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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9528057 No.9528057 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get over depression /jp/?

>> No.9528066


>> No.9528076

i want to be happy not dead

>> No.9528082


>> No.9528086

you don't get over depression. you learn how to accept it and live it.

>> No.9528096

be happy then

>> No.9528099

*live with it

i can't type for shit

>> No.9528104

Are you sure that you know how depression works?

>> No.9528144

That's how I deal with my depression.I'm not a doctor.

>> No.9528152

Just do it~


>> No.9528154


Have you tried drinking enough water?

I know it sounds stupid, but when I don't have enough water in my system I start to lose my mind a bit.

>> No.9528157

ASCII ribbon campaign for HTML-free email?

>> No.9528158

You man up, nerd.

>> No.9528203
File: 55 KB, 198x297, mother-in-laws-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public Service Announcement:

Get plants in your room. They'll refresh your living space with oxygen and you'll have something living to take care of. You can also name the plants if you desire so.

Most plants are low maintenance and require watering only once a week.

>> No.9528224

I like to grow aloe plants because they are easy and can use them as food or lube

>> No.9528225

Smoke weed.

>> No.9528226

As we have been over before, plants also serve a very useful secondary purpose[1] that may be of interest to most shut-ins.

[1] https://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S8131291#p8131482

>> No.9528245

Urine isn't good for most plants. If there is a certain plant that can deal with piss then sure why not.

>> No.9528250

A cactus.

>> No.9528298


>> No.9528523


>> No.9528545 [DELETED] 

Thank you for all your responses in this on-topic thread which is related to otaku culture. You are not shitting up /jp/ at all, thanks for your hard work, keep it up.

>> No.9528617

Weed or alcohol.

>> No.9528670

Alcohol during the day.
Sleeping with earplugs during the night (makes you feel much safer).

>> No.9528695

Janitor: if this post began with a picture of a noose or some pills or something, would you leave it?

/adv/ was created specifically to house these kind of threads. You wouldn't leave a hook-up thread, please don't leave this one.

>> No.9528696

But what will drown out the voices then

>> No.9528714

The answer is in the tiny details of your everyday life if you don't want counseling or meds.

Sleep rhythm, hygiene, diet, room lighting/cleanliness and the way you allocate your time all amount to how you feel about yourself at the end of the day. Humans are simple creatures and brain chemicals triggering good/bad emotions are more manipulatable than one would think.

There is no One Size Fits All cure for depression. The first step is to convince yourself that you are able to fix yourself without eating pills/seeing a shrink even if it means deceiving yourself first.

>> No.9528757

Cognitive behavioral therapy, antidepressants, amphetamines, or opiates. Preferably all at once and in large quantities.

>> No.9528775 [DELETED] 

Thank you for replying to this thread which is related to otaku culture, keep up the good work.

>> No.9528796

Antidepressants aren't the solution but certain ampethamines and opiates are very useful.

Casual cognitive behavioral therapy is pretty shit btw, look for an underground therapist that is willing to administrate illegal drugs. They're more caring and open minded compared to your average asshole that's fresh out of college looking for a decent paycheck.

>> No.9528810 [DELETED] 

Keep it up, many thanks.

>> No.9528838

Humans have dealt with depression way before any anti-depressants or opiates came into picture.
Fuck, there are amputees right now straddled into wheelchairs leading happy lives while here perfectly able-bodied human beings whine about their fates.

Are working for drug companies?
Happiness found in drugs is about as genuine as social interaction found in MMOs.

>> No.9528865

I myself was depressed for years until I started using DMT, after one experience I never looked back.

MDMA helped people I know when they took underground therapy courses, results came in 2 5 hour sessions.

You don't have to use these drugs but it really speeds up the process.

>> No.9528870 [DELETED] 

Great responses, very otaku culture related, keep it up.

>> No.9528885

Stop bumping the thread if you don't like the content, retard.

>> No.9528888 [DELETED] 

You too.

You too.

>> No.9528889


>but it really speeds up the process.

To what? Psychosis?

Not everyone is "helped" by these powerful drugs you fucking dumbass, stop recommending that everyone use them to get over mental issues.

You're most likely some 15 year old shithead that came here over the summer thinking he is "enlightened" because he used some drugs.

>> No.9528892 [DELETED] 

Just doing my part citizen, no need to thank me. Heck, I'll even bump the thread, just for you.

>> No.9528906 [DELETED] 

I love the content, it's otaku culture related, just like your awesome post, keep it up.
Nice work.

>> No.9528921

I never claimed that this was for everyone nor did I say that I was enlightened.

I was sharing my experience with these substances, I went from having wishing that I'd die every night before bed to actually being able to go outside once a week.

That's a huge improvement for someone that has shut themselves in for years at a time and has only had social contact over the internet/phone (when ordering meals).

Psychosis? Only if you have a rare mental condition such as Schizophrenia (note: I'm schizophrenic and these substances didn't drive me crazy, they actually made me realize how off I am) He did not say that he had such problems, if he's just depressed or has a mild form of autism than this wouldn't hurt him.

>> No.9528931

You too.

>> No.9528925

*remove having

>> No.9528926

You too.

>> No.9528930

Great work.

>> No.9528933
File: 134 KB, 566x800, 1342923420116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs are poison and will make you sick.

>> No.9528936

Nice work, lovely otaku culture related posts.

>> No.9528938

Ignorance is bliss.
Learn before preaching.

>> No.9528940

You too.

>> No.9528947


Well you sure as hell implied that they would work for everyone when you specifically said that every person on Earth would be helped by these drugs.

Those are the kind of drugs that ruined my mental state, those drugs took me from being mentally stable to being a basket case. Thats a huge downgrade. In fact they helped do the exact opposite of what you claim they will do.

You don't have psychosis either, the only thing wrong with you is fucking special snowflake syndrome.

>> No.9528948

Very deep and a lovely otaku culture related post, keep it up.
Good job.

>> No.9528950

You too.

>> No.9528955

Great work.

>> No.9528951

Nice, keep it up.

>> No.9528953

Humans have lived with pain and illness for years before the invention of medication and corrective surgery. Fuck, there are dudes in the third world living without all that garbage and they are doing better than dudes with casts, anti-malarial pills, and all that other horseshit. Yessir, I'm sticking with my homeopathic folk remedies and magic spells.

>> No.9528954

You too.

>> No.9528956

Medical science does it for me, mind-altering drugs damage brain tissue.

>> No.9528957

You too.

>> No.9528960


>> No.9528964


Learn what?

If anything, you're in blissful ignorance right now, not realizing the potential harms of the drugs you're using that you think are so fucking harmless and wonderful.

Condescending piece of shit.

>> No.9528965


yeah they tell you the other stuff is bad so you can buy their pills and they get that cash money $$$$$

>> No.9528974

Awesome posts.

>> No.9528968

Great work.

>> No.9528970


>> No.9528971

Deny depression, enjoyee

>> No.9528972
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>> No.9528975

You too.

>> No.9528976

Good job.

>> No.9528977


>> No.9528979

If I'm not mistaken

they're specifically telling me not to take mind-altering medication; of any sort. Hard drugs of course will have much more adverse and immediate effects than over the counter "happy pills".

>> No.9528981

Great work.

>> No.9528982

You too.

>> No.9528983


Your needs are condemanding.

>> No.9528988 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9528989

Splendid work.

>> No.9528990

You don't.

>> No.9528998
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>> No.9528999

Suit yourself, live in misery. Keep taking their drugs. It'll calm you down. Whereas other people will have a few profound psychedelic experiences and will have a whole different outlook in life that benefits them immensely.

>> No.9529000

Can you complement my post? Maybe the warm approval of another human being will cure my depression.

>> No.9529002
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>> No.9529004

Sure, anon! Nice post, man!

>> No.9529005
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>> No.9529007

LSD doesn't, THC doesn't, psilocybin doesn't, DMT doesn't, MDMA doesn't, morphine doesn't, alcohol does, tobacco does, certain antidepressants do.

Nothing I'm recommending is as harmful as alcohol or caffeine, other than opiates, they're very addictive but that can be avoided if used in moderation.

>> No.9529009 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529011 [DELETED] 

Great job, keep it up.

>> No.9529020

You too.

>> No.9529013

You too.

>> No.9529014

My aunt has been on depression meds since her 20's and is practically a zombie. Mouth agape, eyes barely open. Has no hopes, dreams or interests. You're lucky if she even answers to questions thrown at her.

I'd rather be dead than like her.

>> No.9529016

Pure little girls do not do drugs I wish you would stop trying to corrupt my friends.

>> No.9529017

I just said I DIDN'T take their drugs, numbnuts

>> No.9529019

GJ, keep it up.

>> No.9529022 [DELETED] 


>> No.9529023 [DELETED] 


>> No.9529031 [DELETED] 

Love you too, love your otaku culture related responses. Keep up the good work.
Nice work.

>> No.9529026


I love you.


You're a fucking moron. I really can't wait until you learn your lesson the hard way and have to see how fucking stupid you are. I wish I could be there to tell you I told you so when you finally have to admit how fucking stupid you are for believing shit like this.

MDMA, LSD, alcohol, psilocybin, and morphine, can't cause brain damage? You're a fucking idiot, they absolutely can.

>> No.9529029 [DELETED] 


>> No.9529039

Is someone trying hard to apply for the janitor position by acting like the board police?

>> No.9529034

Thanks, you too.

>> No.9529040

Something tells me it's not staged

>> No.9529045 [DELETED] 

You too, keep it up.
Nice job, love the otaku culture related response.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.9529047

I've been saying that antidepressants negatively effect people's mental state, I'm anti-antidepressant and pro-legalization of hallucinogenic substances.

No one has ever died from smoking pot and no one has ever died from consuming mushrooms, unless of course they had some sort of allergic reaction but that could happen if you ate bread.

I'm enjoying the satire, no one can know this little about things and actually feel like what they're saying is right. If you do the research science proves that non of those substances cause brain damage.

>> No.9529048

Yeah. LSD is going to cause brain damage if you do it twenty times every single day. A guy died from drinking 40+ cups of water at a water drinking tournament. Oh, I guess water is harmful too.

>> No.9529054 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529056

Janitor, instead of deleting posts please just fucking kill this entire horrible thread.

>> No.9529057

I hope you realize that if you answer to filtered people in the same post that you use for actual content, then not everybody can read your post.

>> No.9529061

Great job.

>> No.9529064

>Admin, instead of deleting posts please just fucking kill this entire horrible board.

>> No.9529065

I'm assuming he's too invested in it now, so (rightly) doing that at this point would probably feel like "losing".

>> No.9529066 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529070 [DELETED] 

Great work, lovely otaku culture related posts.

>> No.9529073 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529074


>> No.9529079


Show me proof that those drugs can't cause brain damage?

Oh, you can't? Why's that? Oh ya, because they actually do fucking cause brain damage.

Nice scarecrow argument by the way with that water thing, acting like I didn't know water can kill you, or that I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT FUCKING ARGUMENT 50 TIMES BEFORE BY 15 YEAR OLD DIPSHITS LIKE YOU.

>> No.9529084 [DELETED] 

Nice work.

>> No.9529088

>Show me proof that those drugs can't cause brain damage?
Show me proof that they can, from people that aren't set out to changing your opinion for the sake of their own profit.

Nice argument.

>> No.9529095

"LSD is non-addictive, is not known to cause brain damage, and has extremely low toxicity relative to dose, although in rare cases adverse psychiatric reactions such as anxiety or delusions are possible."

>> No.9529097 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529104 [DELETED] 

Great work.

>> No.9529115

Non of that says anything about brain damage. I never said that MDMA didn't have short-term negative effects.

>> No.9529113
File: 8 KB, 457x404, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried posting this in the sage thread not too long ago, but it got deleted before I could post.
I made this for you /jp/!

>> No.9529125 [DELETED] 


nice job

>> No.9529131

b-b-but muh propaganda!

>> No.9529133 [DELETED] 

That is very awesome and otaku culture related, nice job.
Nice work.

>> No.9529136

You too.

>> No.9529146 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529148

No one said anything about propaganda, if you want to see that in action look at the 80s anti-drug campaigns, nowadays most of that shit from the 80s to the mids 2000s is being debunked by the same guys that said that shit was true.

>> No.9529151


No seriously, I used to be the one using that water argument. I was just so obsessed with drug use just like you are, to realize how fucking dumb it actually is.


However, even when all the complications reviewed
above are taken into account, the fact remains that the
current study indicates that high doses or frequent
doses are probably the major determinants of damage.
Furthermore the absence of an acute hyperthermic
response appears to offer no guarantee that long term
brain damage is being avoided.
Finally it should be realised from the foregoing discussion
that there is no way that the current data can
be interpreted in terms of what might or might not be
‘safe’ recreational doses of MDMA, other than to
suggest that frequent doses or high doses must carry
significantly greater risk of brain damage, evidence for
which now appears to be accumulating (McCann et al.,

I don't have all day to do this, but any strong hallucinogen is going to cause brain damage if you use it frequently enough.

>> No.9529153 [DELETED] 

Awesome work.

>> No.9529158

List of things normalfags do
1. Drugs
Note: If you say something like "they only do soft drugs" that is not a justification and is equivilant to saying "It's not a car because it goes faster than other cars"

>> No.9529170 [DELETED] 

Good job.

>> No.9529171

This is only about MDMA and is an outdated study.
Newer publications have went over this and practically said that MDMA causes no longer term brain damage in average dosages.

>> No.9529173

that's right
how can a NEET know a dealer?
unless drugs are legal in their country, of course

>> No.9529174

Nice, I'm not a normalfag.

>> No.9529176


Show me one jackass.

>> No.9529181

Most illegal drugs are bad for you. It's not a conspiracy to destroy fun. You know what we call drugs that work with negligible side effects? Medicine.

>> No.9529185

.gov? Are you kidding me?

And morphine? You do realize that over-the-counter pills are essentially morphine, right?

And holy shit, that study from 1998.

Watch this.


It deals with that specific paper. The person who made it later admitted it that it was a faulty study and has since then retracted his claims.

>> No.9529197


You are though, you remind me of what I used to be. A child obsessed with drug use, who would use the dumbest fucking arguments on Earth to justify it.

I used to be just like you, you say the same exact things I used to, and yes, you are a fucking nromalfag kid who read some erowid posts and thinks he knows everything.

>> No.9529207

But I've never drugs in my life nor have I argued with you about them. Please don't say mean things to me, a non-normalfag.

>> No.9529208


>> No.9529201

Most drugs can be ordered online and shipped right to your mailbox for dirt cheap, and no I'm not talking about that shitty marketplace on the Tor network.

Pot's bad for you, mushrooms are bad for you, LSD is bad for you and Advil & Alcohol are the healthiest things on the market, which is why it doesn't kill over 200,000 people per year.

>> No.9529202

You too.

>> No.9529212




Fucking idiot, alcohol is a neurotoxic drug. It CAN and DOES cause brain damage. So does MDMA, you delusional fuck.

>> No.9529223

If they really cared about people, they would make alcohol illegal. Other than that, it's just a weak guise to make people like you believe that they are you on your side.

Also, swearing and typing in capital letters doesn't help prove your point.

>> No.9529230


janitor confirmed for homophobic

>> No.9529227

Are you even reading the things that we're posting? Everyone has agreed that Alcohol is one of the most harmful substances on the face of the planet and has said that you SHOULD NOT consume it.

MDMA can cause you to overheat, die from serotonin syndrome or dehydrate but it does not cause long-term brain damage if it is consumed at a NORMAL DOSE.

>> No.9529234
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dear sweet jesus, the levels of pure, unadulterated stupid in this thread are enough to drive a man to suicide

>> No.9529236 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529237

>they would make alcohol illegal

They did that, and it backfired, much like the war on drugs right now.

>> No.9529238

Not him, but do you know what the NIH is? Do you know how science works?

>> No.9529239

the govt is always right about drugs, listen to their spokeswoman tell it like it is
you go girl

>> No.9529240

>hurrdurr alcohol is legal why shouldn't we make other things legal
Because alcohol should be illegal you dumb fuck but the Jews won't let it.
You don't go "well this condom breaks 1 in 100000 cases, so we should ban condoms forever"

>> No.9529244

I believe condoms break more often than that.

>> No.9529245

I see there's still quite the belief in Olney's lesions regarding MDMA...

>> No.9529247


I'm mocking you.

We already went through alcohol prohibition and it didn't work because it's so popular. You're fucking delusional if you think everything the government has to say on alcohol is a lie though, they have nothing to gain from lying about that.


Consume enough MDMA on a regular basis and you will receive brain damage. Simple as that, it's a fact.

There was a guy earlier in this thread who claimed alcohol cannot possibly cause brain damage. You might not be him, but there was one.

>> No.9529250 [DELETED] 


Nice work.

>> No.9529252

Nice blanket statement, come back when you have something to offer.

NIH is an archive, studies are constantly being reworked and added onto, linking to an outdated paper that the author even said was shit isn't proving a damn thing.

>> No.9529253


>> No.9529262 [DELETED] 

You too.

>> No.9529263

Which is why I keep saying NORMAL DOSAGES, only an idiot would take over 100mg of PURE MDMA more than once four times a year.

No one told anyone to do drugs every day, I simply suggested that they use them once and see if they help and then you just started attacking me with your anti-drug nonsense only attacking MDMA and not any of the other substances that I mentioned because you cannot prove that they are harmful, other than the way that they may effect CERTAIN PEOPLE with a HISTORY of psychosis.

>> No.9529266




The fact that anyone thinks MDMA cannot possibly cause brain damage, just shows me how well the pro-drug propaganda is working.

I used to think the anti-drug propaganda that was clearly bullshit was worse then you guys, but no, you are way fucking worse then them, When it gets to the point where you dickheads seriously believe that it's IMPOSSIBLE for MDMA to cause brain damage, that's when you know you're indoctrinated.

The sad part is, you tell me I'm the indoctrinated one.

>> No.9529267

*remove once

>> No.9529274

Reading this just after this post >>9529263 is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9529278

No one said that it was IMPOSSIBLE, stop putting words into people's mouth in order to attempt to make yourself look better.

>> No.9529279

I didn't say they were lying. I said they told people what it does so that people trust them wit everything else. You really think the working force can combat their depression without compulsive drinking?

>> No.9529283


You mentioned alcohol, ya, proven to cause brain damage.

You mentioned opiates, proven to cause brain damage.

You mentioned MDMA, proven to cause brain damage.

What else did you mention? LSD? Ya, maybe it's not "proven" to cause brain damage, but anyone who isn't delusional like you, would be able to tell it can.


It was posted at the same time, and NO WHERE did he say "normal dosages" or give out a "at X dosage" disclaimer. He claimed it was IMPOSSIBLE for MDMA to cause brain damage, period. Fucking idiot.

>> No.9529290


You were the first person to use that word in this thread. To accurately put it though, it's impossible NOT to die from an excessive enough dosage of any matter.

>> No.9529294

>it's not "proven" to cause brain damage, but anyone who isn't delusional like you, would be able to tell it can.
whatta f*ck

>> No.9529296


Refer to posts; >>9529007 >>9528956

"mind-altering drugs damage brain tissue"

"MDMA doesn't"

Read the thread again dipshit.

>> No.9529301


You, refer to these posts; >>9529007 >>9528956

>> No.9529306
File: 438 KB, 1200x1000, marisa17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting...you odnt know how terapeutical lifting can be

>> No.9529307

That's a pretty long hop from "IT'S IMPOSSIBURU"

>> No.9529308

Why would I refer to posts that have been invalidated?

>> No.9529309

>NIH is an archive, studies are constantly being reworked and added onto, linking to an outdated paper that the author even said was shit isn't proving a damn thing.

FWIW, that was my first post ITT. I just objected to that guy's instant disregard for a website because of the TLD it used. It would be like saying my post is worthless because of all the TLAs and FLABs I've used.

>> No.9529315

I have a question. If you believe drugs are harmful, and you don't use them, why are you in this thread so persistently trying to convince people otherwise? If you don't like using them and you don't care for them, there's no reason for you to be here. Am I wrong in that assumption?

>> No.9529323


You claimed;

"You were the first person to use that word in this thread."

When he said; "MDMA doesn't", that automatically means he believes it is IMPOSSIBLE for MDMA to ever cause brain damage, period.

I was just proving you wrong, dipshit.

>> No.9529328


Anti-drug guy here, I've most likely used more drugs then any of these fucking kids in this thread claiming all these drugs are so harmless.

>> No.9529331

Some people just like arguing about these things, either out of concern for the wellbeing of anonymous strangers or just to be right.

I get into a lot of arguments about aspartame.
It's not that harmful, damn it.

>> No.9529334

>Drinking water doesn't harm you.
>It's IMPOSSIBLE for water to harm you when drinking it.

>> No.9529336

Still putting words in my mouth, come on son, step your game up.

We weren't discussing death, I was talking about long-term brain damage. If you read all of my post you will see where I have said the MDMA can & will kill if abused.

>> No.9529343

Oh yeah, aspertame? Are you one of those people that are supporting the scientists that are directly working with companies who are able to make a cheap sweetener? Nice.

>> No.9529346


You took that analogy out of context.

Maybe I should have been more specific.

When he said; "MDMA doesn't" IN REPLY TO THE CLAIM; "mind-altering drugs damage brain tissue.".

>> No.9529345

>It's not that harmful

Tastes like shit though.

>> No.9529353

You're the one taking things out of context.

>> No.9529361 [DELETED] 


Thank you for posting on-topic.

>> No.9529356

Hydrating liquids kill you
Water doesn't
So you're saying it's IMPOSSIBLE to die from drinking water?

>> No.9529357

But it doesn't. There are always exceptions with anything. How inconvenient would a conversation be if everybody had to include exceptions in their wording instead of leaving them implied?

>> No.9529366

You too.

>> No.9529372

drugs are for sicl poeple depression of not a sickness

>> No.9529375


You have proof that it's impossible for MDMA to damage your brain?

I knew a lot of kids who would take E. But never have I met a single one fucking dumb enough to actually believe it is impossible under any circumstances for that drug to cause brain damage.

>> No.9529383

Doesn't answer my question.

It seems everyone against them is just really insecure about what they believe.

>> No.9529384

I tried doing that but this guy always manages to point out some small mistake and practically crucify me for it. He's one of those people with autism that can't grasp general ideas, only small details.

>> No.9529405 [DELETED] 


This thread wasn't about drugs was it?

Maybe you shoudl read the OP. This isn't YOUR thread.

You guys are doing the same thing anyway, using the fucking dumbest arguments ever.

I used to use the SAME EXACT arguments I used to use, the same exact arguments I've heard a million times, and said many times before. It took me a hard lesson in drug use and a lot of time to realize how fucking stupid they actually were.

>> No.9529420

They're not as stupid as you are.

>> No.9529425


This thread wasn't about drugs was it?

Maybe you shoudl read the OP. This isn't YOUR thread, nor is it mine really, we both hijacked it, and were both at fault for that. If you think I'm more at fault then that's just hypocrisy at it's finest.

You guys are doing the same thing anyway, using the fucking dumbest arguments ever.

I used to use the SAME EXACT arguments, the same exact arguments I've heard a million times, and said many times before. It took me a hard lesson in drug use and a lot of time to realize how fucking stupid they actually were.


Good one.

>> No.9529434
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What is the best prescription pill that will make me happy?

>> No.9529444


>> No.9529443


Amphetamines or opiates.

>> No.9529455

>prescription pill
>make me happy

None will, none at all. They will only numb.

>> No.9529456
File: 21 KB, 318x300, Buddha_lantau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9529464

As much as I dislike both the jones of amphetamines and the withdrawal of opiates, they do indeed work...

Of the two, I'd recommend the amps unless you have paranoia issues.

>> No.9529467


Me here; >>9529443

Amphetamines will make most people happy, irrationally so.

They will also cause brain damage because they are neurotoxic drugs.

>> No.9529476

Note: spoilers are sarcastic

>> No.9529480

Sarcastic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.9529500 [DELETED] 


No, they're not sarcastic at all.

I was being serious, I am actually "that guy", I wasn't mocking "that guy". Sorry you don't want to believe that.

>> No.9529510


No, I was being serious, I am "that guy", I wasn't mocking him. (myself)

>> No.9529519
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Thank you for your responses.

>> No.9531523

I am a medical student, who has a bit of experience in the matter.

I've been treated with a rather long list of prescription medications for a psychiatric issue, and once I gave up on those, self-treated with a number of pharmaceuticals, um... not sanctioned by the FDA. I've also had the opportunity to work in the local psych ward (where about 50% of the population uses some sort of street drug).

All I have to say is be very careful. I was able to achieve some success in healing myself, but I've also seen a lot of people who managed to crack their minds wide open. It's not always the "hard" drugs that did it, either.

>> No.9531548

hug it out man.

>> No.9531556

>how do i get over depression /jp/?

Exercise and/or antidepressant medication. I suggest the pills because they're less inconvenient.

>> No.9532345

No need for meds, there's nothing alcohol and a bit of willpower can't heal.

>> No.9532386

you guys dont know shit about depression.
I lost my internet this morning and for the whole day till I got it back I was like fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Lost all my appetite as well. Thank god it got restored.

>> No.9532479
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I too only feel at peace when I know my router is online.

>> No.9532481

I've had worse, I once spent a whole week without a PC because it just gave up. Waiting for new parts to arrive felt like pure hell, all I did those days was sleep and stare at the wall.

>> No.9532482

Anyone here ever get over their depression? I used to be extremely depressed and self loathing, but I found a /jp/sie to be friends with in real life, and a promotion at work so I'm not as down as I once was.

>> No.9532498

I thought I did. Was taking good meds, got a handle on my life, felt good about the future. Then things started to go wrong again and I recognized the symptoms since I was so familiar with them. What came was the crushing realization that there was something really wrong with me, that what I thought had solved my issues was not good enough and something inside my brain was so beyond broken that I question the possibility of ever being even functional once again.

I did like the hopeful period, but I wonder if I will ever get to enjoy life once more.

>> No.9532499
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Why didn't this thread end after these posts?

I skimmed through it, and apparently it was derailed into drug discussion. What the fuck? Normalfriends pls go

>> No.9532615

There was a campaign in South Carolina to ban all contraceptives. Woo hoo, I fucking hate living here.

>> No.9532689

You aren't broken at all. Even if you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, it's just part of who you are and you have to accept it.

I'm sure you're actually a pretty lovely person and maybe you could hook up with me some time and suck my dick.
