: eat chips and masturbate to /d/

6AM - 10AM: computer, music, /jp/, vidya

8AM: begin drinking, walking around house etc

12AM: fall asleep

6PM: post neet exploits on /jp/

>> No.9549091

That's still NEET. A hikikomori has everything brought to his room. A hikikomori is somebody who literally hasn't left his house for years. Not one step out the door.

>> No.9549103

I left the house today to go pick up my crazy medicine!

>> No.9549110
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I wish I was cute like anzuchang

I wish I was anzuchang

>> No.9549124

Remember those days where a good bunch of /jp/sies were hikkies? Know you hardly find a real NEET.

>> No.9549131

I keep wondering where all of them went. I mean, what else can they do with no internet? It's bizarre. As for leaving for Gensokyo, there are very few who actually willing to go through with it.

>> No.9549136

Just because I don't post about my boring life doesn't mean I went anywhere.

>> No.9549143


I'm sure many of them got tired of how shitty /jp/ kept getting and just left.

I'm also sure a few actually killed themselves.

>> No.9549139

For the most part they just get their porn straight from the source, read VNs, and sleep.

>> No.9549144

Circumstances changed for some of us, it's as bad as you might imagine

>> No.9549147

I got a job and went back to college. I barely have enough time to post here anymore

>> No.9549162

That is really upsetting.

>> No.9549161

Some say they went to 2-ch because this board was "too recognizable"; and that some of them just left and tried to do something in life.

>> No.9549165

5:00pm - woke up because my mom yelled at me about it
5:03 - choked down some ritalin and vitamins with a protein shake because I can't be assed to eat
5:05 - go back into basement, opened gmail and /jp/
5:10 - replied to this thread

Anyone know of good soundfont repositories? I'm patching Rance's MIDI output into an ALSA server with Fluidsynth today.

>> No.9549166 [DELETED] 

Hi!!! nokosage </O.o\>!

>> No.9549171

Utter waste of money.

I'm still the same as 3 years ago. I won't wonder why are my parents still feeding me, I'll just enjoy it.

>> No.9549184

Learning Japanese... again.

Just refreshing kana since this is as far as I got lost time around.

Also exercised today, I'm not making as much progress as I'd like though, but I'm feeling better. I'd recommend moving your body a bit to all the NEET out there, particularly if you're feeling down in the dumps.

But god, I've been a NEET for what, 4, 5 years now? It was necessary, but I think it's time to change my job hunting from a farce designed to appease my parents into actual thing.

So little jobs I could actually stand though... Maybe once I get more in shape I can get some physical work, this seems fine for a /jp/sie.

>> No.9549191

Are you being forced to work or is it by your own volition?

>> No.9549193
File: 155 KB, 640x476, mikan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad these threads are back! Today I woke up and lamented my sad, lonely life as a NEET for a few hours. Then I felt better, so I came to /jp/ to have fun posting with all my friends. I love you guys!

>> No.9549196

It is. The office where I work is full of women. One of them is a transsexual. Going to work and interacting with them makes me feel sick, but I need money.

By the way these "they probably went straight to the source" posts make me laugh. Back when I was a hikki, there were days when I didn't even have enough energy to get out of bed. Why would anyone think a person like that would be able to amass the willpower necessary to memorize 3000 unique characters? Hikki life is all about lazyness.

>> No.9549197

Work at home, or do programming or surveying, I got $200 from that plus autismbux and could manage to get $310 average on a month.

>> No.9549205

It's funny how we all shun normals for having social lives, yet cannot survive without the companionship of other NEETs for more than a few hours.

>> No.9549210

Woke up at 4:30 AM, had myself a fucking NUTRI GRAIN bar, scurried down to the basement, climbed into the cabinet over the old workbench and waited for my dad to go to work.

Now, I'm having dinner and preparing to go back in there before he comes home and until he falls asleep.
He might kick me out, but he'll never crush my NEET spirit. Thanks to fruit cellar anon for the inspiration.

>> No.9549222

I need help. I'm fucked.

I might have my Internet cut off. No one will pay for it. I'm living with my dad, brother and his (soon to be) wife, it's a big house. Problem is, my brother with his fiancee will move out soon, emigrate out of country, to where my mother is(my parents divorced a lot time ago, when I was 15), and no one will pay for the Internet billings anymore, he was the one who paid for them. What if my father won't agree to pay for them anymore? He doesn't use Internet, and is very rarely in home. There's a possibility for me to go to my mother, but I don't know what will await me.
Please, help /jp/.

>> No.9549223

Father lost the job because his health declined, mother can't get one because she's old, unskilled, and a cripple, and we're living off my sister, uncle, and a bit of government aid.

So there's only that long I can stall this shit for.

And I'm slowly growing up to going back to university, but I need money for that.


Problem is, the tax situation here makes this sort of shit really complicated and inconvenient, and I can't afford to avoid them, family has too much shit in the closet that can come out if someone gets interested.

>> No.9549224

I just woke up and I don't know how to feel about /jp/. Even this NEET thread feels like a sick joke.

>> No.9549228


Like Yotsuba's dad!

>> No.9549243

Yeah, it's really funny, isn't it? But I guess it's because those normals are just sheep... I mean really, it's not like they think about anything but work and sex and the latest hot celeb. We're so above that, aren't we?

>> No.9549246

It is a sick joke. You're still sleeping, anon.

>> No.9549256

Yeah, way above that!

>> No.9549258

Clear up this one for me, are you a hikki if you don't leave your house for months but you don't have a problem in getting out if you actually need to?

>> No.9549260


Enjoy being scammed. It's basically a playground for social butterflies.

>> No.9549268

If a hikikomori is threatened with death that can be averted by stepping out of his house, he would probably do so.

>> No.9549275

No, I mean the whole basis of it is the fact you're shutting yourself away. There is usually some kind of deepseated issue driving the whole thing.

Simply not going, but having no problem doing is something else. Like being a hermit, I guess.

>> No.9549278


But the folks in Genskiken all seem like nice people!

>> No.9549284
File: 61 KB, 431x586, 1338253109938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I caught up on Hyouka. I think the characters in Hyouka really embody the NEET mindset, like Oreki, how he just doesn't want to put in any effort. Don't you think so? Chitanda is so moe too, I love her! What do you think about the NEET themes in Hyouka?

>> No.9549279

Just move to your mom's place if your father won't pay for your internet connection. Everything is better than having no internet. I mean what would you do all day if you coudln't browse /jp/?

>> No.9549282
File: 126 KB, 501x700, 1309417289082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're living there without him knowing?

What did you tell him, that you'd move out?

How do you keep hidden? How do you entertain yourself? How do you have internet?

>> No.9549293

Figures. I should have known I'd start dreaming about /jp/ after sleeping for so many days. Please don't be a mess when I wake up, /jp/.

>> No.9549295

You don't really need the Internet. It just the most convenient thing to spend your time with. I'm sure you can find other ways to enjoy yourself, like taking walks, reading books or playing music.

I don't know your father, but it might be a good idea to tell him how important you feel the Internet is to for you and that it's worth being paid for.

>> No.9549286

Bugger off.

>> No.9549290

You're mom.

>> No.9549297

Get a load of this idiot!

>> No.9549298

Take it easy, dude... I just want to post here with other NEETs.

>> No.9549308

I'm aware of that, fortunately it's a public college, so it's very cheap. I'm not a skilled worker, I need a degree or I will end up homeless after I get too old to do manual labor.

>> No.9549311


That's the picture on J-List's front page! Except she is smiling here.

>> No.9549321

Do you think you're being funny to anyone besides yourself?

>> No.9549320

Whoa, color me surprised! Only a NEET would know something like that... I'm so glad this thread is back so I can talk with you guys! You're all so amazing!

>> No.9549323

I've been playing civilization V for the past week every day all day whilst browsing /jp/.

>> No.9549327

I woke up, saw this and started thinking about killing myself. Would you please keep real life out of here?

>> No.9549329

Yeah, after leeching off of him for six years he started getting on me about paying rent since I get autism bucks now. I was dismissive of the whole thing thinking it would just sort of die down, but I guess I was too autistic to realize he was actually upset.

One day he simply told me to get the fuck out, no negotiations. So I got out, waited for him to leave, got back in, moved my shit to the attic crawlspace and began my new life.

I keep hidden by staying in the attic at all times, except for when he is home and awake. In which case I go down to the basement and hide in the cabinet. The reasoning is that I don't want a floorboard to give me away, and the basement flooded years ago, so there's nothing down there but mold, moldy water, and spiders, thus he'll never go down there for any reason, ever. But understandably, it's not an ideal place to spend a lot of time.

I can't use my desktop becuase it's too noisy, so I just do what I've always, just on my laptop. Plenty of outlet access, and the internet is still hooked up becuase he uses it too.

>> No.9549333

Sorry you didn't like my post. Am I doing something wrong? I thought you guys were my friends...

>> No.9549335

Really. The last thing I need is to read about some other poor fucker.

>> No.9549337


Thank you!

>> No.9549345

We just want to talk with each other, okay?! If you don't understand, just get out and stop bothering us!

>> No.9549349

I've been doing STGT and slumping hard. It's difficult to take it easy when you keep failing in extremely stupid ways and the fate of your team is at risk.

>> No.9549350

Why is /jp/ filled with asshole parents?

Just kicking someone out like that is outrageous.

He probably wanted you to die in a ditch somewhere. I hate people like that.

>> No.9549351

I can confirm that you are my friend. I am not sure if everyone else can is your friend as they have not confirmed it yet.

Please confirm friendship!

>> No.9549353

I've been doing nothing but playing .hack GU lately.

This game is better than real MMOs.

>> No.9549356


Be careful of mold, that can give you health problems if you are around it constantly.

>> No.9549357

Your mother is outrageous.

>> No.9549360

That's true. But in hindsight I could have handled things more diplomatically. I figure if he catches in me a few months living like this, I can diplomatically wrangle my way back into my old room in exchange for a more reasonable amount of rent, if I have to.

If not, it's not like he can stop me from doing this again.

>> No.9549363

Stop samefagging and get out.

>> No.9549366

If I were your parent, I would love you. You don't deserve any of what you are going through. I hope things get better for you.

>> No.9549367

Were you inspired by that anon living in the cellar in his mom's house, without her knowing? That guy was fucking amazing. I wonder if he's still around here.

>> No.9549369

Sorry, but we are indeed two different people.

>> No.9549370

You're totally right. Seriously dude, just fuck people like him. I don't get how parents can hate their kids enough to dump them out on the street like garbage. It's an outrage and a blemish on the underpinnings of modern society. I really don't know what kind of person you would have to be to act so cruel to a fellow human being. I would never do it.

>> No.9549376

Friendship confirmed! Are you enjoying your day? Mine is going great!

>> No.9549377


Never change, /jp/.

>> No.9549382

NEET power!

>> No.9549383

I said that I was, if it weren't for him, I doubt I would have ever thought about this. I hope he managed alright, but since we never heard back he probably got caught.
It's hell on my asthma, but so far so good.
I'm sure they will. It's all about not letting trivial things bother you.

>> No.9549388

Is your income stream too small to cover rent?

>> No.9549393

Your spirit is indestructible. I really admire you. I hope that I will be this resilient one day.

>> No.9549395

I could cover rent, but then I wouldn't have any money left to buy stuff for myself. I would rather kill myself than spend everything on rent.

>> No.9549397

I get autism bucks, and though some /jp/ers claim to live alone on it, so far I've found that to be an impossible prospect.

He was asking what I felt to be an unreasonable amount, or I would have simply just handed it over. Greed clouds one's judgment, I suppose.

>> No.9549400

I watched AKB48 videos, watched Jim Cornette's WWF 1997 timeline, and I played LoL and Akai Katana Zetsu.

I figured out how to improve my scores on a few stages in AKZ.( ̄ー ̄)

>> No.9549409

Most amazing /jp/sie has been the one that bought an Aston Martin. Never heard from him again, though.

>> No.9549405

LoL's my favorite game. What's your SN? I'd love to play with you.

>> No.9549406

>I wouldn't have any money left to buy stuff for myself. I would rather kill myself

>> No.9549407


>> No.9549414

Hey there... Do you want to be my friend too? I'd be glad to have another...

>> No.9549411

I haven't been outside since 2/2/2010, and that's only because I had jury duty.


>> No.9549413
File: 98 KB, 809x455, 1344471285649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


beg/borrow/steal a 3M face-mask rated for
mold-spore filtration, crawlspace-kun. I seriously worry about your respiratory health, and black mold is a carcinogenic substance, as noted by >>9549356

Where in this crazy world do you live? It's not proper for you to live in such conditions. Can you possibly document these living conditions with timestamp? Any possibility any of us better-off bourgeois basement-dwellers could send you a care-package?

Please respond.

>> No.9549415


>> No.9549418

I remember that show, it was pretty NEET too, like Hyouka. HAHA, did you catch that joke? Pretty funny, eh? Anyway, did you like the show?

>> No.9549422

He lives in a crawlspace? Does he sleep there too at night, when his dad is home?

>> No.9549427


I'm rewatching Zoku right now; I feel like it's one of the last anime I've seen that feels like it was made with loving care.

>> No.9549431

>beg/borrow/steal a 3M face-mask rated for
mold-spore filtration
That's an idea. I'll have to see what I can do for that.

>Where in this crazy world do you live? It's not proper for you to live in such conditions
Since our old apartment literally fell down (it got condemned before the actual collapse), we both kind of seen this place as an upgrade. Strange to some, old hat for others, I guess.

>Can you possibly document these living conditions with timestamp?
I don't own a camera, and wouldn't be inclined to take pictures for 4chan, if I did. Sorry.

>Any possibility any of us better-off bourgeois basement-dwellers could send you a care-package?

Nah, no worries. I have plenty of money for my meager lifestyle. More than I can use now that I can't receive packages.
I believe in you, anon.
This wasn't me, obviously, though I did have similar sentiments.

>> No.9549437

He allegedly lives in an attic (if unfinished, a source of fibre-glass particles) and hides in a basement cabinet (unsanitary, moldy conditions). On top of this, he has asthma.

I wish I could somehow save him.

>> No.9549445


If there is anything I can possibly do to make your life better fit WHO regulations for proper housing, I'd happily oblige. I detest human suffering, especially among well-intentioned NEETs.

>> No.9549454

Did barely anything today. I can't play any netgames like FFXIV because my internet keeps dropping. Fucking Sky increased my speed to a number my line can't cope with and now it keeps disconnecting. Waiting until tomorrow to call them to put the speed back to the way it was and tell them to kindly "fuck off" and stop messing with my net.

Watched some Dragon Quest X streams on nico live, and some 実況プレイ videos. I miss having people to talk to in my online games.

>> No.9549451

Essentially, yes.
The attic is unfinished, but the insulation is mostly covered up, and is only installed in the floor. No fiber glass in the lungs yet anyway. I'll be fine, don't worry.

I didn't think this would draw attention, as it seems like a more and more common thing around these parts.

>> No.9549456
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finished watching gurren lagann and now im playing dark souls while finally getting around to listening to danny brown

>> No.9549483

You are not trying enough. One day, skip browsing /jp/ and clean the basement up. Then, escape at night and go to a dumpster or somewhere where you can get a couch and a table. After having it cleaned, lock the door from the inside in a very brilliant/hidden way (you can put a dark-painted piece of wood nailed to the floor right next to the door and he'll maybe think it's stuck; there can be another way of course, i.e tweaking the doorknob loose on the outside). If you can somehow convince him psychologically that the basement is useless and he can't enter in it even if he wants to (which he shouldn't), you'll have a new home.

>> No.9549486

Any NEETs here ever have the urge to just buy absurd amounts of fruit juice—I'm talking on the order of tens of gallons—and drink it all in one sitting? I don't know if this is a common problem among us. It's all I've been able to think about lately, and I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with my lack of activity. I'm not sure how much longer I can resist either. Any advice?

>> No.9549487


>> No.9549507

>gurren lagann
please go tokiko

>> No.9549506

Too excessive. Not to mention, whatever caused the flood in the first place was never repaired, so it still does every time we get heavy rain.

When living covertly, it's probably best to leave as small a footprint as possible. Root cellar anon had me way beat there.

>> No.9549515


>> No.9549517

I don't want to discuss it with /b/. I want to talk about this with NEETs. Why don't YOU go to /b/ if you like it so much?

>> No.9549516


>> No.9549518

You know, Gurren Lagann was loved a very long time ago. Nowadays, people just hate on it because it's popular. It's a really well made show if you watch it disregarding all the drama around that has built up in the last five years.

>> No.9549525

Please stop making low quality posts.

>> No.9549528
File: 153 KB, 200x112, 1344476013291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean the basement up

Intensive cleanup would be a dead-giveaway; he could possibly make a 1:10 bleach-water spray to kill some of the mold, at least.

Crawlspace-kun: what geographic region do you inhabit? People living in conditions like this has left me in despair.

>> No.9549521

>if you like it so much?
[citation needed]

And because your post was "LOL RANDOM XDD"

>> No.9549529


I wish I had a mini fridge full of orange juice and ice tea right now.

>> No.9549536



>> No.9549540


Are you getting proper vitamin intake? The life of a NEET can lead to imbalanced diet, so your limbic system may be generating weird pre-conscious cues for you.

>> No.9549544
File: 56 KB, 438x399, ss (2012-08-09 at 04.10.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they hate us ;_;

>> No.9549548

Uh... I don't know the exact phrase, but it involves something around that the enemy or something notices you less when it's right in its face or something alike.

>> No.9549550

I think you might have diabetes.

>> No.9549551

I am very curious about older NEETs who have been shut-ins for something like two decades. Do we have people that are 40+ here? If so, how was the experience?

>> No.9549553

Don't worry about me anon. There are tons of less hardy anons out there who need way more help than me.

I'll come out on top when this is all said and done, I know it.

I can hardly be bothered scurry down to my hidey hole every day, there's no way I can have that kind of motivation, even if he would never notice.

>> No.9549557

I just can't take this. NEET uprising when?

>> No.9549565

>I can have that kind of motivation
I quote my first post. You are just not trying enough. Wouldn't it feel awesome that you are chillin' in his basement NEETing and he doesn't know?

>> No.9549566

To be honest I'm not a big fan of LoL - I only play it to kill time with one of my friends. He's always wanting to make new accounts, so I don't keep playing on one for more than a couple days usually. (and we only play 3v3)

>> No.9549568

I used to care a little bit, but now I've completely thrown any guilt out of my head. Our existence is so short that there is no point in taking anything seriously or living life the way that somebody else wants us to do it. It's a waste.

>> No.9549570

Hey, you haven't cleared something up for us.
Where do you sleep?

>> No.9549571

They just don't understand the beauty of taking it easy because they were always told since they were young that they must work hard and start a family to be worthy of living. It's only natural that they'd be angry after falling for such a thing.

>> No.9549572

Oh, sorry! I just didn't want to pass up a chance to make a valuable new friend!

>> No.9549576


You're too stubborn for your own good, but you've proven to be both resourceful and resilient. Best of luck, and please stay safe. I'll try not to worry about and forget you, but I earnestly hope for the very best for you.

>> No.9549581

If you're asking me, I sleep in the attic. But I stay in the basement until my dad goes to sleep first.

I wake up about 30 minutes before he does, and then wait down there until he leaves for work too. Weekends are rough, and are the only time I might risk staying up there while he's awake and home. Depending on the day's circumstances.

>> No.9549578

Well OP, I contemplated doing something that involves not being at the computer and decided to put it off till later. I'm probably going to put it off till tomorrow when that later comes.

I also just had a bowl of cereal and it was pretty good.

>> No.9549582

this thread sucks balls...
and ass

>> No.9549584

HELLa truNEET dude. Cereal is the shit.

>> No.9549590

>Uh... I don't know the exact phrase, but it involves something around that the enemy or something notices you less when it's right in its face or something alike.

'The best place to hide is in plain sight'?

>> No.9549591
File: 151 KB, 640x852, woodblock-nintendo-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I had 3 truNEET goals:

practice art- check
excercise - check
practice japanese - check

completed my NEET mission, collected wellbux

I got super stressed at the end of the day because I have bipolarmanicautism and took some drugs and passed out

>> No.9549597


>> No.9549601

Old article but here you go:


Why contribute to a world that actively hates you?

>> No.9549603

Impressive. I don't know how you get that kind of motivation. It's baffling.

>> No.9549605

Thanks for the sentiment, anon.

Be sure to take it easy, okay?

>> No.9549606

I'll throw in, I guess. NEET shut-in for 5 years reporting in. I became a shut-in at the end of High School when i joined the university and got my second job, I hate being a NEET, my gf and coworker constantly complain to me about my seclusion but they dont understand, nobody understands, fucking normals... Several days ago while i was hosting a house party one of my school mates was telling me about some piece of cinema he watched. It was disgusting, I can not understand how these normalfags can enjoy such shallow means of entertainment, I didn't say anything though i dont want anyone to find out that i'm a NEET shut-in.

>> No.9549609
File: 14 KB, 628x182, your future janitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people on /q/ arent even /jp/.
RIP /jp/.

>> No.9549610

Speaking of NEET articles,


It's great. Basically outlines how work was optional, but you still got food and shelter regardless of what you contributed.

>> No.9549611

Maybe it's a medical problem, but how would I get it fixed? I'm so afraid of the doctor, I could never work up the courage to go see him. How can I check for diabetes and vitamin deficiency at home?

>> No.9549616


>> No.9549617

I love when people link articles from sources I can trust like that one... Keep it up!

>> No.9549619

Why do I get the heavy suspicion that you've been lying this entire time to get praising?

>> No.9549618
File: 234 KB, 768x1024, 1344551452562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normals are upset. They broke our spirits and told us we'd be worthless, took away all our opportunities and assistance, and then laughed and expected us to break our backs just to get by. But instead we learned to take it easy and now we're being repaid for the suffering they inflicted on us while they can only flail about and do nothing.

>> No.9549620

Take some basic multivitams, plus some potassium, and iron pills. Be sure to keep your blood sugar level.

Either by getting a meter, or just careful dieting. If the problem goes away, you're golden. If not, time for a new guess.

>> No.9549621


I won't be. Thankfully, my dad made me a stockpile of CDs and Bonds in the 90s, so I'll be skipping out of the country, and not paying a red cent of my student loans, as soon as I'm finished with the BA my parents forced me to pursue.

Southeast Asian currency conversion rates heavily favor the USD, so I'll be living as a ex-pat in Vientiane. As for now, I'm enjoying a post-anxiety attack sabbatical from school.

>> No.9549622

Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to believe what this man wrote.

>> No.9549627

I heard multivitamins aren't good for you though. Are you sure? With people like >>9549606 in this thread I don't know who to take seriously anymore.

>> No.9549624

They smell of /a/ so bad that is obvious but I had fun arguing with those imbeciles.

>> No.9549631

Laos seems like a cozy, out of the way destination, but the society is extremely conservative against foreigners, in a different way than Japan though.

What about Vietnam, or Bhutan? They aren't as tourist-y as Thailand.

>> No.9549633

Dunno, I expected to be ignored from the get go.
But since root cellar anon inspired me, I figured I'd at least answer questions other people had, so they could continue to take it easy, even if kicked out.
But if you'd prefer to remain skeptical, it's like >>9549622 kun said.

>> No.9549634

What do you plan to spend your money on when you have no internet and no home?

>> No.9549638

It'll be time for Gensokyo then ;_;

>> No.9549639

That's a nice way to get out of it.

>> No.9549641

Only multi-vitamin ingredients you can OD on are heavy metals and non-polar vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Unless you have pre-existing kidney or liver problems, and aren't eating them like candy, they're perfectly safe.

>> No.9549646

I can't believe you'd actually choose death over giving your dad some money in return for living comfortably.
Are you that greedy? Or just stupid?

>> No.9549651

Money orders, and basic needs like food, all from the convenience store a few streets away.
If I manage to reconcile with my dad, I'll have a ton of surplus cash to buy figs or something, if not, I'll have a nice cushion to figure things out on.

And I do have internet, I just can't risk ordering things online, in the event they arrive after my dad comes home.

>> No.9549653

I sat in front of the computer looking at /jp/ all day.
I got up to go lift, got there, and they told me I came at the wrong time.
Back in front of /jp/

>> No.9549654
File: 353 KB, 980x613, 371bfc403fa1249503a97c2306ed142c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a NEET boy to live with me. He can cook food and suck my cock.

>> No.9549656

Us poor NEETs ;_;

>> No.9549659

>Implying I'd cook for some 3D slut

>> No.9549665

that's gay

>> No.9549669

He doesn't realize that some of his food is gone? I don't think you bought it because you would have it with, right?

>> No.9549670
File: 7 KB, 234x251, Notgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a sad too

>> No.9549671

Is there anyone else who purposely avoids making new friends?

>> No.9549675

Yeah, all the time. I don't want to get to know them because I know I'm just going to get hurt from our relationship like in the past...

>> No.9549676


>> No.9549677

I only go outside maybe 3 times a month. So it's not like I could make any even if I wanted to.

>> No.9549682

There is no way that I would make new friends. I can call really old ones up maybe once a year to hear their voice and see what has changed out of curiosity.

>> No.9549684

>because you would have it with, right?
Becuase I would have with it?

I buy my own food becuase of the very reason he would notice that his is gone. We're not exactly swimming in money, so there's not exactly enough of a surplus for me to take something without being very obvious. Funny thing about ramen, it keeps very well. And my rice cooker is finally seeing use.

>> No.9549685

I don't make new friends because I get bored of talking to them after the first few times. By this I mean online friends of course.

>> No.9549688 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 1357x628, United_States_extradition_treaties_countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bhutan is also permissible, but I know a Laotian NEET who I've offered to pay air-fare for out of the US. I have to choose among these grey coloured countries, or I get my ass extradited.

How specifically are Laotians biased?

1USD = 8000 Lao Kip, and I have 11k in CDs. One can find housing for as low as 300USD a month in the capital, and food is dirt cheap. Vientiene is experiencing an IT boom, so unsecured WiFi is plentiful, if the expats are being truthful. The fact that Vientiene is a anglophonic expat hangout helps, too.

>> No.9549697 [DELETED] 


Bhutan is also permissible, but I know a Laotian NEET who I've offered to pay air-fare for out of the US. I have to choose among these grey coloured countries, or I get my ass extradited.

How specifically are Laotians biased?

>> No.9549702

He doesn't realize that the food from his cabinet is gone? Yeah, right.

>> No.9549704
File: 160 KB, 550x625, f7e078ee7b06bfb491dedb90c0065e17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not slut! I'll make you a proper girl.

>> No.9549721

Okay, I remember all my kana pretty well.

Just to be sure, is there any reason I should NOT proceed to Genki now?

>> No.9549722

You can't marry any of the locals as a foreigner, IIRC.

>> No.9549709

>Becuase I would have with it?

Sorry, I meant, "I don't think you bought it because you would have it with you, right? It's looks like I read your post wrong. I thought you left the attic to get food, but you were already there.

>> No.9549715

Yeah, I avoid making friends because of what >>9549675 said. And also because I feel so mentally and physically drained a few months, or sometimes weeks, into the relationship. I don't know why, I just grow tired of it, even though it's kind of nice to have someone to talk to once in a while.

>> No.9549716
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30 KB


Bhutan or Nepal are also permissible, but I know a Laotian NEET who I've offered to pay air-fare for out of the US. I have to choose among these grey coloured countries, or I get my ass extradited.

How specifically are Laotians biased?

>> No.9549725

check your local backpage

>> No.9549729

I normally get really angry at moderators barging in and trying to tell me what to do, but it looks like it was worked out really well, I'm happy they listened and set it up right.

Anyways, do any of you have food guides for what to buy? I've been thinking just rice and fish, a bag of rice is very cheap and I get get fish for cheap as well. I can't live on that though, what else can I get?

>> No.9549730


I am going through heisig before I touch genki and VN's.

>> No.9549737

I don't like talking to new people, even if we have a lot of things in common. I probably have some disorder.

>> No.9549741

Me too, I was afraid I wouldn't get to chat with my NEET buddies anymore. Thank goodness they reversed that...

>> No.9549745

Heisig is kind of trash, but if you've got the motivation to use it, more power to you.

>> No.9549743


Thankfully, I'm not really concerned with being well-received or joining a family of lazy, loud, alcoholics.

>> No.9549749

When I was in school (haha school!) I always used to hide in the bathrooms because I was such a pathetic loser... Did you guys ever do that? I even skipped a class and stayed in the bathroom once...

>> No.9549756

Sometimes, I just went home after lunch and didn't come back for classes at all.

>> No.9549757
File: 42 KB, 704x400, 1343841947137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're golden then.

Why would any of the blue countries on the map extradite you due to loans? What would the jews in the states do, force you to pay loans with nonexistent money?

Also, here's an interesting article about Canadian NEETs, how many of you fit into this statistic?


>> No.9549759

No, by the time I stopped worrying about school, I would just go home. And after my parents caught on, I would just go to this abandoned highrise.

>> No.9549760

I just walked out the side door and trekked to my home 2 blocks away

>> No.9549765

I did that at times, as well, but I was in a very nerd-friendly AP program in high school (the 'cool kids' shouted /b/ memes and played WoW), so I only had to hide like that during middle school, when I was a constant emotional wreck.

>> No.9549762

I dressed up in girls clothes and fucked myself with a dildo.

Then I went for a run.

Now I'm gonna watch some anime when I work up the willpower to stop posting on 4chan.

>> No.9549767

I used to eat lunch in the bathroom. Sometimes I didn't eat lunch at all and just waited until lunch period was over.

>> No.9549769

I'm definitely doing grammar before doing kanji.

(well, I'll start the latter before finishing the former, but still)

>> No.9549772

I feel you. I did that too once...

>> No.9549773

They called us elitists.
They called it shitposting.
They said we hate FUN.
Yet now the janitor is babysitting recommendation threads, removing who are you quoting against greentext and other retarded stuff.

I wonder who are the real people offended by NO FUN ALLOWED. It is pretty ironic.

>> No.9549777
File: 99 KB, 835x396, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to work then back at home going to visit parents home later, they are out of town.

>> No.9549780

It's mindblowing to me how all these articles assume that the desire for getting a job is supposed to be like some second instinct. Absurd how people are programmed.

>> No.9549781

Yeah dude, we deserve so much better, and they just don't understand /jp/. It's time for the revolution!

>> No.9549782

I went to a good school with good people, so if I managed to get to school, I made it through.

But I pretended to be sick to skip school when I was depressed so in the end I only went 2/3 of time.

>> No.9549785


Because some of my loans are Federally subsidized, so I'm sure the Zionists would pull strings to get their wage-slavery out of my hide somehow.

>> No.9549786
File: 891 KB, 245x245, nocchi clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.9549796

Canada is terrible because welfare money is not given out as easily as in the United States, the autismbux method doesn't work. I've tried it.

>> No.9549814
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Damn, that stench… And I was really beginning to like it here. Sigh… Maybe it's time I do something about it…

>> No.9549827

During the last two years of mandatory education, I stayed home some 70% of the time due to "medical reasons" and graduated because absence because of medical reasons apparently doesn't count.

I then proceeded to spend the next three years in secondary education, sitting in there for a month or two per year and staying home for the rest because of "medical reasons" before finally quitting at 18 to sign up for better welfare.

>> No.9549835

Poe's law seems relevant here.

>> No.9549837

Lucky, my country doesn't have anything in the way of welfare, only subsidized welfare for the most ghetto of niggers, and foodstamps.

It also has megabux for women, in the form of child support.

>> No.9549854

Who's alyssa mae? Some sort of celebrity whore?

>> No.9549857
File: 10 KB, 391x325, 1334177364275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I actually sat with the cool kids.
I kept being invited to parties and to sit with them, and eventually that cool guy factor went to my head. There was this really brutish dumb guy that drove a new mustang, and I would always make fun of him by calling it shit or him a dumbass, and It made me even cooler for picking on a tough jock guy.
Then one day, I forget exactly how the topic came up, but I wanted to tell them a funny story. Everyone of course just dropped what they were doing to listen to what I had to say, which was that it's super funny to log into WoW on Friday or Saturday nights and go into the role playing servers and laugh at all the losers having virtual sex with gnomes and dwarves.
As I laughed at my own very funny memories of the event, this guy just says "Who spends friday nights indoors playing fucking WoW?". I really heated up then in nervousness, and didn't know what to say. I think I called him a faggot. From that day on, I wasn't nearly as cool.
I think I was invited to so many parties since everyone probably thought I was too cool for their parties, so they hoped I would go instead of going to another party way better than theirs.

>> No.9549881

I used to hang out with the cool kids too. The first 2 years they kept inviting me over to their houses (I actually went a few times) and to their parties (never went) but after a while they stopped inviting me because I never came anyway. The last 2 years I only talked to 2 people. I actually still talk to one of those guys on a daily basis but only online, never face to face.

>> No.9549894

I was in a band with some popular kids for a while. We played in the school talent show. They stopped talking to me after I started going out with someone they hated, though.

>> No.9549922

I was in a band with the cool kids too. The bassist decided he wanted to play lead guitar, which was what I played, and since all the other members were close friends I didn't really have a say in it. I didn't like any of the songs they did and eventually they stopped talking to me and forgot I was supposed to be in the band at all.

I haven't played guitar in years now.

>> No.9549926

I never hung out with the cool kids or anything like that, but I was never picked on by them, either. And sometimes they'd talk to me as if they'd like to know more about me. I got the feeling they thought I was an okay person, because even people who weren't smart but just socially retarded were talked about in a negative way. I happened to be both but I guess I hid it well because I never felt animosity from anyone.

Either that, or I really am autistic and simply didn't notice.

>> No.9549933

Me too. My life was so sad ;_;

>> No.9549943

Is 40m/130ft enough to kill you instantly if you land on asphalt concrete?

>> No.9549952

Yup. Just try not to hit with your legs to be extra-sure.

But you shouldn't kill yourself.

>> No.9549950

Not even close.

>> No.9549956

If you hit the ground head first you should die, no?

>> No.9549957

If you land headfirst, sure. Aren't portal threads /jp/-related anymore?

>> No.9549953

Figure out about how fast you'll be going when you hit the concrete if you fall 130 feet.

>> No.9549955

Probably, but you shouldn't risk it. Jump off a roof of a standard 20-story building instead.

>> No.9549978 [DELETED] 

Thanks for killing /jp/ moot you fucking Jew.

>> No.9549989

Why not?

>> No.9549990 [DELETED] 


Thanks for saving /jp/ from /b/ crossboard scum moot. I'm glad to have /jp/ back.

>> No.9550020


My dad did this and only damaged his inter-vertebral lumbar discs, and was up and walking within 2 months, and back to work 6 months later using 90s-tech physical therapy.

Jumping at heights below ~100ft or so is too much of a chance of survival; the human body is made to take impacts like this. jumping into water for whiplash effect and hydrostatic shock would be a better route.

>> No.9550027

40 meters, not 40 feet.

>> No.9550034

that fucking flash made me a furry
can someone provide the name to look for rule 34?

>> No.9550042

Aside from not seeing NWS pics, what's wrong with the new /jp/?

>> No.9550070

whats u guys favourite tombstons/headphon

>> No.9550078

Jumping is such a messy attention-whore way to die.
Strap a ton of weights on yourself and swim as far as you can. By the time your strength depletes you'll be way too far to make it back ashore and you can make it look like an accident.

>> No.9550091

I can't swim.

>> No.9550093



>> No.9550095

Not like you even need weights - wear heavy clothes, down a bottle of vodka, start swimming.

Works best in winter though.

>> No.9550100

I'm talking about heavy stuff like a backpack full of books.
You can strip the weights once you've reached your limit for maximum effect.

>> No.9550131

Even better. You won't have to deal with the eventual survival instinct that triggers with panic. Find a bridge over-looking a lake and jump.

Of course none of you are actually contemplating suicide.

>> No.9550149

I promised my mom I wouldn't.

>> No.9550156

Good. Suicide is for losers anyway.

>> No.9550194

People jump or hang because drowning is very painful. A 130 ft fall sounds more convincing than a long drop style hanging.

>> No.9550227

...so, um, where do you live?

>> No.9550230

There she is!!

>> No.9550241

I'd avoid methods containing the risk of becoming a brain-damaged cripple unable of taking a dignified shit. Worse than death.

What's with 16-24yo youngsters whose lives have barely even started considering extreme solutions like suicide anyway. It'd more be understandable if /jp/ was full of divorced 50-somethings with millions of debt, erectile dysfunction and lung cancer.

The world is in your hand, /jp/. Grasp it.

>> No.9550254
File: 1002 KB, 1324x4000, MURRICA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is for losers.

>> No.9550285

I've already grasped it, dickhead. Please tell me you're not some functional middle class balloon who has actually succeeded in something at some point.

>> No.9550296

He's a brainwashed automaton. Noone else says blatantly untrue, cheesy things like "the world is your oyster."

>> No.9550316

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.9550335

Your words are wise, but honestly, how normal can you be?

>> No.9550345
File: 94 KB, 331x331, 1343562098467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the essential steps that I should complete before applying for autismbux? I don't want to apply too early and lose any chance of getting money.

So far I have:
1. Haven't gone outside (aside from going to the doctor for pills) for six years.
2. Been prescribed huge doses of sedatives, anti-psychotics, and anti-depressants.
3. Can barely walk out the door without having a panic attack unless I'm heavily sedated.

What else do I need before I apply? Do I need to do the suicide watch and should I get a psychiatrist/psychologist to diagnose me and recommend me to get autismbux?

>> No.9550358

Search for Uncle Remus.

>> No.9550377

I'm in the same situation except I've never been to a doctor for this sort of thing. Do I have to go to a normal one or find a psych?

>> No.9550383

Yeah dude, live fast and fuck bitches! What can't be seen doesn't exist.

>> No.9550396

Hey I'm one of those
Unfortunately you can't really live like that by yourself so you've got to stay with family or a partner who works

If you go for E.I benefits, they will find you a job
Autism bucks? Forget it, doesn't even exist, even if you're depressed/suicidal or something they just stick you in mental health clinic until you're fixed. Then you can go back to work force.

>> No.9550400

The NEET life is great once you get setup. I have no idea how some of you can be depressed or suicidal.

Got on SSI a few years ago, already had about 10k from inheritance, lived with my mother for a bit and hoarded my bux and then eventually bought a small cheap piece of land out in a rural area along with a small trailer. Close enough to civilization that I can pick up decent internet with a verizon USB and far enough away that I never have to see anyone. Growing magic mushrooms in a box, san pedro cacti outside for mescaline, and currently working on finding a hidden place in the woods far enough away from my property where I can do a small hidden weed grow.

Perfection. Computer, internet, isolation, copious amounts of drugs. Everything you need to be a happy NEET.

>> No.9550406


Here's the Remus guide.


Make sure you really want this. It is almost impossible to survive alone on autismbux.

>> No.9550420
File: 126 KB, 500x555, 1340367738987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently learned about this too. I have less than a year to find work or else they kick my ass off the fake ``autism buckaroonies'' program. Fuck Canada.

>> No.9550424


Is this part necessary?

>Go to your local intake unit. Yo hospital or whateva. Say to the nice lady "i am feelings suicidal and i need help" Them simle words will land you a 72 hour hold known as a 5150. This is whar you are either a harm to yo self or others.
>Is dis drastic? It sho hell is. But lawd if you does wanna sponge off the state you sho need a good reason. Why i remember when i applied fo SSI the lady says "Uncle Remus you done been in any psychiatric care for your claim of disibility in the past 5 years" I says

That sounds terrifying. I can do everything else

>> No.9550429

I could never do that either.

I think it's for people who only want to pretend to be disabled.

>> No.9550430

being neet sucks. get a job losers.

>> No.9550435

I'm "healthy" enough to care about the world I live in. It's simply impossible for me to ignore everything and focus on myself at the expense of others. I guess it has something to do with my strict upbringing - I see myself as a worthless pile of shit. The shame is incredible. I don't like people but the idea of taking more than I give is something I'll never be able to deal with.

>> No.9550437

Having a job sucks. Be a NEET loser.

>> No.9550458


Just stop caring. Meditate to get rid of it if you have to. Social conditioning brings you no personal benefit.

>> No.9550462


Having some documentation of severe anxiety or whatever your ailment happens to be is essential, but you don't necessarily need a 5150. Having a history of going to a psychiatrist who can confirm that you are crazy is good too and a history of prescriptions is great.

>> No.9550466

Empathy is not social conditioning.

And it's not a bad thing.

>> No.9550470

Yes it is, and yes it is.

>> No.9550479

You are the one who is.

>> No.9550489

How is wanting to avoid a life of slavery and brainwashing not a good thing?

>> No.9550490

Please do not mix up empathy and excessive, unhealthy shame.
Please do not spout psychopatic nonsense.

>> No.9550494
File: 121 KB, 298x411, 1323484360681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which countries give away the easiest autism bucks?

>> No.9550495


A psych would probably be better. The psych printed out a piece of paper that said I had severe anxiety with panic attacks, agoraphobia, and depressive disorder.


I didn't do it, but I imagine it will increase your chances of getting on autismbux.

>> No.9550498

Psychopathy is strength, not weakness.

>> No.9550521


Just do it. It's not necessary, but it helps a lot and it's relatively painless.

Go to hospital.
Walk up to person at desk.
"I feel suicidal and I need help."
Get taken away to some room and sit in there for 72 hours. You'll get doped up on tranquilizers from time to time and occasionally you will be taken to see a doctor who will ask you some questions about why you're feeling suicidal. Just say that you have severe anxiety and you don't see how you're going to be able to survive if your parents kick you out so you felt like killing yourself.

Eventually you get sent out 72 hours later and now it's on your record. Think of it as a three day meditation vacation.

>> No.9550525

>taking more than I give

I'd be alright with this. Not everything in life is a fair trade.

The main attraction in life for me is self-sufficiency. My life not being dependent on others. Not suckling on government's or family' tit to keep myself alive.

Self-sufficiency is the only thing that could drive me into becoming an contributing citizen. I could do without the social circles, vagina, children, big houses, fast cars or any other form of vapid consumerism that come with being a normal.

>> No.9550528

Please undo yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.9550534


>> No.9550532

Scandinavian countries.

>> No.9550546

How should I proceed to get autism bux from these countries?

>> No.9550557

I don't get why you people even care to talk about being a NEET. There's no point for it.

>> No.9550564

>What did you do today

Went swimming. Stared at women underwater through goggles. Went home. Cooked up some delicious Velveeta Chicken and Broccoli box meal, enjoyed it with Dr. Pepper.

I like summer, it's the only season I can live like a NEET.

>> No.9550566

I can't imagine convincing my mom to drive me to the hospital so I can pretend to be suicidal and get committed for 3 days.

>> No.9550567

By convincingly humiliating yourself in front of the social workers.

>> No.9550568

How should I dress when I ask the doctors to put me on suicide watch?

>> No.9550572

epic original post /b/rother

>> No.9550588


It's not too hard to get on it in the U.S.A., but it pays very little. $698 is better than nothing, I guess.
Rent is about $700 in my area, so you will most likely have to live with another person to survive.

>> No.9550590
File: 127 KB, 799x599, Delinquent School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave myself my first pompadour. It was pretty lame at first but it's much better now. I didn't realize just how much pomade I would need. Once I take the pomade out I think I'll try to do an elephant's trunk like our good nip friends.

>> No.9550600

I watched Welcome to the Quiet Room, and they locked suicidal people up in a psychiatric facility for months.

Do not believe Ondore's lies!

>> No.9550618
File: 317 KB, 1199x1200, middlefinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lazed around waiting for my brother to get discharged from the hospital. Then I picked him up. It wasn't anything terrible, he just had infected kidney stones.

>> No.9550623

I think my grandmother or step-grandfather got locked up in a psychiatric facility for money last year. They're too old to work and needed some extra money or some shit like that.

I was eavesdropping so I didn't hear the full conversation, but somehow they have enough money to remodel their home now.

>> No.9550634 [DELETED] 

I found out I suck at fighting games and cried

>> No.9550633
File: 219 KB, 567x475, 1331237245075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I baked too many sweets and pastries and have nobody to give the extra to.

>> No.9550640

I knew a guy who actually tried to kill himself and the hospital let him go the same day.

>> No.9550650

Which games were you trying?

>> No.9550727

Are there any other ways to get a mental hospital to hold you aside from suicide?

>> No.9550733

Do you have a ps3 and blazblue? I really want friends to play blazblue with.

>> No.9550743

>/jp/ is not your blog, shitposting dump
>"NEET lifestyle" thread allowed
lol wut

>> No.9550748

It's okay to talk about cool stuff with your NEET friends! The mod agreed!

>> No.9550771

I think this might work.

>> No.9550777

General use for a mental hospital is for those who are a threat to themselves or others.

>> No.9550783

She's not the strongest touhou though.

EDIT: wrong thread sorry.

>> No.9550797

Sorry what I meant is if you have a mental illness that makes you a threat to yourself or others,

>> No.9550843
File: 98 KB, 600x600, Komeiji.Koishi.600.1210349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ee I'll always miss our free posting and the shit posting others would make they were truly fun. But, atleast we are all together still right?


>> No.9550862

I wish I could have a NEET /jp/ live with me.

>> No.9550887

I was always here for the touhou but I have to admit that some of the shitposting is fun. Everything will come back to normal after some time anyway.

>> No.9550911

I think the "don't bully"-thingy was cute.

>> No.9550989
File: 12 KB, 422x410, 1328554973686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're living the life I have always dreamed.

>> No.9551202
File: 85 KB, 452x486, 1344198450554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here for the Touhou stayed for the fun shit posting.

>> No.9551231

Fuck off fukune/Tokiko.

>> No.9551856

For true crazies don't lose hope. I had not been to any doctors for my conditions for ~8 years and they approved my Social Security. I had barely left the house for a couple of years and I was very suicidal when I went through the process and went to their doctor. He ended up being a very nice guy.

It's not much but it saved me from being homeless.

>> No.9551886

That's good to know. Were you diagnosed with anything beforehand?

>> No.9551926


Yeah, but by the time I applied I think all of my records had been destroyed. I am going to a shrink and on medication again now that I have Medicare. It helps some I guess, I still don't get out much but I don't want to die as often.

>> No.9552429

It's sad that I'm way too sane for this. All I have is a hate for socializing and maybe a few minor autistic traits, not enough to be classified as unable to work.

>> No.9552849

Keep it up. Your post reminded me a lot of when I used to hide in the cupboard from my father. I'm glad you're doing well.

>> No.9553836


Just learn how to fake it

>> No.9553904

I can't lie, I never had to.

>> No.9555337


>> No.9556896

Oh god, this means I can't ask you weeaboos to translate anymore.

But I'm too lazy to learn japanese.

What a cruel world.
