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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9542098 No.9542098 [Reply] [Original]

Horizons are /jp/ related now.
Please come here to discuss your favorite Horizons.
And it's autistic level of detail story.

>> No.9542110
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>> No.9542111

Where I can find it anyway?
I didn't even know someone was translating this

You guys read it in english right?


>> No.9542116

Has some of it "translated".

>> No.9542122 [DELETED] 


You will find more people to discuss it with you.

>> No.9542123
File: 502 KB, 571x800, 28950410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite horizon changes every day.

>> No.9542125

You forgot your trip !bar.

>> No.9542126
File: 194 KB, 827x1200, 02B_1055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book 5 comes out in two days!

A handful of chapters are on baka-tsuki, but not even close to a single finished volume. A lot of people apparently read it in Japanese. There are a lot of people who just read the wiki or the summaries on animesuki though and pretend that they're experts on the series.

>> No.9542127

I think it's too big of an undertaking for most of Baka-Tsuki's "translators".

>> No.9542139

My favorite Horizon is Aoi Tori because he is funny.

>> No.9542141
File: 290 KB, 985x678, 1344467454165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like your file got deleted here's a neo-/jp/ approved version

>> No.9542142

> ZUNbar has been banned permanently. He is ban evading.


>> No.9542147


My japanese is not at the level where I can read it properly without getting confused.


Poor Masazumi, she's my favorite Horizons, Suzu is great though.

>> No.9542151

You have to put a silly picture over it to properly censor it. Tori naked would be a good one.

>> No.9542169
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My favorites ones are Suzu and the megane one

too bad they are more off in this season

does they get more important later?

>> No.9542170


I like the way Gin looks without the giant arm attachments

>> No.9542180

Suzu is mostly support and mascot. Adele is a badass fighter, though, and she starts getting some decent focus, including taking over for Neshinbara in commander-role because he's bowing out due to the curse from Shakespeare

>> No.9542201
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>> No.9542211


You forgot to censor Uzzy

>> No.9542305

Is it even worth watching?
I mean, is there even any plot? From the images I saw so far I can tell that the show is about breasts and nothing more...

>> No.9542313

its chuu2 shit yo watch some good stuff like Kokoro Connect and Dog Days

>> No.9542336

>Is it even worth watching?
I think you mean "reading," right? This is a light novel thread.

>> No.9542368


>> No.9542459
File: 240 KB, 827x1200, horizon961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't blame them. It would be a ton of work to translate one book.

But all I want is my swimsuit Neito figure.

>> No.9542476 [DELETED] 

Stop ban evading.

>> No.9542481


The plot of the LN spans 6 eras, and is thousands of years of backstory. Most of the story of the anime is focusing on Aoi saving Horizon, but the whole story is a massive web of politics.

The writer just also happens to enjoy megatits

>> No.9542879
File: 90 KB, 500x370, Kyoukai.Senjou.no.Horizon.556141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The costume design is the best

>> No.9542957

The fact so many people confuse having a lot of detail with quality is depressing.

>And it's autistic level of detail story.

For once I actually agree.

Japanese editors need to fucking learn to chop shit off more aggressively.

LN aren't as bad as VN(since most of those don't have actual editors at all)but it's still an issue.

Luckily the anime doesn't try to shoehorn all this pointless bullshit in and is actually a huge improvement over the novels.

>> No.9542984


Totally arbitrary, Horizon has a unique setting, a story, and fascinating in terms of detail. Duh you can't have an anime with that much detail. But VNs are a good medium for writing that much about a subject. And they serve as great reference material for the series.

People just have this illusion that just because a series has sexy characters and tits, it must be bad by default. That's really close minded.

>> No.9542997

Oh, I'm not saying it's bad, I actually like it in its anime form.

>unique setting

Oh shit nigga, are you fucking serious.

>> No.9543010

If by unique you mena "unbelievably ass-pulled", then yes.

>> No.9543059


I assume you don't even know what happened prior to the story? I'm talking about the setting, the setting. Not the getting his beloved's soul back.

But the entering whole heaven, using technology recreating history, testament, etc. The theme of the character design. You would literally have to be crazy to say that it is not a unique setting, and you are just trying to argue for the sake.

>> No.9543063

Did anyone honestly think Horizon was anything more than mediocre

Even that is pushing it

>> No.9543100

Why are you talking like it's over? The fifth volume of the series is being published later this year and there's still quite a bit left for it to go.

As far as LNs go, it's one of the best I've ever read.

>> No.9543122

>You would literally have to be crazy to say that it is not a unique setting
...you would have to be twelve to say otherwise.

Listen, I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I don't know if Horizon is your first fantasy/sci-fi novel or something, but it's not new or unique. Not in context of Japanese fiction, and even more so in a global context.

It's cliched, it uses the same building blocks as dozens, literally dozens other settings out there, just arranged in a slightly different way.

I know you like it very much, and that's fine, it has its strong points, but don't make an ass out of yourself. Horizon is miles removed from anything that can be called unique or original.

Go out there, read more stuff, pay more attention to the elements and themes the stories use in their settings, and you'll see for yourself soon enough.

>> No.9543149

>>Luckily the anime doesn't try to shoehorn all this pointless bullshit in and is actually a huge improvement over the novels.

What no. This has never been true for a single adaptation of a LN or even VN ever, and it certainly isn't true for Horizon either.

Yeah I really like seeing entire volumes condensed into 20 minutes of animation. That always works.

>> No.9543161

Oh shut up, I know you're only upset because the anime toned down the fanservice a notch.

>> No.9543162 [DELETED] 

You know what I don't like seeing? People ban evading.

>> No.9543165

Jesus, can't you just sit your ban out?

>> No.9543180 [DELETED] 

It's a permaban.

>> No.9543189

I suppose I just found what I read of the LNs and the first season of the anime to be shit, honestly. From that point I haven't bothered with it anymore.

I guess that's why I spoke in the past tense since I can't comment on the current state

Well either that or you can just call it poor grammar on my part, I suppose that's your decision though

>> No.9543195


Clearly, you have to explain to me a novel that uses the same setting then, since I grew up reading books. I never once said Horizon was literally the best thing every, that it was amazing. You have a major, major gap in understanding what i'm saying, since you are not processing what i'm speaking.

Go ahead and not like it, I don't care, but don't pretend to speak from authority and say it's not unique. Regardless of whether you LIKE it or not. The two terms are mutually exclusive. And don't make statements that other stories did it first, without giving examples. It is immaterial to the discussion, and you are using a strawman argument to try and say because I might like Horizon, I cannot see how cliched it is. Clearly it's impossible say this unless you've never actually seen or read it, at all. (again regardless of your enjoyment of it, the two are exclusive statements)

>> No.9543197

If you break it down into each individual component, sure, there's always something else out there that had that thing in it, but I really can't think of any setting that, when taken as a whole, is anything very much like Horizon's. I mean, if you say something like, "Horizon has genderbent historical figures, just like Saber from F/SN," that's completely missing the point and ignoring the details that make the world of Horizon so special to a lot of people.

>> No.9543204

>Yeah I really like seeing entire volumes condensed into 20 minutes of animation.
Do you even read LNs? Or is it just an excuse to discuss asses and tits?

>> No.9543210


It's not that they are genderbent, it's that people are taking on names of historical figures in order to play that role in history.

>> No.9543221
File: 295 KB, 686x1000, horizon128001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a list of public trips; that's what got banned (not me).

>>The costume design is the best

I forgot how good bodysuits were. Not many modern series were using them.

>> No.9543225

>But the entering whole heaven, using technology recreating history, testament, etc.
It's simply bloated. Bloated with nonsensical and cliched elements. I'm not saying it's bad, quite the contrary in fact. But it's still what it is, an overloaded world full of nonsense and asspulls.

>> No.9543249

Just let kids enjoy their fluff as long as they can, they'll grow out of it soon enough.

>> No.9543251

>There is a list of public trips; that's what got banned (not me).
I'm waiting for a mod to confirm it.

>> No.9543252

He hasn't been banned, nothing has been posted about it, and the janitor isn't deleting his posts.

>> No.9543255


An ass-pull is when a story takes a twist from out of nowhere, with no prior warning, with no information given to the reader before hand. That does not apply here.

Is it bloated? maybe. It's hardly cliched considering such another story is utterly nonexistent. Some people actually like world building settings, where literally everything is discussed and laid out. Tolkein did this in Middle Earth, obviously LOTR is shit because it's "cliched" and "bloated" and both feature a retarded amount of material condensed into a tiny series/movie

>> No.9543258

Again, you're just generalizing, and ignoring the details. You might as well say "Horizon is not unique because it has airships and other stories had them first." People don't think it's unique or special because it has airships; some people might be impressed by the fact that the airships have illusions of simulated water around them because they're supposed to represent ocean-going vessels.

>> No.9543265


I was this anon


And I was agreeing with you but correcting you.

>> No.9543273

So by your logic, no story is ever unoriginal as long as it's not word-for-word a copy of another one?

Whatever you say. Just because you take some things from a couple sources and combine them in a mediocre whole doesn't mean you made something valuable.

>> No.9543276
File: 221 KB, 800x640, seiga_9628570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The janitor isn't here 24/7, when he was here, he did delete bar's posts.

>> No.9543298


Ever hear the phrase "Nothing new under the sun" Believe it or not, you cannot create things that do not exist. The story telling, the setting, the world, the characters may have cliches in them. But saying because there is a loli in it, and a megane, the story itself is cliched. It's impossible to justify that statement when you cannot compare it to any other series, or book. It's the combined settings, originality and attention to detail makes Horizon unique. Not AHUEBEWBS. It's clear that you dislike it, because you were programmed to dislike it. You lack the ability to actually find out.

>> No.9543303

I'm not talking about ass-pulled conclusion. The whole setting feels like the author just kept adding and adding everything that went through his head. Magic, technology, contracts, religion, heaven, creatures, history recreating nonsense, airships, plugsuits, etc. It feels like things were dropped in randomly.

Don't get me wrong, I like this novel, but it's still pretty average.

>> No.9543321

Do we even have anything original anymore?
The inifinity series are all just timeloop.
Same with alternative, cross channel. desire, yuno. Man these are all just sshitty parallel world/multiverse clone.
Dont even get me started all those shitty mecha shit VN.

If you want to insult or bash horizon, insult the tits and the lack of exposition. The settings is one of the best I have ever seen in a fiction.

>> No.9543322
File: 370 KB, 1000x1412, horizon28499854_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Do you even read LNs? Or is it just an excuse to discuss asses and tits?

I do read them. Lately I've been comparing LNs to their shows. Although, there are many reasons why I tend to focus on the ass and tits. One of the reasons is in this thread (the guys playing post tennis right now).

Oftentimes it just segues into "I like/dislike this and you're wrong" back and forth type posts, and that isn't my cup of tea anymore.

>> No.9543323

But the point is that there are dozens upon dozens of works being made all over the world that manage to be ACTUALLY unique and original without resorting to use cliches for building blocks the way Horizon does.

You keep repeating originality, originality, but stacking a cliche upon a cliche simply in a different order than what was done before does not constitute originality in any way or form.

And you keep assuming that people are only criticizing your beloved Horizon because they don't like it, while as far as I can tell all of us admitted to liking it.

>> No.9543331

>The settings is one of the best I have ever seen in a fiction.

...okay, fuck that, I can't tell if I'm being trolled or not anymore. I'm out.

>> No.9543341

>and that isn't my cup of tea anymore.
It was never your cup of tea. Your "cup of tea" was attention whoring but since you never can find anything interesting to say you resort to simply dumping images of "hot as HELL" 2D girls.

>> No.9543351

>The settings is one of the best I have ever seen in a fiction.
You like random non-sensical soup-worlds?
The setting in Horizon is the last thing you should care about. That's not why Horizon is good.

>> No.9543359


This is not necessarily a bad thing when it's the aim of the story to be very large and detailed. Hence world-building. You don't feel the setting because you don't understand those kind of stories.
Like LOTR, shit is added because it falls in the scope of the mass of an entire universe. In this case, multiple realities.

>> No.9543368

The world of Lord of the Rings isn't hacked together in any sense of the word. Everything in it pretty much blends seamlessly together besides possibly Tom Bombadil.

>> No.9543363

You make jokes about how you don't read LNs, but watch their anime adaptations. You destroy actual LN threads. Fuck off.

>> No.9543370
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Don't worry, there are no winners in post tennis anyways.

For how long have you trolled me now? Months? Years?

Anyways I'm quite excited for Comiket. Guess how much Horizon content should be coming out.

>> No.9543372

It has to be developed well, though, not just thrown at you out of nowhere.

>> No.9543381

>Don't worry, there are no winners in post tennis anyways.
It's called "discussion", something that you are not good at.

>> No.9543390 [DELETED] 


>> No.9543393


Except it is developed... in the VNs. Like it is in LOTR.. It's a different type of story, one where the excessive detail might be offputting. Just like there are people who watch the movie and never read the books. Or the Silmarillion. Just like people never read the Horizon VNs and complain it is "cliched" when they, to save their life cannot explain what story it's a cliched of.

>> No.9543398

I guess we just have different taste and like different part of the series.
I like the political mumbo jumbo, their trade/magic system and stuff like that.

>> No.9543402

Not everyone who criticizes your posting is the same person. It's usually pointless because you're thick-headed as fuck so I don't normally do it, but when you outright declare that everyone who doesn't like your posting is the same person that's beyond the pale.

>> No.9543419


LNs, it's a slip up, and you know that. Stop being a smartass.

>> No.9543412

Where can I get these "Horizon VNs" you keep referring to?

>> No.9543415
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>> No.9543417

>story it's a cliched of.

OH, I see, you don't actually know what the fuck the word cliched means.

Moving on then.

>> No.9543424


You were asked I don't know, 10 times to give examples. I'm assuming your lying at this point to save face.

>> No.9543432
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>> No.9543443
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No, it's called trolling like the other Anon said. Usually happens when discussions get heated, and e-autism develops.

Anyways that's why I focus on the ass and tits so much in everything. People can't screw that up.

>> No.9543453

Why do people keep responding to Zunbar? Just report him for ban evasion and move on.

>> No.9543461
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>> No.9543471

A cliche is an overused element. He wants some examples of overused elements.

>> No.9543472


Okay, so you have no argument and choose to forfeit. Alright then.

>> No.9543496

The setting is built upon clichés and random stuff that the author comes up with while high or drunk.

>> No.9543510

I am reading the series right now. I am on volume 3 chuu, about a fourth of the way through, von Guericke is explaining how the Magdeburg hemispheres can help Musashi fight against P.A. Oda (or how they can't, rather). The books are fun reads, but the lewd bits can get annoying sometimes.

>> No.9543518
File: 147 KB, 459x600, adele2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im cheering for adele

>> No.9543537

That sounds like a certain other series /jp/ is fond of.

>> No.9543542


Sure, use more buzzwords and don't dare cite examples of cliches.

Knowing you, it will probably be "Mi-mi-miyazaki l-likes airships t-too and and there are like elves and a-an-angels in it" please.

>> No.9543545

That other series has a far less serious setting.

>> No.9543546

Saten in Wonderland?

>> No.9543552

I know, I just thought it was funny.

>> No.9543566


Psst every series in existence is full of cliches. If their is no story devoid of it, you cannot deride a story for having them. It's like complaining your food isn't unique because it has spices that exist in other dishes.

>> No.9543572

>Knowing you
You don't know me. Stop acting like zunbar and accusing everyone of being the same person.

Horizon has nothing particular compared to other novels. It's just random elements thrown in together will walls of texts of non sensical pseudo-politics.

The only thing that stands out is that it's not a harem.

>> No.9543584

Maybe he thought you were the same person he had been talking to.

>> No.9543586


Except you keep using the same argument "same elements" over, and over and over again. Yet every single time, someone tells you to give examples and you refuse.

You are wrong, by virtue of inability to debate your position

>> No.9543601

Please dont insult Touhou.

>> No.9543652
File: 266 KB, 765x1000, 22532189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK OP, next time just put "please come here to discuss your favorite Horizons."

Do not mention the other thing; it will only make people sperg out.

>> No.9543678

"Baaaw all I wanted is an inane imagedump with gelbooru tier comments, but people started to actually discuss the LN! I feel so left out since I only know how to post pictures ;_;"

>> No.9543683

Those posts can hardly be called discussion.

>> No.9543693

An argument is still a discussion.

>> No.9543701


OP here

To be honest I enjoyed the conversation it caused, because it was actually on topic. Without disagreement there is no discussion.
And it's relevant. Even though the people who disagree with me deserve to be raped by pigmen.

>> No.9543703

Two people yelling the same thing back and forth can't really be called an argument either.

>> No.9543711


It wasn't just two people turbobaka

>> No.9543712

>Two people
Come on, don't be like !bar, stop the paranoia.

>> No.9543720

Okay, sorry, three or four.

>> No.9543724


That's like all of /jp/ though.

>> No.9543737
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No arguing done on 4chan; only trolling.

Civil discussion is cool when it happens though.

>> No.9543745


Is it Futayo or Adele, fucking pick right now.

>> No.9543756

>No arguing done on 4chan; only trolling.
That's because you have no idea how to discuss things on 4chan, besides spouting "this sword girl is hot as hell I want to put my ponos between her huge tits" nonsense.

Even now, all you do is dump pictures, begging for attention with your inane one liners.

>> No.9543760


Japanese Jesus! This board is made up of less than 12 people tops and you get your own board??

>> No.9543760,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't forget to take your pills d00d.

>> No.9543760,2 [INTERNAL] 


This is nothing compared to the amount of !bar's inane comments.

Keep spamming, kid.

>> No.9543760,3 [INTERNAL] 

pills, please take them.
