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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 208 KB, 640x480, SAUltra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9515928 No.9515928 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9481902

>> No.9515934

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.9515942
File: 27 KB, 380x282, 2590_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsee was the reason I switched to a different game from SA, either I did amazingly well or I came out with no or one life.

>> No.9515944

that looks ilke a lot of bullets

>> No.9515970


I'd love to get this faggot's load.

>> No.9516000

streaming anytime soon?

>> No.9516025
File: 1.56 MB, 1190x1631, 20867969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exxel !Myon.xlUgo

This town ain't big enough for the both of us.

>> No.9516029

finnscum pls go

>> No.9516053
File: 555 KB, 1920x1200, jamestown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about, shmup general?

>> No.9516063

that game is shit

>> No.9516067

Is there or will there be online multiplayer capabilities for that game?
That'd be freaking awesome.

>> No.9516091

>Touhou Gameplay/STG General
>STG General
>How about, shmup general?

>> No.9516120


Whatever happened to Jamestown?

>> No.9516130
File: 38 KB, 400x250, kagami dotdotdot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not Japanese so it sucks

>> No.9516136

Sad thing is, that's a perfectly applicable rule to shmups.

>> No.9516156


It was released and people played it for a while? The game's done, I don't think you should expect any new content there.

>> No.9516158

Let me know when you find a Western shump that's equivalent to one of Cave's.

>> No.9516164

well ur not japanese and u suck cocks lol

>> No.9516175

Think about it this way: Would you expect a Canadian jazz band to be any good? Some countries are just better at things.

>> No.9516179

They never added netplay. Really disappointing.

>> No.9516183

>Would you expect a Canadian jazz band to be any good?

>> No.9516209

Jamestown could have been good. It did a lot of technical things very well but the stages and patterns were quite bad. If they made a sequel they could focus completely on stage design. It's hard to make a Ketsui killer from scratch so can't say that I'm disappointed. EOSD was also primitive and felt rushed.

>> No.9516213

I'm starting to realize shmup games are made by jerks and for jerks

>> No.9516218
File: 520 KB, 900x608, 22530137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not soon-soon, since my headset broke and doesn't sit on my head anymore, I don't have a microphone that is fully functional.

I thought it was funny when I saw you earlier with that trip, since mine was so similar. If it bothers you I would be willing to change mine.

Or we can fight about it.

>> No.9516240
File: 127 KB, 431x404, 19347363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soku at dawn.

>> No.9516250
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Time to find a new trip.

>> No.9516297
File: 109 KB, 640x480, ufoexra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After struggling all day, I finally beat Nue~

>> No.9516300

I'd like to see another one from them too. They got it more right than not, and all the other western STGs I've seen lately have been pixelshit with RPG stats or glowy dual stick garbage. Unfortunately their latest update suggests that their next game will be completely different.

>> No.9517141
File: 170 KB, 640x480, Unknown 2012-08-05 01-04-49-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rather silly 90fps EoSD Extra clear. This was much easier than UFO or TD 90fps.
T is a muffin.
Just wait until jp-shmup comes out.

>> No.9517142


Nicely done!

>> No.9518253 [DELETED] 


>> No.9518255


But I haven't even posted yet.

>> No.9518257

Will you stream some more scoring later?

>> No.9518272

What's with all this streaming stuff?

>> No.9518957

Someone stream something please.

>> No.9518960

Anyone streaming touhou today?

>> No.9519025

u're mum

>> No.9519433
File: 36 KB, 504x359, Insane Frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to get a Hard 1cc in, and I can't even post a replay because I DON'T HAVE ANY because I ragequit due to dying three times to stupid, stupid shit. My goal is to get to Stage 4 without dying, and that's not some kind of insanely lofty goal, but I can barely ever manage to do it. I refuse to let this game beat me, so I have to keep playing it despite how much I fucking hate it.

I can't wait to be done with this just so I can move on to UFO. I don't care that UFO is harder; I just want to be fucking done with this stupid, stupid game.

>> No.9519455

Why do children flood these threads?

>> No.9519504

Stop ragequitting, it'll become a lot more enjoyable after you learn to just stop. Restarting over a fluke death on Stage 1? Okay, restart. But anything after Stage 2, and you will just be wasting your time.

Even after 12 hour marathons, it still takes hundreds of embarrassing shit runs before I even begin to no-miss the first three or four stages in an STG. And it will take even longer if you want to get a good score, just take it easy and keep playing.

>> No.9519599
File: 756 KB, 900x2100, 1342850116018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start with 7 lives and get over it, okay ? I'm tired of your whining.

>> No.9519653

Funny, I recently 1cc'd SA Hard and had similar problem with restarting. Basically, what he said >>9519504

>> No.9519790

Who are your favourite Touhou players from /jp/, /jp/? What about the most skilled ones in your opinion?

>> No.9519798

Heartbeam and dot_asp.

>> No.9519810

I like T.

>> No.9519835

I know that feel, been trying to 1cc MoF on normal for two weeks now and got the earlier stages down so well I almost die of boredom before stage 4, then I die couple of stupid deaths to sanae or stage 5/6 and kanako rapes me with her last spell

>> No.9519857

I like Riz, he sounds so cute.

>> No.9519866

Pdee if he's still around.

>> No.9519949

Almost the entirety of #pofv. Especially the bots.

>> No.9519954

#pofv go
nn go

>> No.9519966

I am the most skilled #pofv elitist. Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.9520038

Is there such a thing as a skilled /jp/ player who isn't actually from IRC? I think the same about the players in the IaMP and Hisoutensoku threads too.

All the skilled players from IRC only come in to beat up the low tier /jp/ players. ;_;

>> No.9520137

Does anyone on /jp/ play anything beside Touhous?

>> No.9520146

Not sure if srs.

>> No.9520231
File: 1.28 MB, 1547x2175, V-Five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you playing it, /jp/?

>> No.9520256

Because checkpoints are shit. The worst IKD game.

>> No.9520356

What is your favorite spell card? What about the hardest spell card?

I think this question is much more gay, and therefore a lot better.

>> No.9520383


Guze Cannon, I love the way the music seems to kick in right when she uses it.

>> No.9520386

I play many other shmups.

>> No.9520396

>favorite spell card is Eternal Meek Homosexual Version

really now

>> No.9520409

>Is there such a thing as a skilled /jp/ player who isn't actually from IRC?
#pofv was started by a handful of people from /jp/, and a majority of the people that go there now were recruited from /jp/.

>> No.9520449

Froggy Braves the Elements
those sexy blue

>> No.9520459

Seriously Flawed Nirvana
Killing Doll on high rank

>> No.9520477

sumizome perfect blossom
mountain of faith
normal difficulty noob here

>> No.9520482
File: 57 KB, 224x448, 53453523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou Black Label.

>> No.9520518

Favorite :
Meh, any attack that kills me definitely not a favorite.

Hardest :
Scarlet Meister.

>> No.9520522

I know that there are at least 2 anonymous people here that are much better than anyone on #pofv. One of them beat the current PCB Phantasm world record by 0.1B and one of them does Lunatic/Extra score runs in IN. I certainly hope there are more better players that distance themselves away from that shithole, but lately it feels like the only people posting in these threads are from there.

>> No.9520563

Hmm. Does he plan for No-ice GFW too.

>> No.9520596
File: 644 KB, 660x1000, 16f09c7b6f9fef55046c0bcc3e11d891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Frog Hunting - "Frog Is Eaten by Snake due to the Croak". Very fun.
Hardest is Utsuho's first spell, Atomic Fire - "Nuclear Fusion". I hate it

>> No.9520611

>Beating HS参謀 by 0.1b

Good try, I guess.

>> No.9520649

How do I survive Honor "Colors of Twelve Levels" without bombing? The randomness and the lack of a pattern are making me headbutt the closest bullet.

>> No.9520662

>What is your favorite spell card?
VoWG. I'm also in love with every spellcard in UFO.
>What about the hardest spell card?
Greatest Treasure, Purple Stuff, or Devil's Recitation. Some of Remi's stuff on high rank is also hard.
Account for the change of the bullet's speed and that they will disappear. It's more about positioning than dodging. Also, it's to problem to skip it. It's fairly hard for what Miko has.

>> No.9520673

Oni Sign "Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits"/"Supernatural Phenomenon"
"Virtue of Wind God"

>> No.9520684

Press c for manual trance if you have the gauge filled.

>> No.9520719

Why do games with religious concepts have so much eye-candy spell cards? (MoF - Shinto, UFO - Buddhism, TD - Taoism)

>> No.9520867
File: 100 KB, 224x448, 0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me 2

>> No.9521013

Could be fake though. That also reminds me of that one Russian anon that claimed a PCB Extra WR for a few weeks. I'm pretty sure he's not part of that #pofv circlejerk. But if all of the good players really are part #pofv then that's a bit depressing.

>> No.9521025



Bleh, finally. I still have to go back and do it on FinalA, but at least a Hard 1cc is DONE.


Managed to get my goal of not dying before Stage 4 on this run anyway.


I'm not that pathetic.

>> No.9521042

shit score

>> No.9521143
File: 56 KB, 224x448, 0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man me too!!!!! You wouldn't happen to know how to drive a falsificar though, would you? I'm having a bit of trouble.

>> No.9521173

These are most likely fake without the replays being handed. There is a reason for WR tier scoring to have replay requirements, you know.

And all this sihtting on #pofv for nothing makes you seem really pathetic. If you have a problem with them at least tell what it is so it can be rationalized.

>> No.9521277

He actually never seemed to care about having that score, anyway.

>And all this sihtting on #pofv for nothing makes you seem really pathetic. If you have a problem with them at least tell what it is so it can be rationalized.
Silly personal reasons that I would even feel worse about mentioning. But since it bothers you so much, I apologize and will stop.

>> No.9521333 [DELETED] 

Pointing down an entity, which may or may not related for unwanted posts have more impact than blaming anonymous.

>> No.9521362

>He actually never seemed to care about having that score, anyway.
When Yusuke beat HS's score by small margin he posted a screenshot of his ten thousand retries of phantasm.
When Kopipoa made an almost maxed score TAS run he posted it in the nico. Even before that he showed the WIP video.
He probably photoshopped the score or have some memory address messed up, because even a TAS in that scoring region would require -very much- effort. The replay cannot be saved naturally.

>> No.9521415

u think ur though uh?

>> No.9521436

>Silly personal reasons
Fuck you.

>> No.9521498

Calm down, it's just one person. Everyone else loves you guys.

>> No.9521512

I know who that was and he told me it was TAS.
Good job.

>> No.9521900

>I know who that was
Hahaha, I can assure you that you don't know who that was. That person that you know is a liar. Don't make friends with smurfs, Riz.

>> No.9522166

I am positive that I know who it was. I was talking to him while he got it. He even gave me a screenshot of the results before he posted it. He used to go on #pofv and /jp/ but isn't active anymore. He likes to score in PCB Extra.
>That also reminds me of that one Russian anon that claimed a PCB Extra WR for a few weeks.
That sounds exactly like him.

>> No.9523247

god dammit naut go away

how the fuck do you die on this attack? you should stop playing shmups completely, dipshit.

>> No.9523328

>implying naut can chain anything in the second loop

>> No.9523403


>> No.9523843

I'm just the fake 1.9, unfortunately.

>> No.9523946

how do you do Cranberry Trap?

>> No.9523966

I don't know how to answer such a vague question, so I'll give you this:

>> No.9524011

In the butt, obviously.


>> No.9524722

You go left and then you go right.

Hope that helps.

>> No.9524955

finally got it done, even captured the mountain of faith and had 4 lives to spare. I just don't know why it was so hard before.

>> No.9525913


It's weird how you can struggle with something for days, but when you beat it, you end up smashing it. The first time I beat MoF, I had three extra lives left. The first time I beat Nue, I had three extra lives left. It just sometimes works out that way.

>> No.9526746

Have you played PCB normal stage 4 on ReimuA lately, /jp/? It has been getting some attention on the uploader.

>> No.9526752

What is the uploader?

>> No.9526777

Why is Asteroid Belt so good, /jp/? It's beautiful, it's difficult, and it's incredibly fun to clear it.

>> No.9526799

be nice to chen pls

>> No.9526826


>> No.9526950

What does that have to do with PCB and ReimuA?

>> No.9526974

I am quite sure they were talking about http://replays.gensokyo.org/

And here you have ReimuA practice runs. I do not see anything special happening..

>> No.9526975

Do any of you guys use the EoSD hitbox patch?
Is it helpful?

>> No.9527027

So you download a replay, you paste it in the related game and then you run the game and watch it?

>> No.9527217

Is this your first time on /jp/?

>> No.9527243

I do.
It's not really that helpful, I could've just as easily played without it since I know where the hitbox is.
But every other game has it and it just feels weird playing without it so I use it.

>> No.9527304

It's just that I never really cared about these threads until then.

>> No.9527510

I wonder if you'll figure out where to paste the replays for the newer games.

>> No.9527819

>345 million
>333 million
Are these autists seriously forming sequences of numbers from their scores?

>> No.9527832

You create a replay folder?

>> No.9527944

SA extra is giving me a headache. I can do everything up to Genetics of the Subconscious but that damn card takes me to my last life every time then I mess up somewhere on Philosophy. Need more practice I guess.

>> No.9527975

The replay folder is inside your appdata folder. Which is available through the user folder.

Try beating either of the autists first to prove your superiority, /jp/, #pofv, or whoever you are.

>> No.9528109
File: 556 KB, 1300x1050, 1318192123001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoSD extra...Flandre is easy as pie, but I'm having trouble on the stage and midboss.

At about 0:46 in this video >>9523966 those blue circle bullets come at you so fast, I can't find a reliable way to do it without bombing. Also the final fairy before Patchouli at 1:03 gives me trouble sometimes because those blue "walls" sometimes block me. Are they random every time?
Lastly, I have trouble on Philosopher's Stone, but I doubt there's a "way" to do it, since it's random dodging.

>> No.9528148

okay, found it, thanks.

>> No.9528270

I used to have trouble with the 2 fairies that come at the same time as well. The first fairy drops 2 8power items and you can kill it before it shoots more than 3 fast bullets. What you want to do is collect 120 power to 127 power and make your way through the slower bullets and pickup one of the big power items just as the 2 fairies on either side shoot.
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHmzO2RI1fs For most reliable way, not good for collecting points.

>> No.9528367

Nope. I don't know of any higher-level players that use it.
>At about 0:46 in this video >>9523966 those blue circle bullets come at you so fast, I can't find a reliable way to do it without bombing.
It shouldn't be very hard. You just need to move to the side in order to position yourself for them. It's more about positioning than dodging. You can also time a bullet cancel at full power.
>Also the final fairy before Patchouli at 1:03 gives me trouble sometimes because those blue "walls" sometimes block me. Are they random every time?
I think the number of walls is static but the walls themselves are random. If you are not confident in dodging them, you will either have to rely on the RNG or use a bomb.
>Lastly, I have trouble on Philosopher's Stone, but I doubt there's a "way" to do it, since it's random dodging.
It's pretty hard. There's nothing wrong with using a bomb there.

>> No.9528663


>> No.9529339

>does not know any high level PCB players who have played ReimuA

Check the replay name for the 345M score

>> No.9529426

Can you read?

Of course you can't.

>> No.9531418


>> No.9532133

The 345 million must be a good score if you say so, but there is large difference between it and 333. I am sure that you, T, or some skilled /jp/ player could gain a higher score.

Who is Mimic?

>> No.9532190

Why are both of you pointing Riz's post which has nothing to do with PCB Stage 4 practice?

>> No.9532647

I can't even 1cc anything on Normal, but from sort of whim I decided to practice EoSD Lunatic.
I was practicing all day yesterday. When I first started, I couldn't even make it past stage 2 without using a continue. Now I can make it to stage 5 (using continues). Even though it's not an accomplishment, it feels a bit better that I'm improving a little.

>> No.9532874

Upon looking at my replays of Imperishable Night, I noticed something weird with Kaguya's Divine Treasure "Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-". I lasted a good amount of time against that spell card without dying, and Kaguya's health went down VERY slowly. However, when I got hit once and died, her health started going down MUCH faster after that.

Did ZUN just make it so the spell card would be harder to capture than to just win against? Has he done this in other places in other games? It just seems like a dumb, poor way to add difficulty, like EoSD's Rank system.

>> No.9532885

I think she has some sort of invincibility going for a long time on that card, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.9532915

>play EoSD
>95.95% of the game done
>on normal
Why am so bad at Touhou?

>> No.9532944

because who are you quoting

>> No.9532949

Is it normal to die every five seconds when you just start playing Lunatic?

(SA Normal mode tier player.)

>> No.9532959


>> No.9532961

SA has a really nasty stage 1, don't worry about it.

>> No.9532993

One time during Stage 3 of Perfect Cherry Blossom, my mum shouted me and now whenever I hear that part of The Doll Maker of Bucuresti, I think my mum's shouting me.
Another time during Stage 3 of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, my dog barked so whenever I listen to Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea, I think my dog is barking.

Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.9533085

Yes, kaguya is invincible before the pattern changes, the beginning is supposed to make you familiar with the bouncing danmaku and the real spellcard begins when she changes the pattern so it's not only trivial streaming

>> No.9533087
File: 702 KB, 1000x1000, 12513070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep losing a life to Parsee even though she is easy as fuck?

>> No.9533091

I can't grasp Murasa's third spell on Lunatic. It's 0/79 now. The bullets fired from the anchors get me every time unless I dodge in the corners, but there I deal 0 damage to Murasa. Stupid glowshit. Do you think I could have a better chance of dodging them if I move up instead of backing down when dodging, or am I just grasping at straws now?

>> No.9533094

dunno, her midboss nonspell is evil, but I dunno how you could die to anything else

>> No.9533151

Her midboss nonspell dies before it gets remotely difficult.

>> No.9533159

I forgot how to bomb properly.

Damn you, Imperishable Night.

>> No.9533173

Right after I posted that I got a no-miss (1 bomb on third non-spell, god can't dodge that) Murasa until survival, then balanced out with embarassing failures there. I'm still not quite sure how I did the spell I had trouble on, I feel like I lucked out.

>> No.9533208


I know that she's immortal during that opening pattern, but that's not what I'm talking about. When the real spell card began, her health was very, VERY slow to drain. I wasn't playing a solo human, so it's not like her familiars were blocking my shots. I managed to get back and forth across the screen several times during the main pattern before I died, and her health drained MUCH faster during the second life.

Here's the replay from when I posted it earlier in the thread: http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=23041

Pay attention to her health during Divine Treasure "Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-", and you'll clearly see what I mean. The difference between before and after I died is quite significant.

>> No.9533227

The posts you quoted are 100% correct. Everybody in IN has extreme defense at the beginning of all spells, some have it last longer than others. For her last normal spell, it happens to be a long time. The fact that you died right when that defense wore off is just coincidence.

>> No.9533702


This thing made my day. I'm laughing so hard.

>> No.9533806
File: 339 KB, 966x748, Pve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9533925
File: 89 KB, 480x640, mushihime-sama-futari-ver-1-5-xbox-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /jp/ think about Mushihimesama Futari?

>> No.9533930

Too many bullets that aren't slow and don't make pretty patterns

>> No.9534019

Ultra is fun. Maybe not Ura loop fun, but still fun.

>> No.9534110

Let us have another /jp/ challenge.

PCB Normal, stage 3. Most points wins.

You have 24 hours.

>> No.9534859

STGT is on. There's no time for serious competition on such a short notice. Short-lived gimmicks like the previous one work better.

>> No.9534895

so what other "bullet hell" games are there other than touhou

>> No.9534897

1.5 Maniac is the best game. 1.5 Original is good for some simple fun, and BL God Mode is great too. BL Original is shit, BL Maniac is shit, and I haven't played Ultra.

So altogether, it's easily one of Cave's best games. Top 3 at the very least.

>> No.9534943


The good news is that all of those games are better than Touhou.

>> No.9535083

It takes a while for a while for Kaguya to be vulnerable. You need to watch some replays.
My parents like to call me a lot, so I sometimes think that I hear my phone ringing. *phone rings*
Use a bomb.
I'm not sure what to say. I would just practice and watch replays. I would also avoid the corners.
I've never had this problem.

>> No.9535127

Where can I download a Cave game?

>> No.9535143

They're arcade games. Use MAME to play them. Download the MAME roms from your favorite torrent site or assorted resource.

>> No.9535358
File: 44 KB, 256x512, Face04ct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who finds it incredibly difficult to continue SA around the time of Satori? Before isn't particularly different, but Satori gets me most of the time; and if she doesn't I end up getting slaughtered in the next level anywho.

>> No.9535363

Buy an Xbawks 360 and buy the games

>> No.9535374
File: 265 KB, 800x1132, e39b71a77c2737fd9f964609edb8aeac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I used to play SA for a whole day, I would rape every single boss until Satori without losing a single life. Although I get fucked up when I'm not using reimu + yukari

>> No.9535378

shes easy with reimu / yukari

>> No.9535383

I don't find satori that difficult, it's that cat who rustles my jimmies, I really hate every boss with fast rice danmaku patterns with passion

>> No.9535385

>Double Black Death Butterfly

>> No.9535388

>rustles my jimmies
Stop that.

>> No.9535404

there is a patteren, take it easy and figure it out, took me a week or so of trying to figure it out

>> No.9535465
File: 66 KB, 369x317, Ayaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I misunderstand something, or did you just die during the animation of catching the last photo you needed?


>> No.9535541
File: 86 KB, 307x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what does /jp/ think about Danmaku Death?, any other worthy STG I should get?

>> No.9535558

I made it to Stage 4 SA Lunatic after picking up a stick. Prior to this, I couldn't even make it past Stage 2.

I'm just going to write this off as pure luck, maybe.

>> No.9535571

i'm fairly new to the touhou games, how do you play shoot the bullet? I sort of get it but i feel like im missing something

>> No.9535609

You take pictures.

>> No.9535628

>i'm fairly new to the touhou games

Why the fuck are you playing Shoot the Bullet, then?

>> No.9535646

i was told to

>> No.9535663

I don't know who told you that and why, StB and DS are the worst games to familiarize yourself with touhou. Start by playing Imperishable Night.

>> No.9535670

i see, thanks

>> No.9535674

I've been running Reimu/Yukari and that what seems to get me, the last two spellcards are the main issue. Yet the only other equivalent character choice is Marisa/Patchouli; which the mechanic is neat but tricky, and I've no clue what Satori pulls with them.

In all fairness Shoot the Bullet I thought was good practice, considering I'm not exactly spectacular at Touhou.

>> No.9535688

It's okay but ultimately lacking. The difficulty is more irritating than satisfying in the upper difficulty levels, the patterns are okay but nothing to write home about, and the hitboxes are more unforgiving than they probably should be.

It's one of the better non-Cave danmaku games on the Android, but honestly that's not saying much.

hold shift and shoot for focused movement

>> No.9535690

If you want practice PoFV is better for learning dodging and instincts.

>> No.9535717
File: 84 KB, 550x700, 1549364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start by playing Imperishable Night

Is this generally agreed upon?

>> No.9535736

Easiest bosses, easiest deathbombs, plentiful resources. It's most newcomer's first 1cc.

>> No.9535770

I disagree. IN teaches bad habits. It's the easiest one if you're willing to abuse the shit out of it but is that what you want? MoF is also very easy if you select the bugged shot type and spam bombs.

>> No.9535781

It's not a true 1cc is you use MarisaB.

>> No.9535796

Touhou is a shmup. Very basic shmup skills are enough to cheese clears in Touhou. Play shmups to acquire basic shmup skills.

>> No.9535799

I think that it is wonderful that you are starting with STB. Don't listen to people who tell you to start with a specific game. They are scrubs that couldn't beat Easy mode to save their life. Here are some resources to get you started: http://pastebin.com/VQCXzQMv

You should look at the gameplay article for STB on touhouwiki.

>> No.9535805

And? Do you play these games for medals? If you're going to enjoy STGs for a long time you'll have to learn to play without abusing gimmicks.

>> No.9535804

Say that to my face, fucker not online and see what happens.

>> No.9535811

Your post is confusing me, I'm saying using MarisaB is cheating.

>> No.9535853

Only if the newcomer plans to go straight to scoring. If you're a newcomer and are playing just for survival, IN would be a game you should avoid. It teaches bad habits, most significantly, deathbombing.

>> No.9535918

You should just start with EoSD.
Best touhou game and the only one you'll ever need to play.

>> No.9536083
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, 1339684942759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, hard-ass Riz talking like he's good. What a joke.

>> No.9536224

>Riz isn't good
So what do you have to do before you can become 'good'?

>> No.9536240

NBNDNVMNF 90 Fps Fairy Wars

>> No.9536271

Not having an unwarranted mountainous ego of the autismal tripwhore variety, for starters.

Oh, I guess he could also try to score for real once in a while.

>> No.9536295

Also, conception of one's own abilities and one's skills are usually inversely proportional when it comes to scoring. Just about every player with good scores thinks they suck. Incidentally, Riz thinks rather highly of himself.

>> No.9536447

The cat gets me.

I don't know how to deal with the ghost fairies. Shit is impossible.

>> No.9536484

Stop shooting, first lure them above her.
It's best if you actually position yourself above her when the spellcard starts.
Then just quickly move down and shoot her and the zombie fairies from there.
If they get too close just stop shooting again and lure them away.

>> No.9536496

What >>9536271 said. Riz should go back to being the quiet and submissive name-fag like he was a year ago when he first started tinkering around in UFO. Now it just seems like he's got an ego bigger than what his skill is worth and probably thinks it's justified because he's part of #pofv and plays at 90 fps with retarded "challenges" that are not reflective of any skill whatsoever.

>> No.9536682

How do I 90 FPS?

>> No.9536690

Are there any touhous where you play from the perspective of a single bullet?

>> No.9536695

You just gotta go fast.

>> No.9536694

That would be one short touhou game

>> No.9536696

He's the only one who actually streams around here, I'd rather watch than play.

>> No.9536700

Modifying the vpatch .ini and make sure your input latency is set for it to work. You can also use an external program such as Cheatengine.

>> No.9536708

There was this one touhou practice game that was harder than the fucking originals...

>> No.9536713

Featured Flan I bet

>> No.9536750
File: 89 KB, 640x480, ss5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I found it with that.

Moedan. Shit was harder than lunatic runs I've done

>> No.9537360

>Just about every player with good scores thinks they suck

Any examples?

>> No.9538196

There are none because they want attention its just a act. Oh man this score sucked so hard.
replies. no man dude its great wtf sweet score etc etc

Kinda like celebrity mindest " I just want to live a normal life get out photographers". While it´s actually plz pls pay attention to me why are you not writing about me and praising me?

>> No.9538262


>> No.9538263

this really...

>> No.9538411


>> No.9538421 [DELETED] 

Can´t face the truth?

I can bet my sweet ass I have better scores than you.

>> No.9538489

>I can't grasp Murasa's third spell on Lunatic. It's 0/79 now. The bullets fired from the anchors get me every time unless I dodge in the corners, but there I deal 0 damage to Murasa. Stupid glowshit. Do you think I could have a better chance of dodging them if I move up instead of backing down when dodging, or am I just grasping at straws now?

Sorry for being so late, the bullets the anchors spawn are mostly static. Since the anchor wave is aimed at you, if you manipulate the anchors to one of your sides, the resulting bullet spread should be very similar every time you do it. Try to position yourself similarly for most of Murasa's movements so you can micromemorize the bullet pattern. It can get hairy if she moves to one of the sides, but for those few times that happens, you can just hang out in the far corner and dodge the less dense stuff until she centers herself more.

>> No.9538494 [DELETED] 

>I can bet my sweet ass I have better scores than you.
Well sure, there are several games I don't even play. I can guarantee that I have scores that are better than yours as well. That doesn't mean too much.

I have several scores that could be considered "good", but I'm too aware of my own mistakes and shortcomings to appreciate them as much as some others might. When people comment positively on my scores, I don't vehemently shoot them down as an attempt to fish for compliments. I point out the faults and explain the difference between where I am and where I could be. Even when I do improve, the goal shifts and the ceiling is pushed higher.

Wait, I get it, that was a joke. Because you did exactly as the article describes. You're a funny guy.

I only said that just in case you were joking. Now that I responded both seriously and acknowledging the potential that you weren't serious, I have all of my bases covered.

>> No.9538505 [DELETED] 

It's because what's good is relative to what kind of people you're surrounded with.

If you're surrounded by awful players who can't reach a stage four boss without continues on normal difficulty, a person who can 1CC hard on a lucky run will seem pretty good. But if that same person spends all his time around people who are trying to pacifist SA lunatic, he's going to think of himself as awful and describe himself that way.

>> No.9538508

It's because what's good is relative to what kind of people you're surrounded with.

If you're surrounded by awful players who can't reach a stage four boss without continues on normal difficulty, a person who can 1CC hard on a lucky run will seem pretty good. But if that same person spends all his time around people who are trying to pacifist SA lunatic, he's going to think of himself as awful. At every level there are people higher and lower than you (unless you're at the very very top) and your opinion of your own skills will depend on who you're comparing yourself to.

>> No.9538744

>Sorry for being so late, the bullets the anchors spawn are mostly static

Though it is indeed 'mostly static', but just remember it can drift by some pixel.

>> No.9538778

T, dot_asp and Heartbeam, for example.

>> No.9538832

Also Seppo Hovi, Nereid, Naut, Erppo, Ebarrett, Azinth, all show the symptoms.

>> No.9538881


>> No.9539063

Those are a shit Gus and Raidenautistic is where it`s at.

>> No.9539355

This. My scores are great when compared to other western players, but being a great western player is like being a great Special Olympian. Who cares.

>> No.9539514

It's kind of pointless to ask for examples if you don't know anybody at all.

>> No.9539689
File: 327 KB, 640x480, Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I late?

>> No.9539804
File: 979 KB, 1400x2007, komeiji_memories_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, yeah, what people were saying about the difficulty scaling up in UFO very strongly between Normal and Hard mode was true. I managed to get to Ichirin in my first sitting, but I had a fuckton of deaths in the stage due to not being used to how fast and dense and WIDE the bullet patterns are. Fuck those things that shoot a bunch of blue bullets and explode into big blue bullets when they die.

>> No.9539821

Those yin-yang orbs are the bane of us all. Just practice more.

>> No.9539820

Americans(not necessarily all Westerners as a whole) will always be shit at pretty much every single game they play. Fighters and STGs? Blown up by the Japanese. FPSes? Blown up by Europeans. RTS? Korea destroys them. Americans in general cannot play competitive games.

There are a very few amount of exceptions where you see American players whom have anything remotely close to skill, but they're VERY rare.

>> No.9539856

The sad part is that the western STG community by far the least advanced out of every competitive genre. Nobody that cares about "western record" this or "first western" that will ever be good. Do you see western fighting game players aiming to take down Justin Wong or PR Balrog in Street Fighter? No, they aim to beat the best players in the world, like Infiltration, Daigo, et al.

Where are the people that are trying to dethrone SWY, TAC, ISO, etc? They don't exist, because they're too busy going for western recordzzzzzz.

>> No.9539890

Well you see the western stg community is reliant on superplays from Japanese players so how the hell are they going to beat them if all they do is copy the japanese players?

The west and Japan do not infact play the same games West sits and copies some superplay(japanese also borrow knowledge from eachother but they search for even better routes etc) and comes to a stop and cannot progress over the superplays score. The japanese stg community will develop new techniques to trump their previous score. Take for example DonPachi I think HFD´s latest score was 70 million something like that. The west is capped at the 20mil superplays that are available on the internet and have no fucking idea how to even break 30 million.

>> No.9539892
File: 55 KB, 341x273, 1343764462708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First extra clear, it felt amazing to watch Ran explode.

>> No.9539901

It was static, so I had a much easier time studying it. Now the only thing limiting me from capturing it consistently is my lack of skill. Can't thank you enough man.

>> No.9539918

One of the best PCB players in the whole world is American.

>> No.9539936

He was mostly talking about real shmups.

>> No.9539944
File: 148 KB, 640x480, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newbie here. Never did score run before. Also i'm quite drunk this time.

>> No.9539949

SOF-WTN is actually the Donpachi god (HFD sticks to DOJ), and I think his most recent score is 84 million.

That game is probably the best example of the skill gap between Japan and everybody else.

>> No.9539970

Dang I always mix up HFD and SOF-WTN. But yes as I said the West does not know how to craft its own strategies.

>> No.9539983

You can clearly see how terrible most of the USA is at video games by simply watching them play Guilty Gear or Blazblue. It really is amazing how many piss easy combos they manage to drop in a single match. There is simply no excuse for dropping a combo in Blazblue of all games.

Funny how they also get destroyed in UMVC3, which is, "USA's game." Quite entertaining, really.

>> No.9540022

Didn't Justin just win MvC3 in Tougeki? But yeah, the USA is still pretty far behind in fighters, but at least they know what to aim for.

>> No.9540082
File: 337 KB, 640x480, scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job anons! And no, you're not late. Let's say that you have to the end of the week.

Aw come on, where's your spirit of competition? I checked the STGT site and there are quite a few big names missing. I'm sure you guys could break 90M, or maybe even 100M. Come on, play a bit!

Here's my shot at it.

>> No.9540125
File: 26 KB, 480x360, qed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The super top secret technique for capturing Q.E.D. is revealed here:

>> No.9540155

I've been out of the MvC3 loop for awhile, but wasn't Kusoru raping everybody with Frank/Rocket Raccoon/Joe?

Yeah, JWong is probably America's best at the moment. But really, let's not go off topic too much. As far as competition goes, I've been trying my hand at StB and DS scoring. Stupid, I know.

>> No.9540152

You know, you should sometimes look at the replay uploader.

Not me, but it is probably meant for this thing.


>> No.9540172

Japanese don't play kusoge seriously.

>> No.9540201

wtf is kusoge and why does it belong to
>Touhou Gameplay/STG General

>> No.9540251
File: 646 KB, 640x480, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9540266

T for terrible, am I right?

>> No.9540279

Low-hanging fruit

>> No.9540413
File: 621 KB, 1000x836, 0aa285eff1264a887202a56e907423e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riz, are you going to stream any time soonish? Watching it would be nice to spend my birthday on.

>> No.9540680

I feel bad for 2hu fans when people start to bully the games, completely unprovoked.

>> No.9540711

No one gives a fuck about your birthday.

>> No.9540766

Shut up.
Happy birthday.

>> No.9540909

true kusoge is dimahoo

>> No.9540965

True kusoge is any shmup made before the mid nineties.

>> No.9541151

Get a load of this faglord who cannot enjoy great games like Gradius II and Raiden DX

>> No.9541159

Don`t make autism sad.

>> No.9541359
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 1286133029023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday

>> No.9541365

#pofv elitist finnish avatarfags pls go

>> No.9541395

Have a good birthday.

>> No.9541431

Sometimes I don't understand you.

>> No.9541530

We know how to get 70m+ish in Donpachi, just nobody this side of the world is interested in playing it, it seems. Well, the only anglophone who is sorta bothering is almost as secretive as SOF-WTN regarding his replays, so it's hard to count him. He can get about 40m just from the first loop iirc though, so you're still horribly (and unsurprisingly) uninformed.

I'm in the process of getting rid of this "west vs east" mentality, so gimme a little bit to motivate players beyond dumb "western records" (whatever the fuck that means). There are a few players I know of who are pushing beyond it though, so don't get too discouraged.

I meant the glowing bullets. The bullets spawned by the anchors colliding with the walls are random.

>> No.9541557

>>9541431 cont.
Oh and try writing #pofv elitist finnish avatarfag to the namefield and see what happens. I dare you.

>> No.9542104

Sorry, I just woke up. It's 6pm right now. I'm going to have to do some chores for about an hour and then I'll be able to stream. Happy birthday.

>> No.9542507
File: 444 KB, 949x1049, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal that in Cave games, the spread shot fires by bursts and not continuously?

>> No.9542552

Use the autofire button.

>> No.9542614

Doesn't work in DonPachi. Maybe it's supposed to be like this after all.

>> No.9542616

>Use the autofire button.
And tap once to shoot a single bullet. Heplful for chaining.

>> No.9544117

Allnighter on cap'n shitface Murasa made me able to 1BNM her pretty consistently. Ah, the feeling of progress. Her third non is a bit tricky so I'll just leave it for the X key.

Actually, how does her third non work, exactly? It doesn't look static, at least.


>> No.9544731

>It doesn't look static, at least.
Ignoring the bullets left over from her previous spell, it is.

>> No.9544819

enable it in the pcb settings.

>> No.9546139
File: 189 KB, 1177x735, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These toho games are just too damn silly.

I've been sitting here for a goddamn hour trying to beat this silly ass boss. First off, I cant even read the goddamn text in these silly toho games.

I don't even know how to use bombs. I keep shooting out cards full auto, but I have no clue how I'm doing it. The only way I know to use bombs is to mash z/x.

The worst part is, why would some silly nigga make a game where it is literally impossible to dodge the attack in this pic?

You know what, yall silly, zunbar a silly nigga, toho is silly, this board silly. I'm going back to /r9k/.

>> No.9546146

Try one of the windows games instead of descending into the abyss again.

>> No.9546184

I set it up in the TAB menu, not sure if it's what you are talking about.

But, on arcade, does the spread shot also fire in bursts?

>> No.9546342

Is it possible to get past those books before Koakuma on EoSD Lunatic?
I'm hearing that it's impossible and that it's meant to be bombed.

>> No.9546391

Very possible. You could've googled or youtube searched.

>> No.9546394

>It's most newcomer's first 1cc.

Ha. Ha. Tell that to this newcomer who downloaded it as his touhou first months ago and still gets fried by Marisa/Reimu.

I have easy 1ccs with all the teams, but that hardly counts. My first normal 1cc (and currently only not-PoFV) was MoF.

Easy deathbombs is a tossup because when I'm on the ball I can nail it without the ridiculously long window, and the double costs really eats up your bombs.

>> No.9546463

>meant to be bombed

That's what secondaries want to belive.

>> No.9546500

Yes, it is very possible.

>> No.9546543

No, it wasn't meant to be bombed at all. Practice it more and watch some replays using frame advance to get the most out of them. You can truly see every single frame of every single bullet this way.

But no, there's nothing that is impossible in STGs. Theoretically, if the player is skilled enough, he/she should be able to get through just about anything.

>> No.9546557

I tried playing Lotus Land Story earlier today.
I kept getting distracted by my own bullets.
PC-98 games are hell for that.

>> No.9546562

I occasionally mix up blue bullets and point items when I play Mystic Square

I don't even know how. I just do.

>> No.9546621

Why did you stop shooting?

I know it's timed but if you take down one or two of them, it should make things much more easier.

>> No.9546669

No shooting makes it harder. Why else would he stop shooting?

>> No.9546820

Because he's stupid.

>> No.9546934
File: 507 KB, 640x480, 99 Baka chiruno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baka 9's lul xD

>> No.9547139

dam ur gud icnt even 1cc in easy mode with 7 continues and 7 starting lives

>> No.9547498

Im not gud. the anonymous dude is gud.

>> No.9549889

I find that not shooting makes it easier for me.

>> No.9550195

Those little round white bullets drop from my awareness sometimes. They're the most neutral bullet possible.

>> No.9550352

I always die by running into the cheese graters in DOJBL 2-3. I don't even know why.

>> No.9550497

Bomb it

>> No.9550882

Streaming: livestream.com/stouhou

>> No.9551243

After several, several continues, I passed UFO Stage 4 on Hard. From my first glimpse at Stage 5, I must say it looks like a nightmare.

Also, Murasa's spells are insane.

>> No.9551347

Yay, congrats! Practise some more, Murasa becomes really fun once you get her down more.

>> No.9552262
File: 614 KB, 640x480, th017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depths "Genetics of the Subconscious" is utter bullshit

>> No.9552268 [DELETED] 

That was a long stream. Loosing that NBNUFO run on Byakuren was awful but I'm sure that I will get it soon. Thanks for watching.
I was the same.

>> No.9552278

That was a long stream. Thanks for watching.
I was the same. Just keep practicing.

>> No.9552954


On the run on which I managed to beat Koishi, I ended up timing that spell card out. It's incredibly annoying.

>> No.9553051

Not the same anon, but how many hours a day should I be practicing? I've pondered this question ever since I bought the PS2 port of DOJ when it first came out. Some days when I had the free time, I would practice for 12 hours a day. And other days, I would only be able to play one run per day.

I'm still fairly puzzled at how I should go about practicing these games. Long, drawn out sessions? Or short sessions? Stage practice, or no stage practice. There's just so many options~.

>> No.9553097

I usually spend about 2-3 hours a day on a busy day, and on days where I have nothing to do I can spend up to 8 or so hours just grinding through a game I want to beat.
Stage practice is very useful and I'd recommend using it alot when going for your first 1cc of the game on that difficulty.
Most of my time is spent in stage practice until I'm confident I can do the stages individually well enough, then I try to do full runs and string together everything.

>> No.9553444

Practicing correctly is far more important for progress than the hours you put in.

Always do stage practice until you're comfortable with the entire game, then start doing full runs to try and put everything together. Once you can do the easy stuff consistently (say 90%+), there's no reason to play it when you could be practicing the stuff you suck at.

>> No.9553760

My post got far too big for the thread, so I made a Pastebin for it: http://pastebin.com/uY6W2Cd1
I think this is a lot better then having to reserve 2-3 posts with big walls of text. I do wish 4chan was better at handling big sums of text, but oh well.

>> No.9553800


>> No.9553820

Those fucking cheese graters, ugh. The boss literally goes from boringly easy to "Welp, I sure hope the bullets will be dodgeable this time" even on the first loop.

Eh, it's not so bad. You just gotta pay attention to when she homes in on you.

>> No.9553858

>That is when I made the transition from a beginner to what I am today.

Still shitty?

>> No.9553875

What's DOJBL?

>> No.9553897


Dodonpachi Dai ou jou Black label?

>> No.9553911

Yeah, you got it.

>> No.9554150
File: 179 KB, 1365x737, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these games so hard?

I think I'm actually going to have to set it to easy to eve be able to beat it.

>> No.9554327

The fuck Riz, you make long-ass posts.

>> No.9554459

>I think this is a lot better then having to reserve 2-3 posts with big walls of text.
I have to disagree with you, good sir. Please, post here.

>> No.9554474


I'm trying to make my Hard UFO Stage 3 suck less, since the only reason I've been getting through it at all on regular runs has been the resources I've gathered from the previous Stages. This has been my best Practice run yet, and it's still terrible. Any tips, aside from the fact that I need to practice more and just stop sucking so hard?

>> No.9554740

You need to memorize the spots where the wall fairies spawn and shoot them before they corner you/wall you in. The late-stage groups of little fairies can be circled around in a clockwise motion quite easily.

You also need to keep in mind I have never played UFO Hard or anyone other than ReimuA so I really have no idea what I'm talking about or if it will actually work.

>> No.9554921
File: 7 KB, 323x165, vsync.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to start UFO, but ran into a small problem - it seems to be stuck on 50 FPS. I thought maybe vsync patch would help, but this is what I get when I open it.

>> No.9554944

Now I tried running it windowed and it works at 60 FPS. What can be wrong with it?

>> No.9555137


>> No.9555237
File: 260 KB, 808x648, 1342401432158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming for the 10th Anniversary of Windows Touhou!
Going for a EoSD Normal 1CC.


>> No.9556514

Happy Birthday Windows Touhou.
Everyone playing for their EoSD clears?

>> No.9558190

I made you a replay. It's a little silly, but I hope that you can take something from it. I don't think your run was bad. You just need to get comfortable with the post-Ichirin fairies and her nonspells.
I don't think memorization is necessary - just to get a feel for how you need to maneuver.
It looks like your DirectX isn't installed.
I'm thinking about going for a 90fps Lunatic clear. I was told that it was easy, but I'll have to see.
