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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 293 KB, 1200x1600, ritsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9522803 No.9522803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been in love with a girl you knew in real life or online? Describe your experience.

Fictional characters and celebrities don't count.

>> No.9522822


>> No.9522823

/jp/ related becuz I posted an anime girl

>> No.9522820
File: 310 KB, 652x922, dd33f1551271f708bc0bfc1d1de6a1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair down is best

>> No.9522821

Yep. Man...

I was so in love with her. But she only wanted me to be her plaything for a night. When I confessed my feelings for her, she just asked: "Are you masochist?"

What a woman.

>> No.9522829

I don't understand, you fell in love with her after one night? Or you knew her for ages or what? Why did she ask if you were a masochist?

>> No.9522832

I'm in love with a fat camwhore from /soc/, not even joking.

>> No.9522833

I have.

But because of my self hatred, romantic, and sexual insecurity, putting aside confessing or asking her out, before I even worked out what I was feeling towards her for all these years was love, she got a boyfriend.

And since the boyfriend was a good, kind guy from a good family who would probably make her happier than I could ever try to, I gave up.

I hope they're happy together.

>> No.9522831

Thanks a lot, my boss said it's time to start packing.

>> No.9522837

>I hope they're happy together.

No you don't, you hope things will go to shit and she'll come back to you and you can finally make your move.

>> No.9522841

The L-word is such a strong word. I don't think I can use it. I had mild obsessions, though.

Why would he want her to be unhappy?

>> No.9522846

Yes, but then she made me regret every single second of it. She used me until I had nothing left, then she got rid of me AND complained that I had been using her. I don't even care about love anymore. Friends are more than enough.

>> No.9522847

Yes. We dating and it was a fun experience. I'd recommend it.

Now, I'll be killing myself out of /jp/.

>> No.9522856

......Its like I'm on /soc/..

W-Where am I?

>> No.9522857

Please use spoilers properly, OP

>> No.9522851

I live in Tennessee so there's not much in the way of good people to date. One time in middle school there was this really cute girl and I asked her and she said no though. It's probably for the best because she was a gigantic conservative extrovert and I'm as liberal and introverted as it gets.

>> No.9522854
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I had an experience with an online girl before.

It only further convinced me that creating a tulpa was the only way to go. I'm glad I had the experience, I doubt I would have made my tulpa if I hadn't.

>> No.9522859


>> No.9522860


You don't have a tulpa. Prove me wrong, nerd.


Take your insipid threadshitting replies elsewhere. No one likes you.

>> No.9522866

Why can't I kill people over the internet...

>> No.9522868

If people could kill over the internet you would probably already be dead.

>> No.9522869


Tulpas aren't as hard to make as you might think. The part that all of the guides leave out is that you just have to scramble your brain by regularly taking large amounts of psychedelics and then you will be crazy enough that creating a tulpa will happen fairly naturally.

>> No.9522870

Why ask /jp/ and not /r9k/?

>> No.9522867

This was five years ago. I don't have any means of contacting either of them, and we don't even live in the same city anymore.

Also, while I'm not so bad as I used to be, I'm still not a person someone could love.

>> No.9522882

No, but I'm in love with another man. He doesn't feel the same way anymore, though.

>> No.9522874

Love at the first sight. She said that because she knew herself that she was a bitch. A troublemaker. After she left the town I felt like I was shot down. Totally humiliated. I was total asshole and sadist before that and then I could only lie on my couch and cry for week straight. Shutting myself out of everything. Still, I think I love her.

>> No.9522875
File: 129 KB, 1081x800, 1336155261219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. We've known each other for a very long time, and I had liked her during some of that time. Not that long ago, she asked me how I would tell someone I loved them, and I told her I wouldn't because I was going to be alone forever. She hasn't talked to me much since then.

>> No.9522877

Yes, and she was in love with me too, but I didn't realize that I felt that way until after the relationship ended because I didn't think I could feel that way about her.

>> No.9522884

I had a stupid crush years ago, and I still hate myself for it. I was young and stupid, but I still regret it.

>> No.9522886

I have also. She was a cute, quiet girl that hid her eyes behind her bangs and always looked down.
She wasn't very confident on herself and when she was about to say something romantic to me she would always stutter, blush and look away.

To bad she has fallen to the wrong crowd with naruto casuals and what not.

>> No.9522893

Everyone who posted seriously in this thread: please, you don't belong here


Have fun and have a nice day

>> No.9522889


Again, nerd: you don't have a tulpa. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9522899

Its good to get stuff off your chest sometimes you know ??

>> No.9522895


Make me.

>> No.9522904

I had a crush ten years ago in middle school. She was absolutely beautiful. She had a wonderful personality and natural platinum hair. She obviously had very strict parents because she was so insecure about so many things. Extremely moe. I never talked to her.

>> No.9522909

We need more people to report this thread.

>> No.9522911


>> No.9522919

This isn't /jp/ related and all it does is make it harder to take it easy.

>> No.9522920

I had the biggest crush ever in second grade. She came up to me during recess and ask me if I liked her. I said no and ran away.

>> No.9522922
File: 48 KB, 230x260, 1334961465649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are not worth pursing romantic interaction with.

The cute or shy personalities that you see women display are just acts. You put on the same acts too. Think of your own social awkwardness and how you may appear somewhat moe with your shyness in social situations, but then look inside of yourself or look at the posts you make here and you will see your true personality.

Inside of every person exists a dark and evil personality. Everyone attempts to cover this up, but once you get to know someone well enough then you will see what is really underneath that shy personality.

>> No.9522923

congrats on the promotion anon-kun!

>> No.9522926


Everyone report the thread, please!

>> No.9522930

Sorry fuckheads but I'm getting smashed today and I am going to shitpost. I already blogged in two threads and I'm going to continue. I've been here since CurryButt's age of fame and I've never done this before. Please forgive me, this will make me feel better.

>> No.9522936

You want me to reply to this off topic thread instead? Fine. (though I know you would rather me kill myself.)

I was in love with a girl from a foreign country my senior year of high school. We started talking. I visited her locker, we had lunch together sometimes, we walked to classes together, we went out to eat and movies, we held hands, we kissed (But she was pure; she wouldn't let anyone do anything more: she was a true catholic and you can say she wasn't but she was and told me why she wouldn't forsake her morality), we danced. I asked her to prom romantically; she said yes with tears in her eyes. We were the talk of the whole high school (550 total in the school). We talked about our dreams and even family with kids.

She had to leave and I took her to her plane. We said goodbye, but we both said we didn't want it to be a goodbye forever. As she went up the escalator and as she was about to walk down the hall for her plain she turned around smiling, waving to me.
I said Good bye _____. She waved.
I stood in front of the large glass window and watched her plain take off, all the while wearing Tom Cruse Sun glasses to hide my subtle tear drops.

We still talk and she said she meant every word she said, yet the future is uncertain, but my heart is pure and I am strong. My goals, passions, and dreams will lead me down the path that is the right one.
I will always love you, even after the "girls of summer" are gone.

>> No.9522932



>> No.9522935


>> No.9522939

So has anyone on /jp/ had a good experience? I'm guessing no.

>> No.9522945

Would we be here otherwise?

>> No.9522942
File: 38 KB, 682x719, saten_contemplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a huge post typed up and then I saw OP's spoiler text. Oh well.

>> No.9522944

A gurl touched my peepee and it felt funney.

>> No.9522946

Nah, I never did anything. I've always been completely passive.

>> No.9522956


who cares

>> No.9522958

Why don't you post it either way? I don't think anyone that wouldn't mind a "real" blog would mind it.

>> No.9522962

No, not me. I'm schizoid so I don't find myself attracted to others. There were some girls who seemed to like me, but I rejected them as nicely as I could.

>> No.9522976

Have you always been like that? Even when you were 13?

>> No.9522980

It's so sweet when you can relate to people like this...

>> No.9522981

That's pretty romantic, but off-topic regardless.

>> No.9522985

I think I look creepy as fuck, but my shyness can't be helped.

>> No.9522995

>Think of your own social awkwardness and how you may appear somewhat moe with your shyness in social situations, but then look inside of yourself or look at the posts you make here and you will see your true personality.
I'd like to think I'm a pretty nice person and that nice people do exist (male or female)...

>> No.9523006

Yes. It's not just some trait I acquired out of bitterness. For a very long time, I've wanted to be left alone.

When I was younger however (~7 years old), I loved my family and was more outgoing.

>> No.9523010

Since when do people care about the personality of someone?
Nowadays it's all about "10/10 would fug".
Even here on /jp/ I see unattractive people being ridiculed unironically on a daily basis

>> No.9523014

Like in that thread which was on /jp/ today, right? I think the board has changed.

>> No.9523024

It's all about attitude man.

>> No.9523030

>Even here on /jp/ I see unattractive people being ridiculed unironically on a daily basis

Yeah, this pisses me off. Racism/sexism/etc else too. A community which hates society for being vain and prone to generalization loves to rag on people for being ugly, having a different set of genitals than them, different skin melanin content, etc.

>> No.9523031

I don't remember it ever being different.
Seriously, you can have personal preferences when finding something attractive or not, but why from all the places on the internet /jp/ would make fun of the looks of someone is really beyond me

>> No.9523045

Really? I recall /jp/ having a more "take it easy" attitude before. The community is a little meaner now.

>> No.9523046

I started thinking about killing myself when I was 9 or 10. For some reason I still managed to have some romantic fantasies when I was 12-14. I've always had a certain aversion towards people.

>> No.9523047

Of course you are going to get ridiculed if you are unattractive. Even if you write some shit about yourself down below your picture. Nobody truly knows you yet. People make the impression at sight. Just how naive you could be?

>> No.9523050


>> No.9523063

> Nobody truly knows you yet
More like, nobody really cares in the first place.
If you have the looks and the money people will put up with you no matter how terrible your personality is

>> No.9523064 [DELETED] 

What the fuck, Janitor delete this shit and do your job please.

>> No.9523065

>I started thinking about killing myself when I was 9 or 10.
At such a young age? That's just too sad. 10-year-olds should be enjoying their life and laughing with their friends... But I know not everyone is so fortunate.

I am no psychologist, but if you had romantic fantasies, maybe you wanted someone you could trust and confide in. You might have held hope even in despair... Or something like that.
Personally, what I felt toward others wasn't aversion, but complete apathy. I could not relate to others and had no desire to in the first place.

>> No.9523072 [DELETED] 


wrong thread sorry

>> No.9523074

That's one thing I never managed to understand/like about society.

``Normal'' relationships are formed first based on attraction, and then once that's established, they start trying to love each other and find things they like. Every crush I've ever had was developed from talking to a girl and finding out we have tons of stuff in common and we'd be really compatible, but that's not how society works. Talking to a woman like a friend and thinking she's your equal? Stupid beta shit.

>> No.9523075
File: 175 KB, 480x640, 1234672441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a girlfriend in high school. All I can say is that it was fun while it lasted.
My advice is to stick with onaholes and eroge. They are good substitutes if you want to keep your feelings intact.
I want my virginity back. I feel unpure.

>> No.9523076

That's what I said in my first post, but than >>9522860

Told me I was wrong and yelled at me.

>> No.9523077

get the fuck out

>> No.9523081

no, right thread..whats wrong with me

Janitor! Delete this SHIT!

>> No.9523082

It's stupid, but who cares what other people do or think? Just continue to live in your own way.

A lot of people in life will yell at you and tell you you're wrong. If I told you right now you were living incorrectly and screamed at you to stick ants up your dick, would you do it?

>> No.9523087

You were yelled at because you are an awful poster.

>> No.9523091

I see what you're saying.
I wouldn't but I just try to do my best on /jp/ and its rules, so I was thrown a loop from that anon. I even said the Thread was off topic in that post you responded to.

>> No.9523089

These threads are terribly off-topic, but I always manage to learn new things from them... So I don't really hate them. But then they get deleted and I feel sad. Oh well, I guess it's only natural though.

>> No.9523097

/jp/ is nicer now than it has been at any point in /jp/ history with the exception of maybe six out of the last twelve months.

>> No.9523092

That's money that can do that. But that's false appreciation. Looks can make people fall in love with you and shield you from ridicule. But then you might not like everyone that like you and for what reason? You got a nice butt. Only thing how to gain popularity with personality is fame. You shouldn't forget that. Then again thinking how much popularity you could hoard is pretty selfish.

>> No.9523100

People just are that stupid or ruthless. A culture of non-communication reigns supreme and practically thwarts all serious discussion. I like to think that intelligent people are sensitive and thus see the whole point earlier than others do.

>> No.9523101

/jp/'s like a lawless wasteland these days. It's as if you can make any thread you want to. Which might or might not be a good thing...

But anyway, just don't shitpost and you should be fine.

>> No.9523099


Plenty more where this came from:


>> No.9523108

Hm? /jp/ used to be extremely hostile to unwanted newcomers but on the other hand, it was very warm to its regulars. If you saw that earlier thread where certain girls got destroyed (although they were sort of asking for it), you might have changed your mind.

No, no. The difference is in WHO is discussing it. I will never get the same type of fulfillment from boards like that.

>> No.9523111

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

All things otaku welcome!
This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual and light novels. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.

You're not helping, I'm helping reminding you of the rules.

>> No.9523112

I miss being able to respond to shit threads with "Reported"

>> No.9523113


>> No.9523117

I didn't mean I condoned it. I'm just telling you the truth. Look at some of the threads we get on good old /jp/ these days and tell me the rules are still in effect.

>> No.9523118

Me too, Anon.

>> No.9523127

>Hm? /jp/ used to be extremely hostile to unwanted newcomers but on the other hand, it was very warm to its regulars.
People who blogged about their lives were dumped into the unwanted newcomer category. It wasn't always true and a lot of people participated but there would always be people telling you fuck off to /r9k/ and take your blog shit with you.

Until the day that somebody takes that girl's photos and posts them on 4chan twice week for a year, she got off light. /jp/ has never been a cozy place.

>> No.9523121

I sure hope you are nokosaging.

>> No.9523122

You've been here for a long time, man. Don't back down because of a few retards that sperg over you. Don't leave /jp/ or else I won't be able to see you on 2014 too.

>> No.9523129

>with a girl

>> No.9523132

ya, i think. & its gr8

>> No.9523133

I know right, is there a way to telling them briefly that their thread is against the rules and is plain meta-bullshit or just bullshit?

>> No.9523142

Love is pointless. No matter how much people are in love, and no matter what things they promise to each other (I will never leave you, I will always love you, etc.), they fall out of love eventually. Usually after about an year.

Make sure to never fall in love, /jp/, it sucks. I was much happier when I didn't know the feeling of love.

>> No.9523143

I told her to fuck off because I'm gay as gel.

>> No.9523145

Fair point. I concede... for now.

>> No.9523140

It unforgettably got moved to 2013 June

sorry about that.

I won't leave either

>> No.9523141

How the hell is this getting so many replies

>> No.9523151
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1337509313773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9523146


OK sorry, not meant as a personal attack. It's for OP in general.

>> No.9523148

To be honest, my experience kind of confirms that. I'm studying natural sciences at university and nowhere else have I seen such a vast amount of broken and/or extraordinarily defensive people.

>> No.9523160

It's jumping over and transforming into a metathread about what /jp/ is really about. As a newcomer, I think that's /jp/'s favorite topic to discuss on /jp/.

>> No.9523152

because /jp/

>> No.9523158

Funny, I was just thinking about this and how I haven't seen it used in a while

>> No.9523169
File: 143 KB, 705x1024, 542552626bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's discuss why Ritsu-slut is such a shitty and boring keion.

I think it's because she doesn't bleed enough.

>> No.9523164

Metathreads are a sign that /jp/ is just like always

>> No.9523174

For a while people would respond to it with other images and other people would start trading shitty posts in threads where it was used. Well, not always, but sometimes, so that kind of thing started to fade away.

I don't mind blog shit unless there's a lot of it. Then it gets unwieldy. Threads like these are sometimes cute because they tell you that /jp/ers used to be regular awkward people before they became monks.

>> No.9523173

>It's jumping over and transforming into a metathread about what /jp/ is really about.
Doesn't that happen to like every thread these days?

>> No.9523176
File: 247 KB, 497x640, 423654772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me-oh on the other hand knows how to make my cock rock hard.

>> No.9523261

Why don't you have a /jp/ boyfriend yet? Obviously girls are a waste of time as evident from these replies.

>> No.9523267

He'd either be too emotional or too emotionless. No middle ground.

>> No.9523274

Because I'm a boring person and no one likes me.

>> No.9523272

You have never had one, how would you know?

>> No.9523276


Can't deny this.

>>a shitty and boring keion.

OK now that's just plain wrong dude.

>> No.9523280

I'm making an educated inference judging from what I have read and seen on /jp/ in the past years.

>> No.9523283

>she doesn't bleed enough

>> No.9523285

I'm not attracted to girls.

>> No.9523287

/jp/ wouldn't be a good boyfriend. He doesn't know how to have a conversation, and all he wants is to be lewd. Even that he's not good at, despite all the eroge.

>> No.9523288

Fuck off.

>> No.9523292


>> No.9523293
File: 317 KB, 1034x768, 1330744725286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a woman who loves me hopelessly now and I don't really like her at all. I go out when she invites me but I just feel guilty being around her and I just want to come home and read /jp/ and play eroge.

>> No.9523302

But I could still rip your anus to shreds if I wanted to.

>> No.9523303

Get a loard of this nerd and his sagay.

>> No.9523308
File: 113 KB, 600x1200, 4cf3aff55c4b11dace9da285198aaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a relationship with a female /jp/sie right now. She's beautiful, and we're planning to meetup in a few weeks.

>> No.9523311

Make sure you have life insurance beforehand.

>> No.9523313

I'm still looking for one, but no luck so far.

>> No.9523316

I already stole her virginity and she loved it.

>> No.9523323

I was in love with an ex I guess but I was 17 so I dont know if it counts. I couldn't stop thinking about her and just wanted to be around her, not just because of anything sexual.
It was the first time in my life I wasn't satisfied with just playing video games and surfing the internet and wanted something more.

Unfortunately, after a couple of years I wasn't madly in love with her anymore and realized that if I stayed with her throughout college I would regret it, so I broke up with her.
Since then I haven't fallen in love with anyone, but I'm wiser now and won't fall for anyone very easily. Still waiting on real adult love I suppose.

>> No.9523324

Well, if you think a living sack of shit is beautiful...

>> No.9523330

get a load of this nerd and his paragraphs. netxt time, make a tldr

>> No.9523331

I hope she lands in a wheelchair after a car accident of some sorts.

Women are not people, anon.

>> No.9523341

When I was younger I met some girl online, we kept talking until were about 20. I was willing to meet up with her when I finally got my permit a few years back she blew me off. She finally wanted to meet at SakuraCon but I told her to piss off haven't spoke to her since. Don't really care either way, she was boring. I just wanted to fuck her because it was a long time coming.

>> No.9523345

I had a boyfriend who I broke up with 3 times. His fault for stupidly going out with me repeatedly. I broke up with him the 3 rd time cause he looked ugly with his new haircut.

>> No.9523348

I haven't been in love with anyone. Feels bad.

>> No.9523355

I'm not him, but you should be aware that men can have boyfriends, too.

>> No.9523351

>typical idea of women in /jp/

>> No.9523354

I've had a crush in a lot of girls, and every time it was for a little amount of time. With one online friend I would often talk to her and advise her about stuff with other boys (yeah, I know, friendzone and all) and the rest of the time I would often daydream about time with her, thinking how I would treat her when I get to meet her.

The one was like the previous one, but I didn't get to talk to her a lot, so it ended being a one-sided crush. Nothing especial about this.

Now I prefer to daydream about 2D characters.

>> No.9523357


God only allows a Man and woman relationship

>> No.9523361

How often do you eat at Chick-fil-A?

>> No.9523366


once a month

>> No.9523363
File: 115 KB, 835x957, 0ff6f20349727b389dbbeebc0563353f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had your chance, she could be your perfect pair.

Shame on you, anon.

>> No.9523372

I've had several crushes, and some of them reciprocated. But I've always messed them up somehow, even with some wonderful girls (and guys)
I'm a horrible person.

>> No.9523375

Now you will never get laid. BAD END.

>> No.9523380

Yes. I was in love with her, even when she desperately loved someone else.

She was my first love, and she'll always be my favorite. We made up, and she wrote me letters while I was in the Marine Corps, and just because we can, we still write each other, even though we're both married to other people now.

Honestly, she's not particularly attractive, or unique, but I still feel strongly about her, She's catholic, so it was never a physical thing...

>> No.9523381



You can drop the acting now, I'm pretty sure normies don't use this term anymore.

>> No.9523390

He's just using LAYMAN terms xDDDD

>> No.9523391


Its usually something along the lines with "no strings attached,etc..."

>> No.9523394

I'm so lonely /jp/.

>> No.9523398

Let's be lonely together.

>> No.9523401

Why aren't you hitting da club /jp/? Too BETA to ``compete'' with them guidos?

>> No.9523408

I don't want to be lonely anymore.

>> No.9523412

You don't have to be

>> No.9523421

Nothing online has made me feel any better.

>> No.9523436

Well you never know, maybe you can try something new.

>> No.9523461

Like what? I've already tried an online relationship.

>> No.9523453

You would still feel lonely even if you were given every person in the world. Try to find inner peace and you will realize that it's impossible to be lonely when you are okay with yourself.

>> No.9523461,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm so lonely /ghost/.

>> No.9523461,2 [INTERNAL] 

that fellatio when no /jp/ bf

>> No.9523461,3 [INTERNAL] 

ZUN!bar, have you ever been in love with a girl in real life?

>> No.9523461,4 [INTERNAL] 

I seriously don't think so.

I'm sure there's something wrong with me but eh... could be worse.

>> No.9523461,5 [INTERNAL] 

lmao what a loser i bet u never got laid

>> No.9523461,6 [INTERNAL] 

An Anon who said he was a psychologist said that I had a fear of intimacy or something.

Like I said it could be a lot worse.

>> No.9523461,7 [INTERNAL] 

mm girl that ass be bangin

>> No.9523461,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a psychologist, and I'm diagnosing you with a severe case of being a faggot.

It doesn't get much worse than that.

>> No.9523461,9 [INTERNAL] 

i am not a medical professional but i am prescribing you a healthy dose of getting laid lol

>> No.9523461,10 [INTERNAL] 

Homosexuality isn't classified as a mental illness anymore. He could sue you for malpractise.

>> No.9523461,11 [INTERNAL] 

And I could counter sue him for being a flaming homolord.
